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The Gerund ( V_ ing ) GV Dạy
1. Subject :
Ex: Swimming is my favourite sport
2. Object :
Ex: I like going to the cinema at weekends
3. Complement:
Ex : My hobby is reading
4.Articles and Adjective pronouns :
Ex: The draining of swamps is very important here.
I don't like their coming here.
5. Verbs that are always followed by the Gerund :
- Admit ( thừa nhận ) - allow - suggest - finish ... ( Ôn tập Lớp 11 )
Ex : I'll do the shopping when I've finished cleaning the flat
6. Adjective + Preposition followed by the gerund :
Accustomed to :quen với - Afraid of - successful in ( thành công về ) - hopeful of ( hy vọng
về ) - bored with ( chán ) - intent on ( có ý đònh ) - capable of ( có khả năng ) - (be) used to (
quen với) - proud of ( hãnh diện về ) - responsible for ( có trách nhiệm về ) - excited about :
(kích động về ) - interested in - famous for - fond of - ashamed of ( xấu hổ về ) -surprised
at ( ngạc nhiên về ) - tired of : ( chán ) tired from ( mệt ) opposed to ( phản đối ) essential
to ( cần thiết ) - worried about ( lo lắng về )
Ex : Ann is afraid of getting married now.
Tommy is fond of dancing
7. Nouns + prepositions followed by the gerund :
- choice of ( chọn lựa ) - excuse for ( lí do ) - intention of ( ý đònh) -method for ( of)
( phương pháp) - possibility of ( có thể ) - reason for ( lí do )
Ex : Tommy has no excuse for dropping out of school
There is no reason for going out tonight
Exercise1 :Combine each pair of sentences into one sentences, using the Gerund :
1.Alice made a mistake in her homework. She remembered it.

Alice remembered making a mistake in her homework.

2.Tom asked me to remind him to buy a new shirt I forgot it.

I forgot reminding Tom to buy a new shirt.
3.Mr Pike taught John several years ago , He doesn't remembered it.

Mr Pike doesn't remembered teaching John several years ago
4.This work must be done before we go home. We mustn't gorget.

we forgot doing this work before going home.
5.Mary planned to go to the concert last night . she forgot it.

She forgot going to the concert last night
6.Peter lived in the country when he was a boy. He doesn't remember it.

He doesn't remember living in the country when he was a boy
7.He took Jane to a party two months ago. He remembered it.

He remembered taking Jane to a party two months ago
8.Grand 's mother often wears her glasses when she reads . Sometimes she forgets .

Sometimes Grand 's mother forget wearing her glasses when she reads
9.Hellen didn't buy some meat. She forgot it.

She forgot not buying some meat.
10.Jim called his friend on his birthday. He remembered it.

He remembered calling his friend on his birthday
Exercise 2:Rewrite the following sentences, Using Gerund phrases:
1.A good way of keeping fit is to swim everyday.

Swimming everyday is a good way of keeping fit
2.It takes a long time to learn a foreign language.

Learning a foreign language takes a long time
3.Clean the machine more often that will solve your problems

Cleaning the machine more often will solve your problems
4.Grow your own food . It's less expensive

Growing your own food is less expensive
5.Give up smoking . I will make you feel better

Giving up smoking will make you feel better
6.It is cheaper to go by rail than by air

Going by rail is cheaper than going by air
7. You are not allowed to smoke here.

Smoking is not allowed here
8.It's not very pleasant to be in hospital

Being in hospital is not very pleasant
9.It's very difficult to wind surt properly.
 win surfing properly is very difficult
10.It's more difficult to speak a foreign language than to read it.

Speaking a foreign language is more difficult than reading it
11.It is forbidden to walk on the grass.

Walking on the grass is forbidden

12.One thing I can't do is swim on my back

Swimming on my back is one thing I can't do
13.It's difficult to be polite to someone you don't like.

Being polite to someone you don't like is difficult
14.It's not easy to change money here on a Saturday

Changing money here on a Saturday is not easy
15.It is impossible to park your car during office hours.

Parking your car during office hours is impossible.
Exercise 3 : Tell what the -ING is gerund or present participle
1.A sleeping child looks lovely.

Present participle
2.There is no room in the sleeping car , not even for one more passenger

Present participle used as Adj
3.A drinking buffalo is the familiar sight in the countryside.

Present participle
4.Drinking is necessary to maintain life.

5.Smoking is dangerous for your health

6.The posters with a smoking man on the wall are used to advertise.

Present participle used as Adj
7.They are sitting on a beachin the park.

Present participle
8.I object to smoking in my room

9.My lunch waiting for me here is a delicious meal.

Present participle
10.He's reading a newspaper in the waiting-room.

Present participle
11.Swimming is my hobby.

12.It's very hot today. There are a lot of people in the swimming pool

Present participle
13.We saw a boy swimming across the river.

Present participle
14.Mary is fond of fishing on the lake in hot weather.

