Major : Economic Management
Code :
1. PGS.TS. Lê Xuân
. Lê Anh Vũ
Ha Noi - 2019
Thesis is completed at:
Graduate Academy of Social Sciences
1. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Xuan Ba
2. Dr. Le Anh Vu
Master Reviewer 1: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bui Quang Tuan
Master Reviewer 2: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ngo Tuan Nghia
Master Reviewer 3: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Nguyet
The thesis will be denfended at the Doctoral dissertation council in
the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences at ….day…..month…..
year 2019.
Thesis can be found at:
- Library Graduate Academy of Social Sciences
- National Library, Hanoi, Vietnam.
1. Le Minh Thoa (2018), “Application of Information Technology
to the Building of Smart Cities in Countries around the world
lessons for Vietnam”, International Seminar Proceeding, 24th
August 2018, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Session 5, pp.234239.
2. Le Minh Thoa (2018), “Solutions to improve the management of
green urban development investment in Hanoi”, Asia-Pacific
Economic Review (No. 518 June 2018) , pp.77-79.
3. Le Minh Thoa (2018), “Evaluating the management of green
urban development investment in Hanoi in the current period”,
Asia-Pacific Economic Review (No. End of May 2018), pp.8283, 88.
4. Le Minh Thoa (2018), "Theoretical basis for green urban
development investment", Asia-Pacific Economic Review (No.
515 April 2018), pp.106-108.
5. Le Minh Thoa (2017), “International experience on green urban
development for Hanoi City”, Economic and Forecast Journal
(No. 12/2017), pp.47-49
6. Le Minh Thoa (2017), Curriculum “Making and analyzing
construction investment projects”, Construction Publishing
House, Hanoi.
7. Le Minh Thoa (2015), "Improving the cost management in
construction projects in Vietnam", Economic and Forecast
Journal (No. 03/2015 - Thematic issue), pp.63 -65.
1. The urgency of the subject
In the past 30 years, along with the process of industrialization
and modernization of the country, the speed of urbanization in our
country has increased rapidly. Urban competition with quality of life
requires more and more strategic vision on the process of urban
construction, development and management, especially in green cities.
Hanoi City is the Capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: "As the
heart of the whole country, the national political and administrative
mind, the center of culture, science, education and business
international and international transactions”. Capital Law clearly
defines the responsibilities of the Capital: "Building and developing the
civilized capital, modern and typical for the whole country".
Developing green cities and smart urban areas is the current trend in
the world. Hanoi capital also needs to develop in this direction. The
industrial revolution 4.0 has a great influence on investment in green smart - modern urban development of Hanoi Capital and has always
received special attention. Because this revolution made a lot of
changes to the face of green urban - smart - modern, the development
of smart residents, smart urban authorities ...
Besides, the population of Hanoi Capital has increased rapidly,
urbanization has been increasingly developed, making Hanoi face
serious challenges: Climate change, energy crisis, and environment
urban schools are increasingly polluted, clean water is scarce ... making
urban development unsustainably.
From the above reasons, the author chooses the topic
“Management of investment in green urban development in Hanoi”
as a doctoral thesis in Economic Management. This topic is topical and
urgent because it will overcome the problems and shortcomings of the
above management, and the author will offer effective solutions to
manage green urban investment development in Hanoi city in the near
2. Objectives of the thesis
2.1. Overall objectives
Based on the science of green urban development investment
management, the author proposes solutions to improve the
management of green urban development investment in Hanoi city.
2..2. Detail goal
Firstly, Systematize and clarify the content of concepts: green
urban, green urban development, green urban development investment
and green urban development investment management.
Secondly, The dissertation clearly explains the theoretical
framework of analysis and evaluation of the management of green
urban development investment.
Thirdly, Analyzing and properly assessing the status of green
urban development investment management in Hanoi city according to
four criteria: Effectiveness, efficiency, suitability and sustainability.
Fourth, proposing some solutions to improve the management
of green urban development investment in Hanoi city which is the most
effective and best from now to 2030.
3. Object and scope of the study
3.1. Research object
The research object of the thesis is the management of investment in
green urban development in Hanoi.
3.2. Research scope
- About Content:
The thesis focuses mainly on management of Hanoi city
government on investment in developing some typical green urban
- About time: + Secondary data from 2010 - 2017;
+ Primary data year: 2017 and 2018.
4. . Research Methodology
- Methodology: The thesis uses dialectical materialism and historical
materialism as the basic methodology, throughout the research process.
