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Bài Tập Theo Unit. 12A4.Doc

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HỌ VÀ TÊN: ……….
Tổ : ………………

Năm học 2023-2024
Trang 1

I- Vocabulary :
- shift

[∫ift] (n):

ca, kíp

- night shift:

/ˈnaɪt ʃɪft/

ca đêm

- biologist

[bai'ɔlədʒist] (n):

nhà sinh vật học

- project


đề án, dự án

- to join hands: nắm tay nhau, cùng nhau
- caring (adj):


quan tâm tới người khác; chu đáo

- responsibility

[ri,spɔnsə'biləti] (n): trách nhiệm

- to take/assume the responsibility to sb for sth: chịu trách nhiệm với ai về điều gì đó
- household chores (n); việc nhà, việc vặt trong nhà
- to run the household ['haushould]:

trông nom việc nhà

- to leave home for school : đến trường
- suitable

['su:təbl] (adj):

- to rush to (v):


phù hợp
xông tới, lao vào

- to be willing (to do sth) : sẵn sàng làm cái gì
- to give a hand: giúp một tay
- eel [ i:l] (n): con lươn ---- eel soup: cháo lươn
- attempt


sự cố gắng

- to win a place at university: thi đỗ vào trường đại học- to take out the garbage: đổ rác
- mischievous

['mist∫ivəs] (adj):

tinh nghịch, tai quái

- mischievously (adv)
- obedient (to sb/sth) [ə'bi:djənt](adj):

biết vâng lời, ngoan ngõan, dễ bảo

- obedience (n) /obediently (adv)
- hard-working (adj): chăm chỉ
- to mend

[mend] (v):

sửa chửa

- close-knit


gắn bó với nhau (về tình cảm, quyền lợi)

- to support

[sə'pɔ:t] :

ủng hộ
Trang 2

- supportive of
-to share one’s feeling: chia sẻ tình cảm với nhau
- to come up : được đặt ra
- frankly

['fræηkli] (adv): ηkli] (adv): kli] (adv):

- to feel + adj:

cảm thấy

- secure

[si'kjuə] (adj):

an tâm

- separately (adv):


riêng rẽ, tách biệt nhau

- to shake hands:

thẳng thắn, trung thực

bắt tay

- to play tricks (on sb): chơi xỏ ai.
Cách phát âm của đuôi -s
"-s” được phát âm là:
+ /s/: khi âm tận cùng trước nó là /p/, /k/, /f/, /θ/, /t/.
+ /iz/: khi trước -s là: ch, sh, ss, x, ge.
+ /z/: khi âm tận cùng trước nó là nguyên âm và các phụ âm cịn lại.
Ví dụ: A. listens / ˈlɪsnz /

B. reviews / rɪˈvjuːz /

C. protects / prəˈtekts /

D. enjoys / ɪnˈdʒɔɪz /

Phần được gạch chân ở câu C được phát âm là /s/ còn lại được phát âm là /z/.
 Đáp án là C Đáp án là C
Bài tập áp dụng
Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại.

Cấu trúc



Allow / permit sb to do st = let sb do st

Cho phép ai làm gì


Allow / permit doing st
Be excited about st / doing st
Be in a hurry = hurry (v)
Be obedient to sb = obey sb
Be supportive of
Be willing to do st
Come from = stem from
Come up = happen
Extended family

Cho phép làm gì
Hào hứng làm gì
Vội vã, hối hả
Vâng lời
ủng hộ, hỗ trợ
sẵn lịng làm gì
Xuất phát từ, đến từ
Xảy ra
Đại gia đình (bao gồm ông bà, cô chú,

Give sb a hand = lend sb a helping hand
Immediate family

bác, cậu, mợ...)
Giúp ai
Gia đình ruột thịt (bao gồm bố, mẹ, anh

In one’s attempt to do st
Join hands = work together
Make sure that + clause

chị em ruột, con nuôi, con dâu, con rể...)
Quyết tâm làm gì
Chung tay
Đảm bảo rằng


Trang 3


Nuclear family

Gia đình hạt nhân (bao gồm bố, mẹ và


anh chị em ruột)
Run the household
Quán xuyến gia đình
Share st with sb = share sb st
Chia sẻ với ai cái gì

Take / assume the responsibility for st / doing Chịu trách nhiệm cho cái gì / làm gì


= be responsible for st / doing st
Try / attempt to do st = make an effort to do st

Cố gắng làm gì


Try doing st = have a go to do st
Under pressure

Thử làm gì
Chịu áp lực


Put pressure on sb / st
Win a place at + somewhere
Work as
Work on a night shift

Gây áp lực cho ai / cái gì
Vào được đâu
Làm nghề gì

Trực đêm

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.
A. proofs
B. books
C. points
D. days
A. helps
B. laughs
C. cooks
D. finds
A. neighbors
B. friends
C. relatives
D. photographs
A. snacks
B. follows
C. titles
D. writers
A. streets
B. phones
C. books
D. makes
II.Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
1. A. hospital

B. mischievous
C. supportive
D. special
2.A. family
B. whenever
C. obedient
3.A. biologist
B. generally
C. responsible
D. security
4.A. confident
B. important
C. together
5.A. possible.
B. university
C. secondary
D. suitable
III: Choose the best answer .
My mother works _______a nurse in a big hospital. She examines the patients.
A. for
B. as
C. in
D. at
She had to work on _______last night, so she is very tired this morning.
A. the roof
B. the table

C. the bed
D. night shift
My father is very busy with his work at the office. He usually comes home very _____at night.
A. late
B. early
C. on time
D. past
My mother _______very early in the morning to prepare our breakfast.
A. cries
B. sleeps
C. gets up
D. stays up
My mother is a _______woman. She does all the household chores to make us more
A. caring
B. careless
C. harmful
D. boring
In my free-time, I often help mom with _______the house.
A. to clean
B. clean
C. cleaning
D. cleans
I take responsibility to _______my little brothers because they are sometimes very naughty.
A. look after

B. get up
C. sit down
D. shut up
My responsibility is to wash dishes and _______the garbage.
A. take off
B. take out
C. take care of
D. take over
My brothers love joining my dad in _______things around the house at weekends.
A. mend
B. mended
C. to mend
D. mending
Whenever problems come up, we discuss frankly and find _______quickly.
A. solve
B. solution
C. solved
D. to solve
Mai is my closest friend. We are always willing to _______feelings to each other.
Trang 4

