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Unit 10: Listening (grade12)

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* Class 7
* Group 2:
1. Ph¹m TuyÕt Nhung
2. TrÇn ThÞ Xiªm
3. NguyÔn ThÞ Uyªn
4. Lý ThÞ Dinh
5. NguyÔn LÖ H»ng
Unit 10: endangered species
Lesson 3: Listening
I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to do exercises in extensive listening,
multiple choice questions and gap-filling.
II. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape and pictures/posters.
III. Procedures:
Time Steps Work arrangement
A. Warmer.
Game: Jumbled words:
- gerti  tiger
- onmeky  monkey
- glloiary  gorilla
- T. asks some questions to focus sts on the topic of
the listening lesson.
+ Have you ever seen any gorillas ?
+ Where do they live?
+ Do you like watching them?
- Lead-in the lesson
Group work
B. Pre - listening.
- T. lets sts read some vocabulary
+ gorilla (n)
+ bared teeth (n)
+ silver back

+ sociable (adj)
+ civil war (n)
- T. checks and gives feedback.
* Activity 1: (SGK)
- T. asks sts to work in pairs to guess the answers (p.
Whole class
Pair work
C. While - listening.
* Task 1.
Unit 10 - Lesson 3: Listening
- T. calls on some sts to give their answers.
- T. checks with the whole class and comments.
* Keys:
* Task 2.
- T. designs Task 2 by reducing 4 answers  3
answers (A, B, C), shows and asks sts to read
through the questions after that sts guess the
answers. T. explains new words if necessary.
- T. plays the tape once or twice
- Have sts discuss and compare their answers in
pairs after that T. checks with the whole class.
- T. plays the tape again and pauses at key words if
necessary and then gives feedback and comments.
* Keys:
1 - A, 2 - A, 3 ...
* Task 3.
- T. shows the poster of the chart (p. 112)

- T. asks sts to practise and guess missing words for
gaps in the chart.
- Let sts listen again and complete sentences by
filling a suitable word.
- T. calls on sts to go to board and write down their answers.
- T. checks with the whole class.
* Keys: 1 - .....
D. Post - listening.
- T. asks sts to retell the listening passage based on
Task 1 and 2.
- T. helps sts with some vocabulary and correct if
Group work
E. Homework.
- T. asks sts to rewrite main information about the
listening passage based on Post - listening.
Unit 10 - Lesson 3: Listening

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