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Masters programmes 2018 2019

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Why study at Linköping University?
We innovate
We collaborate
We rank highly


One university, two cities
Life on campus
University libraries
Healthcare ofices
Food and ika
Happenings and events
IT services
Making friends


The students’ view
International programmes
Aeronautical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Communication systems
Computer Science
Electronics Engineering

Intelligent Transport Systems and Logistics
Industrial Engineering and Management
Mechanical Engineering
Statistics and Machine Learning
Sustainability Engineering and Management
Ecology and the Environment
Science for Sustainable Development
Applied Ethology and Animal Biology
Experimental and Medical Biosciences
Materials Science and Nanotechnology
Organic Synthesis/Medicinal Chemistry
Adult Learning and Global Change
Outdoor Environmental Education and Outdoor Life
Applied Ethics
Business Administration
Computational Social Science
Child Studies
Ethnic and Migration Studies
Gender Studies
International and European Relations
Experimental and Industrial Biomedicine (BSc)


Facts & igures
• 27,000 students
• 4 faculties: Arts and Sciences, Educational Sciences, Medicine and Health
Sciences, Science and Engineering
• 3 campuses: Campus Valla, University

Hospital Campus, Campus Norrköping
• 2 cities: Linköping & Norrköping
• Over 20 international master’s
programmes and one bachelor’s
• 2,000 international students
• 1,300 doctoral students
• 300 professors

Get the
competitive edge
As a leading European university, Linköping University (LiU) welcomes
students who are prepared to challenge themselves. We provide a safe and
eco-friendly environment, excellent study facilities and a fantastic student
experience. We are dedicated to fostering an innovative mindset and an
entrepreneurial spirit in our students, giving them the competitive edge in
the global market.

How to apply
Application procedure
Admission requirements


We are also demanding and we require critical thinking and the ability to
do independent work. For LiU, internationalisation is a quest for quality,
for talented and ambitious students from around the globe and for
research that makes a diference worldwide.

Tuition fees
LiU International scholarships
Swedish Institute scholarships


Doctoral studies
Helen Dannetun
Professor of Physics and
Vice-Chancellor of Linköping University

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3 companies with LiU roots
• Sectra – medical IT and secure communication
• IFS – business software
• Sciss – 3D visualisation for planetariums
and dome theatres

Why study at
Linköping University?
We innovate

We collaborate

Since gaining university status in 1975, Linköping
University has worked with innovation in education
and research. We are renowned for creating
degree programmes that give valuable crossdisciplinary knowledge, for example combining
medicine and engineering or computer science
and statistics. Valuable knowledge for
today’s and tomorrow’s society.

Linköping University collaborates with top
universities across the globe, both in research and
in student exchange. We have more than 500
partner universities, including Stanford University,
University of Washington, Nanyang Technological
University and LMU Munich. Some of our
master’s programmes – Adult Learning and
Global Change, Experimental and Medical
Biosciences, International and European Relations
– are given in cooperation with universities in
other countries.
We work closely with many companies. Saab,
ABB and the Swedish National Road and
Transport Research Institute are just a few of
our strategic partners.

We want our students to take an active role in
learning and aim to stimulate independent and
critical thinking by nurturing problem-solving
abilities. We seek to implement an innovative
educational approach grounded in real-world

systems and products.
Linköping University is home to several worldclass research environments, for instance in
materials science, bioelectronics and information
technology. Our graduates and researchers have
developed ideas that have led to successful spinoff companies such as Sciss, IFS and Sectra.


We rank highly
The Swedish higher education system as a whole
is ranked number ive in the world and Sweden
currently ranks in the top three globally for
English proiciency. Among the 20,000
universities in the world Linköping University is
in the top 300. We are also among the world’s 50
best universities under 50 years.

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3 LiU innovations
• The world’s irst digital hearing aid
• The visualisation table, showing the human
body in 3D
• Sensor technology used for instance in Kenya
to protect rhinos from poachers


One university, two cities

Linköping and Norrköping, situated in East Sweden, have much to ofer
in terms of landscape, tourist attractions, entertainment and more. With
around 150,000 inhabitants, Linköping is Sweden’s ifth largest city. It has
a well-developed business sector but retains the charm of a smaller town.
Slightly smaller, Norrköping has a lively cultural scene, including lots of live
music festivals. Everything is within walking distance and it is very easy to
ind something fun to do. The cities are in the process of developing into
one integrated urban region and the area is home not only to the university
but also to several internationally well-known companies, including Saab,
Toyota Industries Europe, IFS, Siemens, Holmen Paper and BT Industries.


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Life on campus


University libraries

Food and fika

IT services

The Linköping University libraries ofer access
to a wide range of resources, both online and

physical, such as books, journals and international
databases. Students can also request books from
other libraries across Sweden. The libraries are
equipped with computer terminals.

A restaurant or coffee shop is always nearby.
You will soon learn the Swedish tradition of ika,
which means a cofee or tea break usually with
a piece of cake or muin. Lunch rooms at the
university are equipped with microwave ovens and
ready to use for those who bring their own food.

Wireless internet is available everywhere on
campus. In addition, public computer rooms
are available in many places on campus, some
of these 24 hours a day. All our students get an
LiU ID and receive access to the LiU learning
platform Lisam.

Healthcare offices

Happenings and events

Making friends

Healthcare oices are available in several
locations on the LiU campuses, with nurses,
counsellors and welfare oicers. Support for
mental health issues is also available.
All services are free of charge.

Life at LiU is very rich when it comes to events
organised especially for students. At festivals,
races, parties and outings you will be able to
socialise not only with LiU students but also
with students from other Swedish universities.

Meeting people and making friends is an important
part of your university experience. Don’t wait for
an invitation, make the irst move – talk to your
roommate, or neighbours in your accommodation,
and try to ind common interests. With nearly
100 student associations on campus you will most
probably ind a group that shares your interests:
music, ilm, sports, religion, photography,

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science, politics, you name it! The most popular
associations among international students are:
• International Student Association – arranges
social and cultural activities such as the annual
International Day.
• Erasmus Student Network – organises parties,
dinners, sport events, outdoor trips and many
other events where international students can
mingle with Swedish students.
• Association for International Visitors – helps
international students and researchers meet
Swedish families and take part in cultural

programmes and outings.


Why did you choose your programme and LiU?
After inishing my bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering I wanted to
pursue a master’s degree. However, the number of diferent possibilities were
overwhelming in both ield of study and country of destination. I started
looking for programmes all over Scandinavia and it was at LiU where I found
the complement for my background that I was looking for. I checked course
descriptions and it was the perfect combination of technical and practical
approach, a stepping stone for the next chapter of my life.

The students’ view

What is the best thing about studying at
Linköping University?

Keely and Jesús both chose to change their lives and
move to an unknown country to pursue their master’s
education. From different parts of the world and with
different backgrounds, they have both managed to
make LiU and Sweden their home. We asked them to tell
us more about their choice and share some useful tips.

I would say the international vibes at campus.
As a LiU student you will not only grow
academically but also as a human being. Being
in connection with people from all corners of

the world is something that goes far beyond any
university degree.

How do you balance your studies with your
spare time?
My personal experience is that keeping that
balance is quite easy while studying at LiU.
As long as you are a well-organized person,
you will have time enough for yourself and
still perform well at university.

