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HSG 11

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Môn: Tiếng Anh 11
Họ và tên:…………………………… Thời gian: 120 phút
Lớp:…………… SBD:….………….. Mã đề: 01
(Bài thi gồm 4 trang. Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm)
Question I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
1. A. service B. surface C. deliver D. early
2. A. equipped B. arrived C. advanced D. watched
3. A. coach B. expression C. match D. future
4. A. may B. says C. gay D. face
5. A. pleasure B. treasure C. leap D. head
Question II. Choose the word with the different stress pattern
1. A. receive B. parcel C. courteous D. favorite
2. A. insurance B. encouragement C. important D. properly
3. A. example B. exercise C. exactly D. exporting
Question III. Choose from options A, B, C or D one best answer
1. The noise of the traffic prevented me from ….to sleep.
A. falling B. starting C. beginning D. going
2. Asia ….by most experts to be the cradle of human civilization.
A. has always been considered C. always has been considered
B. has been always considered D. has been considered always
3. You can use my bicycle ….you bring it back tomorrow.
A. although B. nevertheless C. as long as D. in spite of
4. Now he’s grown up, he no longer takes any ….in his stamp collection.
A. notice B. attention C. concern D. interest
5. I ….that a similar message ….to my office two days earlier.

A. discovered- was sent C. had discovered – had been sent
B. discovered – had been sent D. had discovered – was sent
6. I …..appoint of checking that all the windows are shut whenever I go out.
A. take B. make C. have D. get
7. He is very stubborn, so it will be difficult to …..him to go out.
A. persuade B. suggest C. make D. prevent
8. I enjoy my job as a baker but it’s taken me over five years to …..to working at night.
A. be use B. used C. get used D. getting used
9. Cellulose, which …….for making paper, can be found in all plants.
A. is used B. uses C. are used D. is using
10.……blind can see nothing.
A. The B. All C. A D. Every
11.Jack will be out …….3.30.
A. since B. at C. from D. until
12.You must take the medicine ……the next ten minutes.
A. since B. within C. until D. at
Question IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the blanket.
1. Every year, we celebrate our ……. (DEPEND) Day.
2. What is the …… (DEEP) of this swimming pool?
3. This essay is the …… (GOOD) of the pair.
4. Laws have been introduced to prohibit the killing of endangered animals and the ……
(DESTROY) of the environment where rare animals are living.
5. I suppose you can compare Helen to a secretary, although the …… (COMPARE) isn’t a very good
1. …………………….
2. …………………….
3. ……………………
4. ……………………..
5. …………………….

Question V: Write the present or past participle in each sentence.
1. Chinese and English are ……language (write)
2. Some languages are ……languages but not …..(speak, write)
3. Vietnam is not an English …..country.(speak)
4. Some languages have a ….. vocabulary.( limit)
5. The speech ……by our rector was very impressive.(make)
1. ………………………. 4. …………………………
2. ………………………. 5. …………………………
3. ………………………...
Question VI. Fill each numbered blank with a suitable word.
An old song says that “love (1)….the world go around”. If you watch Americans on Valentine’s
Day, you can (2)….. it. The (3)….country breaks (4)….with little red hearts. Love- struck people give
cards, (5) ….and candy to (6)….. sweethearts. You might call it an annual (7)….of love.
Americans are romantic all year long, but especially on (8)……14, Valentine’s Day give people
an (9)…. To ask someone they admire to “be (10)…. Valentine”.
1. ……………………….. 6. ……………………………
2. ………………………. 7. ……………………………
3. ……………………….. 8. ……………………………
4. ……………………….. 9. ……………………………
5. ……………………….. 10. ……………………………
Question VII. Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
In almost every country, the most popular hobby is stamp- collecting. There are probably few boys
and girls who have not collected stamps at one time or another.
A good stamp – collection can be a very expensive one. Most children’s collections, however, are
not worth much money for they are collections of ordinary stamps.
However, stamp collecting, or stamp- keeping as it is called, is a hobby every boy or girl should

take up. It is fun and educational and provides opportunities for finding new friends through stamp clubs.
1. Why does the author say that there are few boys and girls who have not collected stamps at one
time or another?
2. Who are the people most likely to collect stamps?
3. What kind of stamps do most children collect?
4. What kind of stamp would make a collection an expensive one?
5. What is another term for “stamp collecting”?
Question VIII: In each sentence below, there is one mistake. Find and correct it.
1. Unless we work harder, we will finish it on time.
2. The children wish that they have more free time to play football.
3. It is nearly twelve years since I have seen my uncle.
4. Do you know what is he going to do?
5. He’s used to get up late in the morning.
1. …………………..
2. …………………..
3. …………………..
4. ………………….
5. ……………………
Question IX: Combine each pair of these following sentences, using relative clauses.
1. Jack’s tyres were very old. He wanted to stick to the tarred road.
2. in the afternoon he rang Tom and asked why the report still hadn’t arrived. The report should have
been on his desk at 2 o’clock.

3. Fortunately Ann, the typist, came to Tom’s assistance. Ann rather liked Tom.
4. The building is very old. The coming conference will be held in this building.
5. She often lets the pigs go into the yard. That is unhygienic.
Question X: Change these sentences into reported speech.
1. “Don’t forget to phone the office,” she told him.
She reminded………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. “If you happen to see the man, send my regards to him,” he said to the girl.
3. “The boss would complain if we didn’t report it to him,” David said to his colleagues.
4. “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier,” Peter said to her.
Peter apologized ...………………………………………………………………………………..
5. “Don’t play with this dog. It can bite you,” I said to the little boy.
I warned …………………………………………………………………………………………..

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