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Test............by nguyenthanhlong
I. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. Janet has earned a good................(repute) for herself in school.
2. The earthquake has caused great...............(destroy) and rebuilding the city
will take years.
3. Television is the great..............(distract) for many students.
4. The man looks.............(dread) with his long unkempt hair and dirty finger –
5. Japan is a...............(mountain) country.
6. Computers are increasingly...............(seek) after in today's business world of
sophisticated technology.
7. Mr John ................(confrontation) the manager of the travel agency and
demanded his money back as his holiday had been a disaster.
8. Mrs Marisa ...............(suspicious) that her servant has stolen her necklace.
II. Rearrange the following conversation.
1. Where's Jack ? He promised to check these reports with me.

2. Shall I go and look for him?
3. No, I wouldn't bother. He'll probably turn up in a minute.
4. It's essential he should see.
5. I saw him in the sale office a few minutes ago.
III. Read the following passage carefully and fill in each blank with a suitable word.
Before man learnt how to built (1) ................, he lived in shelters which he made
(2) ........................ whatever materials he could find. He was a natural camper.
(3) ........................time went on. Villages developed, then town and cities. People
soon got used (4) . living in man – made house. However, there are (5)
millions of people (6) ...................... the world who spend all their lives (7) …………..
It was not (8) ………….. this century that people began to camp because they wanted
(9) …………… .In the (10) …………. twenty to thirty years, camping has become more
and more popular.
IV. Join the two sentences to make one appropriate sentence without changing the
meaning. Do not use "and" or "but"
1. Jack didn't receive any present on his birthday. His brother and his sister didn't
give him present.
- He didn't receive any present from either his brother or his sister on his birthday
2. Janet is washing the dishes. Her sister is drying the dishes.
3. Jane and his brother covered the food. Flies would not land on it.
4. We were not allowed into the theatre to watch the play. We arrived late.
5. Tom had a twisted ankle. He insisted on playing in the match
6. Fred finished drawing the picture. He started to color it.
V. Transformation
1.The ship was not surrendered until it was half burnt.

2.The weather forecast was inaccurate, so we didn't take the right precaution.
3.The temperature didn't fall below zero last night, so the crops weren't damaged.
4.Though I am poor, I'll not serve villain.
Poor as............................................................................................................
5.Although I pay him much, this man's never satisfied.
6.These mangoes are so cheap that they can not be good.
7.You must speak slowly or he'll not be able to understand you.
8. John always spoke to his lawyer before signing the contract.
John didn't....................................................................................................
9.Jane is the tallest girl in her class.
10.My suit needs cleaning before I go to the party.
I need.............................................................................................................
VI. Turn the following sentences in to passive form
1.They considered that she was the best singer.
2.Don't wipe your dirty fingers on my table cloth
3.You don't need to wind this watch.
4.My friend advised buying that car.
5.It's impossible to do that work

6.Do your test carefully.
7.I didn't left him know what I was thinking.
8.It's necessary to concentrate on your lesson.
Test............by nguyenthanhlong
I. Read the following passage carefully and fill in each bank with a suitable word.
The (1) …………of modern life is a cause (2)……………concern as one's lifestyle
affects one's (3)……………and mental health. A major (4)………….of heart disease is
tress (5)…………….overwork. Those who will invariably(6)……………..hit with heart
disease are those(7)…………..are always (8)……………a hurry and who are highly
concious of the time. They work hurriedly and are (9)……………to relax; they are very
competitive and bent on moving (10)……………..in their studies of careers.

II. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket.
1. Any ...........(add) information you may have on the accident will be most
useful to the police.
2. The ................(invade) of Kuwait by Iraqis was condemned by most the whole
3. This restaurant is...................(fame) for its western meals.
4. In ...................(accord) with the rules of the competition, the team was
5. This examination will test your .....................(proficient) in English.
6. The police announced yesterday that the stolen jewellery had been returned to
its (right) owner.
7. The new president of that country abolished all forms off ................. (slave).
8. "Have you seen the new ................... (advertise) for Mei shampoo? – I think I
shall buy a bottle now." said Liz.
9. "I get a lot of ...................(satisfy) out of being a social worker" said Mrs
10. The price of this car, which is forty thousand dollars, is ........................
III. March the words with their opposites.
1. Provide a. Get worse
2. Ordinary b. Flood.
3. Improve c. Collect.
4. Simple d. Unusual.
5. Drought e. At different times.
6. Mean while f. Creation.
7. Destruction g. Complicated.
8. Industrial h. Custom.
i. Agricultural.
j. Cause.
IV. Join the two sentences to make one appropriate sentence without changing the

