1.Motivation of research
The process of active teaching-learning related to intellectual abilities,
qualifications, professional qualities and personality attributes perceived to operate
transformed into property for him. The theory asserted teaching-learning method is
solving active learning tasks. The selection and use of appropriate teaching-learning
methods are very important significance for the quality of teaching. In strategic reform
of national education systems Laos, years 2006-2015 proposed "innovation objectives,
new contents of educational "and "training teachers and innovative methods teaching-
learning ". But in reality, teaching mathematics in secondary schools Lao PDR shows
innovation is not significant and no research on the application of perspective in active
teaching-learning in math. From the above reasons, the topic chosen is "Applying
theory active learning to teaching-learning Arithmetic and Algebra in grade six at
schools the Lao People's Democratic Republic."
2. Research objectives
To find out ways on applying the theory active learning to teaching-learning
Arithmetic and Algebra in grade six at schools Lao PDR
3. Research function • Survey requirements and the status of mathematics
teaching methods in schools Lao PDR. • System view of theory active learning was
operated teaching-learning in mathematics in secondary schools. • Apply perspective
of active learning to teaching Arithmetic and Algebra in Grade 6 to improve the quality
of learning for pupils. • Pedagogical experiments to evaluate results of the topic.
4. Sciences hypothetical
If the math teacher is fostering operational perspective theoretical approach
combines the practical point of view it may be used effectively in teaching practice,
contributing to innovative teaching methods because point operations are core elements
of active teaching methods in the schools.
5. Research Methodology • Use research methods to solve reasoning tasks (2), (3),
and a part of the mission (1) (requirements for teaching math in Laos) • Investigate
and observe( the status of teaching methods in Laos) and part of the task (4)
(experimentally observed when teachers) • Using empirical methods to solve
pedagogical tasks (4)
6. Donation of the topic
In terms of theory: To prove the correctness of the theory active has effectively
quality to apply in a new condition and circumstances of teaching mathematics in
schools country Laos.
In terms of practical: - Improvement of the status positive way of students learning
mathematics in schools Lao PDR by active teaching-learning methods. - The content
of thesis can reference for mathematics teachers in secondary schools Lao PDR.
7. The structure of the thesis The thesis consists of an introduction, three
chapters and concludes: Chapter 1. Based theory and real status; Chapter 2. Apply the
theory active into teaching-learning methods to teach arithmetic and algebra in grade
six schools Lao PDR; Chapter3. Pedagogy experimental
Chapter 1: Based theory and real status
1.1 The theory active in teaching-learning math in schools Some contents of
actives in the psychological The actively process and through active of activities,
each person into their own themselves, creating and developing their own sense. In
Thought ethics, C. Mac and PH. Angghen " when people developments material
product and transformed his material has change of his real thinking and the products
of their thinking." The actively goals/subject is really active engine. According thesis
L.S. Vugotski and A.N. Leonchiev "actives is the essence of psychology" meaning,
human activity is the birthplace of the human psyche. Consciousness is the product of
active and human middle line to influence the phenomena, psychological phenomena
are truth actively. The relationship between psychology and actively is relationship
between, one hand are conditions, the purpose and the engine and other one hand are
methodology, actions and actives. The concept of actives
We understand the actives are works process interaction between people and
around the world to create products to the world and to the human product. Humans
have created products to the world, has created its own psychology, and human
psychology to be revealed, to occur inactive and through the actives. According to
Marxist psychology, human life is an actives stream, is the goal of human actives
interchangeably. Nguyen Xuan Thuc said the actives are mode of human existence.
The first is action process of humans as material of goal in the world (world materials),
to create products which contain the psychological characteristics of the person who
created it. The second is the process of humans transforming those contained in world
into myself; get more experienced of the world, these attributes, the rules of the
world the human can comprehension and understanding process. The actives characteristics - Actives are always the object of actives
available or appear during action process. Actives learning are aimed at knowledge,
skills to know, understand, acquire and put into the experience itself, which is
acquiring knowledge &skills. - Actives are always carried out by the goal/subject to
action. The teacher is the subject of teaching-learning actives. Students are subject to
academic actives. The subject is a person, sometimes some people. Both teachers and
students are the subject of teaching-learning actives. - Actives action indirect of the
principle or using tools. People using voice, writing, numbers and pictures of
psychology as a tool for organizational psychology and control in every human spirit.
