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Phân tích thuyết nhu cầu và tạo động lực cho người lao động

Please select two basic theories of motivation for

employees. Analyze the nature and relationship between the two
theories above

Please apply these theories to analyze the motivation of

employees in the company where you are working
Question 1:
Danger of falling behind the competition in the context of globalization,
more than ever, human factors need to be aware of by the business properly and
efficiently. When building or locating a business, usually the capital and
technological factors are considered as the key to development strategies, while
human factors are often not very focused, especially during the initial stages first.
The lack of care or inadequate care for human factors can lead to "lack of breath"
or be excluded from the "war circle", once the competition level has increased
dramatically in width and depth. After all, human resources are the main agents of
capital and create new ideas proposed at the same time. They are also assumed as
the role of selection and application of advanced technology and performance
indicators to improve the performance of business. In many cases, capital and
technology can be mobilized and observed, but to build a team of enthusiastic,
dedicated, capable and suitable characteristics to work efficiently, it is complex and
costs more. Therefore, to be able to survive in the long term, a company (whether
large or small) should be focused to strengthen and develop the ability to meet the
human resource through all stages of the growth cycle of business. Human resource
is the quick edge unique because competitors can copy strategy and technology but

the human factors and human resources factor cannot be copied. Competition by
human resources and talent is the most effective weapons to make a difference for
every business. Therefore, the leaders in every business need to know how to work
the employees to get their enthusiasm and dedication. In addition, the answer is to
create incentives for employees to help them develop their capabilities and highly
effective in helping the organization achieve its goals at the highest level.

1. Nature and relationship between two theories of motivation: Needs theory of
Abraham Maslow and Expectation theory of Victor H.Vroom
Maslow's hierarchy of needs:
Psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) is considered one of the
pioneers in the school of Humanistic Psychology. This school is seen as the third
force of the world at that time where two main schools of psychotherapy are:
psychoanalysis and owners that behaviorism. In 1943, he developed a theory in
which its influence was widely recognized and used in many different fields
including education. That is the theory of needs hierarchy (Hierarchy of Needs) of
people. In this theory, he sorted human needs in a rank order system, in which the
needs at the higher level want to appear first, the needs at a lower level must be
satisfied first.
Hierarchy of needs Maslow is often represented as a pyramid, the lower
demand in the lower ranks and vice versa.

1. Basic needs:

This demand is also known as the needs of the body or physiological needs,
including the basic needs of humans as food, drink, sleep, air to breathe, sexual ,
needs to make people comfortable, ... These are basic needs and most powerful of
human. In the pyramid, we see that these needs are classified in the lowest order:


the most basic level. Maslow said that needs at the higher level would not occur
unless basic needs are satisfied and the basic needs will dominate, urge and orient
people to act in a need when this is not achieved.
Our ancestors also realized early that people should eat to meet basic needs
to be able to work, reaching out to higher needs.
We can verify this easily when the body is not healthy, hunger or disease,
then, the other needs only a third of workers. Complaints of employees occur when
salary is not enough feed them and expressed the satisfaction of basic need
requirements to be made a priority.
2. Safety, security needs:

When people are meeting basic needs, that it no longer needs to think and
control their actions anymore, what will they need to do next? Then the need for
safety and security will begin to be activated. The need for safety and security is
reflected in both physical and mental ways.
People want to have protection for their survival against the danger. This
need will become the engine operation in emergencies, danger to life such as war,
natural disasters, having a beast…. Children often express a lack of sense of
security as irritability, crying demanding parents, the desire to be comforted. This
need is usually confirmed by the desire for stability in life, to live in the
neighborhood security and social life in law, have to stay home… Many people
seek protection by religious beliefs, philosophy as well as by safety needs; this is
the search for emotional security. The social security regime, the regime of
retirement, the savings plan to spend… are also shown the safety needs of this.
* Through the study of two ranks on the needs, we can see many interesting
- Want to curb or stop the growth of a person, the most basic way is to attack

the low level of their needs. Many people do suffer from unreasonable needs, the

injustice, because they fear losing their jobs, no money to support themselves and
their families, they want to be alone...
- A person who wants a high level of development must meet the needs of
their lower needs: good salaries, reasonable remuneration, housing stability,
grandparents... Do not we say: "A new residential in communication industry "or
3. Social needs:
This need is also known as the desired needs of a department, a certain
organization (belonging needs) or emotional needs, love (needs of love). This need
is reflected in the communication process as the search, making friends, finding
love, getting married, joining a particular community, to work, picnic, join clubs,
doing the group …
This need is a nature trail of the herd life of our species since the dawn of
humanity. Although Maslow ranked needs following two requirements above, but
he stressed that if this demand is not fulfilled, satisfying, it can cause severe
mentally and nervously. To meet the first three levels to this demand, many
companies have organized for the staff camps, outdoor play and group games
overall. The results showed that joint activities, outdoor activities brought good
results for the spirit and the work efficiency is improved.
3. Esteem needs:

This need is also known as self-esteem needs because it represents two
levels: someone needs to be loved, respected by their own achievements, and needs
to feel; love themselves, their reputation, self-esteem, and confidence in their own
ability. The response to this need and achievement can make a child more active
learning, an adult feel freer.