- Research methods: To solve the set tasks, the thesis uses a number of
specific research methods including:
(1) Research methods at the table;
(2) Methods of analysis and synthesis;
(3) Method of investigation by questionnaire, consultation of experts;
(4) SWOT analysis method.
5. New scientific contributions of the thesis
(1) Summary of theories, principles of management of urban
development investment in green - smart - sustainable; (2)
Systematizing criteria for evaluating green urban development
investment, managing green urban development investment; (3)
Assessing the status of green urban development in Hanoi city,
managing green urban development investment of Hanoi city
government; (4) develop a number of solutions to improve the
management of green urban development investment in Hanoi city.
6. The theoretical and practical significance of the thesis
6.1. Scientific significance
- The thesis contributes to supplement and perfect the theories on green
urban, green urban development, green urban development investment,
and management of green urban development investment.
- Systematizing the criteria of green urban development, management
of green urban development investment, contributing to the research
and management of overall urban development investment.
6.2. Practical meaning
- As a reference for the main government levels, urban planning
architects, relevant engineers, managers of green urban development
- Documents to support research and training in green urban
development investment management.
7. Structure of the thesis
In addition to the introduction, conclusion and reference list, the
thesis is structured into four main chapters:
Chapter 1. Overview of research and management of green urban
development investment in Hanoi city
Chapter 2. International and domestic theoretical and experience bases
on green urban development investment management
Chapter 3. Status of green urban development investment management
in Hanoi city
Chapter 4. Solutions to improve management of green urban
development investment in Hanoi city.
1.1. Situation of abroad research
So far, there have been some studies in the world related to
green urban development investment management. The thesis has
consulted the following research projects:
Research on “Situation of smart urban policy implementation in
Korea” by Lee Jae Yong (2013) has given the vision and goal of
building a pioneering, safe and happy urban creative: Firstly, expand
smart city; Secondly, develop smart urban industry according to
creative economic model; Thirdly, strengthen support for advancing to
foreign markets.
Research on “U - City Planning” by Park Chan Ho (2013)
offers the approach to U - City in a comprehensive way in terms of
services combining urban space with infrastructure and information
technology believe. Planning U-City contributes to improving the
quality of life of people with smart infrastructure.
Research on “Green City Development Strategy in Korea” by Dr.
Lee Bum-Huyn (2013) has proposed an approach that should focus on
urban development transforming from "Carbon Economy" to
"Background." Non-carbon economy”has a more sustainable and
environmentally friendly urban structure. It is necessary to establish a
series of policies to support the recognition of green cities according to
the characteristics of each region, offering incentives for green city
planning according to the characteristics of each region.
Research on “Modular - New construction model in green and
sustainable urban development trend” by Kim Sang Soo (2013), The
author has brought about the benefits of green urban development and
friendly urban environment with outstanding features with many green
spaces, green environmental quality, harmonization of artificial
ecosystems (urban ecosystems) and natural ecosystems, creating a
good living environment and ensuring health healthy and comfortable
for people.
Article “Korea's experience and practices in Vietnam in building
a green city (smart)” by Dr. Lee Dong Youn - Jungdo UIT Korea
(2016), launched monitoring systems, system of assessment of green
urban areas, thereby giving the management of green urban
development investment smart. According to Shah Md's research.
Atiqul Haq (2011) studies the benefits and challenges of urban green
space based on research results in different cities, showing: Green
urban plays an important role for society and economy, culture and
sustainable development environment. Landscape architecture, green
urban space is a comprehensive tool for environmental sustainability
by improving quality of life, increasing asset value by comfort,
aesthetics, and energy costs. Cooling buildings decrease. Shah Md's
research. Atiqul Haq considered variables: Natural green (Natural
green), Green urban area (Urban green). This shows that cities and big
cities all have a high score on green urban elements. However, this
study suggests managing green urban development investment in big
cities more than medium and small cities.
The study of M. Deakin, G. Mitchell, P. Nijkamp, R. Vreeker
(2007), “Sustainable urban development”, the authors have carefully
mentioned the necessary conditions of a Sustainable urban areas in four
areas: institutional, economic, social and environmental. Institution is
one of the prerequisites for investing in sustainable urban development.
In “Tomorrow: a Peaceful Path to Real Reform” by Ebennezer
Howard (1898), a model of "garden city" is proposed to solve the
problem of environmental pollution and widespread disease threatening
public cities. Career in the UK.
1.2. Domestic Researches:
Some domestic research projects related to the study of the thesis
“Management of investment in green urban development in Hanoi”
such as:
Truong Van Quang (2013), Some requirements in green urban
development planning in Vietnam, providing an overview of urban and
green urban awareness, thereby determining requirements in urban
development planning. Green market in Vietnam.
