Target Product
Most targets produce a product. The kind of product produced is determined by the type
of the target. Application targets produce applications, library targets produce libraries, command -
line targets produce UNIX executables, and so on. A special type of target, called an aggregate
target, doesn ’ t produce anything itself. It exists solely to group other targets so they can be treated
as a single target. In other words, it ’ s a target that “ produces ” other targets.
It ’ s diffi cult to classify target types in Xcode neatly, because the types form a kind of spectrum. However,
the spectrum of target types can be roughly divided between the native and non - native targets. Native
targets are at one extreme of the spectrum. They are sophisticated, are tightly integrated into Xcode,
are highly confi gurable, have a fl exible number of build phases, and produce complex products (like
frameworks). At the other extreme is the non - native external target. An external target simply launches
some external process with the understanding that said process will do whatever is necessary to build
the target. Xcode doesn ’ t know what an external process will do, what fi les it depends on, or even if it
produces anything. An external target has no build phases and is not confi gurable (from within Xcode).
In between these two extremes are target types such as aggregate targets and the legacy Jam - based
targets. The sophistication of these target types varies. They may have some of the same parts as native
targets but are usually simpler and are not as tightly integrated into Xcode.
FIGURE 16 - 4
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The type of a target is displayed in the General tab of the target ’ s Info window. You cannot change
the type of a target. If you fi nd you are using the wrong target type, you must delete the target and
create a new target of the correct type.
Native Targets
The native target types in Xcode are Application, Command - Line Tool, Dynamic Library, Static
Library, Framework, Bundle, Kernel Extension, and IOKit Kernel Extension. Native targets
are easily identifi ed by their colorful and emotive target icons. Application targets have a small
application icon, Command - Line Tool targets are represented by a little terminal screen, Framework
targets have a toolbox icon, and the remaining targets appear as plug - ins. Native targets usually
have a full complement of parts (build phases, settings, rules, and dependencies). Native targets that
include an
Info.plist fi le in their product also include a set of properties. See the “ Properties ”
section, later in this chapter, for more details.
External Targets
An external target defi nes a build target that is produced by some external process. This was
designed to permit Xcode to integrate with existing workfl ows based on build tools like Make or Ant.
The target is little more than a placeholder. It specifi es the tool that will perform the build and the
arguments that are passed to it, as shown in Figure 16 - 5. Xcode has no knowledge of what fi les the
process requires, what it does, or what it will produce. You cannot add project fi les or build phases to
an external target. The section “ Java and Other Jam - Based Targets ” has more information.
FIGURE 16 - 5
Target Types
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Aggregate Targets
Aggregate targets, as the name implies, group several targets together using dependencies. An
aggregate target that depends on several different targets can be used to build all of those targets as
a unit. Suppose you have developed a suite of BSD command - line tools, each produced by a separate
target. To build all of these tools at once, you would create an aggregate target, say it ’ s named “ Tools, ”
that depends on all of the Command - Line Tool targets. Now whenever you want to build all of the
tools, you simply build the one Tools target. Likewise, you might have applications or other projects
that depend on having all of those tools built. Making those targets dependent on the single Tools
target is much easier to maintain than adding each tool target to every target that depends on them.
Aggregate targets can also be used for utilitarian purposes. Aggregate targets don ’ t produce a
product, but they can still be made to do useful work by adding Copy Files or Shell Script build
phases. These build phases are executed whenever the target is built, regardless of whether it has any
dependencies. See the section “ Build Phases ” for more details about adding build phases to a target.
Java and Other Jam - Based Targets
Xcode still includes support for the legacy Jam build system, which it inherits from its predecessor,
Project Builder. A Jam - based target is a non - native target; the target ’ s build logic is external to
Xcode, and the target ’ s confi guration isn ’ t integrated with the rest of Xcode. Jam - based targets are
used to implement the external and aggregate target types, and to support legacy targets that were
created in Project Builder or obsolete versions of Xcode.