1. Jackie could have eaten the cake. Mary could have eaten the cake as well.
2. Alex's room is dirty. It's messy too.
3. The tap was turned on. Water began spurt out in all directions.
4. It was raining heavily. The trip was called off.
5. Follow the instructions on the treasure map. You will become rich.
6. Fred worked very hard for the Examinations. He did not do well.
7. The train will arrive at a certain time. Do you know the time?
8. You made mistake. I think so.
V. Rewrite the following sentences as indirect speech.
1. "Don’t run about the garden or trample on the flower beds !" Grandpa told Bill.
2. " They should put traffic lights here; otherwise there will be more accidents".
2. "There are normally twenty – eight days in February". Anne said.
4. "The children had better go to bed early" said she.
5. "You had better not drink beer"
6. "When I was young I used to play in the park"

7. "Let's go" said they.
8. "Would you please, fill in this form" said the receptionist
VI. Turn the following sentences into passive form.
1. Go this way ! ......................................................................................................
2. They let him play football in the school yard.....................................................
3. I hate people looking at me.................................................................................
4. Don't take the book away....................................................................................
5. Take it away........................................................................................................
6. He likes people to call him "sir".........................................................................
VII. Transform the following subordinate clauses into because clause.
1. If had studied English, now I would have a good job.
2. The test was so difficult that I couldn't do.
3. He turned out the light in order not to waste electricity.
4. I'm buying paint in order to paint the door.
Test............by nguyenthanhlong

I. Read the following passage carefully. Fill in each blank with the correct form of
the verb.
Mount Fuji is the highest vocalnic mountain in Japan. It last (1) ……………(erupt)
in 1707 and (2) ...................................long .............. upon (has look) as a sacred
mountain by many Japanese.
If you (3) ................(be) to go to Mount Fuji, or Fujijyama as it (4) ……….also
.......................(be, know), you would see many hot springs (5)
.......................(bubble) at the foot of the mountain.
Some people (6).................... (believe) in the medicinal value of spring, also (7)
…………..(bath) in them in the hope that their illnesses will (8) ........................(cure)
by the hot eater.
Many Japanese hope to climb the mountain at least once in their live. (9)
………….(complete) the Journey on foot, as some Japanese do, is not an easy task.
Mount Fuji is indeed a beautiful sight. It is therefore not surprising that tourists
from all over the world (10).......(visit) it each year.
II. Rewrite she following sentences into the form "It's + Adj".
1. Children should do their home work.
2. Teacher should speak clearly.
3. We don't have to hurry.
4. Fish can't live out of water for more than s few minutes.
5. They can work hard for their examination.
6. A child can't sit still for a long time.

III. Rewrite Gerundial Subject with the false Subject it.
1. It's important to be polite other people.
2. It's dangerous to go out alone at night in this part of the city.
3. It's takes three minutes to boil an egg.
4. It's important to have good friends.
5. It's interesting to learn other cultures.
6. It's dangerous to smoke cigarettes.
IV. Rewrite the following sentences into Active voice
1. The window – pane which was broken by a boy yesterday is being repaired.
2. Articles which have been bought during the sale can not be exchanged.
3. This dress can't be washed, It must be dry – cleaned.
4. In the future, perhaps, letters won't be brought to your house, and they'll have
to be collected from the post office.
5. Children were not looked after properly.
6. This skyscraper will have to be pulled down as the town planning regulations
have not been complied with.
V. Choose she word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

1. ..................he's got an English name, he is in fact a German.
a. despite c. in spite of
b. although d. even
2. It's becoming .................... to find a job in the city.
a. sure c. more money
b. better d. more and more difficult
3. Open the door ............................?
a. don't you c. would you
b. do you d. can't you
4. Neither Rosa nor her sister ......................... to camp. However, her brother will
be going.
a. are going c. were going
b. is going d. was going
5. The conference...................... in Hanoi next week.
a. is held c. will hold
b. is being d. will be held
6. Happiness is something ……………..money cannot buy.
a. what c. which
b. whose b. that
7. Jackie was crossing the road when Daniel …………….him.
a. was calling on c. called out to
b. had called to d. called to
8. The girl are tired ……………… having to wash the dishes every night.
a. with c. by
b. at d. of
VI. Rewrite by using V ing form
1. I have been abroad, so I missed the election.
2. I was lost, so I had to ask someone the way.

