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Duong Quang Primary School
Date of teaching:

Period 1 - Lesson 1: Section 1-2
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- Greeting their teacher in the classroom or at school.
- Develop listening and speaking skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: morning, afternoon, evening, again, late
- Sentence patterns: - Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening
- Nice to see you again
III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette.....
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities
1. Warm up

* Brainstorming:
- Give some sentences about how to
- Listen and answer
greet their teacher in the classroom or at
schol in Vietnamese
- Listen and check
- Listen
2. Look, listen and repeat
- Ask Ss to look at each picture and get - Listen and guess
them to identify the familiar characters
and the new ones

- Ask Sts to discuss what is happening
- Look at the T
in each picture. Say: “These children
- Look, listen, repeat then take note.
are in the classroom. (point to picture)
- Ask Sts some questions:
- Listen
Who are they?
What are they doing?
- Listen and guess
- Play the recording for Sts to read each - Listen the recording
line in the pictures and check Sts
comprehension at times, using English, - Listen to the tape twice
and Vietnamese when necessary.
- Work in pairs or groups.
Teaching vocabulary:
- Read aloud in chorus
+ morning – buổi sáng
- Work in pairs
+ afternoon - buổi chiều
- Listen and repeat
+ evening – buổi tối
- Say the words a few times
Page 1

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
+ again – lại, nữa
+ later - sau
* Checking vocab: Rub out and
- Play the tapes for Sts to listen and
- Divide the class into groups to take
turns to say the lines from Mai and Nam
- Call some pairs to practice in front of
class and check Sts’ pronunciation

- Go to the board and rewrite the words
- Listen and repeat a few times
- Work in groups
- Practice in pairs

3. Point and say
- Point to the picture and say: This is
- Look at the pictures a, b, c and d
Nam and Miss Hien at the school. They - Listen and repeat
are greeting and responding to
greetings formally
- listen and repeat
- Teaching model sentence:
- Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good
- Listen and copy the model sentence
- Nice to see you again
Eg: Good morning, class.

- Read the example
Good morning, Miss Hien
Nice to see you again
- Call on some pairs to perform the task - Listen and take notes
at the front of the class. Others observe
and comment.
- Ask Sts to practice with each picture
- Look at the pictures on page 6
- Have the whole class repeat all the
- Choose a boy or a girl
phrases to reinforce their pronunciation
- Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page
6. Make sure they understand the task:
- Listen to ask and answer
Each St choose a boy/ a girl from the
pictures and greet him/her to his/ her
Class listen
partner. His/ Her partner will make
questions.(using guiding questions)
- Do the first example: point to Mai:
a: Good morning, Miss Hien
- Work in pairs or groups
Good morning, Mai
- Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups
- Practice at the class
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the
task in front of the class and check Sts’
4. Reinforcement
Page 2

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
- Ss say what they have learnt in this
- greeting and responding to greetings
- Ss greet and respond to greetings
5. Home link
- Learn new words and model
- Write
- Do exercise A in the workbook.
V.Comments: .............................................................................................................

Date of teaching:

Period 2 - Lesson 1: Section 3-5
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- Develop listening and writing skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: review
- Sentence patterns: review
III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette

IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities
1. Warm up

* play a game “Matching”
- Listen and ask Sts to repeat each word
- Listen and check

- Listen and play
- Listen and repeat
2. Listen and tick

- Have Ss look at the pictures on page 7 and
tell them the purpose of listening: You are
going to listen and tick the correct picture in
each number.
- Ask Sts some questions about picture. T

lại, nữa
buổi tối
buổi chiều

buổi sáng

- Identify the characters in the
- Listen and answer the questions

Page 3

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
elicits each picture for Sts
- Play the tape firstly for Sts to check their
- Listen the recording to check
- Play the tape secondly for Sts to listen and - Listen and number
- Play the tape again for Sts to check their
- Listen and check their answers
- Call on some Sts to report their answers.
- Listen and repeat all the phrases
Others listen and comment.
- Ask Sts about the content of the listening