Dao Ngoc Nghiem (2013), Green Urban, Smart - Development
model of Hanoi Capital, The author has given the context of
urbanization of some countries and Vietnam and sustainable
development is a trend. Global necessity, impacting on each field with
more specific and specialized studies, including urbanization, which is
a sustainable urban - ecological urban - green urban - green
architecture. Since then, the author identifies the model of green urban
development in Hanoi "Green - civilized - civilized - modern", urban
dynamic, effective, highly competitive in the country, the region and
the world. , have a good living environment...
Nguyen Hong Thuc (2013), Elements of smart green urban
development in Vietnam, International scientific conference, The
author has introduced a new approach to urban areas: economic
growth, urban resources, ecological environment, and green growth,
sustainable territorial planning based on legal grounds.
Nguyen Van Cuong (2015), Development of new urban areas in
a sustainable way: Research in Hanoi, The author has given a
definition of sustainable urbanization and urban development, affirmed
the distribution Urban areas need to be sustainable.
Pham Ngoc Tuan (2015), Developing new urban areas in Ho
Chi Minh City in a sustainable way, The author has clarified some
theoretical issues about the development of new urban areas and
development criteria. New urban area towards sustainability.
Through the research works presented, it shows that these
studies mainly consider and evaluate the sustainable development
investment in urban areas and the criteria for urbanization assessment.
There is no research project on green urban development investment
management in Vietnam in general, in Hanoi city in particular.
2.1. Some concepts and related theories
2.1.1. Some related concepts Concept of green urban
Green urban area is an urban area invested and built, taking
care of the best living conditions for every urban population,
minimizing the demand for energy, less environmental pollution, and
diversifying biology to ensure architecture. The urban landscape has
green space, green buildings, has a green standard transport system,
green industrial parks and urban environment with green quality,
ensuring to provide the best economic conditions. , society,
environment for urban residents”. Green urban development
“Green urban development is an increase in the number and
quality of green cities in line with the general urban development
strategy”. Investment in green urban development
“Investment in green urban development is the investment capital
to increase the number of green urban areas in order to improve the
quality and structure of green cities reasonably, in accordance with the
urban development strategy in particular, general socio-economic
development”. Managing green urban development investment
“Management of green urban development investment is a
deliberate, continuous, organized and purpose-oriented impact of state
management agencies and city authorities through institutions.
Policies that impact green urban development in accordance with
objective laws and specific rules of criteria for achieving the common
goal is the global climate change issue for socio-economic
2.1.2. Some basic theories of green urban development investment
The thesis uses some basic theories as a basis for the study: (1)
The management theory of L.P. Bertalafly; (2) Integrated and adaptive
management theory (integrated theory in management); (3) Ecological
theory; (4) The dualism of "Urban - Rural" theory.
2.2. Managing green
evaluation criteria
2.2.1. Objectives
Managing investment in green urban development to succeed
must have a motivational goal to promote investment activities.
Firstly, successful implementation of the objectives of green
urban development investment strategy; Secondly, maximize
mobilization and efficient use of green urban development investment
capital. At the same time, managing green urban development
investment in association with ecological environment protection, anticorruption and wastefulness in using investment capital and exploiting
investment results; Thirdly, strictly complying with the provisions of
law and technical and economic requirements in the field of
investment, ensuring the development of a sustainable green urban
area, in accordance with urban landscape architecture and early costs.
Reasonable development; Fourthly, the city government needs to
implement green urban development objectives in each period, each
period, meeting all requirements.
2.2.2. Criteria for evaluating management of green urban
development investment
Criteria for evaluating the results of state management on green
urban areas are one of the important contents. In the framework of the
thesis, the author focuses on researching criteria to evaluate the
management results of the Hanoi city government to determine the
management objectives of green urban development investment must
be effective, safe, sustainable, correct orientation, right by law,
ensuring fairness, transparency, harmonization of benefits must be
associated with implementing functions Criteria for evaluating the
results of state management on investment management Green urban
development includes: (1) Effectiveness criteria, (2) Performance
criteria, (3) Appropriate criteria; (4) Sustainability criteria.
2.4. International and domestic experience on green urban
development investment management and lessons for Hanoi
(1) Experience in managing green urban development investment in
London, England; (2) Experience of managing green urban
development investment in Beijing, China; (3) Experience of managing
green urban investment in Singapore; (4) Experience in managing
green urban development investment in Stockholm, Sweden; (5)
Experience on management of green urban development investment in
Da Nang city; (6) Experience in management of green urban
development investment in Ho Chi Minh City.