3. It was a holiday, so there were thousands of cars on the mad.
4. There was so much noise, I couldn't hear what was going on.
VII. Combine into single sentence by using ED form.
1. If you are accepted for the job, you will be informed soon.
2. The painting was lost for years. It turned up at an auction
3. When it was viewed from a distance, it resembled cloud
4. Although the pagoda was built years ago it was in good
Test............by nguyenthanhlong
I. Read the following passage carefully. Fill in each blank with the correct form of
Verb in the brackets.
It was really by accident that penicillin (1) .................. (discover) by Alexander

Flemming. As a result, he (2) ……………(produce) the first of a series of antibiotics
which (3)…………….(be) to (4)………….(change) medicine forever. While (5) …………
(do) once of the cultures uncovered. Upon (7) ………… (return) the next day, he (8)
…………. (find) that it had become (9) ………… (infect) by a mould called penicillium.
Penicillin and its derivaties (10) ……………since ………….. (has, prove) to be some of
the most useful drugs known to man.
II Reading.
(Read the paragraphs below and the summary which follows. Complete the
summary by writing the correct word in each blank)
Air pollution is caused of ill-health in human being. In a lot of countries there are
law limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce. Although there isn’t
enough information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved
that air pollution in most cities. The lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas which
often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings. Children who live in
areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere can not think as quickly as other
children and are clumsy when they use their hands.
There are other long-term effects of pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere
continue to increase, the earth’s climate may become warmer. A lot of the ice near
the Poles may melt and may cause serious floods.
Air (1)................. can make people (2) ...................... Consequently, some
countries pass (3) ................ to control the quantity of (4)................. in the air.
(5)................ causes particular damage to the body by harming the (6)............
(7)............should not be used in petrol because it is bad for children’s
(8) ................... and makes them clumsy in using their hands. Poisonous gas from (9)
....................... collects in those parts of cities where are tall buildings. Pollution can
also have an influence on the earth’s (10)................. The ice may melt near the North
and South Poles, resulting in very bad (11) .....................
III Common errors in written English.
(Try to find mistakes in writing)
1. Five tons of coal have been carried to My Tho.

2. Ten thousand dollars are enough to make him content.
3. Three years are a long time to be without job.
4. It’s no use to worry about it. Three’s nothing you can do.
5. I’m sure you’ll have no difficulty to pass the exam.
6. Buy some apples if you see some.
7. You should visit that part of the country when it will be in spring.
8. She felt sadly when she read his letter.
9. Doctor suggested that he stopped smoking.
10.The chairman requested that all the numbers studied the problem carefully.
IV. Transform the following subordinate clause into because clause.
1. If I had studied English. Now I would have a good job.
2. The test was so difficult that I couldn’t do.
3. I am going to cash a cheque, so that I can buy a motorbike.
4. I turned on TV, so that I could listen to the news while I was making dinner.
V. Sentence building
1. He’s trying / get used / go to work early.
2. The old castle / believe / build / hundreds years ago.
3. The village / I / bear / a long way away / here.
4. You / not / pass / the examination / work hard.
VI. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words and keep the meaning
1. Mr. Jones would rather watch TV than go to the cinema.

Mr. Jones prefers .................................................................................................
2. It was impossible to work in that condition.
Working ...............................................................................................................
3. Frank is very good at tennis.
Frank plays ..........................................................................................................
4. I’m sorry, I couldn’t help him.
I wish ...................................................................................................................
Test............by nguyenthanhlong
I. With the given word, transform to another sentence with the same meaning.
1. They thought that he was waiting for a message.
He .........................................................................................................................
2. He couldn’t drive his car because he had no driving license
If ...........................................................................................................................
3. He found out the key which he lost a long time ago.
The key .................................................................................................................
4. Nothing could be done to help him.
They ......................................................................................................................
5. He was accustomed to stay up late.

