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Giáo án phụ đạo ANH 11 HK 2

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LESSON 1: ( 2 buổi)
- Mệnh đề quan hệ (hay mệnh đề tính ngữ) bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước nó.
- Mệnh đề quan hệ được đặt sau danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa, được bắt đầu bằng các đại từ quan hệ: WHO, WHOM,
WHICH, THAT, WHOSE, và trạng từ quan hệ: WHERE, WHY, WHEN.
Danh từ đứng trước
Chủ ngữ
Người (person)
Vật (Thing)
1. Đại từ quan hệ (Relative Clauses)

Tân ngữ

Sở hữu cách
(Possesive Case)
Of which/ whose

a. WHO: thay thế cho người, làm chủ từ trong MĐQH.
Ex: - I need to meet the boy. The boy is my friend’s son.
 I need to meet the boy who is my friend’s son.
- The woman is standing over there. She is my sister.
The woman who is standing over there is my sister.

b. WHO/ WHOM: thay thế cho người, làm túc từ trong MĐQH.
Ex:- I know the girl. I spoke to this girl.
 I know the girl who/ whom I spoke to.
- The man is my teacher. Your father is talking to him.
 The man who/ whom your father is talking to is my teacher.
c. WHICH: - thay thế đồ vật, làm chủ từ, túc từ trong MĐQH.
Ex: - She works for a company. It makes cars
 She works for a company which makes cars.
- The elephants are big. People keep the elephants in iron cages.
 The elephants which people keep in iron cages are big.
- Thay thế cho cả mệnh đề đứng trước nó
Ex: He passed his exam. This pleased his parents.
He passed his exam, which pleased his parents. (dùng dấu phẩy trước đại từ quan hệ)
d. THAT: thay thế cho WHO/ WHOM/ WHICH trong MĐQH hạn định
Ex: - I need to meet the boy that/ who is my friend’s son.

- The woman that/ who is standing over there is my sister.
- I know the girl that/ who/ whom I spoke to.
- The man that/ who/ whom your father is talking to is my teacher.
- She works for a company that/ which makes cars.
- The elephants that/ which people keep in iron cages are big.
* Những trường hợp thường dùng THAT:
- Sau cụm từ quan hệ vừa chỉ người và vật:
Ex: He told me the places and people that he had seen in London.
- Sau đại từ bất định: something, aynyone, nobody, all, much ....
Ex: I’ll tell you something that is very interesting.
All that is mine is yours.
- Sau các tính từ so sánh nhất, only, first, last
Ex: - This is the most beautiful dress that I have.

- You are the only person that can help us.
- Trong cấu trúc It + be + … + that … (chính là …)
Ex: It is my friend that wrote this sentence.
(Chính là bạn tôi đã viết câu này.)
* Những trường hợp không dùng THAT:
- Trong mệnh đề tính từ không xác định.
Ex: Mr Brown, that we studied English with, is a very nice teacher.
- Sau giới từ
Ex: The house in that I was born is for sale.
e. WHOSE (OF WHICH): thay thế cho sở hữu của người, vật (his-, her-, its-, their-).
Ex: - John found the cat. Its leg was broken.
 John found the cat whose leg/(the leg of which) was broken.
- This is the student. I borrowed his book.
This is the student whose book I borrowed.

Ex: - Daisy has three brothers. All of them are teachers.
 Daisy has three brothers, all of whom are teachers.
- He asked me a lot of questions. I couldn’t answer most of them.
 He asked me a lot of questions, most of which I couldn’t answer.
g. Giới từ đặt trước mệnh đề tính ngữ: (WHOM/WHICH)
Ex: - The man speaks English very fast. I talked to him last night.
 The man to whom I talked last night speaks English very fast.
- The house is for sale. I was born in it.
 The house in which I was born is for sale.
* LƯU Ý: KHÔNG dùng THAT sau giới từ.
2. Trạng từ quan hệ (Relative Adverbs)
a. WHERE (in/ on/ at ... which): thay thế cho cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn
Ex: - The movie theater is the place. We can see films at that place.

 The movie theater is the place where we can see films.
b. WHEN (in/ on which): thay thế cho cụm từ chỉ thời gian
Ex: - Do you remember the day. We first met on that day.
 Do you remember the day when we first met?
c. WHY (for which): thay thế cho cụm trạng từ chỉ lí do
Ex: - Tell me the reason. You are so sad for that reason.
 Tell me the reason why you are so sad.
EXERCISE 1 : Combine each pair of sentences, using a relative pronoun.
1. The girl is my cousin. She chatted with you yesterday.
2. The man is very kind. He spent 15 minutes measuring our kitchen
3. The architect designed these flats. He has moved to HCM City.
4. The young boy is naughty. He rides an expensive motorbike.

