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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6 soạn 3 cột

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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6
Week 1
Date of planning:17/8/2014
Date of teaching:18/8/2014
Period :1 Híng dÉn c¸ch häc TiÕng Anh
I. Đặc điểm tình hình :
Các em lớp 6 bước đầu học tiếng anh nên có rất nhiều ham muốn và khao
kh¸t được t×m hiểu.V× vậy giáo viên cần :
- Giới thiệu việc áp dụng Tiếng Anh trong thực tế hiên nay
- Giơí thiệu cấu trúc bài học : 16 bài,gần gũi với các hoạt động hằng ngày -
Tranh ảnh đẹp
II. Phương pháp học tiếâng anh :
1. Tại trường :- Nghe thầy , nghe máy thật kó đểû nắm thông tin
- Tập nói theo thầy , theo bạn ,…. Nói đúng ngữ điệu - Mạnh dạn phát biểu
- Nắm vững các điểm ngữ pháp đã học , c¸c cấu trúc câu - Ghi chép ®Çy đủ ,
chính xác
2.Tại nhà :
- Ôân lại bài học ngay sau khi cã tiết học ở lớp
- Dựa vào các cấu trúc đã học và các ngữ liệu đã học để tập nói cùng bạn
- Tập viết các từ mới và ôn luyên thường xuyên
- Ghi từ mới vào sổ tay học tập
III. Các tài liệu và phương tiện :
- Băng và máy - Tài liệu trực quan- Tài liệu hổ trợ - Tranh ảnh - Bảng cuốn -
IV. CÊu tróc s¸ch TiÕng Anh 6 .
*Gi¸o viªn giíi thiƯu cho häc sinh:
- Cn TiÕng Anh 6 gåm 16 ®¬n vÞ bµi häc ( Units), mçi bµi häc t¬ng øng víi
mét chđ ®Ị vµ ®ỵc chia lµm nhiỊu tiÕt häc ®ỵc ph¸t triĨn theo tr×nh tù c¸c chđ ®Ị.
- Ch¬ng tr×nh häc trong n¨m:
C¶ n¨m: 3 tiÕt. 37 tn = 105 tiÕt
K× I : 3 tiÕt. 19 tn = 53 tiÕt

K× II : 3 tiÕt. 18 tn = 52 tiÕt
- §iĨm : M: 2 15’ : 2 V: 2 HK: 1
- Cã ®Çy ®đ trang thiÕt bÞ, då dïng häc tËp: M¸y c¸t sÐt, tranh ¶nh, ®å vËt minh
ho¹ cho c¸c néi dung gi¶ng d¹y.
V. Häc sinh:
- Häc sinh ph¶i lµ chđ thĨ cđa ho¹t ®éng häc tËp: cã ®éng c¬ häc tËp ®óng ®¾n,
tÝch cùc & chđ ®éng tiÕp thu kiÕn thøc, ch¨m chØ ho¹t ®éng tham gia c¸c ho¹t
®éng giao tiÕp, m¹nh d¹n tÝch cùc & cã chđ ®Þnh, cã s¸ng t¹o sư dơng TiÕng Anh
trong ho¹t ®éng giao tiÕp.
- KÕt hỵp ho¹t ®éng häc tËp trªn líp vµ lµm bµi tËp ë nhµ.
- Häc sinh tham gia ho¹t ®éng häc tËp díi sù híng dÉn cđa gi¸o viªn.
Cã ®Çy ®đ s¸ch vë, ®å dïng häc tËp phơc vơ cho m«n häc TiÕng Anh 6.
Gv:Ngn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Gi¸o ¸n TA 6 Trêng THCS Qu¶ng Léc
( SGK, s¸ch bµi tËp, s¸ch bỉ trỵ vµ n©ng cao, mét sè s¸ch tham kh¶o, cã thĨ
dïng ®µi b¨ng ®Ĩ lun nghe ë nhµ)
Week 1
Date of teaching: 21/8/2014
Date of teaching: 21/8/2014
Period 2 : Lesson 1 -híng dÉn c¸ch häc(kiĨm tra ®Çu n¨m )
I. Mơc tiªu chung cđa m«n häc TiÕng Anh.
- H×nh thµnh vµ ph¸t triĨn ë häc sinh nh÷ng kiÕn thøc , kü n¨ng c¬ b¶n vỊ TiÕng
Anh vµ nh÷ng phÈm chÊt trÝ t cÇn thiÕt ®Ĩ tiÕp tơc häc hc ®i vµo cc sèng
lao ®éng.
II. Mơc tiªu cơ thĨ.
- Häc xong THCS , HS n¾m ®ỵc kiÕn thøc c¬ b¶n , tèi thiĨu vµ t¬ng ®èi hƯ thèng
vỊ TiÕng Anh thùc hµnh hiƯn ®¹i, phï hỵp løa ti.
- Cã kü n¨ng c¬ b¶n sư dơng T.Anh nh mét c«ng cơ giao tiÕp ®¬n gi¶n díi c¸c
d¹ng : Nghe - nãi - ®äc - viÕt.

- Cã sù hiĨu biÕt kh¸i qu¸t vỊ v¨n ho¸ cđa c¸c níc sư dơng TiÕng Anh.
- H×nh thµnh c¸c kü n¨ng häc tiÕng vµ ph¸t triĨn t duy .Nh÷ng kü n¨ng nµy sÏ
gióp ph¸t triĨn kh¶ n¨ng sư dơng tiÕng mĐ ®Ỵ vµ gãp phÇn h×nh thµnh n¨ng lùc
ng«n ng÷ toµn diƯn h¬n cho häc sinh.
III. C¸ch häc:
- Häc ®i ®«i víi hµnh, ch¨m chØ häc tËp
- §äc, nãi TiÕng Anh râ rµng, chÝnh x¸c, ®óng träng ©m.
- ViÕt râ rµng, liỊn nÐt, ®óng chÝnh t¶.
- KÕt hỵp ho¹t ®éng trªn líp vµ lµm bµi tËp ë nhµ vµ giao tiÕp víi mäi ngêi trong
thùc tÕ.
- Cã kÜ n¨ng c¬ b¶n sư dơng TiÕng Anh nh mét c«ng cơ giao tiÕp ë møc ®é ®¬n
gi¶n díi d¹ng: nghe- nãi- ®äc- viÕt.
* Gi¸o viªn giíi thiƯu víi häc sinh mét sè c©u giao tiÕp b»ng TiÕng Anh thêng
dïng trong mçi tiÕt häc.
1/ Kiến thức :
Nắm vững kiến thức cơ bản tối thiểu và tương đối hệ thống về Tiếng Anh
thực hành hiện đại.
2/ Kó năng :
a) Kó năng nghe :
- Nghe sử dụng tiếng Anh trong lớp.
- Nghe hiểu tiếng Anh về các chủ điểm
b) Kó năng nói:
- Thực hiện các yêu cầu giao tiếp hàng ngày bằng tiếng Anh trong
và ngoài lớp,
- Diễn đạt các nội dung giao tiếp hàng ngày bằng tiếng Anh .
c) Kó năng đọc :
Gv:Ngun ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6
- Đọc hiểu nội dung chính các đoạn văn ngắn , đơn giản về các

