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Bài Mẫu Đề Speaking Mới Xuất Hiện Và Tỷ Lệ Ra Nhiều Trong Quý 1 -2024

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Describe a person you follow regularly on social media. You should say:
Who he/she is
How you knew him/her
What he/she posts on social media
And explain why you follow him/her on social media
(Who he/she is) Today, I’m gonna talk about a Palestinian influencer I follow regularly on
Facebook. He’s called Nas Daily. I guess lots of people know this guy as the short videos he
recorded while travelling around the world went viral some years ago. Nas Daily is a Singaporebased influencer who is believed to be a Harvard dropout, like Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and
Windows CEO Bill Gates.

(How you knew him/her) One day, when I was surfing Facebook, I came across a short video
in which Nas Daily kept praising how Singapore, his new home country, had emerged as one
of the most developed countries in the world. Albeit short, his video contained a sufficient
amount of basic knowledge about the country’s development and introduced some popular
attractions in the Southeast Asia city-state. This video immediately impressed me. After that, I
decided to watch some other videos he made.

(What he/she posts on social media) So basically, Nas Daily produces a wide variety of videos.
But he mostly focuses on his journeys and the culture of the places he goes to. He sometimes
produces motivational videos as well.

(And explain why you follow him/her on social media) I follow Nas Daily because his videos
are so informative. They have helped me broaden my horizons about other countries around
the world in a very fast way. Although his videos may contain some slips, they are generally
informative and completely unbiased.




To go viral (phrase): lan truyền rộng lãi

Within days the film clip went viral.
Trong vịng một số ngày thì clip được lan tỏa khắp nơi.

Dropout (n): học sinh bỏ học

As a high school dropout he’ll never get a decent job.
Vì anh ấy bỏ học từ cấp 3, anh ấy sẽ khơng thể có một cơng việc tốt.

To emerge as: nổi lên như là một cái gì đó.

He emerged as a key figure in the campaign.
Anh ấy nổi lên như là một nhân vật chủ chốt trong chiến dịch.

To broaden someone’s horizons (phrase): mở rộng tầm mắt

Travelling certainly broadens your horizons.
Đi du lịch chắc chắn giúp bạn mở rộng tầm mắt.

Slips (n): lỗi vặt

She's made one or two slips - mainly spelling errors - but it's basically well written.
Cơ ấy có một hai lỗi vặt, chủ yếu là lỗi chính tả, nhưng tổng thể thì bài viết khá ổn.

Part 3
1. Do you think older people and younger people will use the same kind of social media
Yes, although that’s not what young people like. Back then when Facebook was still new, most
users fell in to younger age groups. Now, as older people always have access to the internet, they
have also learned to use social media, especially Facebook, which is currently the largest social
networking platform. Lots of young people are switching to Instagram and other sites that have
fewer old users.

2. Do older people spend much time on social media?


The amount of time spent on social media varies from person to person. However, compared
with young people, older people definitely spend less time on social media. That being that, I
know many older people who take photos everywhere and post them on social media nearly
every single day. From my personal observation, for older people, social media act as a tool for
them to keep pace with events, so they don’t need to spend too much time on them like young
people, who tend to use social media as a tool to show off their lifestyles and achievements.



Vary (v): thay đổi/khác nhau

The value of stocks will vary from month to month.
Giá trị cổ phiếu sẽ thay đổi qua từng tháng.

Keep pace with (phrase): theo kịp

Could you slow down - I can't keep pace with you.
Bạn có thể chạy chậm lại được khơng? Tơi khơng theo kịp.

Show off (phrasal verb): khoe khoang

She only bought that sports car to show off and prove she could afford one.
Cô mua chiếc xe thể thao đấy chỉ để khoe khoang và chứng tỏ có đủ tiền mua nó.

Describe a person you know who does a job which is useful to society. You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What type of work he/she does
And explain why you think his/her work is useful to the society
(Who this person is) Today, I’m going to talk about Dennis, a student of the National University
of Singapore - one of the most prestigious universities in the world. He is one of the most creative
and competent leaders I’ve ever encountered in my life. And his willingness to make
contributions to society never fails to impress me.


