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Circle the odd one out.
1. a. plane
b. plume
c. plate
d. cloud
2. a. candy
b. balloon
c. cake
d. slow
3. a. morning
b. sky
c. afternoon
d. evening
4. a. when
b. crayon
c. who
d. what
5. a. Art
b. P. E
c. Math
d. Lan
6. a. tall
b. short
c. pretty
d. ant
7. a. Math
b. Monday
c. English
d. P.E
8. a. yogurt
b. candy

c. pencil
d. cake
9. a. bedroom
b. get up
c. living room
d. kitchen
10. a. handsome
b. young
c. evening
d. old
11. A. write
B. read
C. football
12. A. ten
B. thirty
C. toys
13. A. May
B. Monday
C. Sunday
14. A. pencil case B. ruler
C. song
Multiple choices: Choose the correct answers.
1. I ……………. breakfast.
a. has
b. Have
d. want
2. Do ………… get up early?
a. She.
b. Nam.

c. He.
d. We
3. Mai and Hoa ------------------ to school.
a. go
b. gone
c. goes
d. gos
4. The Odd one out?
a. card
b. present
c. surfing
d. tie
5. Billy has dinner ……. six o’clock in the morning
a. at
b. on
c. in
d. under
6. What’s favorite color? - My favorite color is…….
a. cat
b. hat
c. card
d. red
7. I like eat seafood such as crab, shrimp and ….
a. fish
b. cat
c. lion
d. monkey
8. Choose the odd one out?
a. snow
b. small

c. star
d. craft
9. Leo doesn’t like fishing. …….. likes balloon.
a. they
b. We
c. He
d. She
10. She ………. candy and cake.
a. likes
b. like
c. is
d. are
11. Which sentence is correct?
a. Rosy like present and card.
b. Rosy likes present and card.
c. Rosy is like present and card.
d. Rosy do not like present and card.
12. Grandpa …… tie.
a. likes
b. don’t like
c. is like
d. isn’t like
13. Do you like Art? -……………….
a. Yes, I am
b. Yes, I do
c. No, I do
d. Yes, I can.
14. ………. do we have Math? – We have Math on Saturday.
a. What
b. Where.

c. How
d. When
15. Hoa ……………to school at seven o’clock.
a. is
b. goes
c. go
d. do
16. Ten + twenty = ……………
a. 3
b. 23
c. 30
d. 33
17. I have breakfast at eight o’clock in the …………

a. evening
b. morning
c. dinner
18. What do we have on Monday? – We have ……………. On Monday.
a. Tuesday
b. Thursday
c. Friday
19. I ………….. my grandma every Sunday.
A. listen
B. visit
C. have
20. There …………… a pretty flower on the blanket.
A. is
B. are
C. has

21. She likes sport but she …………… like music.
A. don’t
B. can’t
C. doesn’t
22. Have we got PE on Monday? -……………
A. No, we don’t.
B. No, we haven’t.
C. No, we hasn’t.
23. There is ………..in my house.
B. a dog
C. dogs
24. How ……….. tables are there in your classroom ?
A. any
25. What ______ is this?
A. color
B. pen
C. blue
26.…………..is the cat?.-It’s on the chair .
27. There ………..three books under the bed.
A. is
B. man
C. are
28………. is the new computer.

B. Those
C. This
29.Rosy has brown ………..
A. eyes
B. eye
C. an eye
30. Does she have a pizza?
A. No, she does.
B. No, she doesn’t
C. No, she do.
Put a tick () or a cross (X) (1m)

d. afternoon
d. English
D. write
D. have
D. isn’t
D. Yes, we do.

0. What’s your name?
1. This is a pen green.


2. There is 10 grapes.
3. She is on the living room.
4. Do you have a milkshake?
5. Those are new coat hooks.

Nam’s pets.

There are five pets in my house. This is my dog. He’s from Phu Quoc. His name’s Toby. He’s friendly.
Dogs are my favorite pets. Rabbit are my sister’s favorite pets. These are her three rabbits. They’re cute. Cats
are my mom’s favorite pets. This is my mom’s cat. I like cats too, they’re soft.
1. The boy’s name is Toby.
2. There are five pets in his house.
3. Nam is from Phu Quoc.
4. His mother’s favorite pets are cats.
5. He likes cats because they are friendly.

Read again. Circle the incorrect idea and correct it (1m)
1. Nam’s sister’s favorite pets are dogs.
2. The rabbits are from Nam’s school.
3. There are tree rabbits in his house.
4. Toby is cute.
5. Nam doesn’t like cat.
Read again . Write Y (Yes) or N (No)
Hello! My name’s Lola and this is my bedroom.
My favourite color is purple. I have a purple pillow and a purple blanket

Can you see my doll? She’s on my bed. Her name is Polly.
I have lots of books on my shelf and lots of clothes in my cabinet
This is my favourite purple dress. And look,here are my blue shoes.
I like my shoes.They’re very pretty.
1. Lola is in the bedroom.