Current student Master of
Aeronautical Engineering

Why did you choose your programme and LiU?
I chose the MIER programme because it combined both international and
European relations within one discipline, which sets it apart from other IR
programmes. I knew I wanted to live and study international relations in
Sweden, and loved the uniqueness of the programme that Linköping ofers.

Have you got any tips for new students?
One of the irst things I did when I moved to
Linköping was to buy a bicycle! The city is small
enough that you can cycle everywhere, but
deinitely too large to walk. There are many used
bicycle shops where you can purchase one
inexpensively, so there’s nothing holding you
back from exploring the city! Getting involved on

campus is really important, and can make the
university feel like a cozy community. No matter
your interest — whether it’s music, foreign
afairs, or computer science — there’s a student
organization for you. It’s a great way to meet
people and to quickly turn Linköping into your
new home.


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Current student Master
of International and
European Relations



Degree: Master of Science with a major in Aeronautical Engineering Duration: Two years Credits: 120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (SEK 126,000)
per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Biomedical Engineering Duration: Two years Credits: 120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: approx. USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (SEK 126,000)
per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Learn the intricacies of aeronautics in the aviation capital of Sweden.

Improve human health through innovative technology.

Linköping is one of the few places in the world
where aircraft are both designed and manufactured. There are a large number of aeronautical and
military aviation companies in the city such as
Saab Aeronautics, the producer of the Gripen
ighter aircraft. Our students beneit from our
location via close research collaboration between
the university and the aerospace industry and our
industry-ailiated teachers.

The intersection of natural science, medicine,
and technology is a dynamic place. Driven by
demands for equitable and eicient healthcare
and ever-improving quality of life, technological
development beneits humanity and helps create
a sustainable future. With a history of pioneering
interdisciplinary research and education, LiU
provides premier opportunities for developing
a fundamental and functional understanding of
biomedical engineering. Based on solid
mathematical and physical foundations, useful
medical knowledge, and a vivid engineering spirit,
we set out to develop technology that improves
health and healthcare – and makes a diference.

This master’s programme ofers students a holistic

education on the intricacies of aircraft design.
Aircrafts are a complex integration of systems
from various technologies and disciplines including
aerodynamics, structure, propulsion, actuation and
other on-board systems. All these disciplines need
to be optimised in order to achieve the functionality
and the eiciency required of an aircraft. You will
master the fundamentals of aeronautics, such as:
aircraft design, aerodynamics, engineering system


design, product modelling, and aircraft systems
and installation; with signiicant use of contemporary engineering design tools. The latter part
of the programme involves a project in which
these disciplines come together and challenge
students to design, build and ly an aircraft.
Our graduates are prepared for careers within
the aerospace industry, ranging from conceptual
aircraft design to aircraft engineering, to related
ields such as vehicle or wind turbine engineering.
You will also be prepared for a career in further

This master’s programme combines fundamental
concepts and knowledge in engineering, biology
and medicine to develop innovative technologies,
materials, processes, and systems, with the aim of
improving healthcare. You will expand your skills

and knowledge in engineering, mathematics,
physics, and multidimensional signal generation
and analysis, and you will combine medical
informatics with biomedical modelling applied to
human anatomy and physiology. Our programme
ofers in-depth specialisation along three tracks:
Medical Informatics, Biomedical Signals and
Instrumentation, and Medical Imaging.
Our graduates have the skills to formulate and
solve engineering problems in the biomedical
domain, implement and operate processes and
systems, and evaluate engineering tools applied
in medicine. Our biomedical engineers are
employed across the industry in hospitals,
government agencies, and research facilities
designing various materials, devices, algorithms,
processes, or systems. You will also be well
prepared for further studies towards a PhD.

Dona – India – Current Student

Martha – Mexico – Biomedical Engineer

I think what is diferent about the Aeronautical programme is the industry
oriented projects that we get to work on. In the past year, we have redesigned
an existing passenger aircraft, designed a new ’middle of market’ airplane as a
competition for Airbus, designed an electric ultralight aircraft, etc. Not only are
they concepts that the aviation industry is now working on, but some are even
futuristic – it will be years before some of the concepts are manufactured.

Back home I studied cases using the problem-based learning method but
not that frequently. During my programme I used this method in so many
courses that nowadays I can use it to tackle even the most challenging cases.
In Mexico, you need to talk formally to a teacher while in Sweden the
relation with teachers is more friendly. Now that I am a supervisor at work,
I try to avoid this extreme formality between colleagues.

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Degree: Master of Science with a major in Electrical Engineering Duration: Two years Credits: 120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (SEK 126,000)
per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Computer Science Duration: Two years Credits: 120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (SEK 126,000)
per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Join us at the forefront of research into 5G network technology.

Shape the forefront of modern software and computer systems technology.

The exponential growth in the use of communication devices in our increasingly networked
society needs skilled engineers to drive technological development and inspire new inventions
such as new applications for the internet-ofthings. LiU is at the forefront of communications
research. We are known for our seminal research
on massive MIMO systems in collaboration with
Lund University, Ericsson and Bell Labs, among
others. We are a partner in the EU-sponsored
FP7-MAMMOET project and a member of the
Swedish government’s strategic initiatives
ELLIIT and Security-Link. Our campus is also
conveniently located near high-tech Swedish
companies such as Ericsson and Saab.

Computer science and technology play a key role
in every part of the modern world. Logically, it is
also one of the most dynamic and expansive ields
of science. LiU is home to one of the most important centres of computer science and engineering
in Northern Europe; with 20 full professors, it is
renowned for top-quality research and education.
Additionally, neighbouring our main campus is
Science Park Mjärdevi, an incubator with 300
knowledge-intensive companies where many of
our alumni are now employed, or have gained

This master’s programme ofers students a broad

curriculum in communication systems, focussing


on the fundamental principles of systems engineering and the design of digital and wireless communications systems. Topics covered include
communication theory, coding, modulation, signal
processing, and the design and optimisation of
communication systems and networks. In the
later stages of the programme students will be
challenged to build a communication system.
Our graduates are prepared for a career in
engineering within diferent branches of telecommunications. Our graduates work in diverse
areas as senior software developers, technical
coordinators for product development, and
researchers on defence communications.
Alternatively, you may continue conducting
research leading to a doctoral degree.

This master’s programme ofers students the
knowledge needed to master the theoretical
foundations of the ield and be able to apply and
integrate these with other technologies.
The programme ofers ive specialisations:

Visualisation and Computer Graphics; Artiicial
Intelligence and Data Mining; Computer
Networks, Distributed Systems and Security;
Embedded Systems; or Programming and
Software Methods. It is not mandatory to follow
a specialisation: you may also tailor your own

combination of courses.
Our graduates are prepared for careers at the
forefront of modern software and computer
systems technology, as an operating system
designer, internet security specialist, or with
visualisation in ields such as medicine, business,
and social sciences. You may also opt for a career
in research via continued studies towards a
doctoral degree.

Yang Ching Hsiang – Taiwan – Current Student

Razmus – Sweden – Software Developer

Most people go for exchange to the US; I just wanted to go see how it is
and experience living in Northern Europe. I have diferent experiences
and they are very valuable. The professors always gave us information on
further research and that helped a lot. They have experience in the ield
and give us an insight into what is going on right now and what will be
the future innovations.

