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Đề 001 de thi thu THPT 2018

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Trường THPT Nam Tiền Hải
(Đề thi gồm có 04 trang)

Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

Họ và tên thí sinh:…………………………………
Số báo danh:……………………………………….

Mã đề thi 001

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. association
B. information
C. entertainment D.
Question 2: A. knowledge B. verbal
C. appeal
D. cancer
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions
Question 3: A. matched B. influenced
C. dedicated
D. stopped
Question 4: A. majority
B. initiative
C. impartial
D. tertiary

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
Question 5: I think she will be suitable for the work because she has been working like a teacher for a
Question 6: A number of teachers and students is participating in this competition on Women's Day
Question 7: The scientific method consists of forming hypotheses, collect data, and testing results.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
Question 8: China is one of the most ______ populated areas in the world.
A. wastefully
B. perfectly
C. densely
D. completely
Question 9: No sooner ________ his retirement than he wasn’t received approval from the board of
A. did John announce
B. John had announced

C. John announced
D. had John announced
Question 10: This head of the section has moved another company so I take ________ his position.
A. on
B. in
C. of
D. up
Question 11: Frank's book is lying on the coffee table. He _______ it here last night.
A. must have left
B. should have left
C. must leave
D. needn't leave
Question 12: He ________ the book and turned page after page.
A. picked up
B. put down
C. put away
D.pick up
Question 13: The more goals the players _______, the more exciting the match became.
A. marked
B. made
C. scored
D. sprinted
Question 14: The more you practise your English, ________ .
A. faster you will learn
B. the faster you will learn
C. the faster will you learn
D. you will learn faster
Question 15: They are having their house _______ by a construction company.
A. to paint
B. being painted

C. painted
D. painting
Question 16: During our stay in Venice, we bought a___________bottle.
A. glass lovely perfume
B. lovely glass perfume
C. lovely perfume glass
D. glass perfume lovely
Question 17:
, he wouldn't have lost the first prize last week.
A. If he studied harder
B. Had he studied harder
C. Were he to work harder
D. If he hadn't worked harder
Question 18: The waiter,
served you yesterday is my best friend.
A. that
B. whom
C. who
D. which
Question 19: Peter
his friend as soon as he has finished his work.
A. will visit
B. has visited
C. visited
D. is visiting

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Trang 1

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
Question 20: Judy invited Ann to come over h er

house .When Ann came there, she realized that

Judy's house was very beautiful. She said to Judy:
Ann: .- What a lovely house you have! Judy :-_____________.
A. I think so
B. You’re welcome
C. Thank you
D. Of course
Question 21: Mary is carrying a big suitcase. Peter is giving a hand with doing this. Marry
says to Peter:
Marry: “Thanks a lot for your help.”
Peter: “________.”
A. You shouldn’t care
B. It's my pleasure
C. It was easy work D. My happiness
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
In summary, for most visitors, the Japanese are (22)_______ and difficult to understand. The
graceful act of bowing, is the traditional greeting. However, they have also adopted the western custom
of shaking hands, but with a light grip. Meanwhile, to (23)_______ respect for their customs, it would
flatter them to offer a slight bow when being introduced. Avoid hugging and kissing when
greeting. It is considered rude to stare. Prolonged direct eye contact is considered to be (24)_______ or
even intimidating.
It is rude to stand with your hand or hands in your pockets, especially when greeting someone or

when addressing a group of people.
The seemingly simple act of exchanging business cards is more complex in Japan (25)_______
the business card represents not only one's identity but also his (26)_______ in life. Yours should be
printed in your own language and in Japanese. The Japanese are not a touch -oriented society; so
avoid open displays of affection, touching or any prolonged form of body contact. Queues are
generally respected; especially in crowded train and subway stations where the huge volume of people
causes touching and pushing.
Question 22:
A. simply
B. easy
C. cheap
D. complex
Question 23:
A. show
B. point
C. draw
D. pay
Question 24:
D. impolite
Question 25:
A. though
B. because
C. even if
D. unless
Question 26:A. location
B. status
C. place

D. stand
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions
Family life in the United States is changing. Fifty or sixty years ago, the wife was called
She cleaned, cooked, and cared for the children. The husband earned the money for the family. He was
usually out working all day. He came home tired in the evening, so he did not do much housework. And
he did not see the children very much, except on weekends.
These days, however, more and more women work outside the home. They cannot stay with the
children all day. They, too, come home tired in the evening. They do not want to spend the evening
cooking dinner and cleaning up. They do not have time to clean the house and do the laundry. So who
is going to do the housework now?Who is going to take care of the children?
Many families solve the problem of housework by sharing it. In these families, the husband and
wife agree to do different jobs around the house, or they take turns doing each job. For example, the
husband always cooks dinner and the wife always does the laundry. Or the wife cooks dinner on some
nights and the husband cooks dinner on other nights.
Then there is the question of the children. In the past, many families got help with child care
from grandparents. Now families usually do not live near their relatives. The grandparents are often too
far away to help in a regular way. More often, parents have to pay for child care help. The help may be
a babysitter or a day-care center. The problem with this kind of help is the high cost. It is possible only
for couples with jobs that pay well.
Parents may get another kind of help form the companies they work for. Many companies now
let people with children work part-time. That way, parents can spend more time with their

