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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
Preparing date: 16/08/2010
Teaching date: 17/08/2010
Period 1
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students are able to practice some phrases about classroom
managements used during the years, review grammar they have learnt at grade 7 .
II. Teaching aids: Some small pictures, text book.
III. Procedure:
Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents
* Have ps look at the pictures and describe
the activities.
Answer this questions:
+ What are these students doing?
+ Why do they do these activities?
+ Do you often do these activities in your
* Pre teach some phrase words.
- Guide ps to read these words a few times
- Call some ps to read these words in front
of the class.
- Call some ps to practice the dialogue in
front of the class.
Have ps play a game: “Simon says”
- Remind ps remember all the classroom
activities that will be used during the lesson.
- Learn by heart the phrases words above.
+ Review grammar

they have learnt.

the past simple tense .
- Ask sts to give the forms of to be and
ordinary verbs.
- Sts give the forms and examples.
* Look at the pictures then answer.
- They are standing up in the class.
b) They are greeting the teacher.
c) Yes, we are
*Some classroom managements
- work in pairs
- work in groups
- stand up
- sit down
- open your books
- close your books
- listen to me
- keep silent
- don’t talk
+ Practice these phrases in front of the class.
- Remember to study at home.
* Grammar :
- The past simple :
+To be: I/He/She/It – was
You/ we they – were
+ Ordinary verb :
(+) S + V(past) + O
(-) S + didn’t + V(inf) + O
(?) Did + S + V(inf) + O ?
Trêng THCS DiÔn Ngäc N¨m häc: 2010-2011 Trang 1

Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
- Ask sts to give the form and examples of
the future simple tense .
_ Ask sts to give the ways of using Too, So ,
Either, Neither .
- sts give the example .
The differences between Adjective and
Adverb .
- Sts give some Adjective and Adverb .
- Repeat : Adjective stands before noun
or after to be .
- Adverb stands before verb or after
verb .
The ways of comparing : comparatives and
superlatives .
- Sts give the forms of comparatives and
superlatives .
- Guides how to prepare period 2 – Unit 1-
Getting started – Listen and read.
Ex: I played soccer yesterday.
+ The future simple tense ;
(+) S + will + V(inf) + O
(-) S + won’t + V(inf) + O
(?) Will + S + V(inf) + O ?
Ex: I will play tennis tomorrow .
+ Too, So , Either, Neither .
a) I’m a student.
So am I / I am ,too.
b) I like bananas.
So do I ./ I do , too.

c) I don’t like carrots.
Neither do I ./ I don’t, either .
+ Adjective and Adverb .
Adjective Adverb
Ex : He is a good player .
He plays soccer well .
+ Comparatives and superlatives .
- Comparatives :
+ be + adj-er + than + S
+ be + more + Adj + than + S
Lan is taller than Nga .
- Superlatives :
S + be + the + Adj-est
S + be + the + more + Adj

Lan is the tallest in her class .
Trêng THCS DiÔn Ngäc N¨m häc: 2010-2011 Trang 2
Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
Preparing date: 18/8/2010
Teaching date: 19/8/2010
Period 2
Unit 1: My friends
Lesson 1 - Getting started - Listen and read
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students are able to ask and give information about someone.
Describe one’s favorite activities.
II. Teaching aids: Some small pictures about activities, text book.
III. Procedure:
Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents
Warm up
* Have sts look at the pictures and describe
some groups of friends and their favorite
- Ask sts to answer these questions:
+ What are these students doing?
+ What time of the day do you think it is?
+ Do you like soccer/reading books?
* Pre teach some new words.
- To seem ( translation)
- A next door neighbor
( explanation)
- to look like ( translation)
- smile ( miming )
- photograph ( real object )

- Guide sts to read these words a few times
- Checking vocabulary by rub out and
- Call some sts to read these words in front of
the class.
I. Getting started
a) They are playing soccer.
b) They are reading books.
c) They are playing chess.
d) They are playing volleyball.
( In the morning /afternoon / evening)
( students’ answers)
II. Listen and read
1. Vocabulary:
- To seem ( v)
- A next door neighbor (n)
- to look like ( v)
- smile ( v )
- photograph ( n )
2. Answer the guiding questions :
- She is Hoa’s friend
- She is twelve years old
- She lives in Hue
- Yes, she is
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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
* Guiding-questions:
1. Is Nien Lan’s friend or Hoa’s friend?
2. How old is Nien?

