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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 8 Celebrations

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Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 9.
Period 49
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Get further information about celebrations in the world.
- Practice reading comprehension skill for details to complete a table
II. Language contents:
Vocabulary: sticky rice cake, occur, live apart, Israel, Jewish,
Passover, slavery, joyful, parade
Language skills: Practice reading and listening skill.
III. Teaching aids
textbook, tape, cassettes, posters.
IV. Procedure
1. Checking up:
Use the connectives to combine each pair of the sentences:
1. He is very tired. He has to finish his homework (but).
2. The room is very small. It's quite comfortable (although).
2. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Warm up
T: Ask Ss to work in groups and make a list of famous
celebrations in Vietnam and world wide.
In the time allowed, group with the longest list will be
the winner.
T: Ask Ss further questions about facts of the above
Eg: In which country do people celebrate ?
What do they do?

2. Presentation
T: Teach vocabulary
T: Asks Ss to work with a partner. Match the icons
with the names of the celebration they present.
- Correct the Answers.
3. Practice
T: Have Ss listen and read the passage about
celebrations in Vietnam and in other countries and ask
them to complete the table with five heading.
- Gives some new words, explains and asks Sts to
- T: Asks Ss to work in group . Read the passage in
the book and then give the answers.
Mother's day
Thanksgiving day

Lunar New Year
Mid- fall Festival
Teacher's day
May Day
I. Getting started
1. Easter
2. Wedding
3. Birthday
4. Christmas

5. Mid – fall
6. Lunar New Year
1.New words
- Sticky rice cake (n): traditional chung cake
- Occur (v): happen, take place
- Helps Sts to complete.
- Calls some Sts to write down their answers.
- Corrects the mistake and give answers.
 Discussion
- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering the
- Live apart (v): far away
- Israel: n-íc Israel
- Jewish (adj)
- Passover (n):
- Slavery (adj): condition or work of slave.
- Joyful (adj): cheerful
- Parade (n,v): march with display
2. Complete the table
When? Activities Food Country
In late
or early
Clean and

g homes,
y rice
march or
d the
the same
time as

crowd the
In many
3. Discussion
1. When does Tet occur ?
2. What do our people do at Tet ?
3. What special food do they eat ?
4. Which country celebrate Tet ?
4. Consolidation
- Summarize the main points.
5. Homework
- Revise the lesson
- Prepare " SPEAK"
Period 50
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Give and respond to a compliment for common situations.
- Complete a song by filling the missing words and update themselves with the information about one of the

best known songs in English – speaking countries.
II. Language contents:
Vocabulary: contest, take part in, charity program/ activities, activist, nominate.
acquaintance, bring to mind, kindness, trusty
Language skills: Practice speaking and listening skill
III. Teaching aids
textbook, tape, cassettes, posters
IV. Procedure
1. Checking up:
2. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Warm up
T: Call on a Ss to answer to questions.
- Do you usually give a compliment? On which
occasion? To whom?
2. Pre – speaking
1.New words:
Contest (English speaking contest) (n)
Competition (n): cuéc thi
Take part in (v): participate: tham gia
T: Teach vocabulary
T: Let Ss to play the game “slap the board”.
T: Introduce the structure to give and respond to a
T: Demonstrate by the first situation in the book “Trang
has just won the first prize in the English.
speaking contest”
3. While – speaking
T: Ask Ss to work in pairs. Read the situations in the
book and then give and respond to appropriate

Ss: Work in pairs and give responds.
T: Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue before
4. Post – speaking
T: Tell Ss to work with another partner: think of the
situations in which you can compliments your friends
and respond from his/her or them, then make up
dialogues with your partner.
T: May give suggestions such as:
+ Passing the final/ entrance exam.
+ Graduating from university.
+ Winning the first prize in a singing contest.
+ Having finished making a birthday card.
T: Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue in front of
- Feedback and give suggested answers.
Charity activities (n):
Activist (n):
Nominate (v):
Acquaintance (n):
Bring to mind (v): remember
Kindness (n):
Trusty (a):
2. Compliments
Give a compliment Respond a compliment
Well done Thanks
That’s a great/an
It is nice if you to say so

