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GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy


Unit 12
Week:6/ Second term
Period: 71

Lesson 1: Reading

I. Aim: By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to:
- understand the passage about ways of water sports
- Guessing meaning in context, passage comprehension.
II. Language contents:
- Grammar: Transitive verbs ; Intransitive verbs
- Vocabulary: Vertical,Water polo ,Interfer,Opponent,Eject,Punch
III. Techniques:
- Silent reading, communicative approach.
IV. Teaching aids:
- Cassette recorder, tape, pictures.
V. Procedure:
Students’ and teacher’s


 Warm up:
Show some pictures and ask sts to call the name
- Ask students to look at the

of these sports.Then the teacher introduces the
pictures, then answer the
picture which talks about water sports.Lead sts to
the new lesson.
- What sport games do you see New words:
in the pictures?
 Vertical: phương thẳng đứng / cột đứng
 Water polo: môn bóng nước
- Students work with a partner,
 Interfere: xen vào / can thiệp vào
discuss the following questions  Opponent: phản đối
1 à 3 (page 128)
 Penalize: punish
- Call on some pairs to practise
 Eject: đuổi ra
asking and answering the
 Foul: bad play
 Punch: đập bóng
‚ Pre-reading:
- Have students listen to the
Task 1:
1. to opponent: someone who tries to defeat
- Silent reading and finding
another person in a competition
some new words.
2. penalize: to punish a team or player who
- Teacher explains some new

breaks the rules
words, then ask students to
3. eject: to make someone leave a game
listen and repeat.
4. foul: an action in sports that is against the
- Have students read the words 5. tie: a situation in a game when two teams
in the box, then fill each blank
have the same scores
with a suitable word.
ƒ While-reading:

GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

Task 2:
- Call on some students to
1. 1.8 – 30m – 20m
present in front of the class.
2. white caps – blue caps – red caps with the
w Students work in groups:
number 1 in white
- Scan the passage, and discuss 3. their own goal line
to complete the table.
4. holding or punching the ball
- Have some students read
5. five to eigh minutes

their answer out loud.
„ After you read:
- Teacher corrects their
Task 3:
mistakes if necessary.
1. people can play it in a pool
2. It is in the centre of the pool
3. The ball can be advanced by passing with one
w Students work in pairs:
hand or swimming with the head above the
- Answer the questions (page
water and the ball between the arms so it rides
on the wave created by the swimmer’s head
- Teacher goes around to help 4. Only the goalie can hold / is allowed to hold
them solve the problems.
the ball with both hands
w Students work in groups:
5. the player is ejected after committing five
- Name the sports in
personal fouls
which Vietnamese
Water polo
athlete have won gold
Places to play
medals at the water polo Number of
Main rules
Lengh of game

Learn by heart new words
… Homework:
• Prepare speaking



GA 12

Unit 12


GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

Week:6/ Second term

Lesson 2: Speaking

I. Aim: By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to:
- understand and talk about other forms of water sports
- Asking for and giving the names with water sports.
II. Language contents:
- Grammar: Transitive verbs ; Intransitive verbs
- Vocabulary: Scuba – diving,Windsurfing,Synchronized swimming
III. Techniques. :- Communicative approach

IV. Teaching aids:- Pictures
V. Procedure:


GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

Students’ and teacher’s


 Warm up:
- Have students arrange the jumbled words to make
w Students work in groups
the complete questions.
and discuss what the word
The teacher introduces some New words:
 Scuba – diving: lặn có bình khí
new words and ask sts
 Windsurfing: lướt ván
questions which can lead sts
 Synchronized swimming: bơi nghệ thuật
to the new lesson.
‚ Pre-speaking:

Task1: Match the names with the approriate water
1. Swimming
- Have students read some
2. water polo.
information from the table.
3. synchronized swimming
- Call on 2 students to
4. windsurfing
practise the pictures
5. scuba diving
6. rowing
ƒ While-speaking:
Task2: Look at the table and talk about each of
water sports
w Students work in pairs:
- Ask and answer the
questions about the water
sports, using the information
in boxes
- Ask some pairs to practise
the dialogues.



