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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 2: Making arrangements

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Unit 2:


Lesson 1/7:

Getting started + Listen and read

A. Aims:
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand the content of the
dialogue and know how to make arrangements.
*. Grammar : Step of making an arrangement on the phone.
*. Lexical item : agree (to sth) , arrange, arrangement , hold on, downstairs , be on.
*. Teaching aids: cassette, tape, pictures.
*. Skill : Listening and reading.
*. Anticipated problems:
B. Contents
I. Pre - reading
1. Warmer: Matching (P.18)
- Ask ss to look at their books on page 18 and match each object with its name.
* Answer key:
a. an answering machine

d. a telephone directory

b. a mobile phone

e. a public telephone

c. a fax machine

f. an address book

2. Pre teach vocabulary:
- agree (to sth)



Đồng ý


- arrange



Sắp xếp


- arrangement

(n ) :

Sự sắp xếp


- hold on


Cầm máy chờ


- downstaris

(adv ):

ở tầng dưới



- (to) be on


Được chiếu




3. Open prediction:
* Set the scene: "Hoa and Nga are talking on the phone. They are making an
arrangement through the phone."
- Ask ss to guess the answers before listening and reading.
a. Who made the call?
b. Who introduced herself?
c. Who invited the other to the movies?
d. Who arranged a meeting place?
e. Who arranged the time?
f. Who agreed the time?
II, While - reading
1. Read and Check:
- Have ss listen to the dialogue while look at their books.
- Get ss to read the dialogue and then practice with their partner.
- Ask ss to check their predictions.
* Answer key:
a. Nga

d. Nga

b. Nga

e. Hoa

c. Nga

f. Nga

2. Comprehesion questions
a. Who is speaking on the phone?
b. Is Nga going to see the movie “Dream city”?
c. Where is the movie on?
d. Where are they meeting?
e. (How are they going?) How is Hoa going?

f. What time are they meeting?
* Keys: a. Hoa and Nga are.
b. Yes, she is.
c. It’s on at Sao Mai movie thearter.
d. They are meeting outside the thearter.
e. She is going by bike.
f. They are meeting at 6.30.
III. Post - reading: Grammar note:
- Write steps of making an arrangement on the phone:
a. Can/ Could/ May I speak to….? This is ….
b. Would you like to…?
c. Let’s meet (outside the movie thearter/ At 26/3 cinema/ ...). Is…all right?
d. That’s fine. See you at …
IV. Homework
- Learn by heart vocabulary.
- Do exercise 1 on p13 in workbook.
- Make a dialogue making an arrangement.
- Prepare for next lesson: Speak + Listen.

Unit 2:


Lesson 2/8:

Speaking + Listening

A. Aim:
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to talk on the mobiphone about
intentions with "going to" and complete a telephone message by listening.
*. Grammar : S + be going to + V(barea)
*. Lexical item : message, leave a message, principal, appointment, availble , be
*. Teaching aids: cassette, tape, posters.
*. Skill : Speaking and listening.
*. Anticipated problems:
B. Content
*Warm up:


- Talk to ss about using telephone:
Do you have a telephone at home?
I. Speaking
1. Presentation:
- Ask ss to do exercise 1 on page 20.
- Ss work in pairs to put the sentences in the correct order to make a complete
* Answer key:






















- Ask some questions to check ss' understanding and focus on the structure with
"going to":
a. Are they talking on the phone?

b. What do they intend to do?
c. What time are they meeting? Where?
d. What form of the verbs do you use to talk about intentions?
* Form: S + be + going to + V(bare) …
* Use: để nói về 1 dự định đã được sắp xếp cho tương lai gần.
2. Practice:

Word cue drill.

a. see a movie (yes)
b. play sports (no)
c. help your mother (yes)

d. meet your friends (no)
* Example exchange:
S1: Are you going to see a movie?
S2: Yes, I am.
- Get ss to work in pairs asking and answering about intentions.
3. Further practice:
a. Role play
- Set the scene: Ba and Bao are making arrangements to play chess.
- Ask ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogue.
* Answer key:
Bao: - May/ Can/ Could I speak to Ba, please? This is Bao.
- I am fine, thanks. And you?
- Can you play chess tonight?
- What about tomorrow afternoon?
- I’ll meet yiou at the central chess club.
- Is 2.00 o’clock ok?
b. Writing:

