1. Rationale to the study
1.1. Vietnamese literature is composed of Kinh people’s literature and
minority peoples’ literatures. Some aspects of this component are still open for
discussion and need to be studied further.
1.2. Learning about the logic behind minority people’s works of art in
relationship with these of Kinh people is of great importance to developing Vietnam
economy as well as enriching Vietnamese cultural life.
1.3. Thai literature has its own evolution process, at the same time is a
product of the combination between endogenous and exogenous factors. This
literary component shares some similar aspects with Kinh literature but still has
its own values.
1.4. In Thai cultural system, narrative poems are considered as a rather
unique genre.
1.5. The common characteristics between Nôm narrative poems and Thai
narrative poems are the core, which is the story and the form of expression, which
is through a poem. This is the main reason why we choose the topic "A study of
narrative poems of the Thai people in Vietnam with the same subject of Kinh
people’s Nom poems"
2. The history
2.1. Narrative poems of minority peoples and that of Thai people
2.1.1. Narrative poems
Narrative poems draw much attention from researchers. In overall, the author
can draw on important conclusions of researchers such as Dinh Gia Khanh, Vo
Quang Nhon, Dang Nghiem Van, Phan Dang Nhat, Le Truong Phat, Nguyen Xuan
Kinh, Cam Cuong, Nong Quoc Chan, Vu Anh Tuan, etc.
Vo Quang Nhon points out that narrative poems of minority people do not
come along separately. In contrast, they are considered a phenomenon when they
come out. Phan Dang Nhat concludes that “if Kinh people have Nom narrative
poems, minority peoples also have an equivalance, which is narrative poems”.
Nong Quoc Chan on his overview of Tay Nung’s narrative poems puts narrative
poems under the category of Tay Nung’s classic literature. Later on, Cam Cuong
on his studies of Thai literature emphasizes that “Narrative poems […] are basically
novels in the form of poems”.
Lê Truong Phat who focuses on the organization of narrative poems,
emphasizes that “besides the happy ending, narrative poems also have a different
kind of ending, that is a kind of plot structured in a different motif”.
Vu Tien Quynh, on his way of tracing the social and cultural origin and the
style of narrative poems, claims that “Narrative poems are the connection between
oral literature and written literature.”
On the same page with Vu Tien Quynh, Dang Nghiem Van also stresses that
narrative poems are “a transition from folklore to professional literature”. In this
dissertation, we pay special attention to these two above opinions, as they give us
sufficient information to elaborate on the content and arts of Thai’s narrative poems
as well as to form a scientific basis on which the interaction between Nom narrative
poems of Kinh people and narrative poems of Thai people can be explained.
Not only do scholars study on the role, origin, structure and poetics of narrative
poems, some scholars such as Ha Van Thu, Hoang Tien Tuu, Phan Dang Nhat also
pay attention to the content and the arts of narrative poems.
Phan Dang Nhat support the idea by stating that “Regarding the content, the
subject of love stories is the painful life of people whose love is damaged by the old
social system”. Hoang Tien Tuu comments that “Regarding the content as well as
the form of art, narrative poems of minority people inherit and improve on the
legacy of love poems, especially love folk songs of minority peoples”. In
conclusion, all of the mentioned opinions agree on the idea that there are two main
topics in narrative poems, which are faithful love and the exposure of a stuffy and
outdated society.
2.1.2. Thai narrative poems
Thai narrative poems come in 2 forms in oral and written, expressed through
rhythmic literature, have a plot, belong to Thai people in Vietnam, etc. In
comparison with ancient stories and folk songs, Thai narrative poems have a larger
scale in terms of volume, social problems mentioned and the art of building literary
There is a shortage of scholars specializing in Thai literature with a modest
success. The 1st literature book on Thai narrative poems is called “Studies on Thai
narrative poems in Vietnam” written by Cam Cuong. He points out that narrative
poems and poems in genaral is the quintessence of Thai written literature.
In combination of the opinions of Vu Tien Quynh, Dang Nghiem Van and
Cam Cuong, we need to reconsider whether categorizing narrative poems into
folklore is correct or not.
Lê Trường Phát emphasizes that many of Thai works borrow the plots from
these of other minority peoples.
Based on those Thai stories which were translated into Vietnamese, researches
have also covered contents and art structure (even in the abridged form) of some
stories relating to the topic such as Trang nguyen, Y Noi - Nang Xua, Ú Them, Trang
Tu, Luu Vinh (Ngu háu)… After analyzing, Cam Cuong has catagorized Thai stories-
the subject of the thesis research into two kinds. The first one is stories with ethnic
origin, including 2 files: Y Noi - Nang Xua, U Them. The second is poem originated
from foreign nations, including 3 files: Trang nguyen, Trang Tu, Ngu hau. These are
valuable orientation for us to conduct our research topic.
2.2. Interaction between Thai narrative poems to Kinh’s Nôm poems
During the past few decades, studies about the differences between Kinh’s
Nôm poems and minorities’ poems have drawn attention from researchers.
"Narrative poems at mountainous areas and lowland Nôm stories have similarities
in terms of: mainstream ideology, character building, structural work and the
popular use of art." Kieu Thu Hoach concurs with the opinion above, if seen from
the perspective of art, "the Nom stories of the Vietnamese gradually entered the
poetry genre of Tay, Nung, Thai people to create the poems appearing as Nom
stories, more exactly, those poems could be influenced at both the ideology
structure and art ". Le Truong Phat have his directional opinion as follows: The
unique and easy-to-see thing is that "this poem is not necessarily the other
translations of the Nom story. Between the two, there was quite a big gap in the
storyline, the plot [ ], the people “side” of the iconic character, the characters’
One explanation for the similarities and differences between narrative poems
and Nom stories cited that the author of ethnic minorities groups inherited and
developed their stories from the surrounding literature.