We often see in our working life, when a person is encouraged, achievement
rewards of their labor; they are willing to work more enthusiastically and more
efficiently. This needs is classified as "belonging to an organization," social needs
above. After we have joined an organization, a team, we always want to be

respected by everyone in the group, loved, and we strive to feel a "position" in that
5. Self-actualizing needs
upon hearing this demand, "express themselves" we should not think it with nearly
significant negative. It is no coincidence that this needs to be arranged at the
highest level. "Express yourself" does not simply mean showy dyed hair, smoking,
obesity, "drop-grapes" everywhere, talking resistant...
Maslow described these needs: the needs of an individual who desires to be
himself/herself, be doing what they should do from be born. Simply, this is the need
to use everything in our power, our potential to assert ourselves, to work or to the
achievement of social. That is to seek ways in which power, intelligence and our
ability to be promoted to feel happy about what we have done. However, according
to a survey within 20 years, only 1% of the respondents have actually met this
We can see many people around us; they have come to the end of their
career but always regret it because they were not working properly as the ability
and their desire. Or in many cases, a person holds a high-paying position in a
company, the shirt is definitely want to leave because the job he wants, the work
that Maslow said "born to do". That is to seek ways in which power, intelligence
and ability are promoted and feel happy about it.
Expectation theory of Victor H.Vroom
Expectation theory was suggested by Victor H. vroom in 1964, then
amended and supplemented by a number of other scholars, including Porter and

Lawler (1968) differing from Maslow. Vroom did not focus on the needs that
focused on results based on Maslow studied the relationship between internal
demands and efforts to produce results that satisfy internal demands, the longer the
separation between effort (arising from the dynamics), and effective actions. He
said that the behavior and motivation of people were not necessarily be determined

by the reality but were determined by human perception of the expectations of their
This theory revolves around three basic concepts or three connections:
- The attractiveness (the passion) is the importance that individuals place on
the outcome or the potential rewards can be achieved in the work. This variable
does not consider the needs of the individual are met. This concept is affected by
following factors:
* Available sources (time, people...)
* Skills to carry out
* The support needed to perform tasks (information, supervision,
- The relationship between results and rewards (hope): A personal level
believes the job at a particular level that will lead to achieving a desired result.
Particularly affected by such factors as:
* The clear link between performance and reward the workers are receiving.
* Confidence in the justice who may decide to reward / punishment
* Believe in transparency in the decision to reward / punishment.

- The relationship between effort and results (strength): The ability that
individuals are aware that spent an attempt to bring a certain result. This concept is
expressed through the relationship between rewards and personal goals and is
influenced by such factors as:

* Efforts to encourage work
* Achieve performance commensurate with the rewards received
* Interest in the results / rewards that individuals receive

Vroom said that the employee is motivated only when their perceptions of
the three concepts above three relationships are positive. In other words, when they
believe their efforts will produce better results, results can lead to rewards and
make it significant and consistent with their personal goals.
Since the expectations theory is based on the perceptions of employees, it
should be able to happen is the same as in the case of a company with the same
position as each other but have not motivated the same, by awareness of the
different concepts. For example, an employee wants to advance in your job, then
promotion will be a high valence for that employee. An employee who believes that
good work will be appreciated and has high expectations, whereas the employee
will not build expectations for himself if he does not trust the results of his work
that the leaders noted.
Application of this theory into practice can be seen to force workers with
certain aims (consistent with the objectives of the organization), he managed to
create awareness for the efforts of employees that they will bring the rewards
commensurate with their wishes. For this, we must first create the satisfaction of
employees with environmental conditions at work, with the support of their
superiors and colleagues, which makes them more confident in their efforts to result
and reward expectations. Satisfaction of a fair reward and punishment will help
them believe that the results they achieve will certainly be noted as well as the
rewards of the company
2. Relationship between Maslow’s Needs Theory and Two Factor
Theory of Frederick Herzberg
Both Maslow’s theory and Vroom’s theory are for analyzing the needs and

interests of individuals to find a solution to meet the needs / personal interests.
When organizing a variety of methods to motivate individuals to satisfy personal
ego, the individual will contribute, dedicate and have great effort to benefit the

