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Tieng Anh 9 ( Tiết 63 + 64)

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Monday, March 12
, 2010
Unit 10: life on other planets
Period 63: Listen + language focus 2,3,4
I. Preparation:
A. Aim: Listening for details to complete a table and further practice in modal
verbs - may, might.
B. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about the
moon by listening and use conditional sentences.
C. Language conten:
1. Vocabulary:
expert crater One - six Two - fifths
2. Structure: If + simple present, simple future
If + past simple, would + V- infi.
D. Teaching aids: textbook, cassette
E. Ways of working: T - whole class, pairwork, groupwork, individualwork.
F. Anticipated problem: Do wrong some sentences in language focus.
II. Procedure:
Stage Teacher's activities Student's activities
Warm up
(5 minutes)
* Shark’s attack

- Prepair a shark and a school girl/
boy on cards.
- Draw some steps on the board, then
stick the girl/ boy on top of the steps,
the shark is in the sea ( around the
- Draw 4 gaps for the word: MOON
- Get Ss into teams. They have to try
to guess the letter. If their guess is
right, they will get one mark
- The game cotinues untill Ss find out
all the letter of the word MOON and
the shark can’t eat the girl/ boy.
- The game can go on with the words:
temperature; lake; mountain.
T – whole class
Pre- listening
( 10 minutes)
I. Pre-teach vocabulary
T - whole class
Listen and guess the words from
- expert (n): chuyªn gia
( definition: a person who has special
knowledge, skill or practice)
- crater (n): miÖng nói löa (picture)
- one- six : mét phÇn s¸u
- two- fifths: hai phÇn n¨m
* Checking vocabulary: Matching
II. Predition
- Set the scene: You will listen to the

description of the moon. But before
listening, you should read the
statements on page 86 and guess
which is correct and which is
- Have Ss work in pairs to tick the
statenments that they think they are
- Give feedback.
T's eliciting
Repeat in chorus individually
Copy them
Pair work
While ’
( 6 minutes)
- Have Ss listen to the tape twice and
check their prediction.
T – whole class
a, c, d, f, i, j.
Post -
( 5 minutes)
- Give Ss some questions and ask
them to work in pairs to answer them.
a. Why are there no sounds on the
moon ?
b. How many craters are there on the
c. How much will you weigh on the

moon if you weigh 50 kilos on the
d. Will you sleep very well on the
moon? Why? Why not?
- Let Ss listen to the tape once again
and they check their answers.
- Call on some Ss to read aloud their
- Correct their answers and let them
listen to atape again if they can’t
answer the questions.
- Ask Ss to practice asking and
answering in pairs.
Pair work
a. Becase there is no air on the
b. There are about 30,000
craters on the moon.
c. If I weigh 50 kilos, I’ll weigh
only a little more than 8 kilos.
d. No, we won’t. Because one
day lasts for two weeks on the
Presentation 1
( 5 minutes)
1. Revision of conditional sentences
type 1
- Elicit from Ss;
* Form: If clause: Simple present

Main clause; simple future ( will +
* Use: We use this structure when
there is a possibility that the situation
in the if clause will happen in the
future or is true in the present.
2. Pratice :
- Have Ss work in pairs to do the
exercise in Language focus 2 on page
- Ask Ss to use the verbs in the box to
T- whole class
Pair work
b. Lan will miss the bus if
Presentation 2
( 5 minutes)
( 5minutes)
complete the fives sentences, using
conditional sentences type 1.
- Call on some Ss to read their
sentences before the class.
- Give feedback and correct.
II. Introduce conditional sentences
type 2
- Set the scene: Ba is not rich so he
can t travel around the world’ .
- Ask Ss to complete the sentence;