He used to .............................................................................................................
II. Supply the correct tenses
1. I (arrive) in England in the middle of July. I (tell) that England (be) schrouded
in fog all year round, so I (be) quite surprised to find that it was merely
raining. I (ask) an English man about the fog and he (say) that it (be, not) any
since the previous February. If you (want) so see fog, he said, you (come) at
quite the wrong time.
2. When I (buy) a new house, I (ask) for a telephone. The post office (tell) me to
wait, but I (wait) a year now and my phone still (come, not).
III. Put the following into reported speech with the introducing verbs in the past
1. They should put traffic lights: otherwise there will be more accidents.
2. If were you I would apply for that job.
3. My wife wants to get a job, but I’d rather she concentrated on our home.
4. If you let the iron get too hot you will scrotch your clothess.
5. You mustn’t come in without knocking.
6. If my children were older, I would send them to school.
IV. Fill in the blank with tag – question.
1. You never used to smoke so mush, ....................................................................?
2. I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer, ...............................................................?
3. Nobody phoned, ........................................................?
4. They had to go home, ...............................................?
5. Don’t be late, .............................................................?
V. Rearrange the following dialogue

Fred is being interviewed by Mrs Brown.
1. The post you’ve applied for involves a lot of travelling. Have you been abroad
2. Yes, I have actually – why?
3. Why did you go there?
4. I have been to most of western Europe.
5. I see. Have you ever organized a conference yourself.
6. Well, this job would require rather a lot of organizing meetings and
7. The hotel sent me to attend a conference
.............. ............. ............ .......... .......... ......... ............
VI. Grammar recognition
Read the following paragraph. Put a circle round the letter of the correct word or
words to use in each blank.
When man first learned how to make a fire, he began to use fuel for the first
time. The first fuel he used was probably wood. As time (1) ................... man
eventually discovered that substances such as coal and oil (2) .......................
Coal (3) .......................very widely as a source of energy until the last century.
With the coming of the industrial revolution, it was soon realized that production
(4) ................... if coal was used instead of wood. Nowadays, many of the huge
factories and electricity generating stations (5) .................... to function if there was
no coal.
In the last twenty or thirty years, however, the use of coal (6) ................As a
result, there have been changes in the coal industry, it (7) ....................that more
people (8) ....................coal if oil and gas were not so readily available.
There is more than enough coal in the world for man’s needs for the next two
hundred years if our use of coal (9) ......................... Unfortunately, however, about
half of the world’s coal (10) .................... Mining much of (11) .................... very
expensive even if it was possible to use new equipment.
1. A. Passes. C. Would pass

B. Used to pass D. Passed.
2. A. Are burning. C. Have burnt.
B. Would burn. D. Were burnt
3. A. Not used. C. Not using.
B. Did not use. D. Was not used.
4. A. Doubles C. Will double
B. Had doubled D. Would double
5. A. Were unable C. Will be unable
B. Would be unable D. Are unable
6. A. Has declined C. Declines
B. Will decline D. Would decline
7. A. Believed C. Believing
B. Is believing D. Is believed
8. A. Would use C. Use
B. Used D. Will use
9. A. Did not increase C. Does no increase
B. Would not in increase D. May not increase
10. A. Would never use C. Would never be used
B. May never be used D. May never use
11. A. Was C. Would be
B. Used to be D. Has been
* Pick out the word whose underlined part has the pronunciation different from
that of the other words:
1. a. sung b. tongue c. wrong d. young
2. a. doll b. goal c. roll d. stole
3. a. although b. breathe c. breath d. within
4. a. lakes b. states c. raises d. stops
5. a. worked b. stopped c. forced d. Wanted
Test............by nguyenthanhlong

I Vocabulary: (10m)
A. Choose the word(s) that best completes the sentence(5m)
1. Literature always………………him.
a. Interesting b. Interested
c. Interest d. Interests
2.When you go shopping , remember to buy ten yards of……………….
a. Cloths b. Clothes
c. Cloth d. Clothing
3. “To look up to someone” is to…………………….
a. Be shorter than he b. Respect him highly
c. Call him down d. Think of him
4. If someone tell you to shut up, he wants you to………………….
a. Close the door b. Turn of the radio
c. Stop talking d. Appear
5. Several houses were pulled down to make………………..for a new bypass.
a. Road b. Way
c. Area d. Hole
B. Completes the following sentences with the appropriate of the words

