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An Encyclopedia of the History of Technology part 108 pptx

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pens 667, 668–9
percussion cap 984
periodicals 672–3
Permalloy 137
Perpendicular architechture 876
Pershing 2 missile 1007
Persia see Iran
perspective 731
Perspex 219
pest control 775–7
petrol 212 octane number 317 taxation 37
petrol engine see internal combustion engines
petrol pump 459
petroleum cracking 212 port facilities 549
ship’s fuel 531
petroleum industry 210–12, 452
phalanx formation 969
Pharos (Alexandria) 542
phenakistoscope 739
Philadelphia-Pittsburgh Canal 512
Phoenicians purple-dyeing 200 silver mines 70
writing 667
phonautograph 720
phonograph 720–22
Phonovid system 750
phosgene 993
phosphate fertilizers 224, 775
phosphorus matches 912
‘phossy jaw’ 912

photocomposition (printing) 681
photocopying machines 684, 736
photoelectric effect 744
photographs, reproduction 679
photography 729–38 aerial 733 colour 735–6
film 218, 734 instant 736–7 magnesium
light 113, 114 paper 366 stereoscopic 735
photogravure process 679, 680
photomicrography 734
piece-rate bonus payments 412
piecework payments 407
Pien Canal 475
pier buttress 877
pigeon post 733
pigments in cave paintings 11 grinding
machines for 266
pike 976
Pilatus Railway 584
pile driver 19
piles, screw 541
pilots (sailing directions) 547
Pioneer spacecraft 660
Pioneer Zephyr (train) 596
pipes gas 161 water 72, 954
Pirothecnica (Biringuccio) 396
pisé construction 856
pistols 977, 985
pitch 206, 211, 220
Planet (locomotive) 562, 564
planing machines 399–400, 404

plaster 885–6, 903–904
plaster of Paris 885, 904
plasterboard 886, 904
plastics 217–20 building materials 900 domestic
applications 947–8 foam 907 furniture 910
laminates 906
plate glass 197–8, 910
platforming (petroleum) 212
platinum 129–32
platinum filament lamp 238
ploughing, electric 381
ploughs 13, 769–72, 788 mole 772 wheeled 21,
plutonium 214–15
plutonium bomb 1005–1006
plywood 906
pneumatic power 962 see also air, compressed
pneumatic tyres 37, 217, 436, 446, 449 tractor
Po waterways complex 500–501
pocket battleship 324
Polaroid cameras 736–7
pole lathe 26, 390
pollution 318, 966
polyamides 218
polyesters 850
polymers 216–20
polypropylene 910, 947
polystyrene 947
polythene 219, 947

polyvinyl acetate (PVA) 219, 220
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 219, 853, 947
Pompeii hourglass mill 230 plumbing 20, 72
poppet valve 282
porcelain 193–3, 194
Portland cement 466, 889
ports and harbours 547–51
post and lintel construction see trabeated
post mills 20, 246–8, 249, 250
Post Office Act (1765) (UK) 438
postal services 438–9, 566, 965 automatic
railway 602 road book 461
potassium fertilizers 224
pot-de-fer (gun) 975
potentiometer 3 75
potter’s wheel 12, 16
pottery 12, 15–16, 190–95
Pou-de-Ciel (aircraft) 645–6
poultry farming 796
powder metallurgy 128–38, 143 compaction
methods 138–41
power stations see electric power generation
pozzolana concrete 887–8
Practical Hints on Mill Building (Abernathy) 242
praxinoscope 739
pre-cast concrete 891
precision guided munition 1008–1009

prefabricated buildings 899–900
press stud 852
presses clothes 931–2 printing see printing
presses screw: coining 28; paper-making
pressure cooker 946
pre-stressed concrete 466, 891–3
prickly pear cactus, biological control 777
Prinses Margriet Canal 492
printed circuit boards 419
printing 27, 28, 669–84 colour 681–2 office
682–4 textiles 835 transfer (pottery) 194
wallpaper 903
printing presses hand 670, 674–5, 677
mechanized 675–7
prison treadmill 264
privy 921
producer gas 195, 314
production organization, twentieth-century
Progress in Flying Machines (Chanute) 622
Propontis (ship) 286
proton, discovery 213
PTFE 947
public utilities 949–66
puddling brick-making 869–70 iron-making
157, 161–2, 165
Puffing Billy (locomotive) 560
pug-mill 870
pulley 18