chủ điểm đã học trong chương trình.
d) Kó năng viết :
- Viết văn miêu tả hoặc báo cáo tường thuật về các hoạt động của
cá nhân hoặc trong lớp, trong khuôn khổ nội dung chương trình.
- Viết để phục vụ nhu cầu giao tiếp .
3/Thái độ tình cảm :
- Có thái độ và tình cảm đúng đắn đối với đất nước, con người ,
nền văn hoá và ngôn ngữ đang học.
- Biết cách tự học để nắm vững và sử dụng tiếng nước ngoài trong
học tập và trong đời sống.
- Xây dựng và phát triển ý thức cũng như năng lực làm việc cộng
1/ Về sách giáo khoa :
Học sinh cần có một sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh lớp 6 và sách bài tập tiếng
Anh ( workbook )
2/ Phương pháp học :
Ngày nay khi học một ngoại ngữ người ta nghó ngay đến phương pháp
giao tiếp :
Trong các tiết học các em phải hết sức tập trung nghe ( nghe băng , nghe
thầy cô, nghe bạn ) cố gắng bắt chước đúng âm, đúng ngữ điệu khi lập lại,
khi nói cÇn nói to, tự nhiên, rõ ràng kó năng đọc viết sẽ được hướng dẫn dần.
- Keep silent. Do you know? / Understand? Sit down,please Stand up ,please
- May I go out?
- May I come in?
- Thank you./ Ok.
Week 1:
Date of pre:21/8/2014
Date of tea: 22/8/2014

Period 3
Unit 1 : Greetings.
Lesson 1 :A 1 – 4 (P.10- 11).
A. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to know how to greet with :
“ Hi / Hello” and to introduce yourself with “ I am / My name’s ” . Count
numbers from
“ 0” to “ 5”
B. Teaching method:
Gv:Ngn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Gi¸o ¸n TA 6 Trêng THCS Qu¶ng Léc
T- Wc, H – H, individual/ pair work.
C. Teaching aids:
E.6 textbooks, poster, a tape, a stereo.
D. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Write on the board
I. Warm up.
- T. checks sts’ tools ( textbooks,
notebooks, fountain pen, ruler .)…
II. Presentation:
1.Pre- teach vocab:
Elicit from Sts,
- hello (v): xin chµo (mime)
- hi (v) : xin chao (mime)
- I (pro) (expl)
- “ oh” : 0 four: 4
- one : 1 five : 5
- two :2 - three : 3
* Check vocab: R.O.R

2. Dialogue build.(A1.2)
- Set the scene
- Give the instruction
a, Lan: …… I’m ………
Nam:…… Nga.
b, Ba: Hello. My name…
Nam: …… Nam.
* Make an exchange: T-wc, s- s,
open pairs, closed pairs
- Get sts to go to the board to write
the missing words.
* Concept check:
- Meaning:
- Form: Hi. I’m …
Hello. My name is….
- Use: ®Ó chµo vµ giíi thiÖu tªn.
- Pronunciation.
3. Practise.( A3-4).
- Get sts to greet and introduce each
* Dictation.
- T. reads some numbers then ask
Sts to listen and write individually
then pair compare.
Three, five, four, oh, two, one.
Four-five-three, three-two-oh
+ Get some Sts to read out.
* Word cue drill: T. gives instrction.
-T – Wc
- Listen and give

the answers.
- Listen and
repeat then copy.
- Go to the board
and rewrite.
- Listen to the T.
- Practice .
- Go to the board
and fill
the missing
- Listen and
repeat then copy.
- Pair work.
- Listen to the T
and write
- hello (v): xin chµo
- hi (v) : xin chµo
- I (pro)
- “ oh” :0
- one : 1
- two :2
- three : 3
- four: 4
- five : 5
2. Dialogue build.
a, Lan: …. I’m …
Nam:…. … Nga.

b, Ba: Hello. My
Nam: …. … Nam.
Hi. I’m …
Hello. My name is…
- Use: ®Ó chµo vµ giíi
thiÖu tªn.
- Pronunciation.
Gv:NguyÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6
- Run through the cues:
Quang Ninh / 033 -Hue/054
Hai Phong/031 - Ha Noi/ 04
Hai Duong /0320
- T. models: S1: Quang Ninh,
S2: Oh –three –three.
- Make an exchange : T – Wc, S –
S, open pairs, close pairs.
III. Further practice.
* Guessing game:
- T. gives instruction + check
0320 .
* Ex: S1: 0h – three – three.
Nam: No.
S2: 0h – four.
Nam: No.
S3: 0h – three – two –

Nam: Yes.
the correct
individually then
pair compairs.
- Listen to the T.
- Run through.
- Listen and
- Practice.
- Listen to the T.
- T – Wc.
IV. Homework:
- Learn by heart the
new words and some
- Practice greeting and
introducing with your
- Do Ex. 1, 2 (P.4)
- Prepare the new
lesson: A 5 -8 (P.2-
Week 2
Date of pre:
Date of tea:
Period 4
Unit 1( Cont).
Lesson 2 :A 5 - 8 (P.12- 13)

A. Objectives:
- By the emnd of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice with “ How are you?” –
“I’m fine”.
to great each other and count numbers 6 – 10.
B. Teaching method:
T – Wc, s – s, individual / pair work.
C. Teahing aids:
E.6 textbooks, a tape, a stereo, poster.
D. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities Ss’activities Write on the board
Gv:NguÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Giáo án TA 6 Trờng THCS Quảng Lộc
I. Warm up:
II. Presentation.
1. Pre teach vocab:
Elicit from Sts.
- fine (a): khoẻ
- thank (v): cám ơn
- miss (n): cô (trẻ)
- Mr (n): ông
- Mrs (n): bà, cô (có gia đình)
* Check voacb: Slap the board.
2. Practice
* Rub out and remember dialogue.
- T. gives instruction.
Ba Lan
Ba:, Lan.
Ba: you?

