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Reading comprehension skill is one of skills which need developing for students with Autism
Spectrum Disoreder (ASD) in primary school. However, this skill is difficult for these students. The
results of research, theory and practice have shown that among school skills, reading skill, especially
reading comprehension skill, is one of the most difficulties for students with ASD. A wide range of
difficulties faced by students with ASD makes teaching reading comprehension skill a difficult
challenge to researchers, teachers and parents. Morever, difficulties in reading comprehension skill
affect abilities to access documents of other subjects in school and real life, and dirrectly affect
abilities to learn national language program.
In Vietnam, the concept of ASD has been recognized from the first years of the 21st century
and researches on ASD are still limited. Actually, considering ASD as a difficulty which need special
supporting in education has not reached an agreement in Vietnam. Primary school students with ASD
are now participating in general education program for primary school students and facing a lot of
challenges. The reading comprehension program for primary school students is designed in form of
general class-exercise, in which the teacher may have contact with students with ASD in person more
or less in the classroom. However, due to limitation of class-exercise format, it is difficult for teachers
to create specific teaching methods in order to satisfy individual characteristics of students with ASD.
Teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD therefore need specific methods designed in
form of individual approaching in order to improve quality of teaching reading comprehension for the
students, helping them achieve one of the most important skills – reading comprehension skill so that
the students can acquire and enrich their knowledge.
From the theoritical and practical issues mentioned above, I made decision to choose the
topic for my doctoriate thesis as: “Strategies of teaching reading comprehension for students with
Autism Spectrum Disoreder at the first years of primary school”.
To establish a system of teaching methods on reading comprehension in order to improve the
quality of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD at the first years of primary education
level, helping students with ASD to form and develop reading comprehension skills in accordance with
requirements of early primary school program.

3.1. Objects of the study
Reading comprehension skill for students with ASD at the first stage of primary education level
3.2. Subjects of the study
Strategies of teaching reading comprehension skill for students with ASD at first stage of
primary school education.
Students with ASD have limited reading comprehension abilities in comparison with general
primary school students and are unable to meet the requirements of education program at the first
stage of primary education level. This problem is caused by subjective reasons (limited vocabulary,
weak concentration ability, limited knowledge, weakness in self-regulation while reading...) and
objective reasons (inappropriate reading text, unsatisfying visual level for demands of students with
ASD...). If there are suitable methods on teaching reading comprehension, especially focusing on
individualized approaching methods in activities of teaching reading comprehension, the results of
teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD shall be improved.
5.1. To research the argument basics on ASD and methods on teaching reading
comprehension for students with ASD at the first stage of primary education level.
5.2. To assess the actual reading comprehension skill of students with ASD and teaching
reading comprehension for students with ASD at the first stage of primary education level.


5.3. To propose and apply experimental research of methods on teaching reading
comprehension in order to improve quality of teaching reading comprehension skill for students with
ASD at the first stage of primary education level.
- Studying the process of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD, in which
reading comprehension skill is studied as a specific skill in association with reading lessons in
Vietnamese subject at the first stage of primary education level

- Students with high and medium functioning ASD are main objects in the thesis.
- The process and methods of teaching reading comprehension in the thesis aim at forming
and developing basic reading comprehension skills for students with ASD at the first stage of
primary school: identifying, understanding the meaning and responding the reading text.
- The process and methods of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD are
individualized approach via individual education plan, individual teaching period and supporting
activities for students with ASD at the first stage of primary education level.
- The experimential research of methods on teaching reading comprehension are conducted in
specialized education environment where individualized approaching methods in teaching activities in
general and teaching reading comprehension in particular via individual education plan and individual
teaching period for students with ASD are practised as basic and central teaching activites.
7.1. Methodology
The topic shall be studied with complex and specific points of view as follows: dialectical
materialistic, systematic, practical, normalization, individualization (specilization) points of view.
7.2. Studying methods
7.2.1. Theoretical studying methods
Collecting, analyzing and summarizing professional studies and documents in order to
establish theoretical basis of the studying topic.
7.2.2. Practical studying methods
Consisting of following methods: testing, conducting survey, interviewing, observing, case
study, experimental research
7.2.3. Methods of analyzing data via mathematical statistics
Analyzing data from survey and experimental research and using result of analysis as the
basis to find conclusion about actual situation and experimental research. Using SPSS software
version 16.0 to analyze survey data of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD.
8.1. Theoretical contribution
- Contributing to establish and extend theory of ASD and teaching for students with ASD at the first
stage of primary educational level.

- The theory of teaching reading comprehension for general primary school students shall be extended
via the study of students with ASD with similar and different aspects.
- Establishing a set of tools for assessment of reading comprehension skill of students at the first
stage of primary education level.
- Constructing methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD based on
characteristics of the students, education program and conditions at the first stage of primary
education level in Vietnam.
8.2. Practical contribution
- Analyzing and clarifying strong points, weak points and other factors that affect teaching for
students with ASD, helping to improve effectivenes of teaching reading comprehension for students
with ASD.
- Methods on teaching reading comprehension proposed and confirmed via educational experimental
research shall be valuable reference for administrative, studying, training and fostering mission for
teachers of students with ASD at the first stage of primary educational level.


- Characteristics of students with ASD, objective and subjective factors that affect reading
comprehension skill of students with ASD shall be bases to identify methods on teaching reading
comprehension for the students.
- Organizing teaching reading comprehension in individualized approach format in order to ensure
students with ASD shall develop abilities and overcome limitation to achieve reading comprehension
skill successfully.
- Organizing teaching reading comprehension in order to develop learning abilities based on strong
points, focusing on interests and fortes of students with ASD so that teaching reading comprehension for
the students shall achieve high result.
The thesis consists of: Introduction, Conclusion – Recommendation and three chapters:

Chapter 1: Theoretical basics of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD at the first
stage of primary education level.
Chapter 2: Practical basics of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD at the first
stage of primary education level.
Chapter 3: Recommendation and experimental research of teaching reading comprehension for
students with ASD at the first stage of primary education level.
1.1.1. In the world
Studies on reading comprehension of students with ASD may be clasified in three main
groups: (1) Studies on characteristics of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD. (2)
Studies on factors that affect the development of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD
and (3) Studies on methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD.
With general analysis of studies in the world, the thesis shall study all three issues mentioned
above and focus on the third issue. In addition, the thesis consists of new things as follows: survey was
conducted with a large number of participants, there is comparison with general primary school
students; studying with characteristics of Vietnamese and closely connected to Vietnamese subject at the
first stage of primary education level; general approach with adjustment of methods on teaching
reading comprehension which proved to be effective through studies in the world.
1.1.2. In Vietnam
Studies on reading comprehension skill in Vietnam are limited and have not gained enough
attention in comparison with its importance. Generally, even in special education for students with
special needs, there are few studies on reading comprehension skill. Studies on reading comprehension
skill of students with ASD in particular seem never to have been conducted.
The thesis shall use existing result of studies on teaching students with special needs in primary
education level and teaching reading comprehension for general primary school students in solving the
issue of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD. The basic approaching method of the
thesis is: establishing methods on teaching reading comprehension with individualized approach in
process of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD.

1.2.1. Concept of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Currently, there is a wide range of autism concepts. Basically, autism concept consists of
following characteristics: Autism is a form of disorder of development characterized by impairments
in communication, social interaction and by restricted repetitive or stereotyped patterns of behavior,
interests, and activities.
The scope of thesis shall focus on children with medium and high functioning autism
according to Simon Baron Cohen. Actually, in most cases, these are two main groups of children
with autism who can access primary education and other education levels.


