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tóm tắt luận án đỗ phương lâm (tiếng anh) đặc điểm hư từ hán việt trong tiếng việt” (có đối chiếu với hư từ thuần việt, hư từ tiếng hán cổ đại và hiện đại

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (247.08 KB, 26 trang )




Major: Vietnamese linguist
Major code:


Ha Noi – 2014


The thesis was completed at:
Graduate Academy of Social Sciences Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences
Prof.Dr. Nguyen Van Khang

Phản biện 1:

Phản biện 2:

Phản biện 3:

The thesis is assessed in Council of Graduate Academy of Social
Sciences at …

Thesis can be found at:
1. Viet Nam National Library
2. Graduate Academy of Social Sciences Library


1. The reason for selecting topics
1.1. 1.1. Vietnamese belongs to the type of language “đơn lập” (words
don’t changes morphological when changing function syntax), means primarily
based grammar tools are order of words and function words. "Burden" to show
the grammar relations in Vietnamese is even set on the function words.
Research function words very useful for elucidating the issues of vocabulary
and grammar in Vietnamese.
1.2. Usually, borrowed words between languages takes place primarily in
the real non-function words. However, Vietnamese borrowed a large amount of
function words from ancient Chinese. Exotic nature of the Sino-Vietnamese
function words also makes users difficult to use them. The phenomenon of false
talk, gibberish written by Sino-Vietnamese function words system is quite
1.3. Most Vietnamese function words derived from ancient Chinese. Even
function words from the ancient Vietnamese documents such as mựa, sá, tua,
khắng, huống, đối (với), bui, chỉn, cái, chiếc, nhé, etc. also be borrowed from
the ancient Chinese. Thus, "study appearing of function words and determine

fairly accurately the time of its occurrence can prop to study the level of
expression and the language development." "Learn the sources of words and the
processes of loan words to Viet (Nom) documents can also help us visualize
somewhat general view of the development of Vietnamese history. "
1.4. Function words is one of the most complex problems of any language.
For example, you want to be good at learning a foreign language you need to
master the function words. In general, results of research Vietnamese function
words system and Sino-Vietnamese function words parts have a significance is
tremendous applications, especially for the compilation of teaching materials
for overseas Vietnamese.
For these reasons, we choose the research topic: "Characteristics of SinoVietnamese function words in Vietnamese"


2. Overview of Research
2.1. Researches of function words in Vietnamese
Overall, "most of the Vietnamese grammar researchers are directly or
indirectly were mentioned function words. However the problem of function
words has yet to be an issue was closed now." Below we summarize
researching on function words of the Vietnamese under different angles.
Nguyen Anh Que (1988) conducted a survey and describe the
characteristics of semantics and grammar of function words with each group
and each specific function words. In that argument, comparing the different
uses of the same function words either of the function words significant
Some authors studied the function words in pragmatics, which is not study
function words as themselves, which studies them as ability of activities. Such
as: Le Dong (1991) with "semantics , pragmatics of Vietnamese function
words: The Significance assessment of the function words" , "Semantics ,

pragmatics of Vietnamese function words" , Le Dong, Hung Viet (1995), "
Stresses as a phenomenon characterized pragmatics and the semantics pragmatics of support from some Vietnamese stressed auxilliry words"; Nguyen
Thi Luong (1996), Nguyen Van Chinh (2000), and his thesis: The role of
Vietnamese function words in shaping sentence informed; Phung Thi Thanh
Lam (2003) with The possibility of operating of Vietnamese adverbs in the
background of the situation; Vu Thi Kim Anh (2005) with The primary role of
the state from the last words of sentence into force in the words of the
sentences, etc.
In addition, there are studies towards the application, which is useful for
teaching overseas Vietnamese. For foreign language learning, to understand the
grammar of a language to capture the function words system is crucial. These
include a few articles such as The last words of sentence in Vietnamese and
how to teach elementary magnetic Vietnamese sentences for foreigners (Le Thi
Hoai Duong, 2003), Vietnamese conjunctions in some books teach Vietnamese