* Tapescripts:(recording)
- Listen and copy
Answers: 1- b; 2- a ; 3 - c
3. Look and write
- Have a brief discussion with the class
- Look at the pictures on page 7
about the picture and the task
Point to the model text and elicit St’answers - Listen and answer
What is this?
What are you going to do?
- Ask Sts to read the passage and fill in the
- Read and write
missing word
- Ask Sts to work in pairs
- Work in pair
- Set time and move around the classroom to - Read aloud answer
help Sts, write any words that Sts need on
the board
- Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to - Listen and check
the class. Other listen and comment
4. Let’s sing
- Ask Sts to sing the song. Good morning to - Sing
- Play the recording for Sts to read each
- Listen and repeat
line and sing the song a few times
- Work in groups
- Ask Sts to practice singing in groups
- Call on a group to sing the song in front of - Sing and claps in group

the class.
The rest of the class claps to the beat.
5. Home link
- Learn new words and model
- Do exercise B in the workbook.
- Write
- Prepare next lesson
Page 4

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
V.Comments: .............................................................................................................

Date of teaching:

Period 3 - Lesson 2: Section 1-3
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- Greeting and responding to greeting
- Develop listening and speaking skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: tomorrow, meet, see, night
- Sentence patterns: A: Good.................
B: See you tomorrow

See you later
III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette, poster
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities
1. Warm up

* Bingo:
- Give the grid and a list of words on the
morning bye
poster. Get Sts to repeat the word of last
afternoon hi
- The first Sts who crosses out all nine words
in his grid calls “Bingo!”
- Listen and cross
2. Look, listen and repeat
- Ask Ss to look at each picture and get them - Listen and guess
to identify the familiar characters and the
new ones
- Look at the T
- Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in
- Look, listen, repeat then take
each picture. Say: “These children are in the note.

classroom (point to picture)
- Ask Sts some questions:
- Listen
Who are they?
Who are these children talking with?
- Listen and guess
- Play the recording for Sts to read each line - Listen the recording
Page 5

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
in the pictures and check Sts comprehension
at times, using English, and Vietnamese
when necessary.
Teaching vocabulary:
+ tomorrow – ngày mai
+ night - đêm
+ see – gặp, nhìn thấy

- Listen to the tape twice
- Work in pairs or groups.
- Read aloud in chorus
- Work in pairs
- Listen and repeat
- Say the words a few times

* Checking vocab: Rub out and remember
- Go to the board and rewrite the
- Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat
- Divide the class into groups to take turns to - Listen and repeat a few times
say the lines in each picture
- Work in groups
- Call some pairs to practice in front of class - Practice in pairs
and check Sts’ pronunciation.
3. Point and say
- Point to the picture and say: These
- Look at the pictures a, b, c and d
children are at the school. Now you
- Listen and repeat
practice greeting and responding to
greetings formally
- T gives an example: point to picture and
say: Goodbye
- Look at picture a
Ask Sts to answer: See you tomorrow
- Ask Sts to repeat the words in each picture
then ask Sts to read the example.
- Listen and repeat the words
- Elicit their prompt to complete the text in
- Read the example
the speech bubbles.
- T gives the model sentences:
A:Goodbye/ good night
- Listen and take notes
B: See you tomorrow / See you later

- Call on some pairs to perform the task at
- Work in pairs
the front of the class. Others observe and
- Ask Sts to ask and answer about the
- Ask and answer in pairs
nationality of the characters in the picture
- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases - Repeat all the phrases
to reinforce their pronunciation.
3. Let’s talk
- Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 8.
- Look at the pictures on page 8
Make sure they understand the task.His/ Her
partner will make greeting.
- Do the first example:
Good........................Nice to meet you.
- Listen to ask and answer
Good.......................See you tomorrow
Page 6

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
- Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups
Class listen
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task
in front of the class and check Sts’

- Work in pairs or groups
- Practice at the class
4. Reinforcement
- has sts play a game “matching”
-Listen and play
- T check
5. Home link
- Learn new words and model
- Do exercise E in the workbook.
- Prepare next period

- Write

V. Comments:

Date of teaching:

Period 4 - Lesson 2: Section 4-6
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- Develop reading and reading skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: review
- Sentence patterns: review
III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,…
IV. Procedures:

