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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 unit 7: Economic reforms

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Giáo án Tiếng anh 12

The 37th period
Grade 12
Theme: economic reforms
Unit 7
Time: 45 minutes
I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
- Students read and guess the meaning of words in contexts.
- They read and answer questions about the texts.
- They practice scanning for specific information in the texts.
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: The changes brought about by the economic reforms.
- Language: Common knowledge of education, healthcare, agriculture,…
- New words: Words related to the topic (economic, medical and agricultural
3. Skills:
- Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage
II. Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
III. Teaching aids:
-Picture, board, chalks, textbook, handouts,…
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities
Warm-up: (5 minutes)
Aims: to introduce the topic of the
lesson and to raise students' interest.

- Tell the class the the differences
between schools (hospitals, houses)
now and the past ten years.
- How do farmers transport their
farming products now and how did
they do ten years ago?
- What make all of these changes?

Students’ activities
- now: beautiful buildings,
good facilities,..
past: ….
now: tractors, motorbikes,

past: human’s force or
animal’s force.
the development of


Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
Before you read : (7 minutes)
- Ask students (to work in pairs) to
open their books, look at the pictures,
and do the tasks that follow.
+ What can you see..?
+ Do you think…?
+ What, in your opinion, should…?

- Ask them to work in 3 minutes,
meanwhile the teacher moves round to
help if necessary.
- Ask some pairs to report .
- Give some remark if necessary
While you read : (23 minutes)
- Ask students to look through the
passage and read in silence
- Help students read the passage
- Explain pronunciation and meaning of
new words which appear in the passage
Task 1 : (3 minutes)
- Ask students to read through the text
once to find out some new words,
guess the main idea.
- Explain new words (give the
Vietnamese equivalents), guide the sts
to get the main contents of the reading
- Ask students to work individually in
3 minutes to do this task.
- Guide students to read through the
passage , then focus on only the
sentences surrounding the suggested
words to do the task effectively.
- Give students some more words that
may be new/ unfamiliar to them.
- Guide the students to read the word
in chorus and individually.

- Things seen: a village,
farmers, a buffalo, some
A poor village, of course
the farmers lead a poor life.
Build a new road, change
the cultivation methods, …

- Listen to the teacher then
read the passages
- Ask some new words if
- Read through the text find
the new words, try to guess
the meanings of those
words in contexts:
+ National Congresses: §¹i
hi toµn quc
+ renovation (n): ®ỉi míi
(pp):¸chm ph¸t triĨn
+ inflation (n): l¹m ph¸t
+ stagnant (adj): tr× trƯ
+ government subsidies (n):
s bao cp cđa
chÝnh phđ
+ government commitment
(n): cam kt cđa
chÝnh phđ

+ dissolve (v): tan r·
+ substantial (adj): lín lao,
®¸ng kĨ
- Get the meaning of some
more words:

Giáo án Tiếng anh 12

Task 2: (4 minutes)
- Ask students to read the passage
again and choose whether the
statements given are true (T) or false
- Ask them to work individually to do
the task and give the evidence to prove
the keys.
- Move round to make sure that all
students are working and to help them
if necessary.
- Ask some students to report and give
Task 3: (6 minutes)
- Ask students to read the passage
again then work in pairs to ask and
answer the suggested questions.
- Walk round the class to give help if

+ eliminate (v):….

+ intervention (n):…..
+ Vietnamese Communist
+ measure (n):……
+ promote (v):…..
+ economic reforms (n):
+ Land Law
+ Enterprise Law
- Work individually to read
the text then choose
whether the statements
given are true (T) or false
- Share the key with other
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
- Find in the text the
evidence to prove the keys.
- Do the task in pairs:
A: When and by whom was
B: in 1986 by the

A: What was the aim…?
B: to restructure the
economy of Vietnam, to
Raise the living standard
of the people.
A: Name the renovation
B: eliminated government
shifted economic

Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
- Give suggested words, phrases or priority…..of export.
useful suggestions.
reduced state
intervention in business.
- Correct the students’ work.
open trade
relation…..the world.
encourage foreign……
A: How has Vietnam
agricultural export…
farmers have enjoyed…..
workers have worked

children, especially from
…, … training.
A: What do we believe?
B: We believe that with the
After you read : (8 minutes)
- Ask students to work in group to VN before DM: economy
scan the text again.
under-developed – country
- Ask them to work in small groups of and

three or four to talk about the text production stagnant –
based on the suggested points.
- Encourage them to use their own hospitals – inflation.
Renovation measures:
- Ask one or two pairs to report.
export reduced state

intervention in business open trade relation…..the
world encourage
VN since DM: productivity
and agricultural export
-farmers have enjoyed…..workers

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children, especially from
…, … training.
Home work: (2 minutes)
- Listen to the teacher
- Write a passage to say what changes - Write down the homework to
you’ve seen in your village since the do at home.
year 1986. compare to the past.

Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
The 38th Period
Grade 12
Theme: economic reforms
Unit 7
Time: 45 minutes
I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim:

- Students work in pairs to describe the pictures.
- Students talk about measures and effects of the economic reforms in Fantasia.
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Economic reforms.
- Language: + The way to make suggestions or predictions.
+ The tenses.
- New words: words related to economic reforms.
3. Skills:
- Discribing details in pictures.
- Talking about changes the new economic reform has brought about.
II. Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
III. Teaching aids:
- Pictures, board, chalks, textbook, handouts.
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities
Warm-up: (5 minutes)
Tell a short story to prove that the
renovation measures has apparently
changed the social and people’s lives
Pre-speaking : (12 minutes)
Task 1
- Explain the requirements clearly in
English “in your textbook, there are
four pictures. Now, what I would like

Students’ activities
Listen and give one’s
own ideas or story if

being asked.

- Work in pairs to discus
the three questions and
find the answers.


Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
you to do is to look at them carefully
and say what they are about”
- Ask students to work in pairs to
discus the three questions and find the
- Correct the students’ work and give

While-speaking : (15 minutes)
Task 2
- Explain the requirements “The
country of Fantasia started its overall
- Divide the class into groups, asks
each group to discus a section:
- Guide the students how to speak by

giving them useful suggestions:
+ They have………… so ……..
+ Due to the ………
+ Thanks to the………..
+ By applying……….
- Walk round from group to group to
give help if necessary.
- Encourage students to speak out what
they think even a phrase or a singular

A: What does each pair
of picture tell you?
B: It tells us the contrast
between the present
and past situations.
A: What changes can you
see in each pair of…?
B: The new school and
factory are much bigger
and more beautiful
than the old ones.
A: What do you think
…..to achieve these…?
B: They must have taken
some renovation
- Correct the answers
Group 1: Education

S1: The government of
Fantasia has changed the
S2: They also provided
equipment and facilities.
S3: They build more
schools and raised the
teachers’ salaries.
S1: It is obvious that
Group 2: Health care
S1: Many hospitals have
been built as well as the
doctors’ and nurses’

Giáo án Tiếng anh 12

qualified doctors have
worked to improve the
people’s health.
Group 3: Agriculture
S1: Fantasia has applied
appropriate policy to
encourage farmers to
work more efficiently,
and they have built more
irrigation and drainage
S2: They’ve also applied
farming techniques, more
facilities and equipment.
S3: They use fertilizers,
insecticides to protect
their crops.

Post-speaking : (10 minutes)
Task 3
- Ask students to work individually to
summarize what they’ve discussed in
their own words.
- Move round to check the activities
and to make sure that students are
working effectively.
- Ask one or two students to report in
front of the whole class.
- Check and give remarks.

S1: The government of
Fantasia has changed the
textbooks. They also
provided schools with
more equipment and
facilities. They build
more schools and raised
the teachers’ salaries…
S2: Fantasia has applied
appropriate policy to
encourage farmers to
work more efficiently,
and they have built more

irrigation and drainage

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systems. They’ve also
facilities and equipment.
They use fertilizers,
insecticides to protect
their crops.

Homework: (3 minutes)
Name some measures we’ve made to
promote our economic system.

- Listen to the teacher.
- Write down the homework
to do at home.

Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
The 39th period

Grade 12
Theme: economic reforms
Unit 7
Time: 45 minutes
I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
-Students know the harm of taking drug.
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Listen for specific information.
- Language: The present simple tense.
- New words: Words related to to the topic.
3. Skills: - Listening and deciding on True or False statements.
- Listening comprehension
II. Method:
- Intergrated, mainly communicative.
III. Teaching aids:
- Tape, cassetteplayer, board, chalks, textbook.
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities
Warm-up: (5 minutes)
- A story about an addictor.
Before you listen: (7 minutes)
- Ask students to work in pairs to ask
and answer the given questions.
- Guide the students to answer if
- Give further information.

Students’ activities

- Listen to the teacher.