for foreigners and the issues of teaching conjunctions to foreigners (Nguyen Thi
Thanh Ngoc, 2004)
Some of this work is the in-depth study of a sub- category of function
words. Pham Hung Viet (1996) with a doctoral thesis Some functional
characteristics of auxiliary words in modern Vietnamese. This thesis later
(2003) be developed to Auxiliary in modern Vietnamese. He has taken the
criteria to realize Vietnamese auxiliary words, a kind word very complex and
confusing to abverbs. Vu Duc Nghieu (1985 , 2000) with: "Some evidences of
function words class in Quốc âm thi tập and Hồng Đức Quốc âm thi tập XV
century”, “function words Truyền kì mạn lục”, etc. attention to the study
function words from a particular text . Bui Thanh Hoa (2012) in the thesis: "The
synonymous of function words" was stressed that function words are not emty

words or only plain grammatical meaning." And then, she classified the
Vietnamese function words to 36 synonymous groups.
2.2. Researches of Sino-Vietnamese function words
Researchers: A. de Rhodes (1651), Truong Vinh Ky (1889), Huynh Tinh
Paulus Cua (1895), Maspero (1912) were the ones that laid the foundation for
the study of Chinese original words in Vietnamese. Maspero has given data: in
Vietnamese, 60% words are Chinese original. Researchers from China, Vuong
Luc (1958) in Hán Việt ngữ nghiên cứu, took Han-Viet phonetic to delivery the
Chinese original words into three categories: Hán Việt cổ, Hán Việt and Hán
Việt Việt hóa.
Nguyen Tai Can (1979) have a book named Nguồn gốc và quá trình hình
thành cách đọc Hán Việt in which deeply studied issue of phonetic explanations
about Han Viet phonetic. Since then, many other lexical researchers also
interested in research Chinese original words in many different angles: Ho Le,
Nguyen Van Tu (1978), Phan Ngoc (1983, 1985, 1991), Nguyen Van Khang
(1986, 1991, 1994), Dinh Trong Lac (1964, 1997), Cu Dinh Tu (1983), Phan
Van Cac (1991), Nguyen Ngoc San (1993), Stankievic N. (1991), Nguyen Duc
Ton (2001), Le Dinh Khan (2002), etc.


The study of Sino-Vietnamese function words today is still very modest.
Could name some authors have research related to Sino-Vietnamese function
words: Le Dinh Khan (2001, 2002), Pham Thi Hong Trung (2003, master
thesis), Vu Duc Nghieu (2006), Dao Thanh Lan (2007, Hanoi National
Le Dinh Khan (2001) have "Sino-Vietnamese function words and the way
to Vietnameselize." In this article, the greatest contribution of the author is
listed 39 Sino-Vietnamese function words, grouped into three categories:

adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions. The book Vocabulary Chinese original
in Vietnamese have chapter 5: "Sino-Vietnamese function words and the way to
Vietnameselize." According to the author, function words consist 6 subcategories: “phó từ (phụ từ), giới từ, liên từ (kết từ), trợ từ, thán từ, từ tượng
thanh”. Pham Thi Hong Trung ( 2003), in "Survey functioning of function
words from the Chinese origin of modern Vietnamese " has established a list of
150 function words, including adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions. Here,
because she didn’t clearly define the problem of function words theoretically,
she omitted tình thái từ, trợ từ while support from the survey .
The National University Research project "Survey characteristics of
function words derived from Chinese in modern Vietnamese" chaired by Dao
Thanh Lan (2007). In this monograph, the authors have investigated 13 books
to make a list of Sino-Vietnamese function words in Vietnamese, including: 46
adverbs, 22 conjunctions, 7 prepositions and Hán Việt Việt hóa function words:
5 adverbs, 8 conjunctions, 3 prepositions. Vu Duc Nghieu (2006) in the article
“The fifteenth century Vietnamese function words in Quốc âm thi tập and
Hồng Đức Quốc âm thi tập" has established a list of 135 function words
present in the fifteenth century Vietnamese.
As above, the works are study extensive Chinese original function words
in general, not particular study about Sino-Vietnamese function words.
3. Purpose and research tasks









