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Unit 11:What's the Matter with You?
Lesson 1:1-2
-Date of planning: February ,24th,2014.
Date of teaching





- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer questions
about common health problems.
- Develop listening and speaking skills.
2.Teaching methods:
- Communicative method.
- Techniques: + Work in pairs and individually
+ Work in groups, discuss.
3.Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: pictures, word cards, audio, puppets, flashcards.
- Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook.
a. Class organization: who is absent today?(1’)
b. Check the old lesson :(4’)
c. New lesson:




A.Warm up:
- Pupils sing the following chant, doing
actions with their fingers as follows:
Open your fingers.
Close them.
Close them.
Put them on your (hair).


- Sing and do actions



- Replace the word hair with other words
such as feet, head, face.
B.New lesson
1.Look,listen and repeat
- Have pupils turn their books to Page 6

- Focus Ps’ attention on the title of the
unit, the text and the pictures. Elicit their
answers to identify the characters in the
picture. Set the context: Tom is late for
breakfast. Mrs Green is coming to his
bedroom. Point to each picture and elicit
pupils’ answers to what is happening in
the picture.
- Pre-teach the new vocabulary: What’s
the matter, headache, temperature, take.
Write them on the board and get Ps to
repeat them a few times. Make sure that
Ps can understand the situations and the
- Play the recording twice: once for Ps to
listen all the way through and once for
them to repeat. Pause after each line for
them to repeat a few times.
- Divide the class into groups to take
turns to say the lines from Tom, Mrs
Green, Mr Green and the doctor.
2.Point,ask and answer
- Have pupils turn their books to Page 6.
Set the context: ''You are going to
practice asking and answering questions
about common health problems''.
- Have Ps read the example and elicit
their prompts to complete the lines in the
speech bubbles.
- Write the question and answer on the

board and get Ps to repeat the lines a few
times in turns. Focus on pronunciation
and fluency
- Pre-teach the new words: earache,
stomachache, toothache, backache, sore

What's the matter with
I've got a headache.
Oh,you've got a
temperature too.
What's the matter with
He's got a headache.I'll
take him to the doctor.
What's the matter with
I've got a headache.
Well,let me have a look.

What's the matter with
a.an earache
b.a backache

c.a toothache
d.a sore throat
e.a stomachache
f.a cold

throat, cold
- Go through the prompts under the
pictures and get Ps to repeat each item a
few times.
* “ache” is used to form a compound
noun like headache, toothache, earache,
stomachache, backache
* “hurt” is a verb, e.g. My leg hurts.
* “sore” is used in a noun phrase, e.g.
sore eyes, sore arm, sore throat.
d.Summary (1'):
- In this lesson,sts have learnt how to do actions before class, answer the
question “What’s the matter with you?” from the rest of pupils.
- Ps say the words and pattern they’ve learnt in this period.
- Learn and write each of the new words 2 lines, the patterns twice.
- Be ready for Unit 11 – Lesson 1: parts 3, 4


Unit 11:What's the Matter with You?
Lesson 1:3-4

-Date of planning: February ,24th,2014.
Date of teaching





- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to some people
talking about their illnesses and tick the appropriate pictures.
+ to talk about health problems.
- Develop listening and speaking skills.


2.Teaching methods:
- Communicative method.
- Techniques: + Work in pairs and individually
+ Work in groups, discuss.
3.Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: pictures, word cards, audio, puppets, flashcards.
- Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook.
a. Class organization: who is absent today?(1’)
b. Check the old lesson :(4’)

c. New lesson:




A.Warm up:
- Game “slap the board”: arm, headache,
earache, sore eyes, stomachache,
toothache, backache, sore throat, cold,
- Answer the question: What’s the matter
with you?
B.New lesson
3.Listen and tick
- Have pupils look at Pictures on Page 7.
- Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures in
each number. Then point to each picture
to elicit pupils’ responses to the
information indicated by the picture.
- Tell pupils the listening purpose: Look
at the pictures. You are going to listen to
some people talking about their
illnesses.You should listen and tick the
appropriate pictures.
- Recall the familiar vocabulary and preteach the new one. Tell Ps not to worry if

they do not understand every word. They
should make guesses based on the
pictures and the contextual clues as they
- Do the first example with Ps.
- Play the recording twice: once for Ps to

