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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 11: UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP-READING pot

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Period:2 A- READING


Teaching date



I. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to read the text and
understand the main ideas of the text about friendship and express
their ideas about it
- Master some key words to talk about the friendship.
II.Language focus
*Vocabulary :acquaintance ,loyalty, constancy, enthusiasm,
unselfishness, in capble of,suspicous(a),
*Grammar: the simple present, Infinitive
*Skills: 4 skills, especilly : reading and speaking
III. Method and teaching aids:
-Communicative approach
-Textbook, picture, handouts, poster
Gap –filling, ask and answer, matching , mutiple choice,

IV. Procedures:
A. Warm up: (4 minutes) Treasure Hunt
*T gives some pictures about :flowers, rings, ice-sceam, eye, dog,
Ss combine the first letter in the name of the thing to have a key word
*The key word is “FRIEND”
T asks: Do you have many friends?
* How is a good friend , according to you?


1. Before you read:


T introduces the picture (text book)
and asks some questions
1.Who are the people in this
2.What are they doing?

3.Are they having a good time?
4.Do you have many friends?
There is a poem about the
friendship ,I’ll read to you , Listen
and then answer the question in the
Explains some vocabularies by

many different ways

.Sts listen and answer the questions
(individually/ whole class)
- They are friends.
- A boy is playing the guitar and
others are singing.
- Sure, they are.
Listen and answer the question
* What do you think of the friend
in the poem?
- The friend in the poem is sincere
and helpful.
- acquaintance (n):people who
you meet but not closed and you
knew about them
-selfish (a)-selfishness (n) = not
generous :people who don’t lend

For you ,how is a friend you need?

you any thing or money><unselfish
(không vị kỷ)
-constancy (n)= Sự kiên định
- enthusiasm (a): the person who
always ready to help people when
they need (nhiệt tình)
-loyalty (n) :=faithfulness (lßng
trung thành)
thông cảm, sù ®ång t×nh
Answer by matching the sentences
in A with the sentences in B
Colunm A Colunm B
1.It would be fun to have a friend
2.I’d like ready to find a friend
3.I don’t want to be a friend with

While you read:
T instructs Ss to read the passage
quickly and stop at the lines that
contain these words to guess their
meanings (except for, the word
‘friend as this word is familiar with


4.A perfect friend is a person
a.who is unshelfish
b.who is talktive(or always has
c.who is honest(or true, faithful)
d.who is reliable
Task1: (8 minutes)
Ss open their book and read the text
in silently, guess the meaning of
the words based on the contexts in
the sentences. (For example, to

guess the meaning of unselfish Ss
may realize that this word is the
noun of unselfishness in line 5.
Therefore, they may guess the
meaning of unselfish first). Ss can

T instructs Ss to use some
strategies to do Task1

T asks Ss to work individually to
do the task
T goes around to help Ss when
T asks Ss to exchange their
answers with other Ss.
pay attention to the prefix un - and
such phrases as concerned only, his
own interest and feelings in the
following sentence.
Ss should read through the
sentences provided in the task to
identify the part of speech of the
word to fill in each blank. For

example, in sentence 1 the word to
fill in should be an adjective; in
sentence 4 the two words should be
Read the words / phrases in the box
to choose the most suitable one to
fill in the blank
Work individually

T asks Ss for their answers and
tells them to explain their choices.
T gives the correct answers:

T asks ss to read the passage again
and decide which of the choices A,
B, C, or D most adequately sums
up the ideas of the whole passage.
T calls some Ss to give their
answers and asks other Ss to say
whether they agree or disagree.

T gives feedback and the correct

Exchange the answers with other

Read aloud the answers
The answers:
1. mutual 5. give – and -
2. incapable of 6. loyal to
3. unselfish 7. suspicious
4. acquaintance / friend
Task2: (7 minutes)
+ Ss should read the text carefully
and try to summarize it in the Ss
own words.
+ Then Ss search through the list of
main ideas provided in the task to

T asks Ss how to do this task. If
they do not remember, T may
instruct them to use some
strategies to do the task:
+ First, skim the six questions to
understand them.
• underline the key words. For
instance, in question 1 Ss can
underline what, first quality,
• decide what information they
need to find in the text
• look for questions words like
“why” which indicates Ss should
read for specific thing like a

find the most suitable one.
+ Ss should make sure the main
idea chosen sums up the entire text
and not just one idea within it.
The answer: B. Conditions of true
Task3: (11 minutes)
Work in groups and answer
Listen and use some strategies to
do the task.
1. The first quality for true
friendship is unselfishness. It tells
us / me that a person who is
concerned only with his / her own
interests and feelings cannot be a
true friend. (paragraph 2).
+ Go back to the first question and
locate the information for the
question by finding the key words
in the passage and mark the place.
+.Read the part carefully to find
the answer. Ss can use their own
+ Continue with the rest of the
— T asks Ss to work individually
to do the task, then discuss their
answers with their peers.
— T calls on some Ss to write their

answers on the board and ask them
to explain their choices.
— T gives the correct answers
(5 minutes)
2. Because they take up an interest
with enthusiasm, but they are soon
tired of it, and they feel the
attraction of some new object. (line
2 - 3, paragraph 3)
3. The third quality for true
friendship is loyalty. It tell us / me
that the two friends must be loyal to
each other, and they must know
each other so well that there can be
no suspicions between them. (line 1
- 3 - paragraph 4)
4. Because if not people cannot feel
safe when telling the other their
secrets. (line 1, 3, paragraph 5)
5. Because they cannot keep a
secret, either of their own or of
T asks Ss to work in pairs to
discuss the question in the book.
* What does the text tell you about
the true friendship. And which is
the most important and which is
the least important in your opinion
T calls some Ss to report their

ideas to the class.
T summarises the main points of
the lesson.
T asks Ss to learn by heart all of
the new words and do the extra
exercise as homework

others (line 3,4. paragraph 5)
6. The last quality is sympathy. It
tells us / me that to be a true friend
one must sympathize with his / her
friend. Where there is no mutual
sympathy between friends, there is
no true friendship. (last paragraph)
Ss work in pairs to discuss the
question in the book.
Report the ideas to the class.
We need to have friends because
friengds are the people we can trust
and share our interests, feelings,
sorrows and happiness with, and
who completely sympathize with us

- Learn by heart all of the new
words and do the extra exercise as
- Prepare : Speaking