- Work in pairs:
S1: Should drug-taking
be banned?
S2: Yes, because it brings
the users many harm on
not only their physical
but also mental health.
- Explain the words that will appear in S1: Drug-taking is totally
the listening text.
a social evil.
- Ask students to read in chorus then - Listen and repeat:


Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
While you listen: (20 minutes)
Task 1:

Ask students to read the statement at
least once first.
Ask them to guess the answers
Play the tape once then check how
many answers can students find.
Play the tape again.
Check and give remarks.
Call some students to say out their
answers and the evidences they get to
prove their answers.

Task 2:
- Ask them to guess the answers.
Play the tape once then check how
many answers can students find.
Play the tape again.
Check and give remarks.
- Call some students to say out their
answers and the evidences they get to
prove their answers

- Read the statement
once to get the main
Listen to the tape and do
the task.
Find evidences to each of
the answers.
Represent if being asked.
Keys: 1. F, 2.F, 3. T,

4. T, 5. F, 6. F, 7. T,
8. T, 9. F
- Listen to the teacher’s
explanation then correct
the answers onself.
- Read the questions
once to get the main
Listen to the tape and do
the task.
Find evidences to each of
the answers.
Represent if being asked.
1. They discovered a
powerful drug.
2. They grew it all over
the island.
3. The negative effects:
people become lazy –

Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
children did not go to
school – the shortage of
4. Measures: introduced
a law to make the drug

illegal – put drug-takers
into prison – export the
drug to other countries.
- Listen to the teacher’s
explanation then correct
the answers oneself.
After you listen: (10 minutes)
- In group, ask students to discus the
guided question, find the answer.
- Move around to help if necessary.
- Give remarks or even suggestions.

- In groups, ask and
answer the question.
S1: Do you think that the
S2: I don’t agree with
that solution because
when they export the
drug to other countries
the other peoples will
suffer from the drugtaking problems, and
other government will
face the same problems
as theirs.
- Listen to the teacher’s
guide to correct oneself.

Homework: (3 minutes)
- Imagine you are an MP of Tango
what would you do to solve the -Listen to the teacher and
write down homework to
do at home.

Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
The 40th period
Grade 12
Theme: economic reforms
Unit 7
Time: 45 minutes
I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
- Writing a report based on given information.
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Writing a report on the economic development.
- Language: +The tenses.
+ Connectors (time expressions)
- New words: Words related to economic reforms.
3. Skills:
- Writing a report.
II. Method:
- Intergrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids:
- A picture, board, chalks, textbook.
IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities
Warm-up: (5 minutes)
- Free talk about the changes in one’s
home village during the renovation
Pre-writing: (10 minutes)
- Explain as clearly as possible the
requirements “The table below
- Give clear task to students.

Students’ activities
Do as required.
Exchange the ideas with
Listen to the teacher.
Get the task.

While-writing: (18 minutes)
Task 1
Work in pairs to do the
Ask students to look at Task 1.
In pairs, ask students to ask and task.


Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
answer the questions.
Move around to give help.
Check and give remarks.

S1: What was the
economic situation in
Tango before 1980?
S2: It was really bad.
The country was underdeveloped.
S1: What can you say
about the economic
situation in Tango from
1980 to 200?
changes has made. The
economic situation in
2000 is much better than
the one in 1980.
S1: What do you think
the ….?
S: They have taken
positive measures….
Listen to the teacher to
correct oneself.

Task 2

- Explain the requirements: Writing a
+ The economic situation of Tango
before 1980.
+ The measures taken by the
Government and the people of Tango
overcome the problems.
+ The achievement ( as presented in
the table) they have made as a result of
the reform.
- Ask students to work in groups to
write report.
- Walk round to give help if necessary.

Work in groups to do the
The Government and the
people of Tango started
their overall economic
reform in the mid 1970s.
Before that time the
economy of the country
was in ruins………. .
Tango has taken a lot of
measures in order to
promote the national
economy such as……. .

Despite all difficulties,
the people
of Tango
….. . After all, they have

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received greater and
greater achievements….
Compare the result to the
other groups.
Listen to the teacher’s
Exchange the writing to
other groups to check and
give remarks.
- Represent the task on
Post-writing: (10 minutes)
board if being asked.
- Ask some groups to represent their Read the writing to get
work, ask other to give remark.
others’ remarks.
- Choose some good writing to read in The Government and the
class and give remark.
people of Tango started
their overall economic
reform in the mid 1970s.
Before that time the
economy of the country
was in ruins………. .

Tango has taken a lot of
measures in order to
promote the national
economy such as……. .
Despite all difficulties,
the people
of Tango
….. . After all, they have
received greater and
greater achievements….
Do as the teacher asked.

Homework: (2 minutes)
- Listen to the teacher and
- Ask students to rewrite the task at write down homework.

Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
home and preapare part Language
Focus at home.

Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
The 41st period
Grade 12
Theme: economic reforms
Unit 7

Language Focus
Time: 45 minutes
I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
- Strong form and weak form of auxiliaries. Adverbial clauses.
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Combining the sentences.
- Language: Know how to use although, even though…
- New words: Words related to the exercises
3. Skills:
- Writing sentences with adverbial clauses of concession.
II. Method:
- Intergrated, mainly communicative.
III. Teaching aids:
- Board, cassetteplayer, chalks, textbook and notebook.
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities
1. warm up: (5 minutes)
- Introduce the lesson to the students.
2. Pronunciation: ( 15 minutes)
- Explain the way to use strong form
(emphasis, positive, stressed cases ),
weak form (interrogative, unstressed
- Help students to know the
- Practice:
A: Can you speak English?
B: Yes, I can.
A: Must we go now?

B: I think we must.
A: Have you met Quang?
B: Yes, I have

Students’ activities
- Listen to the teacher.
/kən/ (w)
Could /kud/
/məst/ (w)
Have /hỉv/
Has /hỉs/
Do /du/
Does /dΛz/
Is /iz/
Am / ỉ m/


Giáo án Tiếng anh 12

A: Has she gone?
B: Yes, she has.
A: Shall we go now?
B: I think we ought to.
A: Will you come tomorrow?
B: Yes, I will.
A: Do you really have time for it?
B: Yes, I do.
3. Grammar and vocabulary: ( 23
- Explain once again the “Clause of
S + V, S + V
Even though
Guide the students how to do the
Divide the class into groups, ask them
to do the exercises.
Walk round to give help if
Correct the students’ work if

Will /wil/
Shall /∫ỉl/
Practice reading in chorus
or individually.

Although it rained a lot,
we enjoyed our vacation.
Although we had planned
everything carefully, a
lot of things went wrong.
Even though/ Although
the doctor has advised
him to quit, Bob (still)….
Although it was cold and
rainy, we managed to go
to class in time.
Although Luong has
studied English only for
six months, he can …….
I didn’t go to bed early
although I was …
Exercise 2:
Although I was very tired
Although I had never
seen her before
although it was pretty
although we don’t like
them very much
Although I didn’t speak
the language
Although the heat was on
although I’d met her

Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
twice before
although we have known
Exercise 2:
we forget many things
they were very happy
he could speak/ read the
Although he had revised
it is pretty cold/ there
hasn’t been….
4. Homework: (2 minutes)
- Listen to the teacher and
- Ask students to revise the strong write down homework to
form and weak form of auxiliaries, the do at home
use of clause of concession, redo all
the exercises and prepare to correct the
second test at home.

Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
The 42nd period
Date : 02/ 11/ 2008
Grade 12
Theme: Correct the test
I. Objectives:
After this correction students will be clearer about the test they have just done.

And have to know how to try their best for the next test.
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: board, the test paper, key for the test
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Warm-up: (5 minutes)
- Greeting
- Ask students some questions on the
previous test
- Tell the aim of the period: correct the
I. Circle the best opitions to
complete the following passage :
(6 minutes)
- Repeat the question
- Get students to read the passage again
- Call some students to read out their
answers, and the others give remarks if
it is correct or not.
- Finally read the keys out aloud
II. Choose the sentence that has
the same meaning with the given
sentence: (10 minutes)
- Repeat the question
- Get student to read the test again
- Call some students to read out their
answers, and the others give remarks if
it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud

Students’ activities
- Greeting
- Listen and understand
the task
- Get ready for the lesson

- Look at their paper
- Compare the resutls
with the others
- Get the correct answers
from the keys

- Look at their paper
- Compare the results
with the others
- Get the correct answers
from the keys


Giáo án Tiếng anh 12
III. Choose the word that
pronounced differently from the
others: (8 minutes)
- Repeat the question
- Get students to read the writing again

- Call some students to write their
answers on the board, and the others
give remarks if it is correct or not
- Finally read the keys out aloud
IV. Choose the best answer: (10
- Repeat the question
- Show the listening script on the board
or read the passage again several times
- Get students toread the passage again
- Call some students to write their
answers on the board, and the others
give remarks if it is correct or not
- Finally read the keys out aloud

Homework: (4 minutes)
Prepare UNIT 8: life in the future

- Look at the writing
again and compare it with
the others
- Correct the wrong
sentences base on the key

- Look at the writing
again and compare it with
the others
- Correct the wrong

sentences base on the key

- Prepare UNIT 8: life in
the future