15. Tom has bought a new fishing line

Present participle used as Adj
16.I watched them fishing on the lake all the afternoon

Present participle
17.We heard hunters shooting wild animals in the forest.

Present participle
18.Hunting was Hemingway's favourite hobby.

19. Air plane is the flying - machine

Present participle used as Adj
20.The ducks, which were flying low over the marsh, were easy targets for the hidden

Present participle
The Gerund ( V_ ing )
Exercise1 :Combine each pair of sentences into one sentences, using the Gerund :
1.Alice made a mistake in her homework. She remembered it.
2.Tom asked me to remind him to buy a new shirt I forgot it.
3.Mr Pike taught John several years ago , He doesn't remembered it.
4.This work must be done before we go home. We mustn't gorget.
5.Mary planned to go to the concert last night . she forgot it.
6.Peter lived in the country when he was a boy. He doesn't remember it.
7.He took Jane to a party two months ago. He remembered it.
8.Grand 's mother often wears her glasses when she reads . Sometimes she forgets .
9.Hellen didn't buy some meat. She forgot it.
10.Jim called his friend on his birthday. He remembered it.
Exercise 2:Rewrite the following sentences, Using Gerund phrases:
1.A good way of keeping fit is to swim everyday.
2.It takes a long time to learn a foreign language.

3.Clean the machine more often that will solve your problems
4.Grow your own food . It's less expensive
5.Give up smoking . I will make you feel better
6.It is cheaper to go by rail than by air
7. You are not allowed to smoke here.
8.It's not very pleasant to be in hospital
9.It's very difficult to wind surt properly.
10.It's more difficult to speak a foreign language than to read it.
11.It is forbidden to walk on the grass.
12.One thing I can't do is swim on my back
13.It's difficult to be polite to someone you don't like.
14.It's not easy to change money here on a Saturday
15.It is impossible to park your car during office hours.
Exercise 3 : Tell what the -ING is gerund or present participle
1.A sleeping child looks lovely.
2.There is no room in the sleeping car , not even for one more passenger
3.A drinking buffalo is the familiar sight in the countryside.
4.Drinking is necessary to maintain life.
5.Smoking is dangerous for your health
6.The posters with a smoking man on the wall are used to advertise.
7.They are sitting on a beachin the park.
8.I object to smoking in my room
9.My lunch waiting for me here is a delicious meal.
10.He's reading a newspaper in the waiting-room.
11.Swimming is my hobby.
12.It's very hot today. There are a lot of people in the swimming pool
13.We saw a boy swimming across the river.
14.Mary is fond of fishing on the lake in hot weather.
15. Tom has bought a new fishing line
16.I watched them fishing on the lake all the afternoon

17.We heard hunters shooting wild animals in the forest.
18.Hunting was Hemingway's favourite hobby.
19. Air plane is the flying - machine
20.The ducks, which were flying low over the marsh, were easy targets for the hidden hunters.
EXERCISE 2 : Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form (gerund or Infinitive)
1. I am looking forward to ( see) you. ( seeing )
2. I arranged ( meet ) them here ( to meet )
3. I wish ( see) the manager (to see )
4. It's no use ( wait ) ( waiting )
5. Please go on (write ) ( writing )
6. Would you mind ( shut ) the window ? -ing
7. I advise you ( study) English at once - to study
8. I have no intention of ( go ) to that film- going
9. I had to ask the boys (stop) (play) to stop / playing
10. I have decided ( allow) my friend (do) as she pleases
EXERCISE 3 :Supply the correct preposition and the gerund form of the verb in parenthese
Model : Mary is fond ....... ( swim )
 Mary is fond of swimming
1.John intested ............. ( buy ) a new car . on buying
2.He needs more practise ................. ( speak ) English in speaking
3.She is afraid ................ ( fail) of failing
4.Mary is not interested ................. ( learn ) to speak French in learning
5.Thank you ............... ( help ) me for helping
6.We are looking forward .....................(see) you to seeing
7.He is good .................... (play) tennis at playing
8.I have no objection ...............(carry) out the plan to carrying
9.Jim got tired ..................(wait) for us of waiting
10.we are thinking ..................(study)French of studying
EXERCISE 4: Write the following sentences , using Gerund phrases :
Model : It is really quite easy to learn English

 Learning English is really quite easy
1.It was wonderful to see our old friends again. ( was)
2.It is useless to complain about that matter now. (is )
3.It was very uncomfortable to sit in one place for so long (was)
4.It will be a lot of fun to go to that party next week (will)
5.It was be interesting to travel to Italy by boat. (will)
6.it was exciting to meet the president(was)
7. It is not so easy to write good compositions in English (is)
8.It takes about seven hours to drive from here to Dalat(takes)
9.It usually takes me forty minutes to get to school (takes)
10. It took us eight hours to fly to Hanoi (takes)
EXERCISE5: Rewrite the following sentences,using the gerund :
1. When did you begin to study English ?
2. Your hair needs to be cut.
3. He advised me to apply at once
4. She recommends housewives to buy the big tins
5. They don't allow us to park here

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