I have learned a lot about restructuring existing code to be more efective
and better structured, and also to create programmes from nothing to suit
speciic needs and to follow certain restrictions from users. I believe that
most companies associate LiU with quality. By quality I mean graduates
that actually are knowledgeable and have a personal drive to continuously
learn new things and to never stop improving themselves.

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Intelligent Transport Systems
and Logistics

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Electrical Engineering Duration: Two years Credits: 120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: approx. USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (SEK 126,000)
per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Transportation Engineering Duration: Two years Credits: 120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Norrköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (SEK 126,000)
per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Advance far beyond the curriculum of traditional electronics education.

Be a part of the front line of Swedish transportation research.

Our programme is organised by several strong
divisions with excellent teaching experience,
world-class research activities, state-of-the-art
laboratories and design environments, and
close research collaboration with many

companies worldwide.

Well-designed transport and logistics systems are
fundamental to individual mobility, commerce,
welfare and economic growth. With ever-increasing
volumes of traic and goods, future transport
systems face huge challenges that require the
development of a tighter integration of telecommunications and information technology into
vehicles and road infrastructure. LiU is the
coordinating university of the Swedish National
Postgraduate School of ITS (Intelligent Transport
Systems) and also a member of ITS-EduNet, the
network for Training and Education on Intelligent
Transport Systems at the European level.

This master’s programme provides a competitive
education in digital, analogue and radiofrequency (RF) integrated circuits (IC) and
System-on-Chip (SoC) design, combined with
in-depth knowledge in signal processing, application-speciic processors, embedded systems
design, modern communications systems, and
radio transceiver design. Our programme requires
a broad spectrum of knowledge and skills across
many ields within engineering and science, not
conventionally ofered in electronics education.


Students can choose between two major tracks in
either SoC design or Analogue/Digital and RF IC
design. We ofer several large design-project

courses, giving excellent opportunities to improve
design skills. For instance, students who take our
VLSI Design course will design real chips using
standard CMOS technology that will be sent for
fabrication, measured and evaluated in a followup course.
Our graduates can expect excellent career
opportunities in major research and development
centres, both in the industry and in academic
institutions worldwide. You are speciically trained
and qualiied to work as an IC design engineer in
major semiconductor, IC and telecom companies;
you will also be well prepared for further studies
towards a PhD.

This master’s programme focusses on the
integration of IT and telecommunications into
transport and logistics systems, with the aim of
increasing eiciency, safety, mobility and customer

satisfaction while reducing environmental
impact. You will study traic and supply chain
modelling, mobile and wireless telecommunications, road safety and project management.
As the programme progresses, you can choose
between two streams: Traic or Logistics. The
programme provides the tools required to understand, develop and control future transport and
logistics systems through the use of optimisation,
simulation and geographical information systems.
With your engineering proile and transport
systems expertise, you have a wide choice of
challenging career opportunities. You may

become a traic engineer or a logistics manager,
or work for a technology company that develops
traic and transport systems. Alternatively, you
may continue your research via a doctoral degree.

Bo Sun – China – Development Engineer, Arccore AB

Daniel – Czech Republic – Traffic Analyst

I like the way the university is set up, there is not too much pressure and
the emphasis is on knowledge. If you fail an exam there are chances to try
again. It’s about improving your knowledge, not about simply passing tests.
The software we used to design the chips is the same software that companies
like Intel use. I can start working immediately because I already know
the software.

The programme helped me in many ways to pave the beginning of my
career path. Most signiicantly I learned to identify problems and come up
with solutions. Many projects within the programme did not have speciied
boundaries so there often was room for some creativity. That’s something I
value highly. It helped me to gain conidence and believe in myself. The
work deinitely improved my problem-solving ability.

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Degree: Master of Science with a major in Industrial Engineering and Management Duration: Two years
Credits: 120 Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 14,500/EUR 13,000
(SEK 126,000) per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Mechanical Engineering Duration: Two years Credits: 120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: approx. USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (SEK 126,000) per
academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Prepare for a leading role by integrating engineering, management and mathematics.

Work with realisation of complex technical products and industrial processes.

A Swedish pioneer in management education,
LiU also has a strong tradition of industrial
engineering since the 1970s. Thanks to our experienced and qualiied teachers, you can be assured
of reaching success. There is a strong industry
presence, with guest lectures from prominent
representatives and collaborations with global
industrial corporations such as Ericsson and Scania.

Mechanical engineers are expected to be creative,
have broad knowledge and work as members of

multidisciplinary teams. Our programme creates
problem-solvers with a holistic perspective and
also ofers the possibility to specialise.

This master’s programme provides knowledge in
industrial management through a multidisciplinary approach, giving you the skills to
adopt changes in the industrial environment in a
responsible and eicient manner. Core courses in
project management and organisation, management systems and sustainability, production
planning and control, and quality management
will help put your engineering skills in an
industrial management context. You can choose

between two streams in either: Operations
Management or Environmental Innovation
Our graduates are enjoying interesting careers as
R&D managers in tech-intensive companies or as
CTOs in smaller companies and start-ups. Our
engineers are qualiied for engineering positions
in companies and authorities dealing with
consulting, investment strategies, production
planning and control, renewable energy, environmental consulting and waste management.
You will also be prepared for an academic career
beginning with doctoral studies.

Michael – Germany – Supply Chain Management Trainee,
Goodyear Dunlop Tires
The programme really provides a great opportunity to grow in an environment
characterized by project work, international teams, and constant challenges and

fast-changing demands, which is very similar to the work environment that
awaits us after the studies. This helps me every day to cope with real-life challenges that I face by working in a highly complex and demanding environment.


This master’s programme is a broad engineering
programme where the students become involved
in today’s product development for the sustainable
society of tomorrow. Our students can choose
from three specialisation areas:
Engineering Systems Design – includes all
aspects from classical machine design to
mechatronics; Engineering Mechanics – comprises
classical and modern applied mechanics with a
strong focus on modelling and simulation; or
Manufacturing Engineering and Management
– spans the area between automated manufacturing
processes and supply-chain management. There

are also electives within the areas such as mechanical design, construction, mechatronics, engineering materials, solid mechanics, inite elements,
luid mechanics, hydraulics, production systems
and manufacturing available to tailor your education to your interests.



Industrial Engineering and

Our graduates have good opportunities for
employment in almost all sectors of the
engineering industry. You will be able to take part
in multidisciplinary design processes where technical as well as economic, environmental and
sustainability requirements are satisied.
You could be involved with the generation, distribution and use of energy; the design and development of machines, vehicles and transportation
systems; or the processing of materials. In
addition, you will be prepared for a research career.

Sabari – India – Current Student
I’ve never regretted studying at LiU. I really like that we have a lot of group
work; this helps us to understand diferent perspectives and working styles
of people from diferent nationalities and helps us to investigate more in
depth about the topic. The professors are really informal and are very open
to plenty of doubts and discussions. I’ll be starting my thesis in September
at LiU in the ield of materials.

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Sustainability Engineering
and Management

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Statistics Duration: Two years Credits: 120 Pace of study: Full-time
Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 11,000/EUR 10,000 (SEK 95,000) per academic year (for
non-EU citizens)

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Energy and Environmental Engineering

Duration: Two years Credits: 120 Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: approx.
USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (SEK 126,000) per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Data is the driving force behind today’s information-based society.
Master techniques for learning from data and making eficient decisions.

