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giaoan7 tiet 79-84

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Week: Date of planning : / /
Period: 79 Date of teaching : / /
Unit 12 : Let s eat’
Lesson 7 : Language Focus 4 (p.123-128)
A/ The aims and Objectives:
1. The aims: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the past
simple, indefinite quantities, too and either, so and neither, imperatives.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
- The Simple Past tense - The structures with” So, too, either, neither”
- Imperatives - Indefinite quantifiers
b. Skills: writing.
B. Preparation:
1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, poster.
2. Students: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
C/ Procedure:
I. Organization: (2’) Greeting + checking member.
II. Checking the old lesson and warm up: (5’)
papaya chuối
chicken mì, phở
beef đu đủ
fish xoài
mangoes gà
bananas chuối
noodles thịt bò
III. New lesson : (35’)
Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities
1. Language Focus 1:
1.1. Matching:

- 1. eat dinner
- 2. do homework
- 3. play football
- 4. go to the movie
- 5. watch T.V
- Did she do her homework last night? No, she watched TV
1.2 Mapped Dialogue:
You Your friend
a. Do homework?
b. Dinner at home?
c. School?
d. watch video?
No, watch TV
No, restaurant
No, movie theater
No, read books
- Work in pairs.
- Give their answer.
e. Basketball? No, soccer
Example Exchanges
: Did you do your homework last night?

: No. I watch TV
: Did you have dinner at home?
: No, I had dinner in a restaurant
: Did you go to school?
2. Indefinite quantities Languge Focus 4
2 / p.124 – 125
* Matching:
A little coffee
A lot of tea
Little sugar
Lot of salt
Too much coffee
* Gap – filling:
A A lot
A little
B A lot of
C Too much
D A little
3. Too, either / so, neither

Ba: I like mangoes Nam: I like mangoes, too
Ba: I don’t like eggs Nam: I don’t like eggs, either
* Noughts and Crosses:
mangoes bananas Papaya
corn spinach Potatoes
fish chicken beef
Example Exchange
: I like mangoes S
: I like mangoes, too / I do, too
4. Imperatives:
- Open your workbook - sit down
* Gap-filling
a. peel
b. wash
c. slice
d. mix
e. add
f. stir
g. wait
- Work individually.
- Work individually
work in pairs.
- work in groups.
III. Consolidation (2’) retell main points.

IV. Homework: (1’)
- Do again all Language Focus 4
- Prepare for Unit 13.
Week: Date of planning : / /
Period: 80 Date of teaching : / /
Unit 13 : Activities
Lesson 1: A1, 4
A/ The aims and Objectives:
1. The aims: By the end of the lesson students will know the popular sports in
the USA and talk about sport activities.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:- To develop ps' reading, speaking skill
- To chance ps knowledge about word of sports
- By the end of the lesson, ps can talk about the most popular sports
b. Skills: speaking.
B. Preparation:
1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, poster.
2. Students: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
C/ Procedure:
I. Organization: (2’) Greeting + checking member.
II. Checking the old lesson and warm up: (5’)
III. New lesson : (35’)
Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities
1. Vocabulary:
- skate boading (n) : môn trượt ván
- roller skating (n) : trượt Batanh
(giày trượt có bánh xe ở 4 góc)
- baseball (n) : bóng chày
- (to) take part in : tham gia vào
- (to) win the prize : đoạt giải

- competition (n) : cuộc thi, đua
- surprising (adj) : đáng ngạc nhiên
2. Reading:
a. Part A
(p.129 – p.130)
Sport Position
- Listen and repeat
- repeat and remember.

2. Part A
/ p.132
a. Pre-questions:(?) What is WFF / WTS ?
b. Do matching:
- Organize
- Increase
- Participant
- Competition
- (to) win the first
Giành giải nhất
Cuộc thi
Tổ chức
Tăng lên
Người tham gia
c. True / False statements:
1. The writer takes part in different activities at school - F
2. The school team didn’t win the first prize last year – T
3. Members living near school ride to school on
Wednesday - T
4. Walking is a cheap activity - T
d. Answer the questions
* Lucky Numbers:
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
A – B

e. Find someone who:
Like best

- work individually
- work in groups.
- work individually
IV. Consolidation:2’ T. retells the contents of the lesson carefully
*Fill in the correct preps in the blanks
1. I like taking part……….sports. 2. There was a walking competition………children
last year.
3. I don’t have my pocket…………me. 4. Are you aware…………the time.
V. Homework:1’ learn by heart vocab and do exercises in book.
Week: Date of planning : / /
Period: 81 Date of teaching : / /