Based on that, lessons learned for Hanoi city are drawn as
Successful lessons:
Firstly, it is necessary to develop legal and policy institutions
suitable to the management of green urban development investment,
which are actively intervened by the Government in accordance with
the conditions and the actual situation of Hanoi.
Secondly, to develop a green city in a sustainable way, it is
necessary to have a long-term plan through the "Concept plan" on
green urban identity. It is necessary to carefully calculate for land use
to be reasonable and effective. According to Beijing's experience, it is
necessary to make specific plans and development strategies, focused
and key investment in each period, contributing to the management of
the most reasonable and most effective green urban investment and
Thirdly, Singapore's experience, with limited land area, the
government has implemented the strategy of "garden in the city",
"garden wall", "roof garden", "garden anywhere". The high density of
greenery has made urban space "softened" and improved
environmental quality in general. Hanoi city government needs to
review to select and preserve the urban ecosystem to ensure the green,
clean and beautiful environment of the capital.
Fourthly, according to Beijing's experience, the distribution of
resources is unequal and equitable for the population of cities, along
with the increase in population, limited resources and the environment,
the investment management plays Green urban development has had
impacts on the living environment of urban residents.
Fifthly, Learning experience of Stockholm - Sweden government
on building an integrated management system to ensure every aspect,
in accordance with the operation plan, monitoring report. Especially,
the policy of reusing land types, connecting green urban areas with
green transportation is the most convenient way. Hanoi needs to
integrate the traditional blocks and reasonable green urban areas.
Sixthly, Learning Da Nang city on the management of planning green urban architecture, smart, modern. Need to have a macro vision
to plan green urban areas to ensure quality, green transport connection,
green technical infrastructure, sustainable development of urban
ecosystems ...
Saturday, Learning Ho Chi Minh City on administrative reform
management, institutionalizing policies and improving development
investment mechanisms, organizing systematic urban management,
training and improving managerial staff capacity investment in green
urban development, modernization of administrative infrastructure.
Lessons of failure (lesson failure):
Firstly, Beijing Capital (China) invests in green urban
development with successes but still fails to be seriously polluted.
Yellow alarm group. Authorities have issued many regulations,
policies and investment, and have given strict penalties to limit urban
environmental pollution. However, the implementation of these
measures is only a scientific and drastic response.
Secondly, the failure lesson of Ho Chi Minh City is a problem
of flooding but not yet solved thoroughly, heavy air pollution, bad solid
waste management.... From the unsuccessful lesson of Ho Chi Minh
City as a premise for the management of Hanoi city to take preventive
measures and have the right strategy in managing green urban
investment development.
3.1. Overview of investment in green urban development of Hanoi city
Project of general planning to build Hanoi Capital to 2030 and vision
to 2050 is set with the goal of building Hanoi into a green city civilized - civilized - modern that has been Prime Minister approved in
Decision No. 1259 / QD-TTg dated July 26, 2011.
Mobilization of green urban development investment capital of
Hanoi city government has always been paid special attention and
According to Hanoi Statistical Office, the development
investment capital in Hanoi city is very high every year. Foreign direct
investment capital from 2010 to 2017, total registered capital of 8.021
million US dollars; The total implemented capital is 11,490 million US
dollars, so the implemented capital compared to the planned capital is
1.43%, in 2010 the implementation capital is 4,270 million USD but by
2017 the implementation capital is 1,012 million USD, increasing by
23, 7% (compared with 2010).
The construction value in 2017 is VND 92,576 billion, up
185.55% compared to 2010 of VND 49,893 billion.
Investment in green urban development in recent years has
received special attention from the city government. Discussions on
urban development investment, capital demand, urban development
investment management, investment capital management so that
efficiency, planning work is always focused, building green urban have
a focus and a focus but must be in line with the city's urban
development, ensuring landscape architecture, preserving heritage
culture, good urban environment, harmonious traffic and urban
infrastructure, reasonable, always meeting the needs of urban residents.
3.2. Overview of investment in green urban development of Hanoi
3.3. Actual situation of investment development management of
some green cities in Hanoi city in the period of 2010 - 2017
3.3.1. Current situation of issuing strategies, planning and plans on
green urban development and investment in green urban
The National Strategy on Green Growth has been issued by the
Government with Decision No. 1393 / QD-TTg dated September 23,
2012, indicating: "Green growth is the cause of the whole Party and the
entire people. , authorities, ministries, sectors, localities, businesses and
social organizations ... ”.