In searching for answers to the phenomenon of "couple" of narrative poems
and Nom stories, Gia Khanh made two assumptions. "Maybe scholars, intellectuals,
religious people relied on the narrative poems of Viet people in lowland or
introduced the stories of India, Laos, China to build up our national poems. Then
those works were widely circulated among the people, even anonymous but was
noticed by outstanding individuals self-composing. The composers’ styles soon
approached to the literary text”. Nevertheless, narrative poems might just be the
copy or adaptation from the works of Nom Kinh books to poems of ethnic
minorities. "
N.I.Nikulin said, "the comic-style story as Nom stories can be found in the folk
songs of the ethnic groups in Vietnam such as the Muong, Nung, Tay, Thai "
The similarity was also explained by a phenomenon called “the same type”.
Narrative poems were created by the peoples of Southeast Asia as well as ethnic
minorities in Vietnam with the same "from native anthropology, ethnic origin,
history, language to the economy, culture, customs, and religious beliefs ". Perhaps,
the migration and cross-cultural exchange led to this social integration. One
hypothesis questions that the relationship influenced by the literature of the Kinh
and ethnic Thai rooted from cultural anthropology (like relationships of Thai -
Vietnamese or Vietnamese - the Muong group) or by some other reason?
From the above overview, we can see that those mentioned work mainly
illustrated brief and scattered judgments on the subject, content, artistic similarities,
differences in terms of storyline between Nom Kinh stories and narrative stories of
ethnic minorities (including Thai poems). None of the scholars study thoroughly
and no specific public works deeply survey, analyze, compare stories of specific
groups to find legitimate scientific conclusions. Therefore, on the basis of opinion-
oriented nature of some researchers and critics, we consider previous findings as
inheritance achievements and also serve as valuable suggestions for us to conduct
"A study of narrative poems of the Thai people in Vietnam with the same subject
of Kinh people’s Nom poems".
3. Objectives and scope of the research
3.1. Objectives of the research
The research focuses on 5 Thai poems which are: Trang Tu, Trang nguyen, Ý
Noi - Nang Xua, Ngu hau, U Them, in comparison with 5 Nom poems: Hoang
Truu, Tong Tran - Cuc Hoa, Cái Tam - Cai Cam, Thach Sanh, Truyen Tu Thuc…
3.2. Scope of the research
We study 5 ethnic Thai poems in the same topics with Kinh people’s Nom
poems and find out the contents and artistic angle of these poems.
4. Duties and limitations of the research
4.1. The duties of the research
•Study the common problems relating to narrative poems and Thai poems
•Learn about the contents and art structure of some Thai poems
•Compare, explain reasons about the similarities and differences between Thai
poems and Nom Kinh poems
4.2. Limitations of the research
The research covers only 5 books of Thai poetry and five books of Kinh
people’s Nom poetry. Other works are not mentioned.
5. Research Methodology
5.1. Systematic Method
5.2. Interdisciplinary Method
5.3. Comparison Method
6. Contribution of the research
•The system of evaluation, scrutiny, outlining poem countenance.
•Overview of the content value of some Thai poems in the same topic with the
Kinh’s Nom poems
•Overview of the artistic value of some Thai poems in the same topic with the
Kinh’s Nom poems.
•Providing documentation, translations of three stories: Trạng nguyên, Trạng
Tư, Ngu háu by the thesi's author and other intellectuals who conducted translation,
7. Structure of the research
Chapter 1
1.1. Narrative Poem, Theme and Plot
1.1.1. Narrative Poem
Narrative poem is a kind of narratives and used to reflect human life.
Story has 2 important factors: storyline and character, as expressed in two
forms as prose and verse. In this thesis, we study verse stories only
Verse story is used to express the content and later elevated to art. Thus, our
thesis studies art comic verse which the researchers call a narrative poem.
Thus, narrative poem can be understood as follows: Narrative poems were
composed in the form of narrative poetry, exist in writing or non- writing. They
serve as intermediate phenomenon between folklore and written literature
Narrative poems present a story, which is the nuclear factor. Story is "literary
works portraying the character’s personality and incidents through the writer's
narrative writings". Expression forms of narrative poems are poems. Story is told in
the form of poetry. Poetry is "the art of using image-abounding language and
rhythm to express contents coherently and emotionally". Two modes of narrative,
lyrical work combine together in the same genre of poetry and create a special
thing, which no other category has: reflect not only the objective world but also
directly express human subjectivity. Story pays attention to the details. Poetry,
however, depicts inner focus.
1.1.2. Theme and plot
Theme is the term used to refer to the range of events forming the basis of the
artwork. More generally, theme highlights the direct descriptions of that artwork.
In literature, theme is the surface area of explicit words, phenomena described
and reflected in literary texts. Theme is the objective aspect of the content of the
work. We can identify themes in literature according to limits the scale of reality
reflected in the work.
Narrative poems of the ethnic minorities have three main themes: love, family,
society. These themes have both external and internal links and show the scale of
reality reflected. Three themes penetrate each other and make us difficult to
Theme always comes along with the structural content of the work. With the
narrative work, structure content always includes three main aspects: storyline (or
plot), character, form of expression. Each aspect has its own internal function in
The plot is a system of events which are carefully selected and arranged. It
creates an environment to convey the value of content and art. The structure of the
poem is often in the major forms: linear order; sequencing, assembly; circle.
