Major: Theory and Methods of teaching Physics
Nghean, 2016
1. The reason for choosing the project
Strong renewal and innovation in education is the modern tendency of the
world in the twentieth century, in order to continuously improve the quality of
human resources. In Vietnam, this quality is still in the low level, and not yet
satisfied the requirements from the need for developing the country in the age of
international integration.
To address this problem, the 9th Central Committee of the Communist Party
of Vietnam, at the 8th plenum, issued the resolution 29 – NQ/TW 04/11/2013
about essential and comprehensive innovating the education of Vietnam. One
important solution in this resolution is that it firmly determines “continuously,
strongly, profoundly innovate and synchronize the fundamental elements of the
education following the direction of developing the virtue and ability of
Positive teaching methodologies is the terminology that appeared in the
latter half of the 20th century, which was imported into Vietnam (in the
theoretically perspective) at around 1960s. Especially, in the first decade of the
21st century, regarding the movement of innovating the teaching methodologies,
there was no scientific research that had been conducted to relatively arrange
and summarize all the new ideas in a systematic way to provide teachers a
complete picture of this problem.
In practical teaching generally and in physics particularly, a teacher
normally teaches students each chapters in the book respectively. The content in
this subject includes different knowledge with different particular purposes. The
problem of choosing and using the positive teaching methodologies in a correct
way to accord the corresponding content and purpose is a crucial question that
needs to solve, and to the best of our knowledge, there has been no research
towards this problem.
Innovating the teaching methodologies is to acquire the new education
purpose: build and improve the virtue and the ability of students. Teaching in
general and in physics in particular need to pursue this goal. It is a new problem,
important and necessary for innovating the education in an essential and
complete manner.
Besides, choosing an appropriate content is a chapter in the program of
Physics in high schools. It needs to be diversified in knowledge and typical
enough to apply the corresponding positive teaching methodologies.
Because of this, we decide to choose our thesis topic as “Applying positive
teaching methodologies to developing students’ ability in solving related
practical problems while teaching the chapter “Magnetic Field” in the
textbook of Physics grade 11”.
2. Research purpose
Research and apply positive teaching methodologies in Physics in high
schools for improving the students’ ability of solving practical problems.
3. Research objects and scope
Research objects: teaching methodologies;
positive teaching
methodologies; solving problems ability; Physics teaching in high schools.
Research scope: positive teaching methodologies in high schools; magnetic
topic in the textbook of Physics grade 11.
4. Research hypothesis
Applying the positive teaching methodologies, including preparing students
for solving practical problems along the way, to improve the quality of teaching
and studying Physics in high school.
5. Research mission
Determine the connotation and the extent of the terminology “positive
teaching methodologies”.
Research the theoretical content of several positive teaching methodologies
that are suitable to the goal of improving the ability of problem solving in
Specify the constructing elements of the problem solving ability in students
in studying Physics.
Propose the process of applying the positive teaching methodologies for
one chapter in order to improve the problem solving ability in students.
Research the current state of using positive teaching methodologies in
Physics in general at high schools in Nghe An province, and in magnetic
Define a correct logic in developing the teaching content of the magnetic
chapter for according with the positive teaching methodologies.
Choose a specific positive teaching methodology for improving the
problem solving ability in students.
Prepare conditions and facilities for teaching the magnetic following the
research direction.
Design processes of teaching magnetic following the research direction.
Conduct experiments.
6. Research methodologies
The thesis uses reasoning approach: survey and analyze results; acquire
experts’ advices; conduct experiments and summarize statistics.
7. Research contributions
* Theoretical perspective:
Propose a systematic way of organizing subjects that are related to positive
teaching methodologies.
Define elements of the problem solving ability of students in Physics learning
process, along side with their corresponding importance levels.
Propose four perspectives in the positive teaching methodologies for
applying them to improving students’ problem solving ability in Physics.
Propose a process of applying positive teaching methodologies to a chapter
of Physics content in high school, in order to improve student’s problem solving
* Practical perspective:
Point out the difficulty of the logic in content development of the chapter
“Magnetic Field” in the current version of 11th grade Physics textbook; propose
a new logic to overcome this problem.
Describe the current process of applying positive teaching methodologies
in several high schools in Nghe An province.
Prepare necessary conditions and facilities for applying the positive
teaching methodologies:
+ Complete three experiments of investigating magnetic in circuits that
have special shapes, with auxiliary equipment;
+ Build two models to perform the force on the frame’s edges, and to
perform the induction vector of straight electric current.
+ Create one video about an experiment with Cotton scale that examines
the amount of the magnetic force.
+ Create 10 practical situation with magnetic-related content.
+ Select 10 practical exercises.
+ Design 4 courses for improving the problem solving ability for students.
8. Thesis structure:
Introduction (6 pages)
Chapter 1: The overview of the research problem (15 pages)
Chapter 2: Apply the positive teaching methodologies to improve student’s
problem solving ability in teaching Physics (44 pages)
Chapter 3: Apply the positive teaching methodologies to improve student’s
problem solving ability in the chapter “Magnetic Field” – Physics 11th grade (46
Chapter 4: Pedagogical experiments (37 pages)
Conclusions and discussion (2 pages)
List of author’s research studies (1 pages)
References (6 pages)
Chapter 1
In this chapter, we describe our survey about the current state of applying
the positive teaching methodologies in the world generally and in Vietnam
particularly. We then go deeper about how to make use of these methodologies
to improve the problem solving ability in students. From there, we define our
research problem.