2. Her favourite color is pink.


3. Her doll’s name is Sally.


4. She has lots of clothes in her cabinet.


My name is Minh. I am at the school now. Today is Thursday and yesterday was Wednesday. It was my
birthday. After lunch, I went to the sports center with my family and some friends. The sports center is very big.
You can do gymnastics or playing chess there. Gymnastics is my favorite sport! After that, we went to a café to
buy some drinks. The café is near the park.
1. When was Minh’s birthday?
A. On Wednesday.

4. Where is Minh now?
A. He is at the sports center.

B. On Thursday.

B. He is at his school.

C. On Friday.

C. He is at the café.

2.What is Minh’s favorite sport?
A. He likes doing gymnastics.
B. He likes playing chess.
C. He doesn’t like sports.

5. What did he do buy drinks?
A. At the canteen in the sports center.
B. At the park.
C. At the café.

3. Where is the café?
A. It’s near the sport center.
B. It’s near the park.
C. It’s near the school.
Read and circle the correct answer
0. What’s he doing? – He’s ………….
A. singing
B. fish
1. Was he in the pool this morning? No, he ………….
A. is
B. was
2. What do you like doing? I like ……..

A. read comics
B. reading comics

C. run
C. wasn’t
C. comics

3. Which city has two seasons?
A. Hanoi
B. Ho Chi Minh
C. both
4.Khang is a boy. He has a MP3 player. ……………..MP3 player is very new
A. He
B. Her
C. His
5. I can’t not find my pen. Can you turn…………the lamp, please?
A. on
B. off
C. up
6. My name is Mai and these are my friend. We are in the same class. Miss Chi is……........teacher.
A. their
B. his
C. our
7. Don’t forget to bring your ………………. It is going to rain!
A. sun cream
B. raincoat
C. hat
8.It’s hot! Could you …………….……., please?
A. Open the window

B. Put on your coat
C. wear a raincoat
9. Thu has a …………………. collection. She has 100 ………………..
A. puppets-puppets
B. puppet-puppets
C. puppets- puppet
10. I like bears ______ they’re very cute.
A. so
C. not
B. but
D. because
11. Minh is _____ . He wants something to eat.
A. tall
B. short
C. hungry
D. thirsty
12. Choose the odd one out.
A. uncle
B. brother
C. mother
D. teacher
13. Is this your eraser? - Yes,_____.
A. it is
B. they is
C. it isn't
D. they are
14. Excuse me. Can I sit here? - ______.
A. Yes, I can.
C. Here you are.
B. No, I can't.

D. Sure.
15. Which CAN'T you find in your classroom?
A. Book
B. Chalk
C. Desk
D. Bowl
16. What subjects _______ have on Monday?
A. are they
B. do they
C. are you
D. is she
17. Do you have any blue pens?
A. I don’t like that color.
B. I have three.
C. I'm nine.
D. They are not mine.
18. Choose the letter(s) to make a correct word: pu_____le
A. rr
B. ss
C. aa
D. zz
19. This is my friend, Sophie. - _______
A. Nice to meet you, Sophie.
B. It’s nice too meet you.
C. I’m fine.
D. Sophie is my name.
20. Where are my dolls? - They are ________ the floor.
A. in
B. at
C. under

D. on
21. ________ out your notebooks, please.
A. Take
B. Takes
C. Taking
D. To take

22. Emma's house is ________ to my house.
A. behind
B. in front
C. near
D. next
23. _______ is your dictionary like? – It’s very thick.
A. Where
B. When
C. What
D. Which
24. ______ your teeth before you go to bed.
A. Read
B. Brush
C. Wash
D. Practise
25. We stay at school ______ 7 ______11:30 every morning.
A. between – from
B. from - in
C. from – to
D. at - at
26. A doctor works at _______.
A. a school

B. a farm
C. a hospital
D. a post office
27. That’s Miss Hien. ________is my English teacher.
A. He
B. Her
C. She
D. It
28. Uncle Brian ________ work at 5:30 every day.
A. finish
B. finishs
C. finishes
D. finishing
29. Nice to meet you. - _____________.
A. Good afternoon
B. Goodbye
C. See you later
D. Nice to meet you, too
30. What color ________ your pens? - ______blue and black.
A. is - It's
B. are - They're
C. is - They're
D. are - It's
31. Is this a goldfish? - _________, it isn’t.
A. Not
B. No
C. Yes
D. ∅
32. Odd one out:
A. eraser