3 .Where does Nien live?
4 .Is she a beautiful girl?
- T plays the tape ,sts listen carefully .
* Ask students to read the dialogue in groups
between Hoa, Lan and Nien on page 10.
- Call some sts to practice the dialogue in
front of the class.
- Ask ps to read the dialogue again and
answer the questions in exercise 2 in page 11.
* Comprehension questions:
- Ask sts to practice in pairs.
a) Where does Nien live?
b) Does Lan know Nien?
c) Which sentence tells you that Hoa is older
than Nien?
d) When is Nien going to visit Hoa?
-Repeat the comprative of adjectives .
- Introduce the way of using “enough” .
- After reading the dialogue ,ask some
sts to retell about Nien .
- Calls some sts to read in front of the
class .Give marks .
- Ask sts to talk about her/his friend .
Home work
- T writes homework on the board , asks sts to
write them into notebooks .
- Guides how to prepare period 3
3. Practice the dialogue with a partner.

( Practice reading in groups )
4. Answer the questions.
a. Nien lives in Hue.
b. No, she doesn’t
c. The sentence is: “She wasn’t old enough
to be in my class.”
d. At Christmas.
Comprative of adjectives .
+ be + short adj-er + than + S
Nien is older than Hoa .
5. Structure :Using enough :“ ”
S + be(not) + Adj + enough + to V +
She wasn’t old enough to be in my class .
6. Retell about Nien and talk about your
friend .
a) Retell about Nien .
Nien lives in Hue . she is younger than Hoa
and Lan
b) Talk about your friend .
My friend s name is Lan Anh . She is’
beautiful .She is younger than me
Home work :
- Learn by heart vocabulary
- Do exercise 1,2 (work book )
- Prepare period 2 (Speak+Listen)
Trêng THCS DiÔn Ngäc N¨m häc: 2010-2011 Trang 4

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Ng ời soạn: Trần Thị Thu Thủy
Preparing date:20/8/2010
Teaching date: 21/8/2010
Period 3
Unit 1: My friends (Continued )
Lesson 2 : Speak + Listen
I, Objectives:
By the end of the lesson Sts can describe peoples appearance. Listen and complete the
- Vocabulary : blond , build , straight , curly , bold , dark
- Structures : Review simple present of to be / to have
- Skills: Speaking , listening
II, Teaching aids : Book , chalk , cassette , tape
III, Procedures :
Teacher s & Students activities Contents
Warm up:
+ Who

s absent today ?
* Brain storming:
- Ask sts to think of the adjectives used to
describe body build and hair.
- Call two sts to write them on the board .
- Ask sts to describe anyone in the class .
+) Checking:
- Write new words on the board ,explain the
meaning ,ask sts to read in choral .
- Sts read in choral and then read
individually .

- Review how to use the verb to be and to
- Work in silence (2
) the dialogue .
thin curly
body build hair
Describe : Lan is tall and thin . She has a
long black hair
III. Speak:
1) Read the dialogue:
New words:
- blond (adj), - curly (adj)
- body build (n) , - bold (adj)
- straight (adj) , - dark (adj)
- to be : thi , la , (tả dáng vóc)
- to have : co (tóc , da )
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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
- Work in pairs.(6-8 pairs of Sts do )
-Some pairs of Sts practice aloud.
-T corrects the mistakes.
While - speaking
* Word cues drill
a) he / tall / thin
b) she / short / slim
c) He / short / fat
d) Long / black
- Some pairs of Sts can describe about their

* Pre-teach some phrases.
Explain how to use these phrases and guide
them to read.
- Sts write these phrases into notebooks
.Read them again .
- Make model with two Sts in the class.
Post- speaking
- Have ps read in silence all the phrases
given and the 4 open-dialogues in text book
on page 12 and 13
- Sts guess how to complete
- Listen to the tape ( 3 times )
- St gives the answers.
- Listen again once more to correct.
Home work
- Write homework on the board ,sts write
them into notebook .
- Guides how to prepare period 4 (Read)
2) Now take turns to make similar
dialogues- use the adj in the table:
a) He is tall and thin
b) She is short and slim
c) He is short and fat
d) She has long black hair
Ex: P1: This person is tall and fat. He has
curly hair.
P2: Is this Long ?
P1: Yes.
IV. Listen :