1.1. Current state of applying positive teaching methodologies in the world
One of the difficulties in teaching is how to connect the theoretical content
to practical situations, so that it can inspire students to apply what they have
been taught to solve daily problems. According to the materials, we see that
positive teaching focuses on the needs, aspirations, and psychological
characteristics of the students. It brings an open opportunity for them to not
reluctantly but voluntarily get involved to the course. In the theoretical
perspective, positive teaching methodologies are started developing since the
middle of the 20th century, with the invention of psychological theories, such as
Radical Constructivism, Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Theory of Activities,
etc. This is the background for the creation and development of the modern
teaching opinion: teaching with the focus on the students, so that the positive
teaching methodologies have been created and rapidly developed from the latter
half of the 20th century to now.
1.2. Results of researches about the positive teaching methodologies in
From the 1960s, the positive teaching has been mentioned, in both direct
and indirect ways, in the textbooks of education, psychology, and so on.
Currently, the positive teaching methodologies appeared almost in all the
materials related to the teaching methods improvement and innovation for high
school teachers. In there, authors presented the correct methodologies for each
subjects in each situation, and they have all agreed on one specific point:in the
context of positive teaching, students are inspired to voluntarily participate in
practical activities, which are created by the teachers, so that they discover by
themselves new knowledge and new abilities.
In teaching Physics particularly, the authors said that in order to apply
positive teaching efficiently, teachers should conduct more practical
experiments, organize activities, etc.
1.3. Results about improving problem solving ability in students
According to the materials we have researched, the education program
about orienting and improving abilities in students has been widely discussed
since 1990s, and now it has become a trend in the international
education.Researches both outside and inside Vietnam has listed: define concept
of ability, describe the education program that focuses on improving the
student’s ability, classify abilities (general abilities and specific abilities),
research about how to teach and evaluate abilities efficiently. The problem
solving ability, following the original meaning, is the capability of producing
correct solutions to tackle different obstacles. Researches about this ability has
been received special considerations from researchers, especially after the
resolution 29 – NQ/TW 04/11/2013 about essential and comprehensive
innovating the education of Vietnam.
Researches in the world and in Vietnam particularly about teaching and
improving student’s ability has been shown that the methodologies that can be
used in teaching for inspiring students and developing their problem solving
skill is a trend in education since the beginning of the 21st century. To the best of
our knowledge, there has been no open research conducted towards the problem
of analyzing the structure of problem solving ability and proposing an efficient
approach for combining developing this skill in teaching Physics in high school.
The results of our survey has affirmed the importance and necessity of
constructing a program for teaching subjects, in that teachers concentrate on
shaping and developing essential abilities in students, including problem solving
skill. However, no research has been published about this problem in teaching
Physics in high school.
1.4. Future work
The positive teaching methodologies are interested by researchers, and it
has been disseminated widely in both theory and practice perspectives. Almost
all the researches so far affirm that using positive teaching methodologies helps
students promote their positivity in learning, from that they can reach higher
goal in their academic career. Thus, our big question in our thesis is that how to
use the positive teaching methodologies in teaching Physics in high school, so
that it can bring out students’ problem solving skill and moreover, enhance
Our thesis aims to clarify the following points:
1) Determine the connotation and the extent of the terminology “positive
teaching methodologies”;
2) Construct the order of positive teaching methodologies to meet the
requirement of enhancing students’ problem solving ability in studying Physics
in high school;
3) Determine the process of deploying and applying the positive teaching
methodologies to teaching Physics in high school that can bring out and
improving students’ problem solving ability;
4) Concretize this process to satisfy the goal of teaching.
Chapter 2
2.1. Teaching methodologies
2.1.1. Concept introduction
After reading researches from different authors about teaching
methodologies, our understanding is that teaching methodologies are ways and
approaches of teaching actions, in that the goal is to transfer knowledge to
students. The teaching methodologies can be understood in three levels, which
are (i) an approach of deploying multi-layer and polyhedral teaching system that
imbues with strategy and includes reasoning argument element; (ii) an approach
of deploying a particular teaching process, which is called model, direction or
strategy in practice; (iii) an approach of conducting activities of teachers and
students in order to perform a teaching content that is defined in advance.
2.1.2. Structure of teaching methodologies
a) A particular teaching methodology is a multi-layer framework that
includes multiple elements with cause and effect relationships among them.
They are described as below:
b) Approaching taught objects: The opinion or approach towards who are
being taught decides the decision of choosing appropriate teaching
c) Reasoning content of methodology: This includes the description of the
teaching methodology, from the rationale to corresponding approaches.
d) Teaching techniques of the methodology: This includes the interactive
activities during the teaching process, through that the teachers can transfer
knowledge to their students.
Other artistic techniques: A teacher must not only organize well their
teaching abilities, but also be aware of how to use them in the best efficient way.
This is called artistic techniques.
2.1.3. Classify teaching methodologies
Teaching methodologies are elements of a diversified system. In order to
use them effectively, a classification is necessary.
The definition of the relationship between teachers, studentsis important
with positive teaching. The different interacting levels ofthis relationship give us
four types of teaching methodologies, including (i) classic type, (ii) traditional
type, (iii) positive type, and (iv) self-study type.
2.2. Positive teaching methodology
2.2.1. Concept
Positive teaching methodology is a short terminology, used to indicate
methodologies that appreciates self-consciousness, positivity, and independent
awareness of students under the guides and directions from teachers.