- Actives are always certain purposes. In all the actives of human purpose is very clear.
Learning to get knowledge, skills and perception preparing action into life.
4 Structure of actives Life is a series of human actives. Actives are always
motivated; take action to achieve the goals and to solve a given task. The aim is
regulated by the means and the specific conditions where the action takes place. Action
by the manipulation of the city, the actives depend on the means and conditions to
achieve specific goals. Types of actives Human actives are divided into two categories: active
labor and actives indirect. If individual development, are three types succession of
actives such as fun actives, learning and working. In other addition, actives are divided
into four categories such as change actives, cognitive actives, value-oriented actives
and indirect actives. Active teaching and learning are a cognitive actives; that mean is a
kind of mental active, do not change the real objects, real relationships, etc There for
humans analyze, synthesize, generalize, and remember that image [42, p.54-55].
1.1.2 The actives theory of teaching-learning math in schools Content math in schools "The content of general education to ensure
universal, fundamental, comprehensive, user-system to real life, in accordance with
physiological age students, meet the goals education at each level , capacity
development to meet the aspirations of students "[27]. Thus, the contents of
mathematics consists mainly of arithmetic, algebra, calculus and geometry with the
working methods, the idea all contents as a basis for teaching comprehensive
education. • Arithmetic, algebra and calculus consists of content aggregation,
transformation homogeneous equation and any equations, functions and graphs, the
elements of calculus analysis and cluster random sampling. • Geometry is the concept
of geometry, geometric quantity, relation of the geometry, and allows offsetting a
uniform, vector coordinates. Students of actives learning mathematics in schools
Content math in school is closely associated with the actives such as active
recognition and expression, complex math, intelligence actives in mathematics, and
general intellectual actives language actives. The theory actives in teaching-learning mathematics in schools
Compositions of the basic psychological actives are engine, manipulation, content
and results [19, p.73]. View of actives teaching methods are shown in the following:
a) Give students implement and training actives and action components compatible
with the contents and teaching purposes. b) Recommendation engine and conduct
learning actives. c) Transfer knowledge, especially knowledge as means of approach
and results of actives. d) Divide sub-level actives which to base in teaching process
1.1.3 The student actives of grade 6 to learning math:Each learning content are
related to certain activities. Contents mathematic grade 6 of teaching actives are
concepts, rules and exercises. The principal activities of secondary school students in
grades 6 Laos is: identify activities, express a concept, a principle, a method, complex
math operations, intelligence operations and joint operations the lanquage.
1.1.4 The meaning of an active perspective in teaching math in school
Active perspective reflects the basic components of psychological, elements basis of
teaching-learning methods and prove the Marxist theory on human development. In
teaching actives for students to conduct self-learning, actives, positive, effective and
ensure overall development of the body.
1.2 Innovative of teaching-learning methods
1.2.1 The need for innovation teaching-learning methods The strengthening
development of human resources needed to enhance teaching-learning methods by
towards strengthening and training actives to foster level of knowledge, skills,
autonomy regular school (self-learning, self-study) and lifelong learning and
creativity, enabling students to make collective a favorable learning environment,
students interact and learn from each other emulation mutual learning and promote
active learning process.
1.2.2 Orientation innovation of teaching-learning methods. If not the only once
way, is to create opportunities for students learning by active, self-discipline, initiative
and creativity. The needs to become oriented the innovation of teaching-learning
methods and is call orientation actives [23]. Orientation innovation of teaching-
learning methods that can be applied effectively and contribute to schools Lao PDR.
1.3 Contents of curriculum and textbooks in Mathematics grade 6 schools at
Lao PDR Secondary program in Laos consists of 4 layers: 6, 7, 8 and 9. Grade 6
program of Laos equivalent of grade 6 in Vietnam. 6
grade math texbook of Laos was
compiled by education reform program and was released in 2010 to use.
grade math texbook Laos consists of 2 parts: there are 21 articles on algebra,
geometry and 10 posts of distribution is 143 lesson time period is 33 weeks, a semester
teaching 17 week, 16-week semesters and two teaching teach 4 periods per week.