5. I’m reading the book. I bought it in 1996.
6. Do you know the man? He is sharing the flat with me.
7. The young man is Ba’s brother. He is talking to our teacher.
8. We visited the monument. It was built a hundred years ago.
9. The boys are interested in the game. It is a popular game all over the world.
10. You have no need to tell me the reason. You are often late for work for that reason.

11. We visited the people. They are homeless after the flood.
12. I don’t like the films. They have unhappy ending.
13. I know the man. His son broke your windows.
14. The girl is very kind. Her parents work with me.
15. The village has around 200 people. The majority of them are farmers.
16. She hasn’t eat anything. This makes her parents worried.
17. The student is from China. He sits next to me.
18. I thanked the woman. This woman had helped me.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………
19. Mr. Pike is excellent. I am taking his course.
20. Shakespeare wrote plays . People have enjoyed them for four centuries.
EXERCISE V : Write relative pronouns to complete these sentences.
1. We visited the school ___________ my father taught.
2. I met her last month, ___________ she came to our house.
3. We all looked at the place ___________ the fire had started.
4. Did they tell you the reason ___________ they were late?
5. The cat sat on the wall ___________ it had a good view of the birds.
6. They arrived in the evening, at a time ___________ we were all out.
7. I couldn’t understand the reason ___________ they were so rude.

8. I met him in the cafeù ___________ he was working as a waiter.
9. I listen to music late at night, ___________ the children have gone to bed.
10. I bought them in August, ___________ I was in France.
11. Let me see all the letters _______ you have written.
12. Is there any one ________ can help me do this?
13. Mr. Brown, _________ is only 34, is the director of this company.
14. I know a place __________ roses grow in abundance.
15. It was the nurse ________ told me to come in.
16. The teacher with ________, we studied last year no longer teaches in our school.
17. They showed me the hospital ________ buildings had been destroyed by US bombings.
18. We saw many soldiers and tanks ______ were moving to the front.
19. Dr. Fleming, _______ discovered penicillin, was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1945.
20. He joined the political party _______ was in power.
21. Love, ________ is a wonderful feeling, comes to everyone at some time in his life.
22. Freedom is something for _______ millions have given their lives.
23. It is easy to find faults in people ________ we dislike.

24. The really happy people are those _______ enjoy their daily work.
25. We must find a time _______ we can meet and a place _______ we can talk.
1. That’s my friend,_______________ comes from Japan.
A. which

B. who

C. whom

D. where.

2. The plants which______________ in the living room need a lot of water.
A. are

B. be

C. is

D. was

3. She’s the woman_______________ sister looks after the baby for us.
A. who

B. which

C. that’s

D. whose

4. That’s the doctor for________________ Cliff works.
A. that

B. which

C. whom

D. whose

5. Marie,______________ I met at the party, called me last night.
A. that

B. whom

C. which

D. whose

6. I remember Alice,______________ rode the bus to school with.
A. I

B. whom I

C. which I

D. who

7. I used to enjoy the summer, ______________ we had a big family picnic.
A. where

B. when

C. which

D. that

8. Tell me about the city ______________ you grew up.
A. that

B. where

C. which

D. ø

9. Anna found the book that ________________ wanted at the bookshop.
A. ø

B. where

C. she

D. which

10. Please remember to take back to the library all the books ________ are due this week.
A. ø

B. that

C. when

D. they

11. He likes the dress. Huong is wearing it
A. He likes the dress which Huong is wearing it
B. He likes the dress Huong is wearing it
C. He likes the dress who Huong is wearing
D. He likes the dress Huong is wearing
12. Most of the classmates couldn't come. He invited them to the birthday party
A. Most of the classmates he invited to the birthday party couldn't come.
B. Most of the classmates he was invited to the birthday party couldn't come.
C. Most of the classmates that he invited them to the birthday party couldn't come.

D. Most of the classmates which he invited to the birthday party couldn't come.

13. What was the name of the man? You met and talked to him this morning.
A. What was the name of the man who you met and talked to him this morning?
B. What was the name of the man you met and talked to this morning?
C. What was the name of the man you met and talked to whom this morning?
D. What was the name of the man whose you met and talked to this morning?
14. The church is over 500 years old. Our class visited it last summer.
A. The church which our class visited it last summer is over 500 years old.
B. The church that our class visited it last summer is over 500 years old.
C. The church which our class visited last summer is over 500 years old.
D. The church our class visit last summer is over 500 years old.
15. The song says about the love of two young stdents. She is singing the song.
A. The song which she is singing it says about the love of two young stdents.
B. The song she is singing says about the love of two young stdents.
C. The song says about the love of two young stdents which she is singing.
D. The song says about the love of two young stdents that she is singing it.
LESSON 2: ( 2 buổi)
A. I. Restrictive Relative Clauses:
- Dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước chưa được xác định rõ, nếu bỏ đi mệnh đề chính sẽ không rõ nghĩa.
Ex: - I saw the girl. She helped us last week.
 I saw the girl who/that helped us last week.
* LƯU Ý: Ta có thể bỏ đại từ quan hệ: WHO, WHOM, WHICH, THAT khi chúng làm tân ngữ trong MĐQH
xác định.
II. Non-restritive Relative Clauses:
- Dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước đã được xác định rõ (nó chỉ là phần giải thích thêm), nếu bỏ đi
mệnh đề chính vẫn rõ nghĩa.