2.2.2. Specific indications of positive teaching methodology
The indications of positive teaching methodology include (i) teaching via
organizing practical activities for students, (ii) teaching with concentration on
enhancing student’s self-study, (iii) reinforcing the ability of study both
individually and in group, and (iv) combining evaluation from both teachers and
2.2.3. A comparison between positive teaching methodology with others
The positive teaching methodology’s the connotation is focus on student’s
study activities with being self-conscious, positive, independent, and creative. It
is different from other traditional methodologies in that they concentrate only on
the role of teachers.
2.2.4. Positive teaching methodology classification
To have this classification, we define the teaching goal, functions and
content of the teaching activity. After that, we classify methodologies that have
close connections to one group, based on some certain criterias.
Table 2.2: Positive teaching methodology classification
Positive teaching methodologies
Strategy level
Problem solving teaching, theoretical problem
teaching, etc.
Acquiring knowledge
Practical approach, model approach, reasoning
approach, etc.
Teaching organizing
By project, by group, by pair, by individual, etc.
Positivizing student
Talk, seminar, discussion, mind map, puzzle, etc.
Knowledge, techniques
and information
Practical approach (exercises, experiments,
internship, etc.), visual performing approach, selfstudy, etc.
2.3.The problem solving ability of students in study
2.3.1. The concept of ability
In this research, we understand the terminology “ability” is a personal
psychological characteristic, with the combination of innate factor and skills
obtained in life. It is to perform an activity or solve a problem under a specific
circumstance in an efficient and effective way.
2.3.2. Problem solving ability of students in studying Physics
The main obstacle in teaching Physics is to transfer the knowledge that
students (or people who are being taught) have not known how to solve it yet.
Problem solving in teaching Physics is to let students gather all their
knowledge and skills needed to think and experiment for finding answers.
Through that, students acquire new knowledge by themselves.
The problem solving ability in studying Physics is a collection of skills that
allow students to analyze and use them to solve the problem in a positive
attitude, through that learning and obtaining new knowledge.
The problem solving ability in studying Physics of students include: (i) the
ability of understanding a problem, (ii) the ability to find appropriate solutions
for the problem, (iii) the ability of presenting the solutions and results, and (iv)
the ability of evaluating the solutions and results.
2.4. Applying the positive teaching methodology to improve students’
problem solving ability in studying Physics
2.4.1. Approach
We propose four approaches for applying the positive teaching
methodology as below:
(i) Teachers put students in the position of a Physics scientist, and teach them
to solve problems following specific approaches in Physics.
(ii) Teachers combine research methodologies to other traditional approaches
in teaching process.
(iii)Teachers diversify and modernize activities in both teaching and studying
(iv) Applying artistic teaching techniques.
2.4.2.Applying the positive teaching methodology to teaching Physics Teaching problem solving ability in Physics
Teaching through concrete examples is the methodology that many
educators researched and applied in the middle of the 20 th century, in order to
make students be more curios and creative in learning process. Researchers have
agreed that there are three main phases in this methodology: creating
situations/examples contains the problem and make related questions; teach
students how to solve the problem; evaluate the results.
Applying efficiently this methodology, we determine that this is an
important approach in teaching but not only a particular methodology. We call
this one a strategy in teaching students how to solve problems. Teaching problem solving ability by experiment methodology
We propose the process of teaching problem solving ability by the
experimental methodology has three main phases:
Phase 1: Creating situations containing problems
Phase 2: Solving problems:
- Proposing theoretical solutions (constructing answers based on
observation and prediction)
- Finding logical reasoning
- Designing experiments to verify the logical reasoning
- Conducting experiments
- Confirming the correctness of the solutions
Phase 3: Concluding and applying new knowledge Teaching problem solving ability by theoretical approach
We propose the process of teaching problem solving ability by the
theoretical approach has three main phases:
Phase 1: Creating situations containing problems
Phase 2: Solving problems:
- Building the theory model
- Predicting logical reasoning
- Verifying the reasoning; concluding the reasoning; if the conclusion is
correct to the problem then the theory model can be represented as the
researched objective.
Phase 3: Generalizing and defining the problem in the theoretical level.
10 Organizing teaching problem solving ability activities in “Working
corners” methodology
a) Concept of Working corners
Working corners is a teaching methodology in that students perform
different missions in different positions in the classroom space, to achieve a
common content in lecture. In other words, this approach allows students to
understand a common knowledge in their own different ways.
b) Characteristic of Working corners
In Working corners, teachers can strengthen the participation, inspiration
and positivity of students in studying. It helps students get interested in trying to
understand deeply the problem, and it also provides teachers with an opportunity
to classify their students. Through learning stations methodology, teachers and
students are able to get in touch better, and the relationship among students also
can be improved.
c) Approaches in organizing Working corners
Approach 1: Grouping stations based on learning styles: 1/ Experiment station;
2/ Observation station; 3/ Analysis station; 4/ Application station.