A. tear
B. cut
C. share
D. shake

My family is the base from which we can go into the world with _______.
A. confide
B. confidence
C. confident
D. confiding
I like doing _______such as cooking, washing and cleaning the house.
A. house-keeper
B. white house
C. lord of house
D. household chores
My father is a _______He often does researches with animals and plants.
A. botanist
B. biologist
C. chemist
D. mathematician
In my family, both my parents _______to give us a nice house and a happy home.
A. join hands
B. get out
C. shake hands
D. clutch hands
My brothers are often very _______to what I say. They are really lovable.
A. obey
B. obedience
C. obedient
D. obstacle

Unlike most men, my uncle likes _______very much. I like his eel soup very much.
A. having a shower
B. drinking beer
C. playing cards
D. cooking
My responsibility is to _______my little brothers.
A. take care of
B. join hands
C. take over
D. work together
19.Although my father is very busy, he tries _______much time taking care of his children.
A. to spend
B. spending
C. to get up
D. getting up
20.My father is very helpful. He is always _______give a hand with cleaning the house.
A. will to
B. will
C. willing
D. willing to
21.I love _______ films but I seldom find time to go the cinema.
A. see
B. saw
C. seen
D. seeing
22.In the last hundred years, traveling _______ much easier and more comfortable.
A. becomes
B. has become

C. became
D. will become
23. In the 19 century, it _______ two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon.
A. took
B. had taken
C.had taken
D.was taking
24. When Carol _______ last night, I ______ my favorite show on television.
A. was calling / watched
B. called / have watched
C. called / was watching
D. had called / watched
25. By this time next summer, you _______ your studies.
A. completes
B. will complete
C. are completing
D. will have completed
26. Right now, Jim _______ the newspaper and Kathy _______ dinner.
A. reads / has cooked
B. is reading / is cooking
C. has read / was cooking
D. read / will be cooking
27. Last night at this time, they _______ the same thing. She _______ and he_______ the Newspaper.
A. are doing / is cooking / is reading
B. were doing / was cooking / was reading
C. was doing / has cooked / is reading
D. had done / was cooking /read
28. When I _______ home last night, I _______ that Jane _______ a beautiful candlelight dinner.
A. had arrived / discovered / prepared

B. was arriving / had discovered / was preparing
C. have arrived / was discovering / had prepared
D. arrived / discovered / was preparing
29. Where is Jimmy? - He is ____ work. He is busy ____ his monthly report.
A. on / for
B. in / about
C. to / through
D. at / with
30. With greatly increased workloads, everyone is _______ pressure now.
A. under
B. above
C. upon
D. out of
31. We are not allowed _______ jeans at school.
A. wear
B. to wear
C. wearing
D. worn
32. Sometimes I do not feel like _______ to my sibling about my troubles.
A. talk
B. to talk
C. talking
D. talked
She earned extra money last year _______ several young children.
a. bringing into
b. caring for
c. taking on
d. bearing up
34.Some sociologists believe that the _______family is rapidly becoming a thing of the past.
a. basic

b. closed
c. nuclear
d. immediate
Trang 5

35.He played a(n) _______ part in politics until he was well over 80.
a. active
b. interesting
c. distinct
d. supportive
36. It was _______ of you to leave the medicine where the children could get it.
a. care
b. caring
c. careful
d. careless
37.My younger sister is very and so she loves going out.
a. enjoyable
b. funny
c. pleasing
d. lively
38.. Each of us must take ______ for our own actions.
A. probability
B. ability
C. possibility
D. responsibility
39.These quick and easy _______ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost.
A. solve
B. solvable
C. solutions

D. solvability
40.John is _______ only child in his family so his parents love him a lot.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. no article
41.She got up late and rushed to the bus stop.
A. came into
B. went leisurely
C. went quickly
D. dropped by
42.Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking.
A. help
B. prepared
C. be busy
D. attempt
43.Where is Jimmy? - He is ____ work. He is busy ____ his monthly report.
A. on / for
B. in / about
C. to / through
D. at / with
IV: Finding errors
0.My brothers love joining my dad in to mend things around the house at weekends.
I am now in my attempt winning a place at the same university to my brother.

My mother works in a doctor in a big hospital. She examines the patients.
My responsibility is to wash dishes and take off the garbage.
In my free-time, I often help mom with cooking the house.
My father and my mom joins hands to give us safety, security and happy family.
V: Hãy đọc đoạn văn và chọn một câu trả lời đúng nhất cho mỗi chỗ trống tương ứng sau:
The United States has many different types of families. While most American families are traditional,
(1)_______ a father, a mother and one or more children, 22 percent of all American families in 1998
were headed by one parent, usually a woman. In a few families in the United States, there are no

children. These (2) _______ couples may believe that they would not make good parents; they may
want freedom from responsibilities of childbearing; or, perhaps they (3)_______ physically able to
have children. Other families in the United States have one adult (4)_______ a stepparent. A
stepmother or stepfather is a person who joins a family by marrying a father or a mother.
Americans tolerate and accept these different types of families. In the United States people have right
to privacy and Americans do not believe in telling other Americans what type of family group they
must belong to. They respect each other’s choices regarding family groups. Families are very
important (5)_______ Americans.
1. A. consist of
B. consisting of
C. consisting
D. including of
2. A. childish
B. childlike
C. childless
D. childhood
3. A. are not
B. can’t
C. couldn’t
D. weren’t
4. A. who is
B. is
C. which is
D. which has
5. A. for
B. of
C. in
D. to
VI: Hãy đọc đoạn văn và chọn một câu trả lời đúng nhất cho mỗi câu hỏi theo sau:

Parents often have dreams for their children’s future. They hope their children will have a better life
than they had. They dream that their children will do things that they couldn’t do. Parents who come to
the U. S from foreign countries hope their children will have better education here. They think their
children will have more career choices and more successful lives. They make many sacrifices so that
Trang 6

their children will have more opportunities. They think their children will remain close to them
because of this. Some children understand and appreciate these sacrifices and remain close to their
parents. However, other children feel ashamed that their parents are so different from other Americans.
1. Parents often dream of )_______.
A. their children’s making a lot of money in the future.
B. one day seeing their children become famous people.
C. one day living on their children’s money.
D. a bright future for their children.
2. Parents who come home from U. S from foreign countries hope that _______.
A. their children will have a lot of careers.
B. their children become successful directors.
C. their children will have more opportunities for good education.
D. their children will make a lot of sacrifices.
3. Parents think their children will remain close to them because_______.
A. they give their children a lot of money.
B. of the sacrifices
C. they know their children will be successful in the future.
D. they are living in a foreign country.
4. The word career in line 4 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. education
B. travel
C. subject
D. profession