1.2. The Kinh People’s Nom poems
Nom poem is a genre of special interest in Vietnam’s medieval literature. Nom
poem was born in the historical- social conditions in the late fifteenth century to the
eighteenth century.
The introduction of Nom poem associated with the cultural and art premise.
Folk types as traditional theater, folk sculptures, folklore were featured.
In terms of plot, it is closely related to the democratic winds, folk narrative
genres available – fairy tales became the source of the Nom story script.
Nom poem is not simply the result of Kinh ethnic people’s culture in Vietnam
but it was also launched by the cultural exchange. The formation and development
of the Nom genre are inseparable from developing Nom literature and prose and
verse literary in particular as well as the formation and development of this kind of
literary narrative in Vietnam in general.
Nom poem comes from three major sources: the novel of urban China,
Vietnamese folktales, personal real life.
1.3. Thai poems
1.3.1. The social and cultural history of the Thai nation History and geographic characteristics of Thai ethnic people
The Thai people can be categorized into 2 separate groups: Tay Khao (White
Thai) and Tay Dam (Black Thai). They migrated from the Southern and South
Western China to Vietnam during the time from the 7
to the 13
century. After
settling down in Vietnam, the Thai came to establish and organize their society as a
feudal system.
The Thai people in Vietnam reside within a wide area ranging from the North
Western side of the Northern Vietnam to the West of Thanh Hoa and Nghe An. Socioeconomic features:
a. Economic
The Thai people live in mountainous areas which allows for burnt-over fields
as the only means of cultivation. Farming has always been considered “a lifetime
friend” of every Thai family.
b.Class stratification:
Prior to the August Revolution (1945), the Thai people was divided into 2
social classes. The governing body in the North Western area was quite massive
with many titles: pha nha, phia tao, mo lang, chang. The ordinary class was called
cuong nhoc. The holdings of profits all over the district were all in their hands,
which was clearly defined in the constitutions.
c. Marriage
About marriage in the phia tao society, the marchiarchy system required every
marriage to be allowed by both families based on two sets of criteria: both have to
be financially equivocal and the husband has to stay with his wife’s family.
d. Beliefs
Regarding beliefs, the Thai group associates authority with supernatural
powers. They also observe a multipower lifestyle in which everything in life is
believed to be under the guard of a supernatural force. Language and literary works
Due to limited historical documentations, the root of the Thai language is still
in controversy. The Thai language might appear during the time the Nom was first
introduced but bear no resemblance to the pictographic form. There are currently 7
forms of written Thai, all of them share the same structure.
Thai’s literary works are diverse in categories. Those like mythologies, fairy
tales and traditional rhymed works have been translated to Vietnamese. Tale poetry
has been considered to play an important role marking the significant development
of Thai literature in terms of both paperwork and artwork. Các thể loại hoàn toàn
dân gian như thần thoại, cổ tích, lời có vần cha ông truyền.
1.3.2. Current situation of Thai tale poetry
Tale poetry is one of the most long-lasting categories in Thai literature with the
greatest number of works.
Compared to other ethnic minorities, Thai tale poems are of larger number
(about 300), only 6 of which have been translated to Vietnamese. Like the tale
poems written in the Nom language systems, those in Thai still remain anonymous.
Thai tale poetry bears strong connection with khap (a type of singing). When it
comes to performing, the poems are sung in the khap xu melody.
As for the plots, Thai tale poems have their roots from these 2 basic sources:
Thai traditional folktales and Kinh, Lao, Chinese tales.
Regarding the themes, Thai tale poetry mainly focuses on these following 3
topics: love, conquests of nature and family life. The storyline usually goes in the
flow of meeting – catastrophe – union.
1.4. Interactions between Nom and Thai tale poetry
Due to limited documentations, the thesis chose 5 Thai poems as research
subjects, 2 of which are under the world-recognized themes. The composing
methodology was at first based on the theme, but later improvised and made
familiar to the Thai people.
With the aspiration for content broadening and intercultural exchange, Thai
poets also based their stories on those in the Nom language of the Kinh People. The
writer at first followed the original content, and later made additions, reversed the
details and blew in the shades of the Thai culture.
1.5. Some relevant works of Thai and Nom tale poetry
1.5.1. Thạch Sanh (Nom) and Ngu hau (Thai)
1.5.2. Tam - Cam (Nom) and Y Noi - Nang Xua (Thai)
1.5.3. Tu Thuc (Nom) and U Them (Thai)
1.5.4. Tong Tran - Cuc Hoa (Nom) and Trang nguyen (Thai)
1.5.5. Hoang Truu (Nom) and Trang Tu (Thai)
Tale poetry is the term that refers to a literary category of the King people as
well as some other ethnic minorities including Thai in Vietnam. Some works of
Thai and Kinh tale poetry (in the Nom language) are under the same themes – some
life incidents recorde, described and used to reflect in literary works.
The theme reflects the objective views on the main content of the work whose
development must be through the structure. Both Thai and Kinh’s tale poems share
the same core – the tale – and the means – the poem.
Being stories at the first place, tale poems always hold the strong core factor:
plot. The storyline always goes in the flow of meeting – catastrophe – union,
conducted according to time order with happy endings.
Both Nom and Thai tale poems exist in the form of either word of mouth and
written documentations, which can be considered as a special occasion in
Vietnamese literature. Some studies even suppose this to be the median between
folklore and modern literature.
Literature always forms in certain conditions. Thai tale poetry is composed
based on historical, natural and cultural situations, bringing to the tales an air of
myterious colors. Besides, the formation of Nom tale poems also bears some
similarities and differences, both intermingling and distingushing the 2 cultures.