Approach 2: Dividing a general problem into specific tasks and assign
them to different corners.
d) Preparation for Working corners
- Choosing content and determine briefly about the number of stations and
- Designing the flow of the lecture: 1/ Define the goal of the lecture; 2/
Prepare facilities and tools for teaching; 3/ Define tasks for each station; 4/
Prepare plan for supporting stations.
e)Process of teaching problem solving ability by Working corners approach
+ Step 1: Designing situations containing the main problem of the lecture
+ Step 2: Defining theory or predict solutions for the problem
+ Step 3: Introducing stations and corresponding tasks
+ Step 4: Dividing stations
+ Step 5: Organizing activities in each station and instruct students to rotate
+ Step 6: Evaluating study activities Organizing teaching problem solving ability activities in project
learning methodology
a) Concept of project learning
Project learning (so-called project based learning) is understood as a
teaching methodology that can be used to teach students with the focus on
activities and experiments. This methodology helps students apply what they
have learned in class into practical activities, so that it improves their thinking
and problem solving ability.
b) Characteristic of project learning
Project learning has several characteristics: practice oriented, student
inspiration oriented, activity oriented, product oriented, skill oriented,
complexity, social reality oriented, collaboration.
c) Process of project learning
Project learning methodology has three main phases: design the project
plan; proceed the plan; and summarize the results. Each phase has a number of
particular steps.
d) Document of project learning
A teacher has to have a document about the process of teaching in a
scientific way, and it reflects the preparation phase of the teacher: the
knowledge that students have to achieve by the name of the project and oriented
questions; introduction about the project and its basic content; project plan;
project process diary for recording students’ acitivies, in order to help the
teacher check and evaluate their process.
e) Evaluate in project learning
Evaluating students’ results in project learning is to combine checking their
knowledge and skills about the content of the project and their attitude in
participating activities and collaborating with others. Teaching problem solving ability through physics exercises
To solve an exercise, it requires students to apply the theoretical
knowledge, skills and experience to pass through a new obstacle. This is a main
approach for students to practice and acquire experience in order to improve
their problem solving ability, and it also plays an important role for teachers to
evaluate this ability in their students. To satisfy these elements, the exercises
have to:
+ Be new and interesting (students have no experience in solving this type
of problems before)
+ Contain practical content, often related to daily problems to bring
students the necessary joy and inspiration, so that they can try their best to solve
Design exercises in teaching physics:
Step 1. Choose the content, phenomenon, practical situation that are
directly related to the given goal of the lesson.
Step 2. Determine the knowledge that students already have, and the one
that is about to teach.
Step 3. Construct the contradictory awareness.
Step 4. Design exercises and expression. Choose data that is from the preprepared situations and express them in a way that contains the problem that
needs to be solved.
Step 5. Construct answers and verify the correctness, scientificness,
expression and presenting method.
Step 6. Carry out experiments.
2.5. Process of applying positive teaching methodologies to improve
students’ problem solving ability in studying one chapter of physics
There are steps to apply positive teaching methodologies to teaching one
chapter of physics in high schools. These steps are as following:
Step 1: Determine what students already have about problem solving
ability and their attitude towards the problem.
Step 2: Organize the content of the lesson with suitable problems and
situations to teach problem solving ability.
Step 3: Construct situations that are related to the content of the lesson.
Step 4: Choose methodologies, equipments, and experiments.
Step 5: Design content for the lesson.
Step 6: Teach students with pre-prepared lesson.
Step 7: Evaluate the result of the method after finishing the teaching
Step 8: Review and take experiences for the future teaching activities.
2.6. Study the current state of applying positive teaching methodologies in
teaching physics in Nghe An province high schools
We have designed oriented questions and have surveyed this problem in 8
different schools (in two months April and May, 2014), with 45 survey sheets
and some other related questions in each school. We also observer live 16
lessons from teachers of these schools to have a better statement. The content
of the survey includes: 1/ Knowledge level and attitude of teachers towards the
problem applying positive teaching methodologies in teaching physics; 2/
Activities for students in a lesson; 3/ State of applying various teaching
methodologies in a lesson; 4/ Frequency of using each of these methodologies
in a lesson; 5/ Teaching in class of teachers; 6/ Existing problems and
difficulties in applying positive teaching methodologies in reality.
And below are our results:
Most of the teachers have a good knowledge and awareness about
problems related to the positive teaching methodologies; and improving
students’ ability and knowledge is the teachers’ priority. However, the actual
state shows that there are still several problems because of the lack of
reasoning foundation.
Developing students’ abilities, especially the problem solving ability, is a
priority of the teachers during teaching activities. Nevertheless, the problem of
how to do it in an effective and efficient manner is still a question, and it needs
to be researched and solved. From the current state, including teachers’
knowledge and attitude towards the problem, facility in teaching activities, and
other elements, we have researched and improve the positive teaching
methodologies in order to gain students’ problem solving ability efficiently, by
that improving the quality of teaching and studying physics in high school
In this chapter, we present the reasoning basis and the current state about
the problem of applying positive teaching methodologies in order to improve
students’ problem solving ability in teaching physics in high school program.
They are concluded as below:
1) Define a particular teaching methodology is a structure of multiple
levels, including elements that have causality relationships with each
other.These levels are: approaching students level, describing and reasoning the
content of the method, applying particular approaches and artistic skills
(language, actions).
2) State a connotation and a denotation of positive teaching methodologies,
construct a classification table of positive teaching methodologies that are used
in teaching physics.
3) Study a definition of the terminology ”ability”, the structure of the
problem solving ability; define five main elements of the problem solving ability
of students in studying physics.
4) Establish 4 standpoints and state a solution of applying positive teaching
methodologies to teaching physics activities in order to improve students’
problem solving ability.
5) State a process of applying positive teaching methodologies in physics
that it contains eight steps.
6) Propose a process of teaching problem solving in both practical and
theoretical manners, and in project learning, learning station approaches, etc.
7) Study and survey the current state of applying positive teaching
methodologies in high schools in Nghe An province: lack of reasoning basis,
lack of practice; hesitation and confusion from teachers in changing and
innovating new methods, etc. From this survey, be aware that it is necessary to
propose solutions in a particular way to design and prepare teaching process in
order to improve problem solving ability for students.