- Mệnh đề này ngăn cách với mệnh đề chính bằng dấu phẩy.
- Ta dùng mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định khi:
+ Trước đại từ quan hệ có: this/that/these/those/my/her/his/…
+ Từ trước đại từ quan hệ là tên riêng, danh từ riêng, vật duy nhất, cụm trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn
Ex: - My father is a doctor. He is fifty years old.
 My father, who is fifty years old, is a doctor.
- Mr. Brown is a very nice teacher. We studied English with him.
 Mr Brown, who we studied English with, is a very nice teacher.
- The sun made the traveller thirsty. It was hot at midday.

 The sun, which was hot at midday, made the traveller thirsty
- The boys in the next room are my students. They are making noise.
 The boys in the next room, who are making noise, are my students.
* LƯU Ý: + KHÔNG được bỏ đại từ quan hệ trong MĐQH không xác định.
* Exercise 1: Combine sentences, using relative pronouns or relative adverbs, put commas where necessary
Hue was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. It attracts thousands of tourists every year.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
2. A man answer the phone. He told me you were away.

--> .................................................................................................................................................
3 They volunteer to help the victims. Their houses were destroyed by a flood.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
4 Joan was planning to go to the conference. Her colleagues were waiting for him there.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
5 A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient
--> .................................................................................................................................................
6 He has written a lot of emails. He has contacted his friends all over the world via emails.

--> .................................................................................................................................................
7 I met Alice’s father. He worked at the university.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
8 A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
9 The film The Dark terrified her a lot. She watched it last night.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
10 A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
11 John Bridge is one of my oldest friends. He has just gone to live in Canada.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
12 Don’t use this product. It is not suitable to your hair.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
13 The birds have flown away. I found their nest in the tree behind my house.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
14 Some people were arrested. They have now been releases.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
15 He is curious about the reason. She has been sad in recent days for that reason.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
16 We enjoy traveling to Dalat. There are a lot of places of interests there.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
17 A bus goes to the air port. It runs every half an hour.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
18 You have all met Michael Wood. He is visiting us for a couple days.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
19 Many rivers and lakes around the world are polluted. This caused serious diseases to people using the
river water.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
20 We are moving to Manchester. Manchester is in the north-west.

--> .........................................................................................\........................................................
21 The singer had to cancel her concert. She was recovering from flu.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
22 She was greatly influenced by her father. She adored him.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
23 He isn’t looking forward to the time. He will have to leave at that time.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
24 The biggest city in Brazil is Sao Paulo. Its population is over five million.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
25. My bike had disappeared. I left it at the gate.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
26. Tom had been driving all day. He was tired and wanted to stop.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
27. Bill Gate is a millionaire. He is the president of Microsoft Company.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
28. That’s the girl. Fred and Tom were talking about her.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
29. The pen is now carefully preserved. He wrote so many great novels with this pen.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
30. I passed the letter to Ann. She lives next door to me.
--> .................................................................................................................................................
1) Dùng phân từ:
a) Dùng cụm V-ing :
Dùng cho các mệnh đề mang nghĩa chủ động
Ex: a. The man who is standing there is my brother.
b. The man standing there is my brother
b) Dùng cụm P.P: (V3/ V-ed)
Dùng cho các mệnh đề mang nghĩa bị động .

a. I like books which were written by Nguyen Du.
b. I like books written by Nguyen Du.
2) Dùng cụm to inf: (... Noun/ Pronoun + to infinitive / to be + P.P... )
-Dùng khi danh từ đứng trước có các từ sau đây :
Ex: This is the only student who can do the problem. (động từ mang nghĩa chủ động)
This is the only student to do the problem.
-Động từ là HAVE
Ex: I have something that I must do now. (động từ mang nghĩa chủ động)
I have something to do now.
-Câu bắt đầu bằng: HERE (BE), THERE (BE)
Ex: There are six letters which have to be written today. (động từ mang nghĩa bị động)
There are six letters to be written today.