B. purple
C. pencil
D. ruler
33. _____ do you have Maths? - On Mondays and Thursdays.
A. What
B. Where
C. When
D. Why
34. He's wearing a ________ of red sandals.
A. pair
B. packet
C. box
D. bar
35. ________ are you, Alex? – I’m fine. Thanks
A. Who
B. What
C. How
D. Where
36. What ________ that? – It’s a pencil sharpener.
A. has
B. have
C. is
D. are
37. This is ________apple.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. ∅
38. Is that your brother Louis? - No, it _______.
A. is

B. not

C. isn't
D. aren't
39. What time ______ get up at the weekend?
A. is he
B. do she
C. do you
D. does you
40. Choose the letter(s) to make a correct word: sch______yard
A. ool
B. eel
C. oon
D. een
41. Choose the odd one out.
A. Hello
B. Hi
C. Good afternoon
D. Spell
42. Tom and Lucy are my _________.
A. friend
B. friends
C. classmate D. brother
43. Choose the word that has the underlined letters pronounced differently.
A. this
B. these
C. thank
D. those
44. Can you dance, Emily? – Yes, _______.

A. I can
B. I can't
C. I do
D. I don't
45. Choose the odd one out.
A. She
B. They
C. My
D. He
46. Which animal is it?
A. It's a bridge.
B. It's a duck.
C. It's an eraser.
D. It's an orange.
47. Let's play basketball. -________.
A. Good idea.
B. No, it isn't.
C. Yes, I do.
D. No, I don't.
48. Choose the odd one out.
A. Desk
B. Chair
C. Shelf
D. Pizza
49. Choose the word that has the letter "e" pronounced differently.
A. brother
B. pencil
C. sister
D. ruler
50. Which word/phrase is INCORRECT?

My mother and my sister cooks dinner in the kitchen.
A. sister
B. cooks
C. in
D. the
51. What _______ the boys doing at the moment?
A. is
B. are
C. do
D. does
52. The parrot is in front ______ the bookcase.
A. to
B. from
C. of
D. at
53. Which is the second month of the year?
A. March
B. June
C. February D. September
54. Choose the word that has the underlined letters pronounced differently.
A. great
B. clean
C. teacher
D. bean

55. Those chairs ________ all new.
A. is
B. are
C. can

D. to be
56. When ________ your birthday, Chris?
A. is
B. are
C. do
D. does
57. Choose the odd one out.
A. That
B. What
C. Who
D. How
58.Is your …… name Le Kim Dong?-No,it’s Le Kim Dong.
a. middle

b. first

c. family

d. full

59.Linda is calling and Emma is …… the telephone.
a. speaking

b. telling

c. answering

d. saying

60.Odd one out:

a. piano

b. guitar

c. singer

d. violin

61.Red is my….. colour.
a. favourite

b. interesting

c. beautiful

d. like

c, I’d love to

d. I want

62.Would you like to play basketball?-……Good idea!
a. I like

b. I love it

63.Excuse me.Can I sit here?-……….

b.Here you are!

c.Yes,I can.

d.I’m sure

64. I’d like to send this letter…. China.




65. Ann and her brother…… at home yesterday
a.didn’t are



d.not were

66. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently:




67. Odd one out:






68.Don’t let your brother… the present.
a.to see


69.How…do you study in the school library?-Every afternoon.




70.We are…work at the moment.





I-Choose the word underlined is different from the others about pronunciation:
1: A. name

B .mate

C. thanks

D. paper

2: A. night

B. fine

C. light

D. milk

3 :A. see

B. seem

C. sugar

D. sit

4: A. children

B .listen

C. evening

D. seven

5: A. close

B. know

C. go

D. other

II-Odd one out :

11. A.sit

B. book

C. open

D. close

12:A. live

B. open

C. twelve

D. come

13:A. pencil

B. teacher

C. eraser

D. pen

14:A. where

B. what

15:A. desk

B. table


B. dog

17:A. teacher

B. chair

18:A. in

B. at

C. grade

D. on

19:A. we

B. she

C. me

D. his

20:A. first

B. seven

C. second

D. fifth

C. this

C. classroom
C. fish
C. doctor

D. how
D. board
D. chicken
D. nurse

IV- Choose the best answer to complete the sentences below :
21: What’s ................. name?
A. you

B. your

C. we

D. classmate

22: Close your .................,please .
B. year

C. book

D. old

C. is

D. am

23: Where ................. you live?
B. do
24: Ba: What is ................ ?
B. it

Lan: This is a pen.