1.2.2. Diagnostic criteria, procedures and tools for assessment of ASD Diagnostic criteria for assessment of ASD
The thesis shall approach diagnostic criteria for ASD through Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM V). Diagnostic procedures and tools for assessment of ASD
The thesis shall approach CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale) diagnostic procedures and tools
1.2.3. Development of school skills of students with ASD
The thesis shall analyze development of school skills of students with medium and high
functioning autism in term of reading, writing, mathematics skills and some common difficulties
faced by students with ASD at primary education level such as difficulties in doing homework and
test, typical behaviors that affect studying school skills and participating in education procedures.
1.2.4. Education models for students with ASD
Education system for student with ASD born later than education system of others disabilities
but remains basically three models of basic education: specifically, integration, inclusive.
1.3.1. Theory of reading comprehension Concept of reading comprehension and reading comprehension skill
* Concept of reading: Reading is a process of decoding symbols 1. to translate symbols into sounds
and 2. to translate symbols into meaning (to comprehend what is read). The thesis shall focus on the
second stage of decoding process.
* Concept of reading comprehension: Reading comprehension is both a level and a target of reading
activities; via interaction with a text, readers shall comprehend what is read and purpose of the text
so that they can give response about content and purpose of the text.
* Concept of reading comprehension skill: Reading comprehension skill is a skill to implement
actions in reading comprehension in order to comprehend what is read and purpose of a text so that
readers can give responses about content and purpose of the text. Reading comprehension skill are
assessed based on result of reading comprehension actions. Classification of reading comprehension skill in primary education level
The thesis shall consider reading comprehension actions as criteria to classify reading
comprehension skills:
Group 1: Skill to identify language
Group 2: Skill to comprehend the content and purpose of a text
Group 3: Skill to response a text
1.3.2. Characteristics of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD Psychological factors that affect reading comprehension skill of students with ASD
* Influence of cognitive factor on reading comprehension skill of students with ASD: Sensation,
perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination.
* Influence of linguistic factor on reading comprehension skill of students with ASD.
* Influence of social communication on reading comprehension skill of students with ASD.
* Influence of behavioral factor on reading comprehension skill of students with ASD. Characteristics of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD
* “Empty” reading phenomenon among students with ASD
* Students with ASD can understand explicit meaning but may have difficulties in understanding
implicit meaning of a text, which means they can understand the meaning of specific words but have
difficulties in understanding abstract words
* Students with ASD often have difficulties in exploring ideas of writers in a text.

* Students with ASD have difficulties in summarizing a text.
* Students with ASD have self-control weakness while reading comprehension
* Students with ASD have difficulties in responding a text


* The development of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD faces challenges due to
weak summarization abilities of the students.
1.4.1. Concept of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD at the first stage of
primary education level
Teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD an activity of two subjects: teacher and
student with ASD in order to help students with ASD form and develop reading comprehension skill.
1.4.2. Basic requirements in teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD at the first
stage of primary education level
* Individualized approach in teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
* Adjustment in teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
* Teaching reading comprehension based on strong points of students with ASD
1.4.3. Procedures of individualized approach in teaching reading comprehension for students
with ASD
The procedures of individualized approach in teaching reading comprehension for students with
ASD are originated from procedures of general teaching reading comprehension in primary school and
shown the typical features of teaching for students with special needs in general and students with ASD
in particular. There are 4 steps: Step 1. Assessment of characteristics of students with ASD and their
reading comprehension skill; Step 2. Planning the teaching reading comprehension for students with
ASD; Step 3. Prepare the syllabus of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD; Step 4.
Assessment of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
1.4.4. Methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD at the first stage of

primary education level Concept of methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
Methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD within the thesis are
identified as: detail measures to organize activities in teaching reading comprehension based on
characteristics of students with ASD and to satisfy requirements of teaching reading comprehension for
students with ASD in order to form and develop reading comprehension skill for students with ASD. Basics for identifying methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
with individualized approach
In order to identify strategies of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD,
teachers should assess characteristics and reading comprehension skill of each student (Objective
factor) as well as analyze conditions of teaching reading comprehension for students (Subjective
factor). The process of assessment and analysis shall help teachers identify methods to interfere
objective and subjective factors that affect reading comprehension of students with ASD. Classifying methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD with
individualized approach
Within the scope of the thesis, we choose to classify based on the impact of strategies to process
teaching reading comprehension, including strategies Premise – core/main - supporting. In addition, the
thesis also derives from the subjective and objective factors affecting process teaching reading
comprehension for students with ASD.
The actual practice of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD in the world
provides essential experiences in order to establish methods on teaching reading comprehension in
current situation in Vietnam. The thesis shall show several experiences related to basic issues of
teaching reading comprehension, including: assessment of reading comprehension skill, program of
teaching reading comprehension and methods on teaching reading comprehension.


Currently, a specific Vietnamese program for students with ASD in education environment is
incomplete. Therefore, Vietnamese subject that consists of reading comprehension is significant
practical base for studying methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD. Within
this chapter, the thesis shall analyze basic factors in terms of goal, content and tools for teaching
reading comprehension in program of teaching reading comprehension at the first stage of primary
education level.
2.3.1. Introduction of survey process Purpose of survey
To analyze and assess actual situation of teaching reading comprehension for students with
ASD and actual reading comprehension skill of students with ASD in order to outline methods on
teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD. Content of survey
- Actual situation of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD at the first stage of
primary education level: knowledge of teachers about students with ASD and characteristics of
reading comprehension skill of students with ASD, several objective and subjective factors that
affect the development of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD. Methods of survey: opinion poll, observation, testing, case study, analyzing date with
statistic software SPSS 16.0, etc. Tools for survey: interview form, investigation form, observation form, and tools for
assessment of students with ASD which are directly or indirectly used within the thesis Area and objects of the survey
a. Area of the survey
The survey was conducted at some education units for students with ASD in Hanoi (Khanh
Tam, Be Van Dan, Kim Giang, Mai Dich, Dich Vong…centers)

b. Object of the survey
* Teachers participating in the survey: 48 teachers of students with ASD
* Primary school students participating in the survey
When testing set of tools, a random survey was conducted with the participation of 96
students in grade 1 – 2 – 3 (32 students each grade) in two primary schools in Hanoi (Be Van Dan
and Kim Giang). In main surveying step, 243 students in grades 1 – 2 – 3 in two primary schools
mentioned above were selected at random to participate in the survey.
* Students with ASD participating in the survey
In term of age, students with ASD participated in the survey are from 6 to 9 years old (M =
7.3, SD = 0.8). In a group of 33 students, students in age 8 predominate (39.4%), age 7 (36.4%). The
rest are aged 9 (6.1%) and aged 6 (18.2%).
In term of grade: within groups of 33 students, most of the students are in grade 2 (51.5%),
the ratio of grade 1 and 3 are the same with 24.2%.
In term of autism level, all the students participated in the survey are diagnosed to be autistic
in National Hospital of Pediatrics by using the Childhood Autism Rating Scale – CARS. Within 33
students, 16 in 33 students (48.5%) are diagnosed 30 – 36.5 which means Low – Medium level of
autism, 17 in 33 students (51.5%) are diagnosed 37 and higher which means Severe level of autism.
In term of education model: the survey was conducted with participation of 33 students with
ASD, in which 16 students are studying in specialized class (48.5%) and 17 students in integrated
class (51.5%). The students of integrated class are given support in specialized class for half day or
individual support at home by their tutors.


The ratio between level of autism and form of education is r = 0.76. That means children with
low – medium level of autism often study in integrated class and children with severe level of autism
often study in specialized class.
All children participate in the survey have reading comprehension skill that meets demand for
students in grade 1 (30 words/minute), students in grade 2 (50-60 words/minute) and students in

grade 3 (70 – 80 words/minute) [3].
2.3.2. Survey result of actual situation Actual situation of teaching reading comprehension for students at the first stage of
primary education level
a. Understanding of teachers about students with ASD and characteristics of reading comprehension
skill of students with ASD
In conclusion, the teachers have had basic assessment that is suitable with strength and
weakness of students with ASD and understand difficulties of the students, subjective and objective
factors that affect the development of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD. The
teachers also understand the importance of reading skill for students with ASD, indicating that
difficulty in reading comprehension is one of typical difficulties faced by students with ASD.
However, most of the teachers have not understood the essence or causes of problems in reading
comprehension of students with ASD, and this in turn shall affect their methods on teaching reading
comprehension for students with ASD.
b. Actual situation of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
* Actual situation of using basic teaching methods for students with ASD
Teaching methods for students with ASD have not been used regularly and the level is varied.
Some typical education methods applied for students with ASD have not gained much attention.
This situation occurred due to the fact that most of the teachers do not have thorough understanding
of strength and weakness of students with ASD in order to outline suitable teaching methods to help
students improve strength and overcome weakness.
* Level of individualized approach in teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
Step 1. Assessment of characteristics of students with ASD and their reading comprehension skill:
100% in 33 students with ASD participated in the survey are assessed in term of development in education
process. All of them were assessed in early intervention stage or in pre-grade 1 stage. 21 students (63.6%)
continued to be assessed in primary education stage. However, these assessment are still general, none of
the students received specialized assessment on separated skill (math, reading, writing, etc). The teachers
often give general description about reading comprehension skill of the students without combination of
qualitative and quantitative analysis in assessment.
Step 2. Establishing plan of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD: As