Chapter 2
2.1. Value
2.1.1. Conquest of nature Nature conquering as Thai people’s long-lasting desire
As mentioned above, some Thai tale poems under this theme are Ngu hau,
Trang nguyên, U Them.
Ngu hau focuses on buildin the image of the hero Luu Vinh in an epic battle.
Lưu Vinh wins the rocks, controls the rocks and turns them to his own tools and
weapons in the battle against a Basilik to rescue the princess and protect the country
with his talents. This exposes the time when humans were taking steps to control
the nature, also indirectly defeated the superpowers.
Meanwhile, the character Thach Sanh in the Thach Sanh Nom tale poem also
won the Basilik as arranged by the God. Thach Sanh was originally son of god sent
to the world and raised by ordinary people. Humans at that time were supposed to
rely on superpowers in solving their problems and Thach Sanh’s origin somehow
reflected the incapability of people in the past. Unlike Thach Sanh, Luu Vinh was
born normal with skills learned from his father and practice. He killed the beast with
his own powers, reigning over the nature. Moreoever, the story shows people’s
awareness of the nature. Conquest against the nature as a form of protecting the village
The nature conquest does not only show Thai People’s desire but also proves
that it is the only way to protect the community, which is best clarified in Ngu hau
and Trang Nguyen.
In Ngu hau, the Basilik appeared as a threat to the life of the villagers. Luu
Vinh defeated the beast not only to rescue the princess but also to save the village
from the coming deluge. The same goes in Trang Nguyen, reflected in these 3
incidents: taming the tiger, defeating the waters and killing the giant aquatic serpent.
If the tiger represents onland dangers, the event of marriage to the daughter of God
of the Waters shows the human ability in conquering the waters.
2.1.2. Reflections of family life Family life in reality
4 out of 5 research subjects bear this content in the stories (except for Trang Tư).
Y Noi Nang Xua refers to the stepmother-daughter relationship with Láng’s bringing
her stepdaughter into the forest. Compared to King people’s Tam Cam, the father-
daughter connection in Y Noi Nang Xua is of more significance. The father, however,
could hardly offer his daughter nothing but love. The story deeply described Thai’s
marchiarch culture where powers in the family are in the hands of the wife.
Trang Nguyên poses a picture of rotten upper classes along with the inhumane
trade for marriage. Tương, father of Cuc Hoa, sells his daughter’s destiny away as a
commodity in trade. This shows the downfall of current Thai society. Society in reality
While Y Noi – Nang Xua holds its reality reflections within the family scope,
U Thêm has wider range in criticizing a turbulent, complicated society of
conflicting relationships. This is depicted through the appearance of the evil lady
which represents the manipulation of powers and the selfish desire to rule over other
countries. Social conflicts also affect and trigger family conflict between husband
and wife, first and second wife, stepmother and daughter
2.2. The expess one’s thought
2.2.1. The beauty of the human nature
Thai tale poetry directs itself to the value of the human goodwill and the dream
of “one good turn” will be granted with “another good turn”. In Ngu hau, the beauty
of a laborer is represented in Lưu Vinh. Through his valiant act of killing the beast
with an impartial soul, the writer constructed an image of an ideal character with a
pure soul that only wants to do good for the community. Lưu Vinh does not look for
remuneration in that he is the center of moral, physical and intellectual powers and
values. In Thai tale poetry there appears a type of hero matured from practice,
which is a familiar and attainable to everyone, it praises the thorough beauty of
laborers with skills, morals in whom the writer trusts with his dream of a equal
society led by a talented, deserving leader.
Images of women in literature are slightly different each ethnic, but they all
share these qualities: beautiful and practical, dutiful, faithful
We can point out some of the characters in this poem which is built according
to Thai standards. In the poem, Kham In is not just a beautiful woman, but also
extraordinary woman with intense love, closeness, loyalty, a wise sage daughter, a
loving mother. In the poem Trang Nguyen, praising the work, faithful love, the
determination of the main character Cuc Hoa and two supporting characters: the
princess Peng and Cao Vuong. Speaking of Trang Tu, the heroine in the story, she
is also built according to the standards of idealism. Princess Annam is a wonderful
woman and faithful in love. The princess of Thailand poem has also a wise sense of
happiness or marriage.
Most works about love or marriage are praised for fidelity of women. Most of
the female characters have to go through a series of life-challenging events. They all
more or less suffer the hardship in order to affirm their loyalty and faithfulness.
2.2.2. The belief of “one good turn deserves another”
This concept can be found both in Kinh and Thai tale poetry.
Through the characters in Thach Sanh and Ngu hau, the concept of good
people receiving the good things are immensely reflected. From the characters’ life
and feats of arms, the writers show their desire of a society with equality and belief
in justice. This philosophy is also best demonstrated in Y Noi – Nang Xua (Thai)
and Tam Cam (Nom) with perfect humanity reflected in Tam and Y Noi.
The philosophy of “a good turn deserves another” is indicated to be reflected
by the happy endings at the end of the story as the subjective wish of the writers.
This is also the humane values of the works, the lessons of humanity and the belief
in the beauty of life that one can draw from the tale.
Lofty, profoundly humane philosophical spirit is presented in both comic pair
Y Noi-Nang Xua (Thai) and Cai Tam-Cai Cam (Kinh). The inside beauty with the
standard aesthetic values are reflected in the character Tam and Y Noi.
Characteristics of the philosophy “One good turn deserves another” prescribed
happy endings of work as well as the author’s very desire.
This also reflects the humanitarian value, the life lessons on how to live and
beliefs in a better live. This concept leads to a happy ending and is a testament to
the statement: comics contains some characteristics of fairy kind.