C. there

D. this

25: This is my classroom and that .............. your classroom.
A. are

B. is

C. there

D. the

26: Stand ................., please !

C. in

D. on

27: I live ............... a house.
A. on

B. in

C. is

D. am

28: ................ your book, please!
B. Stand

C. Sit

D. Open

29: I live .............. a street.
A. in

B. at

30: Lan: How old are you?
A. year

C. up

D. on

Hoa: I’m ten ................ .

B. years

C. old

D. years old

.31: Hi. ............. Linh.
A. I’m

B. My name

C. I

D. We’re

32: I’m ten ................. .
A. years

B. old

C. years old

D. fine.

33: I’m fine, thanks. ......... you?
A. Are

B. Is

C. How

D. And

C. on

D. in

34: What’s this? - It’s ........ eraser.
A. a

B. an

35: Lan: Is this ........... desk, Nga?
A. you

B. I’m

36: Ba: ...... is that?
A. Who

Nga: Yes, it is.
C. we’re

D. your

Tan: It’s a window.
B. What

C. How

D. How old

C. live

D. old

37: How do you .......... your name?
A. spell

B. come

38: Nam: Is that your teacher, Ba?

Ba: Yes, ................. is my teacher.

1. thisB. thatC. theD.your

39: Where do you live?
A. on

- I live . . . . . . . . . . a street.

B. at

C. an

40: Mai: . . . . . . . . . is your name?
A. Who
41. What’s this?
A. stool.
42. What are these?
A. couches

D. a

Lam: My name is Lam.

B. Where

C. What

D. How

- It’s a .............. .
B. books

C. lamps


- They are .............. .
B. desk

C. chair

D. stool

43. Twenty, thirty, ..........., fifty, sixty.
A. fourteen

B. nineteen

C. fourty

D. forty

44. Na: How many......... are there in your bag, Ha? Ha: There are five.
A. telephone

B. desk

C. pens

D. ruler

45. Father, mother, sister, .............., me.
A. teacher

B student

C. engineer

D. brother


D. he

46. My, your, his, their,..................
A. I

B. her

47. Twelve + seven = ..................
A. ten

B. twenty

48. Lan: Is that a board?
A. is

C. thirty

D. nineteen

Ba: No. it ................ .It’s a table.

B. isn’t

49. How many boards are there?

C. a window
- There ............. one.

D. a desk

A. is

B. are

50. What is that?

C. am

D. a

- .................... is a door.

A. This

B. That

C. They

D. He

51: How many people are there in ........................... family?
A. you

B. your

C. yours


52: That is Kien. He is a .............................. .
A. engineer

B. student

53: Tam: Is ............................ a desk?

A. he

C. doctors

D. teachers

Mai: Yes, it is.

B. she

C. it

D. you

54: My father and my mother ............................ in the livingroom.
A. is

B. are

C. am

D. isn’t

55. sixty, seventy, ............................... ninety.
A. eighty

B. eighteen

C. eight

D. nine

C. window

D. table

56: books, rulers, ............................ , clocks.
A. chairs

B. board

57: That ........................ a door. It’s a window.
A. is

B. are

C. aren’t

D. isn’t

58: This is Nam and that ............................ Mai.
A. she

B. are

C. it

D. is

59: Mr Minh and Mr Ba are.......................... .

A. engineers

B. doctor

60: ......................... .. is that?
A. What

C. teacher

D. driver

- It’s Chi, my classmate.
B. Where

C. Who

D. When

61: ........................ is very big and beautiful.
A. Thu’s house

B. house of Thu

C. house’s Thu

D. Thu of house

62: My classroom isn’t small. It’s ........................... .
A. fine

B. long

C. short

63: Mai: ........................ grade are you in, Ha?
A. Who

D. big

Ha: I’m in Grade 6.

B. How

C. Which

D. Where

64: My school is ............................ Tran Phu Street.
A. in

B. on

C. at

D. of

65:Tuan: How many floors .................... your school have, Lan? Lan: Four.
A. do

B. does

C. is

D. are

66: The .......................... day of a week is Monday.
A. first

B. second

C. third

D. fourth

67: Is your school in the city .......................... in the country?
A. and

B. at

68: Ba: ...................... is your classroom, Nam?

C. or

D. so

Nam: It’s on the first floor.

A. Who

B. How

C. Which

D. Where

69: Her classroom is on the .............................. floor.
A. one

B. two

C. third

D. five

70: Phuong: Is ........................... a door?

Van: No, it isn’t.