required to

play with
Water polo Pool
Sea,lake Boat, oars
Windsurfing Sea,lake Board, sail
Scuba sea
Air tank,
wet suit,
mask, fins

Number of
players /

Ex: Water polo is played in a pool. It is played with a ball and people play it in a team
„ Post- speaking
w Students
groups: Which of the above sports would you prefer playing /
in? explain

- Have students
read thewhy
I prefer scubato water polo because it is adventurous. However it can be
from diving
the table.
you can
- Call on some
to easily be attacked by sharks
- In 30 words write about
athletes or sports you like


GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

- Prepare listening


UNIT 12:
Week:7 / Second term
Period: 73


Lesson 3: Listening

I. Aim: By the end of the lesson , sts will be able
- Listen to the passage and fill in the gaps about
other forms of water sports
- Listen to some specific information
- Multiple choice questions, comprehension
II. Language contents:
- Grammar: Transitive verbs ; Intransitive verbs
- Vocabulary:equipment,Synchronized
III. Techniques:- Listening comprehension,
communicative approach.
IV. Teaching aids:- Cassette recorder
V. Procedure:
Students’ and teacher’s


GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

 Warm up:
Ask sts to listen to the teacher Write five water sports they enjoy doing m
and tick the words they hear .
Suggested words :
If sts have all the five words
Swimming- Water polo –Windsurfing –ro
ticked first , they will win the
–Jet-skiing –Synchronizedswimming- Sail
game , Then say out “BINGO”
Water skiing Surfing – Boding boading W
Lead in:
‚ Before you listen:
New words :
Ask sts to listen and repeat
chorally and individually these Synchronizedswimming
Annette Kellerman
Katherine Curtis
Chicago Teacher’s College
Wright Junior College
Amateur Athletic Union
ƒ While you listen:
Answer the questions
1.Which water sport is played Tapescript:

The great australian swimmer, Annette
in a swimming pool or in the
Kellerman, student at the university of
Wisconsin, planted the first seed of what wa
2. What equipment?
become synchronized swimming when she
3. How many players?
performed a water ballet in a glass tank in
- Have students look at the
Newyork in 1907.
pictures and answer the
Katherine Curtis an American woman, was
questions. (1 à 3:page132)
inspired by the new water sport. So she tried
- Play the tape : Have students
get synchronized swimming added to physi
listen and repeat the words
education programme for female students. I
1923 she founded a water ballet club at the
university of Chicago and sixty swimmers o
club attracted national and international
The sport quickly became popular among y
women in Chicago. Curtis developed the
competition rules based essentially on the
scoring methods used in gymnastics and div
Students word individually:
The first recorded competition was held on
- Have students listen twice
27, 1939 between Chicago Teacher’s colleg

and choose the best answer for
coached by Curtis and Wright Junior Colleg
the questions.
Shortly afterwards, the Central Association
the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) staged
first multi- team competition on March 1, 1
the following year, the AAU officially acce
synchronized swimming as a competitive sp

GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

Have students listen again and
answer the questions.
- Call on some students to
answer the questions.
- Teacher corrects their
mistakes, and explains some

for team events. In 1946 the first formal nat
championships were conducted by the AAU
Synchronized swimming became an Olymp
event at the Los Angeles Games in 1984
Task1: Complete
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B
5. A

„ After you listen:
Students work in groups:
Task2: Answer the questions
- Have students talk about a
1. The great Australian swimmer, Annette
famous athlete they know.
Kellerman did.
- Call on some students to
2. she founded a water ballet club in 1923
present their ideas in front of
3. Curtis did
4. They were conducted in 1946
5. It became an Olympic event in 1984
- In not more than 50 words … Homework:
write a paragraph about a
famous athlete they know.
• COMMENTS:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

UNIT 12:
Week:7/ Second term
Period :74


Lesson 4: WRITING
I. Aim: By the end of the lesson , sts will be able
- understand the instructions.
- Write instrutions on how to play a game.
II. Language contents:

- Grammar:Transitive verbs ; Intransitive verbs
II. Language contents:
- Grammar: Transitive verbs ; Intransitive verbs
- Vocabulary: The words that can describe the
preparations for warm up
exercises before swimmng.
III. Techniques :- Communicative approach,
IV. Teaching aids:- Pictures.
V. Procedure:

GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

Students’ and teacher’s


 Warm up:
- Arrange the jumbled letters to make the
Students work in groups,
meaningful words:
discuss what the words mean
• Keys: row,windsurfing
‚ Pre-writing:
Give a situation “Suppose Vietnam is going

- Teacher asks sts a situation
hold the water sports, what will we have to
,sts listen to the teacher and
prepare for the games? “
then give the answer
- Ask students to work in pairs: Ex:
A- What will your country do first?
practise asking and answering
ƒ While-writing:
about the situation.
B – We’ll have to build one
Below are the instructions for warm-up exe
more swimming pools and
before swimming. Read and match each
some sports building .
- Have students read some
a. stand with your feet apart, push both
information from the table and
out straight in front of you
discuss about the preparations
b. raise your hands above your head, loo
for the Games.
straigh ahead.
- Teacher goes around to help
c. Put out your arms to the sides horizon
d. Put down your arms to the first positi

„ Post- writing:

Have students write a
Look at the pictures below. Write the
paragraph of 120 words to
instructions for one warm-up exercise befor
describe the preparations for
playing water polo. Use the verbs in the box
the games, using the cues
a. Set yourself in vertical position
b. Stand with your feet apart, raise your ha
- Students may begin with:
above your head
“To prepare for water
c. Bend forward, fingertips touch the groun
sports, . . . . “
d. Then bend again, fingertips touch the gr
- Call on some students to read
between the feet
their writing out loud.
e. Finnally put each arm back to the first
- Teacher gives some remarks.
@ Verbs are used in the imperative form
… Homework:
- Ask students to perfect the
writing and prepare Language
• COMMENTS:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy


Week:7/ Second term
Period : 75


Lesson 5:
I. Aim: By the end of the lesson , sts will be able
- Pronounce correctly the elision in a sentence.
- Distinguish the differences between transitive
and intransitive verbs
II. Language contents:
- Grammar:Transitive verbs ; Intransitive verbs
- Pronunciation : elision and grammar in the
III. Techniques- Communicative approachWriting- Listening

GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

IV. Teaching aids:- Text book, color chalk
V. Procedure:
Students’ and teacher’s
Divide the class into 3
groups.Tell sts to
pronounce the words .
Check if they are
pronounced correctly.
Ask sts to look at the
chart and elicit the
pronounciationof the

Language focus:
- Have students listen to the
tape and repeat the words
Students work in groups:
- Ask them when they can
recognize transitive and
intransitive verbs
- Have some groups give
Students work in pairs:
1) – Ask students to complete
the sentences, using a suitable
sentence in the box to
2) – Ask students to complete
each of the sentences, using
transitive and intransitive verb


1. Warm up:
Hang on a Flipchartwith the words :
Potato - tomato – canary- today- tonight –p
correct – perhaps.
Pronounce the words correctly.
2. Practice:
Reading the sentences in the textbooks
Listen and repeat
a. My grandmother is very interested in his
b. There are a lot of old castles in Edinburg
c. I saw the handsome postman entering th
d. My family paid a visit to that castle two
e. The meal was awful this evening
• Transitive verbs :
Transitive verbs are verbs with objects s
as “ do, like, climb, deliver, meet, ….
Ex: my mother does housework every day.
His family met him at airport yesterday
• Intransitive verbs:
Intransitive verbs: are verbs without obje
Ex: These young children are sleeping

Exercise 1: Which of the following verbs c
have an object, and which cannot

The intransitive verbs: sleep, lie, occur, arri
rain, exist
Exercise 2: tick the right column
1. happened (in)
2. bought (T)
3. won (T)
4. won (In)
5. arrived (T)
6. are staying (In)
7. is blowing (In)
8. walked (In)
• Most transitive verbs can be used in t

GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

3) – Ask students to tick (ü)
the T and I in each sentence
- Teacher goes around to check
their answers, then correct
them in front of the class.