In addition U Them poem, Thai people in Thanh Hoa have shown a lot of
concepts about life. The Thai people have a notion "afterlife" world of dead souls;
they also said that there are penalties for offenders after death. U Them poem
describes the way to glimpse God's going to find his wife U Them to glimpse
through the whole bizarre punishment: the guilt of unfaithfulness, the guilt of
abstinence in childbirth, the guilt in abandoning partners and kids. Images which
can glimpse the monstrous punishment are somewhat similar to Pluto's power Cross
Vietnam. It just reflects the views of the Thai people about social ethics, philosophy
of life, just to keeping the law strictly. Who continuously violate will not only be
punished when they are alive they were punished at the other side of the world.
2.2.3. National- pride Mindset The Power of Outstanding Individuals
The similarities, though unremarkable, but are important to the Vietnamese
thought and Thais. Through abroad journey of character Tung Tan, the authors has
affirmed, Vietnam has national patriots, many talented and righteous and virtue
compared to China.
When taking the exams and travelling abroad, Tung Tan danced through two
challenges. Over ten years abroad, Tung Tan made King Tan compliment him for
his excellent strategies. Painful time passed, despite the fact that the king of Qin
spoiled all levels, Tung Tan proved to be danced with the iron will, no desire of
wealth to wealth, beauty not care. With a determined soul, he only had his wife in
mind and also the elderly mother in faraway homeland.
If Tung Tan represents ingenuity of macho, Cuc Hoa represented the beautiful
virtue of Thai women. Ingenious indispensable virtue, virtue is ingenious new
integrity. It is not random that People's Thai built two qualities beside each other.
Intelligence and great personalities of two main characters have collected made
people admire. Cuc Hoa’s beautiful personality made the king want to meet her and
promoted the beauty to “the queen of the empire”. During the reunion scene, the
interior divided house, she had a higher throne than Banh Hoa - Chinese princess
and Cao Vuong, King Shui Qi daughter. Sense of self-esteem, ethnic equality
If the Poinsettias works in two highly autonomous spirit of the nation, the
poem Trang Tu refers to diplomatic relations between Vietnam and China.
In the last century, the two countries Vietnam - China usually are in war.
Therefore, tense conflicts are obvious in the diplomatic relationship. The Chinese
group took turns to invade Vietnam. In relational learning culture, ethnic Thais
came to Vietnam from the seventh century by trapping of the Han ethnic minority
people in Vietnam to the east and north, so they gradually migrated southward. By
the nineteenth century, many ethnic Thais experienced disputes with the border
ethnic Chinese.
2.2.4. The concept of religious beliefs
Kinh poem reflects cultural beliefs of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism
Unlike the conception of the world, the universe of Kinh, the Thai group poems
have different ideas. Most of the works mentioned will bring the spirit of all things
that have souls or the world in general. All things have a soul
Not only the concept of the afterlife, Thais also believe that everything around
us like trees, rocks, rivers, mountains and creatures have souls, and are all governed.
All back in under the governance of General of Supreme Beings is Then Luong,
under Then is the hierarchical levels (ma).
For Thai peeple, the world's non-opposition to the living world, but these two
worlds communicate with each other through a metaphysical force the soul (or
astral) of each individual, the phenomena. The details of many works addressed the
concept of spirits, ghosts Muong, Muong sky, forest gate ma The Vietnamese
divide the human into soul and material, always immortal soul, and material is lost
after death. The Thais do not use words like nature break on the use of "transform".
This form of religious reason: to go to another world (tape to turn) and not die. Soul
that is separated from the body, dissolve the drug will become live on the different
positions in the ditch.
Thus, if the conception of the world of the King Universe is dominated by a
number of religious doctrines, the same problems, the Thais have their own view.
The concept of the afterlife is just to see how the world looked at the universe, just
to show the moral of Thai society, ethnic identity formation deep. The concept of the three realms of the world
The concept consists of 3 realms world appeared in most Thai poems, but the
reader may be most aware of Trang Nguyen poem.
Not only praising Tung Tan as the role of the hero with the resounding victory,
Trang Nguyen story also refers to many aspects of Thai society, which emerged in
the religious matters of belief. Many of his verses to talk about astral worship,
necromancy, mental health, especially in the modern occasions. According to the
Thai people, the universe has three floors: Pha Muong, Muong Chen, Muong Ma by
non-ghost. Then the concept above, is both the creator of each item symbolizes both
nature and society. Heaven, where the Supreme Muong Then, most sacred, where
he is the crowning glory of the human reach. As pictured in God, the old man can
be reborn by molting and not die. The desire of immortality, escaping from the time
universe and age of human being are the dream of any ethnic people. Details of the
sun danced just press exaggerated account of the character, just to show the concept
of the Thai beliefs. The beauty of Tung Tan is ideal realms of human life, deserving
to live in Muong Nong Pha, Muong Then.
1. Poetry is typical of the kind of King literature and Thai ethnic. Same
category, composed of two parts with the subject phenomenon.
2. Contents of Thai poem with the same theme poem Nom Kinh are pretty plentiful.
Due to mainly Thais living on high mountains, steep terrain, activities
dependent on natural, so natural desire to become conquering different content
covering most of the work. The main character of the composition is the mortal
hero origin, may conquer the rocks, kill python, flood control, water conquer
Through this content, Thais expressed fervent belief in the power of the human
inner life.
Thai poems mainly reflect social reality and families. This is also common
concern of narrative poems Nom. From Ngu hau to Trang Nguyen, Roles of the
family change, matriarchy moves to patriarchy. Predetermined marriges have not
ended so Thai people have championed for love self due, for family democratic.
