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In the era of globalization, translation of information especially in such a
volatile market as finance and banking, plays a vital role in the development of each
country. Nevertheless, there has been restricted number of researches focusing on
translation of this field. Hence, the research was carried out for the purpose of
revealing translation procedures, methods and strategies applied in translating finance
and banking news.
Fifteen pieces of news in English and their translated versions in Vietnamese
collected from prestigious sources of news served as samples. They were carefully
analyzed in the light of Newmark (1988)’s theory of translation procedures and
methods at three levels: word, sentence and text respectively. The findings show that
shift translation and through translation were among the most frequently used
procedures at word level. Translation strategies at sentence level involved passive to
active voice converting, shift translation and sentence splitting. Headlines, special parts
of articles were chiefly translated by communicative method. Likewise, text was
translated communicatively as a whole. It is suggested that translators should master
the translation procedures and methods and flexibly utilize them appropriately to the
readers. Moreover, regularly updating information about finance and banking news and
the global economy is also highly recommended for better translation.
List of figures iv
List of abbreviations v
1.1. Rationale 1
1.2. Significance of the study 2
1.3. Aims of the study 2
2.1 Translation 4
2.1.1 Definition of translation 4

2.1.2 Translation Methods 4
2.1.3 Translation procedures 7
2.2. News 8
2.2.1. Definition of news 8
2.2.2. Types of news 9
2.3 Business news, finance and banking news 11
2.3.1 Business news 11
2.3.2 Finance and banking news 11
3.1 Sampling 13
3.2 Data analysis instruments 13
3.3 Data analysis procedure 14
4.1. Translation procedures at word-level 15
4.1.1. Translation procedures for translating Finance and banking terminology 15
4.1.2. Translation procedures for translating proper names 19
4.1.3. Translation procedures for translating acronyms 22
4.2. Translation strategies at sentence-level 23
4.3. Translation methods for translating news headlines 25
4.4. Translation methods at text-level 29
5.1. Summary of the study 37
5.2. Implications of the study 38
5.3. Strengths and weaknesses of the study 40
5.4. Suggestion for further studies 41
Sample 1 - A Commission for the Fed's Next 100 Years 56

The central bank's centennial offers a valuable opportunity to rethink its mandate 56
Sample 3 - Goldman Sachs Raises $1 Billion Selling Stake in ICBC 60
Shares Drop 61
Sample 4 - Rush to ATMs in Cyprus on EU bailout tax 62
A planned tax on Cyprus bank depositors as part of a European Union bailout is sending people
rushing to ATMs to withdraw cash 62
Sample 5 - CORRECTED-Fitch says top 29 banks may need $566 bln 64
Thượng nghị sĩ Kevin Brady đang đề xuất bỏ bớt 1 chức năng của Fed đồng thời lập ra 1 ủy ban
giám sát hoạt động của cơ quan này. 65
Sample 2 - Các ngân hàng châu Âu đối mặt với gia tăng minh bạch 68
Các "ông lớn" ngân hàng đang phải đối mặt với mối đe dọa của việc công khai thuế và lợi nhuận tại
các nước trong Liên minh châu Âu 68
Sample 3 - Goldman Sachs muốn thoái vốn khỏi ngân hàng Trung Quốc 69
Đại gia tài chính Mỹ đang rao bán 1 tỷ USD cổ phiếu của Ngân hàng Công Thương Trung Quốc
(ICBC). Trước đó, Goldman Sachs cùng các quỹ đã bốn lần bán cổ phiếu ICBC và thu về tổng cộng
7,76 tỷ USD 69
Sample 4 - Dân Síp ồ ạt rút tiền khỏi ngân hàng 70
Kế hoạch đánh thuế tiền gửi 9,9% áp dụng từ ngày mai là lý do khiến người dân Cộng hòa Síp kéo
nhau tới ATM để rút tiền. 70
Sample 5 - Các ngân hàng cần 566 tỷ USD để đáp ứng Basel III 72
Theo Fitch, 29 nhà băng số 1 thế giới sẽ phải tăng tỷ lệ vốn lõi lên 9,5% 72
List of figures
Figure 1: Translation procedures for translating Finance and banking terminology 15
Figure 2: Translation procedures for translating proper names 19
Figure 3: Translation procedures for translating acronyms 22
Figure 4: Translation methods for translating news headlines 26