An: Hi, Ba .
Ba: Hello ,An .I d like to meet ’ my sister ,Ha
An: Nice to meet you , Ha.
Ha: Nice to meet you too , An .
* Answers:
1) I’d like you to meet
2) Nice to meet you
3) I’d like you to meet
4) It

s a pleasure to meet you .
5) Come and meet.
6) How do you do?
V/ Home work:
- Learn by heart adjectives.
- Prepare period 3 (Read)
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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
Preparing date:22/8/2010
Teaching date: 23/8/2010
Period 4
Unit 1: My friends (Continued )
Lesson 3 - Read
I/ Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand the passage about Ba and
his friends
Vocabulary: character, orphanage, joke, sociable, generous, reserved, outgoing,
annoy, sense of humor.
II/ Teaching aids: books and notebooks.

III/ Procedure:
Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents
Warm up
Chatting :
+ Have you got a lot of friends ?
+ Who is your close friend ?
+ What does he/she look like ?
+ What is he/she like ?
+ What does he/she like ?
- Sts answer the questions .
Pre - Reading
* Pre-teach vocabulary:
- Have sts read the words in chorus then ask
them to read again in front of the class.
- Sts read in choral and read individually .
- Checking by rub out and remember
* T/F statements prediction:
• Answer T’s questions .
- Yes,I have./ No ,I haven’t .
- Lan Anh
- She is tall ,
- She is sociable .
- She likes reading books .
* Vocabulary.
- Character (n)
- Orphanage (n)
- Reserved (a)
- Sociable (a)
- Tell jokes (v)

- Sense of humor (n)
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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
+ Set the scene: These statements are about
Ba and his friends, read them and guess
which are true, which are false.
- Have ps practice in pairs.
- Call some ps to give their answers.
- Write the answers on the board.
While reading
- Ask the to read the text then correct the
* Multiple choice:
- Have sts practice the exercise 1 on page 14.
- Ask them to work in pairs to choose the best
a) Ba talks about of his friends.
b) Bao’s volunteer work
c) Khai and Song
d) Ba’s friends sometimes his jokes.
- Call some pairs to tell their answers
Post reading
* Comprehension questions
- Ask sts to work in pairs to do exercise 2 on
page 14
+ Have ps practice in pairs- asking and
answering these questions.
a) How does Ba feel having a lot of friends?
b) Who is the most sociable?
c) Who like reading?

d) What is a bad thing about Ba’s jokes?
e) Where does Bao spend his free time?
- Ask sts to tell about their friends .
- Call some sts to read loud .Give marks .
- write homework on the board ,sts writethem
* T/F statements prediction:
a) Ba only has three friends-Bao, Khai and
b) Ba and his friends have the same
c) Bao – Song and Khai are quite reserved in
d) They all enjoy school and study hard.
Guess Correct
1) Choose the best answer.
* Answer:
a) – A three
b) – C
does not effect his school work
c) – B
don’t talk in public

d) – D get tired of
2) Answer the questions :
a. He feel lucky having a lot of friends.
b. Bao is the most sociable
c. Khai likes reading.
d. His jokes sometimes annoy his friends.
e. Bao spends his free time doing volunteer
work at a local orphanage.
3) Tell about your friends :
- Learn by heart new words and do exercise
in text book.
- Prepare lesson 4( write )
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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
into notebooks .
Preparing date:23/8/2010
Teaching date: 24/8/2010
Period 5
Unit 1: My friends (Continued )
Lesson 4 - Write
I/ Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to write a paragraph about their closed
II/ Teaching aids: text books and picture.
III/ Procedure:
Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents
Warm up
* Net work:

- Have sts write adj about characters of man.
- Two sts go to the board and write words .(as
much as posible )
- Ask sts to read again all words .
Pre - writing
* Ask sts to read the information about Tam
then answer some questions.
- Have them work in pairs.
- Sts work in pairs ,ask and answer about
Tam .
* Net work :