Trong phần to inf này cần nhớ 2 điều sau:
- Nếu chủ từ 2 mệnh đề khác nhau thì thêm cụm for sb trước to inf.
Ex: We have some picture books that children can read.
We have some picture books for children to read.
Tuy nhiên nếu chủ từ đó là đại từ có nghĩa chung chung như: we, you, everyone.... thì có thể không cần ghi ra.
Ex: Studying abroad is the wonderful thing that we must think about.
Studying abroad is the wonderful (for us ) to think about.
- Nếu trước relative pronoun có giới từ thì phải đem xuống cuối câu.
Ex: We have a peg on which we can hang our coat.
We have a peg to hang our coat on.
3) Dùng cụm danh từ (đồng cách danh từ )
Dùng khi mệnh đề quan hệ có dạng:
Cách làm:

-bỏ who ,which và be
a. Football, which is a popular sport, is very good for health.
 Football, which is a popular sport, is very good for health.
 Football, a popular sport, is very good for health.
b. Do you like the book which is on the table?
Do you like the book on the table?
Bước 1 : - Tìm xem mệnh đề tính từ nằm chổ nào
Bước này dễ vì mệnh đề tính từ thường bắt đầu bằng WHO,WHICH,THAT...
Bước 2 :
Bước này chủ yếu là rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ thành cụm từ
1. Nhìn xem mệnh đề có công thức S + BE + CỤM DANH TỪ không ? Nếu có áp dụng công thức 3 .
2. Nếu không có công thức đó thì xem tiếp trứoc who which... có các dấu hiệu first ,only...v..v không ,nếu có thì
áp dụng công thức 2 (to inf. ) lưu ý thêm xem 2 chủ từ có khác nhau không ( để dùng for sb )
3. Nếu không có 2 trừong hợp trên mới xét xem câu đó chủ động hay bị động mà dùng V-NG hay P.P..
EXERCISE 2: Use reduced relative clauses in place of the relative clauses

The child is lonely, he would be happier if he had someone that he could play with.


I’ve got a bottle of wine but I haven’t got anything that I could open it with.


I don’t like him playing in the streets; I wish we had a garden that he could play in.


The floor is dirty but I haven’t got a brush that I can sweep it with.


My files are all over the place. I wish I had a box that I could keep them in.


She said that she wasn’t going to buy any cards; she hadn’t anyone to whom she could send cards.


You are the last person who saw her alive.


He simple loves parties. He is always the first who comes and the last who goes.


The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship which had been built on the Clyde.

10 He was the second man who was killed in this way.

11 Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.

12 Lady Astor was the first woman who took her seat in Parliament.

13 Here are some accounts that you must check.

14 People who listen to very loud music may suffer gradual hearing loss .

15 He was the man who was saved in the fire .

16 Anyone who doesn’t want to take part in the meeting must inform the board.

17 The teacher who takes the responsibility for the class is Ms Lan.

18 .She’s just bought a handbag which was made of crocodile skin.

19 I met a man who had been working in this factory for a long time.

20 The story which was told by my grandma was interesting.


I. Some/Any
Cả some và any đều được dùng để chỉ một số lượng không xác định khi không thể hay không cần phải nêu rõ số
lượng chính xác

1. Some: một ít, một vài
* “Some” thường được đặt trong câu khẳng định, trước danh từ đếm được (số nhiều) hoặc danh từ không đếm
EX: I want some milk. -

I need some eggs.

* Đôi khi “some” được dùng trong câu hỏi (khi chúng t among chờ câu trả lời là YES. Hoặc được dùng trong
câu yêu cầu, lời mời hoặc lời đề nghị.
EX: Did you buy some oranges?
Would you like some more coffee?

May I go out for some drink?

2. Any: … nào
* “Any” thường đặt trước danh từ đếm được (số nhiều) hoặc danh từ không đếm được trong câu phủ định hoặc
nghi vấn.
EX: Do you want any sugar?

She didn’t see any boys in her class.

* “Any” có nghĩa “bất cứ” được dùng trong mệnh đề khẳng định, trước danh từ số ít (đếm được hoặc không
đếm được) hoặc sau các từ có nghĩa phủ định (never, hardly, scarely, without….)
EX: I’m free all day. Come and see me any time you like.

He’s lazy. He never does any work

* “Any” có thể dùng trong mệnh đề IF

If there are any letters for me, can you send them on to this address?
If you need any more money, please let me know.

- Khi danh từ đã được xác định, chúng ta có thể dùng some và any không có danh từ theo sau

Tim wanted some milk, but he couldn’t find any.


If you have no stamps, I will give you some.

-Các đại từ phiếm chỉ (something, anything, someone, anyone, somebody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere…)

được dùng tương tự như cách dùng some, any
EX: I don’t see anything on the table. Or
help you.