- Play the game
- 2 pupils

- Open the books

- Listen

- Read the new words

- Listen and tick

listen all the way through and once for
them to do the task. Pause after each
- Listen and check the
dialogue for Ps to have sufficient time
toselect and circle the appropriate dates.
- Pair-work
- Replay the recording for pupils to check
their answers.
- Have pupils correct their answers in

pairs. Then ask some Ps to report their
answers to the class. If there is
disagreement on any answer, play the
related part of the recording again.
- Read out the correct answers to the
* Answers: 1. c
2. a 3. b
4. c
4. Talk
- Ask Ps to open their Student’s Book on What's the matter with
page 7. Get them to read the guiding
question and observe the picture. Make
sure Ps understand the activity: they
should select a girl or a boy in the picture, c.Bin
then ask and answer question about his or d.Bo
her health problem.
d.Summary (1'):
- In this lesson,sts have learnt how to do actions before class, answer the
question “What’s the matter with you?” from the rest of pupils.
- Ps say the words and pattern they’ve learnt in this period.
- Draw a simple picture of the body and name the body parts you’ve learnt.
- Be ready for Unit 11 – Lesson 2, parts 1, 2.


Unit 11:What's the Matter with You?
Lesson 2:1-2
-Date of planning: February ,24th,2014.


Date of teaching





- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to pronounce correctly
the sound of the letter '' arm ''as in (arm) and that of the letter'' ear '' as in
+ to listen to the dialogues and clap the words with'' arm'' and ''ear''
- Develop listening skill.
2.Teaching methods:
- Communicative method.
- Techniques: + Work in pairs and individually
+ Work in groups, discuss.

3.Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: pictures, word cards, audio, puppets, flashcards.
- Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook.
a. Class organization: who is absent today?(1’)
b. Check the old lesson :(4’)
c. New lesson:




A.Warm up:
- Pupils ask and answer questions :
“What’s the matter with you?”
* Game “Slap the board”, using the words
indicating the body parts.
B.New lesson
1. Listen and repeat
- Ask Ps to open their Student’s
Book on Page 8.
- Stick the large-sized sheet of paper
with the text to the board.
- Draw pupils’ attention to the sound
of the letter ''arm ''as in (arm) and that of

the letter ''ear ''as in (ear).
- Get Ps to repeat these two words a
few times.



2. Listen and read together
- Draw pupils’ attention to the
pictures in this
We have
Section and ask them to read the Two eyes to see
lines on the cards and the poem. The sun appear
Check pupils’ comprehension
Above the sea.
- Ask Ps to predict what the poem is
We have
- Read the poem, pausing at time to
Two ears to hear
check pupils’ comprehension. Teach Music and sounds
the key words: appear, above, hear,
Loud and clear.
loud, clear. Use Vietnamese to get Ps
to understand the adjectives. Write
We have
the words on the board and ask Ps to Two strong arms

repeat each item a few times.
To plant trees
- Set the context: You are going to
On our farms.
hear the poem and clap the focused
words: one clap for the words with
“arm” pronounced as in “arm” and
two claps for the words with “ear”
pronounced as in “ear”.
d.Summary (1'):
- In this lesson,sts have learnt how to Praise the pair if they have a good
- Read the chant in part 2 again .
- Be ready for Unit 11 – Lesson 2: parts 3, 4, 5.


Unit 11:What's the Matter with You?
Lesson 2:3-4-5
-Date of planning: February ,24th,2014.