Lan: fine.
Ba: ,thanks.
*T. puts A5-P.12 on the board and
crosses out some key words.
* Make sure sts have to remember
the rubbed out words and keep
practising the dialogue.
- Get sts to practise reading.
- Ask sts to fill the missing words.
* A6:
- T. sets the scene: this is Miss
Hoa, Mr Hung. They are talking
each other.
- T. models:
Mr Hung: Hi, ( Miss Hoa)
Miss Hoa: Hello, ( Mr Hung)
Mr Hung: How are you?
Miss Hoa: Im fine, thanks. And
Mr Hung: Fine, thanks.
- Listen to the T.
- Play in two groups.
- Listen and give the
- Listen and repeat
then copy.
- Play in two groups.
- Listen to the T.

- Practice reading.
- Go to the board and
fill the missing
- Listen to the T.
- Listen to the T. and
Jumbled words.
- T. gives
+ w t o : two
+ e t e h r : three
+ i f e v : five
+ r o f u : four
+ e n o : one
+ h o : oh
- fine (a): khoẻ
- thank (v): cám
- miss (n): cô (trẻ)
- Mr (n): ông
- Mrs (n): bà, cô
(có gia đình)
Gv:Nguyễn Thị Nhị Hà
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6
* Concept check:
- Meaning.
- Form: How are you?

Im (fine). Thanks.
- Use: Hỏi thăm sức khoẻ.
- Pronunciation.
* Get sts to practise.
* A7:
- Play the tape.( 2 times)
- Get sts to write the information
theyre listened themselves to
complete the dialogue.
- Check with the w.c.
4. Pre- teach number:
Elicit from Sts.
six eight
seven nine.
-Check vocab: Matching.
* Practice: Dictation:
- T. reads some telephone numbers:
8200294; 9504423;
720909; 7683045
- Get some sts to go to the board
and write them.
- Check with the w.c ( T. reads).
* Word square:
- T. gives instruction:
Ask sts to find out the numbers


- Listen and give the
then copy.
- Practice.
- Listen to the T.
- Individual writing
and pair compare.
- Give the answers.
- Listen and give the
- Listen and repeat.
- Individual
- Listen and write.
- Go to the board and
- Listen and check.
- Listen to the T.
- Play in two groups.
III. Homework.

Learn the numbers:
0-10 by heart.

Practise asking and
answering about

the health.
ex : 3,4 ( P5)

Prepore the new
leson. B1-3
Date of pre:
Date of tea: Lớp 6A tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6B tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Gv:Nguễn Thị Nhị Hà
Giáo án TA 6 Trờng THCS Quảng Lộc
Lớp 6C tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6D tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Period: 5
Unit 1 ( Cont)
Lesson 3 : B 1 6(P.14 16)
A. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to great, count the numbers And talk about
B. Teaching method:
T Wc, H H, pair/individual work
C. Teaching aids:
English 6. textbook, poster .
D. Procedures.
Teachers activities Ssactivities Write on the board
I. Warm up:
- Get some pairs to play the roles to greet
each other and introduce.

II. Presentation.
1. Pre teaach vocab: Elicit from Sts.
- Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night
: Xin chào.
- Good bye: Tạm biệt
- Childen (n): những đứa trẻ.
- eleven : 11
- twelve: 12
- thirteen: 13.
- fourteen : 14
- fifteen : 15
* Check vocab: R. O. R.
2. Presentation dialogue :
B 3 (P.15)
- T. gives instruction.
a. Miss Hoa: - - , children.
Children: - -, Miss Hoa.
Miss Hoa : - are - ?
Children : Were - . Thank you.
Miss Hoa: How - - ?
Children: Fine, - . -
b. Mom : - , Lan.
Lan : Good night, Mom.
* Make an exchange:
T Wc,H H, open pairs, close pairs.
- Get some Sts to the board and fill in the
missing words.
+ Check with the Wc.
+ Answer keys:
a. Good morning, good morning, How,

you,fine,are you,
thanks, Good bye., bye.
b. Good night,
* Make an exchange:
T Wc, H H, open/close pairs.
- Pair work.
- Listen and give the
- Listen and repeat
then copy.
- Go to the board and
- Listen to the T.
- Practice.
- Go to the board and
fill the missing words
- Give the answers.
- Go to the board and
fill the missing words
- Good morning/
afternoon/ evening/ night
: Xin chào.
- Good bye: Tạm biệt
- Childen (n): những đứa
- eleven : 11
- twelve: 12
- thirteen: 13.
- fourteen : 14

- fifteen : 15
+ Answer keys:
a. Good morning/ good
morning/ How/ you/
fine/ are you/thanks/
Good bye/ bye.
b. Good night/
2+ Form:
- Good
Gv:Nguyễn Thị Nhị Hà
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6
- Get Sts to go to the board and fill in the
missing words.
* Concept checking:
+ Meaning:
+ Form:
How are you?
+ Use :
Chào và hỏi thăm sức khoẻ.
+ Pronunciation:
III. Practice :
1. Picture drill.
- T . gives instruction.
* T. modles:
S1: Good (morning)!
S2: Good (morning)!
- Get Sts to play the roles.