Is there anybody in your house now? Or I want to do something to

II. Much, many, a great deal of, a large number of, a lot of, lots of… (nhiều)
Là những từ chỉ lượng bất định, có nghĩa một số lượng lớn người, vật hoặc sự việc

With countable nouns
(Với danh từ đếm được, số

With uncountable nouns
(Với danh từ không đếm được)

- many

- much
(dùng trong câu phủ định,hoặc nghi vấn )

- a large number of

- a large amount of

- a great number of

- a great deal of
(thường dùng trong câu xác định )

- plenty of

- plenty of

- a lot of

- a lot of

- lots of

- lots of


I don’t have much time for night clubs.
There are so many people here that I feel tired.
She has got a great deal of homework today.
Did you spend much money for the beautiful cars?
There’s plenty of milk in the fridge.
There are plenty of eggs in the fridge.
A large number of students in this school are good.
I saw lots of flowers in the garden yesterday.
A large amount of air pollution comes from industry.

- Theo nguyên tắc chung, chúng ta dùng many, much trong câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn và dùng a lot of, lots
of trong câu khẳng định.

Do you know many people here?


We didn’t spend much money for Christmas presents. But we spent a lot of money for the party

Tuy nhiên trong lối văn trang trọng, đôi khi chúng ta có thể dùng many và much trong câu xác định. Và trong
lối nói thân mật, a lot of cũng có thể dùng được trong câu phủ định và nghi vấn

Many students have financial problem
There was much bad driving on the road
I don’t have many/ a lot of friends
Do you eat much/ a lot of fruit?

- Notes:
-Khi trong câu xác định có các từ “very, too, so, as.” thì phải dùng “Much, Many”. (Không được dùng
a lot of, lots of, plenty of)

EX: There is too much bad news on TV tonight.
There are too many mistakes in your writing.
Very much thường được dùng trong câu khẳng định như một trạng từ, chứ không phải là từ hạn định

I very much enjoy travelling. Or

Thank you very much

Many of, much of + determiner/ pronoun

I won’t pass the exam; I’ve missed many of my lessons.
You can’t see much of a country in a week.

IV. All, most, some, no, all of, most of, some of, none of:
1.All (tất cả), most (phần lớn, đa số), some (một vài), no (không), được dùng như từ hạn định (determiner)
trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều hoặc danh từ không đếm được

All/ most/ some/ no (+ adj) + plural noun/ uncountable noun

All children are fond of candy.


Most cheese is made from cow’s milk

There are no rooms available Or

All classical music sends me to sleep

2. All of, most of, some of, none of: được dùng trước các từ hạn định (a, an, the, my, his, this, …) và
các đại từ

Some of those people are very friendly.


Most of her friends live abroad.

- Chúng ta có thể bỏ of sau all hoặc half khi of đứng trước từ hạn định (không được bỏ of khi of đứng trước đại

All (of) my friends live in London. But all of them have been to the meeting
Half (of) this money is mine, and half of it is yours

- Chúng ta thường không dùng of khi không có từ hạn định (mạo từ hoặc từ sở hữu) đứng trước danh từ. Tuy

nhiên trong một vài trường hợp most of cũng có thể được dùng mà không có từ hạn định theo sau, ví dụ như
trước các tên riêng và địa danh.
The Romans conquered most of England
- Các cụm danh từ đứng sau all of, most of, some of,… thường xác định (phải có the, these, those,… hoặc các

tính từ sở hữu)
Ex: Most of the boys in my class want to choose well-paid job
- Chúng ta có thể bỏ danh từ sau all, most, some, none nếu nghĩa đã rõ ràng


I wanted some cake, but there was none left.


The band sang a few songs. Most were old ones, but some were new.

V. Every, each
Thường được dùng trước danh từ đếm được ở số ít

The police questioned every/ each person in the building.


Every/ each room has a number

Trong nhiều trường hợp, every và each có thể được dùng với nghĩa tương tự nhau

You look more beautiful each/ every time I see you

Tuy nhiên every và each vẫn có sự khác biệt nhau về nghĩa
- Every (mỗi, mọi)

Chúng ta dùng every khi chúng ta nghĩ về người hoặc vật như một tổng thể hoặc một nhóm (cùng nghĩa

Every guest watched as the President came in.


I go for a walk every day

Every có thể được dùng để nói về ba hoặc nhiều hơn ba người hoặc vật, thường là một số lượng lớn

There were cars parked along every street in town

- Each (mỗi)
Chúng ta dùng each khi chúng ta nghĩ về người hoặc vật một cách riêng rẽ, từng người hoặc từng vật
trong một nhóm

Each day seemed to pass very slowly

Each có thể được dùng để nói về hai hoặc nhiều hơn hai, thường là một nhóm nhỏ người hoặc vật

There are four books on the table. Each book was a different colour

Each có thể được dùng một mình hoặc dùng với of (each of + determiner/ pronoun)

There are six flats. Each has its own entrance.


