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Giáo án Tiếng anh Language focus lớp 10 unit 6

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Unit 6: An Excursion
P. Language Focus

I. Class Description:

- Number of students: 40
- Age: 15
- Level: Pre-Intermediate

II. Date and Time:

- Friday, November 13
- Duration: 45 minutes
III. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to:

- pronounce the sounds / ə / and / ɜ: / correctly
- distinguish the present progressive (with a future meaning), be going to,
and use them appropriately
IV. Teaching- aids
- Textbook, chalk, board, power point, hand- out
V. Procedure

Teacher’s Activities
Warm- up
• Greet Ss
(7 minutes)
• “My Plan” Game

- Introduces the rule for Ss
- Divides class into 4 groups
- Shows Ss the “Candy” picture with
the incomplete sentence “I’m going
to buy bag of candy” and tell them
the rule
- Each group will fill in the verb and
rewrite the complete sentence. Which
group has the most correct answers
will be the winner and can get a bag
of candy.
- Corrects them and decides who is
the winner
• Instructs Ss how to pronounce
(10 minutes)
- Shows Ss some pictures of shape of
- Explains to Ss the way to put the
tongue and lips
+ / ə / the tongue remains and
touches the bottom teeth
- Pronounce some words “teacher,
about, today…”
+ / ɜ: / vowel always followed by
consonant R. The tongue hangs down
and doesn’t touch anything
- Pronounces some words “bird,
work, term…”

- Calls on Ss to practice some
- Corrects Ss
II, Grammar
(26 minutes)

Explain Future Forms:
- Shows formations and usages of
three kinds( examples)
- Combines showing pictures with

Students’ Activities
- Great T
- See the picture and
listen to the T
- Do in groups and think
of many other verbs
- The representative of a
group bring their
group’s result, go to the
board and read them

See pictures and
listen to the T
Repeat the words
Read 6 sentences

See pictures and
listen to the T
Write in their
note- books

- Will: Decision at the time of
speaking, and uncertainty
E.g.: You’re sick. I’ll help you
- Present progressive (with a future
meaning): Arrangement or
appointment, something you put in
your diary
E.g.: He’s going to see his lawyer
next week
- Be going to: Decision made before
the time of speaking, certainty,
usually personal plan
E.g.: I’m going to show her around
the town
• Exercise 1:
Choose the correct option in brackets
1 … are you doing…
2 … is getting married…

3 … Are you going to…
4 … am going to…
5 … is going to…
- Asks Ss to read this exercise
carefully before doing
- Requires Ss to underline key words
to recognize easily
E.g.: Tell me your plan, Lan. What
(are you doing/ will you do) this
Saturday evening?
- Calls on Ss to check their answer
- Corrects Ss

- Listen to the T and
read the exercise
- Underline key words
and tell those with T
- Do this work
- Raise hands and

Exercise 2:
Choose the present progressive or be
going to
1. are going
2. are having
3. is going to catch
4. are you putting

5. is not going to give
- Asks Ss to read this exercise

- Listen to the T and
read the exercise
- Underline key words
and tell those with T
- Do this work

carefully before doing
- Requires Ss to underline key words
to recognize easily
- Calls on Ss to check their answer
- Corrects Ss
E.g. : 1.The Browns (go) to the
cinema this evening.
• Exercise 3:
Complete the exchanges
1 …Are you going to see it?/ I’m
doing my homework.
2 … we are visiting our grandparents
3 … What’s he going to do with it?
4 … It’s going to rain soon.
5 … I’m going to clean them later.
- Gives Ss hand-out
- Requires Ss to discuss with a

partner to choose the right answers
- Corrects Ss
(2 minutes)

- Remind Ss learning this lesson’s
theory and practicing pronunciation
- Prepare the Test Yourself lesson

- Raise hands and

- Listen to the T and
read the exercise
- Work in pairs
- Raise hands and
answer T
- Listen to the T and
learn by heart at home

Unit 6: Language Focus
Exercise 3. Complete the exchanges, using the present progressive or be going to
1. There’s a football match on TV this afternoon. Are you going to see/ Are you seeing?
No, I’m busy. I’m doing my home work/ I’m going to do my homework.
2. Can you come next weekend?
Sorry, we’d love to, but we are going to visit our grandparents/ we are visiting our
3. I hear Tim has won a lot of money. What’s he going to do with it/ What’s he doing with it?

He says he is buying a new motorbike/ he is going to buy a new motorbike.
4. Should I leave the umbrella at home?
It’s cloudy and windy. It’s going to rain soon/ It’s raining soon. Take it long.
5. Do you think the windows are so dirty>
Oh, yes. I’m going to clean them/ I’m cleaning them later.
