Research theme: Surveying and Mapping
Code : 62520503
The thesis has been completed at the
Photogrammetry & Remote
Sensing Department, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology.
Scientific Supervisors:
1. Assoc Prof. Dr Nguyen Truong Xuan
Hanoi University of Mining and Geology
2. Assoc Prof. Dr Nguyen Cam Van
Institute of Geography, Vietnam Academy of Science and
Examiner 1: Assoc Prof. Dr Nhu Thi Xuan
University of Science, Vietnam National University,
Examiner 2: Assoc Prof. Dr Truong Thi Hoa Binh
National Satellite Center,
Vietnam Academy of
Science and Technology
Examiner 3: Dr Dao Ngoc Long
Vietnam Institute of Geodesy and Cartography,
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
The thesis will be defended at the University examination Council
at the Hanoi University of Mining and Geology
At… h, …/…/, 2013
This thesis can be referenced at the National Library
or at the library of the Hanoi University of Mining and Geology
1. Research motivation
Currently, the information technology applications, especially
geographic information systems in the field of map production and
established is very developed. Therefore, the establishment of
electronic atlas has become a modern trend in map publishing and
widely used in the social life.
In Vietnam, the digital mapping and GIS technology has long
been used to establish electronic Atlas in some provinces such as
Lao Cai, Dong Nai, Dak Nong [34], [38], [39], From 2002,
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has set up the
digitization of National Atlas in 1996, but was only completed part
of the work. Thus, the deployment of Web Atlas in our country is an
urgent need, the increasing of number of mapping units which are
researching and implementing approved that trend . However, the
systematic study to create a scientific basis for Web Atlas
establishing procedures has not enough to fill the necessary basics.
Therefore, the requirement of studies on the scientific basis and
methodological approach to build Web Atlas, especially Web Atlas
for decision support is the question for new generation of
2. Scientific and practical significance
Scientific significance: Thesis synthesis and proposed the
scientific basis, methods and development processes for Web Atlas
in general and Web Atlas administration in particular for provincial
Practical significance: Test results of the thesis research can
be put to use, exploit and serves to provide information to support for
the Administration management and relevant information related to
leaders, organizations and people wishing to learn about Hanoi.
3. Research objectives
Science-based research to build Web Atlas in general and Web
Atlas support Administration management in particular, given
specific criteria for the Web Atlas’s category supporting the
Administration management and building experimenting Web Atlas
support the Administration management of Hanoi.
4. Subjects of study
Research synthesis of scientific basis of cartography and Web
Atlas. On the basis of experimental development of Web Atlas
Administration management support for Hanoi.
5. Scope of Research
Scientific Scope: dissertation research focuses on the scientific
basis of Atlas Web development in general, the proposed necessary
thematic content of the Web Atlas for Administration management in
Spatial scope: the entire range of Hanoi. Research develops
the administrative maps for districts and towns (details to commune,
ward or township).
6. Research Contents
- Overview of researches and developments of electronic Atlas
and Web Atlas worldwide and in Vietnam.
- Research and analysis of the scientific basis established Web
- Study of the Administration management particular, the role
and significance of the map and Web Atlas in that field.
-Information and data collection, design, build Web Atlas
support for Administration management of Hanoi.
7. Research Methodology
- Methods of theoretical studies;
- Methods of collecting and processing information;
- Methods of analysis, comparison, synthetic materials;
- Survey method;
- Method of experts;
- Programming and applications of information technology in
the mapping methods.
8. The new points of the thesis
- Propose the content structure of administrative support Web
Atlas, making the process of developing Web- Atlas based on
- First build administrative Web Atlas of Hanoi with 29
districts and towns which are web-based management combined with
the necessary information attributes, effectively support for
management of administrative units and residents in the city of
- Build the scientific base and Web Atlas application model to
support the administration of Hanoi.
9. The protection argument
Argument 1: Web Atlas is a kind of new product is developed
on the scientific basis of Cartography, Computer and digital
platforms as well as social platform for the development of
technologies that can unity and efficiency support for management of
all levels of administrative.
Argument 2: Technological process of administrative Web
Atlas set up consists of two systems (processes) independent but
closely linked and mutually defined as the process of mapping and
process design to map publish on the network.
10. The structure of the thesis
The dissertation consists of 3 chapters, with 159 pages, 46
figures, 10 Tables.