characteristics of the Sino-Vietnamese function words, the thesis contributes to
the research issues of function words in generaly, function words in Vietnamese
particulary, contributing to further research the contact bilingual Chinese Vietnamese and Chinese loanword phenomenon in Vietnamese; study the
influence of the Chinese grammar into Vietnamese through the function words
system, alterations and research trends of n Sino-Vietnamese function words
during activities in Vietnamese.
From the above purposes, the thesis set out a number of tasks:
- Formalized some theoretical issues related to the thesis.
- Define the concept of Sino-Vietnamese function words and established a
list of Sino-Vietnamese function words.
- Survey and study grammar - semantics characteristics of SinoVietnamese function words.
- Survey and study the using characteristics of Sino-Vietnamese function
4. Research Methodology
Thesis and coordinated use of multiple research methods, in which, there
are some basic methods:
Statistical methods and classification: Help statistical language processing
materials. The method of calculation and plotting values: For the unit from
damage should be compared in relation to each other, this approach helps
establish the value system (frequency, grammatical features) facilities for the
preparation of table and chart. Methods of analysis and description grammar:
helping to describe the characteristics of grammar of Sino-Vietnamese function

words. Comparative method, comparing languages, including comparative
synchronic and diachronic comparison.
5. Research subjects and resources
5.1. Research Subjects


According to the theoretical concepts used in the thesis, we conducted a
survey on Sino-Vietnamese function words by category: adverb, conjunctions,
3 prepositions and auxiliary words.
In order to establish a list of 149 Sino-Vietnamese function words (see
Section We have carried out in three ways:
- Based on Vietnamese dictionary and function words dictionary,
thesaurus tool Vietnamese through checking the Sino-Vietnamese phonetic.
- Based on the work of previous authors about function words and original
Chinese function words

on Vietnamese in order to draw out the Sino-

Vietnamese function words.
- Through surveys on Vietnamese texts from the fifteenth century back
5.2. Resources survey
To obtain evidence about the operation of the Sino-Vietnamese function
words in Vietnamese vocabulary through the historical period, we rely on the
Vietnamese text in periods: ancient - middle, early modern, modern.
6. The practice and scientific significance of research
+ Theory significance:
- The thesis has launched a comprehensive look at the Vietnamese

function words theory and presents views on the concept of sub-categories
function words and Sino-Vietnamese function words. Through the study of the
grammatical characteristics of the sub-categories of function words, the thesis
put forward the views of how to deal delineation adverbs to auxilliry words in
Vietnamese. By doing so generalized rules of adverb combinations, the thesis
suggests methods to distinguish adverbs to auxilliry words. Vietnamese have a
series of words lying between the two boundaries between types of adverbs and
auxilliry words cause of their meaning. Based on their position in the sentence
where the function of words are just shaped.
- Describe the characteristics of grammar and pragmatics of the SinoVietnamese function words.


+ Practical significance:
From the study results of the thesis can be applied on:
- As a basis for scientific research related to grammar and vocabulary
- Compiled function words textbooks for foreigners Vietnam.
- Compiled from Sino-Vietnamese function words dictionary.
7. Layout of the thesis
Besides the introduction, conclusion, thesis is organized 3 chapters,
Chapter 1. Theoretical basis related topics
Chapter 2. Grammatical semantics characteristics of Sino-Vietnamese
function words
Chapter 3. Characteristics of Sino-Vietnamese function words on using


1.1.1. function words and classification them in general linguistics
Issue of classifying content words - function words from a complex matter
of linguistics, which is derived from the grammar of Indo-European languages.
Function words (grammatical words / synsemantic words / words-class structure /
function words / 虚 虚 ) is placed in opposition to content words (open class
words / lexical words / autosemantic words / notion words / 虚容 虚). Content
words communicate meaning; function words represents the grammatical
relations. The division of the vocabulary of a language into opposition from two
arrays content words - function words not always be carried out easily.
1.1.2. Function words and classification in Chinese

10 Trước “Mã thị văn thông” (1898)
Right from the time of Han age there was conceived research is about 助 字,
虚 助, 助 虚 虚 (function words . Luu Hiep with Văn tâm điêu long 文心雕虚
center based on the location and function of words divided into “từ phát đoan”
(the beginning words) and “tống mạt” (the ending words). From the Han
Dynasty to the Thanh Dynasty for over 2000 years, the content words between just based on the function words from the lexical meaning, therefore, does not
fall within the categories of types of grammar school which is the subject of tu từ
học and huấn hỗ học. From “Mã thị văn thông” (1898) to the 1950
“Mã thị văn thông” 虚氏文通 (1898) by Mã Kiến Trung 虚建忠 is the
first book to apply linguistic modern theory to the study Chinese grammar
(ancient and modern). In this book, the concept of “thực tự” 實字, “hư tự” 虚字
became the first grammar concept. Book division between “hư tự” 虚字into 4
categories giới tự, liên tự, trợ tự, thán tự. After Mã thị văn thông, a movement
from the study of Chinese function words was nowhere raised. The authors
have presented enormous impact study must include: Le Cam Hy 黎 虚 熙 ,