Let me congratulate
you on
That’s very kind if you
 Example
Mai: well done, Trang
Trang: Thanks
3. Practice
 Suggested answers:
b, Mother: well done, Huyen
Huyen: Thanks, Mom
c, Friends: congratulations on your nomination,
Tuan: It’s nice of you to say so.
d, You: That’s excellent drawing, Hoa
Hoa: That’s very nice of you to say so.
5. Listening
T: Set the scene “On new year’s Eve, many people in
western countries hold parties which last until late into
the night. It’s traditional to greet the new year at
midnight and celebrate the first minutes of the year in
the company of friends and family people may dance,
sing and drink a toast to the year ahead. After the
celebrations, it is time to make new year resolutions and
these are a list of decisions about how to live in the
coming year. Horns are blown at midnight, and people
hug and kiss to begin the new year with much love and
happiness. Auld Lang Syne, with words by Robert
Burns, is often sung at midnight on New Year’s Eve.
Auld lang syne is one of the best known song in English
speaking countries. Auld lang syne means the times

gone past; the good old days. In scot Auld = old; lang =
long; syne = since.
T: Play the tape several times if necessary.
T: Tell Ss to compare the answers with a friend.
- Call on some Ss to read/sing the song aloud in front of
- Give feedback and give correct answers.
T: Ask Ss to work in group and discuss:
“What do you and your family usually does on New
Year’s Eve (lunar New Year)?
 Suggested answers:
1. Trang: Well done, Bao
Bao: Thank you a lot.
2. Hung: Let me congratulation on your
Huong: That’s very kind of you.
4. Listening
a. day
b. Take
c. Mind
d. Hand
e. Kindness
 Suggested answers
- Go out in the streets.
- See fireworks display.
- Hold year- end party.
- Wait for lucky money.
8. Drill

T: Summarize the main points and structures to give a compliment and respond to a compliment.
9. Homework
- Summarize the main points.
- Learn by heart all new words.
- Prepare “ Read”.
Period 51
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get to know about more one of the important celebrations in
Australia and the USA: Father's Day through the reading about opinions, feelings and memories of children
about their father.
II. Language contents:
Vocabulary: Lose heart, groom, hug, considerate,
priority, sense of humor, distinguish, terrific, proud of .
Language skills: Practice Reading skill
III. Teaching aids
textbook, Hand outs with further information about Father's Day.
IV. Procedure
1. Checking up:
T: Call on some Ss to read the song.
" Auld Lang Syne" again.
2. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Warm up
Table completion
Divide Ss into small groups. Each group is given a piece
of card containing 10 important celebrations in Vietnam
and their dates. The card is in two columns: Celebration

and date.
Group with the complete table in the shortest time will
- Have to complete the table by filling either the
date or celebration.
be the winer.
Celebration Date
1. 1.1
2. Valentine’s day
3. 8.3
4. April fool ’s day
5. 30.4
6. May day
7. 15.8
8. 20.11
9. People’s army founding anniversary
10. 24. 12
2. Pre – reading
T: Introduces new vocabulary.
T: Ask Ss to make sentences with the new words given.
- Write down new words and read after the teacher.
*Setting the scene
On Father’s Day in Australia and in the USA, children
show their love to to their fathers by giving their father
presents, cards
Have Ss work in 2 groups
Get them to close the book and think of the adjectives
that children use to talk about their fathers.
3. While – reading
Get Ss to open the books on page 68, read the opinions

and check their predictions.
-Call on Ss to give answers.
-Give feddback.
T: Sets the scene "Father's Day in the time when the
children show their feelings, respect, and great love to
Celebration Date
1. Lunar New year 1.1*
2. Valentine’s day 14.2
3. International Women’s day 8.3
4. April fool ’s day 1.4
5. Victory day 30.4
6. May day 1.5
7. Mid fall festival 15.8*
8. Teacher’s day 20.11
9. People’s army founding
10. 24. 12
1.New words
Lose heart (v):
Groom (n):
Hug (v):
Considerate (a):
Priority (n):
Sense of humor (n):
Distinguish (v):
Terrific (a):
Proud of (a):
2. Prediction
their fathers. The followings are

opinions, feelings and memories of children about their
T: Divides class into three groups. Each group read one
passage answer questions about it.
T: Call on representative from each group to read the
answers aloud.
- Make any necessary corrections.
- Give correct answers.
T: Ask Ss one additional question.
"What image of a father can you draw from the 3
T: Calls on some Ss to read the passages aloud.
4. Post – Reading
T: Tells Ss to work in groups of 3 to 4 and discuss about
their fathers
Suggested question are:
Can you tell me about your father?
How old is he?
What does he do?
What does he look like?
What do you like best about him?
What are your feelings and opinions aloud him?
Which memories do you have about your father that you
remember until now?
strong great


the best

handsome terrific


3. Comprehension questions
 Answers
+ Rita (Australia)
a. To her father
- He teaches her how to love, cry and laugh
+ Jane (USA)
b. He is possibly dead. These ideas may tell about
that:"… how much you are missed, … I now
have children, Dad…?
- Yes, she is married with some children on her
weeding day, her father stood and gave her a hug.
+ Bob (Australia)
- He is considerate, generous and humorous
c. His scene of humor makes him different from
Yes, he is.
d. a father can be a teacher, a care taker and a
4. Discussion
5. Drill
- Asks Sts to read the poem again
6. Homework
- Summarize the main points.
- do exercise in post – reading and learn by heart new words.