Pullman cars 577–9
pulse-code modulation 749
pumped-storage scheme 833
pumps horse-powered 269 steam-powered 33,
275, 285, 952, 954 water-powered 235
wind-powered 258
punched-card systems 699, 701 see also Jacquard
punched-card control systems
Puritan (ship) 287
Purpura, dye from 200
pushtows 515
PVA 219, 220
PVC 219, 853, 947
pyramids, Egyptian 18
pyrrhotite 98

qantas 467–8, 768
QF (quick-firing) field gun 990
quadrant, surveyor’s 25, 544
quadricycle 450 powered 448
quadruple expansion steam engine 286–7, 530
quality control 420–21
quantum mechanics 213
quartz clock 696
Queen’s ware 193
quern 25, 229, 270
quill pen 667, 668
quipu 698

racing cars 315

rack railways 559, 584
radar 219, 536, 545, 728–9, 998–1000, 1010
jamming 1000
radiation protection 1007
radio 725–8
radio astronomy 729
radio broadcasting 727–8
radio waves 725
radioactivity 213
radiotelegraphy 715
railroads see railways
railway buildings 592–3, 894–5
railway carriage, electrically driven 378, 380
‘railway mania’ 567
railways 35–6, 164, 555–608 American 572–4,
579–80, 589–90, 593–4, 598 atmospheric
570–71 automatic train control 602–603
brakes 580–81 British 590, 591, 593, 594,
599–601 British Empire 588–9, 591 central-
rail system 583 Chinese 577, 605 coaches
562–3, 574, 579 construction mechanization
470 couplings 563 electricfication 382, 584–
5, 591–2, 594, 598, 599, 600 European
574–5, 587–8, 590, 593, 594, 598–9, 603–
605 first passenger service 560 freight
transport 563, 600–603 glossary of terms
607–608 high-speed 603–605 horse 555–8
Japanese 576–7, 603 maglev system 603

monorail 586 narrow gauge 575–6
preservation 606–607
rack 559, 584 rails: cast iron 161, 556; long-
welded 600; malleable iron 560, 563; steel
170, 580; wooden 555, 557 signalling
systems 563–4, 571–2, 592, 593; electric
telegraph 714, 965 single line working 581
sleeping cars 577–9 South American 589
stationary engines 557, 572 track 563–4,
566, 573, 580; gauge 563, 565, 567–8 trunk
lines 565–7 tunnels 468, 470, 565, 603
underground 382, 468, 583, 584, 592
wartime role 988 see also locomotives
Rainhill Trials 561, 562
Rakete zu den Planetenraumen, Die (Oberth) 649
Ramelius (horse) 79
Ramepithecus 6
Ranger spacecraft 659
rapid transit systems 602–603
rapier 980
Ras Ratnasmuchchaya 77
Rateau turbine 291–3, 294
Rattler (ship) 528
rayon 850
reaction turbine see Parsons turbine
reaping and binding 779–83
reaping machines 268 see also combine
rectifiers 372, 383, 725
‘Red Flag’ Act (1865) (UK) 448, 451