Each of the house has a backyard

Choose the correct words or phrases.
1. .......people couldn't get books
a. Most of
b. a great deal of
c. a large number of
2. A Typewriter uses.........electricity.

a. Most of
b. Much
c. a great deal of
3........crimes go unreported.
a. a great many
b. a large number of
c. both are correct
4. There aren't......trains on a Sunday
a. Much
b. Many
c. not much
5. My grand father doesn't have.......money
a. Many
b. Some
c. much
1. There hasn’t been _______ rain in this area since last month.
A. some

B. Several

C. no

2 _________ rice is grown in the Mekong Delta in Viet Nam.

D. any


A. Many of

B. A lot

C.A great deal of

D. Several of

3. Kevin has read _________ books on English literature, and he finds them really interesting.
A. any

B. several

C. a little

D. a great deal of

4. ________ the students in this class come from poor and large families.
A. Most

B. Many

C. A great deal of

D. Most of

5. ________ people are waiting for help and support after the dreadful storm.
A. A large number of

B. A great deal of

C. A lot

D. Most of

IV. Choose the best answer
1. There is only…………..sugar left in the jar.
a. much

b. Many

c. few

d. a little

2. They made…………………mistakes in their spelling.
a. a great deal of

b. most of

c. many

d. little

3. They have………………… time to do the task assigned.
a. a lot of

b. most

c. most of

d. many

4. Bill has spent………….money on gambling. Now he is penniless.
a. many

b. little

c. a few

d. a great deal of

5. It costs me………………..money to buy it.
a. many

b. a great deal of

c. a few

d. most of

6. Hurry up! We got…………..time left.
a. few

b. much

c. little

d. most

7. I last saw him…………………days ago.

a. a little

b. little

c. few

d. a few

8. They knew……….about him but they said they didn’t.
a. much

b. many

c. little

d. few

9. Would you try………………..champagne?
a. many

b. a little

c. few

d. most of

c. few

d. Little

10. Did…………..of you see that stranger?
a. much

b. many


Few, A few, Little, A little: một ít, vài
1. Few/ A few: dùng trước các danh từ đếm được số nhiều.
* FEW: rất ít, hầu như không có (chỉ số lượng rất ít, không nhiều như mong muốn, thường có nghĩa phủ
EX: I don’t want to take the trip to Hue because I have few friends there.
They hardly find a job because there are few jobs.
* A few: Một vài, một ít (thường có nghĩa khẳng định và chỉ một số lượng nhỏ, gần nghĩa với some)
EX: There are a few empty seats here.
You can see a few houses on the hill.
2. Little/ A little: dùng trước các danh từ không đếm được.
* Little: rất ít, hầu như không có (chỉ số lượng rất ít, không nhiều như mong muốn, thường có nghĩa phủ
EX: I have very little time for reading.
We had little rain all summer.
* A little: một ít, một chút (thường có nghĩa khẳng định và chỉ một số lượng nhỏ, gần nghĩa với some)
EX: I need a little help to move these books.
Would you like a little salt on your vegetables?
- Only a little và only a few có nghĩa phủ định

We must be quick. We’ve got only a little time (only a little = not much)
Only a few customers have come in (only a few = not many)

- (a) little of/ (a) few of + determiner/ pronoun

Only a few of the children in this class like math
Could I try a little of your wine?



Choose the correct words or phrases.
1. .......people couldn't get books
a. Most of
b. a great deal of
c. a large number of
2. A Typewriter uses.........electricity.
a. Most of
b. Much
c. a great deal of
3........crimes go unreported.
a. a great many
b. a large number of
c. both are correct
4. There aren't......trains on a Sunday
a. Much
b. Many

c. not much
5. My grand father doesn't have.......money
a. Many
b. Some
c. much
6. I would like.......salt on my vegetables
a. a little
b. a few
c. much
7. A......people left early.
a. Few
b. Little
c. several
8. I 've still got.......money, fortunately.
a. a few
b. Little
c. many
9. I didn't have any money but my friend had…..
a. Few
b. a few
c. a little
10. The theatre was almost empty. There were very......
a. a few
b. a little
c. Few

II. Choose the best answer
1. There is very _________ salt in the jar. Buy some more when you go to the market.
A. little

B. a little

C. few

D. a few

2. _ Jack: I need some sugar, Angie.
_ Angie: There is _________ sugar in the jar by the stove.
A. little

B. a little

C. Few

D. a few

3. Although the composition is quite good, there are _________ minor mistakes in it.
A. little

B. a little

C. few

D. a few

4. James told us that he had visited _________ places of interest in Viet Nam before.
A. a little

B. a few

C. a great deal of

D. a little of

5. You have got to bring _________ water along because there is _______ or no water there for you to get.
A. lots of / few

B. much / a little

C. a lot of / little

D. many / little

6. I had so _________ coffee that I almost couldn’t sleep last night.
A. many

B. more

C. much

D. a lot of

7. Though the weather is getting worse and the climate has been changing a great deal, _________ people are
aware of the problem.
A. a little