Create innovative sustainable solutions in one of the world’s fastest growing
business sectors.

With the growth of computer capabilities, databases are becoming larger and more complex,
making traditional statistical methods less efective
and in some cases redundant. Data from economic
transactions, individual health records, internet
searches, and environmental data are just a few
examples of the content of enormous databases
that are challenging professional analysts. In these
data-rich environments methods from data
mining, machine learning, statistical visualisation,
computational statistics and other computerintensive statistical methods included in our
programme have become increasingly popular with
both governmental agencies and the private sector.

The environmental implications of exploiting
natural resources has incentivised governments,
companies and other organisations globally to
ind ways to use resources and energy in more
intelligent and eicient ways. The programme
combines the perspectives of two departmental
research groups that deal with system solutions
producing international renowned research in

areas such as: renewable energy and biofuels,
energy eiciency, urban and landill mining, and
corporate environmental management. We also
host a national research excellence centre on biogas production and utilisation. Students will have
the opportunity to see how such environmental
technology works in practice.

This master’s programme focusses on modern
developments at the intersection of statistics,
artiicial intelligence and database management.


Most of the courses included in the programme
provide students with deep theoretical knowledge and practical experience from laboratory
work, to improve analysis, prediction and
decision-making. During the inal semester of
the programme, you will receive help in inding
a private company or a government institution
where you can work towards your thesis.
There is a rapidly increasing demand for specialists
with the unique skills that our graduates will have
mastered. Business, telecommunications, IT and
medicine are just a few examples of areas where our
graduates are in high demand and ind advanced
analytical positions. You will also be prepared for an
academic career, should you wish to continue into
research and pursue doctoral studies.

This Master’s programme deals with the multifaceted challenge of developing products, services

and technical systems that contribute to increased
resource-eiciency and sustainability. Our
programme ofers a unique knowledge proile
and aims to train future engineers who can
contribute to such a societal transition towards
the more eicient use of natural resources. More
speciically, you will learn how to combine a multidisciplinary system perspective with skills in
modern environmental and energy engineering.
Our graduates are qualiied for engineering
positions in workplaces dealing with a variety of
environmental aspects including: energy consulting, development systems for energy distribution
and generation, renewable energy, clean
technology, environmental consulting, waste
management and recycling. You can also choose
a career within academia, pursuing PhD studies.

Jithu – India – Volvo Data Scientist

Joakim – Sweden- Associate Professor and Programme Director

Everything about this programme in LiU was impressive, studying,
working in projects with people from other countries, the timeline we have
for the inal thesis. The most unique part of this programme is the right
blend of Statistics and Programming courses which I haven’t seen in
many other similar programmes both in US as well as in EU. I am happy
with the choice I made and I have no regrets.

In the master’s programme Sustainability engineering and management,
you will develop frontier knowledge and skills to address the challenges of

developing resource eicient and sustainable products, services and
technical systems. Strategies and measures for using materials and energy
resources in more eicient and intelligent ways constitute the core of this

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Statistics and Machine


Ecology and
the Environment

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Design Duration: Two years Credits: 120 credits
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping/Norrköping and Online Tuition fees: Approx.
USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (SEK 126,000) per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Biology Duration: Two years Credits: 120 credits
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (SEK 126,000)
per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Tackle societal challenges, ranging from food waste to collaborative welfare
using interdisciplinary design.

Discover how to manage ecosystems, ecological communities and populations.

We are one of Sweden’s leading design research
universities, with world-class research into
design for services, a state-of-the-art facility for
visual media research, and a strong team devoted
to design and sustainability. We welcome
applicants from diferent educational backgrounds,
with a desire to develop design beyond materials
and disciplines.

innovation for the service sector; or Visual Media
– Design of interactive visual environments. You
will learn to navigate complex contexts and create
sustainable solutions, developing skills and knowledge in participatory design and co-creative
practices. In collaborations across professions and
campuses, you will interact with companies,
organisations and entrepreneurs.

The world is facing complex ecological and
environmental problems. Our students will develop skills to manage real-life issues such as: identifying crop management strategies for efective
biological control, understanding the impact of
life history strategies on the risk of population
extinction in a variable environment, and
evaluating the preservation status of nature
reserves and how they should be managed.

This master’s programme incorporates established
and innovative design concepts in a unique interdisciplinary setup. Studio courses form the backbone of the programme, providing the fundamentals of working with societal challenges. The

programme features three design tracks, allowing
you to develop your skills within an area of speciality: Sustainable Futures – Design of sustainable
systems; Transformative Service – Design and

Our graduates will be prepared for advanced
careers as designers in inter-disciplinary design
environments. You may ind employment as an
interaction designer or product designer, designing
for service or policy, in the public or voluntary
sectors, as an entrepreneur or with start-ups.
You will also be qualiied to continue postgraduate
education at the doctoral level.

This master’s programme prepares students to
work with the management of ecosystems, ecological communities and populations, based on a
thorough knowledge of ecological concepts and
theories. The programme has a critical scientiic
approach to ecology and to its applications in
society. Students acquire training in practical areas
such as: experiment design, data interpretation,

ecological ieldwork and theoretical modelling,
both in a classroom setting and through ieldwork. The courses cover population ecology,
community ecology and ecology systems theories,
including their relationship to current environmental problems. The key part of the programme
is a one-year degree project where you will apply
your theoretical and methodological knowledge
to current research projects within our department,
or at university or research institutes in Sweden
or abroad.

Our graduates are well prepared to work with
environmental issues and conservation biology in
areas such as: sustainable use of natural resources
in forestry, agriculture or limnology. You will also
be well prepared for further studies towards a PhD.

Stefan - Sweden – Professor and Programme Director

Rebecka – Sweden – Current Student

Design has become a recognised aspect of good development for welfare,
sustainability, service and systems. Our master’s programme in design
starts with this observation, and builds on the strong foundations of LiU
in design research, as well as in research on sustainability, service and

Thanks to this programme, I have developed both practical and theoretical
skills that will become valuable for my career. I have been able to design
my studies according to my interests (my master’s thesis in eastern Cambodia;
in collaboration with World Wide Fund for Nature about tiger
conservation). I highly appreciate the lexibility the programme has given
me, which made it possible to follow my dreams!

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Applied Ethology
and Animal Biology

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Environmental Science Duration: Two years Credits: 120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 13,000/EUR 12,000 (SEK 110,000)
per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Biology Duration: Two years Credits: 120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (126,000 SEK)
per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Do you want to contribute to a more sustainable world and learn how to
address global environmental challenges with practical hands-on learning?

Investigate animal behaviour and biology up close.

Sustainability issues bridge academic disciplines
and require expertise in multiple areas. Few
universities ofer such a broad perspective across
disciplines in environmental sciences as LiU does,
with teachers from academic backgrounds that
range from the humanities to social and natural
sciences. We also have two dedicated research
centres and we have close links with industry and
government agencies. The programme is the only

one in its category to be awarded the highest
quality ranking by the Swedish Higher
Education Authority.

Taught in collaboration with Kolmården Wildlife
Park, one of the largest and most highly renowned
zoos in Sweden, a number of teaching sessions are
held at the zoo where students acquire irst-hand
knowledge from experienced zoologists.