Date of teaching





- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to group the words with
“arm” and with “ear” .
+ to listen and number the pictures.
+ to play the game “Simon says…”
- Develop listening and speaking skills.
2.Teaching methods:
- Communicative method.
- Techniques: + Work in pairs and individually
+ Work in groups, discuss.
3.Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: pictures, word cards, audio, puppets, flashcards.
- Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook.
a. Class organization: who is absent today?(1’)
b. Check the old lesson :(4’)
c. New lesson:


A.Warm up:

- Read the dialogues in part 2.
B.New lesson
3.Group and say aloud
- Game “board racing” (part 3/64: Group
and say aloud):
- Ps work in groups of 4. Set time and let
pupils do the task. Then they exchange to
check their answers
Alarm, farmer, Dear, clear,
farm, charm
near, hear
- Have the whole class read in chorus all
the words .
4.Listen and number
- Get Ps to open their books on Page 9.Tell



arm dear clear near
farmer farm charm



them the purpose of listening: You are
going to hear five dialogues. The speakers
are talking about some common health
problems. You should number the pictures
in the order.
- Point to each picture and elicit pupils’
answers to identify the health problem in
the picture
- Pre-teach the key vocabulary: terrible,
carry, voice, ill, stay, few. Write the words
on the board and get Ps to repeat each item
a few times.
- Play the recording twice: once for Ps to
listen all the way through and once for
them to select the words on the top row to
complete the chart. Pause after each part
for Ps to have sufficient time to select and
write the number
- Replay the recording for pupils to check
their answers.
- Have pupils correct their answers in pairs.
Then ask some Ps to report their answers to
the class. If there is disagreement on any
answer, play the related part of the
recording again
Keys: a-5 b-1 c-4
5.Fun time

* Game: Simon says…
- Get Ps to open their Student’s Book on
page 9. Stick the large-sized sheet of paper
with the game Simon says… on the board
and tell Ps about the activity: You are
going to play the game Simon says…
Explain the game. Point to the picture and
ask Ps to comment what they see.
- Pre-teach some expressions for Ps to play
the game: hold up your hand(s), turn left,
close your eyes, touch your head, ect.
Write the expressions on the board and get
Ps to repeat each of them a few times.

- Open the book

- Listen
- Repeat the words
- Listen
- Listen and do the

- Check the answers
-Pair-work: correct the

Simon Says….

- Divide the class into groups of 8. One
Simon says:
pupil acts as Simon to say the expressions. '' Clap your hands!''
The others do the actions. The Ps who have
correct action will stay in the group. If not,
they are out.
- The group with the most Ps left wins.
d.Summary (1'):
- In this lesson,sts have learnt how to take turns to read and clap the
- Practise saying the expressions to play the game Simon says… at home.
- Be ready for Unit 11 – Lesson 3, parts 1, 2.


Unit 11:What's the Matter with You?
Lesson 3:1-2
-Date of planning: February ,24th,2014.
Date of teaching





- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to express common
health problems and give respones.
- Develop listening and speaking skills.
2.Teaching methods:
- Communicative method.
- Techniques: + Work in pairs and individually
+ Work in groups, discuss.
3.Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: pictures, word cards, audio, puppets, flashcards.
- Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook.


a. Class organization: who is absent today?(1’)
b. Check the old lesson :(4’)
c. New lesson:


A.Warm up:
- Ps play the game Charades. One pupil
expresses a health problem that they
have learnt in the previous lessons. The
others ask and answer questions using:

What’s the matter with_____?
He’s/She’s got _____
B.New lesson
1.Look, listen and repeat
- Have pupils turn their books to Page
- Ask Ps to look at the pictures and read
the lines in each picture. Point to each
picture and elicit pupils’ answers to the
health problem in each picture.
- Pre-teach the new vocabulary should,
shouldn’t. Write the words on the board
and get Ps to repeat each word a few
- Read the dialogues. Stop at times to
check pupils’ comprehension. Make
sure that they understand the situation
and thelanguage.
- Play the recording twice: once for Ps
to listen all the way through and once
for them to repeat. Pause after each line
for them to repeat a few times.
- Divide the class into two groups to
take turns to say the lines from Nam
and Mai.
2.Point, ask and answer
- Draw pupils’ attention to the example
and say: You are going to practice
expressing health problems and giving


You look ill.What's the
matter with you?
I've got a sore throat.
Poor you!You should see
Thank you.I'll see the
doctor this afternoon.