The next is the national action plan on green growth period
2014 - 2020 in Decision No. 403 / QD-TTg dated March 20, 2014 of
the Prime Minister. At present, it has been reviewed and proposed to
develop the construction industry planning from the perspective of
sustainable development and develop a policy framework and green
growth plan for the construction industry in the period of 2014 - 2020.
The Ministry of Construction has reviewed propose to adjust the
sectoral master plan to ensure sustainable development, save fuel
resources, control pollution and manage waste effectively, develop a
policy framework for greening urbanization and succession. Green
growth plan of construction industry in the period of 2014 - 2020.
Regarding urban housing planning and development strategy,
18 m2 of floor space per person will be developed, housing
development will be green - civilized - modern but still preserve urban
landscape architecture and complete facilities. Technical infrastructure,
traffic, improving urban environmental quality.
3.3.2. Current status of implementing mechanisms and policies on
management of green urban development investment in Hanoi
Recognizing the importance of investment in urban
development in the cause of industrialization and modernization of the
country, the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of
Vietnam clearly stated in the Resolution: "Innovation mechanisms,
policies, strict control of urban development process according to
planning and plans. Step by step forming a system of urban areas with
synchronous, modern and environmentally friendly infrastructures,
including a number of big urban centers, many medium and small
urban centers, which are linked and rationally distributed across
regions. Improving the quality, uniformity and competitiveness of
urban areas, attaching importance to promoting the typical role and
value of urban centers, creating a driving force for economic
development of the country and regions”.
In order to institutionalize the leadership of the Party, the
Government issued a program of execution to implement the
Resolution of the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of
Vietnam, which set out the task: "... Renewing the mechanism policies,
urban development in a synchronous, modern, sustainable,
environmentally friendly, climate change response ...”.
Along with the administration of the government, the community
has not actively participated, so the management of urban development
investment has not been highly effective.
The current legal documents do not adequately regulate the
process of formation, construction investment and urban development
control; rights, obligations and responsibilities of State agencies, legal
entities and individuals in managing urban development investment in
general and green urban areas in particular.
The Hanoi city government has not yet performed well the
management of urban development investment in general and green
urban areas in particular, due to the lack of a number of regulatory
documents, the management decentralization has not been clear and
specific yet. Create a unified body from central to local, from city
government to district governments.
At present, the city has not had a specific policy mechanism to
attract investment in green urban development. It has not created
favorable conditions to attract foreign investment capital, private
3.3.3. Current status of organizational apparatus for implementing
green urban development investment management of Hanoi city
Operating system of Hanoi city government includes: Leading by
Hanoi People's Committee, followed by specialized agencies such as
Department of Planning and Investment, Department of Planning Architecture, Department of Construction, Department Finance ..., and
People’s Committees of districts, towns and subordinate departments.
Are civil servants in the green urban development investment
management apparatus, including full-time officials, officials who
inspect, check and supervise the implementation of green urban
development investment management effectively? Is it reasonable?
3.3.4. Current status of checking and supervising the implementation
of green urban development investment management
The inspection and supervision of green urban development
investment management must be based on the regulations of the
Government, the Ministry of Construction and the Hanoi People's
Committee. The inspection and supervision of departments and
agencies, City People's Committees are sometimes not focused, formal,
yet drastic.
The inspection helps managers to identify errors and bottlenecks
of the organization in the process of managing green urban
development investment in order to have solutions, handle, adjust and
utilize resources to soon bring the system to the goal.
Mechanisms and policies on inspection and supervision of urban
development investment in general, green urban development
investment in particular are increasingly innovated and improved,
enhancing the role and responsibility of the city government , namely
departments: Planning - Architecture, Construction, Transportation,
Finance. The Hanoi city government increasingly strengthens
supervision, inspection, inspection and auditing to take measures to
prevent mistakes, detect and handle in time so that no serious
consequences can occur.
3.3.5. Management status of Hanoi city government on green
urban development investment Current status of green urban development investment
management in recent years
Management of green urban development investment in Hanoi
city in terms of economy, society and environment, the situation is still
inadequate affecting the overall development of the Capital.
Firstly, the green urban areas have not been rationally arranged
with the general structure of urban development investment of the
whole city, the quality of life of people in urban areas decreases,
putting pressure on the general structure. Urban, environmental
landscape as well as management of urban development investment.