1.4Current status of teaching mathematics in school Lao PDR
1.4.1 Purpose, object status of survey The survey to understand and assess
the status of teaching-learning for a basis condition to suggestions of using the theory
active into teaching grade six math at the secondary school Vientiane, Lao PDR. The
numbers are 100 teachers of 18 schools survey on mathematics subject in secondary
schools and results of 3812 students learning objects.
1.4.2 The situation in general education Number of student dropout is
morespecific in 2010, lower secondary school student dropout 12.6%, high secondary
school students dropout 9.3%, graduation rate by volume is 68.9% lower secondary
school and high secondary school is 75.3%. The teachers training not yet widespread
and deep expertise, fostering teacher quality is low, fewer teachers use teaching
methods to encourage student learning, teachers mostly use teaching methods by
teacher lecture -student listening, recording and fellow teachers form and lack of
teacher explained. Number of students in overcrowded classrooms, low quality
teaching, learning outcomes between cities and rural areas are different.
1.4.3 Results of the survey in the state of mathematics teaching some
schools in years 2006-2010 Status of teachers a) Use of teaching-learning methods of teachers. b) The
self-training and retraining of teachers on teaching-learning methods. c)The difficulties
when applying active teaching-learning methods d) The interest of the manager Status of students learning Conclusions of the survey situation Mathematics teaching situation in
the schools at Vientiane, for generally are poor quality study when compared to the
requirements of science - society today. Poor academic results due to many causes
which are related as follows: • The majority of teachers do not use many of positive
teaching methods. They use teaching methods require less active students, teachers
work mainly. The cause of this situation is by teacher limited retraining to innovation
teaching methods. Although, some teachers have train themselves fostered by reading,
but confusion in the application of the actual teaching. • Student motivated to
learning weak, lazy thinking and lack of initiative. The cause of the students' learning
not high because teacher to teach not create encouragement for students interested in
learning is a significant of part. The survey was conducted in schools in Vientiane seen
such poor quality that the schools in remote rural areas, many learning conditions is
limited, such as the quality of learning will how? This is inevitable and urgent reform
of teaching-learning methods to enhance the quality of student learning.
Chapter 2: Applying active theory into teaching-learning arithmetic and
algebra grade 6 at school Lao PDR In chapter 1 we was present an overview
of the actives theory in teaching-learning, students actives learning mathematics in
schools of grade 6 and innovative of teaching-learning methods. Orientation applied to
solve the problems above of teaching arithmetic and algebra in grade 6 schools Lao
PDR are: Author directly applied to teaching specific contents; Applying through
teachers by training of teachers.
2.1 Applying direct to teaching specific contents.
2.1.1 Active and components active
Example 1: lesson "signs are divisible of 3, and 9"
The content of the lesson: Teach to students about the signs some of number
divisible to 3, to 9
The purpose of the lesson: Helping students remind the signs are divisible to 3 and 9
Compatible between contents and teaching-learning purposes was mentioned
above can give students practice actives and generalized language actives as follows:
Teacher: Observe students
510.115 +=
9)51(519.15)19.(1510.115 ++=++=++=+=
9)51(15 ++=
5)19(0)199.(2310.0100.2203 ++++=++=
99.2)302(30299.2 +++=+++=
Let's analyze some numbers a similar following:
?378 =
?253 =
Student: ???
Teacher: Each number of the above has a total of 2 analyze expression.
Student: You have commented on each expression. Student: ???
Teacher: Please comments with the general contents. Student: ???
Teacher: Start from divisibility properties of an overall view, you explain why 378 can
divisible to 9 and but 253 can not divisible to 9. Student: ???
Teacher: Let the conclusion of each case and the general conclusion?
Student: + Conclusion 1: "The sum of the numbers is equal 9, is divide to 9"
+ Conclusion 2: "The sum of the numbers is not equal 9, is not divisible to 9"
The general conclusion: "The total numbers is divisible to 9 and that's just the
numbers divisible to 9"
Teacher: Observe students
110.3100.01000.22031 +++=
1)19.(3)199.(0)1999.(2 ++++++=
139.302999.2 +++++=
)9.3999.2()1302( +++++=
)3111.2.(96 ++=
)3111.2(3.36 ++=
Let's analyze a similar the following 3414; Students: ???
Teacher: have you (students) a comment about the expression (1) and (2)?