(How you knew him/her) I met Dennis during an outreach programme in Vietnam. He was in

the same group as me, meaning that we worked together a lot. We were mainly in charge of
teaching activities.

(What type of work he/she does) Well, Dennis is the founder of the Youth Exploration
Association of NUS. His responsibilities revolve around developing overseas outreach
programmes for students in Singapore. Sometimes, he travels with other students to other
countries, mainly those in Southeast Asia like Vietnam and Cambodia, as a project leader. These
projects mainly aim at improving the access to education of disadvantaged children in rural
communes in low-income countries.

(And explain why you think his/her work is useful to the society) I think that his work is
useful to society for two main reasons. First, as mentioned above, the projects he is in charge of
give education opportunities to impoverished kids through activities like teaching English and
other subjects, as well as other extra-curricular activities that allow these kids to know more
about the world. Second, the NUS students that participate in the projects are also beneficiaries.
They can gain a great deal of experience, as well as broaden their horizons, which helps them
to develop a comprehensive world view.

1. Encounter (v): gặp gỡ/biết đến
She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered.
Cô ấy là người nổi bật nhất mà anh ấy từng biết đến/gặp được.
2. Revolve around sth (phrase): xoay quanh cái gì đó
The conversation revolved around childcare problems.
Cuộc thảo luận xoay quanh vấn đề chăm sóc trẻ em.
3. Disadvantaged (adj): khó khăn
A new educational programme has been set up for economically disadvantaged children.
Một chương trình giáo dục mới đã được xây dựng cho những trẻ em khó khăn về mặt kinh tế.
3. To broaden someone’s horizons (phrase): mở rộng tầm mắt
Travelling certainly broadens your horizons.


Đi du lịch chắc chắn giúp bạn mở rộng tầm mắt.
Part 3

1. What jobs are well-paid?
In light of the rise of information technology, most IT-related job roles, such as data analyst,
software developer, cyber security officer, user experience and interface developer, are
lucrative. These jobs require people to know how to code, which is extremely difficult. Besides,
jobs in the fields of finance are also high-paying. Stockbrokers, bankers, accountants, auditors,
tax consultants all enjoy a remunerative income.
2. How have working conditions changed?
Well, working conditions have changed significantly in the past few years. Employees nowadays
receive a better benefits package compared to the past. Also, thanks to the emergence of
technology, the amount of paperwork has reduced significantly while labour productivity has
kept improving at a rapid pace. An increasing number of companies have placed a focus on their
employees’ mental health through activities like teambuilding and private consultation with the
CEO, which is beneficial to both productivity and employees’ well-being at the same time.
3. What are the impacts of the pandemic on the work environment?
The first impact is the financial crisis. Lots of companies are teetering on the verge of going
bankrupt because they have literally no income while operational costs remain unchanged or
have even increased. Because of this crisis, employee benefits, the most important of which is
salary, have been affected significantly. Even worse, many people have been retrenched.
However, there is a silver lining as remote working has become more popular, which gives
employees more chances to have a more flexible schedule.


Lucrative (adj): nhiều tiền/lương cao

He gave up a lucrative career as a lawyer to look after his kids.
Anh ấy từ bỏ công việc luật sư với mức lương cao để chăm sóc con cái.

Benefits package (n): chế độ đãi ngộ

The benefits package includes bonuses tied to the company’s performance.
Chế độ đãi ngộ bao gồm tiền thưởng tùy theo kết quả hoạt động kinh doanh của cty.



To teeter on the verge/brink of sth (phrase): trên bờ vực cái gì đó.

What we are seeing now is a country teetering on the brink of civil war.
Tất cả những gì chúng tơi đang thấy là một quốc gia trên bờ vực nội chiến.