2. Write : B4.
- T. give instruction.
- Get Sts to write the missing words in 3
individually then pair compare.
- Ask Sts to go to the board to fill the
missing words.
+ Check with the Wc.
3. Picture drill:
T. gives instruction.
7 + 8 / 10+2 /5+6 /7+5/ +8/3 +3
- T. modles : S1: Seven and eight ?
S2: fifteen.
- Make an exchange: T Wc, H H,
open/ close pairs.
IV. Production:
Ordering vocab.
- T . gives instruction.
- T. reads and Sts listen to the T. and write
numbers :from 0 to 15 in their notebooks
then order the numbers.

* Check with the Wc.
- Give the answers
and repeat then copy.
- Listen to the T.
- Listen and repeat.
- Play the roles.
- Listen to the T.
- Individual writing
and pair

- Go to the board and
fill in the missing
- Listen to the T.
- Listen and repeat.
- Practice.
- Listen to the T.
- Individual work
then pair c
- Give the answers.
-How are you?
+ Use :
Chào và hỏi thăm sức

. Homework
- Learn by heart the new words, the numbers.
- Practice speaking E. with your friends.
- Do ex.
- Prepare the new lesson : C 1 4 . (P. 17-18)

Date of pre:
Date of tea: Lớp 6A tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6B tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6C tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6D tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Gv:Nguễn Thị Nhị Hà

Gi¸o ¸n TA 6 Trêng THCS Qu¶ng Léc
Period 6
Unit 1( Cont’d)
Lesson 4: C 1 - 4( P.17 - 19)
A. Objectives:
 - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice counting numbers from 16 to 20
and asking and answering with “ How old are you?” perfectly.
B. Teaching method:
 T – Wc, H – H , pair/ individual work.
C. Teaching aids:
 E.6 textbook, poster.
D. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities Ss’activities Write on the board
I. Warm up:
II. Presentation.
1. Pre teach vocab:
Elicit from sts.
- sixteen : 16
- seventeen : 17
- eighteen : 18
- nineteen : 19
- twenty : 20
- How old ? : bao nhiªu tuæi…… …
- This is : ®©y lµ … …
* Check vocab: R. O. R
2. Practice :
a. Pelnamism.
- T. gives instruction.

Sixteen 16
seventeen 17
eighteen 18
nineteen 19 twenty
- Praise the winner.
b. Slap the board: Elicit from Sts.
- T. gives instruction.
5 20 16 17 11
15 9 18 6
- Praise the winner.
c. Bingo : C 5 ( P.19)
- T. gives instruction.
3. C 3 (P.19)
- Set the scene.
- Play the tape ( 2 Ts)
- Get Sts to practice reading.
* The modles: S1: How old are you ?
S2: I’m ( twelve).
* Concept check:
+ Meaning:
+ Form : How old + be+ S?
S + be+ number ( years
- T – Wc.
- Listen and give the
- Listen and repeat then
-Go to the board to

rewite the words
- Listen to the T.
- Play in two groups.
- Listen and give the
- Listen to the T.
- Play in two groups.
- Write some numbers ,
listen to the T and
shout : “Bingo” if
- Listen to the T.
- Listen to the tape and
- Practice reading.
- Listen and repeat in
- Listen and give the
answers then copy.
Elicit from sts.
- sixteen : 16
- seventeen : 17
- eighteen : 18
- nineteen : 19
- twenty : 20
- How old ? : bao …… …
nhiªu tuæi
- This is : ®©y lµ … …

Sixteen 16
seventeen 17
eighteen 18
nineteen 19
twenty 20
5 20 16
17 11
15 9 18
2- model sentences
The modles: S1: How old
are you ?
S2: I’m
( twelve).
+ Form : How old + be+
Gv:NguyÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6
- Use: Hái vµ tr¶ lêi vÒ tuæi.
- Pronunciation.
* Note: T. contrasts “ How old are
you?”with “ How are you?”
*Practise: Picture drill.
- T. gives instruction:
12 20 18 11
19 13 15
- T. models:
* S1: How old are you?
* S2: I’m twelve years old.
- Get sts to practise.

- T. corrects if necessary.
4- Homework:
Learn the number 0- 20 by heart.
- Practise speaking English with your
- Prepare the new lesson: C5-6 ( P.19)
- Listen to the T.
- Run through.
- Listen and repeat.
- Practice.
S + be+
number ( years old)
- Use: Hái vµ tr¶ lêi vÒ
3- Homework:
Learn the number 0- 20 by heart.
- Practise speaking English with your friends.
- Prepare the new lesson: C5-6 ( P.19)
Date of pre:
Date of tea: Líp 6A tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6B tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6C tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6D tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Period: 7
Unit 1( Cont’d)
Lesson 5: C 5-6 ( P.19)
A. Objectives:
 By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to practise with the number 1- 20

B. Language content:
 the numbers.
C. Teaching method:
 T – wc, individual/ pair work.
D. Teaching aids
 E.6 textbook, poster.
E. Procedures.
Teacher’s activities Ss’activities Write on the board
I. Warm up:
- T. asks some questions and gets sts to
II. Further practice:
- T. gives instruction.
Sixteen 16 seventeen 17 twenty
- Listen and answer.
- Listen to the
- Play in two groups.
Gv:NguÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Gi¸o ¸n TA 6 Trêng THCS Qu¶ng Léc

Eighteen 18 nineteen 19 20
-Praise the winner.
2. Jumbled words.
- T. gives instruction.
tgeih: eight neelve: eleven
lewtev: twelve ntrenouef:
ytwnet : twenty ientenne:
treniten : thirteen evens: seven.
- Check with the wc.
3. Bingo: C5.( P19).
- T give instruction.
- Get sts to listen to the teacher and say:
4. Dictation and picture cue drill.
- T. gives instruction and checks.
- T. models:
S1: What’s your number?
S2: [ oh- five- one- one, eight- two- six-
six, nine- nine]
048214076 054845832
0320 721 353 033612300
031720909 0511826699
* Make an exchange: T – Wc, H – H,
open/close pairs.
5. Production:
* Survey: T. gives instruction.
Name Telephone number.
1. Hoa 033612300

- T. models:
S1: What’s your name?
S2: ( Hoa)
S1: What’s your telephone number?
S2: ( 033 612 300)
-T. gives limited times for sts to fill in the
- Check with the wc.
- Listen to the T.
- Group work.
- Give the answers.
- Listen to the T.
- T – Wc.
_ Listen to the T. and
give the answers.
- Listen and repeat.
- Run through.
- Practice.
- Listen to the T.