1.1. Research and development of electronic Atlas
1.1.1. Research and development of electronic Atlas in abroad
Integrated digital maps with geographic information systems
and Web design technology, multimedia technology is to create a
new generation of interoperability Web Atlas [31], [32], [33], [70]
with premium features compared to traditional Atlas and maps in
product quality as well as the establishing and operating methods.
Many countries around the world have focused on research
and development of Atlas, Electronic Atlas and Web Atlas for
country planning, developing. Today, the Web Atlas are based on the
achievements of information technology, combined with mapping
technology, which is a special combination of GIS technology and
multimedia technology.
1.1.2. Research and development of Atlas in Vietnam
In Vietnam, Atlas development can be divided into 3 phases as
follows: Phase 1: the feudal period, phase 2: the French colonial
time; 3 phases: from 1945 to today. In the first phase, it should
include the Hong Duc atlas; this is the first atlas in our country. After
1958 under the yoke of French colonialism, the establishment of
Atlas and maps in our country is mainly due to the France, in order
for the investigation and management.
Up to now, many provinces have adopted the digital mapping
technology and GIS to establish the Electronic Atlas: Atlas Bac
Ninh, Lao Cai, Dong Nai, Lang Son, Tuyen Quang, Phu Tho, to
serve the socio-economic planning and development of each ones.
Vietnam Resources, Environment and Cartography Publishing
House has published some Atlas such historical Atlas Vietnam [17];
Socioeconomic Atlas Vietnam [18]; Atlas Communications [19];
World Atlas [20]; administrative Vietnam Atlas [21],
1.1.3. Researching and developing Atlas of Hanoi
+ According to the traditional technology: Atlas Hanoi [22]
published in 1984; Geographic Information Atlas Hanoi [36] in
2002, Atlas of population, family and children [23]; Streets Atlas of
Hanoi [24]; Atlas of Thang Long - Hanoi [10],
+ According to MapInfo's technology and platform
development on MapXtreme technology, several authors assert
method and its applicability as: Dr. Nhu Thi Xuan 2010 [49]; NCS.
Bui Ngoc Quy [32] [54],
+ According to ESRI technology, Dr. Doan Thi Xuan Huong
[82], Vietnam Resources, Environment and Mapping Publishing
house also has research and experimental release of maps on the
1.2. Overview of Electronic Atlas
In simple terms it is a kind of electronic Atlas which was built
and used primarily in the electronic computer - this is the definition
Eva Siekierska [58] launched in 1984 and has been accepted by ICA.
1.3. Overview of Network Atlas - Web Atlas
1.3.1. Overview of Web map Web - The new environment for maps publishing
Currently, the Internet has developed quite extensively; the
World Wide Web (WWW) is the newest medium for presenting and
displaying geospatial data with many advantages. WWW is used for
publishing process maps [64] to create the network map (site map) or
online atlas (Web Atlas). Web map as a web service
Web map is a map service provided on the Web. Currently, the
mapping service on open standards including Web Map Service:
Web Map Server is the service running on the server map, it is
responsible for creating maps and answer queries of the Web Map
Web Map Client functionality to send the request to the Web
Map Server on the properties of the map or maps showing request as
a URL.
1.3.2. Overview of Web Atlas
Web Atlas is a form of electronic Atlas, designed and built for
the purpose of release on the Internet. The Web Atlas system after
the design and construction completed can be using via Internet
browsers such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, to
use the infrastructure via the Internet.
1.3.3. General characteristics of the Web Atlas.
+ In generally, Web Atlas is a product must meet the standards
as a traditional Atlas.
+ Atlas must be built on the basis of coordination and the use
of mapping technology and modern information technology.
+ Content rich and diverse, with a systematic and consistent
high purpose and intended theme, can combine the use of multimedia
+ The map is very flexible display according to different rates
of sequence and different levels of detail.
Web Atlas also includes characteristics of the map.
1.3.4. The Web Atlas classification Sort by traditional criteria Classification according to the new criteria (modern)
including: The static Web Atlas, The Interactive Atlas, The
analytical compatible Atlas Web, the mobile Web Atlas, open Web
The Atlas.