Chapter 3
3.1. Position, characteristics of Chapter “Magnetic Field” in the
current high school program
The Chapter “Magnetic Field” is a relatively difficult part for teachers in
organizing awareness activities to foster the capacities of solving problems for
students. Many concepts are highly abstract and difficult to understand, requiring
students to have the good abilities of visualizing and imagining when
learning. Teachers now have not known to utilize the laboratory, and not yet
combined effectively experiments and teaching methods to foster the capacities to
solve the problem for their students.
3.2. Analyzing the teaching contents of the Chapter “Magnetic Field”
in textbook Physics 11
To clearly understand the nature of knowledge to be taught in the Chapter
“Magnetic Field”, we have prepared the Table 3.1; comparing the contents of
the knowledge to be taught and their scientific contents.
3.3. The teaching objectives of the Chapter "Magnetic Field" oriented
for building the capacities of solving problems for students
In addition to performing the standard objectives, it is necessary to achieve
the objective of improving the capacities of solving problems, we have defined
the capacity objectives when studying the Chapter “Magentic Field” according
to elements: 1/ The capacity to understand the problem; 2/ The capacity to
propose and implement solutions; 3/ The capacity to present solutions and the
results of solving the problems; 4/ The capacity to assess solutions and
3.4. Establishing the logic of developing the contents of the Chapter
“Magnetic Field” in line with the perspectives of teaching and developing
the problem-solving capacities.
We have studied the logic of building the teaching contents of the Chapter
“Magnetic Field” of the standard textbook which is described through the
process graph.We thereby realize: The knowledge which is taught by means of
notification has very little knowledge derived from experimentation. We have
recommended the logic of building the teaching knowledge of the Chapter
“Magnetic Field” in the orientation of develop in the capacities of problemsolving for students.
3.5. Preparing the teaching conditions for the Chapter “Magnetic
Field” according to the extensive teaching methods.
3.5.1. Selecing the teaching methods, means and forms of teaching
For each specific knowledge module, we propose the capacity to solve the
problem that students need to achieve, teaching methods, teaching forms and
used means.
3.5.2. Preparing teaching equipment and means Equipment, experiments used in teaching the Chapter "Magnetic
a) DIY object Projector in teaching Physics
The object projector shall be combined the projector to report the
experiments, further describe the process of conducting experiments. In
addition, the object projector can help the class observe small specimens,
photographs, details and results of operations of the group which are
performed on the small-sized papers ...
b) Using the side panel in teaching Physics
Side tables can help students strengthen active operations, self-dominate
knowledge, and form multiple skills.
c) The tester “magnetic force and electromagnetic induction”.
The experiment “magnetic force and electromagnetic induction” is one of
the experiments in the lits of minimum equipment of the Grade 11 physics by
the Ministry of Education and Training. It allows the students to conduct the
experimental survey on the magnetic induction force.
d) The experiment of surveying the magnetic electric current in a long
straight conductor.
Homemade laboratory instruments, magnetic survey of the current in a
long straight conductor: observe dimensional images and determining
magnetic field lines.
e) Equipment for magnetic survey of the current flowing in the wire
bending in a circle.
Homemade laboratory instruments, magnetic survey of the current in the wire
bending circle: observe dimensional images and determining magnetic field lines.
g) Equipment magnetic survey of the current flowing in the conductor
Homemade laboratory instruments, magnetic survey of the current in the
conductor cylinder: observe dimensional images and determining magnetic field lines. Digitized visual data used in teaching the Chapter “Magnetic Field”
a) Developing the experimental video clips of balancing cotton
The experiment of balancing cotton manufactured by Phywe company is a
modern laboratory equipment used to measure the force exerted on a straightline phones are placed in a magnetic field of the magnet with high
accuracy. We conduct experimental film magnetic force exerted on the power
cord, in the laboratory of Vinh University.
b) Virtual experiment in teaching physics
We downloaded virtual experiments "magnetic force and electromagnetic
induction" at the website:, and installed it on the
computer. This virtual lab allows us to take the steps required experiments like real
"magnetic force and magnetic induction" as described above.
16 Handout used in teaching the Chapter "Magnetic Field"
The handout is one of the popular teaching tool in an extensive teaching
hours. This is a powerful tool to support teachers in the delivery of learning
content as well as the objectives specified in the form of teaching learning
tasks for students. Classroom of Physics used in extensive teaching
The physics classroom is the classroom for the class hours of physics,
including activities associated with the experiment and practice.We propose to
use the classroom of the Division for extensive teaching.
3.5.3. Building problematic situations for teaching the Chapter
“Magnetic Field”
We built 10 situations used in teaching the Chapter "Magnetic Field".
3.5.4. Building issue exercises of the Chapter "Magnetic Field"
The exercises are built in the form of homework problems, in order to
build the capacity to solve the problem for students. There are 10 exercises
built in the thesis.
3.6. Designing the teaching process of some knowledge of the Chapter
“Magnetic Field” in extensive teaching methods.
3.6.1. The process of teaching knowledge "Magnetic induction"
* The objective of problem-solving capacity: Giving predicted magnitude
force exerted on the current; design experimental plan; data processing are
collected and draw conclusions; Expressions grasp the magnitude of the
magnetic induction vector; observation skills training, information gathering
and processing of information collected.