mentioned above, establishing individual education plan plays an important role in education for
students with ASD, however, not all the students with ASD is given access to individual education
plan. Actually, only students with ASD in specialized schools receive individual education plans.
Students with ASD in integrated schools rarely have individual education plan. 16 in 33 students with
ASD (48.5%) have individual education plans with unclear goal of reading comprehension skill and
none of the methods on teaching reading comprehension is stated in the plans.
Step 3. Preparation and implementation of the syllabus of teaching reading comprehension for
students with ASD: almost all of the syllabi are prepared according to typical teaching program. In
integrated syllabi, there is no clear adjustment for students with ASD (in which specific goal, teaching
method and assessment are stated). In specialized syllabi (class – exercise form) the teachers identify
specific goal and teaching methods for each group in the class, however, these syllabi have not met
individual demands of each student with ASD, especially student with weak learning ability. Specialized
syllabi (individual form) concentrate on individualization level but teaching methods proposed by
teachers are still insufficient. The teachers still apply typical methods for general primary school students
and there are few specific methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD. During
reading comprehension lesson, teachers mainly focus on supporting and give guidelines for students


with ASD so that they can understand a text, the teachers do not have measures to help students apply
their knowledge and vocabulary into reading comprehension as well as to increase interest of students
with ASD or to control behavior of students during reading and to provide more opportunities for
practice after reading, etc. During lessons in integrated class, participation of students with ASD is very
limited due to large number of students and teachers themselves are not ready to implement individual
supporting activities for students with ASD. Observing several periods in classroom, we realize that
students with ASD do not read the text, some of them even play and leave their seats. In periods in
specialized schools, participation of students with ASD is higher thanks to a small number of students in
class (about 12 students per class), however their interests in reading are not high, some of the students
also leave their seats.

Step 4. Assessment of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD: The students
with ASD who participated in integrated class shall be assessed like general primary school students
without any individual approach in assessment. Many students with ASD do not complete tests in
school, some of them only do the multiple choice without doing long answer questions, etc. The
assessment of teaching reading comprehension is mainly based on scores of students. Therefore
applications in teaching reading comprehension are still low.
* Actual situation of adjustment in teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
Adjustment in goal of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD: Few periods
state specific goal for students with ASD. Some periods have goals but the goals are designed in
“reducing study load”. As a result, teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD is
implemented in unclear way. Adjustment in goal is only clearly stated in individual teaching periods.
Adjustment in content of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD: students
with ASD use the general students’ books and read texts like general students under general
guidelines of teachers. Questions in students’ books designed to help understanding the idea of texts
are used for all students. Teachers may provide some further questions for the whole class. Most of
the teachers (including teachers in specialized school) have not identified clearly reading
comprehension skill that need developing and practicing for students with ASD, based on reading
comprehension skill for general primary school students. In fact, teachers teach reading skill
according to the learning of students.
Adjustment in methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD: the
teachers have combined traditional and modern methods in teaching reading comprehension, in
which traditional methods predominate. The proactive and positive characteristics of students have
not been encouraged. In specialized classes, the teachers use specific methods related to ASD such
as: using visual charts, explaining difficult words, adjusting the comprehension questions,
underlining the main idea, allowing the students to read summary before reading in detail, etc.
However, these methods have not been in normal use.
Adjustment in tools for teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD: reading
exercises with illustration images, vocabulary explanation, questions and exercises are main tools for
teaching reading comprehension used by the teachers to teach both general students and students
with ASD. The teachers may provide additional information to explain vocabulary, provide

additional tasks and enlarge illustration images, etc. However, the teachers have not used these tools
regularly. In specialized school, the use of education tools is higher.
Adjustment in format of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD: Due to
limited time for reading comprehension in class, the teachers often ask good and excellent students
to give answers, the rest of class including students with ASD listen to those answers and sometimes
are required to repeat the answers. Few periods use the exercise forms that are allocated to all
students; normally the teachers only use exercise forms to help students review their knowledge
when examination is coming. Therefore, organizing self study of students is ineffective, team work
is rarely applied and if applied, students with ASD are not supported to participate.
Adjustment in assessment of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD: Most of
teachers do not expect the students with ASD complete the reading comprehension test but none of


them prepares specific test for these students. There are many students with ASD who took mid-term
and final examination did not complete exercises, not because these students could not do a single
question but mainly because they did not understand why they had to take examination and try to do
it. Most head teachers thought that they only had to remind students with ASD “please do the test”
then the students would do (take no account the accuracy or inaccuracy), however during the
examination, the class head teachers were not proctors so they could not remind their students with
ASD any more. These situations show that currently, primary schools are still not flexible and
unready to organize integrated education for students with ASD.
* The actual situation of teaching based on strength of teaching reading comprehension for students
Analyzing knowledge of teachers about students with ASD shows that many teachers do not
have enough belief in strong points of students, especially a certain teacher said that she could not
find “any strong points of students with ASD” (Ms. M.T.H). Therefore, during teaching reading
comprehension the teachers do not use method based on strong points of the students (using visual
images, structure – diagram of information, multiple choice/matching, texts which students are
interested in, encouraging mechanical memory…). Numerous teachers have not paid enough

attention to the individualized point of view and adjustment in teaching reading comprehension for
students with ASD. As a result, they have not strongly applied methods to encourage strong points
of students. This situation is found in every integrated class and is not positive in specialized classes
where the teachers use individualized teaching methods flexibly for students with ASD without
worrying about time limitation.
In conclusion, all three basic requirements in teaching reading comprehension for students with
ASD have not been applied thoroughly. The implementation of individualized approach in teaching
reading comprehension plays key role in adjustment and teaching based on strong points of students
with ASD. When the teachers have not made good use of this approach, other methods may be difficult
to be achieved. Hence, the thesis selects individualized approach as the base for constructing methods
on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD (Chapter 3 of the thesis).
c. Actual situation of applying teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
The analysis of methods on teaching reading comprehension of teachers once indicates that
teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD now have not met the basic demands. This
situation shall affect result of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD, especially
affect the development of reading comprehension skill of the students. This effect shall be analyzed
in detail in following parts of the thesis. The actual reading comprehension skill of students with ASD at the first stage of primary
education level.
a. Comparing assessment of reading comprehension skill between general primary school students
and students with ASD
* Summarizing the assessment result of reading comprehension skill of general primary school students
The average scores of primary school student groups in grades 1 – 2 – 3 are above 80 points
(above the good grade). The scores of following classes are often higher than previous classes but
the gap between them is small.
* Summarizing the assessment result of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD
The survey shows that the average scores of reading comprehension of students with ASD in
grade 1 – 2 are under the satisfactory grade, average scores of students in grade 3 are satisfactory grade.
The reading comprehension score of students with ASD in grade 1 is the lowest (M = 43.75,
SD = 3.53), in which 1 (12.5%) in 8 students with ASD has satisfactory grade, the rest 7 students

have scores below the satisfactory grade. The reading comprehension score of students with ASD in
grade 2 is higher in comparison with grade 1 but does not meet the satisfactory grade (M = 48.24,
SD = 2.46), there are 11 students (64.7%) achieve the satisfactory grade. The reading comprehension
score of students with ASD in grade 3 is not much higher than in grade 2, however most students
achieve the satisfactory grade, only two students (25%) have scores under the satisfactory grade.


* Comparing the reading comprehension scores between students with ASD and general primary
school students.
The reading comprehension skill of students with ASD in three grades is much lower than
that of general primary school students. However the survey shows that the gaps between them are
gradually narrow from grade 1 to grade 3. Unlike general primary school students, there is a big
difference between scores of students with ASD in previous and following classes. The reading
comprehension skill as well as other skills of students with ASD is influenced by many factors
including: ability to develop the skills and related factors like behavior and habit… Gradually
improving the behaviors and habits can help to increase abilities to develop learning skills. This
phenomenon has been mentioned above. In the next part, the thesis shall compare separated
components of reading comprehension skill between the two groups.
b. Analyzing the identifying – understanding – responding skills of students with ASD
* Comparison of identifying – understanding – responding skills
The assessment results show that reading comprehension skills of students with ASD in three
grades are developed in orders: responding skill – understanding skill – language identifying skill.
This reflects the goal of teaching reading comprehension at the first stage of primary education level.
The reading comprehension exercises in students’ books focus on identifying and understanding
skills. This also reflects the difficulty of reading comprehension skill. Despite the low achievement
of these skills of students with ASD, the situation still reflects the rule of reading comprehension
development of students at the first stage of primary education level.
The result shows that the achievement of identifying – understanding – responding skills of