I've got__________
You shold_______

You shouldn't________.
- Ask Ps to read the example
a.headache/take a rest
- Get pupils’ prompts to complete the
b.stomachache/drink cold

lines in the speech bubbles.
- Write the sentences on the board and
c.cold/drink hot milk
get Ps to repeat them a few times, focus d.toothache/eat sweets
on pronunciation and fluency
e.sore eye/use some eye
- Get Ps to repeat the prompt under each drop
- Recall the meaning of the familiar
vocabulary and teach the new words:
take a rest, use some eye drops, carry
heavy things. Get Ps to repeat each item
a few times. Make sure Ps understand
the language and the activity.
d.Summary (1'):
- In this lesson,sts have learnt how to Praise if the pair has a good
performance of
pronunciation and of using the new characters.
- Practise speaking with the words in part 2.
- Be ready for Unit 11 – Lesson 3: parts 3, 4, 5.


Unit 11:What's the Matter with You?

Lesson 3:3-4-5
-Date of planning: February ,24th,2014.
Date of teaching






- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read tips for kids to stay
+ to write to a friend to ask for advice on a health problem.
- Develop listening and speaking skills.
2.Teaching methods:
- Communicative method.
- Techniques: + Work in pairs and individually
+ Work in groups, discuss.
3.Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: pictures, word cards, audio, puppets, flashcards.
- Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook.
a. Class organization: who is absent today?(1’)
b. Check the old lesson :(4’)

c. New lesson:




A.Warm up:
- Take turn to express health problems
and give responses, use pictures in part 2.
- Sing a song.
B.New lesson
3. Read and do the tasks
* Task a:
- Ask Ps to open their book on page 11
and get them to read the title and look at
the picture. Set the context: You are
going to observe the pictures and match
them with the appropriate tips above..
- Recall the meaning of the familiar
words and pre-teach the key words to
understand the passage: stay healthy,
forget, keep, nail, regularly. Write the
words on the board and get Ps to repeat
them a few times. Point to each picture to
elicit pupils’ comments.
- Play the recording twice: once for Ps to

listen all the way through and once for
them to repeat. Pause after each line for
them to repeat a few times. Make sure Ps

How to stay healthy
1.Wash your hands:
+before having meals,
+after using the toilet,
+after playing with pets.
2.Keep your nails short
and clean.
3.Brush your teeth twice
a day.
4.Take a shower
5.Do morning exercise
6.Eat healthy foods.


understand the task and the language
should focus
- Ask Ps to do task a independently. Set
time. Ps do the task. Monitor the activity
and offer help as necessary
- Call some Ps to report their answers to
the class. In case there is disagreement on

any answer, ask Ps to reread the related
part in the passage
* Task a:
b.1 c.3
d.5 e.4
Task b:
- Ask pupils to read the sentences in Task
b carefully. Then get them to scan
quickly the tips and compare the
information they have read with that of
the sentences in Task b before ticking.
- Ask Ps to do task b independently.
Monitor the activity and offer help as
- Ask Ps to check their answers in pairs.
Call some Ps to report their answers to
the class. In case there is disagreement on
any answer, ask Ps to reread the tips
related to the answer again.
- Answers:
1. yes 2. no 3. no 4. yes 5. yes
4. Write
- Ask Ps to open their books on page 12.
Draw Ps attention to the writing frames
Linda's message
and get them to read the messages written Dear Mai,
by Linda and Mai. Tell Ps the writing

purpose: You are going to read the
messages written by Linda and Mai and
choose the appropriate words to complete
messages that follow.
- Ask Ps to work in individuals. Set time
and ask Ps to do the task. Remind them
not to copy exactly the sentences

provided in the messages of Linda and
Mai, and that they should write their draft
before copying onto a clean sheet of
paper for the classroom display.
- Ask Ps to read and complete the
messages independently. Monitor the
activity and offer help when necessary.
- Call on a few Ps to read their writing to
the class.
5. Fun time
Who is the healthiest in our class?
- Ask Ps to open their book on page 12
Make a class
and tell them that they are going to make survey.Then report
a class survey to find out who is the
healthiest in their class.
- Ask Ps to read the chart and check their
comprehension. Give the meaning of the

new vocabulary and make sure they
understand the scoring way.
- Explain how to play the game: Ps work
in pairs to take turns to ask and answer
the questions in the chart and tick the
appropriate column Yes/No. Ps count the
points after finishing their ticking. The
pupil who has the most points is the
healthiest one in the class.
d.Summary (1'):
- In this lesson,sts have learnt how to pronounce correctly the sounds of the
letter ''arm'' as in (arm) and those of the letter ''ear'' as in (ear);and to listen
and number the pictures and play the game '' Simon Says''.
- Write 5 tips that seem most useful for yourselves to keep healthy for the
class display in the next lesson .
- Be ready for Unit 12, Lesson 1, parts 1, 2.