- You invite your friend, Mai to go to dance on the Friday evening. But Mai can’t
go that evening because of her a lot of homework, and she suggest on Saturday
evening, at 7.30. And you agree with her. Write a conversation between you and
Mai on the phone.
II. Listening:
1. Pre - listening
a. Vocabulary:
- (a) message


Lời nhắn


- (to) leave a message


Để lại lời nhắn


Hiệu trưởng


Cuộc hẹn gặp


Có thể được


- principal


- (an) appointment
- available


- (to) be out


ở ngoài, ra ngoài


b. Set the scene: " A woman phoned the principal of Kingston junior high school
but she was out. She left a message".
- Ask ss to read the message form (P.21) and guess.
2. While - listening
- Ss listen to the tape twice and fill in the message.
- Ask ss to compare with their guesses.
*Answer key:
Kingston Junior High School
Date: (…)

Time: (…)

The principal

Message: Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9.45 in the morning
Tel numbers: 64683720942
3. Post - listening: Speaking

Unit 2:

Lesson 3/9:


A. Aim: By the end the lesson, ss will be able to read and know about the inventor
of telephone, Alexxander Graham Bell's biography.
- Teaching aids: pictures; extra board
- Anticipation problems
B. Content
I. Pre-reading
1. Warmer:

Shark attack

T E L E P H O N E (9 letters)
2. Pre teach vocabulary:
- deaf-mute (n): Tật vừa câm vừa điếc


- experiment with (v): (Làm) thí nghiệm


- transmit (v):Truyền, phát (tín hiệu)


- conduct (v): Thực hiện, tiến hành


- device (n): Thiết bị, dụng cụ, máy móc


- demonstrate (v): Biểu diễn , trình diễn (synonym = show (v))
- exhibition (n): Cuộc triÔn lãm, trưng bày


*Checking: R.O.R
3. T/ F satements (Read 1 - P.22)
II. While - reading
1. Reading and Checking:
- Ask ss to read the text on page 21, 22 and check their prediction.
* Answer key:
a. F: the USA –> Edinburgh
b. F: in a hospital in Boston –> at Boston University
c. T

d. F:

1877 -> 1876

e. F: cut out ‘between deaf-mutes’
f. T
2. Matching
- Ask ss to guess the meaning of these words.


1. lead - led to (v)

a. Sự phát minh

2. assitant


b. Vô số

3. invention


c. (thuộc) thương mại, buôn bán

4. countless


d. Dẫn tới

5. Commercial (a)
* Key:



e. Người phụ tá, trợ lý



3. Ordering statements (Read 2 - P.22)
- Ask ss to read the text again, read the events of Bell's life and put them in the
correct order.
- Ask them to compare with their partners.
* Answer key: Alexander Graham Bell
4. Comprehension questions
a. Who was invented the telephone?
b. When was he born? Where?
c. Where did he emigrate?
d. Who did he work with? Where?
e. When did he first introduce this telephone?
f. When was the 1st phone commercial use?
g. What was the first telephone message?
* Answer key:

a. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
b. He was on March 3,1847in Edinburgh.
c. He emigrated to Canada and then to the USA.
d. He worked with deaf-mute at Boston University.
e. In 1876.
f. In 1877.
g. It was "Mr Waston, come here, I want you".
III. Post - reading


- Ask ss to retell about A.G.Bell’s biography based on their comprehension answer
to questions.
IV. Homework.
1. Learn by heart the vocabulary.
2. Write a short paragraph about A.G.Bell’s biography.
3. Do exercises 2, 3 on p.14, 15 16 in workbook.
4. Prepare for next lesson: Write (P.23, 24).

Unit 2:

Lesson 4/10:


A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write a telephone message.

- Teaching aids: textbook, poster.
B. Contents:
* Warm-up:
- Hangman:

- - - - - - - (MESSAGE)

- Chatting: have ss talk about taking a telephone message.
Have you ever taken a telephone message? (Yes/ No)
When you take a telephone message, what should be mentioned in the message?
(date, time, who sent, to whom, content)
I. Pre - reading:
1. Pre teach vocabulary:
- a customer (n): khách hàng


- delivery (n): sự giao hàng


- stationery (n): đồ dùng văn phòng (examples)
- furniture (n): đồ đạc


- taken by (v): được ghi bởi


- take a message (v): Nhận lời nhắn


- leave a message (v): Để lại lời nhắn (antonym)
- pick someone up (v): đón ai


*Checking: R.O.R
2. Reading and gap filling:
- Ask ss to read the message and fill in the gaps in the pasage on page 23.
- Let ss work in pairs.
*Answer key:
1. telephoned

