Major: Ethics
Code: 9 22 90 06
Hanoi - 2019
This doctoral dissertation is completed at:
Scientific Supervisor: Prof., Dr. Ho Si Quy
Reviewer 1: Prof., Dr. Nguyen Van Tai
Reviewer 2: Assoc. Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Tho
Reviewer 3: Prof., Dr. Tran Phuc Thang
The thesis will be defenced in the Commission for doctoral
thesis evaluation of the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences
The thesis can be found at:
The National Libary of Vietnam
The Library of the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences
1. The urgency of the research theme
The PhD student has chosen:"The transformation of Vietnamese traditional
ethical values today" as his doctoral thesis for the following reasons:
Firstly, among the traditional values of the Vietnamese nation, traditional
ethical values such as patriotism, solidarity, community consciousness,
compassion, philanthropism, diligence, thrift, fondness of learning, respecting
Teacher and honoring the Way... always play fundamental roles. Although the
traditional moral values of the Vietnamese people have been formed and
relatively stable for a long time, their content, structure and mode of expression
are not constant but always change along with the change of socio-economic
life, political institutions and the infiltration, interaction and enculturation with
the trends of thought and culture from the outside. So it is necessary to clarify
that process of change/transfomation.
Secondly, in our country today, the
promotion of the cause of
industrialization, modernization, market economy development, international
integration makes traditional moral values inherited and supplemented by new
elements that are modern and valuable to all humanity but also there is a
tendency to degrade traditional moral values in some communities and classes,
especially young people...
Thirdly, the study of the transformation of traditional ethical values in
Vietnam aims to find solutions to limit negative changes and orient traditional
ethical values to transform according to positive trends ...
2. The purpose and tasks of the dissertation
Research purpose: to clarify the transformation of traditional ethical values
in Vietnam in the current conditions, thereby proposing directions and solutions
to ensure the transformation of traditional moral values is in a positive direction.
Research tasks: In order to achieve the above purpose, the thesis will conduct
the following research tasks:
Firstly, reviewing the research works related to the topic and identifying the
contents that the thesis need to continue to study.
Secondly, clarifying the basic concepts that form the theoretical framework to
study the transformation in traditional moral values and analyze that transformation
in the historical movement of the Vietnamese nation.
Thirdly, studying the reality of changing traditional ethical values in Vietnam,
both in the positive and negative changes as well as the causes of those changes in
our country today.
Fourthly, proposing some orientations and solutions to promote positive effects
and limit negative effects on changing traditional moral values, meeting the
requirements of building Vietnamese country and people in current conditions.
3. Objectives and Scope of research
Objectives: The thesis studies the transformation of Vietnamese traditional
ethical values in the current conditions.
Scope of research: The thesis focuses on the transformation of some typical
Vietnamese moral values such as patriotism, solidarity and sense of community,
compassion, diligence and thrift, studiousness, being deferential to teacher and
respected for moral…
The time for survey of the transformation of Vietnamese traditional ethical
values is mainly from the Renovation (1986) to now.
4. Theoretical basis and research methods
Theoretical basis: The thesis is based on Marxist - Leninist philosophy and
ethics, Ho Chi Minh's thoughts and views of the Communist Party of Vietnam
on Vietnamese traditional moral values. At the same time, the thesis also inherits
the views and research achievements of scientists on issues related to the thesis
Research methods: The thesis uses the methods of dialectical materialism
and historical materialism, of Marxist-Leninist ethics, with particular emphasis
on methods such as historical and logical unity, analysis and synthesis,
comparison, abstraction, generalization and axiology.
New scientific contribution of the dissertation
Firstly, analyzing the transformation process and the factors affecting the
transformation of Vietnamese traditional ethical values.
Secondly, proposing a number of orientations and solutions to influence the
transformation of Vietnamese traditional moral values in a positive direction and
limit negative trends.
6. Theoretical and practical significance of the dissertation
Theoretical significance: The thesis contributes to further research on some
theoretical issues of the transformation of Vietnamese traditional moral values.
The thesis can be used as a reference for reasearch and teaching activities on
the topics of ethics and Vietnamese traditional moral values in current
conditions within the majors of philosophy and ethics of graduate and
postgraduate units in Vietnam.
Practical significance: The research results of the thesis contribute to
protecting, preserving and developing the traditional ethical values of Vietnam
in the context of market economy development and international integration; at
the same time, creating active positive effects and limit negative changes to
Vietnamese traditional ethical values in the current period.
7. Structures of the thesis
Apart from the introduction, the conclusion, the list of references and the
appendices, the thesis is structured in 04 chapters and 9 sections.