Reserved Sociable
good Character outgoing
1) Read the information about Tam.
a) P1. What his name?
P2. His name is Le Van Tam.
b) P1.How old is he?
P2. He is fourteen.
c) P1. What does he look like?
P2. He is tall and thin. He has short black
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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
- Call some pairs to practice in front of the
- Ask sts if they understand the text or not

While writing
* Ask sts to write a similar form for their
partners. Use the following questions as
a) What is his/her name?
b) How old is he/she?
c) What does he/she look like?
d) What is he/she like?
e) Where does he/she live?
f) Who does he/she live with?
g) Who is/ are his/her friend(s)?
- Practice in pairs.
- Call some sts to ask and answer these
questions in front of the class.
Post writing
* Have sts write a paragraph about one of their
partners using the form they’ve made above.
- Call some sts to read in front of the
class.Give marks .
- Write homework on the board .
d) P1. What is he like?
P2. He is sociable, humorous and helpful.
e) P1. Where does he live?
P2. He lives on Tran Hung Dao street.
f) P1. Whom does he live with?
P2. He lives with his mother, father and
elder brother.
g) P1. Who is his friend?
P2. Ba and Bao

2) Fill in similar form for your partner.

3) Now write a paragraph about your
+ Sample:
This is my friend. His/her name is and
he/she is years old/ He/she at in
with his/her , his/her parents
and his/her sister, . He/she is
and He/she has black hair. He/she
is rather shy but friendly and helpful. He/she
has a lot of friends but his/her close friends
are and
4. Homework:
- Write a similar paragraph about one of their
family members.
- Prepare lesson 5( language focus )

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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
Preparing date:25/8/2010
Teaching date: 26/8/2010
Period 6
Unit 1: My friends (Continued )
Lesson 5 – Language focus
I/ Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to use simple present tense to talk about
general truths and write some sentences using “not adj + enough to + V ”.
II/ Teaching aids: text books , cards and pictures.
III/ Procedure:
Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents
Warm up
* Brainstorming:
- Have sts write as many adjectives as they
can on the board.
* Pre-teach vocabulary:
- Explain some new words:Planet ,Mars ,
Mercury ,silly .
- Guide sts to read carefully.
- Sts read in choral and read individually .
* Checking vocabulary by: rub out and
- Have sts complete 2 paragraphs in exercise
1 on page 16.
* Revision of simple present tense.
- Review simple present tense: formation,

* Brainstorming:
small strong
Adjectives good
old hot
Language focus.
1. Vocabulary:
- Planet (n)
- Mars (n)
- Mercury (n)
- silly (a)
2. Complete the paragraph.
a) 1. is living; 2. sent
3. was ; 4. is
b) 1. are ; 2. came
3. showed ; 4. introduced
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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
- Have sts complete dialogue between Ba and
- Have sts complete dialogue 4 page 17.
- Explain how to use structure:
S + be(not) + Adj + enough + to V
Ex: I am not tall enough to play volleyball.
- Have stss look at picture 3 page 17. Ask and
answer the questions.
a) How many people are there in the picture?
b) What does each person look like?
c) What is each person wearing?

- Write an exercise on the board and ask sts
to do it .
Combine two sentences using enough :“ ”
1. He is not tall. He can’t be a good
basketball player.
2. He is strong. He can carry that suitcase.
3. The fire is not hot. It won’t boil a kettle.
4. The ice is quite thick. We can walk on it.
5. The ladder wasn’t very long. It didn’t
3. Complete the dialogue:
1. sets ; 2. goes
3. moves ; 4 is
5. is ; 6. is
4. Complete the dialogue. Use (not)
adjective+ enough
a) No. It is not big enough to carry every
b) Ba is not old enough to drive a car.
c) I am strong enough to lift this box.
d) I don’t think my English is good enough to
be a member.
5. Look and describe:
a) There are 4 people in the picture.
b)The man standing next to the taxi is tall
and heavy-set The woman is tall and thin
.She has short hair . The boy sitting on the
ground looks tired and worried .And the man
standing at the bus-stop is short and fat .
c) The man standing next to the taxi is

wearing a yellow shirt and black trousers
.The woman is wearing a green skirt and red
blouse .She is carrying a bag on the
shoulder . The boy sitting on the ground is
wearing blue shorts and a white shirt . And
the man standing at the bus-stop is wearing
blue trousers and a pink shirt and tie. He is
carrying a briefcase .
Exercise :Combine two sentences using
“ enough :”
1->he is not tall enough to be a good
basketball player.
2-> He is strong enough to carry that
3-> The fire isn’t hot enough to boil a kettle.
4->The ice is thick enough for us to walk on.
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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
reach the window.
- Write homework on the board .
5-> The ladder wasn’t long enough to reach
the window.
Homework : Prepare Unit 2 carefully. Do all
exercises in workbook .