4. took

7. Mr Ha

2. May 12

5. name

3. speak

6. delivery

8. at

* Comprehension questions:
a. What was the date?
b. What was the time?
c. Who did the customer want to speak to?
( Who did the customer leave the message for? )
d. What did Mr Nam, the customer, call about?
What did he want Mrs Van to do?
What is his telephone numbers?
e. Who took the message?
II. While - writing:
1. Writing the telephone message, based on the guiding questions) (P.24)
- Ask ss to read passage 2 on page 23 to get information and then write the
message on page 24.
- Let ss write individually and then share with a partner.
* Answer key:
Thanh Cong Delivery Service
Date: Jun 16
Time: After midday
For: Mrs Van
Message: Mr Nam called about his sationery order.He wanted you to call him at 8
634 082
Taken by: Mr. Toan
2. Writing the telephone message for Nancy, using the information
- Set the scene: "Tom phoned Nancy but she was out. Lisa, Nancy's sister took a
message for Nancy. Help Lisa to write a message".

- Ask ss to read the dialogue between Lisa and Tom and then write the message.
- Let ss work in pairs.

*Answer key:
Date: …
Time: …
For: Nancy
Message: Tome called about playing tennis this afternoon. He’ll come over to pick
you up at 1.30.
Taken by: Lisa
III. Post - writing:
- Call some ss to write their messages on the board.
- Call some others to read their messages before the class.
- Check and correct.
IV. Homework:
- Learn by heart vocabulay.
- Rewrite messages into notebook.
- Do exercise 7 on page in workbook.
- Prepare for next lesson: Language Focus.

Unit 2:


Lesson 5/11:

Language Focus

A. Aim:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “be going to” to talk
about intentions; know more and practice in adverbs of place.
*. Grammar:

Be + going to + v (bare)

*. Lexical item: a fishing rode, an action movie, invite sbd to, a novel.
*. Teaching aids: a picture, posters.
*. Skill. Speaking and writing.
*. Techniques: Practice in pair and group.
B. Content:
I. Presentation:
1. Warmer: Brainstorm

Adverbs of



2. Pre teach vocabulary:
- a fishing rod



cần câu cá


- an action movie



phim hành động


- (to) invite sb to …
- a novel
* Checking:



mời ai dÕn


tiểu thuyết



3. "Be going to" to talk about intentions.
a. Model sentences:

- Set the scene: T. says: I have a movie ticket. So I am going to see a movie.
T. asks ss: What tense is used in this sentence? (near future).
- Ask ss to give the form and use.
b. Form: S + be going to + V(bare) + O.
c. Use: We use near future tense to talk about intentions in the future.
II. Practice:
1. Exercise 1 (p.25)
- Have ss read sentences in ex1 on page 25 and then say what the people are going
to do.
- Get ss work in pairs.
*Example: Nga has a movie ticket.
 She is going to see a movie.
*Answer key:
a. They are going (to go) fishing.
b. She’s going to read the new novel.
c. She’s going to do her homework in math.
d. He’s going to watch an action movie on T.V tonight.
e. She’s going to give him a brithday present.
2. Exercise 2: (p.25)
* Interview
- T. asks ss to use the table on page 25.
- Ask ss to copy the questionares in notebook and add 3 more activities to the list.
- Let ss to ask your partner then check (√) if you or your partner do; and (x) if you
or your partner don’t do.
- Ask ss to work in pairs and copare with their partner.
What are you going to do on the weekend?

Are you going to .....

Do your homework?
See a movie?
Watch TV?
Play soccer?
Listen to music?
* Example exchange:
You: What are you going to do on the weekend?
Your partner: I'm going to see a movie.
You: Are you going to meet your friends?
Your partner: Yes, I am./ No, I'm not.
3. Exercise 3: (p.26) Hide and Seek
- Ss use Adverbs of place to play "Hide and Seek".
* Example:
S1: close his/her eyes
S2: hides
Ss: Where is he/she?
S1: I think he/she is (inside the class)
Other Ss: No
S1: I think he/ she is …
- Ask ss to do ex3 on p.26: Complete the speech bubbles.
* Key: a. upstairs

b. here

c. downstairs

d. outside

e. there

f. inside

III. Homework:
- Do again all exercises in Language Focus.
- Prepair for the new lesson: Unit 3 : Getting started- listen and read.
