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TRƯỜNG THPT HAI B À TR ƯNG Môn Tiếng Anh 12 Cơ bản &
Nâng cao

Họ, tên thí sinh: Số báo danh:

I/ USE OF ENGLISH: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
1/ She has been very during my illness.
a supported b supporting c supportive d support
2/ He locked the door be disturbed.
a in order to b so as to c in order that d so as not
3/ All pilots are responsible their passengers' safety.
a of b to c about d for
4/ Do you know the girl by the window?
a whom is sitting b who sit c sitting d who was
5/ What should we do to law and order?
a protest b maintain c put d break
6/ They don't let anyone enter the area. That means:
a The area is not allowed entering b Nobody is allowed to enter the
c Nobody is letted to enter the area d Nobody is allowed entering the
7/ A fund will be set up for the species.
Mã đề thi: 259




a popular b endangering c endangered d dangerous
8/ Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
others: roofs , tickets , tops , waves
a roofs b tickets c waves d tops
9/ Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
others: determine, pineapple, fine , line
a determine b pineapple c fine d line
10/ you apologize, I don't think she'll forgive you.
a Unless b As long as c If d When
11/ You look tired. hard all day?
a Have you been working b Did you work
c Do you work d Are you working
12/ Error-recognition: Work hard unless you will fail the exam.
a Work b unless c will fail d exam
13/ The speed of light is the speed of sound.
a the fastest b as fast c many faster than d much
faster than
14/ While I was waiting at the airport, I suddenly realized that I my
a have left b was leaving c left d had left
15/ Error-recognition: Most of everybody has a desire to succeed in life.
a has b succeed in c Most of d desire
16/ Ann was very surprised to find the door unlocked. She remembered
it before she left.
a to have locked b to lock c having locked d she locks
17/ My mother goes out to work, so I often share the with her.

a household chores b worries c happiness d sadness
18/ "Not setting my alarm, I got to work late yesterday." That means:
a Because of getting to work late yesterday, I set my alarm.
b Because of setting my alarm, I got to work late yesterday.
c Because I had forgotten to set my alarm, I got to work late yesterday.
d Because I forgot setting my alarm, I got to work late yesterday.
19/ Error-recognition: My boss lost the key to the door. He can't find it anywhere.
a anywhere b find c to d lost
20/ Error-recognition: Some of the people inviting to the party can't come.
a the b inviting c some d can't come
21/ If only I knew his phone number. That means:
a I regret knowing his phone number. b I'm sorry I don't know his
phone number.
c I hope I will know his phone number. d I wish I would know his phone
22/ Pick out the word which is stressed differently from the others:
a important b believe c equal d biology
23/ We should have measures to protect biological
a forms b alternative c various d diversity
24/ Nick seemed to have no time for entertainment, ?
a didn't he b did he c had he d hadn't he
25/ The doctor advised him and to take up some sport.
a stop smoking b to stop smoking c to stop smoke d to stop to
26/ He is too young to join the army. That means:
a He is young and can join the army. b He can join the
army because he is young enough.
c He is so young to join the army. d He is not old
enough to join the army.
27/ You lost your way because you didn't do what I told you. That means:

a Unless you do what I told you, you wouldn't lose your way.
b If you followed what I told you, you wouldn't lose your way.
c You didn't get lost because you did what I told you.
d If you had followed my instructions, you wouldn't have lost your way.
28/ She rang at midnight, annoyed me.
a when b which c that d what
II/ READING COMPREHENSION A : Read the text carefully and then
choose the correct answers.
In order to stay healthy it is important to have a balanced diet. We should eat
enough three main groups food. These groups are protein, carbohydrate, and fat.
Proteins are very important for building our body. They help us to build new
cells as old ones die. Meat and milk products are major sources of protein. We can
also get protein from fish, eggs and beans.
Carbohydrate and fat are important to enable us to store energy.
Carbohydrates are found in sugar and in cereal. Fat can be found in vegetable oil,
in butter and in nuts.
Our body also needs minerals, such as iron and calcium, and vitamins. Fish,
vegetables and milk contain most of the minerals we need.
29/ We can get fat from
a vegetables b butter c sugar d cereals
30/ Proteins
a can be taken from rice b can only be found in meat.
c help our body build new cells. d produce meat and milk.
31/ According to the passage, a balanced diet
a is high in protein. b contains lots of fruit and
c is needed for good health. d is rich in minerals and
32/ Carbohydrates
a are the most important of three groups of food. b are not found in rice

and cereals.
c allow the body to store energy d supply a lot of
III/ READING COMPREHENSION B: Choose the correct answer to fill in
each numbered blank
The family is a very important part of everyday life. Not only 33 important
for each person in the family to participate in family functions, but it is also
important that the family participates in activities throughout the year. The more
things you do as a family, the more 34 will reflect in later years. The family
can provide encouragement during life. It tends to push 35 valued goals in
life. The family instructs children and gives guidance about personal values and
social 36 It instills discipline and helps them 37 and internalize codes of
conduct that will serve them for the rest of their lives. It helps them 38
positive interpersonal relationships, and it provides an 39 that encourages
learning both in the home and at school. It gives children a sense of history and a
secure base from which to grow and develop. Yet, as important as these functions
are, they do not happen automatically. Every parent knows it takes 40 to
keep the family going as an effective, adaptive and functional unit.
33/ a it is b is it c it will be d will it be
34/ a experience b hopes c memories d
35/ a down b aside c towards d out
36/ a activity b active c action d behavior
37/ a learning b learn c to learn d b & c
38/ a grow b develop c bring d progress
39/ a air b hour c environment d area
40/ a hard work b a hard work c hard-working d working