To retrench (v): sa thải với mục đích giảm thiểu chi phí

The government is to retrench 30,000 public servants in the next three years.
Chính phủ sẽ sa thải 30,000 cơng nhân viên chức trong vịng 3 năm tới.

Silver lining (n): điểm sáng trong khó khăn

The injury had a silver lining: it enabled Blake to spend his father's last weeks with him.
Có một điểm sáng trong việc bị chấn thương, vì nó cho phép Blake ở lại với bố của anh ấy trong
những tuần cuối đời của ông.


Describe a famous city that you think is interesting

(tham khảo đề: Describe a city that you would like to visit)
You should say:
Where it is
What people do there
How you know it
And explain why you want to go there.
(Where it is) Today I’ll talk about the city which has been crowned the most visited city in the
world and it is also the one that I’ve dreamed of visiting for years. It’s Hong Kong. Hong Kong,
a special administrative region belonging to the People’s Republic of China, is one of the four
Asian tigers due to its outstanding economic performance under the rule of Great Britain before
being handed back to China. It is slightly more than 2 hrs flight time from Ho Chi Minh city,
where I am based. Bristling with skyscrapers, Hong Kong’s world class Victoria Harbour is the
hub of thousands of tourists every year, especially at the end of the year when the New Year
Eve’s eye-catching fireworks display is held.
(What people do there) Hong Kong is one of the only two countries in Asia, apart from Japan,
where there is a Disneyland resort. People, especially families, consider it as a must-visit place
in Hong Kong. Apart from Disneyland, the mountains in Hong Kong offer people the best view


of the city’s skyline and Victoria Harbour, so the mountains around the harbour also attract an
immense number of trekkers.
(How you know it) I first heard of Hong Kong when I studied history in grade 5, since when I
was inspired to pay a visit to the city once in my life, although it is not easy for a person with a
Third World passport.
(Explain why you want to go there) I would like to visit Hong Kong for two reasons. First, not
only does the city have beautifully designed buildings but it also has national parks, mountains
and other natural tourist resources. The other reason is because Hong Kong has the one of the
best trains in the world. I would like to try their MTR sometime!

To be crowned (phrase): được công nhận.

Melbourne has once again been crowned the most liveable city in the world by The Economist
for the fourth year in a row
Melbourne một lần nữa được công nhận là thành phố đáng sống nhất thế giới bởi The Economist
năm thứ tư liên tiếp.

Hand back (phrase): trao trả lại

The officer handed me my passport back.
Người nhân viên đưa lại tôi hộ chiếu.

To be bristle with something (phrase): có rất nhiều cái gì đó

The helicopter hovered above them bristling with machine guns.
Máy bay trực thăng đang lơ lửng trên đầu họ có rất nhiều súng máy.

Hub (noun): trung tâm

The City of London is the hub of the UK's financial world.
Thành phố London là trung tâm tài tính của Vương Quốc Anh.

Skyline (noun): hệ thống nhà cao tầng

You get a good view of the New York skyline from the Statue of Liberty.
Bạn sẽ có view rất đẹp của hệ thống nhà cao tầng của New York từ tượng Nữ thần Tự do

Eye-catching (adjective): bắt mắt

an eye-catching poster
một cái poster bắt mắt.

Pay a visit to someone/something (phrase): ghé qua


I think I'll pay a visit to the library while I'm in town.
Có thể là tơi sẽ ghé qua thư viện khi vào trung tâm thành phố.
47. Describe a person you know who does a job which is useful to society. You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What type of work he/she does

And explain why you think his/her work is useful to the society
(Who this person is) Today, I’m going to talk about Dennis, a student of the National University
of Singapore - one of the most prestigious universities in the world. He is one of the most creative
and competent leaders I’ve ever encountered in my life. And his willingness to make
contributions to society never fails to impress me.

(How you knew him/her) I met Dennis during an outreach programme in Vietnam. He was in
the same group as me, meaning that we worked together a lot. We were mainly in charge of
teaching activities.

