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Giáo án Anh 8
Giáo án Anh 8
Preparing date:/13 / 4 / 2006
Period: 92.
A. Objectives:
I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the content of dialogue, know use of computer.
II. Skills: listening and reading.
III.Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, pictures and poster.
I. Class-organization: check-attendance (1m)
II .Checking-up: No checking.
III.New- lesson:
Time Teacher's activities Ss' activities
+Warm - up:
-Asking Ss to work in pairs. Make
a lies of how computers can help
A. Pre - reading:
-Asking Ss to listen to the tape.
I. Pre - teach vocabulary:
-printer (n): may in.
-wrong (ad): said.
-to turn on # to turn off.
-already (adv): đã xong.
-to connect : kết nối.
Work in pairs.

Ss list
-Computer save time
-explore a lot of information.
- etc………………………….
Ss copy down.
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Giáo án Anh 8
Giáo án Anh 8
-properly : thích hợp.
-plug : chấu cắm điện.
-guarantee : sự cam đoan, sự bảo
-T reads first and then asks Ss to
II. Checking vocabulary: R.O.R.
B. While - reading:
I. Listen and repeat:
-Asking Ss to repeat after teacher
sentence by sentence.
II. Fact or opinion ? Check ?
1. The printer is not working .
2. There shouldnot be anything
wrong with it.
3. I know how to connect a printer.
4. The manual is not very helpful.
5. I bought it in HCM city.
6. I don't know what they can do.
III. Language content:

Ss repeat in chorus and then individual.
Ss work in pairs.
Ss work in pairs to discuss and then give the correct answers.
+ Possible answers:
1. F
2. O
3. O
4. O
5. F
6. F.
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Giáo án Anh 8
Giáo án Anh 8
T gives model sentence:
Have you turned it on yet?
Yes, I have already done it.
-Asking Ss to give the structures.
C. Post - reading:
-Asking Ss to remind the use and
adverbs of the present perfect

+Present perfect tense:
S + have / has + V ( p.p )
IV. Consolidation: (2ms)
-Reminding the perfect tense.
V. Recommendation : (2ms)
-Learning newwords by heart.

-Reading the dialogue again and again.
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