* Preparation of teachers and students: Video clips balancing cotton
experiments; virtual experiments "magnetic force and electromagnetic
induction"; experimenters "magnetic force and electromagnetic induction" on
the list of minimum teaching equipment; some computers have installed virtual
experiments, video clips balancing cotton; handout. Spatial layout of
classrooms, activity is expected content and means in the position to ensure
Angle learning. Teaching ideas
In this lesson, we organize teaching problem-solving empirical method:
- Description familiar situations in everyday life, such as magnetic
resonance machine with 3.5 Tesla technical information, this is the quantitative
value of the sensor from which the student has not learned, the problem
appears to find understand. From there, students participate in the construction
and recognize the problem.
- Design of force measuring magnitude feasibility (based on knowledge
and experience of the students).
- Recommend hypothesis, outlined predictions (based on life experience
and understanding how to measure magnetic forces acting on the wire segment
has designed).
- Proposal experiments to test predictions (choice of teaching methods,
learning materials possible).
- Organizing test experiment in the form of angle.
- Draw the relationship between human laws from F to terms of amperage
I, conductor length l and the angle α between the afternoon and evening lines
from electric current. The diagram of the process of building the knowledge "Magnetic
In the process diagram construct knowledge "Magnetic induction", has
concretized the stages organized awareness activities for students, to guide the
drafting process of teaching. Drafting the process of teaching knowledge "Magnetic induction"
a)Activity 1: Strengthen knowledge derived; raises
problems; given
problems to solve: the students already know the shape and direction of the
magnetic field lines, from teachers given situation (parameters 3.5 tesla
magnetic resonance machine); appearance issues to study: magnetic induction
magnitude depends on what factors? How is the magnetic induction
vector? Definition magnitude magnetic induction?
b) Activity 2: Problem Solving
- Choose the option that determines the magnitude magnetic induction:
study magnetic forces acting on the magnet test to determine the magnetic
induction vector magnitude. Organize students to design experiments
alternatives, choosing a feasible plan: review unified force acting on currentcarrying conductor segment.
- Propose hypotheses: the magnitude of the force exerted on the wire
carrying an electric current can depend on factors and depends how? There are
three hypotheses: changing the length of the power line, change the amperage,
change the angle between the current direction and magnetic induction
direction. Discovered the relationship between magnetic force to terms of
changes in the experiment.
- Instruct students to design and conduct experiments step to test the hypothesis:
students selected to the U-shaped magnets generate a constant magnetic field, using
rectangular wire frames with different lengths, published positioned so that one edge
of the frame in a magnetic field, the wire frame is also connected to a power
source. To test these predictions depend on power from the amperage, wire length
and angle α, in the experiments we measure the force F when changing a quantity,
and other variables unchanged. Introduction experiment.
- Organization and conduct experiments (Operating under the corner):
Arranging the teaching methods available in the 4 corners of learning;laboratory
activities organized under the corner. The rotating group of students doing
experiments in the corner under the direction and organization of teachers.
- Discuss the results of experiments, draw new conclusions.
c)Activity 3: Speaking Am-pe laws, understanding of the magnetic
d) Activity 4: Consolidate and use knowledge.
3.6.2. The process of teaching the Project "Manufacturing the simple
one-way electric motor"
Derived from the content and teaching objectives of the Chapter "Magnetic
Field", combined with the extensive application of knowledge in science,
engineering and life. Through teaching practice, the exchange and discussion
between teachers and students to go to the formation of project ideas. Designing the standard unit of knowledge
Derived from the standard unit of knowledge, we determined that this
project is related to the knowledge of the lessons in textbook Physics 11 and
textbook Physics 10. In addition to the standard knowledge, students can learn
more about the types of engines based on the principle of magnetic force. Junlenxo laws. Designing the project ideas
Is it possible to build a electric motor from simple items as a way to
discover vatim understand the operation of the electric motor, or not? Building the oriented questionnaires
a) Essential Questions: The understanding of knowledge "From the" What to
benefit human and technical scientific progress? There are machines, devices
have been manufactured based on the knowledge of "Magnetic Field"
b) Unit Question: One of the machines and equipment are manufactured
based on the knowledge of "Magnetic Field" electric motor that is onedimensional. DC motors used in electric bicycles, tractor train, blowing
furnaces used in the family kitchen, children's toys. So, the machinery and
equipment that has a structure and operating principles of how we can build a
direct current motor is not simple?
c) The question of content: Includes 6 sentences. Planning the teaching
Develop teaching plan including specific tasks, time, location, teacher in
charge, etc. Teaching plan 1: Developing the project " Manufacturing the
simple one-way electric motor "
Objectives: Students are referred to the group to perform tasks; student
groups to plan for project implementation: assignment leader, secretary,
personal tasks, implementation plans; Students interested, active and ready to
embark on the project. The activities:
Activity 1: Introduction. Receiving ideas and project tasks.
Activity 2: Dividing student groups.
Activity 3: Project Implementation Guidelines.
Activity 4: Assigning and guiding the task implementation among groups.
Activity 5: Announcement of the project plan.
Activity 6: Announcement of the references. Teaching plan 2: Guiding and supporting the project
Objective: To guide students to collect, process and synthesize information; Advisor
for students to design one model of electric motors simple way; Support, resolve issues and
problems remaining students: Check the progress of the student work.
The activities in teaching:
Activity 1: Checking the progress of the project; collect, process
information, reporting the results.
Activity 2: Guiding the product design model Teaching plan 3: Acceptance for the project
Objective: Students are interested, positive and confident the project
presentation; Legalize the standard of knowledge through the implementation
of the project; Project Evaluation and learned lessons.