students with ASD in grades 1 – 2 – 3 is likely to improve like that of general primary school
students. The difference is that the scores of these skills of students with ASD are much higher in
following class in comparison with previous class while the scores of general students are relatively
stable. This phenomenon shows clear improvement of students with ASD, in which the most
improvement is responding skill, increasing 16.66% from grade 1 to grade 3.
* Analyzing identifying – understanding – responding skills
The skill of identifying language is highly assessed. This reading comprehension skill
requires readers to read exactly and recognize words, sentences and paragraphs… In standard texts,
there are signs to help identifying linguistic agents. Therefore, identifying language of a text is
considered to be feasible task for students with ASD. During process of identifying language,
students with ASD often identify correctly when the same linguistic signs appear in both questions
and text. However, the students meet difficulties when the linguistic signs in questions do not
directly appear in the text and the questions require summarizing ability of students (the students
often recognize partial meaning instead of whole meaning) or require inference ability. The students
with ASD have better identifying skills with multiple choice questions because this type of question
are more “visual” and provide more suggestions in comparison with other types of question. Some
of the students have tendency to “guess” the answers through the attitudes of their teachers. On the
contrary, students with ASD have a lot of difficulties with long answer questions because they have
difficulties in expressing themselves via written language.
The skill of understanding the meaning are assessed as below satisfactory grade, ranked the second
in three skills. Meaning of word and text includes explicit and implicit meanings. The explicit meaning is
often used in scientific, social communication and administration documents while implicit meaning often
appears in artistic documents – this type of document dominates reading practice in students’ books, so
students with ASD have difficulties in understanding the meaning of words and texts.
The skill of responding is in weak grade. However this skill has not been strongly focused at
the first stage of primary education level. The responding questions often require finding connection
and moral lessons. These questions are big challenge for students with ASD because the students
often have difficulties in understanding and connecting the attitude/emotion of other people
(characters in the text, authors of the texts) with those of themselves. Moreover, expressing via


oral/written language is difficult for students with ASD. In conclusion, students with ASD often
have more correct answers in multiple choices than in long answer questions.
c. Analysis of factors that affect the reading comprehension skill of students with ASD
* Influence of mental ability
The results show that the Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) has highest average value (M =
100) and the Processing Speed Index (PSI) has lowest value (M = 72). Children with ASD have the
“visual reasoning” and this outstanding characteristic helps children do tasks related to images
easily. This also explains why the Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) has highest average value. It is
the same studies conducted by American scientists led by Oliveras-Rentas RE.
The average reading comprehension score of the sample group is also under the satisfactory
grade (M = 48.49). In conclusion, difficulties in reading comprehension are common for students
with ASD, even for students with high – functioning ASD. There is close correlation between Full
Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ) and reading comprehension score of students with ASD (r =
0.88), this means in most cases, mental ability has direct proportion with reading comprehension
ability of the students. All mental components have connections with reading comprehension ability of
students with ASD and there is small difference among correlations and Full Scale Intelligence Quotient
(FSIQ) still have the strongest correlation with reading ability.
The results of the study show that reading comprehension ability of students with ASD has
direct proportion to mental ability identified by WISC – IV – VN scale. In other word, mental ability
is important factor that predict the reading comprehension ability of students with ASD. The
correlation between reading comprehension ability and components of mental abilities (Verbal
Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Working memory, processing speed) are also important to
develop methods to improve reading comprehension ability of students with ASD, focusing on
visualization and using diagram to develop strong points in the reasoning of children so that the
reading comprehension skill can be improved.
* Influence of behavior
The results of survey show that 4/5 behaviors are considered to appear regularly during the

students with ASD read the texts. The most common behavior is doing personal tasks while reading
(M = 2.6, SD = 0.49), then the behavior of leaving the reading passage (M = 2.33, SD = 0.47).
Students with ASD often like images and have the habit of guessing meaning from images, hence,
the behavior of paying attention to illustrations without looking at the texts also occur regularly (M =
2.08, SD = 0,73). Especially, sometimes some students with ASD read the passages aloud instead of
in silence (M = 1.69, SD = 0.77). The students have such behaviors because they may not realize
that reading or speaking aloud shall affect surrounding people. Due to failure in behavior control,
students may shout or read loudly in the class.
* Influence of type of reading text
The comparison result shows that the average score of everyday reading texts is the highest
(M = 12.57), the lowest is the average score of artistic reading (M = 10.39), while the average score
of administrative reading (M = 10.74) ranked the third but still much higher than score of artistic
reading. In conclusion, within the designed assessment tools for reading comprehension skill, the
type of reading texts can affect the result of 33 students with ASD. In order to have a more reliable
conclusion, we need to conduct a survey on large scale with a numerous texts.
* Influence of type of reading comprehension exercise
The results show that students with ASD have highest score in multiple choice questions (M
= 3.21) and lowest score in long answer question (M = 1.22). Scores in multiple choices and
Matching are nearly the same and much higher than scores in other types of questions. Multiple
choices and Matching provide relatively clear suggestions which help students select the right
answers easily such as providing linguistic visuality and actions such as tick √ or x or matching are
more simple than filling words/phrases or writing a long answer. This situation not only occurs
among students with ASD but also occurs among general primary school students. However there is
a big gap between scores of students with ASD due to their limited abilities to express in written


language. The students with ASD may write their understanding incorrectly, using signs of this
questions for another… This situation also explains why responding skill of these students is very

3.1.1. Principle of constructing methods the methods shall be suitable with reading mechanism and requirements of reading
comprehension for students at the first stage of primary education level. Ensuring the methods shall be suitable with characteristics of development and reading
comprehension skill of students at the first stage of primary education level the thorough education, development, systematic and synchronous, detail and
flexible characteristics the combination of teaching and therapy; individualized teaching method are
predominant however collective teaching is also important the inheritance and improvement of previous experiments in teaching reading
comprehension in general and teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD in the world
and Vietnam in particular.
3.1.2. Methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD at the first stage
of primary education level

Strategy 1: Assessing and planning the teaching
reading comprehension
Stategy 2: Adjusting the documents of teaching
reading comprehension

Stategy 9: Creating and maintaining the interest
of students while reading
Stategy 10: Maintaining the concentration of
students while reading

Stategy 11: Controlling behaviors of students
while reading
Stategy 12: Applying therapy activities to support
reading comprehension
Supporting strategies of teaching reading
comprehension for students with ASD

Stategy 3: Adding basic
information related to
topic and reading
Stategy 4: Improving
understanding ability
and using of words
related to reading
Stategy 5: Using typical
methods on teaching
reading comprehension
Stategy 6: Integrating
reading activites into
other educational
Stategy 7: Extending the
reading topic based on
abilities and demand of
Stategy 8: Adjusting
way of assessment of
teaching reading

comprehension Premise strategies of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
Strategy 1: Assessing and planning the teaching reading comprehension strategies
a. Purpose and meaning


Main strategies of teaching reading comprehension for students with
Main strategies of teaching reading comprehension for students with

Premise strategies of teaching reading
comprehension for students with ASD

Basing on information surveyed from students with ASD and conditions of teaching reading
comprehension for individual with ASD to construct the suitable plan for teaching reading
comprehension, which help the teaching reading comprehension process achieve positive results.
Teaching reading comprehension plans are important orientation for teachers to create and
implement teaching reading comprehension activities as well as assess the result of teaching reading
comprehension for students with ASD.
b. Requirements
Assessment process of reading comprehension skill must be implemented professionally and
thoroughly, in addition to assessment of reading comprehension skill, it is necessary to assess other
development aspects related to reading comprehension skill in order to collect thorough and
professional information about reading comprehension skills of students with ASD and help to
create suitable reading comprehension plan. Besides, it is necessary to have assessment on teaching
reading comprehension conditions as objective factors that have influence on reading comprehension

of students with ASD. The teaching reading comprehension strategies for students with ASD are
based on characteristics of individuals with ASD, however those strategies must also meet the basic
demand of general teaching reading comprehension program at the first stage of primary education.
c. Contents
The assessment of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD at the first stage of
primary education includes: assessment of basic actions related to reading comprehension skill;
assessment of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD including the identifying,
understanding and responding skills according to requirements of each grade; assessment of other
development aspects related to reading comprehension skill. The assessment of conditions for
teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD at the first stage of primary education:
assessment of the suitability of general reading comprehension program at the first stage of primary
education for students with ASD; assessment of teacher ability for teaching reading comprehension
for students with ASD; assessment of other conditions for teaching reading comprehension. Plan of
teaching reading comprehension comprises two main parts: objectives of teaching reading
comprehension and methods on teaching reading comprehension. Teachers shall depend on methods
of teaching reading comprehension to build and implement detailed reading comprehension lessons.
d. Implementation
The process of assessing and planning the teaching reading comprehension shall include
following steps: (1) Describing students with ASD in general (2) Carrying out assessment methods to
collect information (3) Analyzing and summarizing the assessment results (4) Planning teaching reading
comprehension strategies. Using following assessment methods: interviewing, monitoring, testing,
researching products in action… Using following tools to assess: the main tool is reading comprehension
test prepared by teachers and other standard designed tools. The supporting tools are to assess factors
related to reading comprehension skill such as: intelligence assessment scale, behavior monitoring table,
etc. Tools for assessing conditions of teaching reading comprehension may comprise: monitoring table
of teaching reading comprehension period, teacher interview form, etc.
Notes: the group to assess and plan teaching reading comprehension strategies shall have the
participation of experts, teachers and parents of students with ASD; the assessment and planning the
teaching reading comprehension shall be implemented at the begining of education process and
continually in particular cycle, for example, in specialized school the cycle is once a month and once