Redstone missile 661
re-forming (petroleum) 212
refrigeration 795, 796–8, 937–8
Regents Canal 479
Regulation of Railways Act (1889) (UK) 580–
reinforced concrete 466, 859, 885, 889–91
relative atomic masses see atomic weights
remote sensing satellites 658
remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) 1010
Renaissance architechture 879, 880, 881–2
reservoirs 951–2
retting (flax) 806
reverberatory furnace 83–4, 104, 157, 162
revolver 985
rheostat 3 80
Rhine—Herne Canal 497
Rhine-Main-Danube Canal 498–9, 504
Rhine Navigation (Vaartse Rijn) 491
Rhine river, canalization 499–500
rhodium 131
Rhône-Rhine Canal 488–9
rib vault 875–6
ribauld (gun) 975–6
ribbon weaving 811, 820–21
rice 764
Rideau Canal 507
ridge and furrow 772, 782
rifle grenades 991, 1004 anti-tank 994
rifles 403, 405, 983–4 anti-tank 994 Browning

automatic 992 repeating 985
ring frames 841–2
Rio Tinto mines 55, 70, 231
rivets 14 age-hardening 122
road maps 461
road transport 438–42 see also bicycles; motor
cars; etc.
roads 37, 963–4 construction 431–9; machinery
for 470–73 lining 460 see also motorways
roasting food 939
robots, industrial 425–7
Rocket (locomotive) 35, 561, 562
rocket launcher (weapon) 1005
rocket-propelled aircraft 634, 635
rockets 648–54, 656, 661–2, 747 weapons 648–
51, 986, 995, 1005
roller bearings 413
roller mill (corn) 257
roller printing (textiles) 835
rolling mills 28, 152, 180, 381
Roman cement 888, 889
Roman mill 19, 20
Romanesque architecture 874, 875, 876
Romans 18 baths and sanitation 918 brass and
zinc artefacts 75 bridges 19, 462–3 building
and architecture 19–20, 856, 859, 868, 873,
875, 876, 879–80, 885, 887–8, 889 canals
475–6, 490 central heating 917 cereal

storage 799 cleansing agents 203 cooking
93 8 copper and bronze artefacts 66–8 corn
mills 230 floor bricks 904 glass 196
kitchens 934–5 lead and silver artefacts 72
measuring instrucments 391 mill gears 17
navigational towers 542 pottery 191 road
books 461 road transport 438 roads 431–2
treadwheel 262 warfare 970–71 water-
raising devices 231 water supply 20 writing
Rome 20 Pantheon 879 water supply 20
roofing 883–5
roofing materials 857 aluminium 111 glass/iron
(ferro-vitreous) 895–6 iron 95, 894 Monel
metal 101 zinc 93, 96
‘ro-ro’ (roll on, roll off) vessels 550
Rothamsted Experimental Station 775
Rotherhithe tunnels 468–9
roundshot 981
roving frame 839
Royal Canal (Dublin-Shannon) 481
Royal Institution 352, 354, 355
Royal Society 3, 188–9, 672
Royal William (ship) 527
RR alloys 122
rubber natural 216–17, 849, 853 synthetic 218–
19, 472
rubble construction 860
rudder 21, 520
Ruhr river, canalization 495

rushlights 912
ruthenium 131
rutile 143

sabre 980
saddle 13
safflower 200
saffron 200
sailing directions 547
sailing ships 14, 520–26
St Lawrence Seaway 509
salt tax 204, 221
salted food 798
saltpetre 221
Salyut space missions 654, 656
sand-glass 22, 23
sanitation 918, 921–2
satellites, earth 652, 656–8 communications
657, 746–8, 965–6 meteorological 657
military 1010
Saturn probes 660–61
Saturn rockets 653–4, 661
Savannah (ship) 35, 527
saw mills 231, 251 textbook 236
scavenging (in two-stroke engine) 308–309,
Scharnebeck boat lift 498
Schauplatz der Muehlen-Bau-Kunst (Leupold) 235–
Schedula Diversarum Artium (Theophilus) 196

Schelde-Rhine Canal 492
Schneider Trophy 630
schooners 524, 526
Schuylkill and Susquehanna Canal 511
science, distinct from technology 2–4
Scotch turbine 243
screen printing 683–4
screw cutting machines 392–4, 395, 403, 410
screw piles 541
screw press coining 28 paper-making 253
screw propulsion 528, 529, 533
screws 3 91–2 Archimedean 19 thread:
inspection gauges 415; standardization
401–403 see also woodscrews
scribbling machines 836
sculpture glazed 191 see also statuary
scutching (flax) 806
scutching machines 835–6
scythe 780–81
seaplanes 630 see also flying boats
seed drills 773
Seine river, canalization 489
Selandia (ship) 323, 531
Selectavision videotape system 752
selenium 743, 744
semaphore 711–13
semiconductors 42, 383, 384
service stations 459–60