This master’s programme provides students with
knowledge in environmental change and the
challenges of creating a sustainable society. The
programme focusses on critical analysis of
environmental challenges and applying science to
solve real-world problems. Core courses are


designed to broaden the students’ perspective on
questions and challenges related to sustainable
development, and at the same time provide
opportunities to deepen knowledge in relevant
ields. Laboratory and GIS exercises, spatial
analysis in the Norrköping Decision Arena, study
visits to local authorities and businesses in the
environmental sector and role-play workshops
around complex environmental negotiations are
just some of the ways in which you will learn how
to tackle real-world problems.

Our graduates have gone on to positions in
research institutes, environmental organisations,
businesses, NGOs, river basin commissions,
consultancies, power companies and
intergovernmental environmental agencies.
The programme also prepares graduates for
PhD studies.

This master’s programme deals with animal behaviour and biology including problems associated
with keeping animals in captivity. Our students
gain a good working knowledge of the programme’s
central issues, such as the biology of stress and its
role in animal welfare, the efects of domestication
on animal behaviour, the physiology of behaviour,
and conservation biology. You will gain a solid
understanding of the theory and methods of
applied ethology and broaden your understanding
of animal biology through courses such as Applied
Ethology; Stress and Animal Welfare; Behavioural
Neurobiology; Behaviour Genetics; Zoobiology;

Primate Ethology, and In situ Conservation
Biology. You will be given the opportunity to
participate in hands-on projects involving studies
of animals in captive environments. The key part
of the programme is a one-year degree project
where you are trained to plan, implement and
present a research project within the scientiic
ield of the programme.
Our graduates have a deep understanding of

animal welfare and conservation. You may
become an animal welfare inspector, wildlife
conservationist or advisor for zoos or private
companies. Many alumni work within governmental and international animal or environmental
agencies. You will also be qualiied to pursue
doctoral studies.

Zhong Li – China – Start Up Creator

Thorbjörn – Germany – PhD Candidate

My study experience at LiU has dramatically inluenced my values, my
career and my life. All the jobs and projects I have been doing since then are
somehow related to environment and sustainability issues. I think it is very
challenging especially in China, a country currently facing serious environmental problems. It is huge self-satisfaction when you see that you have
inluenced some people and made a little positive change.

Gave me a good overview of ethological topics. It was interesting and fun to
get hands-on experience with various species ranging from farm animals to
more exotic ones in Kolmården’s Djurpark. The extensive work on the thesis
project provided me with in-depth knowledge and opened the door to my
current PhD project. Spending 60 credits worth of work for my project is
one of the key characteristics of this programme.

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Science for
Sustainable Development


Materials Science
and Nanotechnology

Degree: Master of Medical Science in Medical Biology Duration: Two years Credits: 120 Pace of study: Full-time
Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: approx. USD 16,000/EUR 14,000 (SEK 136,000) per academic year (for
non-EU citizens)

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Applied Physics or Physics Duration: Two years Credits: 120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: approx. USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (SEK 126,000) per
academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Join the frontline of knowledge in the ield of biomedicine.

Advance the physics of new materials.

The level of research cooperation in medicine,
natural sciences and technology within LiU sets
us apart; it is no coincidence that we are the
highest-rated biomedicine programme in Sweden.

The huge advances in modern technology and
product development in recent decades have relied
to a large extent on developments in materials
science and technology, and future implementations and applications of materials in electronics

and photonics involve such subjects as nano-scale
physics, molecular electronics and non-linear
optics. With support from internationally competitive research activities in materials physics at
LiU, we ofer students high-level interdisciplinary
education and training in fundamental solid state
physics and materials science.

This master’s programme prepares students for a
scientiic career within the broad ield of life
sciences, with particular emphasis on understanding cellular and molecular mechanisms related to
health and diseases. Diferent areas such as cardiovascular biology, stem cells and applied regenerative medicine, molecular imaging and neurobiology
are covered. The programme unites theoretical
knowledge with practical skills, as is most clearly
seen in the individual experimental projects.
During the second year, your degree project is
conducted in a research laboratory. Our
programme also ofers the possibility to study the


second year at the University of Applied Science
Technikum Wien in Vienna, Austria. Apart from
the experience abroad you will earn an additional
degree – Master of Science in Engineering. The
studies at the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative
Medicine programme have strong links to the
As a graduate you will be prepared for careers in
the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.
You will also be able to work in biomedical

research settings, development or production
companies, in the public sector or within academia,
through PhD programmes.

This master’s programme is a competitive education programme that provides students with
specialist knowledge in the area of new materials.
The studies begin with mandatory courses in
nanotechnology, materials science, surface

physics and the physics of condensed matter,
in order to provide you with a solid knowledge
foundation for modern materials science and
nanotechnology. Experimental physics and analytical methods also provide you with extensive
training in operating the advanced instruments
and equipment currently used in R&D in new
materials. A large variety of elective courses are
ofered, giving a broad perspective of today’s
materials science research and its applications.
Our graduates are prepared for careers within
academia or industry in materials-related research
and development. As materials science is a research
priority here at LiU, we have two multidisciplinary
PhD graduate schools where many of our
graduates continue their advanced studies.

Anna – Sweden – Research Engineer, LiU

Nashwa – Sudan – Assistant Professor of Physics

The best part was the variability and the possibility to form the programme

to my interests. This programme ofers a lot of labs and practical knowledge.
From my mentor, I got some really valuable feedback on how to think for my
future career in research, both in regards to group dynamics within a research
group, strategies to become a researcher and what to think about when
entering a new research project.

I am fascinated by material science and nanotechnology. The master’s
programme equipped me with a very strong theoretical and practical
foundation that enabled me later to conduct research in photonics materials
and obtain a Ph.D. degree in Physics. The programme allowed me to meet
with students from diferent areas and share their values and culture, the
programme was a great learning opportunity.

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Experimental and
Medical Biosciences


Adult Learning
and Global Change

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Chemistry Duration: Two years Credits: 120 Pace of study: Full-time
Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 14,500/EUR 13,000 (SEK 126,000) per academic year

(for non-EU citizens)

Degree: Master of Arts with a major in Adult Learning Duration: Two years Credits: 60 Pace of study: Part-time
Campus: Online (distance learning) Tuition fees: Approx. USD 11,000/EUR 10,000 (SEK 96,000) per academic
year (for non-EU citizens)

Attain advanced knowledge in organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry.

Be part of an award-winning adult learning global network initiative.

Biologically active substances with low molecular
weight represent the core of life-science research.
Knowledge of molecular structures and their
properties are crucial to our understanding of vast
scientiic areas, from pharmaceutically active
compounds in ‘designer drugs’ to organic electronics and their incorporation into diagnostic tools
such as biosensors. Our research facilities are well
equipped with all the necessary
analytical/diagnostic tools found in industrial
research facilities, which will advance your
practical capabilities.

Governments all over the world are urging citizens
to train and educate themselves in order to stay
competitive in a connected world. Critical discourses on globalisation require the ability to learn
in situations that span vast cultural and geographic
divides. Our programme is for those who wish to
understand adult learning in the framework of
global change within a unique digital learning
format that has won international acclaim.

synthesis, building from the basic concepts to the
advanced level, followed by an introduction in
medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical technology. It also covers protein chemistry and
biomolecular design, which broadens your knowledge in the ield of bio-organic chemistry. A key
part of the programme is a one-year degree
project, undertaken either in a research group at
LiU or in industry.