Thai society in the poem volatile pretty complex. King is not intelligent, inhumane,
and always seeks to destroy talents,
Social turmoil, human destiny is threatened. From dark reality, Thai society
find the beauty ideal standards such as intellect, virtue, altruism, wealth and
nobility. Trang Nguyen work, U Them, Ngu Hau voracious exudes this content.
They dream of the military people who have outstanding intelligence to lead
virtuous society, hence the beautiful people appear.
In particular, all the Thai poem surveyed promoting, praising the father and
son, mother and daughter, fidelity of women, encouraging free love. To all those
who value the existence, honor, philosophical poem borrowed life, aesthetic
perception "in gentle healing experience." This is the cure to the tragedy, their
concerns are adequately addressed in the imagination.
In addition, religious matters creed dominant manner character building.
Popular in the poem is all perception animism. Everybody aspects of life are have
phi (ma) governance. Lives in lifetime humans sown natural person who, reap
results. Thai people believe that death is not the end of life, which is "of ice" to
another. This view has many similarities to Buddhism, life posts, waterfall about to
Besides the content, the poem brings Thai nationalist. The poinsettia poem,
adverb, Ú Them More attention to diplomatic relations between the two nations and
the reliance.
All of the contents on the dominant artistic creation of the Thai poem as
structural work, epic nature, character language we will continue to present this
issue in the next chapter.
Chapter 3
3.1. The structure of Thai narrative poems
3.1.1. Conception of the structure and role
3.1.2. Motif narrative poems Thai
Among the Thai poems which are researched, we found the following
compositions using some basic motif. Ngu hau poem uses two motifs: Solid
warrior kill evil and rescue the beautiful and marry then throne.
Counter-ideological way last stage of the Thais is put into the human
literature stalked full strength, stature than nature.
In the story Y Noi – Nang Xua, magic mother motif leading to happiness
does not appear in the story Cai Tam-Cai Cam of bran that has replaced it is the
image of Buddha. The incarnation of the character's mother signals that the
aesthetics of the work place. As shown in the indigenous cultural aspect - the
dominant matriarchal writing and thinking. The image of tiger is familiar with
people in the mountainous northwest past century.
Thai tales Ú Them texture with the other motifs revolve around two key
motifs kill demon warrior who saved enough people. Story has 6 main motifs:
Compared with Tong Tran- Cuc Hoa, Trang Nguyen story is larger than the
number of motifs, compositions resulting content is richer.
The memory is always available, the interactive process literature, the Thais
have additions circumstances, the religious power of words to put into writing the
aesthetic demands of social practices which it meets the mind of people.
Thus, the motif of textured material Thai poem works. The choice of
motifs are used in structural Thai poem is not a random phenomenon that
intentional creative. It is governed by the practical experience and ethnic
cultural psychology. So, we can say that the structural motifs Thai poem
reflects deep thinking ethnic culture.
3.1.3. Organization circumstances
Due to Thailand's poem category interference between folklore and
literature so well the organization in the information does not follow an
inconsistent order.
In the poem we see two Thai poem contains three structures, including
Meet - events - reunions. Trang Nguyen poem has three floor structural model,
other Tong Tan - Cuc Hoa. Trang Nguyen tales have met 3 times, 2 times and 3
times wandering reunion. Tong Tran – Cuc Hoa has 2 meeting, 2 times
wandering and 2 times reunions. Trang Nguyen work with 10 different main
details, writer would just choose some more analysis typically as followed, in
order to point out the similarities and differences of these two works.
Thus, by inserting creative circumstances, the author has put into the Thai
works of new content over the initial range reflects. Adding this content
because people Thai have demanded to reflect realism contemporaries of ethnic
In addition to the organizations above, Thai poem is organized plot by
combining multiple motifs strung, and many details.
Conventional structure of Thai narrative poems differ in that poem Nom
end type of tragedy occurs.
In summary, there are two ways in which poem Thai organize details. Each
organization brings to reflect a different effect. The organization met model -
events - reunited to create a fixed structure, focus reflect specific themes, easy
navigation. How fitting motif tremendous surprise for the reader.
3.2. Iconic characters
3.2.1. Number of characters
Thai poem has built a vast system of characters. The number of characters
in each product depending on the scope and content of life is reflected.
Most Thai poem is the number of characters richer poem Nom Kinh same
topic. The phenomenon is not equal to the number of characters for the plot
poem Nom Thai Business loan is an indication that the author poem as
successor Thai poem Nom's story has more plot and construction further the
plot, making the story richer. This result confirms that the Thais do not work
"transformed", "copy" Nom simple plot.
3.2.2. The main character
Thus, in general, the main character in Thai poem is more colorful than
poem Nom poem. When comparing stories and poetry transcribed Thai poem in
terms of character, we find that there is a difference in the source character.
Vietnamese folklore the characters appear more supernatural origin as real
gods, or, in conjunction with the divine, conceived by "borrowing down to
down to earth". The main character is the fabled gods Son Tinh - Thuy Tinh,
Thanh Giong The main character in the fairy tale is unusual because the
conception borns from such exotic coconut,
The introduction of the mortal characters that Thai poem beyond this point
has been gradually rid ties of folklore, people-center subjects to reflect. The
main character in the poem is not only different from Thai characters
transcribed in terms of quantity and origin but also in iconic character textures,
and bold colors.
Characters in the poem brings some character traits of the aforementioned
history. Characters in the poem brings a sense of community. This
characteristic is reflected in the ability to conquer nature and improvement of
human society represents the will power - the purpose of the national
community. In poem number 5 Thai survey, there are 3 characters including
Luu Vinh (Ngu Hau), Tung Tan (Trang Nguyen), Ú Them (Ú Them) meets
above expression.