Student: - expression (1) is the sum of two expressions which are an expression is the
sum of the numbers and is an expression of the number is divisible to 9
- Expression (2) is the sum of the two expressions is an expression which is the sum of
the numbers and is an expression of the number is divisible to 3.
Teacher: Start from the examples and comments, please explains some of the
nature number divisible to 3. Student:???
Example 2: The lesson "The characteristic nature numbers of the addition with
Lesson contents: The characteristic nature numbers of the addition with
The purpose of the lesson: to help student proficient use of the addition with
multiplication. Specifically
acabcba +=+ )(
The compatible with contents and teaching-learning purposes was mentioned
above, students can practiced actives for expression, identifying the nature of the
distribution of multiplication and subtraction algorithms act of thinking through the
following exercise:Calculate the value of the following expression:
62103162 ×−×
. We can guidance to student perform by following steps:
Teacher: Please analysis. Student:
)1031(6262103162 −=×−×
Teacher: Let shortened
)1031(62 −
. Student:???
Example 3: Train in the “Calculation of the brackets expression” in “the expression”
The content of the lesson: the calculation expression of the brackets
The purpose of the article: Helping students apply the rules proficient expression
of the brackets.
Compatible with content and teaching purposes mentioned above can be practiced
for student activities shown, therules recognize expressions of the brackets and
algorithmic thinking activities through the following exercise:
Calculate the value of the expression:
( )
[ ]
Want to A be included B in this calculation
( )
[ ]
. Want to B be
included C in this calculation
( )
991002102 −−=C
. Want to C be included D in this
( )
991002 −=D
. Want to D calculate the E:
So rigth from the start E then calculated D, and the C, and the B, and the A. Therefore,
the calculation must be done in the following order:
Example 4: The lesson "Calculation of integers"
The contents of the lesson: the integer calculation
The purpose of the lesson: to helping students apply versed in the rules of integer
Compatible between contents and teaching purposes mentioned above, we can be
practiced students thinking actives through the exercise following.
Please describe the process of calculating the value of the expression follow:
13 −a
.2;1;0;1;2 −−=a
We can describe in two ways: Make a table or chart.
Example 5: The lesson "greatest common divisor"
The content: the greatest common divisor
The purpose: to help student find skills the greatest common divisor.
Compatible between contents and teaching-learning purposes mentioned above, we
can be practiced for student actives and generalized language actives as follows:
Teacher: Please find a set of estimates of 12 and 30? Student:???
Teacher: Please find a set of common divisor of 12 and 30? Student:???
Teacher: Please find the greatest common divisor of 12 and 30? Student:???
Teacher Please find the greatest common divisor of 28 and 56? Student:???
Teacher: Start from the exercise above, please give define the greatest common
divisor of two or more numbers and some general rules to find the greatest common
divisor of two or more numbers. Student:???
2.1.2 Active engine
Example 6: the lesson "how to know the vowels number"
To make students aware the meaning and object's of actives, teachers may suggest
the beginning by two ways follow:
Option 1: Negative numbers appear due to internal demand. Teacher made some
calculations with natural numbers:
?;52 =+
?5.2 =
.?52 =−
When it does not perform calculations
.?52 =−
Teacher will suggest engine: Need some kind of new take on how to subtraction of
natural numbers is done.
Option 2: Negative numbers appear due to practical needs. Teacher give students to
observe a number of visual items such as thermometers prepared and introduced in
temperature; drawings and introducing appropriate height, depth, temperatures and
required students reading a temperatures of city (with heat sound level is below the
temperature, ocean temperature); convention 0 m of the sea level, altitude requirements
students reader certain mountain (including positive numbers, negative numbers).
Teacher would suggest engine: From the above example should put some kind of new
number how to easily recognize the knowledge mentioned above.
Example 7: Unit “Ordering the set of integers”. To make students aware of the
significance of the object’s operations and activities teachers may suggest opening the
enginie as follows: In the set of natural numbers has a comparison, the same set of
integers we have also carried out a comparison of the content that is today’s lesson.
Example 8: The lesson "exponentiation with natural exponent. Multiply the two
powers of the same number ". In order for the teaching objectives is a guide for
students to speak rules
, teachers can conduct intermediate suggests
the engine as follows: Teacher: Writing the product of two power after a power:
, 2)
Teacher intermediate to engine are as follows: Have students a comment about
the result the exponent of the power? Student:???