Unit 12:Our Free time Activities
Lesson 1:1-2
-Date of planning: February ,24th,2014.
Date of teaching





- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer questions
about free-time activities.
- Develop listening and speaking skills.
2.Teaching methods:
- Communicative method.
- Techniques: + Work in pairs and individually
+ Work in groups, discuss.
3.Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: pictures, word cards, audio, puppets, flashcards.
- Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook.
a. Class organization: who is absent today?(1’)
b. Check the old lesson :(4’)
c. New lesson:




A.Warm up:
- Write 5 tips that seem most useful for
yourselves to keep healthy.
- Get Ps to do “Brain Storming” the
words related to free time activities that
they have learnt.
B.New lesson
1. Look, listen and repeat
- Have pupils turn their books to Page 13.
- Focus Ps’ attention on the title of the



unit, the text and the pictures. Elicit their
answers: Look at the title and the
pictures. Do you understand the title?
What are the pictures about? Have Ps
look at each picture and get their
comments on the details in each picture.
- Read each line in the pictures and check
pupils’ comprehension, using either
English or Vietnamese. Make sure that Ps
understand the situation and the language
- Pre-teach the new vocabulary: starfruit,
resort, cable car, palace . Write them on

the board and get Ps to repeat them a few
- Play the recording twice: once for Ps to
listen all the way through and once for
them to repeat. Pause after each line for
them to repeat a few times.
- Divide the class into groups to take
turns to say the lines from Linda, Peter,
Mr and Mrs Brown.
2. Point, ask and answer
- Have pupils turn their books to Page 13
- Have Ps read the example and elicit
their prompts to complete the lines in the
speech bubbles.
- Write the question and answer on the
board and get Ps to repeat the lines a few
times in turns. Focus on pronunciation
and fluency
- Pre-teach the new words: go
sightseeing, work in the garden
- Go through the prompts under the
pictures and get Ps to repeat each item a
few times.
- Model the example with the whole
class. Repeat the step a few times.
- Call on a few open pairs to go through
the rest of the countries in the same way.

Our free-time Activities

What do you do in your
free time?

What do you do in your
free time?
a.surf the Net
b.go sightseeing
c.watch videos

- Ask Ps to work in pairs: Ps take turns to
point to the pictures, ask and answer
questions about free time activities
-Monitor the activity, check the
pronunciation (stress, assimilation of
sounds and intonation), and offer help
when necessary.
- Call on some pairs to perform the task
in the front of the class, using the pictures
in the Student’s book.
- Praise the pair if they have a good
performance of pronunciation and
d.Summary (1'):
- In this lesson,sts have learnt how to ask and answer questions about freetime activities,using What do you do in your free time?I often draw
pictures;and to listen and tick the pictures.
- Learn and write each of the new words 2 lines, the patterns twice.
- Be ready for Unit 12 – Lesson 1: parts 3, 4.


Unit 12:Our Free time Activities
Lesson 1:3-4
-Date of planning: February ,24th,2014.
Date of teaching





- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to Mary talking
about the free-time activities of her family members and tick the appropriate

+ to make a survey to get information of their free-time activities.
- Develop listening and speaking skills.
2.Teaching methods:
- Communicative method.
- Techniques: + Work in pairs and individually
+ Work in groups, discuss.
3.Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: pictures, word cards, audio, puppets, flashcards.
- Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook.
a. Class organization: who is absent today?(1’)
b. Check the old lesson :(4’)
c. New lesson:




A.Warm up:
- Game “slap the board”: surf The Net,
go sightseeing, watch videos, work in the
garden, go camping, go skating
- Answer the question: What do you do
in your free time?
B.New lesson
3.Listen and tick
- Have pupils look at Pictures on Page
- Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures in
each number. Tell pupils the listening
purpose: Look at the pictures. You are
going to listen to Mary talking about the
free-time activities of her family

members. You should listen and tick the
appropriate pictures.
- Point to each picture to elicit pupils’
responses to the information indicated by
the picture
- Recall the familiar vocabulary and preteach the new one. Tell Ps not to worry if
they do not understand every word. They
should make guesses based on the
pictures and the contextual clues as they

