Structural Engineer’s
Pocket Book
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Structural Engineer’s
Pocket Book
Fiona Cobb
Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann
Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
200 Wheeler Rd, Burlington, MA 01803
First published 2004
Copyright ª 2004, Fiona Cobb. All rights reserved
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Preface ix
Acknowledgements xi
1 General Information
Metric system 1
Typical metric units for UK structural 2
Imperial units 3
Conversion factors 4
Measurement of angles 5
Construction documentation and procurement 6
Drawing conventions 8
Common arrangement of work sections 10
Summary of ACE conditions of engagement 11
2 Statutory Authorities and Permissions
Planning 13
Building regulations and standards 14
Listed buildings 17
Conservation areas and Tree preservation orders 18
Archaeology and ancient monuments 19
Party Wall etc. Act 21
CDM 24
3 Design Data
Design data checklist 25
Structural form, stability and robustness 26
Structural movement joints 29
Fire resistance periods for structural elements 30
Typical building tolerances 31
Historical use of building materials 32
Typical weights of building materials 34
Minimum imposed floor loads 38
Typical unit floor and roof loadings 41
Wind loading 43
Barrier and handrail loadings 44
Selection of materials 46
Selection of floor construction 47
Transportation 48
Temporary works toolkit 52
4 Basic and Shortcut Tools for Structural
Load factors and limit states 55
Geometric section properties 56
Parallel axis theorem and Composite sections 60
Material properties 61
Coefficients of linear thermal expansion 64
Coefficients of friction 65
Sign conventions 66
Beam bending theory 67
Deflection limits 68
Beam bending and deflection formulae 69
Clapeyron’s equations of three moments 76
Continuous beam bending formulae 78
Struts 79
Rigid frames under lateral loads 81
Plates 84
Torsion 88
Taut wires, cables and chains 89
Vibration 91
5 Geotechnics
Geotechnics 92
Selection of foundations and retaining walls 93
Site investigation 94
Soil classification 95
Typical soil properties 96
Preliminary sizing 100
Trees and shallow foundations 109
Contamined land 113
6 Timber and Plywood
Timber 117
Timber section sizes 119
Laminated timber products 120
Durability and fire resistance 122
Preliminary sizing of timber elements 125
vi Contents
Timber design to BS 5268 127
Timber joints 135
7 Masonry
Masonry 141
Geometry and arrangement 143
Durability and fire resistance 147
Preliminary sizing of masonry elements 148
Masonry design to BS 5628 152
Masonry design to CP111 166
Lintel design to BS 5977 168
Masonry accessories 170
8 Reinforced Concrete
Reinforced concrete 175
Concrete mixes 177
Durability and fire resistance 179
Preliminary sizing of concrete elements 180
Reinforcement 182
Concrete design to BS 8110 185
Reinforcement bar bending to BS 8666 205
Reinforcement estimates 207
9 Structural Steel
Structural steel 208
Mild steel section sizes and tolerances 210
Slenderness 239
Durability and fire resistance 242
Preliminary sizing of steel elements 246
Steel design to BS 5950 249
Steel design to BS 449 261
Stainless steel to BS 5950 269
10 Composite Steel and Concrete
Composite steel and concrete 275
Preliminary sizing of composite elements 277
Composite design to BS 5950 281
11 Structural Glass
Structural glass 284
Typical glass section sizes and thicknesses 287
Durability and fire resistance 288
Typical glass sizes for common applications 289
Structural glass design 291
Connections 293
Contents vii
12 Building Elements, Materials, Fixings
and Fastenings
Waterproofing 295
Basement waterproofing 296
Screeds 299
Precast concrete hollowcore slabs 300
Bi-metallic corrosion 301
Structural adhesives 302
Fixings and fastenings 304
Cold weather working 307
Effect of fire on construction materials 308
Aluminium 310
13 Useful Mathematics 314
Useful Addresses 320
Further Reading 331
Sources 336
Index 339
viii Contents
As a student or graduate engineer it is difficult to source basic design
data. Having been unable to find a compact book containing this infor-
mation, I decided to compile my own after seeing a pocket book for
architects. I realised that a Structural Engineer’s Pocket Book might be
useful for other engineers and construction industry professionals. My
aim has been to gather useful facts and figures for use in preliminary
design in the office, on site or in the IStructE Part 3 exam, based on UK
The book is not intended as a textbook; there are no worked examples
and the information is not prescriptive. Design methods from British
Standards have been included and summarized, but obviously these are
not the only way of proving structural adequacy. Preliminary sizing and
shortcuts are intended to give the engineer a ’feel’ for the structure before
beginning design calculations. All of the data should be used in context,
using engineering judgement and current good practice. Where no refer-
ence is given, the information has been compiled from several different
Despite my best efforts, there may be some errors and omissions. I
would be interested to receive any comments, corrections or sugges-
tions on the content of the book by email at
Obviously, it has been difficult to decide what information can be
included and still keep the book a compact size. Therefore any propos-
als for additional material should be accompanied by a proposal for an
omission of roughly the same size – the reader should then appreciate
the many dilemmas that I have had during the preparation of the
book! If there is an opportunity for a second edition, I will attempt
to accommodate any suggestions which are sent to me and I hope that
you find the Structural Engineer’s Pocket Book useful.
Fiona Cobb
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Thanks to the following people and organizations:
Price & Myers for giving me varied and interesting work, without which
this book would not have been possible! Paul Batty, David Derby, Sarah
Fawcus, Step Haiselden, Simon Jewell, Chris Morrisey, Mark Peldmanis,
Sam Price, Helen Remordina, Harry Stocks and Paul Toplis for their com-
ments and help reviewing chapters. Colin Ferguson, Derek Fordyce, Phil
Gee, Alex Hollingsworth, Paul Johnson, Deri Jones, Robert Myers, Dave
Rayment and Andy Toohey for their help, ideas, support, advice and/or
inspiration at various points in the preparation of the book. Renata
Corbani, Rebecca Rue and Sarah Hunt at Elsevier. The technical and
marketing representatives of the organizations mentioned in the book.
Last but not least, thanks to Jim Cobb, Elaine Cobb, Iain Chapman for his
support and the loan of his computer and Jean Cobb for her help with
typing and proof reading.
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cut section/slab edge/element to be highlighted
elevations/infill details
structure under/hidden
gridline/centre line
outline of boundaries/adjacent parts
limit of partially viewed element/cut-backline
not at intersection
breakline straight
+ tube
Stonework Concrete
Hardwood Insulation Subsoil Hardcore
Plywood Glass Steel Damp proof course
or membrane
Stairs Ramp Landscape slope Slope/pitch
Arrow indicates ‘up’