Preparing date: 6/9/2010
Teaching date: 7/9/2010

Period 7
Unit 2 : Making arrangements
Lesson 1 - Getting started + Listen and read
I. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson sts can read and understand the content of the dialogue and
answer the questions.
- Vocab : fax , machine , mobile phone , answering machine , telephone directory ,
downstairs , outside , introduce , a bit
- Grammar: Review simple future: be going to + V
II. Teaching aids : book , chalk , picture , cassette , tape
III. Procedures :
Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents
Warm up
+ Who's absent today?
- Ask sts to look at the picture and name each
picture in Vietnamese
- Sts guess how to match each object with
its name .
- Does your house have a telephone ?
I. Getting started:
Match each object with its name .
a) Answering machine = massage machine.
b) Mobile phone
c) fax machine
d) Telephone directory
e) A public telephone
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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
- Do you have mobile phone ?

- Introduces the content of the lesson
+What will you say if you are the caller ?
+If you pick up the phone to answer it ?
- I provide some voc.,write them on the board
- Elitcit the meaning of the words .
- sts give the meaning ,write them into
notebooks .
- Ask sts to read in chorus and read
individually .
- Check voc: rub out and remember .

- Before listening and reading , ask sts to
guess True or False statements .
a) Nga is phoning to Hoa .
b) Hoa invited Nga to go to the movies .
c) Nga agreed to go to the movies with Hoa .
- Sts tick " T " or " F "
- Play the tape ( twice ).
- Sts listen to the tape carefully .
- Call sts to read again .
- Correct T or F .
*Note : -Structures
-Retells how to use the present
continuous in future
- T asks some questions about Nga and
- Ss work in silence to decide who did there
- Words in pairs. (each pair asks and

f) An address book .
II. Listen and read :
1, Practice the dialogue with a partner.
*New words :
- fax machine (n)
- Mobile phone (n)
- arrangement (n)
- Answering machine (n) = massage machine.
- Downstairs (adv)
- A bit (adj)
- Outside (adv)
- To make the call
- Introduce (v)
- Hold on
- Where is it on ?
- I'm using tonight
- Is 6.30 all right?
2.T or F statements :
a) T b) F c) T
3. Read the dialogue again . Decide who
did and said each of the following things.
a) Nga made the call
b) Nga introduced herself
c) Nga invited the other to the movies
d) Nga arranged a meeting place.
e) Hoa arranged the time.
f) Nga agreed to the time
4. Making arrangements :

An : 3 624 642
Ba : Can I speak to An ,please ? This is Ba .
An: Hello,Ba.
Ba: I’m going to watch a soccer match at 2
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-T guides SS to do further exercise.
- Base on the dialogue between Hoa and
Nga , sts make similar dialogue to make
arrangements .

Have sts practice at home and prepare new
lesson. Ask them to do exercises in
o’clock this afternoon . Would you like to
come ?
An : Oh, where is it ?
Ba : At Center stadium .
An: OK,Ba. Let’s meet outside the stadium .
Ba : Is 1.30 all right ?
An : That’s fine . See you at 1.30 .Bye .
Ba : Bye .
- Do exercise in workbook .
- Prepare lesson 2 .
Preparing date:8/9/2010
Teaching date: 9/9/2010
Period 8