Secondly, the city has invested in developing a number of green urban
areas, but it is still unreasonable, not ensuring the connectivity of urban
areas as well as urban and urban environment, and internal
accessibility. , social infrastructure system has not been focused, has
not calculated the need to use so that it is most effective, unreasonable,
the rate of filling the area of services and social welfare such as:
schools, hospitals , trade center, landscape architecture green space,
green traffic, ecological environment ...Thirdly, the management of
green urban development investment still has many shortcomings in
preserving cultural and historical values, failing to meet people's
spiritual life and active participation of the community. Residential in
urban areas. Fourthly, the landscape architecture and urban
environment are not ensured, the natural ecosystem in urban areas has
not been focused and not yet harmonized with the general urban and
living environment in the urban areas. The market is still not good,
some places are still polluted, thus affecting human health. At present,
many areas have been deformed, urban development investment has
increased, leading to a decrease in water surface area and land surface
... On the other hand, the lakes in urban areas are also occupied and
shrunk: West Lake, Truc Bach Lake ... Fifth, the management of green
urban development investment of all levels and related industries is not
good, leading to the situation of environmental pollution, rivers in
Hanoi are narrowed. And increasingly polluted. Thanh Xuan, Cau Giay
and Long Bien urban development areas ... are polluted in the
construction process, overloaded and degraded drainage systems cause
environmental pollution. management of Hanoi city government on green urban
investment in recent years
About planning management, plans
The planning goal of Hanoi City to 2030 is to build and develop
Hanoi capital to become a green city - civilized - civilized - modern on
the basis of sustainable development, Hanoi in the future will dynamic
and efficient development, is a symbol for the whole country, playing
the role of national administrative-political center, a national center of
culture - science - education - economy, a center International travel
and transactions are within the Asia-Pacific region.
Hanoi capital will be the place with the best living environment,
entertainment activities with high quality and favorable investment
opportunities. The future wants to build and develop Hanoi into a
green, civilized, civilized and modern city. The main objective of the
planning is set by Hanoi People's Committee, specifically: Firstly,
Enhancing the role of position and competitiveness of Hanoi, deserving
to be the Capital of a country with more than 100 million people. ,
sustainable development and integration with the world economy;
Secondly, Building the image of Hanoi, a historical city, traditional
culture, landscape, typical architecture, development and preservation
of specific characteristics of Hanoi; Thirdly, orienting and
implementing policies and strategies for economic, cultural, social,
national security and defense of the State and the Capital; Fourthly, to
build a model of urban administration, autonomy and rational
decentralization for affiliated cities to create dynamism in urban
management and investment attraction.
Urban housing development management
By 2030, urban housing strives to increase from 7.5 m2 / person
(in 2007) to 18 m2 / person (the national target is 15 - 20 m2 / people)
and rural houses reach 15m2 of floor/person. Residents from historical
core cities to new urban areas or satellite towns with housing standards
of national standards and a variety of types to meet the needs of many
users in society. For the old town, do not develop new houses, focus on
improving the quality of accommodation, preserving the value of
housing architecture and traditional space. The planning of green urban development investment
management in Hanoi
The planning of green urban development investment
management in Hanoi is focused on managing investment capital. The
management of investment capital is built on the criteria and norms for
allocation of capital in each period, the annual target of the city.
Effective use of investment capital, creating all conditions to
attract maximum other capital sources for investment in green urban
development. Besides, it is necessary to ensure the publicity,
transparency and fairness in the allocation of annual development
investment capital to be reasonable, effective and effective.
3.4. Assessment of the city government in managing green urban
development investment in Hanoi
3.4.1. Evaluate according to the criteria
To assess the management of green urban investment
development of Hanoi city government, the author evaluated based on
the following four criteria: effectiveness criteria, efficiency criteria,
suitable criteria and durable criteria strong. The following results:
Validity criteria are assessed by the level of compliance with
the legal documents of the Government and the city on the
management of green urban investment according to each district, so as
to be appropriate as well as the inspection. , monitoring the
management of green urban development investment.
HL1 - Degree of compliance with laws on green urban
development investment management in Hanoi City; HL2 - Effect on
monitoring and management of green urban development investment
management in Hanoi; HL3 - Policy to attract green urban
development investment capital in Hanoi city; HL4 - Policy to attract
recruiting cadres, civil servants and officials in the management of
green urban development investment in Hanoi.
Survey results show that: HL1 reaches the normal level of 20%,
agrees 70%, totally agrees 10%. HL2, the effectiveness of monitoring
and supervision has not been appreciated: Normally 50%, agree 30%,
totally agree 20%. HL3 agrees 50%, normal 40%, totally agree 10%.
HL4, it is necessary to recruit cadres and civil servants in green urban
development investment management. This is through surveying and
interviewing scientists and getting results: Normally 20%, agree 60%,
totally agree 20%.