- Play in groups.
- Listen and repeat.
- Group work.
- Some pairs say out.

treniten :
S1: What’s your number?
S2: [ oh- five- one- one, eight-
two- six- six, nine- nine]
S1: What’s your name?
S2: ( Hoa)
S1: What’s your telephone
S2: ( 033 612 300)
Vocabs of numbers
* Homework:
Pracrise speaking English with your friends.
Do ex 1,2,3,4 (P 7,8,9,10)
Prepare the new lesson:
Unit 2(A1-4)
Date of pre:
Date of tea: Líp 6A tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Gv:NguyÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6
Lớp 6B tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6C tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6D tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Period: 8
Unit 2: At school.
Lesson 1: A1-4 ( P.20- 22)
A. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to practise classroom imperatives to
understand the teachers commands.
B. Teaching method:
T- wc, individual/ pair work.
C. Teaching aids:
E6 textbook, poster. Tape, stereo,
D. Procedures:
Teachers activities Ssactivities Write on the board
I. Warm up:
Noughts and crosses.
-T. gives the instruction.
Now, you play in two teams one
student from each team choose the
cell then count the number in it
other student has to read out the
result.the team has the correct
results which in a line first is the
- Praise the winner.

- Listen to the
Play the game
in two teams.
1+5 9+6 3+2
5+4 11+1 5+15
3+5 7+7 2+8
II. Presentation:
1 Present vocabs:
Elicit from Sts.
Come in :đi vào ( mine)
Sit down >< standup ( mine)
- Open > < close ( your book)
* Check vocab: R. O. R
2 Present the text (A1 -P.20)
- Set the scene.(picture)
Now, look at these pictures and
tell me where they are, who this
woman is, who these children are.
- Play the tape ( 2 Ts).
- Get Sts to listen and practice
- Listen and
guess the
- Listen and
repeat then
- Go to te

board and
Look at the
listen to T and
answer the
- Listen to the
tape and
Come in : (v) đi vào
Sit down: (v) ngồi xuống
Stand up : (v)đứng dậy
Open :(v) mở
Close: (v) gấp(sách)
III. Practice
1 Matching A 2 ( P.21)
- T. gives the instruction.
Now, look at the pictures, read the
imperative sentences then match
the sentence with its correct
- Practice
- Read the
then match
the pictures

-Match the pictures with the imperative
Answer key
Picture a-Open your book
Gv:Nguễn Thị Nhị Hà
Gi¸o ¸n TA 6 Trêng THCS Qu¶ng Léc
- Get Sts to match the pictures
with the imperative sentences
individually then pair compare
- Ask Sts to go to the board to
match individually
2 Mime drill:
- T. mimes:
( Open your book.)
( Stand up)
( Come in)……
3. Simon says:(a3-p22)
- T. get ss to play the game in 2
Now, listen to me carefully ,If I
say “Simon say :stand up” you
quickly stand up, If I say “ Stand
up” you keep sitting.
with the
then pair

- Listen to the
T then do as
Listen to the
Play the game
in 2 teams
 Picture b-Sit down
 Picture c-Come in
 Picture d-Close your book
 Picture e-Stand up
IV. Further practice.
* Mapped dialogue:
- T. gives instruction.
Miss Hoa children
… .morning! morning,miss
- How ? ……
We’re .How .?… ……
- Fine, .Sit Yes, miss!…… …
- And open ! Yes, miss!……
Listen to the
dialogue then
fill in the
missing words
2 Mapped dialogue:
Miss Hoa children
… .morning morning,miss Hoa.

- How ? We’re .How .? …… … ……
- Fine, .Sit Yes, miss!…… …
-And open Yes, miss!……
The imperative sentences
* Homework
- Learn by heart the vocabs.
- Do ex. : 1, 2 (P.11)
- Practice speaking E with your friends.
- Prepare new lesson: B 1 -3. (P.23- 24)
Date of pre:
Date of tea: Líp 6A tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6B tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6C tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6D tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Period: 9
Unit 2 ( Cont’)
Lesson 2 : B1-3 (p23-24)
 By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to practise asking and answering : “Where do
you live?”
B. Teaching method:
 T- wc, pair/ group work.
C. Teaching aids:
 E.6 textbook, poster.
D. Procedures.
Gv:NguyÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6

Teachers activities Ssactivities Write on the board
I. Warm up:
* Simon says. ( T. gives
Now, listen to me carefully
,If I say Simon say :stand
up you quickly stand up, If I
say Stand up you keep
- Listen to the T.
- St Sts.
Listen to the instruction.
Play the game in 2 teams
II. Presentation.
1.Present vocab:
Elicit from Sts.
( to) live (expl)
( in) a house ( realia)
( on/in) a street ( visual)
( in) a city ( visual)
* Check vocab: Matching.
2. Present dialogue
- Set the scene
Now, look at this picture and
tell me who this girl is,and
who this boy is.What are
they talking about?
- Play the tape ( 2 times)
- Get sts to practise speaking
in chorus then individually.

3.Present structure
T give model sentences
?What does the girl ask Nam
when she wants to know
nams house and how does
Nam answers
Checking concept
- Listen and give the
- Listen and repeat then
-Matching the word with its
correct meaning

Listen to the situation.
Listen to the dialogue.
Practice speaking in chorus.
Practice speaking
Listen and answer the
where do you live
I live on Tran Phu Street
Listen and read the model
(to) live (v) : sống
( in) a house(n) :(trong) một
ngôi nhà
( on/in) a street(n) : đờng phố

( in) a city (n): thành phố

2. Model sentences
-Where do you live?
- I live on Tran Phu treet.
in a house.
in a city
in Hue

Dùng để hỏi và trả lời về nơi
ai đó đang sống.
*Word cue drill.
- T. gives instruction.
Now, look at these phrases of
places, listen to me and
answer the question
where do you live
T. models first
- T: Where do you live?
( holding the phrase in a
- S: I live in a city.
*Make an exchange:
T- wc, S- S, open pairs, close
*Sing the alphabet song
Listen to the instruction.