three month for intergrated school. Assessment of academic results through mid-term and final-term
tests is undertaken according to general plan of the class; reading comprehension skill of students
with ASD should be assessed from pre-reading stage in order to make necessary predictions as well
as provide basic skills for the development of reading comprehension skill.
Strategy 2. Adjusting the documents for teaching reading comprehension
a. Purpose and meaning
Adjusting documents of reading comprehension in order to make them suitable with characteristics
of students with ASD, the adjustment shall concentrate on improving the strength, overcomingg the
difficulties and creating favourable conditions for teaching reading comprehension so that students
with ASD are able to form and develop reading comprehension skills in accordance with objectives
of teaching reading comprehension.
b. Requirements


Adjusting documents for teaching reading comprehension should take into account the
characteristics of students with ASD and conditions for teaching reading comprehension for each
individual; however the adjustments must assure the basic requirements of teaching reading
comprehension at the first stage of primary education.
c. Contents
The adjustment of reading comprehension documents may be applied at different levels: the
highest level is to replace reading documents; the second is to adjust one or more parts of given texts
so that the texts are more suitable for learners. The adjustment may differ in form, content, quantity
or difficulty level, etc.
d. Implementation
For reading practice texts, teachers may apply adjustments in form, content, quantity or
difficulty level, etc. For reading comprehension texts, teachers may make adjustments in form,
contents and ways of answering questions, etc.
Notes: The adjustment shall increase the difficulty level gradually in order to assure the development

of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD. In addition to difficulty level, reading
comprehension documents should be adjusted to satisfy the interests, strength and levels of interest
of students with ASD via expanding topics and exercises of reading comprehension, etc. Main strategies of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
Strategy 3. Provide basic knowledge related to topics and reading passages
a. Purpose and meaning
Providing basic general knowledge is an important measure to develop reading
comprehension skill as a thinking skill, helping students with ASD connect their own knowledge
with information stated in reading texts. When students with ASD are provided with suitable and
precise knowledge, the process of teaching reading comprehension can take place smoothly and
achieve high results.
b. Requirements
The important thing to be considered when providing basic knowledge for students with ASD
is such knowledge must be closely connected with the content of reading texts for the students. To
satisfy this requirement, the basic knowledge shall be provided according to topics and particular
reading passage. In addition, provision of basic knowledge shall be combined with providing more
vocabulary to help students with ASD associate knowledge with vocabulary.
c. Contents
The basic knowledge to be provided to students with ASD comprises: information relating to
reading passage, knowledge which helps students understand the reading passages; ideas which
helps students connect their reading with real life and implement the responding activities.
c. Implementation
Teachers may provide basic general knowledge for students with ASD when starting a topic
or at the beginning of reading practice texts. Teachers may use different measures to help students
achieve knowledge about the reading passage and connect such knowledge with their vocabulary:
spoken lecturing combined with visualization (using illustrative images), making diagram of
information, guiding students with ASD to collect more information about the topic via student
books and encyclopedia for children, discussing to revive knowledge the students have already had,
etc. In individual approaching method, provision of basic knowledge for students with ASD may be
undertaken smoothly in individual periods and it is not imperative to be undertaken in reading

periods. Thus, teachers already integrate teaching reading comprehension activities into other
educational activities.
Notes: The main measure in providing basic knowledge for students with ASD is visualization in
order to take advantage of strength in visual thinking; it is necessary to apply measures which are suitable
with cognitive levels of students with ASD. For topics that students have not had basic knowledge about,
teachers should introduce separate parts of the topics; for topics that students have some basic knowledge
but such knowledge need systematizing, teachers should make diagrams of information, etc.
Strategy 4. Improving understanding ability and using of words related to reading passage
a. Purpose and meaning


Improving vocabulary about topics and reading passages helps students with ASD understand
reading passages precisely and entirely as well as express personal ideas about contents achieved in
reading texts.
b. Requirements
Vocabulary provided to students with ASD must be closely associated with the topics and
each reading text. In addition, students with ASD should have chances to access vocabulary in
different channels (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and different levels (realize,
understand, remember, apply and create). Thus, students can use provided vocabulary well in
reading comprehension and other studying tasks.
c. Contents
The improvement of vocabulary for students with ASD can be considered in several aspects
including quantity and quality; students need to know, understand and use provided vocabulary so
that such vocabulary is actually useful for their reading comprehension process. The improvement of
vocabulary is not only restricted to provide more words and help students understand word meanings
but also include measures that help students overcome other shortcomings in language.
d. Implementation
Vocabulary is only useful if it is connected to basic general knowledge, therefore the

vocabulary improvement for students with ASD should be associated with provision of basic general
knowledge; teachers may provide vocabulary for students with ASD before he/she start a new topic
or lesson. Teachers may also provide new words after the students have read the text once and found
out the words that they do not know or understand. The following measures are proved to be
effective in improving vocabulary for students with ASD: visualizing words, using synonyms and
antonyms to explain new words; explaining words by analyzing a word into smaller parts (syllables)
and explaining each part; explaining by definitions; using study games, etc.
Notes: It is necessary to help students expand their vocabulary with multi-senses, multichannel and multi-meaning based approach; vocabulary need repeating and using in many situations,
activities and texts so that students with ASD can remember and understand the pragmatic meaning
of words. Students with ASD need to learn vocabulary in different activities so that they can use
them in a flexible and clever way. Teachers should guide students with ASD to realize and know
how to ask for help when they have difficulties with difficult and new words.
Strategy 5. Using typical methods on teaching reading comprehension
Strategy 5-1: Visual supporting
a. Purpose and meaning
Students with ASD are learners who have natural tendency of using visual sense and meet
difficulties in understanding abstract things, therefore it is easier for them to understand a given
reading text with visual supporting. Besides, visual supporting also helps to draw interest and
concentration of students with ASD to the reading texts and eventually, increasing the effectiveness
of teaching reading comprehension.
b. Requirements
Due to the special importance of visual images to students with ASD, it is considered to be
one of typical methods on teaching reading comprehension. The visual supporting need regular
applying in teaching reading comprehension process, however they are not to affect the nature of
teaching reading comprehension with main materials are written texts.
c. Contents
For primary school students, visual aspect comprises using illustrative images and using
explicit languages, clearly structured texts, which are suitable with understanding level and
acceptance levels of the students. The demand for visual support from students with ASD is much
higher than general primary school students.

d. Implementation
The following tools are proved to be effective in visual supporting for students with ASD in
reading a given text: illustrative images and diagrams.
Strategy 5-2. Think – aloud
a. Purpose and meaning
This teaching measure encourages students with ASD to speak aloud what they are thinking
of, and then teachers can guide students to understand the content of a given text precisely. Speaking


aloud what they are thinking also restricts inattention when reading and helps teachers quickly find
out distraction or inattention when reading which are very common among students with ASD.
b. Requirements
Teachers should select reading passages which have medium length, attractive content and
are closely connected to the content of whole texts. When using this measure, teachers should keep
encouraging attitude towards students with ASD. Students with too limited expressive vocabulary
are not suitable with this teaching measure while students who have good expressive vocabulary but
lack of activeness or have limitation in expressing their thoughts are suitable with this measure.
c. Contents
Using think – aloud measure helps students with ASD learn in accordance with following
strategies: identifying problems, understanding problems, figuring – imagining, predicting next actions,
comparing – opposing, commenting – reviewing, etc.
d. Implementation
Basic steps which need implementing include: Selecting passages; teachers make samples by
reading aloud the passages while students are required to read silently and keep track by eyes. When
the students practise this measure fluently, teachers can skip the sampling step; teachers and students
apply the measure into reading process, after texts are read aloud (by teachers or students), teachers
and students pause to discuss their thoughts, mostly related to the content of given texts. The
discussion should be clear; teachers should show students with ASD words which help them to open