Through two examples above, please to know want the two powers have the
same base how? Students:???
Example 9: When training for students of the nature of such multiplication
,11=+ ba
Calculate the value for the expression:
)()( cabcbaM −−+=
)()()( bacbcacbcbaacabcabcbaM +=+=+−+=−−+=
6611.6 −=−=M
Teacher: Ending suggest the following engine operating as follows: In the process of
calculating an expression, sometimes we need to be reduced given expression, then
instead of to the. The aim is to make the process easy to calculate.
2.1.3 Active of knowledge
Example 10: The lesson "Plus two integers have the same sign" According the active
theory, instead of just notified that knowledge for students, teachers can create
situations for student actives as follows: Please make a calculation
illustration on the number line.Students:??
Teacher: According to the Convention on the left "+" sign of the positive
numbers in a calculation, the calculation on how to be rewritten?
Teacher: Let's make a calculation
Teacher: Please observe at the illustration on the number line
From the above illustration we have
Teacher: Based on the above calculation results, we can be presented in different
forms as follows:
Similarly do the following: 1)
Teacher: From the examples above stated rules just add two negative integers.
Teacher: Speaking rule by pointing out that the calculation steps? Students:?
Teacher: Speaking on the rules by the expression? Students:???
How to perform on the resulting knowledge to lead students create new knowledge
and methods that knowledge.
Example 11: The lesson “
”. In process of teaching-learning and teachers
can guide students to perform the following actives for students to construct
knowledge-based method which is
to make students master the rules are as
follows: Teacher: Please write the product of two power after a power:
523 ===
) ).( (. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ===
Teacher: Do the same as above for the next power of two:
Teacher: Observe and similar
) ).( (.
=== aaaaaaaaaaa
?2)2 2.2.2).(2 2.2.2(2.2
?) ).( (.
=== aaaaaaaaaaa
Teacher: From the way, I just draw the general rules
Students: Step 1: write the number
; Step 2: Calculate the total
nm +
Step 3: As a result
, Step 4: Answer:
2.1.4 Divide to sub-activity
Example12. Helping students master multiplication distribution rules for addition and
multiplication on the subtraction distribution namely:
cabacba ).( +=+
cbcacba ).( −=−
)( ba ≥
Lesson 1(Lower): Miscalculated:
; and 2)
Lesson 2(Higher): Calculate the value of the following expression:
. Students:???
Lesson 3(Higher): not the specific value, compare two expressions:
. Students:???
The use of the difficult problems in order:+) Lesson 1: just directly apply rules
cabacba ).( +=+
cbcacba ).( −=−
)( ba ≥
+) Lesson 2: Be aware group similar terms, and apply the rule to apply fake
theory has to calculate the value of the last expression.
+) Lesson 3: Rigth to choose ingenious expression of type A and B modified to
2.1.5 Synthetic some examples
Example13. Teaching all "other two integers’ multiplication sign"
The content of the lesson: Teach students about different integer multiplication
sign two
The purpose of the article: Helping students master multiplication sign two other
We designed the lesson content active theory as follows:
Teacher: We already know how to multiply two positive integers (two natural
numbers). Today lessons we will learn of a positive integer to a negative integer, that
is another sign of two integers. We start from some specific examples:
Please perform calculation following:
. Students:???
Teacher: According to the convention on the left "+" sign of the positive numbers in a
calculation, the calculation on how to be rewritten? Students:
Teacher: Please replace multiplication by addition
. Students:???
Teacher: You do the math there.
)4()4()4( −+−+−=
Teacher: Based on the above calculation results can be presented more
streamlined actives
as follows:
( )
12)34( −=×−=
Similarly do the calculations
: Students:???
Teacher: The calculation
Teacher: From the above examples make the rules said two other integers Forums
Teacher: Speaking rule by pointing out that the calculation steps?
Teacher: I can say rule of two integers with different signs expression is not?
Teacher: Let's make a calculation: 1)
; 2)
; 3)
Teacher: Fill in the blanks in the table:
5 -13 -25
-6 20 -20
-260 -100
Teacher: Perform calculations
Teacher: Enter a comma (
in the appropriate box.
0; 2).
; 3).
The active theory has been applied to the lesson as follows:
- The activity is compatible with the teaching content "Multiplication sign two other
integers": generalization, analogy, language activities, analysis, synthesis, algorithmic
thinking activities, and to identify out.