- Prepare " WRITE".
Period 52
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter to a friend to share their ideas about particular
issue (there should be a day for mother or father in Vietnam).
II.Language contents:
Vocabulary: essential, enhance, tradition, support, outdoor, national wide.
Language skills: Practice writing skill.
III. Teaching aids
textbook, teaching plant
IV. Procedure
1. Checking up:
Exercise book and write new words.
2. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Warm up
Provide a number of words and ask Ss to
work in groups to classify them under three
headings: who, which and when.
New year’s Eve, gift, song, people, friend,
Australian, tourist, mother’s day. National
day, season, cake, keyboard, mid – autumn
Who Which When

New year’s eve
Mother’s day
National day
Mid-autumn festival
2. Pre - Writing
T: Introduce the new words.
- Write down all new words.
- Listen and brainstorm.
-Ask Ss to keep their books closed, show the
outline on the board.
-Get Ss to put the parts in the correct order.
-Call on Ss to give answers.
-Give feddback.
*Ask Ss to give details about
+ When to celebrate, in what
season, or what mont? Why?
+ How to celebrate: having
parties, sending cards
+ What sepcial gift to give?
+ What special food to offer?
T: Set the scene" In Vietnam people do not
celebrate mother's day or father's Day. You
think It is necessary to have a day to
celebrate for your mom and another for your

dad. Write to a friend to share this idea. Now
work with a friend to brainstorm the seasons
for celebrating, when and how to celebrate
these days.
T: Gather some ideas and tell Ss to open the
3. While – Writing
T: Ask Ss to follow the outline and work
1. New words
Essential (a):
Enhance (v):
Tradition (n):
Support (v):
Nationwide (n):
+ When to celebrate, in what season, or what month? Why?
+ How to celebrate: having parties, sending cards
+ What sepcial gift to give?
+ What special food to offer?
Paragraph 1: (3)
Paragraph 2: (1)
Paragraph 3: (2)
3. Writing
 Answers
In my opinion, it is import to have a day to celebrate
for our parents.
The first reason for this is that, on these occasion,
children will have a special day to express their feelings,
memories and great love for their parents. We have an

opportunity to enhance family traditions. Besides, members
of families can have a chance to get together, to know one
another and to help one another.
I think first Sunday of April is the most suitable day
to celebrate because Sunday is a day off so everybody is free
from work or study. Moreover, April is in late spring or early
summer, and then weather is generally fine at this time of the
year, many activities can happen outdoor.
independently to write a letter to a friend as
- Ask Ss to compare their writing with a
- Call on some Ss to read their writing aloud.
- Comment and give suggested answers if
4. Post – writing
" Peer correction"
T: Ask Ss to work with a friend, exchange
their writings and correct for each other.
Ss are asked to recognize their friend's
mistakes in the writing and offer the
suggested corrections.
T: Pick up some typical writing to correct in
front of class.
It is not necessary to have parties but it’s good idea to
have a family gathering when members have lunch or dinner
together. Children should give their parents flowers, send
them cards, or bring them a special cake. Children also
should serve their parents the food that they like best.
In conclusion, I believe the idea will be supported and

the day will be celebrated nationwide because everybody
loves their parents and wants their parents to be happy.
- Read the writing aloud.
5. Drill
- Summarize the main points.
6. Homework
- Learn by heart all new words and outline to write a letter.
- Prepare " Language focus".
Period 53
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Recognize and distinguish relative clauses.
- Know how to use them in various situations.
II.Language contents:
Grammar: + Relative clauses.
+ Adverb clauses of concession.
Language skills: Practice writing skill.
III. Teaching aids
textbook, teaching plant, handouts on additional exercises.
IV. Procedure
1. Checking up:
Supply the correct word from:
a. There are many …… throughout the year (celebrate)
b. He wants to …… his room (decorate
c. Tet is a ……… festival of Vietnamese people (joy)
2. New lesson
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Warm up