B. a few

C. little

D. few

8. Would you like _______ cake, Jane?
A. some

B. a few

C. several

D. few

9. The teacher gave us _________ homework to do for the weekend.
A. any

B. many

C. several

D. some

10. Alexi has made _________ new friends since he came here.
A. some

B. a little

C. a lot

D. any


1. There hasn’t been _______ rain in this area since last month.
A. some

B. Several

C. no

D. any

2 _________ rice is grown in the Mekong Delta in Viet Nam.
A. Many of

B. A lot

C.A great deal of

D. Several of

3. Kevin has read _________ books on English literature, and he finds them really interesting.
A. any

B. several

C. a little

D. a great deal of

4. ________ the students in this class come from poor and large families.

A. Most

B. Many

C. A great deal of

D. Most of

5. ________ people are waiting for help and support after the dreadful storm.
A. A large number of

B. A great deal of

C. A lot

D. Most of

1. BECAUSE OF: vì, bởi vì
- He doesn't go to shool because of his toothache: Anh ta không đi học vì đau răng.
- They are here because of us: Họ ở đây là vì chúng tôi.
- He walked slowly because of his bad leg: Anh ta đi chậm vì đau chân
- Because of his wife ('s) being there, I said nothing about it.
Vì có vợ anh ta ở đó, nên tôi chẳng nói gì về chuyện đó.
2. DUE TO: vì, do bởi, tại, nhờ có
- It is due to him: Tại hắn ta.

- Due to one's negligence: do cẩu thả, do lơ đễnh
- Due to fog, the boat arrived late: Do sương mù nên tàu đến chậm.
- The discovery is due to Newton: Nhờ Niu-tơn mà có phát minh.

do vì, bởi vì

- Owing to the drought, crops are short: Vì hạn hán nên mùa màng thất bát.
- Owing to the rain, the match was cancelled: Do trời mưa, trận đấu đã bị hủy bỏ
( on account of something; on this/that account); do cái gì; vì lý do này/nọ
On no account; not on any account: Không vì bất kỳ lý do nào.
- Don't on any account leave the prisoner unguarded:
Không vì bất cứ lý do nào mà bỏ canh gác tù nhân
* After “ because of/ due to/ owing to/ on account of + the fact that...”
Eg: He doesn’t go to school because of the fact that he has a toothache.
5. IN VIEW OF: (in view of something) : xét thấy, bởi vì
- In view of the weather, we will cancel the outing.
Do tình hình thời tiết, chúng ta sẽ huỷ bỏ cuộc đi chơi này.
(Thanks to somebody/something): nhờ có ai/cái gì
- The play succeeded thanks to fine acting by all the cast
Vở kịch thành công nhờ sự diễn xuất giỏi của tất cả các vai.
- Thanks to your help: Nhờ có sự giúp đỡ của anh.
- Thanks to the bad weather, the match had been cancelled.
Do thời tiết xấu mà trận đấu đã bị hủy bỏ.
7. FOR: vì, bởi vì
- For want of money: vì thiếu tiền/ - To live for each other: sống vì nhau
- Please do it for my sake: Mong anh làm điều đó vì tôi.

- To avoid something for fear of accidents: Tránh cái gì vì sợ tai nạn.
- For many reasons: vì nhiều lẽ

1. BECAUSE: [bi'kɔz], liên từ: vì, bởi vì
- He doesn't go to shool because he has a toothache.
- I did it because he told me to: Tôi làm vậy vì ông ta bảo tôi làm.
- Just because I don't complain, people think I'm satisfied.
Chỉ vì tôi không than phiền, nên người ta cứ tưởng rằng tôi hài lòng
2. SINCE: vì, vì lẽ rằng, bởi
- Since there is no more to be said, the meeting ends.
Vì không còn gì nói nữa, cuộc họp bế mạc.
- Since we've no money, we can't buy a new car.
Vì không có tiền, nên chúng tôi không mua được xe ô tô.
3. AS: (đặt ở đầu câu) do, bởi vì
- As Peter is late for school, his mother has to apologize to his teacher.
- As you weren't there, I left a message: Vì anh không có ở đấy, tôi đã để lại mấy chữ.
4. SEEING ( THAT/ AS): ['si:iη] - xét thấy sự thật là; do, bởi vì
- Seeing (that) the weather is bad, we'll stay at home.
Bởi vì thời tiết xấu, chúng mình sẽ ở nhà.
5. IN THAT: /

/: lý do là, vì

- Privatization is thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition.
( Người ta cho việc tư nhân hóa là có lợi vì nó thúc đẩy sự cạnh tranh.)
6. NOW (THAT) : vì rằng, bởi vì
- Now (that) you mention it , I do remember the incident.
( Vì anh nói đến điều đó, tôi mới nhớ việc xảy ra)

- Now (that) you have passed your test, you can drive on your own.
( Anh có thể tự mình lái xe vì anh đã đổ kỳ sát hạch.)