5. The word close in line 5 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. dear
B. friendly
C. helpful
D. kind
VII.Choose the sentences - a, b, c or d - which is closest in meaning to the printed one.
1.Sorry, I took you for someone else.
a. Sorry, I made a mistake in taking you to someone else.
b. Sorry, I took you instead of somebody else.
c. Sorry, I thought you were somebody else.
d. Sorry, I asked somebody else to take you.
2.Dave had to take a cut in pay to keep from losing his job.
a. Dave's salary was lowered.
b. Dave lost his job and had to cut in pay.
c. Dave had an accident on the job.
d. Dave was given a salary increase.
3.He makes a better husband than father.
a. Fathers are usually good husbands.
b. He is more successful as a husband than as a father.
c. His father is better than her husband.
d. He tries to be a good husband and father.
4.I wish George had come to Italy with us.
a. I am pleased that George came to Italy with us.
b. I am sorry that George isn't going to Italy with us.
c. I hope that George will go to Italy with us.
d. I am sorry that George didn't come to Italy with us.
5.You can enrich your knowledge by listening to the radio.
a. Listening to the radio makes you know less.
b. Listening to the radio makes you know more.
c. Listening to the radio enables you to be rich.

d. Listening to the radio makes your knowledge rich.


- culture

['kʌlt∫ə] -n):

văn hóa

- cultural -adj): -thuộc văn hóa
- precede

[pri:'si:d] -v):

đến trước, đi trước
Trang 7

- to confide in sb


tin tưởng, giao phó

- partnership

['pɑ:tnə∫ip] -n):

sự cộng tác

- determine

[di'tə:min] -v):

quyết định, xác định

- determination -n): sự xác định
- sacrifice

['sæηkli] (adv): krifais] -v)

hy sinh

- oblige -to do sth)

[ə'blaidʒ] -v)

bắt buộc, cưỡng bách

- diversity

[dai'və:siti] -n):

tính đa dạng

- factor

['fỉηkli] (adv): ktə] -n):

nhân tố

- to approve

[ə'pru:v] -v)

chấp thuận

- tradition

[trə'di∫n] -n):

truyền thống

- traditional -a):


- traditionally -adv)


-to marry

['mỉηkli] (adv): ri] -v):

kết hơn, lấy vợ, lấy chồng

- marriage

['mỉηkli] (adv): ridʒ]:

hơn nhân

- approval -n)
theo truyền thống

- to believe in:

tin vào

- romantic :

/rəʊˈmæηkli] (adv): ntɪk/ lãng mạn

- to be attracted to:

/əˈtræηkli] (adv): kt/

- attractiveness -n)

/əˈtræηkli] (adv): ktɪvnəs/

bị thu hút

- to fall in love with:

phải lòng ai

- On the other hand :

mặt khác

- contractual

[kən'træηkli] (adv): ktjuəl] -adj)

thỏa thuận

- bride -n)

[braid] :

cô dâu

- groom

[ grum]:

chú rể

- to be supposed : được cho là
- survey

['sə:vei] -n):

cuộc điều tra

- surveyor -n): nhân viên điều tra
- to conduct

['kɔndʌkt] -v):

- respone

[ri'spɔns] -n)= answer -n): câu trả lời

- key value -n):

tiến hành
giá trị cơ bản

- concerned -adj):

/kənˈsɜːnd/ quan tâm

- to maintain

[mein'tein] -v):

giữ, duy trì

- to reject

['ri:dʒekt] -v):

khước từ, từ bỏ

- trust -v) -n):


tin cậy

- record

['rekɔ:d] -n):

sổ sách ghi chép.

Cách phát âm của đuôi -ed “- ed" được phát âm là:
Trang 8

+ /t/: khi âm tận cùng trước -ed là /s/,/tf/, /f/, /k/, /p/, /f/ thì phát âm là /t/.
+ /id/: khi trước -ed là /t/ và /d/.
+ /d/: khi âm tận cùng trước -ed là nguyên âm và các phụ âm cịn lại.
Ví dụ:
A. toured /turd/

B. jumped / dʒʌmpt /

C. solved / sɒlvd /

D. rained / reɪnd /

Câu B "-ed" được phát ấm là /t/, các đáp án còn lại -ed được phát âm là /d/
*Các trường hợp đặc biệt của đuôi -ed
Một số từ kết thúc bằng -ed được dùng làm tính từ/danh từ, đi -ed được phát âm là /id/:
aged / eɪdʒid /(a): cao tuổi, lớn tuổi

- aged / eɪdʒd /(Vpast): trở nên già, làm cho già

blessed /blesid/ (a): thần thánh, thiêng liêng

- crooked / krʊkid/(a): cong, oằn, vặn vẹo

dogged / dɒɡdi /(a): gan góc, gan lì, bền bỉ

- naked /neikid/(a): trơ trụi, trần truồng

learned / lɜːnid /(a): có học thức, thơng thái, un bác
ragged / rỉηkli] (adv): ɡid /(a): rách tả toi, bù xù

learned / lɜːnd /(Vpast): học

- wicked /wikid/(a): tinh quái, ranh mãnh, nguy

wretched / ˈretʃɪd /(a): khốn khổ, bần cùng, tồi tệ

- beloved /bɪˈlʌvɪd /(a): yêu thương

cursed / kɜːst /(a): tức giận, khó chịu

- rugged / ˈrʌɡɪd /(a): xù xì, gồ ghề

sacred / ˈseɪkrɪd /(a): thiêng liêng, trân trọng

- legged / ˈleɡɪd /(a): có chân

hatred / ˈheɪtrɪd /(a): lịng hận thù

- crabbed / krỉηkli] (adv): bid /(a): càu nhàu, gắt gỏng


Cấu trúc



Attitude to / toward
Agree with

Thái độ đối với
Đồng ý với



Agree to do st
Be attracted to sb
Be based on st
Be concerned about st

Đồng ý làm gì
Thích ai, bị ai thu hút
Dựa trên, dựa vào cái gì
Quan tâm / lo ngại vẽ cái gì


Be concerned with st
Be obliged to do st
Be supposed to do st
Believe in
Conduct = carry out
Confide in sb
Decide st = make a decision on st

Có liên quan đến cái gì
Bị bắt buộc làm gì
Có bổn phận phải làm gì / được cho là

Tin vào
Tiến hành
Thổ lộ, tâm sự với ai
Quyết định cái gì

Decide on sb / st

Chọn ai / cái gì (sau khi đã nghĩ kĩ)