Mary is showing Mai
some photos of her
family members.
1.Mary:This is my
Mai: What a nice photo!
Are you listening to
Mary:Yes,I am.I often
listen to music in my
free time.
2.Mai:Is this your
Mary:Yes,it is.
Mai:Is he driving his
Mary:Yes,It's his new
car.He often goes for a
drive on Sundays.

Mai:Oh,my father likes
driving too.


3.Mai:Your mother
- Do the first example with Ps
looks very beautiful in
- Play the recording twice: once for Ps to this photo.
listen all the way through and once for
them to do the task. Pause after each
does.Thank you.
dialogue for Ps to have sufficient time to Mai:What does she do in
select and circle the appropriate dates.
her free time?
- Replay the recording for pupils to
4.Mai:Oh,it's Tom's
check their answers.
- Have pupils correct their answers in
Mary:Yes.It's him.
pairs. Then ask some Ps to report their
Mai:What is he doing?
answers to the class. If there is
Mary:He's chatting with
disagreement on any answer, play the
his friends.He often

related part of the recording again
surfs the Net in his free
- Read out the correct answers to the
Mai: My brother likes
* Answers: 1. c
2. a 3. b
4. a
surfing the Net in his
free time too.
- Ask Ps to open their Student’s Book on
page 14.
- Get them to read the guiding question
and observe the picture. Tell them about Pupil A: What do you
the activity: Now you are going to make do in your free time,B?
a survey. Use the grid .in your textbook
Pupil B: I often go
and interview 4 classmates to get the
information of their free-time activities.
Pupil A:And you C?
Tick the appropriate box. Then report the What do you do in your
results to your class.
free time?
- Model the task to give Ps a clear idea of Pupil B: I often read
how the activity works

- Ask pupils to work in groups of 5.
Pupil A: How about
- Get Ps to report the results if there is
enough class time. Praise the pair if they Pupil D: I often go
have good pronunciation or use
shopping with my
appropriate English.
d.Summary (1'):
- In this lesson,sts have learnt how to ask and answer questions about freetime activities,using What do you do in your free time?I often draw
pictures;and to listen and tick the pictures.

- Prepare to give an oral report to the class at request.
- Be ready for Unit 12 – Lesson 2, parts 1, 2.


Unit 12:Our Free time Activities
Lesson 2:1-2
-Date of planning: February ,24th,2014.
Date of teaching





- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to group the words with
“aw” and with “ar”.
+ to listen and circle correct answers.
+ to sing the song “If you’re happy and you know it”.
- Develop listening skill.
2.Teaching methods:
- Communicative method.
- Techniques: + Work in pairs and individually
+ Work in groups, discuss.
3.Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: pictures, word cards, audio, puppets, flashcards.
- Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook.
a. Class organization: who is absent today?(1’)
b. Check the old lesson :(4’)
c. New lesson:





A.Warm up
- Pupils ask and answer questions “What
do you do in your free time?”.
* Game “Charades”, using the words
indicating the free-time activities.
B-New lesson
1.Listen and repeat
- Ask Ps to open their Student’s
Book on Page 15.
- Stick the large-sized sheet of paper
with the text to the board.
- Draw pupils’ attention to the sound
of the letter aw as in draw and that of the
letter ar as in star.
- Get Ps to repeat these two words a
few times.
2. Listen and read together
- Get Ps to observe the pictures in
this section and read the dialogues.
Tell them about the activities
- Read the dialogues, pausing at time
to check pupils’ comprehension.
Teach the new words: strawberries,
car race. Write the words on the
board and ask Ps to repeat each item

a few times.
- Set the context: You are going to
hear the poem and clap the focused
words: one clap for the words with
“aw” pronounced as in “draw” and
two claps for the words with “ar”
pronounced as in “star”
- Model: Read the dialogues,
clapping: draw (one clap), car (two
to review phrases of saying hello and
bye that they have previously learnt.
characters in the picture and what they are
saying. Tell pupils that they are going