(What type of work he/she does) Well, Dennis is the founder of the Youth Exploration
Association of NUS. His responsibilities revolve around developing overseas outreach
programmes for students in Singapore. Sometimes, he travels with other students to other
countries, mainly those in Southeast Asia like Vietnam and Cambodia, as a project leader. These
projects mainly aim at improving the access to education of disadvantaged children in rural
communes in low-income countries.

(And explain why you think his/her work is useful to the society) I think that his work is
useful to society for two main reasons. First, as mentioned above, the projects he is in charge of
give education opportunities to impoverished kids through activities like teaching English and
other subjects, as well as other extra-curricular activities that allow these kids to know more
about the world. Second, the NUS students that participate in the projects are also beneficiaries.
They can gain a great deal of experience, as well as broaden their horizons, which helps them
to develop a comprehensive world view.


1. Encounter (v): gặp gỡ/biết đến

She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered.
Cô ấy là người nổi bật nhất mà anh ấy từng biết đến/gặp được.
2. Revolve around sth (phrase): xoay quanh cái gì đó
The conversation revolved around childcare problems.
Cuộc thảo luận xoay quanh vấn đề chăm sóc trẻ em.
3. Disadvantaged (adj): khó khăn
A new educational programme has been set up for economically disadvantaged children.
Một chương trình giáo dục mới đã được xây dựng cho những trẻ em khó khăn về mặt kinh tế.
3. To broaden someone’s horizons (phrase): mở rộng tầm mắt
Travelling certainly broadens your horizons.
Đi du lịch chắc chắn giúp bạn mở rộng tầm mắt.
Part 3

1. What jobs are well-paid?
In light of the rise of information technology, most IT-related job roles, such as data analyst,
software developer, cyber security officer, user experience and interface developer, are
lucrative. These jobs require people to know how to code, which is extremely difficult. Besides,
jobs in the fields of finance are also high-paying. Stockbrokers, bankers, accountants, auditors,
tax consultants all enjoy a remunerative income.
2. How have working conditions changed?
Well, working conditions have changed significantly in the past few years. Employees nowadays
receive a better benefits package compared to the past. Also, thanks to the emergence of
technology, the amount of paperwork has reduced significantly while labour productivity has
kept improving at a rapid pace. An increasing number of companies have placed a focus on their
employees’ mental health through activities like teambuilding and private consultation with the
CEO, which is beneficial to both productivity and employees’ well-being at the same time.
3. What are the impacts of the pandemic on the work environment?


The first impact is the financial crisis. Lots of companies are teetering on the verge of going
bankrupt because they have literally no income while operational costs remain unchanged or
have even increased. Because of this crisis, employee benefits, the most important of which is
salary, have been affected significantly. Even worse, many people have been retrenched.
However, there is a silver lining as remote working has become more popular, which gives
employees more chances to have a more flexible schedule.


Lucrative (adj): nhiều tiền/lương cao

He gave up a lucrative career as a lawyer to look after his kids.
Anh ấy từ bỏ công việc luật sư với mức lương cao để chăm sóc con cái.

Benefits package (n): chế độ đãi ngộ

The benefits package includes bonuses tied to the company’s performance.
Chế độ đãi ngộ bao gồm tiền thưởng tùy theo kết quả hoạt động kinh doanh của cty.

To teeter on the verge/brink of sth (phrase): trên bờ vực cái gì đó.

What we are seeing now is a country teetering on the brink of civil war.
Tất cả những gì chúng tơi đang thấy là một quốc gia trên bờ vực nội chiến.

To retrench (v): sa thải với mục đích giảm thiểu chi phí

The government is to retrench 30,000 public servants in the next three years.
Chính phủ sẽ sa thải 30,000 cơng nhân viên chức trong vịng 3 năm tới.

Silver lining (n): điểm sáng trong khó khăn

The injury had a silver lining: it enabled Blake to spend his father's last weeks with him.
Có một điểm sáng trong việc bị chấn thương, vì nó cho phép Blake ở lại với bố của anh ấy trong
những tuần cuối đời của ông.