Decide to do st = make a decision to do st
Determine to do st
Devote / dedicate time to doing st
Fall in love with sb = love sb

Quyết định làm gì
Quyết tâm làm gì
Hi sinh / cống hiến thời gian để làm gì
Yêu ai


Trang 9


In fact = actually
Lead an independent life
Romantic marriage

Thực sự
Sống độc lập / tự chủ
Hôn nhân tự nguyện


Contractual marriage
Sacrifice in st
Trust sb to do st
Under the same roof = in the same

Hơn nhân ép buộc
Hi sinh cho cái gì
Tin tưởng ai làm gì
Dưới một mái nhà

I.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

a. unwise
a. ancestor

a. appeared

b. agreed

c. coughed


a. weather

b. appear

c. measure


a. confided

b. obliged

c. determined d.

b. develops
b. celebrate

c. values
c. conical

d. equa1s
d. certain

II.Choose the word whose main stress syllable is put differently.
6.A. maintain
B. attitude
C. determine
7.A. brilliant
B. different
C. secretary
8.A. deny
B. legal
C. women
9. A. human
B. mother
C. struggle
10. A. opportunity
B. economic
C. society

D. develop
D. limit
D. belief
D. intellectual

III. Hãy chọn một câu trả lời đúng nhất:

1. Thanks to his parents’ _________, he tried his best to win a place at a university.
A. approve
B. approval
C. disagreement
D. rejection
2. People from different cultures have _________ ideas about love and marriage.
A. different
B. the same
C. unique
D. solid
3. Americans believe in _________ marriage whereas the Asians have to suffer _________ one.
A. the Chinese / Italian
B. Roman / the Great Wall
C. romantic / contractual
D. contractual / romantic
4. By nature, boys and girls _________ to each other.
A. have attracted
B. attracted
C. attract
D. are attracted
5. Once, an Asian couple’s marriage _________ by the parents of the bride and the groom.
A. was arranged
B. is arranged
C. appeared
D. were appeared
6. People from different cultures have different_________ of love and _________.
A. ideas / marry
B. thoughts / marriage C. speech / divorce
D. story / wedding
7. Few Asians agree that wives and husbands should share all_________.

A. quarrels
B. thought
C. thoughts
D. arguments
8. A survey was conducted to determine students’ _________ toward their purposes of studying.
A. counterparts
B. appearances
C. marriages
D. attitudes
9. A large amount of Indian men agree that it’s unwise_________ in their wives.
A. to confide
B. to interest
C. confiding
D. interesting
10. Many Indian students agree that a woman has to _________ more in a marriage than a man.
A. suicide
B. sacrifice
C. die
D. be dead
11. The American wife trusts her husband to do the right things because he _________ her.
A. dislikes
B. detests
C. loves
D. hates
12. Many Americans pay much attention to physical _________ when choosing a wife or a husband.
A. attraction
B. spirits
C. interests
D. attractiveness
Trang 10

13. Romeo and Juliet decided to _________ although their parents had hated each other.
A. fall into the river
B. fall in love
C. climbed up the tree D. take a bath
14. _________, a husband should share certain thoughts to his wife only.
A. In my opinion
B. To all people
C. My hobbies
D. Agreement
15. In America, it is _________ to ask questions about age, marriage and income.
A. polite
B. impolite
C. enthusiastic
D. excited
16. In Vietnam, _________ that all old-aged parents live in nursing home.
A. it’s true
B. it’s untrue
C. that’s right
D. it’s quite exactly
17. Christmas and New Year holidays are the _________ occasions to most Americans.
A. sadder
B. unhappy
C. more importance
D. most important
18. In Vietnam, two or more _________ may live in a home.
A. generations
B. generous
C. generation

D. generators
19. In _________, a man and a woman may hold hands and kiss each other in the public.
A. Vietnam
B. Cambodia
C. China
D. America
20. In Vietnam, the bride and the groom often wear _________costumes on their wedding day.
A. traditional
B. plastic
C. paperD. leaf21. Someone says that a happy _________ should be based on love.
A. marriage
B. merry
C. marry
D. marital
22. Mỵ Châu and Trọng Thủy _________ in love with each other after they got married.
A. fall
B. fell
C. climbed
D. flew
23. I haven’t seen such a_________ scene on any other films at all. I like it very much.
A. imitate
B. rat
C. fake
D. romantic
24. That actress is really _________. Everybody likes all films with her acting contributions.
A. bad
B. ugly
C. shameless
D. attractive
25. That couple decided _________ after their three-year living in a happy marriage. Everything

A. to get married
B. going out together
C. to divorce
D. having a child
26. Someone believes that happiness is based on _________, love, good health and people’s approvals.
A. money
B. sadness
C. sorrow
D. death
27. Loving his country, he was willing to_________ his blood and fate. Fortunately, he is still alive.
A. live
B. hide
C. sacrifice
D. die
28. That child is too rude. His _________ is very bad when talking to his parents and teachers.
A. request
B. obedience
C. good temper
D. attitude
29. They agree that it is unwise to confide _________ their wives.
A. at
B. in
C. for
D. With
30.We need a decision
this project by next week.
a. in
b. on
c. with

d. to
31.There was an enthusiastic response
my suggestions.
a. for
b. of
c. to
d. with
32.A large number of India men agreed that it was unwise to confide
their wives.
a. in
b, on
c. of
d. with
33.Approval or
of the project is up to the Italian cultural affairs minister.
a. rejection
b. admission c. prevention d. decision
34. In its rich ______, culture has intrinsic value for development as well as social cohesion and peace.
A. diverse
B. diversity
C. diversify
D. diversification
35.. In Viet Nam, the Ao Dai is the ______ dress for women, and it is now standard for weddings, for
celebrating Tet and for other formal occasions.
A. splendid
B. pulchritude
C. deliverable
D. traditional
36. Vietnamese spend a lot of time in preparing ______. The Western people, especially, don’t spend
too much time for cooking.