Sèvres porcelain 193
sewage disposal 921, 922, 956–7
sewing 851
sewing machines 407, 848, 851–2
sextant 544
shaduf 18
Shang bronzes 63–4
shaping machine (Nasmyth) 401
shear steel 159
shearing (cloth) 818
shears 15
Sheffield: iron and steel industry 160, 170, 240
‘Sheppey stone’ 466
sherardizing 96
shields 969, 970 mediaeval 974 Viking 972
shift working 151 wartime 421
shingles (roof tiles) 857, 884
shipbuilding 551–3
ships 519–41 canal and river craft 514–15
cathodic protection 144 engines see marine
engines iron 156, 164 nuclear-powered 215
rudder 21, 520 sailing 14, 520–26 steam-
powered 35, 37, 527–31 Sutton Hoo burial
21 see also brig; schooners; warships etc.
shrapnel 986, 990
Shropshire Union Canal 480
Shubenacadie Canal 509
shuttle, flying 821–2
sickle 780, 781
siege warfare 974–5, 982–3

Silbury Hill 470
silicon carbide 195
silk 805–806 throwing 815; machines 805–806,
824; mills 815 weighting 849
silver 69–72 composites (contact materials) 138
mining 67, 69–71, 79–80
Silver Jubilee (locomotive) 596–8
sintered materials 129–37
Sirius (ship) 35
sizing (cotton warp) 842–3
Sketches of the Coal Mines in Northumberland and
Durham (Hair) 266
Skylab space station 654
skyscrapers 896–9
slag 151 as fertilizer 170
slash and burn farming 776, 779
Slaski Canal 505
slate, building material 861, 884
slate industry, water power in 240, 244
slide-rule 698, 707
slide valve 282, 344–5, 404
slip (pottery) 191
slitting mill 152
‘smart’ munition 1008–1009
smelting 13 copper 48, 51–5 iron see blast
furnace; bloomery lead 71
smock mills 249–50, 253, 255, 259
smoke jack 940
smokeless powders 988
‘snail’ see Archimedean screw

snap-lock pistol 977
Snowdon Mountain Railway 584
soaps 203–205, 923
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
soda, production: by Leblanc process 221–2;
by Solvay process 222
sodium, production 224
sodium chlorate, production 225
sodium discharge lamps 387, 961
soil drainage 772, 782
soil preparation 768–72
sonar see echo-sounder
sound recording 720–25, 755–6
sowing 772–3
space, war in 1010
Space Shuttle 654–5, 656, 661–2, 748
spaceflight 648–62
Spacelab project 655
spade 768–9
spark erosion 419
spark ignition engines 305, 309, 311, 316–19
emissions control 318–19 Wankel 325–8,
spectacles 197
Spectator, The 672–3
spear 967, 976
sphalerite 77, 78, 80
spin drier 931

spinning 16, 28, 808–810 Casablanca systems
841 gill boxes 840–41 mechanization 823–
30, 837–8 open end (break) 842 roving
frame 839 self-twist machine 842 spindle
and whorl 809–810 spinning jenny 825–7
spinning mule 832–3, 837–8 spinning
wheels 22, 813–15, 825 throstle and ring
frames 841–2
spit roasting 939
Spitfire fighter 632
spokeshave, stone 11
Spring (Brueghel) 780
springs 124 furniture 907
Sputnik satellites 652, 656, 662
squinch construction 880
SS9 missile 1007
stained glass 22, 196
stainless steel 174–5, 300 welding 418
standards ASCII codes 709 bronze
composition 65–6 building components 900
electrical 374, 377 length measurement 18,
391, 697 time measurement 697
Stanhope printing press 674–5
static electricity 350–51 inverse square law 373
statuary aluminium (‘Eros’) 108–109, 111 brass
75 bronze 62–3, 67 copper 62, 67–8 lead 69
zinc 74, 93
stave churches 865
steam bicycle 447