- Recommendation engines: Shown on suggestions
- Methods of Knowledge: Communication skills sale method mark the other two
- Sub-activity level: The suggestion to go for the easy question.
2.2 Applying through the training of teacher
2.2.1 Training purposes: - Helping teachers master the content of QDHD in teaching
hifh school math. - Teacher initially know use QDHD in orgranizing lesson plans
and classroom teaching.
2.2.2 Object, time and location of training
Fostering Venue: Vomiting Secondary school Non Sa At, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR.
Number of teachers involved training 20 people, 9 women.
Fostering Time: From 02 st to September 11, 2010.
2.2.3 The process of fostering
Phase 1: Equip teachers fundamental knowledge about activities. a) The contents of
teaching math in high school. b) The major active form of student learning in
mathematics schools. c) The principal active of students in grades 6. d) The method of
operation of teaching-leaning Mathematics
Phase 2: The teacher observed the organizational form of teaching hours for actives
students. Being held for the teacher stage supervises training samples by author thesis
introduction. Then teachers and writers analyzed together, draw business modeling
lessons learned there.
Phase 3: Design Guidelines teacher lesson plans on how to organize actives for
students. Step 1: For teachers view sample lesson; Step 2: Suggest teacher lesson
Phase 4: Teachers make lesson plans were designed in real classrooms.
Phase 5: Teachers talk about the lesson was done with the participation of the author.
2.2.4 Contents of training a) The content of teaching mathematics in secondary
schools (see contents chapter 1 page 11 to page 12 of the thesis). b) the general activity
of grade 6 students in learning mathematics ( see contents at page 12 to page 17,
chapter 1 of the thesis). c) The principal activities of grade 6 students in learning
Mathatics (see content and examples see page 26 to page 28 chapter 1 of the thesis). d)
The activities of teaching mathematics in secondary schools (Internal text and
examples see page 17 to page 26, chapter 1 and part 2 of the thesis 2.1 ). e) Lesson
plans samples.
2.2.5 Summary and evaluation: a) After training we will proceed please opinions of the
teachers involved in training content and training processes.b) Evaluate teachers were
trained in two contents: Assessment was developed through lesson plans and teachar
performance in the classroom project. c) Results of assessment (see pages 94, 95).
Chapter 3: Pedagogical experimental
3.1. Purpose/objective The organization of the pedagogical experiment was
carried out to implement the basic purposes: Illustrations, testing the feasibility and
effectiveness of the application of Perspective in teaching actives in accordance with
accounting practices education Democratic Republic of Lao People nowadays.
3.2. Experimental Organization We conduct controlled experiments, each lesson
experimental 2 periods, an experimental class and comparison with a control class.
Students experimental classes and control classes where the number of academic and
classified approximately the same. Experimental class by a teacher that we undertake
refresher class is taught by a teacher certified to teach others. All of the teacher are
vocational approximately and age the similar.Conclude the experiment, we examined
in experimental classes and control classes with the same title, the same as all marking
time and answers with the same scale.Content assessment is: check the level of
awareness of students about knowledge base content of the lesson, the level of
understanding and application reviews the basic formula to do the lesson. The
experiment was conducted in twice: first experiment in October, November and
December year 2010 and April, May 2011 at NonSaAt Secondary School, Vientiane
Capital, on 6 lessons; Second experiment in October, November and December year
2011 and April, May 2012 in SiKhay secondary schools, Vientiane Capital, on 6
3.3. Evaluation of experiment methods
3.3.1Introluction evaluation
After the experiment, we carried out synthesis, analysis, processing of test results with
mathematical statistical methods, both in terms of assessment: quantitative and
qualitative. At the same time we also held opinion of the teacher supervises empirical
evaluation of experimental lessons.We evaluate the content of training teacher stated in
Chapter 2 of the thesis with the results of specific actives were: teacher has been
applying his exercises prepared by active theory an effective or not? After
experimental teaching-learning methods, teachers have self-discipline and positive
learning outcomes of students with better prior experimental or not? And it will draw
reasonable conclusions about the feasibility and urgency to manipulate content and
teacher training process outlined in Chapter 2 on practical teaching in schools Lao
PDR. From this purpose we have designed two types of tests that follow each lesson
test and test phase of the experiment. Using a questionnaire to the teachers themselves
use formative assessment practices into their teaching practice. Using surveys to assess
teacher supervises quality of teachers teaching experiments. Using surveys to students
in grades experiment comment on the quality of teachers teaching Some examples to check list or test each lesson The test whole phase of experimentation
3.3.2 Analyze and evaluate the results of the investigation after the teacher
of training and experimental Contents and process of training teachers
After training we were comments 20 teachers of participated in training course,
assessment teacher result of training processes 90% was very reasonable, 10% was
reasonable and 100% was very rewarding, useful and a breakthrough to enhance the
quality of teaching in Lao PDR. The use level into teaching-learning of teacher’s experimental
The evaluation, we found that teachers participate in training course understand
and how to apply knowledge to design lesson plans. Through interviews and opinions
of the teachers observe in a lesson class: Teacher a little lecture, change to called
students on the board more than 4 times, oral (ask question, think and respond) more
than 4 times, teachers suggesting and help students solve problems more than 4 times,
teachers facilitate student discussions in small groups (2 to 4 people), student-self
exercise several times, and following attention the solution and lecture.