A. grocery
B. beverage
C. drink
D. food
37. Maria and Jean had a ______ romance – they met and married within two months.
A. cyclone
B. hurricane
C. whirlwind
D. typhoon
38.London is home to people of many _______ cultures.
a. diverse
b. diversity
c. diversify
d. diversification
Trang 11

39.John cannot make a ____ to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car.
a. decide
b. decision
c. decisive
d. decisively
40. My mother used to be a woman of great _______, but now she gets old and looks pale.
a. beauty
b. beautiful
c. beautifully
d. beautify
My father phoned me to say that he would come _______ home late.
a. a

b. an
c. the
d. Ø
42. At last they divorced after ten years of _______ marriage.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
43. Many people have objected to ____ marriage, which is decided by the parents of the bride and
a. agreed
b. shared
c. contractual
d. sacrificed
44. Affected by the Western cultures, Vietnamese young people's attitudes _______ love and marriage
have dramatically changed.
a. for
b. with
c. through
d. towards
45. Sometimes she does not agree ____ her husband about child rearing but they soon find the
a. for
b. on
c. with
d. of
46. The young are _______ more concerned with physical attractiveness than elderly people.
a. much
b. as
c. many

d. as much as
47. It will take more or less a month to prepare for the wedding.
a. approximately
b. generally
c. frankly
d. simply
48. _______ Tom Cruise's last movie? Yes, I _______ it three days ago
a. Have you ever seen / saw
b. Did you ever see / have seen
c. Had you ever seen / would see
d. Will you ever see / saw
49. In the past, people _______ to the beach more often.
a. have gone
b. used to go
c. were going
d. had gone
II. Hãy xác định một câu có phần gạch dưới cần được sửa lại cho đúng:
1. A survey was made to determining their attitudes toward love and marriage.
2. An Asian husband is oblige to tell his wife where he has been.
3. In Vietnam, two or more generators may live in a home.

4. Love is supposed to follow marry, not precede it.
5. The Asian wife can demand a records of her husband’s activities.
6. In America, it is impolite asking questions about age, marital status and income.
7. In Vietnam, old-aged parents must to live in nursing home.
8. There are differences and similar between Vietnamese and American cultures.
III. Hãy đọc đoạn văn và chọn một câu trả lời đúng nhất cho mỗi chỗ trống tương ứng sau:
I have been traveling to different parts of my country, and I (1)_________ a lot about interesting
lifestyles and customs. Once, I (2) _________ to the Northwestern places of the country. In many

ethnic villages I (3) _________ to, I was impressed by some of their beautiful traditional customs. For
instance, most of the villagers (4)_________ in extended families, and they held a close relationship
among family members. In addition, young people always (5)_________ their respect for their
ancestors and for their elderly people. People (6) _________ also willing to give a hand when
someone was in need. Members of the family helped one another with household chores as well as
with farm work. While men (7) _________ on the fields, women (8) _________ the household chores.
While we were staying there, the villagers always (9) _________ us a helping hand and invited us to
Trang 12

have dinner with their families on special occasions. In short, I highly (10) _________ the close ties in
human relationship shown in the villagers’ ways of living.
1. A. learn
B. have learnt
C. am learning
D. will learn
2. A. had gone
B. have gone
C. go
D. went
3. A. went
B. will go
C. am going
D. had gone
4. A. have lived
B. live
C. lived
D. were living
5. A. showed
B. will show

C. have shown
D. are showing
6. A. are
B. were
C. have been
D. will be
7. A. have worked
B. will work
C. worked
D. were working
8. A. are doing
B. did
C. were doing
D. had done
9. A. gave
B. give
C. will give
D. had given
10. A. value
B. will value
C. valued
D. am valuing
IV.Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer.
These days, most people in Britain and the US do not wear very formal clothes. But sometimes it is
important to wear the right thing.
Many British people don't think about clothes very much. They just like to be comfortable. When they
go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At theatres, cinemas and concerts you can
put on what you like from elegant suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. Anything goes, as long as
you look clean and tidy.
But in Britain, as well as the US, men in offices usually wear suits and ties, and women wear dresses

or skirts (not trousers). Doctors, lawyers and business people wear quite formal clothes. And in some
hotels and restaurants men have to wear ties and women wear smart dresses.
In many years, Americans are more relaxed than British people, but they are more careful witn their
clothes. At home, or on holiday, most Americans wear informal or sporty clothes. But when they go
out in the evening, they like to look elegant. In good hotels and restaurants, men have to wear jackets
and ties, and women wear pretty clothes and smart hairstyles.
It is difficult to say exactly what people wear informal or formal in Britain and the US, because
everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and then do the
same. You'll feel more relaxed if you don't look too different from everyone else.
1.Many British people wear freely when they
a. attend meetings
b. attend lectures
c. spend their spare time
d. meet their friends
2.Who doesn't usually wear suits and ties?
a. Lawyers
b. Doctors
c. Drivers
d. Accountants
3.If you visit an American friend at home in the evening, you may find that your friend wears
a. pretty clothes
b. informal clothes
c. formal clothes
d. plain clothes
4.If you are in a foreign country, the best way the writer suggests to you is to wear
a. strange clothes
b. as the people there do

c. your native clothes
d. comfortable clothes
5.What do you think the passage is mainly about?
a. Recent dressing habit in Great Britain and the United States.
b. The reason why informal clothing is popular in the UK and USA.
c. When we should wear in a formal way.
d. Where we should wear in a formal way.
V.Choose the sentence - a, b, c or d - which is closest in meaning to the printed one.
1.The coach's tactics were directly responsible for the team's defeat.
a. The team lost because the coach had no direct tactics.
b. The team's responsibility is to defeat the coach's tactics.
c. The coach directly guided the team, but had no responsibility.
d. The team lost as a direct consequence of the coach's tactics.
2.I wasn't a bit surprised to hear that Kate had failed her driving test.
a. That Kate had failed in her driving test surprised me a bit.
b. I was surprised that Kate had passed her driving test.
Trang 13

c. It came as no surprise to me to hear that Kate hadn't passed her driving test.
d. Surprisingly, Kate had failed her driving test.
3.We'll go camping as long as the weather is good.
a. Only if the weather is fine will we go camping.
b. If the weather is better, we will go camping.
c. The weather is good when we will go camping.
d. We'll go camping immediately after the weather is good.
4.My father hasn't smoke for three years.
a. My father started smoking three years ago.
b. My father quit smoking for three years.
c. My father stopped smoking three years ago.

d. My father won't continue smoking in three years' time.
5.The secret to success is hard work.
a. Working hard ensures success.
b. One must work hard to keep secrets.
c. One cannot succeed if he has secrets.
d. If you keep your work secret, you will
A. Reading
- social

['sou∫l] (adj):

thuộc xã hội

- society

[sə'saiəti] (n):

thuộc xã hội

- to socialise (v):

/ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz/ xã hội hóa

- to attract sb’s attention (v):

gây (thu hút) sự chú ý của ai

- verbal

['və:bl] (a):

bằng lời, hữu ngôn # non-verbal (a): phi ngôn

- informal

[in'fɔ:ml] (adj) = friendly: thân mật # formal (adj): trịnh trọng

- informality (n):

sự thân mật

- nod (v);

gật đầu

- approach

[ə'prout∫] (v):

lại gần, đến gần

- communication

[kə,mju:ni'kei∫n] (n): sự giao tiếp

- to communicate


giao tiếp

- common (adj):


thông thường, phổ biến

- to wave (v):


vẫy tay- to raise one’s hands: giơ tay

- signal

['signəl] (n0: dấu hiệu

- to get off (v): xuống (xe) # to get on
- to be excited (v):


phấn khích

- to jump up and down:

nhảy lên

- instance

trường hợp

['instəns] (n):

- for instance: ví dụ, chẳng hạn
- obvious (adj)

['ɒbviəs] :

rõ ràng, hiển nhiên

- appropriate

[ə'proupriət] (adj):

thích hợp

- choice

[t∫ɔis] (n):

sự lựa chọn

- obviously (adv)

- to choose –chose-chosen
Trang 14

- to pass (v): đi ngang qua- to catch one’s eye: đón mắt của ai
- slightly

[‘slaitli] (adj):

nhẹ nhàng

- to whistle

[wisl] (v):

húyt sáo

- to rude to sb:

khiếm nhã, bất lịch sự với ai


Cấu trúc



Apologize to sb for st / doing st

Ask permission to do st
At hand

Xin lỗi ai vì cái gì / vì đã làm gì
Xin phép làm gì
Sắp đến, sắp tới, gần ngay, có thể


Attract one’s attention
Be sorry for st
Compliment sb on st

với tới được, rất tiện tay
Thu hút sự chú ý của ai
Rất lấy làm tiếc vì cái gì
Khen ai đó về cái gì


Pay sb compliment
Depend on / be dependent on

Khen ai đó
Phụ thuộc vào


Be independent of
Get off

Độc lập, tự chủ
Xuống xe / tàu / máy bay


Get on
Hurt one’s feeling
Jump up and down
Make a mistake
Object to st / doing st
Pay attention to sb / st
Point at sb / st

Lên xe / tàu / máy bay
Làm tổn thương ai
Nhảy lên nhảy xuống
Mắc sai lầm
Phản đối cái gì / làm gì
Chú ý tới ai / cái gì
Chỉ vào ai / cái gì



Point to sb / st
Say hello / goodbye to sb
Wave to sb

Chỉ về hướng của ai / cái gì
Chào / tạm biệt ai
vẫy tay ra hiệu, chào ai

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
1. A. water
B. determine
C. penalty
D. question
2. A. steps
B. tourists
C. symbols
D. banks
3. A.compete
B. medal
D. Defend
4.a. women
b. men
c. led
d. intellectual
5.a. throughout
b. although
c. right

d. enough
6.a. history
b. significant
c. philosophy
d. pioneer
II.Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
7A. attract
B. person
C. signal
D. instance
8A. verbal
B. suppose
C. even
D. either
9A. example
B. consider
C. several
D. attention
10A. situation
B. appropriate
C. informality
D. entertainment
11A. across
B. simply
C. common
D. brother
III: Hãy chọn một câu trả lời đúng nhất:
1. There are many ways _________ someone’s attention.
A. to attract
B. to sell

C. to lend
D. to buy
2. We can use _________ and _________ forms of communication to attract one’s attention.
A. silence / noise
B. verbal / non-verbal C. verb / adverb
D. gentle / impolite
Trang 15

3. Probably the most common ways of attracting someone’s attention is by _________.
A. dancing
B. singing
C. yelling
D. waving
4. We might raise our hand and wave to our friend as a _________ that we see her or him.
A. signature
B. sign
C. signal
D. sigh
5. When you see your brother _________ the plane, you may _________ to call his name.
A. look at / throw a stone to him
B. pass by / whistle and clap your hands
C. get off / claps your hands
D. get off / jump up and down
6. There are some social _________ where smaller, non-verbal signals are more appropriate.
A. situations
B. signatures
C. attractions
D. documents
7. When you approve someone’s opinion, you can stare at him or her and _________ slightly.

A. kneel
B. nod
C. shake you head
D. sigh
8. In a restaurant, we can raise our hand to show the waiter that we need his _________.
A. fame
B. sponsor
C. assistance
D. donation
9. You shouldn’t _________ or clap your hands to get the person’s attention in a restaurant.
A. whistle
B. smile
C. nod slightly
D. keep silent
10. Whistling and _________ in a restaurant is considered to be impolite and even rude.
A. talking
B. clapping hands
C. smiling
D. sighing
11. You shouldn’t _________ the person or thing you want your friend to look at.
A. take notice of
B. mention to
C. look at
D. point at
12. In most situations, pointing at someone is usually considered to be_________.
A. polite
B. impolite
C. gentle
D. dish
13. Your opinion is reasonable, so it is _________.

A. acceptable
B. suffered
C. denied
D. refused
14. In some special social situations, pointing at someone is completely_________.
A. lovely
B. acceptable
C. gentle
D. formal
15. _________, a teacher may point to student so as to get his or her attention.
A. Forgive
B. Forever
C. For instance
D. For the sack of
16. In some social situations, _________ is allowed to friends.
A. fighting seriously
B. rudeness
C. accurate
D. informality
17. To attract the waiter’s attention, wait until you _________ and raise you hand slightly.
A. catch his eye
B. can attract him
C. pay attention to him
D. take advantage of him
18. Raising hand and waving are of the _________ form of communication.
A. uncountable
B. countable
C. non-verbal
D. verbal
19. Mary looks very attractive in her _________ clothes.