A. that

C. she

B. he

D. her

71: I get ........................ at 6.00 every morning then I go to school.
A. dressed

B. dress

C. dresses

D. a dress

72: My brother brushes ............................. teeth in the evening.
A. her

B. his

C. my

D. your

C. are have

D. have

73: We ............................ breakfast at home.
A. has

B. having

74: Ngoc: Is your school .................... the country?
A. at

Nga: Yes, it is.

B. on

C. in

D. to

75: What ........................ you do in the evening?
A. is

B. are

C. do

D. does

76: It’s 8.15. We ‘re late ............................ school.
A. to

B. at

C. for

D. of

C. is wash

D. is washes

77: My mother ............................ her face at 5.45.
A. wash

B. washes

78: My bag isn’t new. It’s .......................... .
A. small

B. big

C. nice

D. old

79: Tan: ................... floor is your classroom on? Nam: It’s on the first floor.
A. Where

B. Which

C. When

80: Ba: ......................... Nam get up at 5.00?
A. Do

D. How

Dung: Yes, he does.

B. Does

C. Is

D. Are

81: I ............................. my homework every morning.
A. do

B. does

C. play

D. go

82: Do you listen .............................. music every day?
A. of

B. on

C. to

D. for

83: The students of class 6A play soccer ........................... school.
A. to

B. on

C. after

D. of

84: Nga .......................... the housework in the afternoon.
A. do

B. don’t

C. does

D. doesn’t

85: We ............................ play games at school.
A. do

B. don’t

C. does

D. doesn’t

86: Van: What ................... do you get up, Lan? Lan: At 5.30 in the morning.
A. day

B. clock

C. time

D. morning

87: Mai: ............... your father watch TV every evening? Na: Yes, he does.

A. Do

B. Does

C. Is

D. Are

88: Ba .......................... a shower in the morning.
A. gets

B. take

C. takes

D. get

89: Classes ................................ at 7.15 every day.
A. start

B. starting

C. is start

D. starts

C. at

D. an

C. in

D. on

C. When

D. Where

C. Saturday

D. Tuesday

90: Ba has breakfast ....................... half past six.
A. in

B. on

91: Lan has Geography................................. Friday.
A. to

B. at

92: ........................... classes do we have today?
A. What

B. Who

93: After Monday is ................................. .
A. Wednesday

B. Friday

94: Nam .............................. his face at 5.45.
A. wash

B. washes

C. is wash

D. brushes

95: I go to school at half ............................ six.
A. to

B. past

C. of

D. on

C. Thursday

D. Tuesday

96: After Saturday is .............................. .
A. Sunday

B. Friday

97: My sister ................................. go to bed at ten, she goes to bed at eleven.
A. isn’t

B. don’t

C. doesn’t

D. does

98: Classes ............................... at eleven o’clock in the morning.
A. start

B. finish

C. starts

D. finishes

99: My mom watches TV ....................... evening.
A. a

B. an

C. every

100: Tuan: ...................... English books do you have?
A. How

B. How many C. How old

D. the
Mai: Five books.
D. How much

101: My house is ............................... a park and a lake.
A. in

B. on

C. of

D. between

112: Thu’s house ............................... a yard.
A. has

B. have

C. having

D. is have

103: Is ............................ a rice paddy near your house?
A. this

B. there

C. these

D. those

104: Mai: ................ does Miss Nga live? Van: She lives on Ngo Quyen street.
A. What

B. Which

C. When

D. Where

105: Miss Lan: What is ................ near your house, Van? Van: There is a park.
A. the

B. there

C. these

106: There are flowers ............................. the park near my house.

D. those

A. on

B. of

C. in


107: I don’t live in the city. I live in the ................................ .
A. house

B. home

C. class

D. country

108: Minh lives here .............................. his mother and father.
A. on

B. to

C. at

D. with

109: There’s ............................... hotel near our house.
A. a

B. an

C. and

110: Na: What are ........................, Phuong?

B. that

D. at

Phuong: They are trees.

C. this

D. the

111: There is a restaurant and a bookstore .............................. the street.
A. to

B. on

C. at

D. of

112: Minh’s father works in a ............................... .
A. house

B. home

C. factory

D. his family

113: My mother is a nurse. She works in a .............................. .
A. house

B. home

C. store

D. hospital

114: There is a yard ........................... front of my house.
A. on

B. in

C. to

D. with

115: .............................. the right of the store, there is a well.
A. At

B. In

C. To

D. With

116: The movie theater is ....................... the bakery and the bookstore.
A. on

B. with

C. between

117: Tan: ..................... is behind your house?
A. What

D. of

Nam: There is a big rice paddy.