Relative clause completion 1. New year’s Eve is the night when….
Ask Ss to work in groups.
Say the first clause of complex sentence.
Call at random on members of the groups to
complete the sentences.
Students with no reaction (no answers) in less then 5
seconds will be the loser.
- Work in groups.
Can use their own ideas but they have to make sense
Sentences need to be completed:
2. Presentation 1
T: Tell Ss how to identify a relative clause compare:
"The word crowded in the first sentence is an
adjective, which are crowded" is a clause (it has a
finite verb: are). The clause is doing exactly the
same work as the adjective: it is describing the
holiday resorts. So we can call it an adverbial clause,
or (more usually) a relative clause because it
"relative" to the noun in this case by means of the
word "which" relative clause can describe persons,
things and events. The appropriate relative pronouns
are "who", "which" and "when".
There are 2 kinds of relative clause in written
Relative clause without comas are called "defining"
or "identifying clauses" they provide essential
information about the subject or object.
Eg: what kind of book with be popular?
The book which contains pictures.
Relative clause with comas are called "now –

defining clauses" they provide additional
information, which are be omitted/ removed.
2. April fools’ Day is a day when …
- Crowded holiday resorts are not very pleasant.
-> Holiday resorts which are crowded are not very
1. Join the sentences. Use relative clauses
Ss: Do exercise and compare the answers with a
Tet is a festival. Tet occurs in late January or early
-> Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or
early February.
* Answers
a. Auld Lang Syne is a song which is song on New
year's Eve.
b. This watch is a gift which was given to me by my
aunt on my 14
c. My friend Tom, who sings western songs.
d. We often go to the town cultural house, which
always open on public holidays.
e. We like reading books which tell about different
people and their cultures.
f. On my mom's birthday my dad gave her roes,
which were very sweet and beautiful.
Eg: the book, which contains pictures, will be
3. Practice 1

T: Tell Ss to do exercise 1. Join the sentences. Use
relative clauses
T: Make necessary corrects and give correct
3. Practice 2:
T: Ask Ss to study the picture in the book and use
the relative clauses to describe each of the people in
the pictures. Follow the example in the book.
g. Judy likes the fall moon festival, which is
celebrated in mid fall, very much.
h. Tomorrow I'll go to the air port to meet my friends,
who come to stay with us during Christmas.
2. Describe each of the people in the pictures
- I am the boy who is wearing a while T - Short.
- My aunt Judy is the woman who is holding Jack.
* Suggested answers:
- Mom is the woman who is sitting in a armchair
receiving a gift from the little girl.
- Dad is the man who is standing behind my sister.
- Linda is he girl who is wearing a pink dress/ giving
a gift to mom.
- Grandmother is the woman who is wearing a violet
blouse/ giving a gift to the baby.
- Uncle John is the man who is wearing a pink
- Jack is the little boy who is sitting on his mother's
3. Join the sentences

- Though, although, even though (mÆc dï, dï)+
-> These express the opposite ideas.
Eg: Thu Ha is not satisfied with her preparations for
Tet even though she has decorated her house and
made plenty of cakes.
 Answers:
b. Although we don't have a mother's Day in
Vietnam, Dad and I have special gift and parties for
Ss: Look at the example and do exercise in
- Compare the answers with a partner.
T: Call on some Ss to read their answers.
- Give suggested answer.
4. Presentation 3
T: Explain the meaning of "though, although, even
though + clause, and the examples.
4. Practice 3
T: Have Ss done exercise 3. join the sentences, use
the words in the brackets.
Ss: work in pairs:
- Compare the sentences with a friend.
T: Call on some Ss to read their answers in front of
the class.
my Mom very year on the 8
of March.
c. we went to Hanoi to watch the parade on the
National Day last year even though we live in Nam

d. Many tourists enjoy festivals in Vietnamese
culture very much.
e. Event though in Australia Christmas season is in
summer, Australian enjoy Christmas as much as
people in European countries do.
f. Although Jim came to the show late due to the
traffic jam, he could see the main part of the show.
4. Complete the sentences. Use the
correct tense of the verbs and the
 Answers:
a. although Mrs. Thoa was tired, she helped Tuan
with his homework.
b. Even though Liz has an examination tomorrow,
she is still watching TV now.
c. It rained yesterday although the weather bureau
predicted the weather would be fine.
d. Ba ate a lot of food although he wasn't hungry.
e. Even though the keyboard wasn't working well,
Mary tried to finish letter.
- Feedback and give correct answers. Notice that
there is not "but" in the complex sentences with
"though, though, even though".
4. Practice 4
T: Tell Ss to do exercise 4. look at the picture and
complete the sentences by using "Thought,
although, even though" use the correct tense of the
verbs and the information.
T: Let Ss check the answer for each other.
- Feedback and give correct answer.

4. Practice 5
- Helps Sts to complete exercise 4.
- Asks Ss to work in groups.
- Let Ss check the answer for each other.
- Feedback and give correct answer.
- Calls Ss to write down the answers on the board.
- Remarks and corrects the mistakes.
5. Drill
- Repeat the relative clause and Adverb clauses of concession.
- Join the sentences. Use relative clauses.
a. She is a nurse. She took care of me.
b. Is this the book? You want me to read it?
6. Homework
- Summarize the main points.
- Prepare "UNIT 9 – getting started + listen and read".