List of abbreviations
SL Source language
TL Target language
SLT Source language text
TLT Target language text
1.1. Rationale
The world that we are living has entered an era of globalization where almost all
countries and economies are connected together in a particular way. Every change in a
country exerts an effect on others. In such a condition, timely information or news
plays increasingly momentous role in the development of an economy.
In finance and banking area, where monetary policies of a nation change every
year, exchange rates fluctuate every day and stock prices tend to be volatile every
second, news is crucial. Accordingly, translation of financial and banking news from
English (major source language of information) into Vietnamese requiring not only
timeliness but also accuracy has become essential for Vietnam’s economy to keep pace
with the development of the global economy.
Recently, in the context of economic crisis, finance and banking has not only
been an area seriously suffered from the depression, but also an effective key for
economic recovery. These days, some of the most burning issues on media have been
public debt, monetary reform and restructuring banking system. It is especially critical
for those who work in finance and banking field to constantly update information of
national and international changes. Once again, the importance of translating finance
and banking news is emphasized.
As a senior student of double major English – Finance and banking, the
researcher has been equipped with background knowledge of economics in general as
well as finance and banking in particular. Thus, it is interesting and useful for her to
conduct a study called translation procedures, methods and strategies applied in
English – Vietnamese translation of finance and banking news in the hope to identify

appropriate strategies for translating financial and banking news. Moreover, on
carrying out this paper, the author also aspires to broaden background knowledge of
her major and have a chance to practice translation skills.
1.2. Significance of the study
For other students, the research was aimed at providing them with theoretical
background in translation and translating finance and banking news. Moreover, there
were some suggestions for further studies, which may be useful for them afterwards.
With regard to other readers, especially those who were interested in finance
and banking field, the researcher hoped to help them have an in-depth look into
methods and procedures of translating finance and banking news and strategies to cope
with difficult situations.
1.3. Aims of the study
The main aim of the study is to conduct an investigation into the English –
Vietnamese translation of financial and banking news on some of online newspapers in
Vietnam majoring in finance and banking in order to:
• Identify translation methods and procedures applied in translating
financial and banking news.
• Find out the most frequently used method and procedures.
• Give some suggestions for financial and banking news translation
The above objectives were satisfied on seeking for the answers of following
• What are translation methods and translation procedures applied for
finance and banking news translation?
• Which methods and procedures are the most frequently used in finance
and banking news translation?
• What are translation strategies to deal with difficult situations in finance
and banking news translation?

2.1 Translation
2.1.1 Definition of translation
Documentary evidence of translation can be traced back for at least two
millennia and the present day international communication depends heavily on it.
However, there are still various definitions of translation.
According to Dubois (1973) “translation is the expression in another language
(TL) of what has been expressed in another (SL), preserving semantic and stylistic
Similarly, Peter Newmark (1988) defined translation as “rendering the meaning
of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text”.
Concerning with equivalent in translation, Hartman and Stork (1972) explained
that “translation is the replacement of a representation of a text in one language by a
representation of an equivalent text in a second language”. The aim of translation is to
accurately retain grammatical and lexical features as well as the factual information of
the original by seeking equivalent in the TL.
In short, it seems that the above researchers shared the same point of view when
focusing on the requirement that the content and style of the original text (SLT) should
be preserved as far as possible in the translated text (TLT)
2.1.2 Translation Methods
As mentioned, controversy has arisen among researchers about the definition of
translation and also, methods of translation have been of no exception. Newmark
(1988) provided eight main methods of translation.

Word-for-word translation
In this translation method, the SL word order is preserved and the words
translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context. Cultural words are
translated literally. The main use of word-for-word translation is either to understand
the mechanics of the source language or to construe a difficult text as a pre-translation
Literal translation
The characteristic of literal translation is that the SL grammatical constructions
are conveyed to their nearest TL equivalents but the lexical words are again translated
singly, out of context. As pre-translation process, this indicates the problem to be
Faithful translation
Faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the
original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structure. It transfers the cultural
words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical “abnormality” (derivation
from the SL norms) in the translation. It attempts to be completely faithful to the
intentions and the text realization of the SL writer.
Semantic translation
Free translation
Idiomatic translation
Communicative translation
Semantic translation
Faithful translation
Literal translation
Word for word translation
This method differs from faithful translation only in as far as it must take more
account of the aesthetic value (that is, the beautiful and the natural sound) of the SL

