Group 10:
Nguyễn Cao Diệp
Đặng Thị Thu Hằng
Trương Thị Thanh Nhàn
Nguyễn Thị Phương Thủy
• Definition
• Making an invitation
• Accepting an invitation
• Conclusion
“Invite” (verb) as “to make a polite, formal, or
friendly request to someone to go somewhere
or to do something” (The Oxford dictionary of
English [45, p.961] )
Making an Invitation
“invite” in English, “mời” in Vietnamese if it is under
form of performative sentence. Generally, people often
use it to give their invitation directly.
In Vietnamese:
- Mời các ông bà xơi cơm ạ.
- Anh ăn đi cho đỡ đói.
- Tôi rất hân hạnh mời ông bà đến nhà dự
tiệc cùng gia đình chúng tôi ạ.
In English:
- I’d like to invite you to our dancing party tomorrow.
- Do you join me a cup of coffee?
- Shall we have a drink at the restaurant?
The verb “mời” in Vietnamese and “to invite” in English has
the same meaning in their own language.
The verb “mời” in Vietnamese and “to invite” in English has
the same meaning in their own language. However their role
in sentence is different.
“to invite” just appears in
declarative sentence. For
instance, “I’d like to invite
you to a party next Friday”
the verb “mời” is often used in
both declarative sentence and
imperative sentence such as “
Uống chứ! Nào!... Mời...”, “ Ai
đấy? Mời vào”.
making invitation in English
usually forms from a sentence
which contains all basic and
necessary elements such as
subject, verb, object.
subject in invitation does not
appear frequently. The main
elements that are usually
present are the verb “mời”
and the invited person.
To contrastive view about the functions, the verbs “to invite”
and ‘mời” has different functions in their own languages.
People just use the verb “to
invite” in order to make
invitation when they say two
sentences beginning with “I
would like to invite…” or “I
want to invite…”. People
usually use these sentences with
“to invite” in real formal
context. We can see that the use
of “to invite” is in shortage of
sentence pattern.
Vietnamese invitation with the
word “mời” creates politeness
and respect between speakers.
Besides, the meaning of “mời”
shows us the friendliness in
communication. Just by the
word “mời”, people can make
invitation in different of
situations with various kinds of
people they want to invite.
Examples in
Example in
1. Performative Example: I
sentences with would like to
a subject.
invite you to
dinner next
1. Invitations
Sunday at my
in forms of
2. Performative
without a
Tôi lấy làm
hân hạnh mời
anh lại chơi.
Mời cô ngồi
tạm xuống ghế.
2. Invitations in
forms of
3. Invitations in We just thought Chị xơi chén
forms of
it would be nice nước vậy
to have you over
for dinner.
3. Invitations in
forms of
4. Invitations in
forms of
Do have a
Ông giáo uống
trà đi.
biscuit! (6) Let's
go to our place
for a beer.
5. Invitations in
forms of Wh questions
Examples in
Example in
Why don’t you
Ông Đoàn sao
come on holiday lâu nay không
with us?
thấy ông lại chơi?
6. Invitations in
4. Invitations in forms of Yes/No
forms of
“Can you come Con có muốn
over and join us? uống một ít cà
phê không?
7. Invitations in
forms of tag
You will come to Chiều nay lại
have dinner with nhà tôi chơi,
us, won’t you?
được không?
Accepting an Invitation
Accepting an invitation
“to accept” means “to take willingly
something that is offered; to say ‘yes’
to an offer, invitation, etc” (7). From
this definition, the answer to the
question “what accepting invitation
is” is “to say yes to an invitation”
People often accept invitation directly in both
Vietnamese and English. They always show a positive
attitude when saying acceptance. Moreover, their
accepting saying also includes their pleasure and
thankfulness for being invited.
- Thôi ông hãy ở lại lát nữa.
Bằng ngẫm nghĩ, rồi chép
miệng nhìn nàng mỉm cười: Thì ở lại.”( Khai Hung, p.212)
"What a great idea, thanks.",
“Sounds great”, “That
would be very nice”, “That
would be wonderful”.
- Both English and Vietnamese, people usually do not accept
invitation with a direct agreement, but instead they preface
the invitation in some ways. They are giving immediately
agreement with a declarative sentence, giving a kind remark
with exclamatory sentence, accepting with a question, and
expressing a sure attitude.
- Or they accept the invitation indirectly by giving a positive
comment on the content of the invitation and accepting it in
half the way.
- People often accept invitation directly in both Vietnamese
and English. They always show a positive attitude when
saying acceptance. Moreover, their accepting saying also
includes their pleasure and thankfulness for being invited.
- The British sometimes give an
incomplete negative question
with the word "why" to
indirectly accept an invitation:
"why not?”.
“- Would you like to see the
garden?” Dennis quizzed her.
“- Why not?”
“- I’d like to invite you to have
dinner with me, if you like.
- Why not? Shall I bring my
- The fact that this response
is currently being used by
young Vietnamese to use as
a response strategy in the
Vietnamese language. The
Vietnamese question used
for accepting invitation
usually has a sufficient
structure with basic elements
of a sentence.
“- Anh có uống nước không?
- Có nước hả? Sao không nói?”
-English accepting invitation
is restricted. In English,
people just use these
sentences mentioned above to
reply that they agree to accept
-Vietnamese accepting
invitation is much more
productive than English
English accepting invitation is Vietnamese accepting
restricted. In English, people invitation is much more
just use these sentences
productive than English one
mentioned above to reply
that they agree to accept
the question “why not?”
refers to an acceptance of
the Vietnamese question used
for accepting invitation
usually has a sufficient
structure with basic elements
of a sentence.
Forms of an
Making and accepting invitation is used often in our
daily life. They play an important role in
communication. It is not easy for people to make
invitation politely and friendly. The speaker has to show
their willingness when making it. Besides, they should
say something sincere to make the invited person feel
comfortable. To invited people, the way they accept
invitation is more important than making it. They have
to know the way to accept it politely and courteously.
Moreover, they have to reply by saying many utterances
that show their interest and gratefulness.