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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 unit 9: Deserts

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Unit 9 : Deserts
A. Language skills
- To help students gain some knowledge about deserts.
- To help students improve their reading skills: scanning and skimming, guessing the
meaning of words in context.
Students learn words and phrases in terms of deserts
- Students can ask and answer about a picture
- Sts know the deserts in Autralia.
- Students can improve their listening skill : they can understand the passage and then they
can summarize the passage that they have listened to.
- Students learn more words and phrases in term of deserds
- Students can write a report basing on the information given in the Table of the Sahara
B. Language focus
1. Pronunciation:
- Students can use full and contracted forms of auxiliaries.
2. Grammar:
- Students know how to use so, but ,howrever, and therefore
A. Reading
- To help students gain some knowledge about deserts.
- To help students improve their reading skills: scanning and skimming, guessing the
meaning of words in context.
- Students learn words and phrases in terms of deserts
- English textbook for students

- English textbook for teachers
- Pictures


Teacher’s activities

- Greet Ss
- Ask students to look at the picture page 91 and
ask Ss to answer some questions:
1 What do you know about deserts?
2 what kinds of plants and animals live in a desert.
3 Name some of the countries which have eserts
- Call a pair to report their discussion
- Introduce the topic:
- Teach some new words: ask students whether
they know the words, if they do not know them,
explain in English then ask them to give
Vietnamese equivalents to check their

- strech
- sandy
- aerial survey
- Royal Giographical Society of Autralia
- dune
While- sloping
- hummock
( 30
- crest
- spinifex
- Let the whole class read the new words twice or
three times.
- Call 2-3 students to read new words again.
- Ask students to read the passage in silence
- Ask students to do Task 1: Give Vietnamese
equivalent words to ones given in the passage
-Ask students to discuss the answers in pairs
Check Ss’ answer
Task 1

Task 2
( 10

- Write down the answers on the board

- Let the whole class read the new words twice or
three times.
- Call 2-3 students to read new words again.
- Ask students to do task 2 in pairs
- Go around to supervise students if necessary.
- Ask representatives of pairs to give the answers.
If students’ answers are right, repeat them, if not,
give the right answers.

Students’ activities
- Greet teacher
- Listen to the teacher and think about
the topic.
- Answer teacher’s questions in pairs

- Give Vietnamese equivalents

- Read the words
- Read the passage in silence

- Do task 1
- Write down the answers and read the
- Do task 2 in pairs
- Give the answers:
1. F
2. F
3. T

Task 3

- Ask students to do task 3 in groups
- Go around to supervise students if necessary
- Ask representatives of groups to answer the
questions. If students’ answers are right, repeat
them, if not, give the right answers

4. F
5. F
6 T
- Do the Task in pairs

- Ask students to do After you read in pairs,
Post- scanning the text to find information to complete
reading the note.
( 11
- Go around to supervise them. Note down the
min.) serious and common mistakes
- Call some pairs to read their note
- Give feedback and correct some serious or
common mistakes.

* Suggested answers:
- Listen to the feedback and correct
their mistakes.

B. Speaking

I. Aims
- Students can ask and answer about some deserts
- Students learn more words and phrases about deserts.
II. Aids
- English textbook for students
- English textbook for teachers
III . Procedures
Teacher’s activities
Pre- Introduce the lesson:
speaking Today, we learn Unit 9: part B. Speakin
( 5 min.) g(Write on the board the title)
- Ask students to look at Task 1
Task 1 - Ask students to do Task 1
- While students discuss, walk around the class
to guide or supervise them and give them help
if necessary.
- Ask sts to check the trees and animals which
can live in deserts
- Give comments, correct the common mistakes
after they finish.
words explanation
date palm
While( 28

Ask sts to find out as many natural features of
adesert as possible .Then compare your note
with the other pairs using the given cues

Students’ activities
- Listen to the teacher and write the title in
their notebooks.
- Look at Task 1
- Do Task 1
- Work in pairs and discuss in about 2

Work in pairs

Task 2

eg : It is very hot in summer and it is cold in
- Let the whole class read the new words twice
or three times.

- Read the new words .

- Do Task 2 in groups
Present perfect tense
- One student repeats the teacher’s
- The others listen to their friends to make
clear about what they have to do.
- Do Task 2
Post- After about 3 minutes of discussion, call some - Some groups report what they have
speaking groups to report what they have done.

( 10
- Ask the others to listen to their friends
S1 : I choose : food , water , camel , knife,
- Listen to students attentively and pay
attention to the mistakes they have made
S2 : Ichoose : wter ,car food, camel ,
Task 3
- After students finish, give them comments:
correct some pronunciation mistakes they have - Repeat after the teacher.
- Read aloud the words and ask the whole class - One pair to role play in front of the whole
to repeat.
- Call 1 pair to role play in front of the whole
- Listen attentively to their friends’
dialogue and give comments or ask
- Ask the others listen attentively to their
friends’ dialogue and give comments or ask
- Call another group if there is enough time.
- Listen to the teacher and correct the
- Give feedback and correct serious or common mistakes.