text. While faithful translation is uncompromising and dogmatic, semantic translation
appears to be more flexible. It translates less important cultural words by culturally
neutral third or functional terms but not by cultural equivalents and it makes other
small concession to the readership.
This is the freest form of translation. It is used mainly for plays (comedies) and
poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL culture converted to
TL culture and the text rewritten.
Free translation
Free translation produces the matter without the manner, the form of the
original. Usually, it is paraphrased much longer than the original, a so-called ‘intra-
lingual translation’, often prolix and pretentious, and not translation at all.
Idiomatic translation
This method produces the message of the original but tends to distort nuances of
meaning by preferring colloquialism and idioms where there do not exist in the
original. As a result, the translated version is lively and natural.
Communicative translation
The effectiveness of a text is given priority in this method as it attempts to
render exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and
language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership.
Among eight translation methods presented, semantic and communicative are
two basic approaches in translation because they fulfill two main aims of translations:
accuracy and economy. Semantic is more economical, written at writer’s linguistic
level while communicative at readership’s. However, two methods treat the following
items similarly: stock and dead metaphor, normal collocations, technical terms, slang,
colloquialism, standard notices, ordinary languages.
2.1.3 Translation procedures
According to Peter Newmark (1998), while translation method involves the
whole text, translation procedure is used for sentence and smaller units of language. In

the book “A Text Book of Translation”, he mentioned a number of translation
procedures. However, the main ones were transference, naturalization, through
translation, shift or transposition, modulation, cultural equivalent, functional
equivalent, and descriptive equivalent.
Transference or loan word or transcription is a procedure in which a SL word or
expression is directly taken into TL with no translation. This procedure is usually
applied for proper names or new technical terms that do not have equivalent in TL.
In this procedure, a transferred word is adapted to the TL in terms of both
pronunciation and morphology.
Through translation
Through translation (or calque, loan translation) is the literal translation of
common collocations, names of organizations, components of compounds and phrases.
This translation procedure should only be used with already recognized terms.
Shift or transposition
This procedure involves a change in the grammar or part of speech of a word or
expression from SL to TL.
Modulation means a variation in the message when it is translated into TL due
to a change in point of view. Three main types of modulation are one part-another,
passive-active and positive-double negative.
Cultural equivalent
In cultural equivalent, a SL cultural word or expression is translated by a
cultural word considered equivalent to it
Functional equivalent
Functional equivalent is the using of cultural-free word or expression in a
translation for a cultural word or expression in the SL
Descriptive equivalent

In this procedure, the meaning of a SL word is explained by several words
In addition to above 8 procedures, there is another should be mentioned which is
Couplet is the combination of two or more translation procedures for dealing
with a single problem, particularly with cultural words. The most frequently used is
transference mingled with a functional or cultural equivalent.
2.2. News
2.2.1. Definition of news
It can be said that the concept of news is as old as human beings. However, it is
difficult to find a conventional definition for this term satisfying every journalist,
sociologist, political scientist and recipient all over the world.
In the article, “The term news – its concept and definition in Anglo – Saxon
tradition”, Marek listed a number of different definitions of the term news provided by
many researchers in different fields of study in various periods of time. Among them,
the following of Melvin de Fleur and Everette Dennis in their book “Understanding
mass communication” should be the most commonplace one: “news is current or fresh
knowledge about an event that is gathered, processed and disseminated via medium to
a significant number of interested people”.
Phillip H. Ault and Edwin Emery also shared the same opinion when defining
news as follows:
News is a report of an event, containing timely (or at least hitherto
unknown) information which has been accurately gathered and written by
trained reports for the purpose of serving the reader, listener of viewer.
Similarly, but putting more emphasis on the significance of news, Charnley
(1993) asserted in his book “Reporting” that:
News is the current information made available to the public about
what is going on – information often of vital importance to men and women
trying to make up their minds about what to think and how to act. News is
timely concise, accurate report of an event: it is not the event itself.

In a word, to be considered news, a piece of information must not be previously
known, be delivered by mass media and have some effect on readers. Hence, in the
world of on-going changes, news as defined above has been playing increasingly
important part in people’s life.
2.2.2. Types of news
Bell (1991) devided press news into four categories namely hard news, feature
articles (a small case of soft news), special topics e.g sport, business or financial, etc.,
and headlines (crossheads subheadings, bylines, photo captions). However, according
to Handbook of Independent Journalism, published by U.S Department of State in
2006, news can be grouped into two main types which are hard news and soft news
with slight difference.
Hard news or spot news, breaking news refers to factual, timely stories of
important events of almost every aspect of life ranging from politics, economics to
society. For the purpose of helping readers to get the information as quickly as
possible, hard news is usually written in a distinctive style.
In contrast, soft news is not time-bound to immediacy and appears in longer
articles to provide readers with background information of human-interest topics e.g
arts, entertainment and lifestyle. In terms of writing style, soft news writers usually
beat around the bush before getting to the central point and include their personal
opinions in the news.
2.2.3. Characteristics of news
Although researchers have not come to an agreement on the definition of the
term news, the features of news they have given seem to be in common. According to
The University of Vermont Journalism Blog, news has six main characteristics:
Timeliness, Impact, Proximity, Controversy (or Conflict), Prominence and Oddity.
This is one of the most important characteristics of news clearly reflected in its
definition. As a matter of fact, journalists always stress current information and try to
report it ahead their competitors. Nevertheless, timeliness of news depends on its types