Using Jam - Based Targets
All Jam - based, non - native targets (as well as the aggregate targets) appear as a red bull ’ s - eye in the
Targets smart group. Editing the details of some Jam - based targets is different from editing native
targets (you confi gure native targets using the different panes in the target ’ s Info window). All
Jam - based targets are confi gured using a target editing window, like the one shown in Figure 16 - 5.
See the “ Jam - Based Target Editor ” section later in this chapter for the details.
Upgrading Jam - Based Targets
Except for the external and aggregate targets, you ’ ll probably want to upgrade any other Jam - based
targets to native targets whenever possible.
Convert your Jam - based targets into a native target using either the Project ➪ Upgrade to Native
Target or the Project ➪ Update All Targets in Project to Native command. These commands are
enabled whenever Xcode detects legacy targets originally created with Project Builder or an old version
of Xcode. These commands run a conversion process on either the selected Jam - based target or all
non - native targets in the project, respectively. Not all Jam - based targets can be converted to native
targets. If the conversion is unsuccessful, a report explaining why is produced. If successful, a native
target with the same name plus the suffi x “ (Upgraded) ” is created and added to the project. Ensure that
the new target functions correctly before deleting the original target. The conversion process does not
create new target dependencies, so any targets that depended on the original target have to be edited.
The conversion also results in a report, an example of which is shown in Figure 16 - 6. In addition to
making a new target, the conversion process may duplicate project fi les. The example in Figure 16 - 6
shows that a duplicate of the
Info - StockMarketTicker.plist fi le was made and was named
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FIGURE 16 - 6
FIGURE 16 - 7
Info - StockMarketTicker__Upgraded_.plist . Delete the original .plist fi le when you delete the
original target. You may also want to rename the new .plist fi le, which requires editing the new
target ’ s settings to match.
Creating a Target
Creating a target is much like adding a new fi le to your project. Choose the Project ➪ New
Target command. Alternatively, Right/Control+click the Targets group and choose the Add ➪
New Target command. Either method presents the New Target assistant, shown in Figure 16 - 7.
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Choose a target template from the list. You ’ ll immediately notice that there are far more templates
than target types. Many of the templates produce targets of the same type, but are preconfi gured for
different purposes. For example, the Aggregate, Copy Files Target, and Shell Script Target templates
all create an aggregate target with no build phases, one Copy Files build phase, or one Run Script
build phase, respectively. Because build phases can be easily added or removed, the differences
among these templates are trivial. Choose a target template that is as close as possible to the type of
product you want to produce.
What is of utmost importance is to create a target of the correct type, because you cannot change
the type of the target later. If you end up with a target of the wrong type, your only option is to
delete the target and start over. The rest is just details.
After you ’ ve selected the target template, click the Next button. The assistant presents you with a
dialog box to enter a name for the target and select the project you want it added to, as shown in
Figure 16 - 8. The product produced by the target initially has the same name as the target. You can
alter both the target name and product name later, but to avoid confusion, I suggest keeping them
the same whenever practical. If you have more than one project open, select the project that will
receive the new target from the Add to Project menu. Click the Finish button.
FIGURE 16 - 8
Some templates will also add one or more support fi les to your project. For example, almost any
target the produces a bundle (application, framework, plug - in, unit test, and so on) will also need
a Info.plist fi le to describe its contents. Adding a new bundle target automatically adds a new
Info.plist fi le to your project, typically with a fi lename that mimics the name of the target.
Target Template Groups
Target templates are organized into groups to make them easier to locate. Start by choosing
the group that most closely describes the type of development you are doing (Cocoa, Cocoa
Touch, BSD), and then choose your template. Be careful of similarly named templates. The
Application template in the Cocoa group produces a signifi cantly different product than
the Application template in the Cocoa Touch group.
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Cocoa Touch Templates
Templates in the Cocoa Touch group create targets suitable for producing iPhone applications,
static libraries, and unit tests. These are similar to the targets in the Cocoa group, but have different
compiler settings and link to different frameworks.
Application A native iPhone or iPod Touch application target. The template adds an
Info.plist fi le to your project.
Static Library A native Static Library target that produces a static library fi le.
Unit Test Bundle A unit test bundle, linked to the Foundation framework. Also adds an Info
.plist fi le to your project. See Chapter 20 for more information about
unit testing.