/ (formal): lý do là, vì

- He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denemark.

( Ông ta là người Đan Mạch vì ông ta sinh ra ở Đan Mạch.)
8. FOR:

liên từ (không đặt ở đầu câu): vì, bởi vì, tại vì

- They don't go to the movies, for it rains cats and dogs.
Họ không đi xem phim, vì trời mưa như trút nước.


S + V + ( O/ C/ A)



Exercise 1. “Because” or “because of”
1. It was difficult to deliver the letter _______ the sender had written the wrong address on the envelope.
2. Rescue attempts were temporarily halted ________ the bad weather
3. Just __________ I don’t complain, people think I’m satisfied.
4. They visited their friends often ______ they enjoyed their company.
5. Paul may not go to the football game ______his grades.
Exercise 2. Combine each pair of sentences, using “Because”, “Since” or “As”
1. The teacher is sick. We’ll have no class tomorrow.
2. She walked slowly. Her leg was injured.
3. Mary looks happy. She has just got good marks.
4. It got dark. I couldn’t read the letter.
5. He came to the office 10 minutes. He missed the first bus.

Exercise 3. Change clauses of reason to phrases of reason:
1. Mary didn’t go to school yesterday because she was sick.
2. I can’t sleep because the weather is hot.
3. He left school because his life was hard.
4. The train was late because the fog was thick.
5. We stopped our car because the traffic lights turned red
Exercise 4. Change clauses of reason to phrases:
1. Mary didn't go to school yesterday because she was sick.

2. She went to bed early because she felt tired.
3.Ann didn't go to the circus with Betty because she had a bad cold
4 . J o h n s u c c e e d e d i n h i s e x a m b e c a u s e h e w o r k e d h a r d a n d methodically.
5. Margaret stayed home because her mother was sick.
6. I like him because his father is kind to me.
7.1 can't eat these fruits because they are green.
8. I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult.
9. I couldn’t read the letter because it was dark.
10. He came late because it rained heavily.
11. I can’t study because it is noisy.
12. The train came late because it was foggy.
13. All tile teachers love him because his conduct is good.
14. The train was late because the fog was thick.
15. We stopped our car because the traffic lights turned red.
16. The plane couldn't take off because the weather was had.

17. Rice plants grow well because the climate is warm and damp.

18. He couldn't drive fast because the street was crowded and narrow.
LESSON 6 ( 2 b̉i)
1/ Clause of result : SO/ SUCH
Cấu trúc của câu có mệnh đề chỉ kết quả như sau :
- S + V+ SO + ADJ / ADV + THAT + S + V (…………………………..quá
………………………….đến nổi …………………….)
- S + V + SUCH + ( A/ AN ) + ADJ + NOUN + THAT + S + V (…………….quá ……….đến

EX : It was so dark that I couldn’t see anything
The student had behaved so badly that he was dismissed from the class
It was such a hot day that we decided to stay at home
There are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one

so many/ few + plural noun + that

so much/ little + uncountable noun + that

so + adj +a/an + singular noun + that

Ex : The Smiths had so many children that they formed their own baseket ball team
He has invested so much money in the project that he can’t abandon it now

2/ Phrase of result : TOO/ ENOUGH
Câu có cụm từ chỉ kết quả có cấu trúc như sau :

- S + V+ TOO + ADJ / ADV ( FOR + O ) + TO INFINITIVE (…. Quá …………đến nổi ( ai )
không thể ……)
- S + V+ ADJ / ADV + ENOUGH + ( FOR +O) + TO INFINITIVE (………đủ ( cho ai ) làm điều gì

Ex: 1/ He is so short that he can’t play basketball
 He is too short to play baseket ball
 He isn’t tall enough to play baseket ball
2/ It was so dark that I couldn’t see anything
 It was too dark for me to see anything
 It was n’t bright enough for me

1. The sun shone _______ brightly that she had to put on her glasses.
2. There were _________ few students registered that the class was cancelled
3. We had _________ wonderful memories of that place that we decided to return
4. It was ________ a nice day that we decided to go to the beach.
5. The book looked ___________ interesting that we decided to read it.
6. Ray called at _________ an early hour that we weren’t awke yet.
7. There were ____________ many people on the bus that we decided to walk.
8. The benefit was _________ great a success that the promoters decided to repeat it
9. I’ m not rich ___________ to help you.
10. This room is ___________ dark for us to study.
II. Rewrite the following sentences as directed:
1. It was such an expensive house that nobody can buy it.

 The house was so ____________________________________________
2. The food was so good that we ate all of it.
 It was ______________________________________________________