Unit 13 : Activities
Lesson 2: A3, 5
A/ The aims and Objectives:
1. The aims: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use objectives
and adverbs to talk about sports.
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:- Practise some sentences, using “ Adjectives and
b. Skills: listening, writing.
B. Preparation:
1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, poster.
2. Students: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
C/ Procedure:
I. Organization: (2’) Greeting + checking member.
II. Checking the old lesson and warm up: (5’)
Have Ss play a game : Networks
Have Ss work in groups .
-Call on Ss from 2 groups to go to the board and write .
-Remark and state the group which wins the game
III. New lesson : (35’)
Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities
1 / Pre-teach Vocab :
Adjectives à Adverbs
Good (adj) well (adv)
skillful skillfully
slow slowly
bad badly
quick quickly
safe safely
careful carefully

interesting interestingly
( to) cycle à (a ) cyclist
*Check: RO.R
2/ Presentation text : ( A3 / p. 131 )
T uses the pictures to elict the model sentences from
the Ss:
“Who is he? – a volleyball player”
“ How does he play volleyball ? - play skillfully”
“So what can we say?”
- Listen and repeat in
chorally and
- Listen and write down.
Most popular
in the USA
3/Model sentences :
He’s a skillful volleyball player
He plays skillfully
T elicts the functions of “ skillful” and “ skillfullly”
in the two sentences ( functions of adjectives and
adverbs )
* Form of adverbs :

Ex : careful ( adj ) à carefully ( adv )
* Exception :- good ( adj ) à well ( adv )
- hard ( adj ) à hard ( adv )

- fast ( adj ) à fast ( adv )
- late ( adj ) à late ( adv )
- early ( adj ) à early ( adv )
4. Word cue drill:
a. good /well b. slow / slowly
soccer player swimmer
c. quick / quickly d. safe / safely
runner cyclist
*Examle Exchange:
S1: He’s a good soccer player.
S2: He plays well.
Gap-filling ( A5 / p.132 )
T hangs the poster with the passage from A5 ( p.132,
133 ) on the b.b
Ss work in pairs to do exercise
T collects Ss’answers and corrects them
*Answer key : 1, clearly 2, carefully 3, safely
4, carelessly 5, strictly

- listen and remember
practice in pairs.
- work individually.
IV. Consolidation:2’ T. retells the contents of the lesson carefully
V. Homework:1’ learn by heart vocab and do exercises in book.
Week: Date of planning : / /
Period: 82 Date of teaching : / /
Unit 13 : Activities

Lesson 3: B1, 4
A/ The aims and Objectives:
1. The aims: The students will continue to practice about the topic of
sports and in modal verbs. Then practices
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
Vocabulary :
- Ought to /should/Must / Spare(adj) D thõa, ®Ó dµnh/ Spare part:Phô
tïng thay thÕ.
-Ocean(n) §¹i D¬ng/ Opportunity(t¹o) c¬ héi.
Grammar :
Making an invitation :
Would you like to …………?
=> Yes , let…s / I…d like to / That…s a good idea .
b. Skills: listen, write.
B. Preparation:
1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, word cues.
2. Students: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
C/ Procedure:
I. Organization: (2’) Greeting + checking member.
II. Checking the old lesson and warm up: (5’)
- 2 Ss go to the board and write their vocabularies.
- Remark and lead in new lesson .
III. New lesson : (35’)
Teacher’s activities T Ss’ activities
1.New activities :
-Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the question:
What are they doing ?
-Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape .

-Explain some new words to Ss .
* New words:
+ Should:Nên( v v)
+ Ought to ( modal verb ): Nªn (v v v )
+Must: cần thiết phải làm gì(v v v v)
Can/ Could:Cã thÓ biÕt lµm g×/Xin phÐp cã thÓ lµm g×
+ Paddle ( n ) : vît (bãng bµn)
2. The structure : making invitation :
Would you like to play table tennis?
 I…d like to .
• Would you like to + V ?
EX : Would you like to come to my house ?
have lunch with me ?
• He ought to do his homework before playing table
tennis .
She ought to help her mother .
3. Correct the mistakes and give the correct
answers :
a) He must finish his homework before he plays table
tennis .
b) Nam will be ready in a few minutes .
c) Ba will finish a question for math .
d) Ba has 2 paddles .
- Ask Ss to write in the notebooks .
Listen to the teacher .
-Look at the picture and

answer the question .
-Look at the book and
listen to the tape .
Listen and write down .
- Work in pairs .
Work in pairs .
-Practice in front of the
class .
Practice with the cues .
Listen .
Work in pairs .
-Practice in front of the
S1: What should Lan do
when she goes
swimming ?
S2: She must swim with
an adult .
S1: What should we do
after meals?
4. Further practice:Gap fill.(B4-137)
Asks Ss to complete the passage with modal verbs in the
-T. corrects and give them marks
*Give some cues and ask Ss to practice :
+ Nam / before / soccer / do homework .
+ Lan / when / swimming / swim with adult.
+ We / after meals / brush teeth .
- Make example :

S1: What should Nam do before he plays soccer ?
S2: He must do his homework .
-Have Ss work in pairs .
-Call on some pairs to practice in front of the
S2: We should brush
our teeth .
• Answer keys:
1.can / 2. Must /3.must
not /4.should / 5. Can/ 6.
Ought to/ 7.can /
IV.Consolidation : Retell the main points of this lesson.
V.Homework :
- Make 3 examples with each structure .
- Do exercise 1,2 at page 83,84 in workbook.
Prepare part B2.
Week: Date of planning : / /
Period: 83 Date of teaching : / /
Unit 13 : Activities
Lesson 4: B2, A2
A/ The aims and Objectives:
1. The aims: The students will continue to practice in making ,
accepting and refusing an invitation , using modal verbs .
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
Would you like to + V ………….?
c. I…d love to . / That…s a good idea .
d. Sorry / That…s too bad .

b. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing.
B. Preparation:
1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, poster.
2. Students: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
C/ Procedure:
I. Organization: (2’) Greeting + checking member.
II. Checking the old lesson and warm up: (7’)
Have Ss practice using modal verbs : one student gives the situation , one
gives the advice .
EX: S1: I’m very cold .
S2: You should stay inside , you shouldn’t go out .
- Ask Ss to work in pairs .
-Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class .
- Remark and lead in new lesson .
III. New lesson : (32’)
Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities
1.Presentation :
+Introduce the situation of the lesson .
+Ask Ss to look at the books and listen
to the tape .
+Have Ss work in pairs reading the
dialogue .
+Call on 2 or 3 pairs to practice in front
of the class .
- Correct the pronunciation.
2.Practice :
-Ask Ss to make similar dialogues using
the cues given in the box replacing the
underlined words .
Make example :

S1: Come and play volleyball.
S2: I’m sorry . I don’t think I can .
S1: That’s too bad . Why not ?
S2: Well, I should visit my
grandmother .
S1: Can you play on the weekend ?
S2: Yes, I can .
S1: All right . See you on Saturday
afternoon .
S2: Ok. Bye .
S1: Bye .
- Have Ss work in pairs .
-Call on some pairs to practice in front
of the class .
- Correct the mistakes if
necessary .
3.Production :
-Ask Ss to make their own dialogues ,
using the 3 pictures in the bottom .
- Give some cues ;
S1: Come and play …………….
S2: I’m sorry , ………………
S1: Why not?
S2: I must ………………
Listen to the teacher .
-Look at the book and
listen to the tape .

-Work in pairs .
-Practice in front of the
-Make similar dialogues
, using given words .
-Listen .
Work in pairs .
-Practice in front of the
class .
Dialogues , using the
pictures at the bottom .
-Using some cues .
Work in pairs .Some
pairs practice in front of
the class .
S1: Can you ………… ?
S2: Yes, …………
S1: ………………….
+Have Ss work in pairs .
+Call on some pairs to make dialogue in
front of the class .
- Correct the mistake .
IV. Consolidation (2’) retell main points.
V. Homework :
- Write 3 dialogues in the workbook .
- Do exercise 3,4 in workbook .
Prepare part B3,
Week: Date of planning : / /
Period: 84 Date of teaching : / /
Unit 13 : Activities

Lesson 3: B3
A/ The aims and Objectives:
1. The aims: After the lesson , Ss will know about a new sport and
they continue to practice with modal verbs .
2. Objectives:
a. Language focus:
Review the modal verbs .
b. Skills: reading.
B. Preparation:
1. Teacher’s: lesson plan, poster.
2. Students: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
C/ Procedure:
I. Organization: (2’) Greeting + checking member.
II. Checking the old lesson and warm up: (5’)
Have Ss work in groups .
Call 2 Ss from 2 groups to go to the board and write .
-Remark and lead in new lesson .
III. New lesson : (35’)
Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities
1. Vocabulary:
+ Surface ( n ) bề mặt (trans)
Listen and write .Read
new words in chorus and
individually , guess the
+ Underwater ( n ) dưới nước
Pearl diver ( n ) = the person who dives
underwater and finds the pearls .

+ To invent ( v => invention ( n ) phát minh
Special breathing equipment ( n ) dụng cụ
thở đặc biệt
+ Scuba- diving ( n ) lặn có sdung bình
dưỡng khí
+ Vessel ( n ) = ship : t u, thuyà ền
+ To explore ( v ) thám hiểm
+ Human ( n ) = people
+ Opportunity ( n ) = chance
• Have Ss do exercise : True or False
prediction ( Questions in B3)
-Have Ss work in groups .
-Call on some groups to give their
predictions .
2. While … reading :
-Have Ss read the passage and check their
-Call on some Ss to give the answers and
ask them to correct the false sentences .
• Reading comprehension : Lucky
numbers .
1) How long could a pearl diver stay
2) Now, How long can a diver stay
3) LN
4) When did Jacques Couteau die?
5) When did he invent the deep sea diving
vessel ?
6) LN

7) What could he study ?
8) How can we explore the oceans now ?
-Have Ss work in groups .
-Have Ss exchange the results with the
partners .
-Correct the mistakes .
3.Post … reading : Give some cues :
 Before motorbike, we couldn’t
- Have Ss work in groups .
-Call on some groups to give the results in
front of the class .
- Remark .

meanings , then copy
Do exercise .
Work in groups .
Give the predictions .
Read the passage and
check the prediction .
a) F. Most of the world’s
surface is water .
b) T
c) T
d) F. Jacques Couteau
invented a deep- sea

diving vessel .
e) T
Exchange the results with
the partners .
Give the answers.
- work in pairs.
IV. Consolidation (2’) retell main points.
V. Homework : (1…)
Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
Do exercise 5 at page 86 in workbook .
Prepare unit 14 – A1

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