48. Describe a person you follow regularly on social media. You should say:
Who he/she is


How you knew him/her
What he/she posts on social media
And explain why you follow him/her on social media
(Who he/she is) Today, I’m gonna talk about a Palestinian influencer I follow regularly on
Facebook. He’s called Nas Daily. I guess lots of people know this guy as the short videos he
recorded while travelling around the world went viral some years ago. Nas Daily is a Singaporebased influencer who is believed to be a Harvard dropout, like Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and
Windows CEO Bill Gates.

(How you knew him/her) One day, when I was surfing Facebook, I came across a short video
in which Nas Daily kept praising how Singapore, his new home country, had emerged as one
of the most developed countries in the world. Albeit short, his video contained a sufficient
amount of basic knowledge about the country’s development and introduced some popular
attractions in the Southeast Asia city-state. This video immediately impressed me. After that, I

decided to watch some other videos he made.

(What he/she posts on social media) So basically, Nas Daily produces a wide variety of videos.
But he mostly focuses on his journeys and the culture of the places he goes to. He sometimes
produces motivational videos as well.

(And explain why you follow him/her on social media) I follow Nas Daily because his videos
are so informative. They have helped me broaden my horizons about other countries around
the world in a very fast way. Although his videos may contain some slips, they are generally
informative and completely unbiased.



To go viral (phrase): lan truyền rộng lãi

Within days the film clip went viral.
Trong vịng một số ngày thì clip được lan tỏa khắp nơi.

Dropout (n): học sinh bỏ học


As a high school dropout he’ll never get a decent job.
Vì anh ấy bỏ học từ cấp 3, anh ấy sẽ khơng thể có một cơng việc tốt.

To emerge as: nổi lên như là một cái gì đó.

He emerged as a key figure in the campaign.
Anh ấy nổi lên như là một nhân vật chủ chốt trong chiến dịch.

To broaden someone’s horizons (phrase): mở rộng tầm mắt

Travelling certainly broadens your horizons.
Đi du lịch chắc chắn giúp bạn mở rộng tầm mắt.

Slips (n): lỗi vặt

She's made one or two slips - mainly spelling errors - but it's basically well written.
Cô ấy có một hai lỗi vặt, chủ yếu là lỗi chính tả, nhưng tổng thể thì bài viết khá ổn.

Part 3
1. Do you think older people and younger people will use the same kind of social media
Yes, although that’s not what young people like. Back then when Facebook was still new, most
users fell in to younger age groups. Now, as older people always have access to the internet, they
have also learned to use social media, especially Facebook, which is currently the largest social
networking platform. Lots of young people are switching to Instagram and other sites that have
fewer old users.

2. Do older people spend much time on social media?
The amount of time spent on social media varies from person to person. However, compared
with young people, older people definitely spend less time on social media. That being that, I
know many older people who take photos everywhere and post them on social media nearly

every single day. From my personal observation, for older people, social media act as a tool for
them to keep pace with events, so they don’t need to spend too much time on them like young
people, who tend to use social media as a tool to show off their lifestyles and achievements.




Vary (v): thay đổi/khác nhau

The value of stocks will vary from month to month.
Giá trị cổ phiếu sẽ thay đổi qua từng tháng.

Keep pace with (phrase): theo kịp

Could you slow down - I can't keep pace with you.
Bạn có thể chạy chậm lại được không? Tôi không theo kịp.

Show off (phrasal verb): khoe khoang

She only bought that sports car to show off and prove she could afford one.
Cô mua chiếc xe thể thao đấy chỉ để khoe khoang và chứng tỏ có đủ tiền mua nó.

49.Describe an interesting discussion that you had with friends. You should say:
Who you spoke with

Where you were
What the conversation was about
And explain why you think it was interesting

(Who you spoke with) Some weeks ago, I bumped into Daniel, who was one of my best friends
back in high school, when I was chilling in a speakeasy bar. Daniel is currently a student at a
prestigious conservatory in Italy, while I’m also studying classical music on my own. Thanks to
his profound knowledge gained in Italy, Daniel shared with me lots of insights into classical
music that I’d never known before.