1.None of the top…………….in this sport are millionaires. (profession)
2. Their son is very…………….., he plays the piano beautifully. (music)
3. Please don’t be so……………. ,I can’t do all the work by myself. (reason)
4.The main……………..of this story is its predictable ending. (weak)
5.I can’t help admiring him for his kindness and…………….(honest)
II. Grammar and usage.
A. Using the verbs and particles given, make up phrasal verbs which
complete the sentences. (5m).
Verbs : carry, cut, think, work, come.
Particles: on, down, over, out, round.
1.To solve a problem, such as a mathematical problem is to…………..it………...
2.To continue doing something is to……………doing it.
3.If you decide to reduce the number of cigarettes that you smoke or the amount
of food you eat, we say that you decide to……………..
4. To consider an idea or a suggestion before deciding to accept it is
5.When you regain consciousness after an operation or after fainting, we say
that you…………….
B. Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. (20m)
1.I don’t like (force) (leave)……………..the room (study)…………….whenever my
roommate feels (like) (have)………………..a party.
2.Yesterday when Mr Brown (walk)………………into the kitchen, be (catch)
……………the children (eat)………………some candy even though he (tell)
…………..them (not spoil)…………….the dinners.
3.It was a dull game so I (leave)…………..before the end; if I (wait)
………….another five minutes, I (see)……………..Chelsea (score)…………..a really
4.He (be)……………, only forty now but he (start) (lose)…………..his hair already.
He (lose) it all by the time he (be) fifty.

III. Close test
Fill in each numbered gap with ONE appropriate word (20ms).
Ronbin Hood is a, legendary hero (1) ............... lived in the Sherwood
Forest, in Nottingham, (2)....................his band of follower. Stories
(3)....................him and his adventures began to appear in the fourteenth
century, but the facts (4).................... the legend are uncertain. One write thinks
Robin was born in 1160, at a time (5).....................there were many robbers
living in the woods (6).....................from the rich but only killing
Everyone knows that Robin Hood robbed the rich to give to the
(8)................... He chose to be an outlaw, that is someone who lives “outside the
law, but he had his own ideas of right and (9).....................He fought
(10).........................injustice, and tried to give ordinary people a share of the
riches owned by people in authority and the church.
IV. Writing (35m)
A. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning (10m)
1. Hunting elephants for tusks is guilty.
It .............................................................................................................
2. The square was full of cinema fans although it rained heavily.
In spite ...................................................................................................
3. “You can’t park here. there’s traffic jam in this area”
The policeman said that. .........................................................................
4. The test we did yesterday was so difficult that we couldn’t finish it in an
Yesterday we did such ............................................................................
5. I didn’t see it with my own eyes, so I didn’t believe it.
If I ...........................................................................................................
B. Retell the story, using the phrases given. (25ms).
Girl named Mary – lived beside River Dee – every evening brought cattie
home – one night weather very misty – tide rushing up river – Mary lost

way – tide overtook her – next morning fishermen saw body floating – took
it ashore in boat – buried it close to shore – boatmen say still hear Mary
calling cattle home across Sands of Dee.
Test............by nguyenthanhlong
I. Phonetics (10ms).
1. Pick out the word whose underline part is pronounced differently from
the other words in each group. (5ms).
division divisible divisive dividend
neat sweat threat feather
lose choose mouse raise
myth both tenth with
preface prefer perfect prefix
torch champion chimney Greenwich Mean Time
potato potential potation potassium
chic chick cheat chatter
cleaner cleanse reader feast
naughty laugh cough rough

2. mark the main stress on these words. (5ms)
accident amazing appearance appendicitis
beneath bicycle description diagram
escape marriage marvellous opportunity
Receptionist separated seriously umbrella
Ambulance emergency argument instrument
II. Vocabulary.
A. Word formation. (10ms)
Put the word in brackets in their appropriate from:
1. The head injury ............... her for life. (Deaf)
2. He has a ................... for English novel. (Prefer)
3. Their study is getting on .................. (satisfy)
4. nobody is treated ................... at this school. (Prefer)
5. A……………..statue has been put up to the memory of the young hero. (Life)
6. Saucepans are sold in the……………goods department. (House)
7. People hate him because of this……………. (honest)
8. His squandering………………his family. (Poor)
9. Portmouth is a……………...town in South England. (Coast)
10. It's………………to chop the trees down in that forest. (Law).
B. Odd one out.(5ms)
Pick out the word that does not belong to the group:
1. Cabinet – ministry – premier – clergy
2. Salmon – cod – whale – perch.
3. Apple – date – grape – pear.
4. Police – detective – agency – inspector
5. Caught – author – honor – saw.
III. Grammar.
A. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly
the same as the sentence given:
a. I haven't seen my add school friend for ages.