Vuong Luc 王力, La Thuc Tuong 虚叔湘, Truong The Loc 虚世虚, Chu Duc
Hy 朱德熙. Since 1950 to present
The authors of Modern Chinese language grammar 虚代 虚虚 虚法 虚虚
(1952-1953) was homogeneous based on the nature and usage of the words to
divided into 10 categories: nouns, pronouns, numbers, quantity words, abject,
verbs, adverbs, conjunctions.
1.1.3. Function words and classification in Vietnamese
From Nowhere groups from intermediate types
Tài Cẩn

- phrases


Function words
phó từ, quan hệ từ,
trợ từ

thán từ





Function words


Ủy ban





phụ từ

đại từ

kết từ

trợ từ, cảm từ

- generalized
Đinh Văn - combining



từ phụ
quan hệ từ


tình thái từ
(tiểu từ, trợ
từ, thán từ)

phó từ, giới từ, liên
Anh Quế

- phrases




trợ từ, phụ từ (ngữ
khí từ, cảm thán




phụ từ (định từ,

- phrases


phó từ)
kết từ, tiểu từ (trợ

thán từ

từ, tình thái từ)

- generalized

Lê Biên

- combining


phụ từ
quan hệ từ


- combining

Hồng Cổn ability


lượng từ, số từ,
định từ, chỉ từ, phó
từ, liên từ, giới từ,

tình thái từ
(trợ từ, tiểu
từ, thán từ)






Function words

tiểu từ, thán từ)

- generalized



từ tình thái (trợ từ,




mạo từ, phó từ,


quan hệ từ, tiểu từ

- combining


tình thái (ngữ thái
từ, trợ từ), thán từ

đại từ

- generalized


phụ từ (định từ,


phó từ)

- combining


kết từ (liên từ, giới

tình thái từ

- generalized


đại từ, động từ tình


thái, phó từ, quan

- combining


hệ từ, tiểu từ, trợ

từ, thán từ, tiểu từ,


ngữ khí từ, quán



1.1.4. Viewpoint about function words and classification Criteria for determining subtype distribution Vietnammese
function words
We apply a criteria most researchers accept, including: (1) generalized
meaning, (2) phrases structrure (the role of words in the phrases), (3) syntactic
positions (the role of words in the sentence). The concept of Vietnamese function words


Function words have not meaning vocabulary. In which, some extra
elements in the phrases (adverb), other denote the grammatical relations
(conjunction & preposition) or modal meaning in the sentence level (auxiliary
words). Divide sub categories from function words
Step 1
(based on generalized meaning)

Content word

Step 2
(based on phrases structure)


Step 3
(based on syntactic positions)

Function words



Figure 1.1. Subtype distribution map from Vietnamese function words
1.2.1. Sino-Vietnamese exposed bilingual and Chinese loanwords in
Vietnamese Exposure language
Exposure language (language contact) is a common phenomenon for all
languages around the world. Lexical borrowing as a result of the mutual
influence between languages during language exposure. Loanwords
"Borrowed vocabulary is one of the important methods to complement the
vocabulary of a language." Words borrowed from other languages is called

14 Loanword Divergent processes Sino-Vietnamese exposed
Period 1

Period 2


Period 3


X Cen

Period 4


XV Cen

XX Cen

Figure 1.2. Performing the Sino-Vietnamese exposure period
1.2.2. Sino-Vietnamese words Sino-Vietnamese phonetic
Sino-Vietnamese phonetic is the product of the interaction between
Chinese and Vietnamese and Chinese letters occurred in the Đường dynasty,

according to the Chinese phonetic system that is Đường phonetic (about VIII-X
century ). Khái niệm từ Hán Việt Concept of Sino-Vietnamese words
Sino-Vietnamese words is an open range, are not fixed, it can change over
time. Among Sino-Vietnamese words are not all Chinese origin. If the source
distribution terms can be divided into groups of Han Vietnam:

Chinese origin

Other origin

quốc gia, đạo đức

chủ nghĩa, dân chủ

VIỆT made
bác sĩ, tin tặc

Figure 1.4. Distinguish origin of Sino-Vietnamese words Issue of Sino-Vietnamese words structure
In parts vocabulary is still referred to as the current Sino-Vietnamese
words, there are units uncapable of operating independently as words. They are
just images, composed of elements. Or the equivalent units from (fixed phrases,


idioms, proverbs, military). Here we use the term "word" (word) to collectively
refer to as lexical units equivalent to words and words. Criteria for determining and views about the Sino-Vietnamese
- Not all the words have Sino-Vietnamese phonetic words are SinoVietnamese words.
- Can not be based on the degree of assimilation or so-called "sense of
language" to define a word is Sino-Vietnamese word or not.
- Regardless of the origin of the word: to borrow directly, indirectly or
Vietnam created, they are considered Sino-Vietnamese words.
- Although Vietnam has a number of Chinese phonetic variations, but in that
case the variant used in the Vietnamese text and separated, they are considered
Sino-Vietnamese words.
We perceive Sino-Vietnamese words have Sino-Vietnamese phonetic,
activities in the Vietnamese texts, are borrowed directly or indirectly from the
Chinese or created by the Vietnamese themselves on the basis of coupling
elements of Sino-Vietnamese.
1.2.3. Sino-Vietnamese function words The view of Sino-Vietnamese function words
We excluded from the list Han function words have ancient Chinese
phonetic or “Hán Việt Việt hóa”, such as: đang (đương), cùng (cộng), càng
(cánh), dầu, dù (do), etc. We also don’t survey variation of tone dialect SinoVietnamese, as: phúc-phước, vũ-võ, etc. We accept the Sino-Vietnamese
pronunciation variants of the same letter, such as giá/giả List and classify Sino-Vietnamese function words
Based on the criteria for classification Sino-Vietnamese function words,
we have established a list of 149 words, divided into three sub-categories:
adverbs (71 words), prepositons & conjunctions (36), auxilliry words (41) .


Primary of Chapter 1
Sino-Vietnamese function words occupies a significant proportion (1/3) in
function words from Vietnamese and is a important part vocabulary to express
the grammatical categories of Vietnamese. However, studies on the function
words from Chinese general and Sino-Vietnamese function words in particular
even very brief. This is the basis for us to conduct further research tasks about

2.1.1. Study grammar - semantics
Research grammatical semantics is the study the combination rules of
language elements and point out the relationship between the market
participants are indicated with a. The trend combines research-semantic
grammar can be applied to the study of language units of different levels:
words, sentences.
2.1.2. Applying grammatical semantics to Sino-Vietnamese function words
studies Meaning of the Sino-Vietnamese function words
Function words meaning is the meaning of grammar. In other words, it is
the function definition, the true meaning of grammatical roles. Look at the semantic grammar characteristics of the SinoVietnamese function words
Describe the characteristics of the semantic grammar-oriented from:
a. Grammar: that the grammatical composition of charge; The type of
grammatical structure that holds components in that role; The ability to
combine with other words in the sentence in the short term and a linear


direction; The ability to combine to structure of phrases, for example, động một
tí là, etc.
b. Semantics: functional meaning of the word in the sentence; Modal
means that some groups of function words have the ability to expression (from
assistant, associate and even the relationship between words)

2.2.1. Sino-Vietnamese adverbs Adverbs of quantity
Adverbs of quantity of Vietnamese are 12, including: các, cái, mấy, mỗi,
độ, độ chừng, tất cả, những; từng, mọi; gần, khoảng, including 3 SinoVietnamese (các, mỗi, độ), accounting for 25%.
Tiếng Việt có 12 phó từ số lượng, gồm: các, cái, mấy, mỗi, độ, độ chừng,
tất cả, những; từng, mọi (Nguyễn Tài Cẩn coi là số từ); gần, khoảng, trong đó
có 3 từ Hán Việt (các, mỗi, độ), chiếm 25%. Adverbs of Negative
Vô, phi, bất are adverbs of negative response from Chinese into
Vietnamese very soon. They are commonly used in the writing stages XIVXVIII centuries. When in Vietnamese, they got the "assignment" function quite
clear. Adverbs of time
Adverbs of time to interpret or to the place of the predicate variables in the
process. Deputy from the time period is divided into time and process time. It
can be classified according to the time axis response from the past - presentfuture. Adverbs of unexpected happenings
This group included 8 Sino-Vietnamese adverbs: đột nhiên, đột ngột, hốt
nhiên, bất đồ, bất giác, lập tức, tức khắc, tức thời.