B. Which

C. When

D. Where

118: There is a vegetable ................................ behind her house.
A. school

B. yard

C. garden

D. well

119: There are ....................... trees to the left of the house.
A. tall

B. fat

C. thin

120: Kim: Is there a museum in ............................ city?
A. they

B. she

C. he

121: Van: Are there .................. trees around your house?
A. a

B. an

C. the

D. our
Thu: No, there isn’t.
D. their
Nga: Yes, there are.
D. any

122: Mom: What ..................... that, Son?

Son: That is my school bag, Mom.

A. are

C. is

B. aren’t

D. isn’t

123: The bakery is ............................... the bookstore.
A. next

B. on

C. opposite

D. of

124: They play soccer in the ................................ .
A. bakery


C. bookstore

125: This is my cat. ............................... name is Mimi.

D. stadium

A. She

B. He

C. It

D. Its

126: The police ................................ is next to the drugstore.
A. station

B. house

C. home

D. store

127: the bookstore is to the left of the movie ........................ .
A. station

B. theater

C. home

128: Teacher: How ....................is your grandfather?
A. many

B. much

D. school
Lan: He’s seventy-two.

C. old

D. long

129: We eat in a ............................ on Sunday.
A. book

B. theater


D. school

130: There are ................................. pens on the table.
A. a

B. an

C. some

D. the

131: There ............................. any rulers in my box.
A. are

B. is

C. isn’t

D. aren’t

132: Mr Tu: Are the children ................... the house?
A. on

B. behind

Mrs Vui: Yes, they are.

C. of

D. at

C. quiet

D. short

133: It’s very....................... in a market.
A. long

B. noisy

134: That is a picture ................................. my house.
A. in

B. on

C. of

D. with

135: Ba lives in an ................................ in town.
A. apartment B. house

C. home

D. flat

136: There is a lake .................... front ................... my school.
A. on/of

B. in/of

C. at/of

D. in/on

137: Nam .............................. to school every morning.
A. walk

B. walkes

C. walking

D. walks

138: I come .............................. home at 11.30 in the morning.
A. to

B. at

C. on

D. 

139: She ................................ to Ha Noi by car.
A. go

B. travels

C. travel

140: What time ........................ the classes start?
A. is

B. does

D. walk

- At seven o’clock.

C. do

D. are

141: My classes ................................. at 11.30
A. end

B. start

C. ends

D. starts

142: The school is near my house ................................. I walk.
A. that

B. but

C. so

D. this

143: She watches T.V at quarter ................................. seven.
A. in

B. on

C. to

D. at

144: How does your father travel ....................... work?
A. at

B. to

- By car.

C. in


145: We live ........................... a house ....................... a street.
A. at/in

B. on/in

C. in/on

D. in/at

146: Are there ........................ students in the classroom? - No, there aren’t.
A. some

B. a

C. an

147: .............................. there a clinic near your house?
A. Do

B. Does

- Yes, there is.

C. Is

148: .............................. is that? Is that Nga?
A. Who

D. any
D. Are

- No, it’s Tam.

B. What

C. Where

D. When

149: Lan doesn’t ................................. her homework in the morning.
A. do

B. does

C. take

D. get

150: Does Mrs Mai go to school ................................ car?
A. on

B. in

- Yes, she does.

C. by

D. of

151: My mother isn’t ..................... . She’s thin.
A. fat

B. thin

C. new

D. old

152: I have a sister. Her face is ......................... .
A. full

B. short

C. strong

D. round

153: Lan has beautiful teeth. Her teeth .......................... white.
A. is

B. are

C. aren’t

D. isn’t

154: A weight ......................... is strong and fat.
A. teacher

B. worker

C. lifter

D. farmer

155:My teacher of English has small white ....................... and a nice mouth.

A. lips

B. eyes

C. teeth

D. shoulders

156: My father isn’t short. He’s ..........................,fat and heavy.
A. tall

B. long

C. short

D. light

157: Mai has ........................... black hair.
A. tall

B. long

C. fat

D. a long

158: - Is your sister’s face oval ................... round? - It’s oval. She is very nice.
A. and

B. but

C. so

D. or

159: Tuan is a gymnast. He is thin but he isn’t ......................... .
A. strong

B. weak

C. heavy

D. fat

160: Na: I don’t have my ...................... here. What do we have today?
Ha: Math, English and Literature.
A. book

B. pencil

C. timetable

D. pen

171: My mother is fat and ......................... but my father is thin and tall.
A. short

B. thin

C. new

D. long

172: Lan combs her .............................. every morning.

A. face

B. nose

C. hair

D. mouth

173: Teacher: ................. color is your Mom’s hair?
A. Where

B. How

Thu: It’s black.

C. When

D. What

C. is

D. does

174: Ba .......................... short black hair.