(Where you were) After clearing all the work, I headed out for my favourite bar in downtown
to listen to some jazz music. I was just engaging in some small talk with one of the bartenders


when I spotted someone familiar. Then I realised that person was Daniel. He quickly waved at
me as I invited him over.
(What the conversation was about) We chatted and caught up on our studies. It just so
happened that Daniel was studying at my dream school in Italy. So we talked a lot about the
school, the curriculum and experience at that school. After that, Daniel voiced his concern over
the decline of classical music in modern life. It just so happened that I shared the same concern
with him. And then, we mainly discussed reasons for this trend and measures to address it.
(And explain why you think it was interesting) Classical music has laid the foundations for
modern music as all theories of modern music and techniques are developed from classical
music. So, it is important that it needs to survive and thrive, even in today’s society. After the
conversation with Daniel, I learnt so much from him and learnt some essential ways to maintain
the role of classical music in modern times. I cannot wait to meet him again, probably at his
school in Italy, to discuss this issue even more.

1. Bump into someone (phrasal verb): vơ tình gặp ai đó
Example: We bumped into Kayla in a shop.
Chúng tơi vơ tình gặp Kayla trong một cửa hàng mua sắm.
2. Insights (n): hiểu biết sâu sắc
Example: It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships.
Đó là một cuốn sách thú vị, chứa đầy những hiểu biết hấp dẫn về các mối quan hệ giữa con người
với nhau.
3. Catch up (phrase): hỏi thăm/trị chuyện về những thơng tin mới nhất
Example: It’s been ages since we last met. Let's have a coffee next week and catch up.
Lâu ngày rồi không gặp, tuần tới đi uống cà phê và hỏi han tình hình nhau nhé.
4. Voice concern over something (phrase): lên tiếng về vấn đề gì
Example: Many people have voiced concern over the proposed changes in the law.
Rất nhiều người đã lên tiếng về những thay đổi dự trù trong bộ luật.


Part 3
1. When do children normally form their own views?
I think children as young as 2 years old begin forming their own views. For example, they would
ask their parents for their favourite food and refuse to eat any kind of food they don’t like. This
stage is also very important in the development of children’s personal traits. If their parents are
overprotective and give in to anything the children want, they may end up spoiling their own
children rotten.
2. Do children have strong opinions?
It depends. Normally, children do not have strong and well-developed opinions due to the lack
of knowledge and experience they have. However, some child prodigies, or children raised in
an environment that stimulates their critical thinking skills, surprise many people with their welldeveloped opinions. For example, the arguments of Greta Thunberg astonished many people
around the world, even politicians, when she was just a 15-year-old school girl.

3. Should parents request their kids to obey them?
Obedience has always been a topic of debate in society. I would say that I do not agree parents
should request their kids to obey them all the time. But instead, they should instruct their children
in a flexible and constructive manner. This is because forcing children to be obedient may causes
them to be always reliant on their parents and prevent them from developing their own decisionmaking skills, which may lead to many negative consequences in the future.
4. In what industries do you think communication is a necessary skill?
I believe service industries, such as hospitality, tourism, education, to name but a few, require
communication skills the most as employees in these fields have to directly deal with their
clients. Teachers won’t be able to transmit knowledge effectively if they are unable to deploy
different communication skills, including concision and precision, in class. In the hospitality
industry, being unable to deal with issues that guests encounter may cause lots of difficulties to
a front desk agent.


1. Spoil sb rotten (idiom): nuông chiều quá mức
Example: The children are spoiled rotten by their grandparents.
Những đứa trẻ này được ông bà nuông chiều quá mức.
2. Astonish (v): làm bất ngờ
Example: I was astonished by how much she'd grown.
Tôi vô rất bất ngờ khi thấy cô ấy đã lớn hơn rất nhiều.
3. Child prodigy (n): thần đồng
Example: A child prodigy, he made his first professional tour as a pianist at the age of six.
Là một thần đồng, anh ấy đã có tour diễn piano chuyên nghiệp đầu tiên khi vừa mới sáu tuổi.