Teacher’s activities

Student’ activities
1. Warm up

-play a game “ slap a board”
- guide sts how to play
- check and give mark

- listen and play



2. Listen and number
- Have Ss look at Pictures a, b, c and d on
- Identify the characters in the
Page 7

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
page 9
- Elicit the identification of the characters in - Look and listen
the pictures
- Ask Ss to listen to the recording and match - Listen to the recording and match
the information they hear to the pictures and the pictures and number them
number the pictures.
- 1st:Play the recording all the way through - Look at the picture and listen.
for Ss to listen while they are looking the
pictures in their books
- 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and - Listen and number
- 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check
- Listen and check
their answers.
- Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for
- Work in pairs for correction
- Ask some questions to ensure Ss’
comprehension of the listening text.
Transcript: (recording)
- Listen and copy
Answers: 1 – c; 2 – d; 3 – b; 4 – a
3. Look and write
- Have a brief discussion with the class
- Look at the pictures on page 9
about the picture and the task
Point to the model text and elicit St’answers - Listen and answer

What is this?
What are you going to do?
- Ask Sts to read the passage and fill in the
- Read and write
missing word
- Ask Sts to work in pairs
- Work in pair
- Set time and move around the classroom to - Read aloud answer
help Sts, write any words that Sts need on
the board
- Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to - Listen and check
the class. Other listen and comment
4. Reinforcement
- Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. -listen and answer
5. Home link
- Learn new words and model
- Do exercise E in the workbook
- Prepare next period

- Write

V. Comments:
Page 8

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School

Date of teaching:

Period 5 - Lesson 3: Section 1-3 (P.10)
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letter “l” and “n”.
- Listen and write the pictures in the order they hear
- Develop listening, and writing skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: review
- Phonics:
III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette...
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities
1. Warm up

* play a game “slap the board”
- Sts work in group
- check and give mark

-listen and play






2. Listen and repeat
- Have Ss open the book page 10, look at the - Listen and guess
words bye, hello and notice the letter
colored differently in both words.
- Look at the T
- Produce the sounds of the letters L in the
- Look, listen, repeat then take
word Linda and the letters n in the word
- Listen to the tape twice
- Ask Ss to say what they think about when
they hear the sound
- Listen and answer
- Play the recording all the way through for
Page 9

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
Ss to listen while they are reading the words - Read aloud in chorus
in their books
- Get Sts to repeat the words a few times
- Work individually
3. Listen and circle
- Have Ss look at Pictures on page 10
- Identify the characters in the
- Elicit the identification of the character in
- Look and listen
the pictures
- Ask Ss to listen to the recording and write - Listen to the recording and match
the information they hear
the pictures and number them
- 1st:Play the recording all the way through
for Ss to listen while they are looking the
pictures in their books
- 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen
- Listen and number
- 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their - Listen and check
- Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for

- Work in pairs for correction
- Ask some questions to ensure Ss’
- Listen and copy
comprehension of the listening text
4. Let’s chant
- Present the chant
- Look at the chart on page 10
- Sts listen and repeat the chant following
- Listen and repeat
the recording
- Asks sts to work in groups to make rhymes - Say and repeat each word
- Call on some volunteers to recite the
- Read
chant.The rest of the class clap the syllables.
- Have the whole class repeat the chant to
-Repeat again
reinforce their pronunciation
- Check and give mark
5. Reinforcement
- Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Pronounce correctly the sounds of
the letters L and n
6. Home link
- Do exercises C, D in the workbook.
- Write
V. Comments:
Date of teaching:
Page 10

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
Period 6 - Lesson 3: Section 4 - 6
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- Develop reading and writing skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: review
- Model setence: review
III. Resources: Student's book
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities

1. Warm up
- Have sts recite the chant on page 10
-Listen and read the chant
- Sts do the task some times
2. Read and answer
- Ask Sts to open the book on page 11. Get - Identify the characters in the
Sts to look at the picture.
- Set the context: You are going to read - Listen and read
student’s card and answer

- Ask Sts to read two student’s card and -Listen and answer
answer the question.
- Have Ss exchange their answer in pairs.
- Listen and repeat each sentence
- Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class.
- Give the answer to the class. Provide - Read
explanation when necessary.
* Act2: -Ask Sts to open the book. Set the
scene: You’ve going to read a passage and
- listen and read
fill in the blank.
- Ask Sts to read the sentence and look at
the table.
- Get Sts to do the task. Give sufficient time - Read again
for them to carry it out
- Work individually
- Ask Sts to read and write the sentences
- Have Sts check their answer in pairs
- Get Sts to report their answers
- Report their answer
- Listen and check