1.3.5. The advantage of Web Atlas Regarding the content shown
Web Atlas can display content flexible and interactive, can be
combined with multimedia components such as sound, photographs,
articles, Regarding efficiency
- Perform quick calculations Stats, precision measurements of
coordinates, perimeter, area, distance, have the ability to search for
information, can create charts, reports from the database.
The analysis of information from the database to the Web
Atlas always results more accurate, more objective.
You can use Web Atlas whenever, wherever you are as long as
the network can connect to the Internet. Regarding the ability to store, manage and update
The updating, editing of Web Atlas can be done almost any
time, therefore, modernity and accuracy of Web Atlas always be
guaranteed [47].
1.4. Role of Web Atlas in science and practice
In science: Research in geographical and the objective world,
the exploitation of information, multi-dimensional, multi-target,
multi-period, whereby research findings more reliable.
In practice: management support, based on analysis functions
and interactive of Web Atlas.
1.5. The issues to be addressed in the thesis
Study, completed scientific basis to build Web Atlas
supporting the Administration management, develops the
technological model and technical solutions to build Web Atlas
supporting the Administration management; Deploying Web Atlas
experiment of Hanoi.
2.1. Theoretical foundations of Web Atlas
2.1.1. Web Atlas design. The general principle
Web Atlas is the product of applied computing maps in
general and the Internet in particular. Therefore, the design must
ensure that the requirements of scientific and technical features of all
three areas. Layout design, Web interface
The interface of the homepage is designed depending on the
author, but the look of each map page is designed the same for all
pages in each Web Atlas. The main page content is usually general
layout as the following diagram:
In this figure:
Figure 2-1.
Interface of
Web Atlas
+ A: a general introduction, the title of the Web Atlas.
+ B: is the list of maps in Web Atlas.
+ C: The map displays pages.
+ D: shows the information for the maps
+ E: To view links or return to the map pages. Principles of map design multi-scale
The design criteria for multi-scale maps in the Web Atlas
+ Zoom ratio ability of the design technology.
+ Map window size in interface.
+ Area and scale of input data.
However, it is needed to ensure 3 types of scale:
+ Minimum scale should display the territorial area in the
framework for the size of the map.
+ Maximum scale is equal to largest scale the original map for
displaying detailed information of the map.
+ The average scale between the two types of zoom levels. Designing multimedia components
The technical design of multimedia components include works
such as collecting, processing and analyzing data and creation of
multimedia components database. Content design
In addition to the content elements are designed as the
requirements for traditional Atlas: design projection and coordinates,
the elemental geographic base, main content, secondary as well as
other supporting content, when design contents of Web Atlas need
to build a database of information for the object attribute maps for
finding and analyzing information on the GIS platform later.
10 The methods of maps content presentation
Normally in cartography people usually use 10methods for
showing the content of thematic maps. However, not every map that
also applies all methods, so before using these methods to denote
map content needs to study the characteristics of each object and
methods to use that rationally. Map symbols
Indeed, the map symbols as a means to express the content of
the map. In the web map, symbols can be used with some different
than paper maps. For example, the symbols can be connected to the
hidden information inside by the combination of maps with
information in a geographic information system, or symbols can
change the shape, size when clicked on, Colors used on web map
A. Colors on the Web map
The color on the web map depends primarily on the designer.
All maps are designed under the influence of color in the view of the
cartographer, this leads to the subjective requirements for color
recognition. However, our computers display colors depending on
the configuration of the machine (16 bit, 24 bit, 32 bit, ) so web
map designers always need to based on the structure the popularity
of computers to design color map.
B. The role of color on the map
Use color to increase the amount of information-rich maps and
its contents. Colors make beautiful maps and more artistic.
C. The color model in establishing, printing maps in computers.
There are many color models in practice, such as RGB, HLS
color system, CMY color system,
2.1.2. Web Atlas editing Map editing
The main purpose of this step is to create the maps database
base on content designed of Web Atlas. Multimedia components editing
The multimedia component editors need to ensure properties
such as size, color, effects, brightness, contrast, to create a
database of multimedia. Programming and linking databases to create Atlas Web
The programming, linking components of Atlas to create Web
Atlas pages, including: interface, functions, list of chapters with
designed maps,
2.1.3. Database of Web Atlas Spatial data Attribute data Multimedia Data
2.2. Technology bases
2.2.1. The mapping technology GIS Technology: A technology for building and managing
databases both spatial and attribute, the nature of the object. CAD and graphic technology: As technology allows the
establishment of vector maps, which are maps established from the
CAD design support software.