Activity 1: Stating the process of product presentations
Activity 2: Reporting product – operating the model
Activity 3: Legalizing the knowledge
Activity 4: Summary; learned experience
3.6.3. The process of teaching the Lesson "Magnetic of electric current in
the wires with special shape" (Appendix 3-Appendix 10)
3.6.4. The process of teaching the exercises of the Chapter “Magnetic
Field” (Presentation in Appendix 4-Appendix 20)
Conclusion of Chapter 3
We have realized the application of extensive teaching methods in the
teaching the Chapter “Magnetic Field” in textbook Physics 11 as follows: 1/
Providing the advanced goals (teaching the development of problem-solving
capacities); 2/ Analyzing and comparing contents of the knowledge to be taught
and their scientific contents, thus establishing logic of developing the contents of
the Chapter “Magnetic Filed” appropriate for teaching the development of
problem-solving capabilities; 3/ Indicating the teaching conditions of Chapter
“Magnetic Field” in textbook Physics 11 according to the extensive teaching
methods: preparing the teaching methods, learning materials, classrooms,
problematic situations, exercises, choosing the method suitable for typical
knowledge; 4/ Designing four teaching processes: Teaching the concept of
"Magnetic induction"; teaching the lesson "Magnetic of electric current in the
conductors with special shape"; teaching the project "Manufacturing the simple
one-way electric motors"; Teaching problem exercises of the Chapter "Magnetic
Field". The teaching processes which are drafted follow theories about the
proposed extensive teaching methods to improve the efficiency of teaching.
Chapter 4
4.1. Aim of pedagogic practice
We conducted a pedagogic practice in three upper secondary schools in
Nghe An province to test the hypothesis.
4.2. Tasks of pedagogic practice
- Assessing the feasibility of the teaching process; evaluating the
effectiveness of the teaching process for the development of problem-solving
ability of students; and proposing additional ideas for the theory.
4.3. Objects and pedagogical practice time
- The objects of the pedagogical practice are grade 11 students at the three
upper secondary schools in Nghe An Province within 2 academic years.
4.4. Methodology of pedagogical practice
Technical implementation: Conducting a survey before and after the
pedagogical practice, monitoring and observing directly both teachers and
students; analysing the videotapes and using statistical methods.
Procedure: Experimental groups are taught as the thesis process is
designed while the others learn the normal lessons in the national curriculum.
4.5. Results of pedagogical practice
Results of pedagogical practice - round 1
The process of the practice shows that the students are very eager and
interested in learning activities. This is a problem that every teacher have when
designing and organizing learning situations.
- During learning stages: The students are continually kept in a
psychological state in which they are stimulated by the "problematic
situations", thus they are able to form the problem-solving ability. This is the
most important and creative of the teaching process. Therefore, it is necessary
to continue the research to create a system of "problematic situations" that are
suitable for each of the lessons.
Teaching methods make an important contribution in the development of
students’ problem-solving ability, especially during the problem solving stage.
Teachers need to actively select, improve and refresh the experiments to ensure
high accuracy, then the effect of teaching-oriented capacity development will
be revealed. Large number of students and limited time also affect the
development of students’ ability.
Organizing learning activities for students is very important, contributing
to the formation and development of students’ ability. Depending on the
content of each lesson and the teaching method chosen, teachers will give
instructuions so that students can carry out the tasks by themselves. The steps
to change the angle of learning need to be considered in order that students can
move in a more scientific and less time-consuming way.
Results of pedagogical practice - round 2
In round 2, evaluating the results of pedagogical practice is reviewed
through the following aspects; Percentage of students who receive the issue
studied; Percentage of Students who can predict the hypothetical and logical
consequences; Percentage of students who can propose and design how to do
the experiments.
Besides, we also observe and have statistics on the terms: Number of
students participating in the successful implementation of these activities in a
positive and creative perception; which awareness activities are simple or too
hard; the real time awareness activities than expected; the attitude of students
when participating in the learning activities;
On the basis of editing and drawing experiences at round 1 of the
pedagogical practice, the limitations have been overcome as follows: increasing
the students’ excitement, giving specific evaluation of the elements of problemsolving ability, assessing the advantages of applying active teaching methods in
developing the proble - solving ability through the statistics obtained between
experimental classes and standardized testing classes.
Along with the analysis of the teaching process in the class and a preliminary
assessment of the formation and development of students’ problem-solving
ability, we organize for students to take a 45-minute test at the end of the
pedagogical practice.
Results of test points
No. of
Test Points
9 10
2 3
0 2
2 5
Graphs of cumulative frequency distribution of experimental classes and
standardized testing classes
Conclusion of Chapter 4:
Through analyzing the changes during the process, assessing, quantifying
and focusing on the students’ problem-solving ability in the two rounds of
pedagogical practice, we found that:
The process of organizing awareness activities in the 4 logically-prepared
lessons has formed new knowledge that is suitable for teaching conditions and
students’ levels in the local, thus has met the requirements of innovative
teaching methods. The given situation and organization of cognitive activities
and guidance question system for suggesting cognitive activities are suitable
for most of the students to help them overcome the difficulties in terms of
awareness, set out to create the excitement, the positive and the ability to solve
the problems by themselves.
The experimental facilities, physical patterns and softwares, as well as
video clips helped students perform awareness activities effectively. The
teaching methods have had great effect on encouraging students' interest, and
has become the basis to promote and implement the active teaching method
such as proposing experiment plans, designing experimental patterns and
physical products...