their thinking. Directly guiding and helping students with ASD be familiar gradually with the above
measures. Students should be encouraged to talk about their own thoughts, directly answer questions
themselves and develop their questions for teachers. This is the indirect bridge which helps students
with ASD think about the texts independently. Using colour codes and visual supporting signs to
help students with ASD remember the reading strategies.
Notes: This measure is suitable for texts which contain difficult words/phrases for students
with ASD because it encourages the demand of expressing ideas; it is essential for teachers to be
flexiable in guiding, teachers may read aloud while allowing students to read silently and then asks
them questions about what they do not understand.
Strategy 5-3: Structuralizing reading comprehension activities
a. Purpose and meaning
Teachers should design pre – during – post reading activities in order to improve the
effectiveness of teaching reading comprehension and help students with ASD understand the
structure so that they can improve self-control during reading, maintain their concentration and
complete the reading tasks. In addition, students with ASD shall complete the reading tasks better if
the tasks are clearly structured and repeated, which eventually develop their independence in
completing tasks.
b. Requirements
The structuralized activities must comply with teaching reading comprehension process in
programs, be clear and easy for students with ASD to complete. The stability and unity of activities
are highly regarded in order to develop suitable habits during reading for students with ASD.
c. Contents
According to requirements of teaching reading comprehension program, activities can be
structured as follow: pre-reading activities, during – reading activities and post – reading activities.
d. Implementation
Teachers can introduce to students with ASD the list of activities that they need to complete
during reading periods and guide them to complete each activity (when they complete an activity,
teachers can tick that activity) if there are changes in activities, teachers should inform students
when starting lesson. For students with ASD who are newly introduced to structured reading
activities, teachers should provide them with the list of activities which need completing during

reading before the reading lesson begins and tick or mark when finishing the activity. For students
with ASD who are familiar with structured reading activities, teachers only need to remind them
when they forget and allow them to tick/mark when they finish an activity. The pre – during – post
reading activities may differ depending on reading texts, however they must ensure basic principles
when building reading activities. The highest purpose is to help students with ASD develop better
reading skills so that they can read books and learn other subjects on their own.


Strategy 6. Integrating reading activites into other educational activities
a. Purpose and meaning
Students with ASD naturally meet with difficulties in adapting themselves and putting into
practice what they have learnt. Integrating reading activities into other educational activities helps to
connect their reading comprehension skills to their practical activities so that reading skills become
tools for students to learn and achieve information as well as study other school subjects. Actually
this measure helps to strengthen and stabilize the reading comprehension skill of students with ASD.
b. Requirements
Educational activities are built to strengthen reading comprehension skills of students with ASD
must be reasonable, vary from simple to complicated and especially connected to interests of students.
Thus, such activities can help students feel and explore the joy of reading and confidence in their own
abilities so that they can choose and participate in the activities voluntarily. Such activities should be
implemented regularly to strengthen the reading comprehension skill and maintain the reading habit. In
addition, the individual-based approaching method in teaching reading comprehension has limitations in
term of chances to contact with friends at the same age therefore educational activities should
compensate these chances for students.
c. Contents
Integrating reading activites into other educational activities is to create environment with
favourable conditions for reading in order to develop reading ability of students with ASD. The
environment with favourable conditions for reading is the environment where script plays an

important role. It can be classes, places and activities where drawings, symbol drawings and written
passages/texts are displayed. In class, students with ASD can read different books or stories and
participate in different forms of reading at reading corners. Many types of equipment in class are
marked with names to support students with ASD to practise their reading comprehension skills.
Pictures, drawings, paragraghs/texts written by students as well as posters of numbers and letters
created by students, list of students or list of words, etc should be hung on the class wall.
d. Implementation
When reading activities are integrated with daily activities, students with ASD shall have
chances to read at school all day. Daily activities at school should create chances for students to
experience the value and usefulness of books. These are several suggestions for integrated educational
activities: assigning reading comprehension task for students with ASD in other subjects; daily chat;
reading hours at “bookstore” or at “reading throne”; school library; drama team…
Strategy 7. Extending the reading topic based on abilities and demand of students
a. Purpose and meaning
Extending the reading topic based on abilities and demand of students helps students with
ASD strengthen and expand reading comprehension skill, improve their vocabulary, extend their
knowledge, foster their habit and joy of reading as well as explore their demands.
b. Requirements:
Extending reading topic for students with ASD should be based on abilities and demand of
each student. Teachers orient and guide students with ASD in reading extended topics.
c. Contents
Students with ASD have limited abilities in extending the reading topic on their own because
they have not known their demand clearly; therefore teachers need to support them. However, the
next target is the ability to choose their own reading topics. Those topics can be similar to topics
students have learnt if such topics are interesting to the students or can be brand new topics
according to choices of students. Extending topics can be selected from referential books for primary
school students, magazines, newspapers for kids, etc. Students who have interest in “collecting”
knowledge may choose one topic for a long time such as insects, universe, computer, etc. Teachers
should orient students to explore new topics.
d. Implementation

Teachers should understand ability, demand, interest and strength of students with ASD to
orient the extending topics, ask students with ASD for their opinions and monitor to know their
favourite topics. Teachers guide students with ASD how to read and may use structured reading
activities or test to assess the understanding level of students with ASD about the extending topics.
Strategy 8. Adjusting way of assessment of teaching reading comprehension results


a. Purpose and meaning
The adjusting of way of assessment of teaching reading comprehension results helps to define
study results of students with ASD and helps teachers to gain more information to adjust their
teaching reading comprehension activities.
b. Requirements
In addition to scores and comments on each reading comprehension skill, the assessment of
reading comprehension results of students with ASD need to take into account other progress of the
students: their interest, concentration, skills of completing tasks and behaviors, etc. For students with
ASD, the assessment results do not focus mainly on grading the students but focus on developing the
next teaching reading comprehension strategies which are more effective for the students.
c. Contents
Most of students with ASD can not complete the test like general primary school students.
Adjustment in assessing the results of reading comprehension for students with ASD also includes the
adjustment in term of difficulty level, length, test form and test duration in order to suit abilities of the
students. For individual education program, the assessment of reading comprehension skill should be
implemented right after each reading lesson and considered to be one of teaching reading
comprehension activity.
d. Implementation
If it is possible, the students with ASD should be arranged to do the test in another room
which is quieter and there are no factors drawing their attention from the test. It is possible to give
students with ASD more time to complete the test, provide them with easier questions, using more

types of questions which are easier for students with ASD to complete such as: multiple choices,
matching and filling the blanks, etc as well as reduce the number of questions in the test, mark or
underline the guideline, allow the students with ASD to type or record their answers. Supporting strategies of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
Strategy 9. Creating and maintaining the interest of students while reading
a. Purpose and meaning
The purpose of creating interest is to make the teaching reading comprehension activities
more attractive and practical in order to raise the effectiveness of reading comprehension for
students with ASD.
b. Requirement
Creating interest for students with ASD in reading comprehension should be balanced
between personal demand/interest and the general demand of the academic program so that students
with ASD can participate proactively in learning process without feeling to be forced regardless of
their demand and interest – what makes them feel interested in.
c. Content
Creating entire interest for students with ASD in reading comprehension should be based on
teaching reading comprehension process with typical components, in which contents, methods and
assessment of results are especially important.
d. Implementation
These are suggested ways of creating interests: using rewards to encourage students with
ASD; helping students with ASD find interesting things in topics/reading lessons; using teaching
method of encouraging interests.
Notes: creating and maintaining the interests in teaching reading comprehension for students
with ASD are difficult challenges, which require the continual creativeness of teachers. Creativity in
teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD can be out of normal rules as long as it
ensures education and effectiveness; the highest target of teaching reading comprehension is to
develop the self-study ability, self-reading ability for students to achieve knowledge, and then the
reading comprehension skills are not skills which need practicing but become tools for studying
other subjects. To achieve that target, the internal interest (contents of study and ways to achieve the
contents) are the real importance.

Strategy 10. Maintaining the concentration of students while reading
a. Purpose and meaning


The purpose of this measure is to maintain the concentration of students with ASD while they
are reading and completing the reading comprehension tasks so that the students achieve higher
results in learning.
b. Requirements
Maintaining the concentration of students with ASD should be developed from teaching
reading comprehension process with guidances of teachers and activities of students with ASD. It is
necessary not to use compulsory influence to maintain the concentration of the students. Some
students with ASD meet difficulties in maintaining the concentration therefore teachers need to
“accept” the highest concentration levels which are possible for the students and adjust their teaching
reading comprehension process.
c. Contents
Concentration is, like interest, influenced by internal and external factors. Therefore, it is
necessary to make influence on both internal and external factors in order to maintain the
concentration of students with ASD during reading. Internal factors are related to contents (reading
comprehension documents), teaching methods of teachers, etc. External factors are related to
physical environment (sound, light, room temperature, etc), activity environment (acitivities of
surrounding people), time and duration of activites (when and how long the students have to
undertake reading activities) etc. Measures to maintain concentration of students with ASD should
be built based on those factors.
d. Implementation
Clearly explaining the implementation of reading comprehension tasks to help students with
ASD have good spirit during reading (not impatient, inattention and leave in the middle of
reading…). Visualizing and using illustrative images for each reading lesson. Creating environment
withoud obstacles for concentration: avoiding noise and activities which cause inattention, etc.