2.2.2. Programming technology
Information Technology and Web programming is done with a
lot of different languages. However, when building Web Atlas, apart
from using the Web programming language needs to use these
functions, the library map during programming Web Atlas.
2.2.3. Global Networking Technology-Web
12 The technology and management methods of Web Atlas
Web Atlas is an electronic form Atlas posted on the Internet
for everyone to share. Users can access the Web address of the Atlas
is able to exploit the information of Web Atlas.
On the Internet there are many web services. As defined by
W3C, web service is a software system designed to support
interoperability between applications on different computers via the
Internet. Method and management architecture of Web Atlas
The architecture of Web Atlas based on the Client - Server
model consists of three layers: the database layer, intermediate layer
and user layer. In the 1st and 2nd ones are Server model. The 3rd tier
is users. Mining and using method ì the Web Atlas: SOA client and
server oriented architecture. Web Atlas publishing technologies
There are many tech support to get geographical data on the
Internet, but are focused on two technology developments are: the
commercial technology and technology toward open source.
2.2.4. The other supporting technologies The data security technology
The commercial software has security mechanisms by
allowing data encryption to protect the original data. The dedicated
software modules have different privacy practices converter suitable
for each individual map format. Packaging technology and product release
Web Atlas after completion will be a complete website. Need
to register domain names, transfer data to Mapserver, configure Web
Atlas systems to manage, exploit and posted on the Internet.
2.2.5. A number of Web Atlas design software
13 Commercial Software Open Source Software
2.2.6. Selection software for Web Atlas designers
On the basis of comparative advantages and disadvantages as
well as the cost of the current conditions in Vietnam, choosing
MapXtreme to build Web Atlas is quite feasible [31]. Web Atlas architecture model in MapXtreme
Like other systems, Web GIS, architectural models of
MapXtreme's Web Atlas is 3 layer architecture model (Section The system requirements for the Web Atlas establishment on
MapXtreme only moderate compared with the configuration of the
computer and network infrastructure today.
2.3. Scientific Basis of Web Atlas support administrative
2.3.1. The work of the state administration The general concept of Administration
State administration is the administrative activities of the
implementing agencies of executive power to manage and administer
the field of social life under the laws of the State. Location of space research in administration
Another important principle is the Administration and
Territorial sector [13]. Territorial (DVHC) or Administration manage
the administrative boundaries of the management area in a certain
range according to thedividing the administrative boundaries of the
Administration management requires manager or advisory
units should have full information about the DVHC to analyze,
evaluate and make an assessment, building orientation, development
planning and management economic issues, culture and society.
This fact leads to the Administration corollary need
appropriate tool support (Web Atlas) to ensure science - one of the
basic properties of the State Administration.
2.3.2. The trend to modernize the administration Strategic orientation of the state in the modernization of the
state administration.
In recent years, the State has been interested in the use of these
administration tools through the supporting documents, decisions,
programs and projects of information technology applications in the
Administration. The foundation of the technical infrastructure of Vietnam
and Hanoi
Technical foundation for developing Hanoi Web Atlas system
of relatively favorable, 100% of departments, agencies, districts,
towns with local network (LAN) and Internet connection. Social background.
In recent years, the State in general and Hanoi in particular
have due regard to the formulation of investment policies and the
application of information technology in many aspects of social life
including e-government construction.
2.3.3. Web Atlas Features in the Administration The ability to use Web Atlas of the Administration
- Observe the visual panorama of 1 or more areas, to
determine the location characteristics instead of having to look
- Easy update, repair, search and retrieval of content attribute
information quickly and fully, details have been integrated in the
Web Atlas.
- Modeling and building map analysis, integrated assessment,
or the indicators analyzed, to support decision making.
- Prepare reports based on aggregate storage databases of Web
- Exchanging information quickly between the Administration
units by granted through the electronic mailbox system built-in. Requirements for administrative Web Atlas
1. Reflecting the nature of objects, phenomena in the same
2. Materials used to ensure consistency, completeness and
reliability and with reference to other documents to revise and
3. The method shows suitable map content and science.
4. Layout map closely, science, emphasizing the basic
elements in the content and purpose of the topic map.