During the process of organizing awareness activities with active teaching
methods, some form of teaching are applied, such as angle-based learning,
project teaching, teaching in small groups… The forms of teaching are really
effective when the designed lessons are based on learner-centered teaching
perspective with the problem-solving strategies. Thus, the specific cognitive
methods of Physics are effectively used. In pedagogical experiment, we use
quite a lot of familiarizing approach and modeling methodology. Therefore, we
not only promote the positive, self-reliance and creativity of each student, but
also facilitate the coordination and interaction among members of the of the
team so that they can implement awareness activities successfully, from which
the students’ ability is developed. The coordination among groups and between
students and teachers can ensure the two-way communication, especially
information from the students backwards during cognitive activities. Thereby,
the teachers can control and assess the cognitive performance of students and
the effectiveness of the method in which creative awareness activities are
The change and the advancement of knowledge perceiving quality as well
as the students’ problem-solving ability through cognitive activities; the results
of the survey and written tests after the pedagogical practice shown as above
demonstrates the practical verification of the initial feasibility which the
hypothesis is set out. It also demonstrates the quality of knowledge
perspective, skills and problem-solving ability development function for
students’ in cognitive activities when applying active teaching methods, which
proves that the organization of teaching as above is much better than the
traditional way of teaching in standardized classes.
Compared with the purposes and tasks of the research, we have achieved
the following results:
1) Identifying the connotation and denotation of active teaching methods,
classifying the active teaching methods according to the hierarchical structure
including factors that have cause and effect relationship.
2) Studying the concept of capacity, the structure of the problem-solving
ability,and identifying the 5 elements of problem-solving ability, each of which
indicates 3 actions of levels.
3) Developing the criteria for evaluating the problem-solving ability of
students in learning Physics.
4) Establishing four perspectives that apply active teaching methods to
develop the problem-solving ability for students in teaching Physics: teachers
put students in the position of Physicist, guide them to solve problems basing
on the study of particular characteristics of Physics, moreover, teachers also
use the researching methods of Physics into the process of teaching how to
solve problems, while diversifying and modernizing the the forms of
organizing problem-solving activities of students, as well as using the
techniques and the art of teaching.
5) Recommending the procedures to apply active teaching methods in
6) Selecting the active teaching methods in order to develop the problemsolving ability for students: 1/ Teach students how to solve problems by using
experimental methods; 2/ Teach students how to solve problems by using
theoretical methods; 3/ Teach students how to solve problems by using angle
form; 4/ Teach students how to solve problems by using project form.
7) Investigating the current status of applying active teaching methods at
high schools in Nghe An province.
8) Analyzing the content of the textbooks on the basis of the standard of
teaching objectives, we offer the advanced target (developing problem-solving
ability) based on the oriented research.
9) Analyzing the knowledge required to teach the chapter "Magnetic
field” at the high school level, then analyzing and comparing the knowledge
that need teaching with the scientific content.
10) Setting the logically-developed content for the chapter "Magnetic
field" to be suitable for the teaching point of view of developing the problemsolving ability, pointing out the difficulties in applying the active methods to
teach the target knowledge , thereby proposing the logically-developed content
for the chapter "Magnetic field" that fits the teaching point of view of
developing the problem-solving ability.
11) Pointing out the conditions in which the chapter “Magnetic field” Physics 11 will be taught with the active teaching methods: preparation of
teaching equipment, learning materials, classrooms, problematic situations,
problematic exercises.. , to select the suitable method for typical knowledge.
12) Designing the teaching procedure for 4 lessons: Teaching the concept
of "Magnetic induction"; "The magnetic field of the electric current in the
wires with special shape"; Teaching project "Production of simple direct
current electric motors"; Teaching problematic exercises on the chapter
"Magnetic field" - Physics 11 to develop the problem-solving ability.
The teaching procedures are designed based on the theories about the
positive teaching methods proposed to improve the efficiency of teaching and
to develop the problem-solving ability for students. In which teaching the
knowledge of "Magnetic induction", and "The magnetic field of the electric
current in the wires with special shape" was built with teaching the problemsolving using the experimental method and theoretical approach; Teaching
project "Production of simple direct current electric motors" with teaching the
problem-solving in the form of projects, and "Problematic exercises" were
built with teaching the problem solving in the form of Angles.
13) Organizing 2-round pedagogic practice at 3 high schools in Nghe An
province . The results of the pedagogical practice have initially confirmed the
feasibility and effectiveness of the teaching procedures designed, as well as the
process of applying the active teaching methods to develop the students’
problem-solving ability in teaching Physics at upper secondary schools.
1) Through the process of researching and implementing the project we
have a number of recommendations to contribute to the effective teaching of
Physics at high schools: Using the traditional teaching methods under the new
spirit: teachers have to choose a teaching methods following a strategy in
which the positiveness, activeness, and creativity, as well as the ability of the
learners are promoted at the best level.
2) Combining a variety of teaching methods: Coordinate a variety of
methods and forms of teaching in the whole process is an important direction
to promote the activeness of learners. Problem-solving needs to be used as a
strategy, in which the particular cognitive methods of Physics are used in the
problem-solving stage.
3) Increasing the use of teaching equipment and Information Technology
in a reasonable way. Especially, teachers’ self-made teaching equipment
always have important implications in teaching, thus need be promoted.
4) Improving the active learning method for students in many different forms.
5) The educational management levels need to mobilize a more powerful
movement for teachers and students to promote the positiveness, self- reliance
and creativity in proposing and designing the plans for experiments with
efficient simple cheap new patterns and application of Information Technology
in innovativing the teaching methods, especially designing for immitation and
building video clips supporting positive and self-reliant cognitive activities to
develop the problem-solving ability for students.