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Question 1: Doing part-time jobs can help students _____________ their practical skills, such as
communication or teamwork.
A. enhance

B. enhancing

C. enhanced

Question 2: The number of tourists travelling to the UK___________ 3.2 million in 2015.
A. reach

B. reached

C. has reached

Question 3: I think the Internet ______________ in the past.
A. don't exist

C. won’t exist

B. didn't exist

Question 4: When I studied in Hartfield, I ______________ drive on the left.
A. get used to

B. often used to

C. used to

Question 5: The thing _____________ we haven't enough money for the tickets.

B. are


Question 6: He passed the exam ____________ he didn't study very hard throughout the semester.
A. despite

B. even though

C. unless

Question 7: When I arrived at the airport, the plane ________________ already.
A. had taken off

B. took off

C. had been taking off

Question 8: Doctors are ___________ responsible for examining, diagnosing and treating patients.
A. main

B. mainly

C. remain

Question 9: Brazil exported _____________ beef than Japan, Norway and Uruguay combined.
A. much

B. many

C. more

Question 10: In the next years, it ______________ too difficult for me to travel abroad.
A. won't be

B. is

C. was

Question 11: From this chart, we can see that Turkey ____________ the same proportion of oil use
as France at the moment.
A. shares

B. is sharing

C. shared

Question 12: It is impossible ____________ almost all young people with access to tertiary
A. to provide

B. providing

C. provided

Question 13: When I was a little kid, I often had ___________ hair.
A. long black

B. black long

C. the long black


Question 14: Son Tung MTP is a singer, ______________ most Vietnam's teenagers like.
A. who

B. whom

C. that

Question 15: I decided to put up a tent and build a campfire _____________ I made it to the peak of
the mountain.
A. as soon as

B. if

C. or

Question 16: Public transportation is a _____________ for many people in big cities.
A. necessary

B. necessity

C. necessarily

Question 17: In the past, people were _______________ find out what other people thought of the
items they were buying.
A. unable to

B. unable of

C. unable in

Question 18: ___________ this is a serious problem, it can be solved by teaching students good
online etiquette.
A. While

B. However

C. But

Question 19: 2020 is the year _________ many natural disasters happen.
A. where

B. what

C. when

Question 20: Nevertheless, the issue ________ by finding a hobby one can enjoy.
A. can solve

B. solve

C. can be solved

Question 21: A favorable work environment does not encourage employee to perform ___________.
A. good

B. well

C. goodly

Question 22: Nowadays, most people try to balance between work __________ other parts of life.
A. and

B. but

C. or

Question 23: The museum was very crowded. There were too _____ people.
A. much

B. many

C. few

Question 24: Frankly to say, I don't know __________ our education system works.
A. what

B. why

C. how

Question 25: I like that really __________ antique tractor in the museum.
A. old red big

B. red big old

C. big old red

Question 26: I did not want to believe it and then I saw the UFO _________.
A. me

B. myself

C. mine


Question 27: If you earn a good salary, you can be independent _________ your parents.
A. for

B. to

C. of

Question 28: I don't know whether to accept the job she has offered me. It is ________.
A. a tough decision B. the tough decision

C. tough decision

Question 29: Statistics have shown that owing a pet can ________ stress and increase happiness.
A. reduce

B. reducing

C. reduced

Question 30: This company produces some of __________ computers in the world.
A. best

B. the best

C. better

Question 31: I enjoy my job because I like the people __________ whom I work.

B. of

C. with

Question 32: The reason __________ I decided to give this particular gift is because we had spent a
lot of time together in Cambridge.
A. why

B. which

C. where

Question 33: What __________ in order to get a scholarship in the UK?
A. do I need doing B. must I do

C. ought I do

Question 34: He _________ to pay me $20 per hour for cleaning a house.
A. suggested

B. advised

C. offered

Question 35: These days, people are overly concerned about their ________.
A. appear

B. appearance

C. apparently

Question 36: I'm really __________ watching English programmes.
A. keen on

B. keen of

C. keen about

Question 37: A recent weather forecast has warmed that _________ people stop cutting down trees,
there will be more floods for the planet.
A. provided that

B. in case

C. unless

Question 38: My mother always encouraged _____________ as many clubs as possible to be more
A. me take part in

B. me to take part in

C. me taking part in

Question 39: Air pollution has negative effects on the environment. _________, it also affects our
A. However

B. In spite of this

C. In addition

Question 40: That was the worst trip ever. We had all our money _________ while we were on holiday.
A. to have

B. having

C. had

Question 41: Employers tend to value creative thinking skills above practical or technical skills. If this
were the case, perhaps we __________ need more students of art, history and philosophy than of science
and technology.
A. would need

B. would have needed

C. will need

Question 42: I wish my mother ________ to let me dye my hair. I really want to change my hair colour
these days.
A. would agree

B. agreed

C. had argeed

Question 43: Many people in this day and age do not have a healthy diet. ______ is possible that this is
because fast food is more convenient than healthy ones.
A. That

B. What

C. It

Question 44: When you write your research, you_________ copy all ideas from books or magazines
without proper references.
A. mustn't

B. have to

C. don't have to

Question 45: It is _________ that protecting environment is more important than funding the arts.
A. a common belief

B. the common belief

C. common belief

Question 46: The Temple of Literature _________ is the oldest university in Vietnam.
A. which was opened in 1070
B., which was opened in 1070
C., that was opened in 1070
Question 47: The ___________ of people living in the outskirts is undoubted increasing.
A. number

B. amount

C. great deal

Question 48: At the end of the party, only three people were left: myself, Eric, and Cathy ___________,
there were four cars.
A. So

B. Since

C. However

Question 49: The government must care __________ the families of invalid soldiers.
A. about

B. for


Question 50: Julie is always looking at ___________ in the mirror.
A. herself

B. hers

C. she