Page 11

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School

3. Write about you
- Guide sts write about their name, their
- listen and write
hometown, their school
- call some sts read their answer before the
- read
- check and correct
- copy
4. Reinforcement
-Make name cards for you and your
-listen and do the task
friends.Present them to class
- Sts work in groups
5. Home link
- Do exercises C, D in the workbook.
- Write
- Prepare next lesson
V. Comments:
Date of teaching:

Period 1 - Lesson 1: Section 1-2 (P.12)
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- Asking and answering questions about where someone is from
- Develop listening and speaking skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: America, England, japan, Australia, Malaysia
- Sentence patterns: - Where are you from?

- I’m from
III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette.....
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
1. Warm up
* Brainstorming:
- Ask sts some countries which they
- Listen and answer
have known
- Listen and check
- Listen
2. Look, listen and repeat
- Ask Ss to look at each picture and get - Listen and guess
them to identify the familiar characters
Page 12

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
and the new ones
- Ask Sts to discuss what is happening
in each picture. Say:
- Ask Sts some questions:
Who are they?
What are they talking about ?
- Play the recording for Sts to read each

line in the pictures and check Sts
comprehension at times, using English,
and Vietnamese when necessary.
Teaching vocabulary:
+ England - nước Anh
+ America – nước Mỹ
+ Malaysia – nước Malaysia
+ Austalia – nước Úc
+ Japan – nước Nhật
* Checking vocab: Rub out and
- Play the tapes for Sts to listen and
- Divide the class into groups to take
turns to say the lines from Mai and Nam
- Call some pairs to practice in front of
class and check Sts’ pronunciation

- Look at the T
- Look, listen, repeat then take note.
- Listen
- Listen and guess
- Listen the recording
- Listen to the tape twice
- Work in pairs or groups.
- Read aloud in chorus
- Work in pairs
- Listen and repeat
- Say the words a few times

- Go to the board and rewrite the words
- Listen and repeat a few times
- Work in groups
- Practice in pairs

3. Point and say
- Point to the picture and say: . They
- Look at the pictures a, b, c and d
are asking and answeringquestions
about where someone is from.
- Teaching model sentence:
- Listen and repeat
- A: Where are you from?
B: I’m from
Eg: A: Where are you from?
B: I’m from America
- Call on some pairs to perform the task - listen and repeat
at the front of the class. Others observe
and comment.
- Ask Sts to practice with each picture
- Listen and copy the model sentence
- Have the whole class repeat all the
- Read the example
phrases to reinforce their pronunciation
- Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page - Listen and take notes
12. Make sure they understand the task:
Each St choose a boy/ a girl from the
- Look at the pictures on page 6
Page 13

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
pictures and ask and answer with his/
- Choose a boy or a girl
her partner. His/ Her partner will make
- Listen to ask and answer
questions.(using guiding questions)
- Do the first example: point to Hakim:
a: A: Where are you from?
B: I’m from Malaysia.
Class listen
- Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups
- Work in pairs or groups
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the - Practice at the class
task in front of the class and check Sts’
4. Reinforcement
- Ss say what they have learnt in this
- greeting and responding to greetings
- Ss greet and respond to greetings
5. Home link
- Learn new words and model
- Write
- Do exercise A in the workbook.

V.Comments: .............................................................................................................
Date of teaching:

Period 2 - Lesson 1: Section 3-5
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- Develop listening and writing skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: review
- Sentence patterns: review
III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette.....
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
1. Warm up
* play a game “Matching”
- Listen and play
- Listen and ask Sts to repeat each word
nước Nhật
- Listen and check
nước Malaysia
Page 14

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
nước Úc
nước Anh
nước Mỹ
- Listen and repeat
2. Listen and tick
- Have Ss look at the pictures on page 13
- Identify the characters in the
and tell them the purpose of listening: You
are going to listen and tick the correct
picture in each number.
- Ask Sts some questions about picture. T
- Listen and answer the questions
elicits each picture for Sts
- Play the tape firstly for Sts to check their
- Listen the recording to check
- Play the tape secondly for Sts to listen and - Listen and number
- Play the tape again for Sts to check their