5. Information legalistic, fulfill the Administration request,
with uniformity, update, consistency,
6. The main content is shown on the map, it is necessary to
show compliance with the requirements for the establishment Atlas
traditional mathematical precision, and methods expressed
generalization, content of Web Atlas support administrative management
Web Atlas support Administration is a synthetic atlas includes
many aspects of the Administration are divided into chapters
according to themes reflected in each chapter is a collection of
separate topics, each topic can be one or more different maps to
practical support for the Administration.
Table 2-1 List of the content groups and thematic support
Contents group
Thematic support
1 Administration
The Province Administrative map
The Districts Administrative map
2 Populations Population
Population distribution
Labor resources
3 Economic General Economics
Land management
Resources – Environment
Trade – Services
Information - Communications
4 Culture - Social
Education - Traning
Culture - Religion
5 Planning Province Planning
Districts Planning
2.3.4. Process technology for establishing the Web Atlas to support
Administration The preparation
Clarify the goal of building of Atlas, named Atlas, Atlas type,
make requests for technology mapping, graphical software dedicated
to mapping, financial regulations and data, projection, how to
present Design and construction of the content and the interface Web
+ Editing and designing of Web Atlas maps
+ GUI Programming building, connected to the Atlas map
database; Connecting components with multi-media map
The components connected multimedia map is actually
building links of map symbols with objects such as images, audio,
articles, videos, through language programming language. Testing, editing and publishing Web Atlas
After finishing the entire contents, links each map page to
form a complete system of Web Atlas, install maps on servers,
domain name registration and Web Atlas release.
3.1. Geographic features of Hanoi.
3.2. Summary about administrative system of Hanoi
3.2.1. Administrative system of Hanoi before 01
August 2008
Hanoi through many changes in administrative boundaries,
before 08/2008 Hanoi has 14 districts and 230 communes, wards and
3.2.2. Administrative system of Hanoi 01
August 2008
Currently, Hanoi is expanding the boundaries of the area of
3328.9 km2 and a population of 6.6996 million people [8] with 10
districts, 1 town and 18 districts with 577 communes, wards and
3.3. Building Web Atlas to support Administration of Hanoi
3.3.1. The purpose and requirements of the Administrative Web
Atlas Hanoi Purpose: Building Administrative Web Atlas of Hanoi in the
form of interactive Atlas. Requirements: In addition to the requirements as with the
traditional Atlas, Web Atlas necessary to ensure such requirements:
The system supports multiple users, allowing users to search
data, updated data over time allocation and data flow guide is
organized and rational. Interface design friendly to the majority of
users, easy to use, simple operation
3.3.2. Product description The layout and interface
Consists of 2 parts: Atlas Management Interface and User
Interface. The contents of the administrative Web Atlas Hanoi
Shown are the entire contents of the 30 administrative maps,
display levels of the detailed map to communes and wards and
In addition to the map data, Atlas also incorporates multimedia
elements such as video, music, photos and articles, The functions of the administrative Web Atlas of Hanoi
Web Atlas is the open environment, enabling to create the new
administrative units with corresponding map. You can display each
layer separately or all map content, display attributes of all objects on
the map, search for information, create thematic maps on different
criteria from the database .
3.3.3. Workflow in building of product
Figure 3-5. Workflow in building of Administrative Web Atlas Hanoi
3.3.4. The preparation
Includes works such as document preparation, background
map modification, preparing equipment and machinery, software and
programming languages,
3.3.5. The mapping Collection and evaluation materials. Workflow of map pages establishing Design symbols system Construction of the base map
The map was edited in accordance with the of digital mapping
available in Vietnam and is structured according to defined standards
(Appendix 2) before putting them into a database for Web Atlas.