Unit 2 : Making arrangements
Lesson 2 : Speak + Listen
I, Objectives :
By the end of the lesson students can make and confirm arrangements; Listen and get
message on the phone
- Vocab : message
- Grammar : Review future with be going to.
II, Teaching aids : Book , tape , cassette
III, Procedures :
Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents
Warm up
Complete the dialogue ;
An : 3 624 642
Ba : Can speak to An , (1) ? This is Ba .
An: (2) ,Ba.
Ba: I m going to watch (3) soccer match’
(4) 2 o clock this afternoon . Would you .’
Complete the dialogue ;
(1) you (2)please
(3) Hello (4) a
(5) at (6) where
(7) Let’s (8) all
(9) you (10) Bye
III, Speak :
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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8 Ng– êi so¹n: TrÇn ThÞ Thu Thñy
(5) to come ?
An : Oh, (6) is it ?
Ba : At Center stadium .
An: OK,Ba. (7) meet outside the stadium

Ba : Is 1.30 (8) right ?
An : That s fine . See .(9) at 1.30 .Bye .’
Ba : (10)
- Sts read the dialogue .
Pre- speaking
- St retells how to make arrangement
- T introduces about the content of the lesson
-Guides sts how to do
- Asks sts to read and do in silence (2')
- Asks sts to come to the board and put the
sentences in order
- Correct mistakes.
- Work in pair to read the dialogue.
While speaking
- Asks sts to read open - dialogue .
- Guides sts how to complete the dialogue
between Ba and Bao .
-Work in silence (2')
- Sts complete .
- corrects mistakes.
- Calls sts to read in pairs .
- T guides how to make similar arrangements
by substitution.
- Make similar arrangements (2 pairs of Sts
a) Pre - Listening :
-T introduces about the lesson and message.
- Gives new words .
- Asks Sts to listen and answer these

1, Put the sentences below in the correct
order to make a complete conversation:
1 - b 7 - e
2 - f 8 - k
3 - J 9 - g
4 - a 10 - h
5 - i 11 - d
6 - c
2, Complete in the dialogue. Practice and
make similar arrangements.
Ba : Hello . 8 257 012
Bao : May I speak to Ba, please. This is Bao
Ba : Hello, Bao . How are you ?
Bao : I'm fine, thanks. And you ?
Ba : Great. Me, too.
Bao: Can you play chess tonight?
Ba : I'm sorry. I can't . I'm going to do my
Bao: What about tomorrow afternoon?
Ba: Yes, Tomorrow afternoon is fine .
Bao : I ll meet you at the Central Chess’
Ba : At the Central Chess Club ? OK.Let’s
meet at the front door .
Bao : Is 2.00 OK ?
Ba : Great .See you tomorrow afternoon at
2.00 o’clock .
IV, Listening :
Message (n)
- Who's talking on the phone?

- What did she want to do?
- When?
- What's telephone number?
Date: Tuesday Time: 9.45
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b) While - Listening :
-Listen to the tape (3 time to get once by
- Listen and answer
- Listen and check .
- Correct mistakes
- Fill in the card
c) Post - Listening :
Tick " T" or "F"
Home work
- How to make arrangement ,Message.
- Prepare lesson 3.
For : The principal
Message : Mrs. Mary Nguyen wanted to see
you at 9 . 45 in the morning .
Telephone number: 646 837 2094
* Exercise:
1, The principal called Mary Nguyen
2, Mary Nguyen wanted to see the principal
in the morning
3, Her telephone number is 646 837 094
Home work :
- Make similar dialogue (make arrangement )

- Prepare ( Read)

Preparing date:9/9/2010
Teaching date: 10/9/2010
Period 9
Unit 2 : Making arrangements
Lesson 3 Read–
I, Objectives.
By the end of the lesson Sts can understand the content of the lesson about Alexander
and his invention .
- Vocabulary : Deaf- mutes , experimenting , transmitting , assistant , conduct,
device , demonstrate , countless , exhibition , emigrate.
- Grammar : Review simple past; to be born.
- Skills : Reading , speaking.
II, Teaching aids : book , chalk , cassette , tape.
III, Procedures :
Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents
Warm up
- Who's absent today?
- Call 2 sts to make arrangement .
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Pre- reading
Ask sts to look at the picture and answer the
+Who's it?
+What did he invent ?
+When did he invent it?
- Play the tape ,sts listen to the tape ( twice)

- Write new words on the board .
- Elicit meaning of new words .
- Ask sts to read new words in chorally and read
individually .
- Chech voc .by rub out and remember .
- Before reading ,ask sts to guess True or Fasle
statememts .
While reading
- Sts read in silence (5') to do exercise 1,2.
- Call Sts to give result.
- correct mistakes.