A. terrible
B. old fashioned
C. fashionable
D. out-dated
20. Politeness is very necessary in a common social _________.
A. community
B. communication
C. compassionate
D. competition
21. Phil: You really have a beautiful dress, Maggie!
Maggie: Thanks Phil. That’s a nice _________.
A. complexion
B. comfortable
C. compliment
D. completion
22. Peter: Your hairstyle is really _________, Mary!
Mary: I’m glad you like it, Peter. Thanks so much.
A. terrific
B. terrible
C. horrified
D. terrorist
23. Your dress is really beautiful, Cindy! You look very _________ in it.
A. awesome
B. ugly
C. naughty
D. decent
24. Nam: You really have a beautiful hairstyle now, Hưng!
Hưng: _________! You’ve pushed me into the blush.
A. It isn’t your work
B. You must be kidding C. Yes, of course

D. Nice to meet you
25. I think I’ve finally found a style that looks decent and easy _________.
A. fighting
B. to fight
C. to handle
D. handling
26. Minh: I think you’ve played very splendidly in the match, Nam!
Nam: Thank you. That’s a nice compliment. I wish I could do _________ you. I’m still terrible.
A. half as well as
B. double as well as
C. as badly as
D. far worse than
27. Giang: You’re really an excellent student, Hồng.
Trang 16

Hồng: _________. I’m still very bad. I think I have to try my best to keep pace with you, Giang.
A. Certainly
B. You must be kidding C. Sure
D. You’re welcome
28. Long: I didn’t know you could play badminton so well, Trâm.
Trâm: Thank you, Long. _________. I wish I could play half as well as you, Long.
A. That’s a nice compliment
B. That is not your fault
C. You’re welcome
D. I certainly play very excellent
29. Good children should be _________ to the elderly.
A. naughty
B. obedient
C. impolite

D. rude
30. To attract the guests’ attentions at the party, a polite MC on first appearance may say_________.
A. Good night every body!
B. Good evening my slaves
C. Ladies and gentlemen!
D. Hey, everybody! Shut up now!
31. When two strange people are first introduced to each other, they often say “_________”.
A. Nice to meet you!
B. Shut up!
C. You’re welcome! D. Never mind!
32. At their first meeting, two people may say the same sentence like “_________” and then shake
hands when making acquaintance to each other.
A. Pardon me?
B. I hate you so much! C. I don’t know you! D. How do you do?
33. When two friends meet after a long time apart from each other, they often say “_________”.
A. How old are you?
B. Long time no see!
C. It’s odd to see you! D. Shut up!
34. To show your care for another person’s health, you may ask “_________” to him or her.
A. How do you do?
B. How old are you?
C. How are you?
D. Nice to see you!
35. Jane: “Wow! You look great with your new hair. ” – Jack: _________.
A. You’re welcome
C. Congratulation!
B. It’s a pleasure
D. Thanks. It’s nice of you to say so
36. She divorced him because of his _________to the children.
A. kindness

B. unkindly
C. unkindness
D. kindly
37. You will have to work hard if you want to _________.
A. success
B. successful
C. succeed
D. successfully
38. When the alarm went _________, Mick just turned over and went back to sleep.
A. out
B. up
C. down
D. off
39. Hoi An is a tourist _________.
A. attractive
B. attraction
C. attracted
D. attract
40. Sam: - “Would you like to have dinner with me?” – Susan: “_________. ”
A. I’m very happy
B. Yes, so do
C. Yes, it is
D. Yes, I’d love to
41. Lĩnh: “How do you do?” –Nam: “_________”
A. I’m well. Thank you.
B. Not too bad.
C. Yeah, OK.
D. How do you do?
42. Johnson: "Merry Christmas!" - Jason: "______"
A. Same for you!

B. The same to you!
C. You are the same!
D. Happy Christmas with you!
43. Amanda: "What a beautiful shirt you're wearing!"
Anne: "Thank you. It _________ especially for me by my mother. "
A. is made
B. has made
C. made
D. was made
44. George gets _________Lisa.
A. marry with
B. marry to
C. married with
D. married to
45. She is a kind of woman who does not care much of work but generally _______ only with
colleagues for meals, movies or late nights at a cluB.
A. supposes
B. socializes
C. attention
D. discussed
46. You should _______ more attention to what your teacher explains.
A. make
B. get
C. set
D. pay
47. Body language is a potential form of _______ communication.
A. verbal
B. non-verbal
C. tongue
D. oral

48. They started, as _______ gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in the last few
A. informal
B. informally
C. informalize
D. informality
49. Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ________.
Trang 17

A. communicate
B. communication
C. communicative
D. communicator
50. Pay more attention _______ picture and you can find out who is the robber.
A. to
B. for
C. at
D. on
III: Hãy xác định một câu có phần gạch dưới cần được sửa lại cho đúng:
1. It’s very polite to shout at the waiter in a restaurant.
2. Speaking to a person is of non-verbal form of communication.
3. Verbal form of communication is usually used in places where are large.

4. We have several choice of forms of communication to attract someone’s attention.
5. Once you get your friend’s attention, don’t point off the person or thing you want him to look
6. Although the bad traffic, I managed to arrive at the meeting on time.
7. She is most beautiful woman that I have ever met.
8. He stopped to smoke because cigarettes are harmful to his health.

IV: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hồn thành bài khóa dưới đây.
When I was a student at Bristol University. It was during the holidays, the Easter holidays, and I
needed some money. I had just (1) _________ my driving test, and I felt very pleased with myself so I
went to the Job Agency. They phoned me up the (2)_________ and asked me if I had a driving (3)
________ so I said, "Yes. ", and they said, "Right. We have got a job (4) _________ you. Go down to
Bristol Fruit Market (5)_________ morning. " I thought, "I'll be (6) _________ a car or a small van.
I'll really enjoy it. "
They had me drive a huge three-ton lorry. It was (7) _________. I had never driven such a lorry
before. One of my workmates said, "Don't be so nervous. You'll surely be (8) _________. "
I had to get to Western Supermarket and then to Bridgewater. It was a hundred-mile trip. I got (9)
_________ the lorry, started the engine, released the clutch and it began to move. Immediately, I heard
the lorry (10) _________ within a few second. So, I looked around and finally realized that I had
crashed into a car parking at the side of the road!
1. A. passed
B. jumped
C. crossed
D. took off
2. A. tomorrow
B. next day
C. yesterday
D. today
3. A. fines
B. lice
C. client
D. license
4. A. over
B. for
C. through
D. out
5. A. day after

B. next day
C. yesterday
D. tomorrow
6. A. to drive
B. drive
C. driving
D. driver
7. A. terrific
B. terrible
C. wonderful
D. nice
8. A. all right
B. worse
C. bad
D. left-over
9. A. with
B. out
C. on
D. at
10. A. to crash
B. crashes
C. crashed
D. crashing
V.Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
The body language people use often communicates more about their feelings than the words
they are saying. We use body movements, hand gestures, facial expressions, and changes in our voice
to communicate with each other. Although some body language is universal, many gestures are
culturally specific and may mean different things in different countries.
If you want to give someone the nod in Bulgaria, you have to nod your head to say no and

shake it to say yes – the exact opposite of what we do! In Belgium, pointing with your index finger or
snapping your fingers at someone is very rude.
Trang 18