Cocoa Templates
Use these targets, listed in the following table, to produce Mac OS X applications, libraries, and
shell tools.
Application A native Application target that produces an application bundle
linked to the Cocoa framework. This template adds an Info
.plist fi le to your project.
Dynamic Library A native Dynamic Library target that produces a .dylib library fi le,
itself linked to the Cocoa framework.
Framework A native Framework bundle target. This template adds an Info
.plist fi le to your project.
Loadable Bundle A native Bundle target that produces a generic bundle linked to
the Cocoa framework. This template adds an Info.plist fi le to
your project.
Shell Tool A native Command - Line target that produces a BSD executable
Static Library A native Static Library target that produces a static library fi le, itself
linked to the Cocoa framework.
Unit Test Bundle A native Bundle target confi gured to produce a unit test written
using the Cocoa framework. See Chapter 20 for more information
about unit testing. This template adds an
Info.plist fi le to your
Creating a Target
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The Loadable Bundle is the catch - all template for creating virtually any kind of bundle. If you can ’ t
fi nd a template for the particular type of bundle (application, plug - in, and so on) that you ’ re trying
to create, start with the Loadable Bundle template.
Application Plug - In Templates
The only template currently in this group is the Automator Action template:
Automator Action A native Bundle target that includes a Compile AppleScript Files phase,
suitable for producing Automator Action bundles. This template adds an
Info.plist fi le to your project.
BSD Templates
The BSD templates, listed in the following table, create targets that produce fl at BSD executable or
library fi les.
Dynamic Library A native Dynamic Library target that produces a .dylib library fi le.
Object File A native Object File target that compiles a single module using the BSD APIs.
Shell Tool A native Command - Line target that produces a BSD executable binary.
Static Library A native Static Library target that produces a static library fi le.
System Plug - Ins Templates
The two templates, listed in the following table, create the specialized targets used to produce kernel
extension bundles.
Generic Kernel Extension A Kernel Extension target that produces a kernel extension bundle.
IOKit Driver An IOKit Kernel Extension target that produces a kernel extension
Other Templates
The targets listed in the following table create empty or placeholder targets. None of these targets
produces a product, although the process launched by an external target is expected to build
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Aggregate An empty Aggregate target.
Copy Files An Aggregate target with a single Copy Files build phase.
External A Jam - based External target. External targets run some external process
(like make) to build the target. They cannot have build phases.
Shell Script An Aggregate target with a single Run Script build phase.
If you upgraded an earlier version of Xcode, your installation may contain additional target
templates that have since been removed from the Xcode Developer Tools. These might include Java
Applet, Carbon, and other deprecated targets. For the most part, Xcode still supports these legacy
target templates, but may not in the future.
Duplicating Targets
You can also create a new target by duplicating an existing one. This is especially useful if you need
a new target that is very similar to one that already exists. Select the target in the Targets smart
group. In the Right/Control+click contextual menu choose the Duplicate command. A duplicate
of the target is created with the suffi x “ copy ” appended to the target ’ s name. Note that the new
target is an exact duplicate except, of course, for its name. If the original target produced a product,
the new target will produce the same product. Assuming you want the targets to build separate
products, remember to edit the settings of the target so the two products don ’ t overwrite one
Deleting Targets
To delete a target, select the target in the Targets smart group. Press the Delete key or choose Delete
from the Right/Control+click contextual menu. Xcode presents a warning that removing a target
will also remove the reference to it in any targets that depend on it. Click the Delete button to
acknowledge the warning and delete the target.
Build phases defi ne the steps that must occur in order to build a target. Build phases tend to paint
with a broad brush. Targets typically have one Compile Sources build phase that compiles all of
the source fi les for that target, even if that includes source fi les from many different languages.
Consequently, targets rarely have more than three or four build phases.
Use the disclosure triangle next to the target ’ s name in the Targets smart group to reveal the
build phases for the target, as shown in Figure 16 - 9. The list of fi les on which a build phase will
operate, or depends, is referred to as the phase ’ s input fi les. Selecting a build phase lists the input
Build Phases
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