Australia. All course activities will be done within
a digital learning platform, where you will learn
together with students from the partner universities in a global class, making the programme truly
international. The courses contain topics such as
locating oneself in global learning, adult learning:
contexts and perspectives, global/local learning,
and understanding research.
Our graduates are able to learn and teach globally,
use global connective technologies, understand
knowledge-based societies and their implications
for learning, understand globalisation discourses,
develop cultural sensibilities and sensitivities and
develop an equality perspective for learning and
re-framing their own professional practices.
They may also continue their academic careers in
further projects.

Our graduates have the theoretical knowledge
and the practical experience needed to work with
organic synthesis in the pharmaceutical industry.
This master’s programme aims to provide stuPossible employers include companies ranging

dents with knowledge on the design, synthesis
from research-intensive start-ups to major
and evaluation of low molecular weight biologically pharmaceutical producers with large R&D
active organic substances. The programme begins departments. Alternatively, you may continue
with courses in organic chemistry and organic
conducting research leading to a doctoral degree.

This master’s programme enhances students’
ability to work in a globalising world and to
challenge the traditional perspectives on globalisation. Our programme is an equal collaboration
with the University of British Columbia in
Vancouver, Canada; the University of Western
Cape in Cape Town, South Africa; and the
Australian Catholic University in Melbourne,

Tobias Abrahamsson – Sweden – PhD student

Kamila – New Zealand - Learning and Development Consultant, Vodafone

From the master’s programme in Organic Chemistry I’ve received a great
toolbox of knowledge in the ield to be able to handle synthesis, analysis, etc.
This background has led me to further wanting to develop my abilities as a
chemist, and today I’m working as a PhD student doing research in the
forefront ield of organic polymer chemistry.

I absolutely loved becoming part of the global community, learning and sharing
knowledge and experiences. Critical relection is essential and really
encourages students to develop a thoughtful perspective on their learning and
practice in order to develop professionally. In order to keep up to date as a
professional you need to continuously learn, relect and review your practice.

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Organic Synthesis/
Medicinal Chemistry



Degree: Master of Social Science with a major in Didactics (with emphasis on Outdoor Education)
Duration: One year Credits: 60 Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 13,000/
EUR 12,000 (SEK 110,000) per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Degree: Master of Arts with a major in Applied Ethics Duration: One year Credits: 60 Pace of study: Full-time
Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 10,000/EUR 9,000 (SEK 80,000) per academic year
(for non-EU citizens)

Enhance learning through outdoor education.

Tackle life’s big questions with applied ethics.

Outdoor studies can enhance learning and

contribute to health, sustainable development
and active citizens. Teaching includes outdoor
ield-related experiences and learning in and via
natural and cultural landscapes.

environment as a resource. The advanced courses
in educational science will help teachers and
other educators to understand learning processes,
and how diferent landscapes can be used as
resources for learning and understanding.

This master’s programme focusses on experiential
learning based on nature, culture and society.
Our programme will increase your knowledge
about children and young people’s understanding
and learning processes in the extended classroom
while developing a thematic perspective on how
the urban and rural environments can be used as
a resource for learning. Theoretical studies of
outdoor education are combined with applied
work in authentic learning situations using
experiential learning as the basis, and the local

Our graduates will have gained theoretical knowledge and practical experience within the ield of
outdoor education for working with pedagogical
development in schools or other educational
ields in society.

LiU’s Centre for Applied Ethics (CTE) is a leading
centre in applied ethics in Sweden. We are devoted

to research and teaching, with globally minded
research areas and collaborative partners
worldwide. Modern societies face many new
challenges: globalisation raises questions of global
justice, new technology in medicine has implications for decision making in healthcare
concerning life and death, climate change and
environmental hazards challenge our responsibility
for future generations. Applied ethics is a growing
interdisciplinary ield that strives to tackle the
moral issues surrounding these challenges.

Deepti – India – Co-founder of Happily Outdoors / Independent Researcher
This programme turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. We were
not just outdoors doing activities, the course was well designed. Now I organize
nature camps for urban kids based out of Bangalore; I take them to the forests
in Western Ghats. Additionally, I raise funds to conduct research on integrating outdoor pedagogy in government primary schools located in rural and
tribal areas.


This master’s programme ofers a complementary
education in advanced studies in applied ethics.
The programme enables students to gain know-

ledge of ethical theories and methods, and examine
ethical debates in diferent ields of application.
You will acquire the skills to provide analysis of
moral problems and ethical debates and be able
to make critical assessments of ethical arguments
and policy documents. In the latter half of the

second semester, you will concentrate on a
selected area of specialisation.



Outdoor Environmental
Education and Outdoor Life

Our graduates have a unique competence that
can be added to their professional or disciplinary
competencies: doctor or nurse, teacher, minister,
civil servant or economist – many professionals
need the ability to manage ethical issues.
A great number of our graduates continue to
doctoral studies in diferent areas of applied and
professional ethics.

Mayli – Belgium – PhD Candidate in Biomedical Ethics /
Yale Seminar Leader
LiU gave me a great basis for a successful career. Studying applied ethics
in Sweden is especially interesting, because the country is so advanced in
implementing normative principles into its policies. Gender equality and
other social justice eforts are really apparent. I’m also really grateful for the
guidance I received writing my thesis; it earned me an award in the US.

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Social Science

Degree: Master of Science with a major in Business Administration Duration: Two years Credits: 120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 11,000/EUR 10,000 (SEK 95,000)
per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Degree: Master of Social Science with a major in Sociology, specialisation Analytical Sociology
Duration: Two years Credits: 120 Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Norrköping
Tuition fees: Approx. USD 11,000/EUR 10,000 (SEK 95,000) per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

The world needs leaders with profound knowledge and good judgement,
who can make well-balanced decisions.

Using statistical and computational methods to understand society
and human behaviour

The international environment presents a series of
opportunities and challenges in scale, uncertainty,
ambiguity and complexity. Navigating these waters
requires not only analytical skills in management,
but also a relective and creative mindset and good
judgement. The programme combines fundamental
academic knowledge (thinking and reasoning)
and experiential knowledge (skills) to prepare
students to go beyond applying known solutions
to known problems. It also encourages you to
grow as a human being. We train for analytical

excellence, for relection and creativity, and for
personal growth.
As an Strategy and Management in International
Organisations (SMIO) student you will be expected
to work hard. You will join an exclusive and diverse
group of some of the most talented management
students from all corners of the world.


Upon successful completion of the programme,
students will have acquired excellent analytical
skills, the ability to think strategically, and
relevant experience for work in international
Our graduates are competent analysts and
competitive candidates for employment in international organisations in general. Among our
alumni we ind consultants, business analysts,
innovation strategists, marketing and brand
executives, HR specialists and project managers.
Some alumni have started their own businesses,
while others have chosen to pursue an academic
career through doctoral studies. As a graduate
you will join an alumni network of around 400
individuals in all parts of the globe.