- Listen and check their answers
- Call on some Sts to report their answers.
- Listen and repeat all the phrases
Others listen and comment.
- Ask Sts about the content of the listening
* Tapescripts:(recording)
- Listen and copy
Answers: 1- b; 2- a ; 3 - c
3. Look and write
- Have a brief discussion with the class
- Look at the pictures on page 7
about the picture and the task
Point to the model text and elicit St’answers - Listen and answer
What is this?
What are you going to do?
- Ask Sts to read the passage and fill in the
- Read and write
missing word
- Ask Sts to work in pairs
- Work in pair
- Set time and move around the classroom to - Read aloud answer
help Sts, write any words that Sts need on
the board
- Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to - Listen and check
the class. Other listen and comment
4. Let’s sing
- Ask Sts to sing the song. “Where are you

- Sing
Page 15

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
- Play the recording for Sts to read each
- Listen and repeat
line and sing the song a few times
- Work in groups
- Ask Sts to practice singing in groups
- Call on a group to sing the song in front of - Sing and claps in group
the class.
The rest of the class claps to the beat.
5. Home link
- Learn new words and model
- Do exercise B in the workbook.
- Write
- Prepare next lesson
V.Comments: .............................................................................................................
Date of teaching: 14 / 9 /2015

Period 3 - Lesson 2: Section 1-3 (P.14)

I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- ask and answerquestions about one’s nationality
- Develop listening and speaking skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: Nationality, Japanese, Austalian, American, English, Malaysian...
- Sentence patterns: A: What nationality are you?
B: I’m Vietnamese
III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette........
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
1. Warm up
* Bingo:
- Give the grid and a list of words on the
Malaysia Vietnam China
poster. Get Sts to repeat the word of last
England Where
Austalia America from
- The first Sts who crosses out all nine words
in his grid calls “Bingo!”
- Listen and cross
2. Look, listen and repeat
- Ask Ss to look at each picture and get them - Listen and guess
to identify the familiar characters and the
new ones
- Look at the T
- Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in
- Look, listen, repeat then take

Page 16

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
each picture.
- Ask Sts some questions:
Who is this?
- Listen
Where is she?
What is she doing?
- Listen and guess
What does she say?
- Play the recording for Sts to read each line - Listen the recording
in the pictures and check Sts comprehension
at times, using English, and Vietnamese
- Listen to the tape twice
when necessary.
- Work in pairs or groups.
Teaching vocabulary:
- Read aloud in chorus
+ Japnasese - người Nhật, tiếng Nhật
- Work in pairs
+ Australian – người Úc, tiếng Úc
- Listen and repeat
+ Malaysian – người Malaysia, tiếng Ma - Say the words a few times

+ English – người Anh, tiếng Anh
+ America – người Mỹ, tiếng Mỹ
- Go to the board and rewrite the
+ nationality – quốc tịch
* Checking vocab: Rub out and remember
- Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat
- Listen and repeat a few times
- Divide the class into groups to take turns to - Work in groups
say the lines in each picture
- Practice in pairs
- Call some pairs to practice in front of class
and check Sts’ pronunciation.
3. Point and say
- Point to the picture and say:. Now you
- Look at the pictures a, b, c and d
practice asking and answering questions
- Listen and repeat
about one’s nationality.
- T gives an example: point to picture and
say: What nationality are you?
Ask Sts to answer: I’m from Vietnam
- Look at picture a
- Ask Sts to repeat the words in each picture
then ask Sts to read the example.
- Elicit their prompt to complete the text in
- Listen and repeat the words
the speech bubbles.
- Read the example
- T gives the model sentences:

A:What nationality are you?
B: I’m Vietnamese
- Listen and take notes
- Call on some pairs to perform the task at
the front of the class. Others observe and
- Work in pairs
- Ask Sts to ask and answer about their
nationality in each picture
- Ask and answer in pairs
- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases
Page 17

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
to reinforce their pronunciation.