A. have

B. has

175: There are ........................... pictures on the walls of my classroom.
A. a

B. an

C. any

D. some

176: Do you go to school on .............................. or by bike?
A. toe

B. foot

C. knee

D. leg

177: My cat is very fat and ............................... .
A. thin

B. heavy

C. small

D. light

178: My shoes are black. Are your new shoes ............................. too?
A. black

B. red

C. white

D. brown

179: We eat and drink with our ............................. .
A. mouth

B. nose

C. ears

D. eye

180: Miss Lan: Are ..................... your students?

Mr Lam: No, they aren’t.

A. this

D. their

B. that

C. those

181: Na: ....................... do you feel, Lan?
A. What

B. How

Lan: I’m tired and hungry.
C. When

D. Which

182:I am thirsty. I ........................ like some orange juice.
A. am

B. have

C. can

D. would

183: We hear the noises with our .............................. .
A. eyes

B. nose

C. ears

D. mouth

184: What’s ........................... lunch today? Bread or rice?

A. on

B. for

C. in

D. of

185: There is some fruit juice here but there isn’t .......................... milk.
A. a

B. an

C. any

D. some

186: Mom: Would you ............................. noodles?
A. want

B. like

Lan: Yes, please.

C. has

D. have

187: Orange juice is my ............................ drink.
A. like

B. cold

C. hot

D. favorite

188:Ba: ......... there any fruit for dinner, Mom?
Mom: Yes, there are some bananas and apples.
A. Are

B. Is

C. Have

D. Has

189: I’m not ............................. . I’m full.
A. thirsty

B. hungry

190: - What is ............................. to drink?
A. this

B. that

C. there

C. cold

D. hot

- Orange juice and Coke.
D. have

191: - What is the .........................., Dung? Are you cold?
A. that

B. matter

C. this

- Yes, and hungry.

D. there

192: On my way to school, I .............................. the wind on my face.
A. see

B. taste

C. feel

D. smell

193: Nga is hot. She wants a ......................... drink.
A. hot

B. cold

C. new

D. nice

194: I .......................... noodles in a restaurant.
A. feel

B. drink

C. hear

D. taste

195: Mai likes milk but she .......................... like coffee.
A. isn’t

B. hasn’t

C. doesn’t

D. aren’t

196: Ba is tired. He’d like to ............................ .
A. run

B. sit down

C. learn

D. work

197: Is there ............................ English book in your bag?

B. a

C. any

D. some

198: We’re ......................... . We’d like some rice and chicken.
A. thirsty

B. cold

C. hot

D. hungry

199: Fish is my favorite ............................. .
A. drink

B. food

C. fruit

D. like

200: I like iced tea. I ......................... like lemonade.
A. am not

B. doesn’t

C. don’t

D. isn’t

201: I need two kilos ........................ rice and a bottle of cooking oil.
A. of

B. in

C. to

D. on

202: Mrs Nga: How ..................... beef do you want?
A. many

B. old

C. much

203: How ............................ eggs does Ba want?
A. many

Mrs Ha: A kilo, please.

B. old

D. any

- A dozen.

C. much

D. any

204: This is a ............................ of toothpaste.
A. bar

B. tube

C. packet

D. can

205: .......................... would you like for dinner?
A. Where

B. What

C. Which

206: Do you have ............................. bananas?
A. a

B. some

D. How

- No, but I have oranges.

C. any

D. an

207: My mother needs a ............................ of cooking oil.
A. bottle

B. tube

C. packet

D. bar

208: Miss Lan needs a ................................ eggs.
A. half

B. dozen

C. bar

D. some

209: How much ........................... do you want, Mom?
A. oranges

B. apples

C. bananas

D. rice

210: - How .............................. is a sandwich?
A. many

B. much

-It’s two thousand dong.

C. old

D. long

211: Van: Are there ................ tomatoes in that basket?
A. a

B. an

Mai: Yes, there are.

C. any

D. some

212: How ........................... homework do you have every day?

A. much

B. many

C. old

D. there

213: I always get up early. I ............................ get up late.
A. usually

B. often

C. never

D. sotimes

214: Hung ................................ his bike to school every day.
A. drives

B. ride

C. run

D. rides

215: My sister isn’t heavy. She’s .............................. .
A. very fat

B. long

C. light

D. big

216: Is there ....................... else you want?
A. a

B. an

C. some

D. anything

217: I want a ............................... of chocolate, please.
A. bottle

B. can

C. tube

D. box

218: Ba likes games. He’s ................................. video games now.
A. playing

B. plays

C. play

D. runs

C. tube

D. bar

219: He’d like a ........................ of soap.
A. bottle

B. can

220: Oranges, bananas and apples are........................ .
A. vegetables B. fruits

C. drinks

D. cold drinks

221: She .............................. doing aerobics now.
A. are

B. does

C. is

222: Lan: ....................... are you doing, Mai?
A. What

B. Who

D. has

Mai: I’m reading.