Post -reading
- T asks to read all the sentences in exercise 2
- T asks some questions about the content of
the lesson.
+ When was Alexander born ?
+ What did he invented ?
+ When did he invent telephone ?
- Sts answer the questions .
Home work
Read :
1.New words :
- Emigrate (v)
- Deaf- mutes (n)
- Experiment ( n) cuộc thí nghịêm
-Transmit : truyền đi
- lead- led (v) : dẫn dắt, đa đến
- assistant (n)
- conduct (v)

- device (n)
- demonstrate (n)
- countless (adj)
- exhibition (n)
2. True or fasle statements :
a) F in Edinburgh .
b) F deaf-mutes at Boston University
c) T
d) F 1876
e) F over a long distance ( between)
f) T
3. Put the events in the correct order
1 - d Alexander was born in Scotland.
2 - e : He went to live in Canada
3 - a :He went to live in the United States
4 - g : He worked with people who could
neither speak nor hear.
5 - g : He worked with Thomas Watson
7 - b : He successfully demonstrated his
6 - f : He invented the telephone
Home work
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- Write homework on the board . - Learn by heart new words
- Read and translate the text
- Prepare write .(guides how to write).
Preparing date: 13/9/2010
Teaching date: 14/9/2010

Period 10
Unit 2 : Making arrangements
Lesson 4 Write–
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a telephone message.
II. Contents: Vocabulary: furniture, delivery, customer, stationery…
III. Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss’ book
IV. Procedure:
Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents
Warm up
Play a game : Write a message .
- T gives each group a sentence ,asks sts on the
first table transmit that sentence to sts on the
second table ,sts on the second table transmit
that sentence to sts on the third table
Write a message .
A student in each group goes to the board to
write the sentence .
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finally ,a student on the final table goes to the
board write that sentence again .
Pre- writing
Ask Sts some questions:
+ Have you taken a telephone message?
+ When you take a message?
+What should be mentioned in the message?
+ Pre-teach some vocabulary:
furniture, delivery, customer, stationery…
* Checking by giving example

* Have sts read the message and fill in the gaps
in the passage on page 23.
- Let sts work in pairs.

* Ask sts to read passage 2 on page 23 to get
information and write the message.
- Ask them to work individually.
- Call some sts to read their messages again.
- Correct any mistakes if necessary.
+ Set the scene: “ Tom phoned Nancy, but she
was out. Lisa, Nancy’s sister took a message
for Nancy. Help Lisa to write a message.”
- Ask sts to read the dialogue between Lisa and
Tom then write a message.
- Some sts to read in pairs before the class the
dialogue first .
- Sts write a message .
1. Vocabulary:
- a customer ( a person who come to buy
something at a shop)
- delivery service
- stationery
- pick Sb up
2. Gap fill
* Read the message:
* Answers:
1) phoned ; 2) May 12 ; 3) speak
4) took ; 5) name ; 6) delivery

7) Mr. Ha ; 8) At
* Answers:
Thanh Cong Delivery Service
Date: June 16
Time: After midday
For: Mrs. Van
Message: Mr. Nam called about his
stationery order. He wanted you to call him
at 8634082.
Taken by Mr. Toan
3. Work in groups to write another
* Answers:
Date: ( )
Time: ( )
For: Nancy
Message: Tom called about playing tennis
this afternoon. He will come over to pick you
up at 1.30.
Taken by: Lisa
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Home work:
- Have sts write a message on their notebooks
- Ask them to do exercise in workbooks.