- Repeat all the phrases

3. Let’s talk
- Ask Sts to look at on page 8. Make sure
- Look at the pictures on page 8
they understand the task.His/ Her partner
will make asking and answering about their
- Do the first example:

- Listen to ask and answer
St1: What nationality are you?
St2: I’m Vietanmese
Class listen
- Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups
- Work in pairs or groups
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task - Practice at the class
in front of the class and check Sts’
4. Reinforcement
- has sts play a game “matching”
-Listen and play
- T check
5. Home link
- Learn new words and model
- Do exercise E in the workbook.
- Write
- Prepare next period
V. Comments:

Date of teaching: 14 / 9 /2015

Period 4 - Lesson 2: Section 4-6
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- Develop reading and reading skills.
II. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: review
- Sentence patterns: review
III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette...
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Student’ activities
1. Warm up
-play a game “ slap a board”
- listen and play
Page 18

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
- guide sts how to play
- check and give mark




Malaysian American nationality
2. Listen and number

- Have Ss look at Pictures a, b, c and d on
- Identify the characters in the
page 15
- Elicit the identification of the characters in - Look and listen
the pictures
- Ask Ss to listen to the recording and match - Listen to the recording and match
the information they hear to the pictures and the pictures and number them
number the pictures.
- 1st:Play the recording all the way through - Look at the picture and listen.
for Ss to listen while they are looking the
pictures in their books
- 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and - Listen and number
- 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check
- Listen and check
their answers.
- Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for
- Work in pairs for correction
- Ask some questions to ensure Ss’
comprehension of the listening text.
Transcript: (recording)
- Listen and copy
Answers: 1 – c; 2 – d; 3 – b; 4 – a
3. Look and write
- Have a brief discussion with the class
- Look at the pictures on page 9
about the picture and the task
Point to the model text and elicit St’answers - Listen and answer

What is this?
What are you going to do?
- Ask Sts to read the passage and fill in the
- Read and write
missing word
- Ask Sts to work in pairs
- Work in pair
- Set time and move around the classroom to - Read aloud answer
help Sts, write any words that Sts need on
the board
- Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to - Listen and check
the class. Other listen and comment
4. Reinforcement
- Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. -listen and answer
Page 19

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
5. Home link
- Learn new words and model
- Do exercise E in the workbook
- Write
- Prepare next period
V. Comments:

Date of teaching:

15/ 9 /2015

Period 5 - Lesson 3: Section 1-3
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letter “” and “v”.
- Listen and write the pictures in the order they hear
- Develop listening, and writing skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: review
- Phonics:
III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette...
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities

Student’ activities
1. Warm up

* play a game “slap the board”
- Sts work in group
- check and give mark

-listen and play




2. Listen and repeat
- Have Ss open the book page 16, look at the - Listen and guess
words Japan, Vietnamese and notice the
letter colored differently in both words.
- Look at the T
- Produce the sounds of the letters j in the
- Look, listen, repeat then take
word Japan and the letters v in the word
Japan Vietnamese
- Listen to the tape twice
Page 20

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
- Ask Ss to say what they think about when
they hear the sound
- Listen and answer

- Play the recording all the way through for
Ss to listen while they are reading the words - Read aloud in chorus
in their books
- Get Sts to repeat the words a few times
- Work individually
3. Listen and tick
- Have Ss look at Pictures on page 16
- Identify the characters in the
- Elicit the identification of the character in
the pictures
- Ask Ss to listen to the recording and tick
- Look and listen
the information they hear
- 1st:Play the recording all the way through - Listen to the recording and match
for Ss to listen while they are looking the
the pictures and number them
pictures in their books
- 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen
- 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their - Listen and number
- Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for
- Listen and check
- Ask some questions to ensure Ss’
- Work in pairs for correction
comprehension of the listening text
- Listen and copy
4. Let’s chant

- Present the chant
- Look at the chart on page 16
- Sts listen and repeat the chant following
- Listen and repeat
the recording
- Asks sts to work in groups to make rhymes - Say and repeat each word
- Call on some volunteers to recite the
- Read
chant.The rest of the class clap the syllables.
- Have the whole class repeat the chant to
-Repeat again
reinforce their pronunciation
- Check and give mark
5. Reinforcement
- Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Pronounce correctly the sounds of
the letters j and v
6. Home link
- Do exercises C, D in the workbook.
- Write
Page 21

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
V. Comments:

Date of teaching:

15/ 9 /2015

Period 6 - Lesson 3: Section 4 - 6
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- Develop reading and writing skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: review
- Model setence: review
III. Resources: Student's book
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities

Student’ activities

1. Warm up
- Have sts recite the chant on page 16
-Listen and read the chant
- Sts do the task some times
2. read and complete
- Ask Sts to open the book on page 17. Get
- Identify the characters in the
Sts to look at the picture.
- Listen and read
- Set the context: You are going to read
student’s card and complete
- Ask Sts to read two student’s card and

-Listen and answer
answer the question.
- Have Ss exchange their answer in pairs.
- Listen and repeat each sentence
- Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class.
- Give the answer to the class. Provide
- Read
explanation when necessary.
3. Let’s write
- Guide sts write about their nationality
- listen and write
- call some sts read their answer before the
- read
- check and correct
Page 22

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
- copy
4. Reinforcement
-Make name cards for you and your
-listen and do the task
friends.Present them to class
- Sts work in groups
5. Home link

- Do exercises C, D in the workbook.
- Write
- Prepare next lesson
V. Comments:
Date of teaching: 21/ 9 /2015

Period 1 - Lesson 1: Section 1-2
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:
- Asking and answering questions about the days of the week
- Develop listening and speaking skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
- Sentence patterns: - What day is it today?
- It’s...................................
III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette.....
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
1. Warm up
* Brainstorming:
- Ask sts some days which they have
- Listen and answer
- Listen and check
- Listen

2. Look, listen and repeat
- Ask Ss to look at each picture and get - Listen and guess
them to identify the familiar characters
and the new ones
Page 23

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
- Ask Sts to discuss what is happening
in each picture. Say:
- Ask Sts some questions:
Who are they?
What are they talking about ?
- Play the recording for Sts to read each
line in the pictures and check Sts
comprehension at times, using English,
and Vietnamese when necessary.
Teaching vocabulary:
+ Monday - thứ hai
+ Tuesday– thứ ba
+ Wednesday – thứ tư
+ Thursday– thứ năm
+ Friday – thứ sáu
+ Saturday - thứ bảy
+ Sunday - chủ nhật
* Checking vocab: Rub out and

- Play the tapes for Sts to listen and
- Divide the class into groups to take
turns to say the lines from Mai and Nam
- Call some pairs to practice in front of
class and check Sts’ pronunciation

- Look at the T
- Look, listen, repeat then take note.
- Listen
- Listen and guess
- Listen the recording
- Listen to the tape twice
- Work in pairs or groups.
- Read aloud in chorus
- Work in pairs
- Listen and repeat
- Say the words a few times

- Go to the board and rewrite the words
- Listen and repeat a few times
- Work in groups
- Practice in pairs

3. Point and say
- Point to the picture and say: . They
- Look at the pictures a, b, c and d
are asking and answeringquestions
about the days of the week.

- Teaching model sentence:
- Listen and repeat
- A: What’s day is it today ?
B: It’s.............................
Eg: A: What days is it today?
B: It’s Monday
- Call on some pairs to perform the task - listen and repeat
at the front of the class. Others observe
and comment.
- Ask Sts to practice with each picture
- Listen and copy the model sentence
- Have the whole class repeat all the
- Read the example
phrases to reinforce their pronunciation
- Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page - Listen and take notes
18. Make sure they understand the task:
Page 24

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

Duong Quang Primary School
Each St choose a boy/ a girl from the
- Look at the pictures on page 18
pictures and ask and answer with his/
- Choose a boy or a girl
her partner. His/ Her partner will make
- Listen to ask and answer

questions.(using guiding questions)
- Do the first example: point to the
a: A: What day is it today?
Class listen
B: It’s Monday.
- Work in pairs or groups
- Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups
- Practice at the class
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the
task in front of the class and check Sts’
4. Reinforcement
- Ss say what they have learnt in this
- ask and answer about the days of the
5. Home link
- Learn new words and model
- Write
- Do exercise A in the workbook.
V.Comments: .............................................................................................................

Date of teaching: 21/ 9 /2015

Period 2 - Lesson 1: Section 3-5
I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to:

- Develop listening and writing skills.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: review
- Sentence patterns: review
III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette.....
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
1. Warm up
* play a game “Matching”
- Listen and play
- Listen and ask Sts to repeat each word
thứ bảy
Page 25

Teacher: Dao Thi My

School year: 2017 - 2018

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