of publication such as a weekly newspaper or daily newspaper.
It can be said that “if it affects reader - physically or emotionally - it might be
news”. To be more specific, the news that has deeper impacts on larger number of
people all over the world is worthier breaking the news than others.
Another deciding factor of news is proximity which means that news should
report events happening in the place where readers feel connect to rather than some
faraway places. The distance examined can be physical or psychological.
Controversy (or Conflict)
A topic that is being argued is more newsworthy that the one that is already
agreed. Psychologically, controversies are favor of most people and the more tensions
a conflict between subjects, the more interesting and dramatic the news would become.
The event that involves someone whose name or job is well known (such as the
President of the U.S) and easily recognized by the public is more likely to be interest of
As people tend to be struck by extraordinary things, unexpected or unusual
event, conflicts or controversies, drama or change are more newsworthy than the
commonplace. The news of this characteristic belongs to the “soft news” type since it
is produced with the aim of satisfying people’s interest and curiosity.
2.3 Business news, finance and banking news
2.3.1 Business news
Business news reports events of business activity – an important aspect that
directly affects human’s life and attracts their interest. For a long time, this type of
news has become an indispensible part of newspapers or even the main content of
many well-known journals and newspapers such as the Journal Business News
(nebusiness.co.uk) and the Wall Street Journal (online.wsj.com). It has been also much

easier to get access to business news via the mass media, especially by using the
Internet thanks to the development of technology.
2.3.2 Finance and banking news
Finance and banking is a special activity of the economy which has an
enormous influence on other activities and aspects of human life. As a result, finance
and banking news accounts for a considerable proportion of newspapers.
Translation of financial news, as translation of other field, relates to conveying
information and the author’s intention from the SLT to readers of the TL. Micheal
Donald, in “Financial news and press” (1999) regarded translation of financial news as
“rendering news or events in finance from a foreign language into another, keeping full
intention of author and informative capacity”. This kind of news-translation can be
classified into two major groups which are general economic translation and financial
translation. The formal often deals with the economy at macro and micro level while
the latter concerns daily news relating to the financial market (including commodities,
money, banking, stock, etc.)
3.1 Sampling
The sample selecting process took place in two main stages which were
randomly picking up translated news from Vietnamese online newspapers and looking
for its source in English.
At the first stage, thirty articles of Vietnamese news on finance and banking
were collected from some of popular online newspapers majoring in economics in
general, finance and banking in particular. For example, some of the pieces of news
were from famous business newspapers such as vneconomy.com, tinkinhte.com,
tapchikinhtedubao.mpi.gov.vn, thesaigontimes.vn ( Thời báo Kinh Tế Sài Gòn Online),
stockbiz.vn, infotv.vn etc. With those websites, the writer had to find news in the
finance and banking or global category. On the other hand, with websites specializing
in finance and banking area such as taichinhdientu.vn, ebank.vnexpress.net, it was

easier to obtain suitable news. The reason why the writer chose those online
newspapers was that they were prestige news sources leading in providing information
about economy nation-wide and followed by a large number of readers. Moreover, they
were contributed by the work of skilled and knowledgeable journalists as well as
After that, the English versions or the sources of those articles were carefully
searched in well-known English online newspapers: cnbc.com, ft.com,
businessinsider.com, financialexpress.com, online.wsj.com, etc.
3.2 Data analysis instruments
The primary instrument applied in this research was content analysis method.
Basing on Newmark’s theories of translation methods and translation procedures, the
data were analyzed to find out the answer to the research questions.
3.3 Data analysis procedure
Firstly, as the main aim of the research was to point out which translation
procedures and translation methods utilized in translating finance and banking news
from English to Vietnamese and which one is the most frequently used, the qualitative
method was applied. The data collected were analyzed in three ascending levels: word
level, sentence level and text level.
At the lowest level, the researcher worked with small units such as
terminologies, acronyms and proper names in each text in the light of Newmark’s
theory on translation procedures. Before analyzing, those units in English and its
equivalents in Vietnamese were put into separate column so that the analysis could be
made easier.
At the next level – sentence, some typical structures were examined to find out
the translation procedures applied when translating them. Moreover, changes when
translating sentences such as sentence splitting or information order were also taken
into account.
At the highest level, the text was reviewed as a whole in terms of translation
method. The writer only focused on two main methods which were semantic and