- Listen to the teacher and note down
- Prepare a presentation about the information homework
( 2 min.) about other deserts
I. Aims
- Students can improve their listening skill: they can catch detail information from the
- Students can summarize the passage.
II. Aids
- English textbook for students
- English textbook for teachers
- Tapes and cassette
- Handouts
III. Procedures
- Call one student to repeat the instruction to
check whether they are clear about what they
have to do
- Go around to supervise them. Note down
serious and common mistakes.


Teacher’ activities

Warm up:

ask sts to answer the questions
1 What is a desert ?
2 How is a desert formed ?
3 can human beings make a desert ?
While- Task 1
listenin - Ask students to listen to the passage the first
(29min.) - Read the passage twice
- Ask some students to give their answers. If
their answers are right, repeat them; if not
give the correct answers.

Task 2
- Ask them to listen again the second and the
third time to finish task 2:
- Ask students to discuss the answers to the
questions in pairs.
- Go around to supervise students if
- Eliciting the answers from students, if their
answers are right, repeat the answers, if they
are wrong, give them the answers:
- If most students do not catch the
information for the questions, let them listen
again to the passage once more.
Task 3 Ask sts to listen again and fill in the
missing words
Post- Ask students to do After you read in groups
listenin _ discuss the questions in the book

(10min.) - Go around to supervise them. Note down
serious and common mistakes.
- Ask one group to report what they have
- Give comments after they finish
- Call another group if there is enough time.
- Give feedback and correct serious or
common mistakes.

Learners’ activities
Work in pairs

- Listen to the passage and answer the
* Answers:
- Listen again the third time to finish the task.
- Discuss the answers to the questions in pairs.
- Answer the questions, and correct the wrong

1. 90 percent
2. smaller plants
3. prevent
4. speading
5. capital
6. canals
wor in groups

I. Aims
- Students can write a report basing on the information given in the Table of Tango’
economic development in two decades
- Students can improve their writing skill.
II. Aids
- English textbook for students
- English textbook for teachers
III. Procedures

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities



- Write on the board the title of the lesson:
Unit 9
Part D. Writing
- Ask students to look at the table page 96
This table presents the information about the
Sahara resert
- Introduce some new words.( eliciting , give
the definitions in English then ask students to
translate them into Vietnamese to check their

- Write down in the notebooks the title.
- Look at the table page 96
- Listen to the teacher.
- Guess the meaning of the new words.

- Read the words

While- Go around to supervise them if necessary.
- Call some pairs to give the answers. If their

(28 min.) answers are right, repeat them; if not give the
correct answers.


1 Where is th Sahara desert ?
2 Whwt is its total area /
3 How long is it ?
4 How wide is it?
5 What is its natural feature ?
- Land
- Climate


- Write the description
- Listen to the teacher and correct the

- sand
-Table land
Wal kinds of trees can live in the Sahara
desert ?
- Go around to supervise them. Note down
serious and common mistakes
- Show and correct some common mistakes.
( 10


- Ask students to revise their description.
- Ask students to hand in their work to mark

- Revise their description.
- Hand in their work

E.Language focus
I. Aims
1. Pronunciation:
- Students can use the full and contracted forms of theauxiliaries pronunced
2. Grammar:
- Students know how to use “ so , but, however and therefore.
- Students revise information questions.
- Students practice using past tense to talk about people’ autobiography
II. Aids
- English textbook for students
- English textbook for teachers
- Pictures
Teacher’s activities
Pronunci - Introduce the lesson:
Auxiliary often has the strong form when
(7min.) it is used in short answers, and it has the
weak form when it is used in questions.
- Read the auxiliaries both full and

contracted forms for students to recognize
the difference
- Read the second time for the students to
- Ask 2-3 students to repeat, correct their

Students’ activities
- Listen to the teacher
- Listen to the teacher

- Read the sound

Practice these sentences
- Read 2 times the sentences, and then let
the whole class read the sentences twice
or three times.

- Read the sentences twice or three times.
- Read the sentences again
- Read the sentences in pairs.


Exercise 1
Explain how to use so or but
- Give the answers

Can you tell me what the difference so
1 so
and but ? Give me some example
2 but
It began to rain , so I open my umbrella
3 so
It began to rain , but he didn"t open his
4 but
5 so
Note : Before " so , but " there is a
6 but
7 but
- Call some students to give their answers.
8 so
If students’ answers are right, repeat them,
- give the answer
if not, give the right answers
1 but
Exercise 2
3 yet
Underline the correct altrmative in the
4 so
5 but
Note : xplain how to use however
6 however

- Call some students to give their answers.
7 however
If students’ answers are right, repeat them,
8 but
if not, give the right answers
Go around to supervise them
1 therefore
2 so
3 so
4 therefore
5 however
6 therfore
7 so
8 howerver
Exercise 3
Add so , therefore , or however
Note The use of therefore
- Call some students to give their answers.
If students’ answers are right, repeat them,
if not, give the right answers
Go around to supervise them
- Ask students to do exercise 3

- Go around to supervise them
- Ask students to discuss the answers in
- Call some students to give their answers.

If students’ answers are right, repeat them,
if not, give the right answers