18 Adverbs of frequency
+ Expressing low frequency: tạm thời, hy hữu, nhất thời
+ Expressing repetition: tái. Tái equivalent response from lại. However, the
use of two from this distinction.
+ Expressing high frequency: thường, thường thường, thường xuyên, thường
nhật, hằng, liên tục Adverbs of degree
Degree adverbs are words associated with the adjectives, verbs to express
the state level, nature and action. Vietnamese have 15 adverbs Adverbs of range
Vietnamese have only has 19 adverbs of range: chuyên, chuyên môn,
chuyên trị, duy, nhất đán, nhất sinh, toàn, toàn bộ, chỉ, tận, thuần, duy, đại để,
đại thể, đại khái, đa phần, bất cứ, bất kì, bất luận. . Adverbs of synergistic
Adverbs of synergistic consisting of 5 words: đồng thời, nhất tề, nhất luật,
nhất nhất, song song. This adverbs always come before the verb to denote the
action of the object (the subject) occur simultaneously, at the same time. One of
the basic characteristics of a synergistic response is always standing in front of
the subject is plural .
2.2.2. Sino-Vietnamese conjunctions & prepositions (C&P)
C&P are "words do not phrases component parts, nor do subcomponents
of the sentence. Their function is link... " The first group, C&P express
"syntactic relationships need to word structrure", or other words that denote the
relationship between the structural elements in the phrases, called a preposition;
The second group, the relationship between expression of syntactic relations
needed for the sentence, or in other words thatdenote the relationship beyond
phrases structures, called conjunctions. Compare conjunctions group
One of the basic functions of như is connection as compared to what is
comparable. In such a comparison and a comparison can be a noun/noun


phrase, verb/ verb phrase, adjective/adjectival phrases, clauses or phrases
perimeter. Other than như, như thể can not express parity comparisons,
similarities. Như thể can be used to denote the comparison at similar level,
almost, have sharp similarity between what seems to be compared with the
comparison. Conditions , assuming conjunctions
This group included 8 from : price , giá, giá như, nhược, quý hồ, giá dụ/
giả dụ, giá sử/ giả sử, giá thử/ giả thử, ví thử. . Conjunctions denote cause , reason: tại, sở dĩ, do, động . Relations manifest themselves through market relations . Group conjunctions denote the inverse relationship to . Group conjunctions denote position (head - end) . Conjunctions denote exclusion relations
2.2.3. Sino-Vietnamese auxilliry words . Overview of Sino-Vietnamese auxilliry words
- The evaluation team "function to show the speaker's assessment of the
quantity and severity of a portion of the content mentioned in the mouthpiece.
"This group consists of 10 words, 24% support from .
- Group emphasizes: " function expressed particular emphasis on the
speaker's assertion or negative for the content part of spokesperson stated . "
This group consists of 31, accounting for 76 % Sino-Vietnames. This group
consists of 10 words, 24%: giá, giá như, nhược, quý hồ, giá dụ/ giả dụ, giá sử/
giả sử, giá thử/ giả thử, ví thử. Auxilliry words ssessing the number and scope
Evaluation of the amount can also follow a two-way analysis: assessment (-)
and evaluation (+). In support of the assessment of the number of Vietnamese, we

noticed there seems to be a clear assignment: support from the Sino-Vietnamese
dimensional evaluation indicated (-)chỉ, độc, mỗi, trần; Axilliry words
dimensional evaluation indicated (+):đến, những, tới, cả, hẳn. Depending on


usage, the additional support from inside the mouthpiece will make meaningful
assessment of the amount of support from'll have more nuances. Asessment: đặc, thậm chí Conjecture assessment Powered by emphasizing the difference Emphasizing authenticity Group emphasizes meaningful support from confirmed
10 auxilliry words: dĩ nhiên, tất nhiên, đương nhiên, hiển nhiên, cố nhiên,
quả, quả nhiên, quả thực/quả thật, thực/ thật, phàm have a common
characteristic: the emphasis denote the assertion one might have, the truth, the
truth somehow. They are used in affirmative sentences, narratives. Emphasizes accidental Emphasizes inverse problem (contradiction) Emphasizes absolute negation
Group emphasizes absolute negation includes 3 pairs: tịnh/ tịnh vô; tuyệt/
tuyệt vô/ tuyệt nhiên; quyết/ quyết nhiên. All of this are associated with a
negative abverb from behind to strengthen the role of negative shades. Emphasizes the subjective
State to Chapter 2
Sino-Vietnamese function words consists of 3 sub-categories with a total of
149. Adverbs highest proportion of 71 words (48%), the C&P: 36 (25%) and
auxilliry words: 41 (27%). After split the function words to group (grammar),
and function, the primary types are divided into groups: adverbs are divided