The increased integration of technology into our
lives has created unprecedented volumes of data
on everyday human behaviour. Troves of detailed
social data related to choices, ailiations,

preferences and interests are now digitally
archived by internet service providers, media
companies, other private-sector irms, and
governments. New computational approaches
based on machine learning, agent-based modelling, natural language processing, and network
science have made it possible to analyse these data
in ways that have until now been unimaginable.
This is a chance to develop skills in cutting edge
computational techniques alongside a strong
grounding in the principles and practice of
contemporary social research. The programme’s
quantitative methods training will help you
harness complex data and use them to explore

social theories and fundamental questions about
human societies. The programme’s theoretical
and substantive training will introduce you to the
principles of social inquiry and theories of human
behaviour, and help you apply your technical skills
to pressing social issues such as ethnic segregation
in schools, income inequality, entrepreneurship,
political change, and cultural difusion.
The skills you develop in social theory and data
analysis during the programme are in high
demand in the private sector and in government.
Graduates will be qualiied to pursue social
science research in a number of roles: data analyst,
marketing analyst, sales researcher, user
experience researcher, policy analyst, etc.
After graduation, you will also qualify for many

PhD programmes.

Wibke – Germany – Current Student

Benjamin – USA – Senior Lecturer and Programme Director

The reputation of the Swedish education system eventually made me decide
to come and study here. I like the ‘how’ of SMIO, we are sharing knowledge
instead of doing it all by ourselves; it might be more time-consuming but
you learn how to work together and trust each other. Our year consists of
people from diferent educational and cultural backgrounds and we have
to work together a lot. Studying SMIO is really broadening my horizon.

Governments and irms rely on troves of social data to learn about clients,
evaluate competitors, and set policies. Computational methods can make
sense of expansive digital datasets, but successful social research also requires
a theoretical compass. Our programme combines a strong theoretical
foundation with advanced methods training to prepare the next generation
of social scientists to tackle important social problems and research questions.

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Business Administration
– Strategy and Management
in International Organisations


Ethnic and
Migration Studies

Degree: Master of Social Science with a major in Child Studies Duration: One/two years Credits:60/120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Online distance learning with periods of instruction on campus.
Tuition fees: Approx. USD 10,000/EUR 9,000 (SEK 80,000) per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Degree: : Master of Arts with a major in Ethnic and Migration Studies Duration: Two years Credits: 120
Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Norrköping Tuition fees: Approx. USD 10,000/EUR 9,000 (SEK 80,000)
per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Challenge conventional views on children and childhood.

An interdisciplinary programme committed to critical, innovative and useful
approaches to some of the most urgent issues in the contemporary world.

The programme is hosted by an internationally
renowned research department, which has
conducted research in child and childhood studies
since 1988. The teachers are active researchers,
which guarantees that cutting-edge knowledge
is presented.

The master’s programme relates ethnicity and
migration to global economic and cultural change,
and to systems of domination and resistance
movements. The programme integrates humanities

and social sciences. Areas of focus include historical
and sociological perspectives on the ways in
which migration has shaped human history and
society; in-depth knowledge in the ield of intersectional migration studies; globalisation and its
link to changing conditions for work and
migration; migration and asylum policies in the
European Union, and the relation of race, ethnicity
and migration to cultural and aesthetic
expressions. You will learn to analyse the causes
of migration, as well as its consequences for
emerging formations of race, gender, labour,
citizenship, healthcare, welfare and culture. The
programme ofers you the opportunity to specialise
by choosing elective courses, studies abroad and

This master’s programme is interdisciplinary and
focusses on the critical study of questions related
to children and childhood. Our core focus is how
to apply the latest research indings in order to
critically review, develop and improve policies
and practices related to children and childhood.
Courses explore various areas including:
children’s rights, parents and the family, education
and school, migration, culture, the media, and
health. The programme further provides the
theoretical and methodological tools that prepare
students for designing, planning and conducting

research in topics that concern children,
childhood and families. The programme can be

taken as a one-year or a two-year programme.
Each year is concluded with a 15-credits master’s
thesis. The programme is primarily taught online
with the aid of a digital learning platform, but
there are three 2-5 days long on-campus periods
in the irst year and two in the second. These are
mandatory for all students.
Our graduates will be prepared for a career
within governmental authorities and companies
as well as local organisations, both governmental
and non-governmental, whose activities afect
children and their living conditions, or as a
complement to professionals in ields such as
education, politics, social work and care.
You can also follow a career in research via a
doctoral degree.

Brigitte – Rwanda – Social Worker, Ministry of Gender Equality and
Child Welfare, Namibia
The war in Rwanda led Brigitte into leaving her home country for Namibia, “My
heart is still with the children. Education provides the opportunity to make an
impact.” Many children in Namibia are orphans, “It’s an issue of taking care of
them in a judicious way… My studies related quite well to the issues I’m working on
– among other things, we took up questions that concerned adoption in particular.”


internships, tailoring your education towards a
special interest, profession or ield of expertise.




Ethnic and migration studies is a strong
interdisciplinary research ield at LiU. It is
pursued at diferent institutes, departments and
units, notably REMESO – the Institute for
Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society:
one of Europe’s top research institutions in ethnic
and migration research.
Our graduates will be well prepared for positions
in local, national and international organisations,
administration, business, government, media and
the cultural sector, as well as for further
postgraduate studies and research. REMESO
hosts a PhD programme and an International
Graduate School.

Haqqi – Syria – Current student
We investigate a whole set of challenging questions related to ethnicity, race
and migration. The classroom culture is very open and helpful for us to
critically discuss almost any topic. Soon I am doing an internship with
Doctors Without Borders in Stockholm working in their advocacy
department. The practical skills that I have gained at LiU through discussions,
written assignments, and group work are life-time competences.

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International and European

Degree: Master of Social Science with a major in Gender Studies, specialisation Intersectionality and Change
Duration: One/two years Credits: 60/120 Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Online distance learning with
periods of instruction on campus. Tuition fees: Approx. USD 10,000/EUR 9,000 (SEK 80,000) per
academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Degree: Master of Social Science with a major in Political Science, specialisation International and
European Relations Duration: Two years Credits: 120 Pace of study: Full-time Campus: Linköping
Tuition fees: USD 10,000/EUR 9,000 (SEK 80,000) per academic year (for non-EU citizens)

Become an agent for change — challenging existing norms and structures in society.

Investigate Europe’s role in world politics and global governance.

LiU hosts an internationally renowned centre for
gender studies and it is also one of the largest
interdisciplinary research and teaching units for
intersectional gender studies in the Nordic

This programme approaches issues related to
European relations in the context of an
international society and global governance, with

a special focus on Europe’s role in world afairs.
The double focus on international and European
relations makes this a unique master’s programme,
ofering graduates a competitive edge.

This master’s programme focusses on intersectional gender – gender in interplay with other social
categorisation and power diferentials such as:
ethnicity, class, nationality, sexuality, age,
(dis)ability, etc. This programme gives students
the opportunity to explore how processes of social
and cultural change can be initiated or sustained
by integrating a critical understanding of intersectional gender, by counteracting multiple
inequalities and processes of discrimination, and
by other kinds of transformative work. The
programme provides you with knowledge and
academic skills to analyse and to intervene


innovatively and professionally in gendered and
intersectional processes of transformation in
society. The programme is ofered as a one-year or
a two-year programme. It combines online distance
education (via a digital classroom) with intensive
mandatory on-campus gatherings three times per
year, where we will mix traditional teaching
formats with formats that are not found in the
conventional academic toolbox.
Our graduates are prepared for work in diverse
organisations, for example within media,

communication, education and politics, as well as
a career in higher education and research. This
programme can also develop your current career
through further training within gender work, or
you may choose to pursue an academic career
through doctoral studies.