50. Describe a special cake you received from others. You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened

Who you got the cake from
And explain why it’s a special cake

(When it happened) Last year, I went on a Da Lat trip with my ex-boyfriend to Da Lat, which
is one of the most popular mountain retreats for those residing in Ho Chi Minh City. It just so
happened that I stayed at a local 5-star resort right on my birthday. It is one of the best birthdays
I’d ever had in my life.
(Where it happened) When the front desk agent checked me and my boyfriend in, she greeted
us and requested to scan my ID Card. The front desk agent could have probably seen my birthday
then and told other staff to get a birthday cake for me. Upon arrival at my room, I saw a wellprepared birthday cake and some other birthday decorations like balloons.


(Who you got the cake from) Honestly, I totally didn’t expect such a surprise birthday cake
from this resort. It was also my first stay there, not a loyal member. Then, I realised that my ex
was a loyal member of the resort so he made use of his membership privileges to get the cake
for me.
(And explain why it’s a special cake) When I ate the first slice of the cake, I quickly realised
it was unsweetened! I was like: “Really, babe?” and at a loss for words before recalling that my
ex was allergic to sugar. That was the first, and probably the last, unsweetened cake I’d ever
eaten in my life. It was so disgusting that I couldn’t eat another slice. Sadly, just some months
after that very trip, we broke up. But I was truly happy that he and the hotel staff team made my
22nd birthday so memorable.

1. Retreat (n): nơi nghỉ dưỡng
Example: a country/mountain/lakeside retreat
Một nơi nghỉ dưỡng ở nông thôn/miền vúi/ven hồ
2. It just so happens that (phrase): dùng để nói một việc nào đó có thật và mang tính bất ngờ.

Example: It just so happens that I have a bike I can lend you.
Khá là bất ngờ là tơi có một chiếc xe và có thể cho bạn mượn.
3. Make use of (phrase): sử dụng
Example: We might as well make use of the hotel's facilities.
Chúng ta cũng có thể sử dụng thiết bị của khách sạn.
4. To be at a loss (idiom): cạn lời, khơng biết nói gì
Example: It was unlike him to be at a loss for words.
Nó khơng giống như là anh ta khơng nói nên lời.
5. Disgusting (adj): tởm lợm
Example: Passengers were kept for three hours in a disgusting waiting room.
Hành khách phải đợi tận 3 tiếng trong phòng chờ thật tởm lợm.


1. What are the differences between the special food in Vietnam and foreign countries?
Vietnamese delicacies have the uniqueness that cannot be found anywhere else. It is full of
natural spices, like cinnamon, cloves, and various kinds of herbs. Also, Vietnamese foods are
pretty healthy as they are high in fiber thanks to the use of many different types of vegetables.
Vietnamese foods are pretty much soup-based such as pho, beef noodles, while food from other
countries tends to be used without broth.
2. Do people usually cook special food in Vietnam?
Yes, we cook special food mostly for dinner and breakfast. Vietnamese mothers are pretty much
hardworking and willing to invest some more time in preparing good food for their families.
Besides, we also cook special food on special occasions like birthdays or traditional feasts or
3. Should special food be easily available?
I believe that special food should be easily available. Lots of people would say that the wide
availability of such food can make it less special. But I think that if delicacies are widely

available, people, especially tourists, will have more chances to enjoy them, which is definitely
an effective way to introduce the delicacies to the world and put Vietnamese food on the map.

1. Delicacy (n): đặc sản
Example: a dinner of Vietnamese delicacies
Một bữa tối với đặc sản Việt Nam.
2. To put something on the map (n): làm cái gì đó nổi tiếng
Example: The governor has managed to put this sleepy state on the map.
Ngài thống đống đã cố gắng làm cho bang này nổi tiếng.