If Ba rich, he
around the world
- Elicit form from Ss:
* Form: If clause: past simple tense/
past subjunctive
Main clause: would/ could/ might +
* Use: We use this structure to talk
about unreal or unlikely present or
future situation.
b. Practice
- Ask Ss to do Language focus 3 on
page 90. They have to work with a
partner and make conditional
sentences type 2
- Give feedback and correct
III. Language focus 4
- Give Ss the topic and ask Ss to
dicuss in groups “ What would you do
if you met an alien from outer
- Give an example (in the book)
- Have each student write 3 things he/
she would like to do.
- Get Ss to share with their partners
- Call on some Ss to call out their
she does not hurry
c. If Ha is not careful, he’ll
drop the cup
d. Mrs.Nga will join us if

she finishes her work early
e. If Mrs.Binh writes a
shopping list, she will not
forget what to buy.
T – whole class
If Ba were rich, he would
travel around the world.
b. If Mr.Loc had a car, he
would drive to work
c. If Lan lived in Ho Chi
Minh City, she would visit
Saigon Water park.
d. If Nam had an alarm clock,
he would arrive at school on
e. If Hoa lived in Hue, she
would see her parents every
f. If Nga owned a piano, she
would play it very well.
g. If Tuan studied harder, he
would get better grades.
h. If Na had enough money,
she would buy a new
Individual work
sentences before class.
( 2minutes)
- Sumarize the main points of the

- Learn by heart new words.
- Do exercise 4 + 5 ( page 68 + 69)
- Prepare: Unit 10: Read
Write down
Wednesday, April 14
, 2010
Unit 10: Life on other planets
Period 64: Read
I. Preparation:
A. Aims: Reading a text about a space trip.
B. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text about
a space trip.
C.Language content:
* Vocabulary:
push - up totally Physical condition
orbit marvelous
D. Teaching aids: Textbook, computer, project
E.Ways of working: T- whole class, pair work, group work, individual work.
F. Anticipated problem: Read wrong some words in the text.
II. Procedure:
Stage Teacher's activities Student's activities
Warm up
( 5 minutes)
* Chatting:
- Ask Ss to look at the picture in the
book and ask them some questions
to involve Ss in the topic of the

• Do you want to travel?
• Have you ever traveled in our
country or aboard?
• Have you ever dreamed of a trip
to space?
• Do you think traveling into space
takes a lot of money?
T- whole class
Pre -
I.Pre- teach vocabulary:
- push- up (v): hÝt ®Êt (mime)
- orbit (n/v): quÜ ®¹o/ di chuyÓn
theo quÜ ®¹o (picture)
- totally (adv) : hoµn toµn (synonym
: completely)
- marvelous (adj): tuyÖt diÖu, k×
diÖu ( synonym: wonderful)
- Physical condition (n) : t×nh tr¹ng
thÓ lùc (translation)
* Checking: slap the board
II. Ordering statements
- Show of five sentences on the
project ( the statements are in the
book )
T - whole class
Listen and guess the words from T's

Repeat in chorus individually
Copy them.
T - whole class
T - whole class
- Have Ss work in pairs to put the
statements in order to show what
they need and get in joining a trip
into space.
- Give feedback.
While -
(18 minutes)
- Have Ss read the text and check
their guess, and do ex.a
* Comprehension question
- Have Ss read the text again and
work in pairs to answer the
questions on page 87
- Call on some Ss to answer the
questions loudly.
- Correct their answers
- Get Ss to pratice asking and
answering th questions.
Whole class
a. 4 b. 1 c. 5 d. 2 e. 3
Individual work
Pair work
* Answer keys:
1. If you decide to take a space trip,
you’ll have to run a lot, swim every

day, and do aerobics and push- ups
to have an excellent physical
2. If you want to show you are in
perfect health, you must get a letter
from the doctor.
3. You can see pictures of the earth,
your country, interesting places, the
oceans, the big rivers, the tall
4. We can see those scenes 16 times
a day.
5.We can walk on the wall or on the
6. If I were able to take a space
trip, I would do a lot of exercise
regularly, swim a lot and do
aerobics and push - ups to prepare
for it. And I would bring along a
modern camera.
Post -
(10 minutes)
* Discussion
- Give Ss the topic of the discuusion
If you were able to take a space“
trip, what would you do to prepare
for the trip/ what would you like to
bring along ?"
- Divide the class into 4 groups.

The Ss discuss in grouds.
- Ask each groups to choose one
leader who will present his/ her
group’ opinions.
- Help Ss to show their ideas.
Group work
- Sumarize the main points of the lesson.
- Learn by heart new words.
- Do exercise 6 + 7 (page 70 - 71)
- Prepare: Unit 10: write
Write down

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