In France, you shouldn’t rest your feet on tables or chairs. Speaking to someone with your
hands in your pockets will only make matters worse. In the Middle East, you should never show the
soles of your feet or shoes to others as it will be seen as a grave insult. When eating, only use your
right hand because they use their left hands when going to the bathroom.
In Bangladesh, the ‘thumbs-up’ is a rude sign. In Myanmar, people greet each other by
clapping, and in India, whistling in public is considered rude.
In Japan, you should not blow your nose in public, but you can burp at the end of a meal to
show that you have enjoyed it. The ‘OK’ sign (thumb and index finger forming a circle) means
‘everything is good’ in the West, but in China it means nothing or zero. In Japan, it means money, and
in the Middle East, it is a rude gesture.
1. It is mentioned in the passage that many gestures __________.
A. may mean different things in different countries
B. are not used to communicate our feelings
C. can be used to greet each other in public
D. are used in greeting among men and women
2. People nod their head to say no in __________.
A. Belgium
B. Bulgaria
C. France
D. Japan
3. In the Middle East, people do not use their left hands for eating because they use their left
A. when going to the bathroom
B. when preparing the meal
C. to put in their pockets

D. to clean their tables and chairs
4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. In France, people shouldn’t rest their feet on tables.
B. In Belgium, snapping your fingers at someone is very rude.
C. In China, the ‘OK’ sign means money
D. In Myanmar, people greet each other by clapping
5.The word “others” in paragraph 3 refers to __________.
A. other people
B. other shoes
C. other soles
D. other feet
VI. Hãy chọn MỘT câu trả lời (A, B, C hoặc D) có nghĩa gần nhất với câu đã cho:
1. She said to Nam: “Come into my office, please. ”
A. She told Nam to come into her office.
B. She told Nam to come into my office.
C. She said Nam come into her office, please.
D. She said Nam come into my office, please.
2. The traffic policeman said, “Show me your driving license, please. ”
A. The traffic policeman asked to show me your driving license, please.
B. The traffic policeman suggested to show him your driving license.
C. The traffic policeman suggested showing him my driving license.
D. The traffic policeman asked to show me his driving license.
3. Mrs. Jackson said to Alice, “Could you give me a hand, please”
A. Mrs. Jackson said Alice if she could give her a hand.
B. Mrs. Jackson told Alice to give her a hand.
C. Mrs. Jackson asked to Alice to give her a hand.
D. Mrs. Jackson cursed Alice if she could give her a hand.
4. Nam said to the taxi driver, “Please turn left at the first traffic light. ”
A. Nam asked the taxi driver please turn left at the first traffic light.
B. Nam said the taxi driver to turn left at the first traffic light.

C. Nam asked the taxi driver turning left at the first traffic light.
D. Nam told the taxi driver to turn left at the first traffic light.
5. The police said, “Don’t touch anything in the room. ”
A. The police commanded us not to touch anything in the room.
B. The police advised to not touch anything in the room.
C. The police said not touch anything in the room.
D. The police asked not touching anything in the room.
I. Hãy chọn MỘT từ có phần gạch dưới được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại trong mỗi câu sau:
1. A. roses
B. villages
C. likes
D. matches
Trang 19

2. A. worked
B. stopped
C. forced
D. wanted
3. A. saints
B. tends
C. pools
D. stays
4. A. waited
B. mended
C. objected
D. faced
5. A. confused
B. faced

C. cried
D. defined
II. Hãy chọn MỘT từ có dấu trọng âm chính nằm ở vị trí khác với các từ cịn lại trong mỗi câu
1. A. confide
B. maintain
C. oblige
D. certain
2. A. conical
B. sacrifice
C. approval
D. counterpart
3. A. message
B. enter
C. discuss
D. middle
4. A. garbage
B. pressure
C. ready
D. believe
5. A. secret
B. secure
C. market
D. weekend
III. Hãy chọn MỘT phương án trả lời đúng nhất cho mỗi câu sau:
1. The nurse is always kind and gentle to us. She is a very _________ person.
A. caring
B. careful
C. careless
D. care

2. Tam is willing to help his mother with the household _________.
A. chord
B. chores
C. jobs
D. choir
3. Phở, a kind of noodle, is one of her favourite _________ when she visits Vietnam.
A. courses
B. plates
C. bowls
D. dishes
4. "Men make house and women make it _________ " is a popular saying.
A. family
B. garden
C. home
D. room
5. The Internet enables users of computers to _________ information in a variety of forms.
A, share
B. divide
C. cut
D. tell
6. Many problems have _________ since the beginning of the school year.
A. brought up
B. come up
C. brought out
D. come out
7. The guidelines in this book can help you become a _________ speaker.
A. confide
B. confident
C. confidence
D. self-confidence

8. _________ programmers known as hackers often try to break into large computer systems.
A. Mischief
B. Misbehavior
C. Mischievous
D. Misunderstanding
9. The engineer admitted the failure _________ and decided to try another method.
A. frank
B. quick
C. always
D. frankly
10. Many workers switch from the day _________ to the night one with difficulties.
A. light
B. shift
C. hour
D. period
11. Since I _________ a child, I have solved Math puzzles.
A. am
B. was
C. have been
D. had been
12. Janet _________ to get online to go for an Internet shopping for an hour.
A. is trying
B. was trying
C. has been trying
D. would be trying
13. Until Alan began his marital life, he _________ his dirty socks on the floor.
A. always leaves
B. always left
C. has always left
D. had always left

14. My sister and her husband _________ to my house for dinner tomorrow evening.
A. come
B. going to come
C. came
D. are coming
15. I’ll give you my answer when I _________ you next Sunday afternoon.
A. see
B. saw
C. will see
D. am seeing
16. Tom: “I don’t have my glasses. I can’t read the menu” - Jane: “_________”
A. I’m going to read it for you
B. I will read it for you
C. I have read it for you
D. I will be reading it for you
17. While we _________ on the phone, the power _________ out.
A. talked - went
B. were talking – was going
C. were talking –went D. talked – was going
18. Phone me at 8 o’clock. We _________ dinner by then.
A. will be finishing
B. will have finished
C. have finished
D. had finished
19. Many Indian men said that it was unwise to _________ in their wives.
A. trust
B. hide
C. declare
D. confide
20. The survey was to find out the young people’s attitudes _________ love and marriage.

A. towards
B. above
C. beneath
D. with
21. Belgian officials are discussing this with their French_________.
Trang 20

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