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Trường THCS Lý Tự Trọng
I. Choose the correct words or phrases:
1. I …… English at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.
a. learn b. am learning c. learnt d. was learning
2. It’s too cold outside. Would you mind ………. the window?.
a. to close b. close c. closed d. closing
3. It is very exciting to see the lava pouring ….. when you visit Kilauea Volcano.
a. in b. on c. out d. with
4. Color television …………. by John Logie Baird in 1928.
a. invented b. was inventing c. was invented d. has invented
5. The boy …………… next to Hoa is a newcomer.
a. sit b. sits c. to sit d. sitting
6. She asked me if I………………. pop music.
a. like b. to like c. will like d. liked
7. The air in this city is very dirty. It is ………….
a. dusty b. fresh c. healthy d. polluted
8. In order to keep fit, we should do exercises…………….
a. regular b. regularly c. regulating d. regulation
9. They had the porter ………… their luggage.
a. carry b. carrying c. to carry d. carried
10. He used ……….. a football player. He had to stop ………… because of an injury.
a. to be/playing b. being/playing c. to be/ to play d. be/playing
11. She asked me …………. a driving license.
a. if I have b. whether I have c. if I had d. whether I have had
12. The Pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven ………. of the world.
a. pyramid b. temples c. landmarks d. wonders
13. Tom …………. his hand when he was cooking the dinner.
a. burnt b. was burning c. has burnt d. burn
14. A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called ……..
a. water – fetching contest c. water – fetch contest

b. fetching water contest d. fetching – water contest
15. I take part ……… most youth activities of my school.
a. of b. on c. to d. in
16. Mai asked me ……….. her my computer for an hour.
a. lend b. to lend c. lends d. lending
17. Be careful when you shop………. interest or ……… the telephone.
a. on/ on b. in / in c. on / in d. by / at
18. I like …...... I can look at the goods in the shop windows, but I need not to buy anything.
a/shopping from home b/window shopping c/go shopping d/shopping at the shop
19. People who live in the countryside are ……...
a. noisy b. peaceful c. friendly d. talkative
20. The Golden Gate Bridge is in …….
a. New York b. San Francisco c. London d. Paris
21. Vietnam is a ………………. country in South East Asia.
a. rice-exporting b. rice-export c. rices-export d. rices-exporting
22. My house …………. in 1998.
a. were built b. built c. was built d. build
23. I always remember ………. off the light before going to bed.
a. turn b. turning c. to turn d. turned
24. My friend told me what …….. when I visited Hoi An.
a. doing b. done c. to do d. do
25. …………. I do the washing-up? No, thanks. I can do it myself.
a. Can b. Would c. Shall d. Won’t
26. Cool the burns immediately so as to ………….. tissue damage.
a. case b. relieve c. minimize d. maximize
27. Minh …………. in this town since 1987.
a. lives b. has lived c. lived d. is living
28. Chicago is often ……….. “The Windy City”.
a. spoken b. talked c. said d. called
29. They have to …………. the rice from the husk and then cook the rice.

a. take b. bring c. separate d. make
30. Christmas songs ………. for people eight hundred years ago.
a. perform b. are performed c. performed d. were performed
31. The Statue of Liberty was ………….. to the USA by the French.
a. constructedb. designed c. completed d. presented
32. Angkor Wat ..…….. to honor Hindu God.
a. built b. orginally was built c. was orginally built d. was built orginally
33. He always gets excellent grades because he studies………….
a. hardly b. hard c. good d. goodly
34. Ho Chi Minh is ………….. than Ha Noi.
a. much big b. more big c. bigger d. biger
35. My sister likes sweets ……….. from chocolate.
a. making b. made c. to make d. make
36. Would you ………… cleaning the floor for me?.
a. like b. please c. mind d. rather
37. She hasn’t finished the letter …..
a. already b. yet c. just d. never
38. Millions of Christmas cards ……….. every year.
a. were sent b. are sent c. send d. is sending
39. “ I don’t believe in ghost” – “…………….”
a. So do I b. I do, too c. Neither do I d. I do either
40. I spent my time swimming in the ……………. of the Coral sea.
a. water crystal - clear b. water clear - crystal
c. clear - crystal water d. crystal - clear water
II. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses or forms:
1. My mother (wait)………………….for me when I (come)…………..
2. Jane is trying (avoid)………………. (meet)…………… him.
3. I hate (laugh) …….. at by the other people.
4. Hung (wait) …………… for her since half past six.
5. It isn’t very easy (please) …………….. him.