Teachers should maitain the moderate duration for reading activities and avoid long duration. When
the students with ASD can not concentrate any more, teachers should use supporting activities such
as light movement, singing, playing study-games and seeing pictures, etc. Teachers should use
positive teaching methods so that students with ASD can achieve positive progress; diversify
activities during reading period: using different form of reading, using different ways of answering
questions, creating interests, avoiding boring activities. For students who have many difficulties in
concentrating, teachers should choose the right time to teach. It is possible to undertake several
therapy activities to improve the concentration level to visual activities and maintain the patience of
students with ASD. Teachers should raise the duration of concentration by designing the reading
activities with increasing duration. For students who have many difficulties in concentration,
teachers can separate the reading texts and reading comprehension exercises into smaller parts.
Strategy. Controlling behaviors of students with ASD during reading
a. Purpose and meaning
The purpose of adjusting behaviors during teaching reading comprehension is to develop and
encourage positive behaviors during reading, reduce and replace negative behaviors which affect reading
comprehension activities of students with ASD.
b. Requirements
Measures to controlling behaviors should comply with principles of behavior development
and behavior characteristics of students at the age of primary education. It is necessary to ensure that
the control of behavior has positive effects for teaching reading comprehension, helping students
with ASD maintain and concentrate better in reading comprehension.
c. Content
Measures to develop positive behavior during reading should be undertaken in parallel with
measures to reduce and replace negative behaviors affecting reading comprehension activities of
students with ASD.
d. Implementation
Teachers use model of controlling behavior ABC in monitoring and planning the adjustment of
behaviors for students with ASD whose behaviors affect reading comprehension activities and other
activities of the class. Teachers may prepare a table of behavior principles to remind students to have
positive behaviors and using supporting measures such as rewarding or rebuking in order to increase the

positive behaviors and reducing negative behaviors of students with ASD while reading. In addition to


develop positive behaviors, it is importance to reduce the risks of negative behaviors during reading by
taking into account the reading duration, difficult level and other negative factors from surrounding
environment, etc. Teachers should remind students timely, firmly but not cause tension for students with
ASD, which may affect the result of understanding the reading texts. It is essential to examine the
relationship among behavior, interest and concentration to design synchronous and effective measures.
Strategy 12. Applying therapy activities to support reading comprehension
a. Purpose and meaning
This measure does not have direct effect on teaching reading comprehension, however if it is
undertaken regularly and suitably, it will indirectly affect the factors relating to reading
comprehension skill of students with ASD.
b. Requirements
Therapy activities should be undertaken regularly and maintained for a long period of time so
that they can improve characteristics, positive habit of students with ASD. Therapy activities should be
suitable and not create pressure for students. It is best to use exercises with both entertaining effect and
practicing effect so that students with ASD can participate voluntarily with interest.
c. Contents
Therapy activities tend to factors related to reading comprehension ability of students with
ASD such as: increasing the feeling of essence in order to create and maintain concentration level;
practice visual sense; improve cooperation between senses; overcome partial perception; practice
organizing characteristic in implementing academic activities; etc.
d. Implementation
The first thing to do is to assess and make plan for therapy activities. The implementation of
therapy activities should be undertaken regularly, integrated into periods or as independent activities.
Depending on each student with ASD, following activities can be taken into account: role-playing,
games, movements, etc. Different from teaching which is an organized activity to achieve clear

target that affects learners, in particular, students achieve specific skills and knowledge after periods,
the therapy activities need a lot of time (months, or even years) so that they can have influence on
characteristic, mental and physical features of learners, and in turn, indirectly affect the learning
process of students. Thus, therapy activities should be applied in patient and basic way. It is
necessary to help students with ASD practice themselves and practice with their friends voluntarily.
3.1.3. Relationship between strategies
All methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD have interactive
relationship with each others and have same goal to improve the effectiveness of teaching reading
comprehension for students with ASD. Within the interactive relation, each method play different
important role in the success of teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD.
- Premise methods in teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD: Knowledge and
vocabulary are important factors that directly affect the development of reading comprehension
ability of an individual, they are typical difficulties faced by most students with ASD. Methods on
increasing vocabulary and knowledge should be implemented at the same time and support each
other. Methods on assessing abilities and demands of students with ASD have relation with all other
methods in its group and another group, the assessment shall help to identify the problems in
language, knowledge, concentration, interests and behavior, etc relating to reading comprehension
skill of students with ASD. Assessing the abilities and demands also helps teachers adjust learning
documents in suitable way for students with ASD. The adjustment itself is originated from the goal
to create interests, maintain the concentration and control the behaviors, etc.
- Main methods in teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD: Methods on creating
interest, maintaining the concentration and controlling the behaviors and using specialized methods on
teaching reading comprehension, etc shall not be practical if there are no premise methods such as
assessing the abilities and demands, adjusting the learning documents… The effectiveness of these
main methods can not be maintained if there is no opportunity to extend abilities of students with ASD
in other educational activities. Students with ASD who are provided basic knowledge, vocabulary can
not complete reading comprehension requirements thoroughly if we do not ensure the interests,
maintain the concentration and adjust the behavior by typical methods.
- Supporting methods in teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD: this group of
methods plays the supporting role in teaching reading comprehension, including extensive activities

for students with ASD so that the students have opportunities to practice their reading


comprehension skill. Occupation Therapy – OT helps to support the concentration, visual Perceptual
ability, perseverance…which are necessary factors in the studying of students with ASD in general
and reading comprehension in particular.
The interaction and dependency create the systematic and synchronous characteristics of
methods on teaching reading comprehension, ensuring that the constructing methods shall be
implemented thoroughly.
3.1.4. Orientation of using methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD
at the first stage of primary education level
The requirements for students differs in different grades, therefore the selection and use of
teaching methods also have different features. In addition, a specific method shall be applied to
overcome specific difficulties of an individual student with ASD and improve their reading
comprehension ability.
For students with ASD in grade 1: focusing on methods on creating basic reading
comprehension skill like method 5-3: structuring the reading activities in order to form the habit of
implementing reading action for students with ASD and method 12: Using supporting therapy to
create necessary premises of concentration ability, self control ability while reading. In addition,
visual images and adjustment of language documents need using more regularly in comparison with
grade 2 and 3.
For students with ASD in grade 1: focusing on methods on creating basic reading
comprehension skill like method 5-3: structuring the reading activities in order to form the habit of
implementing reading action for students with ASD and method 12: Using supporting therapy to
create necessary premises of concentration ability, self control ability while reading. In addition,
visual images and adjustment of language documents need using more regularly in comparison with
grade 2 and 3.
For students with ASD in grade 3: focusing on methods on extending reading comprehension

topic and responding skill while the visual level and adjustment of language documents maybe reduce in
comparison with grade 1 and grade 2 in order to increase the effort of students while reading.
Students with ASD have typical difficulties in behavior and in expressing language so it is
necessary to focus on specialized methods to overcome these difficulties as well as improve their
reading comprehension.
3.1.5. Conditions for implementation of the methods
- In term of students with ASD: students with ASD must have satisfactory aloud reading skill with
appropriate speed and accuracy; students with ASD must have participated in the early intervention
program, preschool program and have had basic learning skill; students with ASD without severe
behaviors; students with ASD without severe problems in eyesight that affect the accessibility to
reading passages.
- In term of teachers of students with ASD: The teachers should understand the characteristics of
students with ASD as well as each student’s strength and weakness related to reading
comprehension, understand the nature and methods on teaching reading comprehension for primary
school students. These understandings are basics for applying methods on teaching reading
comprehension for students with ASD and maintaining encouraging attitude and patience during
teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD.
- In term of conditions for teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD: students with ASD
shall be given access to individualized teaching method (1 teacher – 1 student) at least 1 hour per day,
the methods shall be applied reasonably at specialized schools/centers and integrated schools where
individualized teaching hours for students with ASD are available. The method can be applied in
education environment at home where the students with ASD are supported by tutor who was trained
with some certain methods. The education programs at school diverse in forms
(individual/group/whole class) and are harmonious between obligatory activities and optional activities
for students according to their interests. The material facilities consisting of tools for teaching reading
comprehension, library with books for reference, etc are multifarious and suitable with abilities and
interests of students with ASD.
- In term of family of students with ASD: In addition to conditions mentioned above, family of
students with ASD also plays an important role in teaching reading comprehension process: parents
and teachers should have agreement on expectation level, education methods for the students, which