steam carriages 441–2, 457–8
steam engines 3, 31–7, 154–6, 272, 273–303,
343–4, 397, 453–4 applications: in
agriculture 772, 788; in aircraft 619–21; in
airships 614; in iron-making 154, 155–6,
158, 166; in mining 207–208; in minting
28; in pottery industry 193–4; in textile
industry 28–9, 833 atmospheric 34–5
automatic variable cut-off 281–3 compound
278–9, 284–5, 530, 581–2; marine 286–7
Corliss 282–3, 285 Cornish 277–8 double-
acting 276–7 high pressure 277 high speed
284 marine 286–7, 398, 403 medium speed
283–4 pumping 33, 275, 285, 952, 954
rotative 325 speed regulation 30–31, 284
Uniflow 287–8 valves 282, 344–5 see also
locomotives, steam
steam shovel 470–71
steam trams 456–7, 583
steam tricycle 447
steam turbines 3, 37, 288–303, 346–7 cross-
compound 298 Curtis 293–4 high pressure
298, 300 high speed 299 high temperature
300–301 hybrid 297 impulse 290, 294
steam turbines—cont marine engines 530–
31, 535 Parsons (reaction) 290–91 power
generation 295–303, 385 Rateau 291–3,
294 reheat cycle 299–300 supercritical 300
superposition 298
steamship 35, 37, 527–31

Stecknitz Canal 494
steel 18, 146 alloy (special) 172–5 applications:
as building material 850, 896–9; in drill bits
212; in gun barrels 987; in ships 529; in
water pipes 954; see also reinforced concrete
crucible 159–60, 397 nickel 98 plastic-
coated 180–81 pre-painted 181 production
159–60, 167–85; by basic oxygen (L.D.)
process 177, 179; by Bessemer process 167–
70, 171, 172, 194; by cementation 159;
electrification 3 81; gas engines for 314; by
Siemens-Martin open-hearth process 171–2;
by Thomas process 170–71 shear 159
stainless 174–5, 300, 418 Wayland’s 128–9
steering mechanisms ships’ 21, 520, 523
vehicles’ 449
Stellite (alloy) 127, 412
stenter 817–18
stereophonic sound 723–4
stereoscopy 735
stereotypes (printing plates) 676
Stirling engine 342
stirrup 13, 21, 971
stoas 858
stocking-knitting machines 820, 847
Stockton & Darlington Railway 560, 563
Stone Age 4, 6, 9–11
stone bridges 462
stone circles 698
stone tools 9–11

stone weapons 11, 967, 968
storage heaters, electric 386, 917
Stourbridge Lion (locomotive) 562
strain gauges 420
Strategic Defense Initiative 1008
stratified charge engines 306–307, 319
Stratoliner airliner 634
streamlining, locomotive 596–7
street lighting 363, 387, 961
street tramways 456
streets, surfacing for 436
strip farming system 771–2
strip mill 180, 181
stroboscope 739
Strömsholms Canal 502
stucco 860–61, 885, 886, 904
sub-contractors 410
sub-machine gun 1004
submarines 144, 535, 537–8, 997–8, 999,
1000–1001 one-man 996
suction cleaners 925–7
Suez Canal 505, 525
sugar 801
sulphur dioxide, bleaching agent 205
sulphuric acid 205, 221–3
Sumerians armour 968 bronze artefacts 58
copper artefacts 57, 62 cuneiform script 15,
666 decline 768 wheel 13, 16, 431

Summa perfectionis (Geber) 220–21
sun-and-planet gear 276
sundial 694 portable 22
‘superalloys’ 126, 128
supercharged engines 309, 315–16, 322, 332
superconductors 144–5
superheterodyne tuning circuit 727
superphosphate fertilizers 224, 775
supersonic aircraft 39–40, 638–9
surface roughness gauge 415, 423
surveillance devices 1010
surveying hydrographic 546, 547
trigonometrical 461
surveying instruments 24, 25
Surveyor spacecraft 659
suspension bridges 465–6
Sutton Hoo burial ship 21
swords 968, 979–80, 988 bronze 66
Norman 972 Viking 972 Wayland’s
swidden see slash and burn farming
synchromesh gearbox 452
Syncom satellites 657, 747
systems building 900