Listen to the model
T- wc, S- S, open pairs, close
Listen and repeat.
1. a city
2 . Ho Chi Minh city.
3. a house
4. Le Loi street
5. Ha Noi
6. Hung Vuong street
7. Tran Phu street.
- S1: Where do you live?
- S2: I live in a city
Gv:Nguễn Thị Nhị Hà
Giáo án TA 6 Trờng THCS Quảng Lộc
T uses the song to present the
English alphabet
III. Production:
1.Find someone who
- T. give instruction.
Each student asks and fill
information about three
-T. models:
Whats the question for
Whats the question for age?

Whats the question for
Whats the question for city?
-Get sts to take turns to ask
each other and fill in the
Listen to the instruction.
Listen to T model
Go around class and ask
friends to fill in the table.
Name age village
Hoa 12 Nam

Nam. What your name?
Hoa. My name is Hoa.
Nam. How old are you?
Hoa. Im 12 years old.
Nam. Where do you live?
Hoa. I live in Namthai.
Hỏi và trả lời về nơi ai đó đang sống.
* Homework:
-Use the survey to write a short dialogue about three friends.
-Practise speaking Engkish with your friends.
- Do Ex:1,2,3,4(p12,13)
-Prepare the new lesson: B4-6

Date of pre:

Date of tea: Lớp 6A tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6B tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6C tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6D tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Period 10
Unit 2 ( Cont)
Lesson 3 : B 4 - 6 ( P>24- 25).
A. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice spelling their names
Practice asking and answering and writing about personal, alphabet and numbers.
B. Teaching teaching:
T Wc, H H, individual / pair work.
C. Teaching aids:
E. 6 textbook, poster.
Teachers activities Ssactivities Write on the board
I-Warm up
Gets students to sing the
song of ABC
Sing the song of ABC
II- Presentation.
Gv:Nguyễn Thị Nhị Hà
Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6
1-Present vocabs:

Checking vocabs: ROR
2- Present dialogue-B4-
Set the scene.
Now look at this picture,
this is Lan and this is
Lan’ Teacher. Her teacher
is asking some
information about her
T plays the tape (2 times).
Get ss to listen and repeat
Get ss to pracise the
dialogue in
3- Present structure:
Rub out and remember
T writes the dialogue on
the board. Reads and get
ss to repeat, then T step
by step rubs the words in
the dialogue until none
word left
Get ss to read the missing
dialogue in chorus then in
Go to the board and
Look at the picture

andlisten to the situation
Listen to the conversation
and repeat in chorus
Practice the dialogue in
Listen and repeat
Read the missing
dialogue in chorus then in
(to) Spell (v)- ®¸nh vÇn.
How : Nh thÕ nµo
It : nã
2- New structure
(Rub out and remember
dialogue: )
T: What’s your name?
St: My name is Lan.
T: How do you spell it?
St: L – A – N , Lan.
III. Practice:
1. Word cue drill:
T gives instruction.
Now, I have some people’s
names, imagine they are your
names answer the questions
* T. modles:
S1: What’s your name?
S2: My name is ( Tuan).
S1: How do you spell it/
(your name)?

S2: T – U- A – N, Tuan.
* Make an exchange : T –
Wc, open / close pairs.
Answer T’s questions.
Practise asking and
answering the questions
using the given names
III-Production: B5-P25
Now,write the answer in
your books.
Write the answers for the
1-What is your name?
2- How old are you?
3-Where do you live?
4-How do you spell your
Gv:NguÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Gi¸o ¸n TA 6 Trêng THCS Qu¶ng Léc
The alphabet
Spelling name

- Practice speaking E . with your friends
- Do ex.5,6(p13)- Prepare the new lesson : C 1-2 (p.26-28)
Date of pre:
Date of tea: Líp 6A tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6B tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6C tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6D tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Period 11
Unit 2( Cont’d )+ Test 15 mins
Lesson 4 : C 1 ( P. 26 – 27)
A. Objectives:
 By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice with : This / That positive
statements and Yes – No questions to talk about people and things at school.
B. Teaching method:
 T- Wc. H-H, pair / individual work.
C. Teaching aids:
 E. 6 textbooks, a tape, a stereo, poster.
D. Procedures:
Gv:NguyÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6
Gv:NguÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Teacher’s activities Ss’activities Write on the board
I. Warm up:
 Jumbled words.
- T. gives instruction.
1. evening.
2. street.

3. hello.
4. city.
5. name.
6. thirteen.
7. stand up.
 * Check with the Wc.
- Listen to the T.
- Play in two
1. v e e i g n n
2. e t e r t s
3. l l e h o
4. y i c t
5. m n e a
6. t e e t h i r n
7. n t s a t d p u
II. Presentation.
 1. Present vocab: Elicit from Sts.
Points at a student.
Now, I am a teacher.
This is our school.
This is our class.
Points at a desk.
Points at the nearest desk. “this is a desk”
Points at the farthest desk. “that is a desk”
* Check vocab: Matching.
Now go to the board and match the word with
its meaning.
* Check with the wc.
 Word Cue Drill:

Practice vocabulary and revise “How do you
spell it?
Now, look at this word and answer my
?What’s this in English ?
? How do you spell it?
 2.Present dialogues.
- Set the scene: T. gives the picture: T. asks:
Who’ s this?
What’ s this?
- Play the tape. ( 2 Ts).
- Get Sts to practice reading.
 3. Model sentences:
Elicit the modle sentence from Sts.
- This is my desk.
- That is my school.
- Is this your class?
- Is that you teacher?
Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.
- Listen and guess
the meanings
- Listen and repeat
then copy.
- Go to the board
and match
Listen and answer
the questions
-[a student]
- Listen to the

model then do the
same with the
S. anwsers:
-It s a student/ a
-It s a desk/a
-Listen to the
-Practice reading
Listen and repeat
- a student: häc sinh,
sinh viªn ( realia)
- a teacher: gi¸o viªn
- a school: trêng häc
- a class: líp ( häc).
- a desk
- this: c¸i nµy, nµy.
- that: c¸i kia, kia
S1:What’s this in
S2: [a student]
S1: How do you spell it?
S2: [s-t-u-d-e-n-t]
A desk
A school
A student