The whole class
- Play the game

- Read in chorus
- Open the book

- Listen
- Repeat the words

- Listen and do the task

- Play the recording twice: once for Ps to
listen all the way through and once for
them to clap at the focused words
- Divide the class into two groups to take
turns to read and clap the dialogues.
- Call on a few small groups to perform
the task in front of the class. Praise the
pair if they have a good performance.
in the speech bubbles.
few times.
few times.
d.Summary (1'):
- In this lesson,sts have learnt how to pronounce correct the sound of the
letters ''aw'' as in (draw) and that of the letter ''ar'' as in (star) and to listen
and circle the correct answers related to sts'free-time activities,and to sing
the song '' If You're Happy and You Know It ''.
- Read the dialogue in part 2 again.
- Be ready for Unit 12 – Lesson 2: parts 3, 4, 5.


Unit 12:Our Free time Activities
Lesson 2:3-4-5
-Date of planning: February ,24th,2014.
Date of teaching





- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to group the words with
“aw” and with “ar”.
+ to listen and circle correct answers.
+ to sing the song “If you’re happy and you know it”.

- Develop listening skill.
2.Teaching methods:
- Communicative method.
- Techniques: + Work in pairs and individually
+ Work in groups, discuss.
3.Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: pictures, word cards, audio, puppets, flashcards.
- Student’s aids: book, notebook, workbook.
a. Class organization: who is absent today?(1’)
b. Check the old lesson :(4’)
c. New lesson:

A.Warm up:
- Read the dialogues in part 2.
- Game “board racing” (part 3/64: Group and say
- Ps work in groups of 4. Set time and let pupils do the
task. Then they exchange to check their answers :
Claw, law, paw, Starfruit, far, car,
saw, prawn
party, bar
- Play the
- Have the whole class read in chorus all the words.
B.New lesson
4. Listen and circle
- Get Ps to open their books on Page 16.Tell them the
purpose of listening: You are going to hear Kate, Paul,
Susan and John talk about their free-time activities.
You should listen, select and circle the appropriate
- Read in
- Get Ps to read the incomplete statements and guess
the answers before they listen. Check their
comprehension of the text.

- Pre-teach the key vocabulary: country, rap, pop. Write the words on the board and get Ps to repeat each item a the book
few times.
- Play the recording twice: once for Ps to listen all the
way through and once for them to do the task. Pause
- Listen
after each dialogue for Ps to have sufficient time to
read the sentence, select and circle the letter indicating

the correct answer.
- Replay the recording for pupils to check their
- Repeat
the words
-Have pupils correct their answers in pairs. Then ask
some Ps to report their answers to the class. If there is
disagreement on any answer, play the related part of
the recording again.
- Listen
Keys: 1.b 2.a 3.a
and do
2. c
the task
3. b
4. a
- Check

5. Fun time
* Song: If you happy and you know it
- Get Ps to open their Student’s Book on page 16. Stick -Pairthe large-sized sheet of paper with the song “If you
happy and you know it” on the board. Check Ps’
comprehension of the lyrics.
- Pre-teach some expressions: surely, stamp your feet.
Write the expressions on the board and get Ps to repeat
each of them a few times.
- Play the recording three times: once for Ps to listen all - Listen to
the way through and once for them to repeat each line a the T and
few times, and once for Ps tossing along the music.
- Ask Ps to practice singing in groups, doing actions
the lyric
- Call on a few groups to sing the song in front of the
class. The rest of the class claps the beats.
- Ask Ps to replace “happy” with “angry”, and “clap
your hands” with “stamp your feet” to create a new
version, e.g. If you’re angry and you know it, stamp
your feet!
d.Summary (1'):
- In this lesson,sts have learnt how to pronounce correct the sound of the
letters ''aw'' as in (draw) and that of the letter ''ar'' as in (star) and to listen

and circle the correct answers related to sts'free-time activities,and to sing
the song '' If You're Happy and You Know It ''.
- Learn by heart the song at home for the performance in the next lesson.
- Be ready for Unit 12 – Lesson 3, parts 1, 2.