2.4.5-T 778
tablet weaving 811
Tacoma Narrows bridge 465
tally iron 939
Talyllyn Railway 575, 606

Talyrond 423
Talysurf 415, 423
Talyvel 423
tankers 531, 532
tanks 472, 933–4, 1002–1004, 1009
tantalum carbide tools 137
tantalum lamp filament 133
tape recorders 722, 724–5
Tatler 672–3
taxes brick 869 petrol 37 salt 204, 221
Tay bridge disaster 463
Technicolor process 735
technology distinct from science 2–4 place in
history 1–2
Teldec system 750
telectroscope 744
telefax 744
telegraphone 722
telegraphy 710–15 electric 357, 572, 574, 713–
15, 964–5; railway signalling system 714,
965; wartime role 988–9 visual 711–13
wireless 726; see also radio
telephone 716, 717–20, 965–6 field 990
teleprinter 715, 717
telescopes 24–5, 196, 730
teletex service 717
Teletype service 717
televison 744–6 direct broadcast by satellite 748
use of videotape 751–2
telex 716–17

Telstar satellite 657, 747
Tennessee-Tombigbee Canal 514
tenter frame 817
terra cotta 871
terrace fields 767–8
terry towelling 846
Terylene 220, 850
textile fibres 804–808
textile industry factory system 28 water power
in 239, 241 see also spinning; weaving; etc.
textiles, furnishing 906–907
Thailand 59
Thames flood barrier 956 water supply from
thatch 857, 884
thaumatrope 739
thermionic valves 41, 727 see also diode; triode
thermonuclear bombs 1006–1007
threshing 783–5
threshing machines 267, 268
throstle frame 841
tidal mills 20
tidal power 245
tiles 870–71, 885 floor 904
timber-frame buildings 861–4
time measurement 3–4, 22–4, 392, 694–7
Times, The, printing of 675, 676, 680
Timna (Negev) 52, 54, 57, 67

tin 59–60
tin alloys see bronze
tinder box 911
tinder pistol 911
tinplate 180, 181
Tiros meteorological satellites 657
Titan missile 1007
titanium and titanium alloys 141–4 expolosive
compaction 139
TNT 988
toasters, electric 939
tongs 15
‘tops and bottoms’ process (nickel extraction)
torcs, arsenical copper 61
torpedo boats 534
torpedoes 534, 537, 997, 1000 ‘human’ 1002
Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain
(Defoe) 434
towelling 847
tower buttress 877
tower mills 20, 246, 248 see also smock mills
town gas see coal gas
trabeated construction 857–9
tracer ammunition 995
trachite 199
tracked vehicles 472
tractor shovel 471
tractors, agricultural 788–91
traffic islands 460

traffic lights 460
traffic signs 460
tramp steamers 530
trams 583 electric 381, 584, 959–60 horse 583
steam 456–7, 583
tramways 161, 456, 555–8
transfer machines 417
transfer printing (pottery) 194
transformers 371
transistor radios 728
transistors 42, 419, 703
transmission cables 371–2
transplanting 773
transporter bridges 496, 518
trapetum 263
Travels (Marco Polo) 19, 27
treadle 25, 390
treadmills 262 oblique 262, 265, 269 prison
treadwheels 262, 263–4 oblique 262, 266, 268–
Treatise on Mills and Millwork (Fairbairn) 242
trebuchet 974–5
trenails 14
trench mortar 991
trench warfare 983, 989
Trenton-Severn waterway 508–509
tricycles, powered 447–8, 451
triode 41, 720, 726–7
triple expansion steam engine 285, 286, 530