The curriculum consists of topics ranging from
international law and security to European
institutions and Europe’s external relations,
theories of international relations and organisation, contemporary issues of international
governance, and research design and methodology.
During the third semester, students have the
option of either taking courses focussed on global
governance, or to pursue a guided internship with
an organisation of relevance for international or
European relations. Throughout the programme

you will develop the capacity to understand the
history, theory and contemporary implications of
international and European relations, as well as
the forces that drive developments. You will
acquire tools to analyse the dynamics of contemporary international and European relations and
develop an in-depth understanding of issues
regarding international governance.
Our graduates are prepared for professional
careers in governmental institutions and in international public organisations, as well as in the
private and non-governmental sectors.
Graduates from the programme can be found
today in such institutions, working with various

aspects from running policy programmes to
scientiic research. The courses also provide a
solid foundation for further studies and research
towards a PhD.

Lisa – The Netherlands – Intern, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Anke – Germany – PhD Fellow ARENA Centre in Norway

From the moment we irst met at the irst face-to-face week, it was OK to
be honest, speak openly and have diferent ideas. In the long term I want
to work towards the goal that every person has the same rights and
opportunities regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, ability, race
and other attributes. Apply for the programme. Push boundaries. We need
more allies.

One of the most important things was the diversity of people and opinions
within the programme. I really enjoyed the vivid discussions, and learned a
lot about diferent cultural and societal backgrounds. Coming from a quite
homogenous German bachelor’s programme, it was quite a revelation for
me to see how much perspectives on diferent political, historical and social
issues could difer.

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Gender Studies

– Intersectionality and Change



Experimental and
Industrial Biomedicine
Degree: Bachelor of Science Duration: Three years Credits: 180 Pace of study: Full-time
Campus: Linköping Tuition fees: To be confirmed

Developing the biomedical research leaders of the future
LiU will ofer the irst international bachelor’s
programme in Sweden that combines project management skills with practical research techniques in
the ield of biomedicine. The programme has been
designed in partnership with world-leading
pharmaceutical and biotech companies to ensure
that our graduates have the knowledge and skills
required to work at the forefront of biomedical
research and innovation.
This bachelor’s programme will provide deep
theoretical knowledge and practical experience of
state-of-the-art research techniques in fundamental
biomedical ields such as cell and molecular biology,
medical biochemistry, physiology, and pharmacology.
It will also present novel areas such as drug discovery,
systems biology, bioinformatics and digital pathology.
Throughout the programme, you will work in

project-driven courses to apply your knowledge.
To ensure that you can translate research
breakthroughs into clinical products and services,
the programme trains students in the latest
approaches in project management, clinical trial
design, bioentrepreneurship, drug regulation and
medical ethics. You will also have the opportunity
to spend an entire semester carrying out research at
LiU or at one of our industrial partners, in Sweden
or abroad. By educating our students in the theory
and practice of innovative biomedical research as
well as research management, we aim to develop
through this programme the biomedical research
leaders of the future.
Our graduates will be prepared for a career at the
cutting edge of biomedical research in industry, the
public health sector or academia.

Anna – Associate Professor, Programme Manager and Entrepreneur
I’ve been a medical researcher for many years as well as a teacher and an
entrepreneur. Based on my own experiences as a medical researcher with close
collaboration with the technical faculty and the life science sector, we designed a
new bachelor’s programme in experimental and industrial biomedicine. Our aim
is to prepare students with solid knowledge in the ield of biomedicine together
with skills in project management and bioentrepreneurship.


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LiU International scholarships

Campus Norrköping

Campus Valla
University Hospital Campus (US)

Every year Linköping University ofers
scholarships to new students with excellent
academic results, representing a tuition fee waiver
of 25-100%. In order to qualify for a LiU
International Scholarship you need to:
• Apply for an international programme in time
– before 15 January
• Choose the programme at Linköping University
as your irst priority (ranked as no. 1 out of 4)
• Apply for a LiU International Scholarship on
our website

How to apply

Only admitted students will be considered for
scholarships. For more information go to:

Tuition fees


Swedish Institute scholarships

Application procedure
The application period for programmes starting
in autumn 2018 is mid-October 2017 – 15 January
2018. Applying for an international programme
can take some time, so we recommend preparing
well in advance. The application must be made
online, through the national application service:

Citizens from countries outside the EU/EEA and
Switzerland must pay tuition fees for higher
education in Sweden. Exceptions might apply.
For detailed information please check
www.university admissions.se.
Higher education studies for citizens of EU/EEA
countries and Switzerland are free of charge.

The Swedish Institute ofers a variety of
scholarships depending on the level of studies,
the country where you come from and the purpose
of your studies. Read more at:

Admission requirements for master’s programmes Generally, tuition fees at Linköping University

• A bachelor’s degree from an internationally
recognised university

are between SEK 80,000 and 136,000 per
academic year.

Here is how to apply:

• Proof of English language skills, e.g. TOEFL,

Tuition fees at Linköping University include the
following beneits:

• The speciic requirements stated for each
master’s programme

• Swedish language courses for beginners

Information about application and admission
requirements for our bachelor programme is
available on our website under Application and

• Choose the programme of your interest.
• Submit your online application.

• The Swedish state’s insurance FAS+, including
accident and property cover
• An accommodation ofer

• Create an account on

• Pay the application fee, if required, or submit
documentation to prove your status as a
• Check the information about
documentation requirements on

www.universityadmissions.se and make sure that
your documents follow the standards.
• Submit all documentation. Most nationalities can
upload a scanned copy of your original documents.
• Check carefully in case you must send your documents by post. If so, documents must be sent to:
University Admissions in Sweden
FE 20102
SE–839 87 Östersund, Sweden

For more information about master’s application
and admission go to: www.liu.se/master


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Doctoral studies


Doctoral studies at Linköping University are free
of charge and cover many disciplinary areas.
Doctoral positions become available throughout
the year and in most cases are remunerated.
General entry requirements are:

Arranging housing in Linköping or Norrköping
is something to think of as soon as you have been
admitted to the university. You should register
with diferent housing companies in order to
gather queue points. Fee-paying students have
guaranteed accommodation. For more
information on how to search for housing go to:

• A second-level degree or
• At least 240 credits of completed courses,
of which 60 credits at second level, or
• An equivalent level of knowledge acquired in
Sweden or abroad
• As well as general entry requirements there are
speciic requirements for each available position.
More information is available in conjunction
with the announcement of each position.

For more information on doctoral studies go to:



You will not spend all your time studying at the university, and Sweden is an
exceptionally beautiful country with open-minded people. And they all speak
English! It’s also a safe and clean country with high living standards.
After spending some time here, you may not wish to leave. Sweden ofers
a stimulating environment where ideas run free and innovation is the leading
word. Openness and respect for others, freedom of speech and a high technological standard have turned the country into a home for creativity.
You have been informed and warned. Should you fall in love with Sweden,
it is entirely at your own risk. We take no responsibility.

Contact us

+46 13 282887
Production: Published by the Communications and Marketing Division at Linköping University, Sweden, August 2017
Design: Linkin | Photography: David Einar, Thor Balkhed, Peter Holgersson, Hanna Söderquist, Anna Nielsen, David Holmström
Copies: 4,500 | All the information in International programmes is, to the best of our knowledge, correct at the time of printing (August 2017).

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