4. Home work:
- Write a message at home .
- Do exercises in workbook .

Preparing date: 15/9/2010
Teaching date: 16/9/2010
Period 11
Unit 2 : Making arrangements
Lesson 5 Language focus–
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students are able to talk about intentions with ‘be
going to’ and know how to talk about their future plans.
II. Contents: Vocabulary: action movies, fishing rods .…
Grammar: Be going to, adverbs of place
III. Teaching aids: Ts’ & Ss book, a chart.
IV. Procedure:
Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents
Warm up
* Brainstorm:
- Have sts write about things they are going to
* Brainstorm:
see a movie watch TV
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do on the weekend .
- Call some sts to write on the board , ask sts
to read again .
* Remind sts how to use simple future tense.
- What do you say when Nga has a movie
- How do you talk about your future plan?
- Have sts do exercise 1 in pairs.
- Have sts ask and answer to each other to fill

the form in exercise 2.
- Ask sts to make a form on their notebooks
then practice.
- Let sts practice in pairs.
- Call some students to practice in front of the
class ( open pair )
* Sample:
T: Are you going to see a movie?
P: Yes I am.
T Are you going to meet your friends?
P: No, I am not

* Explain meaning of some prepositions:
Thing to do play soccer
meet friends do home work
1. Work with a partner. Say what people
are going to do.
* Future with be going to “ ”
Form: is/am/are going to + V
E.g. She is going to see a movie.
a) They are going (to go) fishing.
b) She is going to read the new novel.
c) She is going to do her home work in Math.
d) She is going to watch an action movie on
TV to night.
e. She is going to give him a birthday present.
2. Complete the list.
a. Complete about you.

What are you going to do on the weekend?
Are you going to
see a movie
play sports
meet your friends?
help your parents?
do your homework?
watch TV?
b. Complete about your partner.
3. Complete the speed bubbles. Use each
adverb in the box.
a) I think he is upstairs.
b) No, he isn’t here
c) He isn’t downstairs and he isn’t upstairs.
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- Have sts complete exercise 3 in text book.
Ask sts to prepare new lesson: Unit 3 - At
home. Have them name some chores at
d) Perhaps he is outside.
e) No. He isn’t there.
f) I’m not outside. I’m inside, Ba
4. Homework:
- Prepre unit 3(lesson 1).

- Write some chores at home .
Preparing date:16/9/2010
Teaching date: 17/9/2010
Period 12
Unit 3 : At home
Lesson 1 Getting started Listen and read– –
I. Objectives:
Ss will be able to talk about the chores they often do at home and use modal verbs to
talk about the housework.
II. Contents:
- Vocabulary: chores, cupboard, steamer, sink
- Grammar: reflexive pronouns; Modal verbs: must, have to, ought to
III. Teaching aids: Ps’, Ts’ book
IV. Procedure:
Teacher s & Students activities’ ’ Contents
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Warm up
* Have sts look at the 6 pictures in textbook
and describe each one.
- Call some sts to describe in front of the
+What do you usually do the chores at home ?
* Pre- teach some vocabulary:
- Elitcit the words by pictures ,translation
- Write some vocabulary on the board.
- Explain the meaning of words.
- Guide sts to read.

- Sts read in chorally and read individually .
- Check voc by matching .
- Explain how to use modal verb:
- Have to/ has to/ must + V
- Before listening ,ask sts to guess things Nam
has to do .
- Play the tape ,sts listen carefully .
- Have sts work in pair to read the dialogue in
- Call some pairs to practice in front of the
- Have sts read the dialogue again then
complete the list of things Nam has to do.
- Have sts work in groups to make up
sentences using HAVE TO/HAS TO with the
picture cues drill in part I- Getting started.
- Call some sts to practice in front of the class.
I. Getting started.
* Possible answers:
a) wash dishes/ do the washing up.
b) make the bed. d) cook
c) sweep the floor . e) tidy up.
f) feed the chicken.
II. Listen and read.
1) Vocabulary:
- a steamer - chore
- a cup board - a sink
- a sauce pan - frying pan

- rice cooker - stove
* New structure:
+ Have/has to + V = Must + V
( Phải làm gì )
Ex. What do you have to do?
I must do my homework
I have to do the washing up
2) Practice the dialogue with a partner.
3) Read the dialogue a gain. Complete the
list of things Nam has to do.
- cook dinner
- go to the market to buy fish and vegetables
- call his aunt, Mrs. Chi and ask her to meet
his mother at grandma s house.
a) She has to do the washing up.
b) She has to make the bed.
c) She has to sweep the floor.
d) She has to cook dinner.
e) She has to tidy her room.
f) She has to feed the chicken.
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Have sts learn by heart new words and
prepare new lesson. Part - Speak.
4. Homework:
- Learn by heart voc ,grammar .
- Prepare lesson 2 .

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