Historical character in individual behavior is associated with ethnic and
historical issues. Characters in the poem generally have good stature, with
dimensions greater than itself, much like the characters in the history. The
character in the poem is the physical resonance of community standards. In any
community, personal hero appear in the beauty create shape according aesthetic
viewpoint and community’s standards.
As an ordinary person, Luu Vĩnh, Tung Tan and Ú Them bring superior
beauty, and magnificient, somehow reflecting spirit and holy. The first common
qualities in a hero's epic courage, the will and extraordinary. The hero must do
three things: water, rock conquer, glorious victories, conquering the sky Muong
represents Thai community’s own aesthetic. The characters in the poems being
surveyed have no naive innocence images, nor absolutize measures of beauty
by the exaggerated bombastic as the folk epic. The hero shows up with great
physique but more casual and everyday life.
3.3. Language
3.3.1. Monologue language
Language itself is expressed primarily in describing art. If Kinh poem
contains many classic problems, the poem of classic Thai style expression to be
consistent with cultural and ethnic rustic, rustic somewhat less subject to
cultural influences from East.
Thus, through some typical poem, we can see description language used in
the poem similes are more rustic style, casual fit with the thinking of the
Author narrative poem Thai when I usually hide a hidden text in the
subject. This can be seen most clearly in the way of transferring the matter,
corresponding to a verse.
Thus, the narrator language tended to separate, divide themselves clear
boundaries with the character and his sense dangtrong always plays the
narrator, not in a lot of different points of view as modern novels later stage.
3.3.2. Language characters
Spoken Language of characters is "words from a specific character" [49,
p.7]. In the language of literary characters exist in two forms: dialogue and
Conducting survey in Thai poetry, we found that in many works appear the
dialogue of the characters. Language figure accounts for 30% to 40% of the
entire verse works. The work is the highest percentage is Y Noi-Nang Xua.
The work has the lowest percentage is Trang Tu. Language characters occupied
prominent positions in the work space, which is a vital part of the structure of
the Thai poem with the same theme as poem Kinh Nom.
The independence of the character in the story has a very high conception
compared with native folklore.
This ratio corresponds to the ratio of characters in a language of ancient
stories and topics with Thai poem.
Language in the Thai group poem is built in two forms. Conducting
statistical classification and comparison between the two types of numbers, we
can draw conclusions about the character traits of language in Thai poem.
However, the percentage of language appeared in the form of monologues is
not high. Therefore, we can say: language characters in Thai poem with the
same theme poem Nom mainly appears in the form of dialogue. This form of
organization is the basic language of the Thai group poem as image building
For dialogue, Thai poem features compared with many songs poem are
exactly the two characters communicating often brief narrative with each of the
events of their life, so the reader sense of story is repeated.
3.4. Means of artistic
Language of the poem describes the Thai people prefer the way the message,
message from, stressed, lists, compare. This phenomenon is repeated in the whole
5 files. The message is how many images used to describe an action, the same
mood as syntactic structure to portray deep need to express content.
The meaning of poetry allows paired styling which made it easy to
remember, catchy, and easy to preserve and contribute to flexibility, versatility,
vivid style of expression, consistent with the need to wording.
3.5. Resonance history
In terms of content, Nom poetry poem is about life, about people. Thai
poem, apart from the above issues are conveyed inter alia, in favor of the
community, such as the desire to conquer nature, animism concept These
characteristics make Thai poem characterized using competition, art texture like
a epic novel.
Thai poem reserve factors epic. The main character in the works U Them,
Ngu hau, apparently Trang Nguyen is built from the debris memories.
Thai-style poem has two main structures: the structural model met - events
- reunions and structural style motif. Using a motifs such as narrative poems
Nôm but Thai people have different purposes to achieve their very yourself and
status character. So, we can say that the structural motifs Thai poem reflects
deep thinking ethnic culture.
Like some ancient poem, the poem is organized by model met - events -
reunions (especially in the form of the story). Each organization brings to
reflect a different effect. The organization met model - events - reunited to
create a fixed structure, focus reflect specific themes, easy navigation. How
fitting motif tremendous surprise for the reader.
For derivative works Nom poem Kinh, Thai authors created by inserting
facts, included in the work of new content over the initial range reflects. The
reason for adding this content as Thais wishing to reflect contemporary reality,
expresses peoples.
Characters in narrative poems Thai often have normal profiles (different
from many supernatural character in the story poetry Nôm, but action and
willpower often make characters have legendary color. The huge development
from folk legends to normal life character has innovated literature; people with
“plain body image” now become a better, well-rounded individuals that have
emotions, feelings, thoughts about the past and the future.
In terms of language, narrative poems Thai have profound intercultural
process with ethnic groups. Thai Language poem marks the maturity of ethnic
voices in the integration process. Characters in the poem primarily use
language dialogue; monologue language appeared, but not much. The
percentage of monologue and dialogue in Kinh Nom is similar to the same
topics poems of Thai.
1. Vietnam Literature is not only composed of Kinh own literature, but also
the presence of literatures from other ethnic minorities. Researching the art
work of minority people is significant in economic development strategies,
enhancement of cultural life in mountainous areas. In the capital of culture,
poem is special and unique. Thai poem is not merely the creation associated
with oral forms of cultural activities in Thai ethnic identity but also circulated
by composing their own writing. With this value it is considered category
marked his transition from folklore to written literature. In the modern era, the
Kinh ethnic literature, stories Nom is considered one of the four important
categories, which acts as the backbone for literature.