- Ask students to do exercises
1, 2 (page 136 – 137) exercise


• Intransitive verbs can never be used i
• WH questions: “ who, whom, what”
usually have object. So verbs used in
transitive verb
Exercise 3: Choose the sentences that have
objects and then change them to the passive
1. The bill will be paid
2. Towels are supplied
3. My mistakes were noticed
4. I wasn’t surprised by the news
5. the story was told by an old man
3. Homework:

- Prepare unit 13 : Reading

New words:
 Vertical: phương thẳng đứng / cột đứng
 Water polo: môn bóng nước
 Interfere: xen vào / can thiệp vào
 Opponent: phân đôi

 Penalize: punish
 Eject: đuổi ra
 Foul: bad play
 Punch: đập bóng
 Crossbar: xà ngang
 Goalie = goalkeeper
 Scuba – diving: lặn có binh khí
 Windsurfing: lướt ván
 Synchronized swimming: bơi nghệ thuật
 Air tank: bình khí
 Fins: đồ bơi
I. Pronunciation
Listen and repeat

GA 12

Thị Như
i. My family paid a visit GV:
to that
f. years
My grandmother
is very interested in

j. The
meal was awful this evening
II. Grammar:
• Transitive verbs are verbs with objects
such as “ do, like, climb, deliver, meet,
• Form: S + V + O
• The sentences have transitive verb, we
can change them into passive voice
Ex: my mother does housework every day.
His family met him at airport yesterday
• Intransitive verbs are verbs without
Ex: These young children are sleeping

Choose the best anwers
9. Books that give fact about real events,
things, or people are called
a. novel
b. biography c. romance
d. non-fiction
10. Fiction is a type of literature that descibes
people and events.
a. imaginary
b. real
c. historic
d. important
11. A ……… novelist, she wrote more

than forty books.
a. famous b. popular c. prolific d.
12. ……knowledge can be acquired from
books, skills must be learned through
a. Whereasb. Whereof
c. Whereby
d. Wherefore
13. I have only had time to ……….
report before going to the meeting.
a. taste
b. dip into c. chew
d. swallow
14. Have you read the book by Nelson
Mandela, …… Long Way to Freedom?
a. reviewed
b. revised c.
illustrated d. entitled
15. If you want to learn how to operate a
computer, you should read its …….
a. reference book b. guidebook c.
instruction manual
d. craft book
B. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c
or d - that best completes the sentences.

GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

a. obtain
obtaining was the
c. have
woman ………..governor in the United
Since the 1930's chemical insecticides
such as D.D.T ……..very effective in
destroying disease-carrying insects.:
a. proved b. was proved
c. has
d. have proved
19. I shouldn't ………so much coffee last
night I was wide awake till four in the
a. drink b. drank c. be drunk

have drunk
20. I didn't see anyone but I felt as though I
a. have been watched b. was being
c. be watched d. am watched
21. The profits are supposed ……….
among the shareholders.
a.to divide b. to be divided
dividing d. being divided
22. This popular TV game show ……by
about 10 million people every Saturday
a. has been watching
b. is watching
c. watches d. is watched
23. When you are on duty, your uniform
must …….at all times.
a. wear
b. be wear c. be worn
d. be wearing
24. The crew of the tanker were fortunate
………just minute before it sank in heavy
a. rescuing b. to rescue
c. to have
d. to have been rescued

25. While the builders were repairing the
roof they ………. the bathroom window.
. a. break b. broke c. have broken
d. was broken
26. You promised her a letter; you ought to
………. days ago.
a. write
b. be writing
d. be written
Choose the word which has the underlined
part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. a.events.
b. spirit
c. asian
d. silver
2. a. gold
b. region
c. organize
d. game
3. a. trained
b. proved
c. impressed
d. performed
4. a. competitor b. medal
c. level
d. development

5. a. honor
b. high
c. host
d. hold
Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes

GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

each unfinished sentence, substitutes the
underlined part, or has a close meaning to
the original one.
6. In ……………….
Games, Vietnam won 158 ……….. gold
a. 0/ the
b. the / 0
c. a / the
d. the / the
7. …………….. logo of the 22nd SEA
Games is the stylization of Lac bird, the
ancient bird pictured of the face of Ngoc. Lu
kettledrum, ………..
most special
and typical relic of the ancient Vietnamese

a. A / the
b. The / the c. 0 / 0
d. The / 0
8. ……symbol of the SEA Games Federation
is to emphasize the solidarity, friendship, and
9. The host country, Laos, is expected
to:announce official sports for 25th SEA
………… Noverhber 2008.
a. on
b. in
c. during
d. from
10. Vietnam recommended archery,
vovinam, billiards-snooker and canoeing
official sports at the games.
a. at
b. with
c. asd. in
11. The Party and State leaders, delegates,
domestic and international guests, and 11
sports delegations ………….
Asian countries to the 22nd SEA Games were

warmly welcomed.
a. over
b. at
c. for
d. from
12. Johnny used to be one of the most
athletes in my country.
a. succeed
b. success
c. successful
d. successfully
13. The 22nd SEA Games consisted of
athle,tes from eleven …….
a. participate b. participant c.
d. participating
…….., the athlete broke the
world's record with two attempts.
a. Surprise b. Surprised c. Surprising
d. Surprisingly
15. On behalf of the referees and athletes,
referee Hoang Quoc Vinh and shooter
Nguyen Manh Tuong swore to an oath of"
…………………… Honesty and Fair Play".
a. Performance

c. Participation d. Solidarity
16. The ASEAN Para-Games are hosted by

GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

the same country where the SEA Games took
a. organized b. impressed
d. defended
17. The ASEAN Para-Games is a biannual
multi-sport ……held after every Southeast
Asian Games for athletes with physical
a. games
b. event
c. work
d. situation
18. In beach volleyball, Indonesia defeated
Thailand in straight sets to take men's
gold ………
a. present
b. award
c. medal
d. reward

19. The 22nd SEA Games was the first time
when Vietnam finished top of the medal
a. standings b. events
c. spirits
d. programs
20. Viet Nam's successful hosting of the
22nd SEA Games is considered a /an
………example for other countries to
follow, particularly in honesty, consistence
and organizing method.
a. festival
b. peaceful
c. energetic
d. outstanding
…….. you study for these exams,
……….. you will do.
a. The harder / the better
more / the much
c. The hardest / the best
d. The more
hard / the more good
22. My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems
that ………
it is at night, ……he plays
his music!
a. the less / the more loud

b. the less / less
c. the more late / the more loudlier
d. the later / the louder
23. Thanks to the progress of science and
technology, our lives have become …………
a. more and more good
better and better
c. the more and more good
gooder and gooder
24. The Sears Tower is …………….
building in Chicago.
a. taller b. the more tall
c. the
d. taller and taller
25. Petrol is …………..it used to.
a. twice as expensive as
twice expensive more than
c. twice more than expensive
more expensive than twice
26. Peter is ……………John.
a. younger and more intelligent than

GA 12

GV: Nguyễn Thị Như Thủy

more young and intelligent than
c. more intelligent and younger than
the more intelligent and younger than
27. San Diego is …………
Southern California.
a. more nice and nice
b. the nicer c.
the nicest
d. nicer and nicer
28. It gets ………………when the winter is
a. cold and coldb. the coldest and coldest
c. colder and colder d. more and more cold
29. Robert does not havePeter does.
a. money more thanb. as many money as
c. more money asd. as much money as
30. The Mekong Delta is ……………
……… deltas in Vietnam.
a. the largest of the two
b. the more larger of the two
c. one of the two largest
d. one of the two larger
Error Identification.

31. The Southeast Asian Games, also (A)
knowing as the SEA Games, is a (B) biennial
multi-sport event (C) involving participants
from the current eleven countries (D) of
Southeast Asia.
32. The SEA Games (A) are (B) under
regulation of the Southeast Asian Games
Federation (C) with (D) supervision by
the International Olympic Committee and
the O!ympic Council of Asia.
33. The proposed rationale (A) was that a
regional sports event (B) will help
promote (C) cooperative, understanding
and relations (D) among countries in the
Southeast Asian region.
34. The first SEA Games (A) were held in
Bangkok, Thailand, (B) from 12 to 17
December,1959 (C) comprising (D) more
and more 527 athletes and officials from
Southeast countries participating in 12 sports
35. (A) The next host for the SEA Games
is Laos. (B) It is Laos' (C) the first time as
(D) the host for the biannual games.