It's ages.......................................................................................................................
b. We ought to find out how much it's going to cost.
It's time we.................................................................................................................
c. She just had time to put up her umbrella before the rain came down.
No sooner...................................................................................................................
d. A fire destroyed most of the old city of London in 1600.
The destruction...........................................................................................................
e. The Prime Minister was determined to remain in office.
The Prime Minister had no.........................................................................................
f. Provided your handwriting is legible the examiner will accept your answer.
So long as the examiner..............................................................................................
g. You really should be able to dress yourself by now
It's high.......................................................................................................................
h. The truth only came out on the publication of the personal diaries
Only when..................................................................................................................
i. It is said that he escaped to a neutral country
j. In spite of the forecast, it stayed fine
Although rain..............................................................................................................
B. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets: (10ms)
1. He resented (ask) (wait) so long because he thought the reception (take)
place as soon as he (arrive).
2. It is urgent that she (inform) about the situation. Otherwise she (trap) by that
3. My parents (attend) to my learning very much. But for that I (not pass) all
the examinations (become) a learned man as I (be) today.
4. The (watch) clothes (place) in the sun (dry)(just bring) in.
5. She said that the party (hold) to celebrate her birthday (take) place in a few
6. Tom used (get) on well with Mary when they (work) there but since he (be)

here he
C. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition or adverbial particle. (10msi
1. Could i speak to Tom, please?
I’m afraid Tom’s ........... work. But Jack’s ................. Would you like to meet
2. There was an accident .................. the crossroads ................. midnight last
3. You have to stop bad habits................... the beginning.
4. He loves her so much that she takes advantage .............. him
5. The police are very suspicious .............. those two letters.
6. All ................ all, we had a wonderful time during our vacation.
7. That woman certainly tried very hard to show .............. her new jewelry.
8. There are some nice ties here. why don’t you pick .............. one or two?
D. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given in bracket. The
word must not be altered in any way. (10ms).
1. It was David who pointed the mistake out to me (ATTENTION)
2. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us. (BEYOND)
3. As he rose to speak, the crowd began cheering. (FROM)
4. It says RSVP. I’m not sure what that means. (FOR).
5. I don’t drink tea, but I have a coffee. (RATHER).
6. We couldn’t find the key any where in the house (THOROUGH).
7. You don’t seem very well. Take a few day’s holiday (RUN)
8. The new tunnel is taking much longer than expected to complete
9. She is very proud of her family. (PRIDES)
10.We don’t know where John is now. (WHEREABOUT)
IV. Read the following passage, then fill numbered gap with ONE suitable word.
One of the barriers(1)....................international understanding is the unfortunate

fact(2)....................everyone does not speak a (3).....................language. Differences
in languages have (4).....................separated peoples. The word needs a common
language (5)....................can open the door (6)......................better international
What hope is there (7)................. a common language ? Although there are
some who believe that Esperanto, a recent-made (8)....................is the answer, it is
obvious that a language we already have and use has a (9)....................better change.
It seems that English has the (10)......................chance of becoming the
international language.(11).....................to a Turkish diplomat, English belongs to the
word (12)..................it is spoken (as a second language) by moer- English than
English – speaking people.
Although English is coming the language of the (13)......................., it is not
necessary the “best” language. It is rich in vocabulary, but (14)....................spelling
and pronunciation are inconsisten. However it is the most useful language in
business, science and international sport. More is written in English in
(15).....................field. There are English language newspapers in (16)...................all
the important cities of the word.
Because English can be (17).....................for international communication
today, it is becoming a useful (18)........................ language for many people. It is
inevitable of course (19).......................those who learn English develop closer
relationships with English.
Test............by nguyenthanhlong

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