trolleybuses 457
trunnions, gun 978
truss bridges 463
trussed roofs 864, 865–6
TT races 448
tungsten 133–4
tungsten carbide 135, 138, 417
tungsten filament lamps 386–7, 915
tungsten steel 174, 412
tunnels 467–70 canal 478, 479, 484, 488, 506
irrigation 467–8, 768 railway 468, 470, 565,
Tupolev Tu-144 aircraft 639
Turbinia (ship) 37
turbines see gas turbines; steam turbines; water
turbines; wind turbines
turbocharging see supercharged engines
turbofan engines 336, 338, 638
turbojet airliners 637
turbojet engines 330, 336
turboprop engines 334, 336, 636–7
turboshaft engines 643
Turkey, bronze artefacts 60
turnpike roads 433, 963
turnspit dog-powered 939–40 electric 377–8
turpentine 211
Turtle (ship) 537
tuyeres, Bronze Age 60

two-stroke engines 307–309, 322, 454
type-casting 676
type metal 670–71, 673
typefaces 671
typesetting 679–80
typewriter 682–3
tyres iron 439 pneumatic 37, 217, 436, 446,
449; tractor 790–91 solid 217
Tyrian purple 200

U-boats 538, 999, 1000–1001
Uelzen lock 498
ultrasonics 419
U-matic videotape system 752
umbrellas 853
underground railways 382, 468, 583, 584, 592
Uniflow engine 287–8
Union Pacific Railroad 574
upholstered furniture 907
Ur 57, 58, 60, 62, 69
uranium, nuclear fission 214
uranium glazes 194
Uranus probe 661

V-1 flying bomb 1005
V-2 rocket bomb 649–51, 661, 1005
V-mail (microfilm) 734
vacuum 32–3, 273
vacuum cleaners 925–7

valves drop 282 poppet 282 slide 282, 344–5,
404 thermionic 41, 727, see also diode; triode
Wankel rotating disc 328
Van Harinxma Canal 492
Van Starkenborgh Canal 492
Vanguard rocket 656
Variomatic belt dirve 452
vat dyes 199
vaulting 874–9
Velcro fastener 852–3
velocipede 445 steam-powered 447
Velox boiler 332, 333
velvet 847
veneers plastic laminates 906 wood 908
Venera spacecraft 659–60
Venice glass 196 horses of San Marco 67–8
Venus at the Forge (Brueghel) 232
Venus probes 659–60
vernier scale 25
Versailles, water supply to gardens 235
videodiscs 753–4
Videofile videotape system 751–2
videotape 751–2
Viking spacecraft 660
Viking weapons 972
viscose rayon 850
Viscount airliner 637
Vitallium (alloy) 127
Vitaphone recording system 723
Vitruvian mill 19, 20, 230, 233, 270

Vliet (canal) 490
Volga—Don Canal 503
Volkswagen Beetle 452
voltaic pile 41, 94–5, 352
voltmeters 373–4
Von der Wasser-Muehlen und van dem inwendigen
Werke der Schneide Muehlen (Kaovenhofer) 236
Vortex turbine 243, 244
Voshkod spacecraft 652
Vostok spacecraft 652
Voyager spacecraft 660–61
vulcanization of rubber 216–17, 849, 853

wagons 434, 440
wainscot 902
Walkman (cassette player) 725
wall coverings 902–903
wallpaper 903
wallower 270
Wankel engine 325–8, 455–6
Warrior (ship) 533
warships 520, 532–7, 980, 987–8 dockyards for
wash boilers 929
washing personal 917, 918–20 textiles 92 8–31
washing machines 929–31
Washington Monument 106
Wasserräder und Turbinen, Die (Henne) 242