communicative method (two major approaches in translation)
With regard to headline, because it often served the most important function in a
piece of news and had unusual structure, headline was considered a special unit in this
research and studies separately.
Secondly, after finding out procedures and methods employed in translating
different units of the text, quantitative method was used to make conclusion on the
frequency of those procedures and methods.
Thirdly, an overall conclusion was made as an answer for all research questions.
Besides, some application of the result was drawn out in translating finance and
banking news as well as in translating business news.
This chapter includes findings after all the news collected was carefully
examined at three levels: word level, sentence level and text level respectively. In
terms of word level, three following kind of words and phrases were picked up:
terminology, proper names and acronyms to study their translation procedures.
Headlines were exceptional case and separately studied due to its special features.
4.1. Translation procedures at word-level
4.1.1. Translation procedures for translating Finance and banking terminology
In Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary, terminology has two fold meaning. On
the one hand, it is a set of technical words or expressions used in a particular subject.
On the other hand, it contains words used with particular meanings.
According to Sager (1990) (in Vu Van Duy, 2012), terminology “refers
deliberately to specific concepts within particular subject fields and therefore constitute
a sub-system of knowledge” such as medical terminology, scientific terminology etc.
Unlike general language word, terminology usually has one specific meaning in a
particular field and thus requires reader background knowledge to understand and
translate it correctly.
It can be said that a variety of translation procedures were employed to translate
terminology in collected finance and banking news samples. Among them, literal

translation was frequently used the most, followed by shift translation. Functional
equivalent procedure ranked third in frequency. Other procedures such as descriptive
equivalent and naturalization were accounted for the same small proportion.
Especially, modulation was used only once. Detail about usage proportion of each
translation procedure were presented in the below pie chart.
Figure 1: Translation procedures for translating Finance and banking
Literal translation
The procedure mainly used in translating finance and banking terminology was
literal translation. The author considered literal translation was a translation procedure
in the thesis because it dealt with each smallest unit – single word. In this procedure, a
word in source language was literally translated into the target language with one of the
meaning(s) appropriate with the particular context without any changes in grammar or
point of views.
Take the term “appreciate’ for an example. Oxford Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary presents four different meaning of this word such as recognize the good
qualities of somebody of something, to increase in value over a period of time, etc.
However, in the context of “…high growth rates and appreciating currencies”, the
second meaning suited the best and the term was correctly translated as “tăng giá trị”.
Some other example of literal translation were “credit” rendered as “tín dụng”,
“deposit” as “tiền gửi”, “index” as “chỉ số” etc.
Phrases with at least two words were also handled by this procedure in which
the meaning of the phrase was the combination of literal meaning of its word
components. After being literally translated, the meanings of each word were adapted
to word order’s rules in Vietnamese. One of the typical examples for this case was
noun phrases because of the difference in components of a noun phrase order in
English and that in Vietnamese. In English, the noun which carries the main
information of a phrase (called head noun) is usually located at the end of the phrase,

other components which play a role of modifier such as adjective or another noun
stand in front of the head noun. For example, in the noun phrase “an extremely
beautiful vintage house”, the head noun is “house” whereas the adverb “extremely”,
adjective “beautiful” and noun “vintage” are modifiers for the main noun. This phrase
is translated into Vietnamese as “một ngôi nhà theo lối cổ điển tuyệt đẹp”. In this
phrase, the main noun is located at the beginning of the phrase and other modifiers
follow it.
In translating finance and banking terminology, for instance, “capital market”
and “government bond market” were translated as “thị trường vốn” and “thị trường
trái phiếu chính phủ”, respectively. As can be seen from those Vietnamese equivalents,
each word in English term was literally translated and then rearranged so that the
Vietnamese terms became suitable with Vietnamese word structure and understandable
to readers.
Shift translation
Shift translation or transposition is the only translation procedure to concern
with grammar. There are many types of transposition classified by Peter Newmark
ranging from changing from singular to plural to converting complex sentence in SL
into simple sentence in TL. In sample collected, the type of shift translation was the
one involving a change in the part of speech SL to TL. Words could be changed from
noun to verb or adjective and vice versa. For instance, the term “bankruptcy” which
was a noun referred to the state of a person who has been declared by the court that not
to be capable of paying his or her debts and whose affairs are put into hands of a
receiver (according to Dictionary of Banking and Finance), was considered equivalent
of the verb “vỡ nợ” in Vietnamese. A similar pattern was noticed when “devaluation”
was translated into “phá giá tiền tệ” and “bond rating” into “đánh giá tín dụng của trái
phiếu”. In those examples, the translators also added some information to make the
terms clearer and more understandable such as adding “tiền tệ” or “tín dụng”.
Other procedures
Naturalization was the main procedure employed to deal with terminology of