into 8 groups, C&P divided into 10 groups, auxilliry words: 10 groups support.
3.1.1. The phenomenon of being morpheme


In practical use Vietnamese, there are function words groups competition
was "being morpheme" of completely become constituent words and lose the
ability to operate independently of the word, but the most typical negative
abverds: vô, phi, bất. The function words being morpheme often sub-elements
in the compound before. Statistics show that 11 probably being morpheme,
including 9 adverbs. This group is divided into two categories: those words
were being morpheme completely, seemingly, vô, phi, bất and the words not
entirely, such as natural nguyên ~, hiện ~, đương ~, toàn ~, etc.
3.1.2. The phenomenon of conversions on Sino-Vietnamese function
Conversion is a kind of extremely complex characteristics of the
Vietnamese. Due to Vietnamese conversion are very common and in many
cases it is difficult to identify and define, so the placement of a particular word
in a word class is very difficult. This is a job that does not require discrete, hard
molds and non-fixed.
For Sino-Vietnamese function words, the conversion taking place mainly
around adverbs and auxilliry words. Conversion in adverbs
A total of 24/41 (59%) Sino-Vietnamese adverbs are converse.
Conversional phenomenon occurs mainly in a group of adverbs: adverbs of
frequency, adverbs of degree, adverbs range. Conversion in C&P
Number of Sino-Vietnamese C&P have not many conversion, only 7/36 of
(19%). Conversion in auxilliry words
Within the scope of auxilliry words, there is a total of 14/41 (34%) units
have conversion between these classes with auxilliry words. Thus, compared
with the adverbs, C&P, auxilliry words have amount of conversion highest. In
particular, most of the conversion are adjectives, have the capacity to take the
role of syntax in other contexts. It is the such dĩ nhiên, đương nhiên, hiển nhiên,


ngẫu nhiên, tất nhiên, nhất định. In stark contrast is the content words has been
used as auxilliry words in sentence.
3.1.3. Grammaticalisation of Sino-Vietnamese function words
a. Grammaticalisation
b. In the process of grammaticalisation, the words have undergone phase
changes are complex, and then to rank last conversion, traces the etymological
meaning has been changed so far.
3.1.4. The phenomenon of shrinking and expanding the scope of function
3.1 4.1. Sino-Vietnamese function words have been replaced
Some function words which is very popular with thousands of years of falling
off and has completely disappeared from the Vietnamese. The most typical are the
words: hịa, hằng, tằng, khả, bất, vơ, phi, thời, tự hồ, etc.
3.1 4.2. The Sino-Vietnamese narrowing the scope of activities
The Sino-Vietnamese function words would not fall in the living language
of modern Vietnamese but being competitive, powerful overwhelmed by the
damage from the other functions. That was the response from: đương, vạn bội,

vạn nhất, thậm, nhất luật, nhất tề; các quan hệ từ: huống, phương chi, song,
chí, quý hồ, vạn nhất; các trợ từ: cơ hồ, phàm, tịnh vô, etc. Viet function words replacing Sino-Vietnamese
In contrast with the trend being replaced, a number of significant function
words has imported and positive addition to the Vietnamese capital, especially
from the field of grammar tool. This has proved more dominant and have
complete replacement of ancient Vietnamese function words. Some SinoVietnamese function words had completely replaced and those from parallel
exists with Viet function words as: duy, chỉ = bui, chỉn; bất = mựa; như =
bằng, etc. The Sino-Vietnamese function words newly added
In survey process, some Sino-Vietnamese function words entirely new.
These words are not present in most Vietnamese dictionary as function words.