3.3.3 Analysis and evaluation of student learning through tests each
experimental lesson Summary of statistical results over 2 times the 6 tests
No Class No.
exam score
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TN 312 1 7 18 24 104 84 35 22 13 4 5,69
ĐC 303 6 22 28 42 93 72 28 8 4 0 4,93
TN 324 0 7 23 27 103 87 38 24 11 4 5,63
ĐC 315 9 22 33 39 95 72 30 13 2 0 4,91
TN 636 1 14 41 51 207 171 73 46 24 8 5,64
ĐC 618 15 44 61 81 188 144 58 21 6 0 4,92
Table saw on the percentage of poor, average, good and excellent over twice the 6
lesson of the two classes on experiment (TN) and control class (ĐC).
No. ĐC No.
Score (1-4) Score (5-6) Score (7-8) Score (9-10)
SL % SL % SL % SL %
TN 312 50 16,02 188 60,25 57 18,26 17 5,44
ĐC 303 98 32,34 165 54,45 36 11,88 4 1,32
TN 324 57 17,59 190 58,64 62 19,13 15 4,63
ĐC 315 103 32,69 167 53,01 43 13,65 2 0.63
TN 636 107 16,82 378 59,43 119 18,71 32 5,03
ĐC 618 201 32,52 332 53,72 79 12,78 6 0,97
Comparison Chart 2 times over the following 6 tests of two layers of experiment (TN)
and control class (ĐC).
From the chart shows that:
- Weakness of class experiment is 16.32% lower than the 32.52% class control
- Experiment grade point average is 59.43% higher than the 53.72% class control
- The class of experiment is quite higher than 18.71% class control 12.78%
- The talent for experiment is 5.03% higher layer than the 0.97% class control
Average rate, quite well in class experiment is always higher than class control,
the demonstrate knowledge of sustainable experiment class than the class control.
3.3.4. Analysis and evaluate the results of the test whole experimental phase
Average rate, quite well in experiment are higher class control class, which
represent the sustainability and long-term memory knowledge experiment class
than the class control.
• Summary of results of statistical tests over 2 summarizes experimental plase
No Class No.
exam score
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TN 104 0 0 3 7 31 30 16 8 6 3 6,07
ĐC 101 1 9 7 15 25 25 12 5 2 0 5,11
TN 108 0 0 6 7 32 35 13 10 4 1 5,86
ĐC 105 1 7 13 16 29 25 10 4 0 0 4,90
TN 212 0 0 9 14 63 65 29 18 10 4 5,96
ĐC 206 2 16 20 31 54 50 22 9 2 0 5,01
Table saw on the percentage of poor, average, good and excellent
No. ĐC No.
Score (1-4) Score (5-6) Score (7-8) Score (9-10)
SL % SL % SL % SL %
TN 104 10 9,61 61 58,65 24 23,07 9 8,65
ĐC 101 32 31,68 50 49,50 17 16,83 2 1,98
TN 108 13 12,03 67 62,03 23 21,29 5 4,62
ĐC 105 37 35,23 54 51,42 14 13,33 0 0
TN 212 23 10,84 128 60,37 47 22,16 14 6,60
ĐC 206 69 33,49 104 50,48 31 15,04 2 0,97
Comparison Chart 2 times through empirical examination of class after class
experiment and control.