ensures that students with ASD shall attend classroom regularly and receive support from tutor or
parents when studying at home; creating more opportunities for students with ASD to access reading
activities based on demands and interests of the students (taking students to libraries and bookshops,


reading and talking with students about content of what is read, explaining when students have
difficulties in reading, etc)
3.2.1. Experimental research Purpose of experimental research
To verify the effectiveness of the method on teaching reading comprehension skill for
students with ASD at first stage of primary education level as proposed. Contents of experimental research
Experimental research uses proposed methods on teaching reading comprehension for three
students with ASD through individualized approach. The experimental case shall be assessed in term
of ability and demand and have individual education plan and teaching reading comprehension
through individual teaching periods (1 teacher – 1 student) Area and subjects of the experimental research
The experimental research was conducted at Khanh Tam Center (Khanh Tam Specials Education
Center, directly under The Organ of Vietnam Relief Association for Handicapped Children).
Table 3.1. List of Subjects of the experimental research
Full name
Year of birth Education form
Experimental research

Term 2 – grade 1
Term 1 – grade 2
Term 1 – grade 3 Process of experimental research
The process of experimental research was carried out in individualized approaching method
with following basic steps: Step 1. Pre-experimental evaluation; Step 2. Construction and
implementation of experimental research plan; Step 3. Post-experimental evaluation.
3.2.2. Result of experimental research
The results of experimental research show that all three students with ASD made clear
progress. The proposed methods on teaching reading comprehension brought positive result.
- Personal characteristics of student with ASD create a difference in the experimental results.

Chart 3.4: Comparing the results of three cases in experimental research
T.P is the students with highest result of experimental research and the only one ranked good
grade. This result was due to higher mental ability of T.P in comparison with that of the others. T.P
could quickly understand guidelines of the teacher and had least odd behaviors; T.P was relatively
well-behaved and well-cooperated with the teacher. The most difficulty faced by T.P was the
passivity, T.P was not very open-hearted and the way of expressing in oral/written language was not
very fluent.

L.S ranked the second in experimental research score but had the highest increasing level
(increase by 17.81 points in comparison with 15 points of T.P and 13.12 points of P.L). The progress
of L.S reflected the physical changes of primary school students from the first stage to final stage in
primary education level. L.S made progress not only in reading comprehension skill but also in other
school skills. The most difficulty faced by L.S was the mechanical imitation without creativity. On
the contrary, this helped L.S to develop the studying habit in methodical style that even some general
primary school students might not have.


P.L ranked last in experimental research score and increasing level. P.L was typical for
students with ASD who have conflict behaviors. From results of P.L, we can see that in most cases,
the behavior, instead of learning ability, plays the decisive role in integration and participation into
the education program of students with ASD. In comparison with two cases mentioned above, P.L
was more active and flexible, however that was not enough for P.L to participate better in an activity
that requires high consciousness like reading comprehension activity.
- Individualized approarch in teaching reading comprehention for confirmed is needed in all three
cases. Process teaching reading comprehention is applied thoroughly has brought positive results.
- The experimental results show that the system strategies teaching reading comprehention
not only contribute to improving student outcomes in reading comprehension but also create multifaceted development of the children, such as increasing awareness and language training positive
study habits, reduce negative behaviors ...
- The conditions are similar education but their results differ quite clearly, this shows that the
subjective element of students with ASD the strongly influence the outcome teaching reading
comprehention, such direction personalized approach is reasonable , especially in the early stages of
primary school.
- Students with ASD has many strengths, even some defects (the stereotype) has certain
advantages in the process of formation and development learning skills, including reading

1. Conclusion
1.1.The thesis asserted there is a big gap between reading comprehension results of students
with ASD and general primary school students, even with group of students with ASD with IQ ≥ 70.
The thesis analyzes internal factors (characteristics of cognition, language, social interaction,
behavior, and so on) and external factors (topic, type of reading text, type of questions, visualization
level, teaching methods, etc.,) have influences on teaching outcomes of reading comprehension for
students with autistic spectrum disorders at the first stages of primary education. Therefore, teaching
strategies of reading comprehension for students with autistic spectrum disorders need to take these
factors into consideration to improve teaching outcomes of reading comprehension for students.
1.2.The actual situation shows that most of the teachers have not had thorough understandings
about strength and limitation as well as subjective and objective causes that affect the development
of reading comprehension skill of students with ASD. The process of teaching reading
comprehension therefore has not met the basic demands. The teachers have not had suitable methods
on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD as well as have not undertaken the basic
requirements of teaching reading comprehension in appropriate way.
1.3.Thesis identified solution to improve teaching outcomes of teaching reading
comprehension skills for students with autistic spectrum disorders at the first stages of primary
education is individualized approach, be sure that teaching is based on the strengths and
modifications and adaptations for each student.
1.4.The thesis proposed three categories of teaching strategies, including prerequisite
strategies (such as strategies of assessment, planning of teaching reading comprehension for
individuals; modification and adaptation of reading comprehension materials), core strategies (such
as strategies of providing additional knowledge on the topic; promoting the ability to understand and
use words; use of specialized teaching methods in reading comprehension; integrating reading
activities into other educational activities; expanding reading topics based on abilities and needs;
adapting the assessment of reading comprehension), and supporting strategies (such as strategies of
developing and maintaining motivation; maintaining attention; behavior management; and therapy
activities). Among them, specialized teaching methods in reading comprehension play an extremely
important role.
1.5. The experimental results demonstrate teaching strategies of reading comprehension for

students with autistic spectrum disorders do not only improve reading comprehension skills of


students, but also help them develop other areas such as behavior, language, learning habits ;
teaching strategies of reading comprehension for students with autistic spectrum disorders will make
positive effects if certain conditions are considered, for example, the student with autistic spectrum
disorders has above-average intellectual capacity, he/she has been given to early intervention, he/she
meets the basic requirements of reading aloud smoothly; he/she has been made a plan of and had
individual teaching sessions of reading comprehension, his/her teacher has understandings about
characteristics of students with autistic spectrum disorders as well as teaching skills suitable to each
individual with autistic spectrum disorders.
2. Recomendations
2.1. The teachers should identify the role of subjective and objective factors that affect the
reading comprehension ability of students with ASD in order to establish suitable methods on
teaching reading comprehension. During teaching reading comprehension, the teachers should
respect personal interests of students with ASD as well as individual characteristics. Family and
school should cooperate in the implementation of education plan for students with ASD.
2.2. Methods on teaching reading comprehension for students with ASD need further
studying on larger scale and establishing specific conditions to apply methods in integrated and
harmonized education environment. It is necessary to extend studies of methods on teaching other
skills for students with ASD.
2.3. The bodies which control education mission for students with special needs in general
and students with ASD in particular need to set up guideline rules for specialized, integrated and
harmonized education units to implement education mission for students with ASD, in which
focusing on adjusting the education program and way of assessment. These bodies should provide
orientation for development of education models, form of school/class for students with ASD with
specific standards of material facilities, human resources and procedures, etc in order to improve the
education quality for students with ASD.

2.4. In near future, it is necessary to construct specialized program for students with ASD in
every education level, design and apply assessment tools for students with ASD in Vietnam in order
to serve the studying and education mission for students with ASD, constructing and implementing
training courses on large scale for administrative officials, teachers on methods on teaching for
students with ASD in general and teaching reading comprehension in particular.
2.5. The integrated schools need to prepare necessary conditions in order to accept students
with ASD to study, in which focusing on training teachers. In order to apply methods on teaching
reading comprehension for students with ASD in integrated schools, it is essential to implement
individualized supporting activities for students with ASD. Students with light ASD can participate
independently in integrated learning program; however some adjustments in program are still
2.6. All the students with ASD in each education environment need assessment on ability and
demand, constructing and implementing individual education plan. It is vital to assess and classify
students in order to avoid the common situation of “wrong name” and “wrong class” at current time.
Specialized and integrated education units should cooperate to support students with ASD in the
case integrated units do not have class head teacher who majored in education for students with
2.7. Socializing the education mission for students with ASD by allowing tutors of the
students to come to integrated class to support their students. However, it is necessary to ensure
education principles toward a professional integrated supporting system in order to improve the
quality of integrated education for students with ASD.