national currencies. In this procedure, English words were adapted to Vietnamese
pronunciation and morphology. For example, the national currency of the US “dollar”
was translated as “đô la”, China’s national currency “renmibi” as “nhân dân tệ”.
Another procedure used for translating currency was descriptive equivalent.
“Dollar” was replaced by “đồng bạc xanh” in the target text due to the feature of dollar
paper was its green color. Descriptive equivalent also seemed to be effective to
translate term that does not have equivalent in target language. The term “go-shop
period” was handled by the combination of transference and descriptive equivalent
(couplet) as follows: “giai đoạn “go-shop” (tức khoảng thời gian để một công ty đại
chúng tìm giá chào tốt hơn sau khi nhận được một chào mua chính thức)”, so that
readers can have complete awareness of the term.
With term that was new but widely recognized as “Abenomics”, the solution
was to use functional equivalent in which the term’s meaning was explained by
cultural-free words. According to www.lexicon.ft.com, a prestige economic website,
“Abenomics” refers to “a suite of measures introduced by Japanese prime minister
Shinzo Abe after his December 2012 re-election to the post he last held in 2007”. In
Vietnamese version, this term was rendered as “chính sách của Thủ tướng Abe”
The last procedure was transference in which the source word was directly taken
into the target text without translation. The only term translated by this procedure was
“AAA” which is a familiar term in securities market given by Standard & Poor’s or by
Moody’s, indicating very high level of reliability for corporate or municipal bond in
the US. Because of its popularity, the translator assumed that readers already know the
term and use this procedure for translating it.
4.1.2. Translation procedures for translating proper names
Figure 2: Translation procedures for translating proper names
Proper names was defined by Newmark in his book “Approaches to translation”
as words “refers to persons, objects or processes peculiar to a single ethnic
community” and have single references. Usually, proper names are written with a
capital letter.

In collecting proper names from the samples to build up the database, the author
only paid attention to names of organizations, programs, countries. The reason why
proper name of people was not considered in the thesis was that all of them were
totally rendered with no translation.
Shift translation, through translation, and transference were three procedures
applied most in translating proper names. In contrast, there were few cases handled by
literal, modulation and descriptive equivalent. The rest were translated by other
procedures. Specific cases with illustrative examples were presented as follows.
Through translation was the main procedure to work with already recognized
terms such as name of international organizations, name of programs, and national
organizations. Followings are some examples of proper names handled by through
translation in terms of international institutions:
- ASEAN Free Trade Area - Khu vực Thương Mại Tự do ASEAN
- Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Ngân hàng Phát triển châu Á (ADB)
- European Commission - Ủy ban châu Âu
Or national organizations and programs as follow.
- Industrial Commercial Bank of China - Ngân hàng Công Thương Trung
Quốc (ICBC)
- China Banking Regulatory Commission - Ủy ban Điều tiết Ngân hàng
Trung Quốc
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership - Hiệp định Đối tác
Kinh tế Toàn diện Khu vực
- Trans Pacific Partnership - Hiệp định Đối tác Kinh tế xuyên Thái Bình
Similarly, titles containing name of organizations or institutions were also
rendered by transposition. For instance,
- Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee - Chủ tịch Ủy ban
Hỗn hợp Kinh tế
In this example, the position was literally converted first and preposition “of”

was omitted to help the translated version become natural and concise.
However, there were some words or expressions which had its meaning varied
in different countries due to differences in culture and political regime. As a result, it
was hardly possible for other procedures but cultural equivalent to solve the problem.
For instance, the same term “parliament” was translated differently in “Cyprus
Parliament” - “Quốc hội Síp” and “EU Parliament” – “Nghị viện châu Âu”. Another