2. Correlation study between Thai poem of the same subject with the Kinh
Nom poem is meaningful. Delta poem as well as minority poems are
connecting steps between folklore and written literature, and generally
characterized by both literary form above. The purpose of the study was to
find content, characteristic art of Thai poem in relation to the poem compared
with Nom.
3. Compared with ancient poem, poem Thai brought in surveys have 5
main content: Struggling to conquer nature, realistic family - social, beautiful
people, great national pride, religious notions of belief .
3.1. Family picture is the major concern of the Thai author. Mutant
complex nature of life expressed firstly in family disputes. In Thai society is
beginning class, family culture influenced by matriarchy, all authority in the
hands of women, men do not acquire even in seats of authority. Social
contradictions reflect social conflicts. In centralized mode, the king only pays
attention to individual interests, talents destruction. The King is not smart, all
social disorder. Underclass catching the right, demons harassed, people fall into
To escape this reality, people look to nature to hide. People have wanted to
get rid of reality but due to the natural reality distress the reality fled or were
driven away. Those characters such as Ngu Hau, U Them appeared in the
3.2. From dark reality, Thai society to find a man with the beauty ideal
standards such as intellect, virtue, altruism rich, noble. The poinsettia work, Ú
addition, Ngu voracious exuding this content. They dream of the emperor
should be enough to lead virtuous society, hence the beautiful people. In
particular, all the Thai poem surveyed promoting, praising the father and son,
mother and daughter, fidelity of women, encouraging free love. To all those
who value the existence, honor, philosophical poem borrowed life, aesthetic
perception "in gentle healing experience." This is the cure to the tragedy, their
concerns are adequately addressed in the imagination.
3.3. Due mainly Thais living on high mountains, steep terrain, activities
dependent on natural, therefore, the ancient poem of Economics, the natural
desire to conquer to become cover different content. The Thais always factor in
the water, because water is the basis for creating the visualization society.
Besides, the story beyond patch, subdued rock, killing beasts become
permanent issue in the poem.
3.4. If the story Nom poem shown bold thinking Buddhism,
Confucianism, Daoism, the Thai poem to mark the memory of polytheism.
Thais think that human concept can be divided into many souls, there are
three realms of the world, is the supreme governing Then Luong. Through
literature, the Thais always optimistic face of death, to heaven new life is
eternal everlasting. The issue of religion is belief in the poem is the refraction
of Thai culture in Vietnam.
4. From Thai poem content, can outline some aspects of the art of
structural category as plot, character, expression
4.1. The plot structure of Thai poem has two main forms.: The models
meet - events - reunions and style motif. The structural motifs Thai poem
reflects deep thinking ethnic culture. In addition, the poem also held
meetings modeled - events - reunions. Each organization brings to reflect a
different effect.
The organization met model - events - reunited to create a fixed structure,
focus reflect specific themes, easy navigation. How fitting motif tremendous
surprise for the reader.
For the derivative plot Nom Kinh, Thai authors created by inserting facts,
included in the work fresh content than the original range reflects. The reason
for adding this content as Thais wishing to reflect contemporary reality,
expresses peoples.
4.2. Unlike most ancient poem Kinh, Thai characters in the poem is usually
normal but background action and extraordinary willpower makes tinged epic
character. People with “plain image” of the folk are replaced with individuals
with emotional mood, and thoughts expressed past or think about the future. We
can say, with a poem, the first time in Thai literature, one man has come true in
4.3. Expression of Thai poem is message from popular forms, like the way
listed for pictures. This is a rare phenomenon in the ancient poem of Kinh.
Among 5 borrowed stories from Nom, the Thai author absolutes did not use any
anecdotes. In the integration process, the Thai language poem has reserved the
traditional singing throughout. Characters in the poem primarily use dialogue;
though monologue appeared, but not much. The usage of dialogue and
monologue is similar in same poem to poem from Kinh and Nom.
5. Thai poems and Nom poems are interactively having relationships with
one another. Thai tales and poetry transcribed poem to reflect a complex social
change, human agency, social ideal, praising love, faithfulness, praise the
beauty, people's dreams, also reflects the social conflicts through family
disputes, dreams. Similarities of Thai poem are influenced by some ancient
poem as identified by some researchers. However, the author is not passive
Thai "copy" or "transformation" that creative process and serious blow to the
idea that a new twist in accordance with the national culture. Creativity cannot
be negated by the basic difference between them that needs the basis of
authenticity to prove it.
Thai and poem and Nom poem have similarities and differences in certain
aspects. Along with the plot structure model three meetings - events - reunions,
character system is divided into two main areas, clear villain. The similarity of
the art is also found when comparing the two narrative poems that have the
same plot, which is built by the plot motifs. The destroy evil and rescue the
beautiful, married and crowned in pairs team motifs appear Ngu Hau and Thach
Sanh, first motif of a normal man becoming supernatural individual and
marrying angel.
Besides similarities between Thai poem to poem Nom poem, there are
many differences in artistic content. Regarding content, the Thai poem pays
attention to the natural desire to conquer, the creation of awareness religions.
Regarding material: Kinh poem also contains many classic problems, Thai
poem has expressed consistent way with rustic ethnic culture. Plot structure
and the additions assemble facts to suit the ethnic culture which show
evidence that the process of change and creativity of Thai poem is in relation
to literature Kinh.
6. With all these features, content and presentation of art, the problem of
Thai poem opens allowing richer scope of the research field and literature
interdisciplinary research. But the problem, as well as Thai poem generally
require contribution of many, many branches, with many different angles.
Thesis we study only the first step in a certain level in the limited ability. The
scope should be developed for wider ethnic narrative poems such as Tay,
Muong relations and comparative literature interaction.