A class
(Tape + stereo)
2-Model sentences:
- This is my desk.
- That is my school.
- Is this your class?
- Is that you teacher
Yes, it is./ No, it
III- Practice :
 a. Picture drill: C1 (P.26-27).
- T. gives instruction.
Now, I have some pictures, you sit in pairs and
practice asking and answering
* T. modles: S1: Is this your ( school) ?
S2: No, it isn’t.
- Get Sts to practice in pairs.
-Calls some pairs to perform
* Check with the Wc.
- Listen to the T.
- Pair work.
-Perform in pairs
S1: Is this
your( school)?
S2: No, it isn’t.
Giáo án TA 6 Trờng THCS Quảng Lộc

Date of pre:

Date of tea: Lớp 6A tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6B tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6C tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Lớp 6D tiết ngày / / 2009. Sĩ số:
Period 12
Unit 2 ( Contd)
Lesson 6 :C 2 4 (P.28-29)
A. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice asking, answering about the
names of things.
B. Teaching method:
T Wc, H- H, individual / pair / group work.
C. Teaching aids:
E.6 textbooks, a tape, a stereo, poster.
D. Procedures.
Teachers activities Ssactivities Write on the board
I. Warm up:
- Get some pairs of the Sts to practice
asking and answering
Use : Yes No question in pairs.
- Pair work.
Asking and
answering using
the structure:
Is this/that .?
II. Presentation.
1.Present vocabs.: Elicit from
- a door: cửa chính
- a window: cửa sổ

- a board: cái bảng
- a clock: đồng hồ treo tờng
- a wastebasket: giỏ rác
- a school bag: cặp học sinh.
- a pencil: cái bút chì
- a pen: cái bút mực
- a ruler: cái thớc
- an eraser: hòn
* Check vocab: Matching.
- Get Sts to go to the board to match
2. Model sentences.
(Teacher holds a pen and asks)
? What is this ?
(Teacher points at the door and asks)
? What is that?
Now look at the model and give me the
Checking concept
Look at the
things and give
the meanings.
Go to the board
to match the
word with its

Answer the
( it is a pen)
(it is a door)
Find out the form
- a door: cửa chính
- a window: cửa sổ
- a board: cái bảng
- a clock: đồng hồ treo tờng
- a wastebasket: giỏ rác
- a school bag: cặp học sinh.
- a pencil: cái bút chì
- a pen: cái bút mực
- a ruler: cái thớc
- an eraser: hòn tẩy
2. Model sentences.
What is this ? it is a pen
What is that? it is a door
WHAT IS THIS?(hỏi vật ở
THAT?(hỏi vật ở
IT IS + A/AN + N(danh từ
đém đợc số ít)
Gv:Nguyễn Thị Nhị Hà

Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6
 1. Picture drill : C 2 (P.28)
Gets Ss to look at the pictures and
answer the questions using the structure
T asks-Ssanswer
Ss ask-T answers
Ss ask- Ss answer
- Listen and give
the answers.
-Look at the
pictures and
make the
G1 ask-G2
G2 ask-G1
IV- Further practice.
1. Now, you sit in pairs, asking and
answering about things around you.
2. Noughts and crosses:
T. gives instruction.
Now, you play in 2 groups, a student
from each group chooses the word and
make question “How do you spell this

Then a student from his/her group must
spell that word correctly and his/her
group gets one point
The group has 3 points in a line is the
-Sit in pairs,
asking and
answering things
around the class.
- Listen to the
- Play in two
desk ruler door
clock classroom pen
pencil schoolbag book
What is this/that? and the answer
Classroom vocabulary.
* Homework :
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Do ex. 1, 3 (P.14)
- Practice speaking English with your friends.
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 3 : A 1, 2
Date of pre:
Date of tea: Líp 6A tiÕt ngµy / / 2008. SÜ sè:
Líp 6B tiÕt ngµy / / 2008. SÜ sè:
Líp 6C tiÕt ngµy / / 2008. SÜ sè:
Líp 6D tiÕt ngµy / / 2008. SÜ sè:

Period :13
Unit 3: At home
Lesson 1: A 1-2 (P 30-31)
A. Objectives:
 By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to practise asking and answering with “Wh”
questions with “this, that, these, those” and living room vocab to talk about things in the
B. Teaching method:
 T- wc, individual work, group/pair work.
C. Teaching aids:
 English 6 textbook, picture4, poster.E. Anticipated problem:
D. Procedures:
Gv:NguÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Giáo án TA 6 Trờng THCS Quảng Lộc
Teachers activities Ssactivities Write on the board
I. Warm up:
Now, play in two groups, go to the
board and list the classroom
Play in two groups.
Go to the board
and list the
A pen
G1 G2
- -
- -

II. Presentation:
1. Pre-teach vocab:
Elicit from Sts.
- a house ( pictures)
- a living room ( pictures)
- a telephone ( pictures)
- a lamp (realia)
- a bookshelf ( pictures)
- an armchair ( pictures)
- a table (realia)
- a chair(realia)
- a stereo ( pictures)
* Check vocab: Slap the board: Elicit
them from the Sts.
- T. gives instruction.
- Ask Sts to go to the board to slap
the board in two groups.
-Praise the winner.
2. Presentation text: A2
- Get sts to repeat Wh questions
with this, that about the names of
* Whats this/ that?
Its a table/ chair.
*What are these/ those?
Theyre tables/ chairs.
=> chúng ta dùng these thay cho
this / those thay cho that /
are thay cho is/ they thay cho
it khi danh từ ở dạng số nhiều.(đa

số có s ở đuôi)
* Note:
a-> an ( before u,e,o,a,i)
Look at the
pictures/ real things
and give the
Go to the board
play in two groups
Listen and repeat
Sit in pairs ,
asking and
1. Vocabulary.
- a house :(n) ngôi nhà
- a living room: (n) phòng khách
- a telephone:(n) điện thoại
- a lamp: (n) bóng đèn
- a bookshelf: (n) kệ sách
- an armchair (n) ghế bành
- a table :(n) cái bàn
- a chair:(n) cái ghế
- a stereo
2.Model sentences
*What are these/ those?
Theyre tables/ chairs.
=> chúng ta dùng these thay

cho this / those thay cho
that / are thay cho is/
they thay cho itkhi danh từ
ở dạng số nhiều.(đa số có s ở
* Note: a/an đứng trớc danh từ
đếm đợc số ít
a-> an ( before u,e,o,a,i)
III- Practice:
*Picture drill.
- T. asks sts to use the pictures in A2
(P. 31) to practise asking and
- Listen and give
Gv:Nguyễn Thị Nhị Hà
phòng khách

Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6
- T, models:
S1: What is this?
S2: It’s a pen.
S1: What are these?
S2: They are pens.
Now, sit in pairs, asking and
answering about things in the picture
the answers.
- Pair working.
What are these/those
They are .…………
* Homework:
Learn by heart the new words.
- Practice asking and answeringwith “Wh-Qs” with your friends.
- Do ex. 1,2 (p.17, 18)
- Prepare the new lesson : A3,4.
Date of pre:
Date of tea: Líp 6A tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6B tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6C tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6D tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Period 14
Unit 3 : At home.
Lesson 2 : A 3 - 5 ( P. 32- 34)
A. Objectives:

 - By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to practice speaking English about family
B. Teaching method:
 T – Wc, H – H, pair/group/individual / team work.
C. Teaching aids:
 E.6 textbook, a tape, a stereo. Pictures.
D. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities Ss’activities Write on the board
I-Warm up:
 Noughts and crosses.
Now, you play the game in two teams,
choose the number then make the
question and answer it. the team has the
correct results which in a line first is the
+ T. modles: S1: What is this?
S2: It is a TV.
- Praise the winner.
- Listen to T.
- Play in two
A lamp

A stereo
II. Presentation:
 1. Pre teach vocab:
Elicit from sts.
- Lisen and give
Gv:NguÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Gi¸o ¸n TA 6 Trêng THCS Qu¶ng Léc
- my
- his
- her
- your
* Check vocab: R.O.R
 2. A3:
Set the scene.
A. Pre reading:
* T / F statement prediction.
- T. gives instruction.
1- Ba is twelve years old and he is a
2- Mr.Ha is a teacher.
3- Ba’s mother is Ngoc and she’s a
4- Ba’s sister , Lan is a teacher.

5- There ar 5 people in BA’s family.
+ Collect Sts’ ideas.
the answers.
- Listen and
repeat then
- Go to the
board and
rewrite the
- Listen to the
- Predict
then pair
321- vocabs:
- my
- his
- her
- your
* T / F statement
1- Ba is twelve years old and he
is a student.(T)
2- Mr.Ha is a teacher.(T)
3- Ba’s mother is Ngoc and
she’s a worker(F)
4- Ba’s sister , Lan is a teacher.

5- There ar 5 people in BA’s
B. While reading:
* Check prediction:
- Ask Sts to read the text and check with
your prediction
( correct the wrong sentences)
individually then pair
- Get feed back from the Sts
- Read the text
and check their
- Give the
Pre-speaking A4
* Dialogue built : T. gives instruction.
- Ask Sts to practice reading then go to
the board and fill in the missing words.
S1: - …………. that?
S2: It’s ……………
S1: -…………….her…………… ?
S2 : ………………… Nga.
* Get Sts to play the roles and practice
the dialogue
Listen and read
the dialogue
Practice the
dialogue in

Dialogue built
S1: …………. …….that?
S2: It’s ……………
S1: ……….her………?
S2 : ………………… Nga.

Practice :
1. Word cue drill : T. gives instruction.
+ Mrs. Nga / 35
+ Mrs. Ha / 40
+ Lan / 15
+ Mr. Tan / 55
+ Nam / 17
* Make an exchange: T- Wc, H-H,
open/close pairs.
Asking and
answering using
the given
Example exchange
S1- Who is that?
S2-That’s hismother/father/…
S1-What’s his/her name?
S2-His/Her name’s Nga/Ha…
C- Production
Describe and Draw.
Get ss to draw their families then sit in
pairs asking and answering with the
Describe and

sit in pairs
asking and
Gv:NguyÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6
information answering with
the information
S1-Who’s this?
S2-it’s my mother.
S1-What’s her name?
S2-Her name’s Tam
S1-How old is she?
S2-She is 55 years old
Asking and answering about names/ages/
Introduce some one
* Home work:
- Describe about your family.
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Prepare B1-2.
- Do ex. 3,4 (P.20-21).
- Prepare the new lesson : B1,2(P.35-36)

Date of pre:
Date of tea: Líp 6A tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6B tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6C tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Líp 6D tiÕt ngµy / / 2009. SÜ sè:
Period 15
Unit 3 :(Cont’d )
Lesson 3 : B1 , 2 (P.35-36)
A. Objectives:
 - By the end of the lesson. Sts wil be able to practice counting numbers from 21 to 100
and pronunciation of plural nouns ( s/ iz/z) perfectly.
B. Teaching method:
 T- Wc, H – H, pair/ group/ individual work.
C. Teaching aids:
 English 6 textbook, poster, picturre 7,8
D. Procedures.
Teacher’s activities Ss’activities Write on the board
I. Warm up:
 Broard drill.
- T. gives instruction.
Now listen and answer the questions by
telling the alphabet
T points at the number and asks.
+ T. asks: What is number 9?
+ The alphabets:
- Listen to the
- Listen and

a -

II. Presentation
 1. Pre teach vocab:
Elicit from Sts.
- thrity/ thirty-one ……
- forty/forty-one .…………
- fifty/ thirty- one ………

- Listen and
give the
- thrity/ thirty-one ……
- forty/forty-one .…………
- fifty/ thirty- one ………
- sixty/sixty-one…………
- seventy/seventy-one .……
Gv:NguÔn ThÞ NhÞ Hµ