- The weakness of the class experiment is 10,84% lower than the 33,49% class
control; - Experiment grade point average is 60,37% higher than the 50,48% class
control; - The class of experiment is quite higher than 22,16% class control 15,04% -
The talent for experiment is 6,60% higher layer than the 0.97% class control.
Average rate, quite well in class exeriment is always higher than control,
the demonstrate knowledge of sustainable experiment class than the class control
3.3.5. Evaluation price of pedagogical experimental results Quantitative assessment
Based on the results after two pedagogical experiments, showed that the quality of
student learning and higher grades experiment students in class Address. Teaching-
learning methods in experiment class really better then address class, which is no
coincidence. Indeed, the tables have the following statistical parameters:
Class No. student Test No.
TN 636 636 5,64 2,44
ĐC 618 618 4,92 2,62
Among them:
is the average, which
is the number of students,
the point (eg point 1,2,3 , 10),
the frequency that students gain points.
the variance, statistical tests: Hypothesis
teaching-learning method for random results, not substantive)
(experiment teaching-learning method class actually better
in the control layer). Choose the level of significance
. To test the hypothesis
we use the quantity random
, from the above statistical
. With
us find the limit value
Look up table values are Laplace
Compare Z we have Z with Zt> Zt.
So the level of significance
, the hypothesis
is rejected by the hypothesis
is accepted. So
is the fact, not by
accident. That is teaching-learning method as proposed in the thesis is actually more
effective than teaching-learning method normal. Qualitative assessment
After a period of training, exchange of goals, the experiment with the teacher
solution, we conducted interviews with the teacher now, Experimental class taught
teachers, students and some of the results obtained as follows: • About the teacher:
Cheerful and enthusiastic teaching-learning method new design steps Understand and
apply lessons are a practical proficiency in teaching by Active theory. The content and
process of training teachers are very reasonable and necessary to continue training for
teachers. • For the students participating in the experiment: Eager, voluntarily, actively
participate in lectures; Interestingly, fun learning
Thesis with the following main results: 1. Presenting an overview of the operational
perspective, Active theory in teaching-learning mathematics in the schools, Students
principal actives of the grade 6 math, meaning Active theory in teaching-learning
mathematics in the schools, Renewal teaching-learning methods and survey the status
of teaching 6th grade math in Vientiane Laos. 2. The thesis presents directions Active
theory apply to teaching in the new circumstances that apply to teaching Active theory
Arithmetic and Algebra Grade 6 at the schools Lao PDR in the following way: Author
directly applied to teaching specific content, Applying through teacher by training for
the teachers. 3. Experimental results in two secondary school, teachers Vientiane
Capital, Lao PDR shows: The innovation in teaching methods particularly positive in
applying teaching methods Active theory Arithmetic and 6 to Algebra class is entirely
consistent with current practice in schools.
Some recommendations: Through research topics, to improve the quality of
Mathematics teaching at secondary schools in Lao PDR, we outlined a number of
recommendations follows: For teachers often need to improve. The educational
institutions and schools have considered the training and retraining of teachers is often
important task for improving the quality of teaching. Special attention should be given
training for teachers of modern teaching-learning methods which always make students
self-discipline, active and creative learning. At the same time training teachers to use
the equipment and modern techniques for teaching the subject. For students, set them
voluntarily, active in school by energetically speaking, answering questions posed by
the teacher. In addition to know how to set the learning at home. Strengthening the
provision of facilities and equipment, modern teaching techniques, reference materials
for teachers and students. Innovative programs, order lessons textbook for reasonable
and logical.
1. Outhay BANNAVONG (2012), "The situation reform math teaching methods in a
number of secondary schools Vientiane Laos', Journal of College Science Teachers
Hanoi. No 10, p 14-18.
2.Outhay BANNAVONG (2013), "Fostering secondary school teachers Laos applied
on an operational perspective on mathematics teaching methods ", Journal of
Management Education, No. 44, p 46-49 and p52.
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4. Outhay BANNAVONG (2013), “The application of perspective in teaching math
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5. Outhay BANNAVONG (2013), "Sub-level activities in teaching mathematics in
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Number September, page.139, 140.