If Maslow's theory went deeper into analysis of human needs by increasing
levels from simple to complex, theory of Vroom targets depth analysis, the benefits
that individuals will achieve when they perform a certain job and personal goals to
achieve the objectives of the organization. From the analysis of the contents of the
two theories on the relationships between them, we can see the study of motivation
and ability to devote the effort of workers, which set out solutions and enable the
management and the employer provide highly effective.
Question 2: Analyze the motivation of employees at Kingsmen Vietnam
Company Limited
Kingsmen Vietnam Co; Ltd has applied the theory of motivation for
employees to take measures to strengthen incentives for workers as follows:
1. Construct labor norms, duties and standards of conduct for each
employee, namely
- Define objectives of the business activities and objectives common to each
work and make them understand that goal
- Identify specific goals and quotas, performance standards for employees
through the job description. Inform employee’s rights and responsibilities.
- Regular assessment and fair degree of completion of the work of the staff
help them adjust their behavior to suit the requirements of the organization to help
employees work better
2. Working environment, create favorable conditions for employees to
complete tasks:
- Assignment of "right people, right work" to its full effectiveness of every

employee. Make them see themselves as useful and as an element of the company.
- Promptly provide the conditions necessary for the job, job redesign for employees
to find jobs more interesting and help them more engrossed in their work
- Create a healthy and warm working atmosphere to employees because
most of their time is in the company.

3. Salary policy:
The salary is the amount, which the employee receives after completing
certain tasks, such salary is one powerful tool that motivates people to work. For
workers, salary is the main source of income to improve their living standards; at a
certain level of salary, it is also evidence showing the value and prestige of workers
to society. Therefore, Kingsmen Vietnam has built to ensure the payment to the
following principles:
- Salary must be expanded reproduction of labor power: Guarantee life of
workers and their families at least moderate in comparison with the society, and
they also have accumulated.
- Fair in pay: worth the effort spent by the employees. Not only that, fair pay
also reflected in the comparison between different people in business and in
comparison with salary in the market.
- Salary linked to business results and outcomes of work. The staffs clearly
see the contributions, the fruits of their labor paid off and how they can strive to do
- Additional income: the amount of fixed income monthly, which will also
be entitled to receive an amount based on operating profit of the business.
- Reward: the external part of compensation in addition to salary and
allowances paid to employees to complete the job. Reward is considered a type of
material incentives, which has very positive effects for employees in striving to do
the job better.

Kingsmen Vietnam has applied the following forms of reward:
+ Appreciation for each specific project. Employees are entitled to 2% on
total sales revenue of the project if the company gets 40% in interest on each
project. Reward employees immediately after the project ends.
+ Enjoy the end of year sales. After summarizing revenue by the end of the
year, each team will be rewarded based on the profits of each group brought to the

company. There may be additional one-month salary, two-month salary or more
depending on the profit.
In addition to benefits under the provisions of law as sickness benefit,
workers' compensation and occupational health, pension, maternity, death
allowance, there are Kingsmen Vietnam's programs for employees such as the
tour, vacation, leisure activities, sports, arts...
* Spiritual compensation:
- Promotion opportunities: A chance for employees to reach a better job with
their greater responsibility, prestige and higher technique, the higher salaries and
working hours or conditions better working. Kingsmen Vietnam through the
performance appraisal of each work has a policy to appoint a reasonable motivation
for employees trust in business as well as their ability and effort to complete their
work in the best way to help business easily achieve its goals effectively.
Encouraging physically and mentally for employees is a very important
principle to attract and create a powerful force for employees in the work process.
While not using it so seriously, it is encouraged to using physical or mental ways
effectively. A combination of strict reward and punishment, justice and the new
dynamics will create effectiveness.
At work, the employee can expect to receive a good job. They receive salary
commensurate to the extent of their work and are rewarded when they complete the

job. However, money is not the only motivation to make them go to work. Besides
those things, they need a secure job for themselves, not boring and have the
opportunity to present their own capacity, in which the employee is treated fairly,
to feel important and necessary. If these needs are met, the employees will be
motivated to do the job better. The enterprise is a business unit that always wants to
get profits. Therefore, they need to sell more products. To have many products, they
have to use the stimulus effects on employees for their work with greater
productivity. This suggests that the personnel and motivation are important in the
business. Therefore, businesses need to invest more to improve and enhance the

motivation for employees to deliver competitive advantages and make a difference
to the company.