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Trang 2

Some husbands may even stop working for a while to stay with the children. For these men there is a
new word: they are called “househusbands”. In the USA more and more men are becoming
househusbands every year.
These changes in the home mean changes in the family. Fathers can learn to understand their
children better, and the children can get to know their fathers better. Husbands and wives may also find
changes in their marriage. They, too, may have a better understanding of each other.
Question 27: Sixty years ago, most women ____________
A. went out to work
B. had no children
C. did not do much housework
D. were housewives
Question 28: Nowadays, there are __________.
A. more women going out to work than before
B. more and more women staying with the children all day
C. more work outside the home than before
D. more housewives than before
Question 29: The word “laundry” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________
A. tidying up
B. cooking and washing up
C. washing and ironing
D. shopping
Question 30: It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that__________.
A. couples with low-paid jobs can’t afford the cost of a babysitter or a day-care center
B. grandparents can help care the children in a regular way
C. all couples with jobs can pay for help from a babysitter or a day-care center
D. in the past, grandparents did not help the couples with child care
Question 31: The word “they” in paragraph 5 refers to _______________
A. husbands who stop working to stay with the children
B. fathers who spend more time with their children

C. parents who work part-time
D. children who spend more time with fathers than mothers
Question 32: The changes in the American home mentioned in this passage may ___________
A. help families
B. not happen
C. cause problems for a marriage
D. not change the children at all
Question 33: The main idea of this article is about ________
A. American men as househusbands
B. housewives in America
C. how more American women are working
D. how family life in America is changing
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions
If parents bring up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause a
disaster.According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes
which ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what his parents expect,
and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children.
However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are
ambitious in a sensible way, the child may succeed in doing very well – especially if the parents are
very supportive of their child. Michael Collins is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and his parents
help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They
even drive him 50 kilometers twice a week for violin lessons. Michael’s mother knows very little about
music, but his father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra. However, he never makes Michael enter
music competitions if he is unwilling. Winston Smith, Michael’s friend, however, is not so lucky. Both
his parents are successful musicians, and they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son
to be as successful as they are and so they enter him for every piano competition held. They are very
unhappy when he does not win. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he
always seems quiet and unhappy.

Question 34: One of the serious mistakes parents can make is to_________.
A. push their child into trying too much
B. help their child to become agenius
C. make their child become a musician
D. neglect their child’s education
Question 35: Who have criticized the methods of some ambitious parents?
A.Successful musicians.
B. Unrealistic parents.
C.Their children.
D. Educational psychologists.
Question 36: The phrase "crazy about" in the passage mostly means ______.
A."surprised at"
B. "extremely interested in"
C. "completely unaware of"
D. "confused about"
Question 37: Winston’s parents push their son so much and he_________.

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Trang 3

A. has won a lot of piano competitions
B. cannot learn much music from them
C. has become a good musician
D. is afraid to disappoint them
Question 38: The word "They" in the passage refers to_________.
A. concerts
B.Michael’s parents
C. mothers

D. violin lessons
Question 39: All of the following people are musical EXCEPT_________.
A. Winston’s father
B.Winston’s mother
C. Michael’s father
D. Michael’s mother
Question 40: The word "unwilling" in the passage mostly means_________.
A. "getting ready to do something"
B. "eager to do something"
C. "not objecting to doing anything"
D. "not wanting to do something"
Question 41: The two examples given in the passage illustrate the principle that_________.
A. successful parents always have intelligent children
B. successful parents often have unsuccessful children
C. parents should let the child develop in the way he wants
D. parents should spend more money on the child’s education
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined and bold part in each of the following questions.
Question 42: Teachers said he was disruptive and his behavior had a bad influence on other students
A. difficult
B. active
C. troublesome
D. offensive
Question 43: What you have been saying is beside the point.
A. predictable
B. unpredictable
C. relevant
D. irrelevant
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Question 44: Defensive player are not allowed to interfere with the opponent's movements unless
the player is holding the ball
A. protective
B. opposed
C. unprotective
D. offended
Question 45: What I've got to say to you now is strictly off the record and most certainly not for
publication,"said the government official to the reporte.
A. beside the point
B. not recorded
C. not popular
D. official
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions.
Question 46. People reported that he escaped the prison last night.
A. He is reported that he escaped the prison last night.
B. He was reported to have escaped the prison last night.
C. He is reported to have escaped the prison last night.
D. It is reported that he escaped the prison last night
Question 47:“Don't forget to send this parcel!" Jean said.
A. Jean denied sending that parcel.
B. Jean promised to send that parcel
C. Jean reminded me to send that parcel.
D. Jean did not intend to send that
Question 48: Most of the public believes that cancer is caused by toxic substances.
A. Most of the population thinks that poisonous substances play a role in the increase in cancer
B. It is generally believed that poisonous chemicals are the main factor in the development of

C. The majority of the population is of the opinion that poisonous substances are the reason
behind the
development of cancer.
D. The fact that toxic chemicals cause cancerous tumours in the human body is well-known
among the public.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: The test was very long. We couldn't do it in forty-five minutes
A. We couldn't do the test in forty-five minutes though it was long
B. Forty-five minutes is the time we needed to do the long test
C. The test was long enough for us to do in forty-five minutes
D. The test was too long for us to do in forty-five minutes

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Question 50: She tried very hard to pass the entrance exam. However, she couldn't pass it
A. Athough she tried very hard to pass the entrance exam, she could pass it
B. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pass the entrance exam
C. Because she tried very hard to pass the entrance exam, she couldn't pass it
D. She tried very hard to pass the entrance exam so she couldn't pass it
-----The end----

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Trang 5

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