Objectives determination
Integration of maps to the system
Administrative mapping work flow
Web Developing the web-atlas
Data base
General design
Administrative webatlas
Data collection
Design multi scale,
multi criteria maps
User interface
Display, interact,
query to database
Table 3-3. Diagram general database store in the Atlas
MAPS (The folder to store the map data )
HA_NOI (The folder to store the map data of Ha Noi )
(Map of Ba Dinh District )
(Map of Tu Liem District)
(The first scale map display)
(The second scale map display)
(Full scale map display in Ha Noi)
(Database of administration information
structure, maps and annually data )
VIET_NAM (name of data store directory)
3.3.6. Building components of Administrative Web Atlas of Hanoi Construction of interface
Consists of 2 parts: system administration and user interface. The interface of the system administrator
Management administrative units list, map data management,
database design displayed on the Web Atlas; design relational model
between the system layer and administrative units database;
administrative management of data on the Web Atlas, building
display functions, edit map data layers. Designing the user interface: principles and display functions
building in Web Atlas
(1) Develop displays map data model; (2) Design directory
tree of administrative units; (3) Search the administrative units
database; (4)Create thematic maps by administrative units; (5)List
management of map content classes; (6) Develop an extensive search
21 Editing Multimedia components Development of Web Atlas application by programming
- Build and configure Administrative Web Atlas of Hanoi.
- Construction of Atlas functions.
- Develop a database system in the Web Atlas.
3.3.7 Web Atlas supporting the Administration of Hanoi The system administration interface
Designed with functions such as users establishing and
permission control, system administrators, manage electronic
mailbox, multimedia data, the statistical report, calendar,
management, The user interface
Figure 3-32. View Districts Administrative map
The administrative units designed and displayed in a tree, with
each level administrative units corresponding to its map.
We can find Administrative Units from commune level, town
level in the entire city from the database of Web Atlas. The
administrative units found will be referenced even through a Web-
based coordinates.
3.3.8 The applicability Web Atlas support Hanoi’s Administration
Administrative Web Atlas of Hanoi support for the
Administration work more efficiently based on the advantages
(1) The maps have extensive information than the traditional
maps; (2) Allows saving the updated and edited information in
system; (3) Integrated multi-media material; (4) Search and Quick
reference to the object on the map; (5) Detailed list of administrative
units for commune, ward or township makes Administration on
Spatial more convenient, intuitive way than by reading regular text.
3.3.9 Operating experiment evaluation of administrative Web Atlas of Hanoi
Administrative Web Atlas of Hanoi totally stable running on
current Windows systems such as WinXP, Win NT, with common
Web browsers such as Fire Fox, Google Chrome, Internet
1. Electronic Atlas - Web Atlas is a set of systematic, coherent and
logical connection of the maps introduce one or several geographical
factors which are regulated by the purpose and character of use, and
expressed in digitally via the internet. As a new product which
require high performance organization and coordination between the
cartographer and the informatics experts as well as related industries.
This is a direction, a required technology to develop the map
establishing when the GIS were quite developed in Vietnam.
Electronic Atlas - Web Atlas with the advantages of data control,
expression, data mining capabilities and regularly updatable will has
a great practical significance not only in the administrative
management support but also country's social -economic fields.
2. Electronic Atlas Web - Atlas is full of character and basic nature
of traditional Atlas. In addition, it also has many advantages such as:
ability to interface (interactive), contains more information, high
standardization, flexibility is very high (for the transformation ratio,
grid, stacking, delimitation, create new maps, updated editing, design
changes, easy and fast presents), provides high efficiency in the maps
establishing and using.
3. Principles of Web Atlas establishing consists of two parts: part 1
on Atlas structure and content similar to the traditional Atlas, which
purpose is clearly defined, the objects have to be classified logically,
uniformity and geographic accuracy. The contents presentation
methods, data processing are similar to traditional map however is
designed and set up by digital technology. Part 2 is storing and
operating via the Internet so that it is reasonable to use the features
and functionality of such technology can be combined with the
attribute information and multimedia information,
4. The technological workflow of Web Atlas development consists 2
branching processes: 1 is the construction of maps; 2 are the
construction and organization of the interface and connection of
maps in the Web Atlas. These are two separately sides, but we have a
close relationship and mutual constraints.
5. The selection of MapXtreme technology is workable in the current
conditions, as discussed in the thesis. According to this technology,
we can inherit the maps data base available at the manufacturing
sites in MapInfo format. Moreover, this is the technology has been
using by numerous users so it is easy to spread out without training
cost, therefore, suited to support the administrative management at
the local, district and commune level.
6. Administrative support Web Atlas’s interface and content has been
built (such as chapter 3) as a result of the analysis of Atlas,
Electronic Atlas and Web Atlas in Chapter 1; the scientific based
analysis of Web Atlas developing in Chapter 2. That has been
initially opened research directions and applications in the Web Atlas
for administrative support. The maps shown in the folder tree and