6. The doorbell (ring) ……………. while Tom (watch)………………. TV
7. My lawyer advised me (not, say) …………… anything further about the accident.
8. I (lose) …………….. my handbag yesterday.
9. Why don’t you give up (smoke) ………………..?
10. I (not, be) ………….. at work tomorrow. I’m taking the day off.
11. Would you mind if I (close) …………….. the door?
12. They hope (finish) …………. (paint) …………. the house by the end of the week.
13. I learned to swim when I (be) ………very young. I (teach) ………. by my mother.
14. He’ll be ready in a moment. He (clean) ……………….. his shoes.
15. The man (stand) ……………… near the door is my brother.
16. My son (play) ………… table tennis every afternoon.
17. She (just, send)…………………….. the letter.
18. I (watch) …………… TV while my brother (read) …………… a novel.
19. She has a lot of novels (write) ……………. in English.
20. I (hear)………. that story many times before.
III. Change into Reported Speech:
1. Jonny said “I don’t know how to do this exercise”.
2. She said to me, “Turn off all the lights when you go out”.
3. Hoa asked Tim, “Do you know this place?” – “No, I don’t”.
4. Thanh said, “Can you speak French?”.
5. “Do many tourists visit Ha Long Bay every year, Mai?” asked Lan.
6. “Don’t go out alone that night” Tom’s mother said to him .
7. Nhi said, “ I’m visiting to Hoi An now”.

8. Daisy said to Tim, “I’m going to visit my aunt next week”.
9. He said to me, “What school do you go to?”.
10. Mary said to Peter, “Can you carry my suitcase, please?.
11. He said to me, “ I will come here again tomorrow”.
12. “Go to the blackboard, Long” the teacher said.
13. They said, “ We are unlucky today”.
14. She said to me, “I want to speak to your father”.
15. “Please help me with my homework” Linh said to Trang.
16. “Does your brother like playing sports?” I asked Huy.
17. He said, “ I caught sight of Jane this morning”.
18. The teacher said to us, “ Did you understand my explaination?”.
19. Van said to me, “Will you go with me?”.
20. He said to me, “Don’t forget to post the letter”.
IV. Do as directed in the brackets:
1. Trang finished her report last night. (Using present perfect tense)
2. I will give my friend a doll on her birthday. (passive voice)

3. Mai is ten years old. Lan is nine years old. (Comparative)
4. He climbed the trees so that she could pick some fruits. (Using “in order to”)
5. I want you to send this letter for me. (Using “Would you mind…”)
6. Some people were injured. They are taken to the hospital. (Combine, using past participle)
7. Why don’t we go to the beach? (Rewrite, using “What about…?)
8. The taxi broke down. The taxi was taking to the airport. (Combine, using present participle)
9. He was too short to join the basketball team. (Using “enough”)
10. My camera was stolen from my hotel room two days ago. (Active Voice)
11. They intend to go camping this Sunday (using “be going to”)
12. Jill is more intelligent than Bill (Using “as…as”)
13. Mrs Thu is going to ask a plumber to fix the faucets (Using the causative form with “have” instead of
14. Viet Nam is a country which exports coffee. (Using “Compound word”)
15. The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it (Using “too… to”)
16. When does he usually do his homework? (Passive)

17. I was a shy girl when I was young. (Using “used to”)
18. He is being taken to the police station by the policeman. (Active Voice)
19. She wasn’t accepted in that group. She was very sad (Using S+be+adj+that clause)
20. We started learning English six years ago. (Using present perfect)

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