waste disposal 962–3
watches 24, 392, 696, 697
water clock 16, 22–3, 392, 694
water closets 921–2
water conservation 954–5
water desalination 955
water heaters 919–20, 928–9
water power 22, 229–45 applications: in
ironworking 150, 152, 154; in textile
industry 817, 824, 829–30 see also hydro-
electric power; tidal mills; tidal power;
watermills; waterwheels
water-raising devices 231, 235, 263, 273
water slopes 484, 485–6
water supply 19–20, 72, 234–5, 285, 918, 919,
water towers 954
water turbines 241, 242–5
watermills 19, 20 glossary of terms 269–70
Greek (Norse) 19, 229–30, 270 Smeaton’s
designs 236–7
waterproof clothing 849, 853
waterwheels 269–70 horizontal 19, 230; see also
Norse mill iron 239 large 240, 241
suspension 239 textbooks 233–4, 235–6
ventilated bucket 241–2 vertical 230 for
water supply 234–5
wattle and daub construction 856
wattmeter 374
waveforms, visualization 377, 720

waywisers 461
Weald, ironworking in 150, 156, 232
weapons 967–1011 see also guns; swords; tanks;
weaving 28, 810–12, 815–16, 820–23
basketwork 15 pattern 822–3, 844 see also
wedge-shaped script see cuneiform script
weed control 777–8
Weespertrekvaart 491
Wege zur Raumschiffart (Oberth) 747
weights, standard 18
weld (dyers’ weed) 200
welding 417–20 robot 426
Welland Canal 507
Wellington bomber 632
Wessel-Datteln Canal 497
Wharfedale press 677
wheat 11–12, 764
Wheatstone bridge circuit 375
wheel 13, 16, 431 coach 438–9 minimum
width 434 potter’s 12, 16
wheel-lock pistol 977
Whirlwind computer 702, 703
whitening agents 205
Widia (sintered alloy) 135, 137
Wimshurst machine 351
wind engines 257–60
wind power 14, 20, 245–60 see also sailing
ships; windmills

wind turbines 259
windlass, horse-powered 264
Windmill by a River (van Goyen) 248
windmills 20, 245–6, 259 glossary of terms
269–70 sails 246, 247, 255–8 winding 257
window glass 22, 196
winnowing 784
Winschoter Diep 492
wire drawing 82, 85, 99
wireless telegraphy 726 see also radio
wirephoto process 744
woad 199, 200
women in industry 420
wood bridges 463 building material 856, 857,
861–6, 905, 906 fuel 206, 915 furniture 908
gas from 40 gears 16, 17 millwork 19, 233,
238 rails 555, 557 ships 519–25, 526, 551
tools 9 wall covering 902–903 water pipes
wood ash, for soap-making 204, 206
wood turning 389
woodcuts 669, 673–4, 678
woodscrews 14
wool 806–807 carding machines 836 combing
809, 839–40 fulling 816–17 spinning 842 see
also worsted
Woolf engines 279, 285, 286
World War I agriculture 789 air warfare 994–5
aircraft construction 218, 628 airships 615

artillery and trench warfare 989–94 balloon
barrage 613 dyestuffs industry 202 internal
combustion engine 593 naval warfare 996–8
World War II 420–21 agriculture 786–7 air
warfare 536, 632–3, 998–1000 atomic
bomb 214, 1005–1006 balloon barrage 613
land warfare 1002–1005 naval warfare 536,
1000–1002 plastics and rubber
development 219 radar 545, 729
shipbuilding 531 V-1 flying bomb 1005 V-2
rocket bomb 649–51, 661, 1005 V-mail 733
worsted, spinning 841
writing 15, 666–9
wrought iron 147–9, 155, 162, 164–6 drill bits
212 gears 17 water pipes 954
Wylam Dilly (locomotive) 560

X-ray tube 134
X-rays 725–6
xerography 684, 736
xylographica 669
xylyl bromide 992

Y alloy 122
yarn 804
Yngaren (ship) 325
Young Mill-bright and Miller’s Guide (Evans)

Zederik Canal 490
Zeppelins 617
zinc 74, 76–9, 80–81 applications 94–6 in
bronzes 67, 73, 74 Chinese 79, 80
production 76, 77–8, 87–8, 92–4
zinc alloys see brass; paktong
zincographs 679
zip fasteners 852
zoetrope 739
zoopraxiscope 740
Zuid-Willemsvaart Canal 493–4