C. Which

D. When

223: Mr Anh: ......................... sports do you play, Binh?
A. Where

B. Who

Binh: I play soccer.

C. Which

D. When

224: Minh: What do you do in your ............... time, An?
A. home

B. busy

An: I watch videos.

C. good

D. free

225: My father listens ........................ music in the evening.
A. in

B. to

C. on

226: An: How ........................... do you go swimming?
A. many

B. much

D. at
Mai: Once a week.

C. old

D. often

227: thu’s brother plays tennis three ....................... a week.
A. time

B. day

C. times

228: My students sometimes ................................. their kites.

D. hour

A. play

B. fly

C. flys

D, run

229: We don’t go camping because we don’t have a ............................. .
A. tent

B. house

C. home

230: Lan: Is Van ....................... on the yard?
A. skip

B. skips

D. room
Mai: No, she’s in the kitchen.

C. skipping

D. skiping

231: Minh often goes ......................... in the mountains with Tan and Nga.
A. walking

B. run

C. walk

D. walks

232: Ba always goes swimming .......................... two friends.
A. to

B. of

C. with

D. and

233: They often .......................... strong boots and warm clothes.
A. are wear

B. wearing

C. wear

D. wears

234: We ....................... food and water with us when we go campping.
A. have

B. take

C. go

D. run

235: Mr Anh : ........... are the boys playing soccer now?
Miss Nga: On the schoolyard.
A. Where

B. What

C. When

D. Who

236: I’d like ....................... orange, please.
A. a

B. an

C. any

D. some

237: Mr Hung is traveling to Ha Noi ....................... bus.
A. in

B. on

C. by

D. of

238: Nam ....................... every morning.
A. is jogging

B. jogs

C. jog

D. is jog

239: Ha: What does Miss Lan do in ................free time? An: She plays sports.
A. his

B. her

C. their

D. my

240: Tuan goes fishing twice ....................... week.
A. a

B. an

C. any

D. at

C. cool

D. warm

C. Fall

D. Spring

241: It’s ................................ in the Summer.
A. cold

B. hot

242: It’s cold in the ........................ .
A. Summer

B. Winter

243: What’s the weather ....................... in the Fall?
A. hot

B. cold

C. like

D. want

244: Ba goes ....................... when it’s hot.
A. swim

B. swims

C. swimming D. to the swim

245: Thu likes hot weather but Mai likes ....................... weather.
A. the

B. a

C. an

246: An: What do you ........................ when it’s hot?
A. do

B. does

C. doing

D. cold
Ha: I go swimming.
D. don’t

247: ................... does Minh go camping with?
A. Where

B. Who

C. When

D. Which

248: What do you do ........................ the Spring?
A. on

B. in

C. at

D. of

249: I like Fall because the ........................ is cool.
A. sport

B. seasons

C. weather

D. activities

250: When ....................... warm, Ba goes fishing.
A. it’s

B. it

C. they

D. they’re

251: There are four ............................... in a year.
A. Spring


C. seasons


252: Ha ............. goes swimming in the Winter because the weather is cold.
A. never

B. always

C. usually

D. often

253: Xuan often.............................. badminton in the Fall.
A. goes

B. runs

C. play

D. plays

254: We ................................ dinner at home every day.
A. has

B. have

C. are having D. is having

255: ............................. you going to visit Hue this Summer?
A. Do

B. Does

C. Are

D. Is

256: Where is he going to .............................. in Hue?
A. stay

B. stays

C. staying

D. goes

257: Is your mother doing the housework ........................ ?
A. every morning

B. every day

C. now

258: How ....................... are they going to stay there?
A. many

B. much

D. tomorrow
- For 3 days.

C. old

D. long

259: We’re going to stay there ....................... 5 days.
A. in

B. for

C. on

260: ................. does Tu do in the cold weather?
A. Where


D. of
- He plays video games.

C. When

D. Which

261: What is he ................................ to do?
A. go

B. goes

C. going

D. is going

262: Where are you going to go ....................... the weekend?
A. on

B. in

C. of

D. to

263: Nam often ........................ his camera to his picnic.
A. to bring

B. bring

C. brings

D. bringing

264: Are you going to .......................... some photos?
A. take

B. takes

C. taking

D. are taking

265: Let’s ........................ camping this weekend.
A. going

B. goes

C. go

D. to go