The efficiency criterion in the management of green urban
investment development of the city government is assessed through the
benefits that bring the city bigger, meeting the set objectives. The
results of evaluating the efficiency criteria of green urban development
investment management are as follows: Effectiveness of implementing
decisions and regulations (HQ1) - The effectiveness of implementation
is not high, specifically: average usually 50%, agree 40%, totally agree
10%. Through the survey results, the effectiveness of enforcement
needs to be further strengthened. Effective through green urban
development investment benefits to the city (HQ2), 70% agree that it is
effective through green urban development investment benefits for the
city is very high. Effectiveness of urban landscape, ecology and
environment architecture for people (HQ3), 75% agree, 15% normal,
10% fully agree on landscape and ecological architecture, urban
environment gives people.
Appropriate criteria of green urban development investment
management are assessed that the management system should comply
with relevant standards and technical regulations. The appropriateness
of the management system is through monitoring assessment. With
PH2, PH4, PH5, 100% totally agree that it is appropriate to the trend of
the era, in line with the economic development, in accordance with the
level of scientific and technological advances, in accordance with
climate change coping. PH3 - development trend, strategy, planning,
plans are in line with 30% of respondents, 70% agree totally.
In which, PH1 - Consistent with the Party's policies and
guidelines, the State's laws on management of green urban
development investment; PH2 - Investment in green urban
development in accordance with the trend of the era, in accordance
with the conditions of socio-economic development of Hanoi city; PH3
- Consistent with the trend of developing strategies, planning, plans for
management of green urban development investment; PH4 - Consistent
with the level of scientific and technological advances; PH5 Investment in green urban development is suitable for dealing with
global climate change.
Sustainable criteria for green urban development investment
management are assessed through green urban growth, urban clean
energy development, and renewable energy, stable, scalable, improved
and enhanced energy. Quality of river life of urban residents.
Improving the quality of education and training to improve the
intellectual standard and appropriate occupational level to contribute to
building urban civilized lifestyle and economic development. Effective
use of urban land and sustainable development. BV1 - Investment
management policy complements the Government's green growth
development strategy; BV2 - Number and structure of civil servants in
the management of green urban development investment; BV3 Creating sustainable green urban areas, permanent management, little
change, no disturbance; BV4 - Green urban development strategy and
planning should aim at sustainable development of the general
planning of Hanoi city. The survey results are: BV1 with 100% totally
agree, BV2 is 20% normal, 60% agree and 20% totally agree. BV3
agrees to be 70%, totally agree 30%, while BV4 shows that 20% agree
and 80% totally agree.
3.4.2. Overall assessment of green urban development investment
18 These achievements
Green urban development investment management in Hanoi City
has achieved some certain successes:
Firstly, the allocation of capital and capital plan for green urban
development investment is in line with the general urban development
strategy, planning and plan of Hanoi city, in line with economic
development - communes Assembly, investment needs of the city.
Secondly, the investment in green urban development has a focus, a
focus, not spreading investment, the inspection and supervision of
green urban investment is getting more and more closely, enhanced and
gradually improve. The points are not yet in management of green urban
development investment in Hanoi
Firstly, the urban planning in general and green urban planning
in particular have focused on implementation, but many areas have
developed rapidly, while the construction planning is slow, thus
affecting quality of green urban development. Secondly, the
implementation of the plan still has many limitations, there is a lack of
regulations on planning leading to the "planning of investment",
leading to the movement of investment, causing a surplus of real estate.