That is the case: adverb: chúa, chuyên môn, chuyên trị; conjunctions: a động;
đặc, độc, trần.
3.1.5. Survey extent of using Sino-Vietnamese Statistics amount of Sino-Vietnamese function words over the
The statistical results showed that the amount of Sino-Vietnamese function
words before the fifteenth century this had increased to nearly 10 times. Of these,
only about a century ago, the amount of Sino-Vietnamese function words has
developed very strong. This is due to the exact requirements of expression, needs
transmission of information modern society. This also demonstrates a clear change
of direction Vietnamese grammar more complete. Evaluate the using of the Sino-Vietnamese function words
The Sino-Vietnamese function words have quantity and frequency of the
greatest works in literary style and lowest in administrative style. In style news,

scientific and administrative support from and relationships from a high
percentage, dealing from a very low proportion.
Hư từ Hán Việt có số lượng từ và tần suất hoạt động lớn nhất ở phong cách
văn chương và thấp nhất ở phong cách hành chính. Ở phong cách thơng tấn,
khoa học và hành chính, trợ từ và quan hệ từ chiếm tỉ lệ cao, phó từ chiếm tỉ lệ
rất thấp.
3.2.1. Some commonly used adverbial group Adverb of number Adverb of negative: vô, phi, bất, cấm Adverb of time: nguyên, hiện, đương, chuẩn bị Adverb of level
3.2.2. Một số nhóm quan hệ từ thường dùng
3.2.2. Several C&P groups commonly used Denotes comparisons

24 Conjunctions denote relations assumptions Preposition of positioning Conjunctions denote cause Conjunctions denote the inverse relationship
3.2.3. Some groups of auxilliry words Auxilliry words assessing the amount, scope Auxilliry words emphasizing authenticity Auxilliry words emphasizes problem Auxilliry words emphasizes absolute negation
State to Chapter 3

Along with the movement and develop Vietnamese vocabulary, parts of
Sino-Vietnamese function words positive impact on the Vietnamese
grammatical perfection. Over the past five centuries, Sino-Vietnamese function
words has grown by a factor of 8 times. Of the 149 damage from SinoVietnamese surveyed, 121 from loan and the remaining 28 are from Vietnam
created from nothingness. In the fifteenth century, only about 15 SinoVietnamese function words. Over time, some words have become from the old,
rarely used or is replaced by another from the other.
1. We propose a method of determining function words in three steps:
based on generalized sense, based on phrase organizational positions and syntax
checking. Since then identified: those from parts made in the phrase called
adverbs; words denoting the relationship between language units called state
indicates significance at the level of the subsidies from the sentence.
2. Sino-Vietnamese function words general traits of grammar - semantics
and is an integral part of the Vietnamese. They are 149 words thesis is divided
into three sub-categories, including: 71 adverb, 36 C&P and 41 auxilliary


words. Each sub-categories divided into smaller groups for ease of survey,
comparative: adverbs divided into 8 groups (adverb number, negative adverb,
etc.); C&P divided into 11 groups (conjunctions comparison, only conjunctions
of conditions, assumptions, etc.); auxilliary words divided into 10 groups.
3. In the function as representing grammatical meaning of the Vietnamese ,
Viet function words and Sino function words mandates separation clearly. Such
Sino-Vietnamese denotes time no word denoting the recent past and future. Viet
function words and Sino-Vietnamese function words clearly distinguish the
semantic nuances they bring as well as writing style which they usually appear .
4. Hư từ Hán Việt cũng nằm trong xu thế biến động từ vựng của tiếng Việt.
Số lượng hư từ Hán Việt gia tăng theo thời gian. So với thời kì trước thế kỉ XV,

hiện nay số lượng hư từ Hán Việt đã tăng lên xấp xỉ 8 lần. Khảo sát hoạt động của
hư từ Hán Việt, chúng tôi đã rút ra một số kết luận về xu hướng vận động của
chúng, cụ thể là:
4. Function words located in trends of Vietnamese vocabulary. The number
of Sino-Vietnamese function words increased over time. Compared with the
period before the fifteenth century, the current number of function words has
increased approximately 8 times. Survey of corrupt activity from SinoVietnamese, we draw some conclusions about the trends of our athletes,
- Trends in “being morpheme": some Sino-Vietnamese function words,
which mainly monosyllables tend to shrink, become the constituents of
component parts in the structure of word.
- A lot of Sino-Vietnamese function words have the ability to converse
from the active category. The conversion takes place between sub-types of
contents words and function words.
- Trend "being emty word", also known as the " Grammaticalisation" of
some content words.