Production in a period. Thirdly, the urban management apparatus in
general in urban green in particular is still weak and lacking, but slowly
improving and training human resources accordingly. Fourthly, the
social demand for urban construction is very large, but the response
from the state resources is limited, especially the demand of the people
on green cities is increasing, on the other hand, because the people
migrate from province to Hanoi to seek new job opportunities, live,
causing great pressure on housing and urban infrastructure. Fifthly, the
supervision, inspection and inspection work has been strengthened, but
the effectiveness is still low. Sixthly, the law on urban management is
lacking, especially, there is no specific decree, and circular guiding the
management of investment in green urban development, when there is
only a decree on urban development management, the effect is not
high, the Hanoi government is not really close, not drastically
3.4.3. The cause of success and limitation of green urban
development investment management in Hanoi city
19 The cause of success
To achieve certain success in the management of green urban
development investment due to the following reasons: Firstly, Hanoi
City prioritizes green urban development, creating conditions to
promote all resources. Urban development in general and green urban
areas in particular. Secondly, Hanoi City builds a strategic system,
planning and planning the investment in green urban development, the
general planning of Hanoi Capital construction till 2030, vision to 2050
has been Prime Minister. Decision. The cause of the restriction
Although Hanoi City has planned and developed green urban
areas, the implementation has not been implemented thoroughly and
synchronously by the city government due to several reasons: Firstly,
the city government lacks consistency among managers, the division of
management decentralization is overlapping, and management capacity
is weak and not good. Secondly, Lack of strategic vision and control
mechanisms and policies for green urban development investment, it is
unclear whether the people in need of living in green urban areas have
not met the supply. Bridge. Thirdly, planning work still has many
issues that need further research. Specifically: No big green urban areas
have been formed yet, green - clean - beautiful urban centers of culture,
entertainment and urban environment. It is necessary to promote green
urban planning with landscape architecture space, urban traffic
continue to upgrade and expand in green direction - smart, green urban
infrastructure connection and less polluted urban environment. The city
government needs to find resources for investment in developing green
- smart - modern - sustainable urban areas as well as establishing the
most effective, effective and most effective green urban development
investment management tool. Fourthly, participation in community
supervision is weak, some are indifferent, do not care or have no
political opinions, some parts are interested in immediate benefits,
group benefits have not seen the importance of Green urban
development investment will bring benefits to living conditions, living
environment close to nature, environmentally friendly ...
4.1. Context and difficulties and advantages in management of
green urban development investment management in Hanoi by
4.1.1. New context of green urban development investment
management in Hanoi
International context: In a flat world today requires all resources to
integrate, all sectors are highly competitive. Vietnam is a country that
actively participates in and participates in multilateral international
economic links such as APPF, RCEP, EVFTA, CPTPP ... For
construction industry, urban development investment takes place with
speed Fastness in both width and depth, in recent times, has been paid
special attention to and focused on green urban development
investment. The management of green urban development investment
is an indispensable process, creating a strong impetus to promote socioeconomic development, but the downside of green urban development
investment has a significant impact on the system. Urban ecology and
urban environment.
Domestic context: The process of urban development in our country
has a significant impact on socio-economic development, rapid growth
in both quantity and quality. By 2030, the country has about 1,000
cities with a population of about 55 million people (accounting for
about 50% of the total population), with urban construction land
demand of about 450,000 hectares (accounting for about 1.4% of
natural area). Of the whole country), with 100% of urban authorities of
grade III or higher applying smart urban government and smart urban
Background of green urban development investment in Hanoi: In the
context of climate change increasingly existing and impacting urban
effects, Hanoi city has been taking the right step in development
investment. , preserve a green city. Investment in green urban
development in the current period is generating a number of
inadequacies: the system of technical infrastructure works,
unresponsive traffic systems, water supply and drainage, waste water
and waste treatment. Overloading, inadequate planning, policy
mechanisms are inadequate, population density is increasing, natural
resources and urban land are being exploited thoroughly. From the
actual situation, Hanoi People's Committee set a goal of building a
green - smart - modern urban area in a sustainable way, with a focus on
the following issues: Firstly, ensuring harmony and sustainability
between green urban and traditional urban areas, with the
characteristics of Hanoi Capital, preserving identity and heritage...
Secondly, Harmonizing economic development, development
developing green - smart - modern urban areas towards sustainability,
urban environment with less pollution, building and improving the
quality of social, public utilities and green space landscape
architecture. Thirdly, attaching the development of green - smart modern urban areas towards sustainability, strongly exploiting
underground space, with a vision in the planning - the overall
architecture of the city.
4.1.2. Opportunities and challenges on green urban development
investment management in Hanoi
In the context of international integration in Vietnam in general
and Hanoi Capital in particular is both a favorable condition and a big
challenge for the management of green urban development investment
in the current period. The creator SWOT model creates an overall
picture of green urban development investment management with the
most prominent and detailed lines. The analysis here only focuses on a
number of highlights of the management of green urban development
investment, the main aspects of weaknesses and weaknesses to provide
solutions to improve the management of urban development
investment. Green market in the coming time.
4.2. Orientation on management of green urban development
investment in the coming years of Hanoi city
4.2.1. Bases for building investment management orientation Objectives, green urban development strategy of Hanoi
The urban development goal in Hanoi city by 2030, vision of
2050 has been proposed by the Government to build Hanoi urban
development towards green - civilized - modern - smart towards
sustainability. Building a dynamic, effective, pervasive and highly
competitive Hanoi, regional and international; creating favorable
conditions for people to have the most ideal living environment.