1.1. Theoretical issues of traditional ethical values and the
transformation of Vietnamese traditional ethical values
1.1.1. Research works on the theoretical issues of ethical values and
Vietnamese traditional ethical values
In the book "The traditional spiritual values of the Vietnamese nation"
(1993), Ho Chi Minh City Publisher, Tran Van Giau deeply analyzed the
precious traditional spiritual values of Vietnamese people; they are patriotism,
diligence, heroism, creativity, optimism, philanthropism, sense of
In the articles: "Traditional values and modern values" by Nguyen Ngoc
Van published in the Journal of Social Science Information, No. 11/1995 and
"Tradition and modernity: some thoughts and suggestions" of Phan Huy Le
published in the Communist Review, No. 8/1996, the authors stated and
analyzed the basic traditional values of the nation (including traditional moral
values) and their role in forming modern values.
In the paper "The issue of exploiting traditional values for development
purposes", Journal of Philosophy, No. 2/1998; the author Nguyen Trong Chuan
stated relatively clearly about the content and ways to exploit traditional values
for development purposes.
In the work: "Traditional values under the challenges of globalization" by
Nguyen Trong Chuan and Nguyen Van Huyen (co-editor) (2002), National
politics Publisher, Hanoi, the authors not only mentioned the traditional values
and realities of Vietnamese traditional values but also raised issues about the
need to preserve and promote national cultural identity under the challenges of
And some other typical projects need to be mentioned are: Ngo Duc Thinh
(Editor) (2014), "Vietnamese cultural values - tradition and transformation",
National politics Publisher, Hanoi; Tran Duc Duong, "Promoting the positive
values of ancestor worship in the current period", Journal of Religious Studies,
No. 2/2010; Tran Nguyen Viet, "Traditional ethical values of Vietnam and the
popularization of all humanity of ethics in a market economy", Journal of
Philosophy, No. 5/2002; ...
Firstly, the authors basically agreed with typical traditional spiritual values
stated by Tran Van Giau such as patriotism, kindness, sense of community,
diligence, creativity, fondness of learning, in which patriotism is the primary
value. At the same time, these are also the traditional ethics values of the
Vietnamese nation.
Secondly, the authors affirmed that the traditional moral values formed
along with the process of formation and development of national history
regulated by socio-economic conditions, cultural – beliefs activities, political
institutions are transmitted from generation to generation.
Thirdly, the authors affirmed that the traditional moral values of the nation
are human values, so they have longevity.
Fourthly, the authors said that traditional moral values in particular as well
as traditional values in general are the thread connecting the past, present and
future of the nation. At the same time, they are also the premise and motivation
for promoting the development of national history.
1.1.2. . Research works related to the issue on transformation of
Vietnamese traditional ethical values
In the book "The traditional spiritual values of the Vietnamese nation"
(1993), Ho Chi Minh City Publisher by Tran Van Giau, from determining the
traditional spiritual values and traditional moral values of the nation, the author
raised the need to inherit the spiritual and traditional values in building new
cultural values in our country today. Besides that, the traditional moral values
must also have certain transformations to be compatible with the changes of
social conditions.
On the impact of innovation on moral values, it must first mention the work:
"The transformation of the moral value ladder in a market economy with the
construction of new ethics for management staffs in our country today” by
Nguyen Chi My (editor), National politics Publisher, Hanoi, 1999. The authors
mentioned a number of moral issues that are of interest to society, and also have
profound explanations about the transformation of moral values in the market
mechanism. In addition, the authors also studied and proposed some orientations
and solutions for the formation of new moral values under the impact of the
market economy in order to build moral values for management staffs in our
country today.
According to author Nguyen Dinh Tuong in the article "Some
manifestations of changing moral values in the market economy in Vietnam
today and solutions to overcome", (Journal of Philosophy, No. 6/2002), the
preservation and promotion of traditional moral values is to enrich the content of
these traditional moral values in the new era, serving the construction and
development of the country.
In the work: "Studying traditional cultural values in the process of
industrialization and modernization" by Nguyen Trong Chuan, Pham Van Duc,
Ho Si Quy (co-editor) (2002), National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, the
authors presented the transformation of traditional values to modern values. It is
due to the transition to the implementation of a market economy, due to
technological advances in production and in the operational areas of social life.
The impact of the market economy, of industrialization and modernization in the
process of globalization on traditional cultural values is always double-sided
(positive and negative), so the exploitation, preservation and promotion of
traditional values is one of ensuring the sustainable development of society and
In the book: "Globalization in the Asia-Pacific context: Some philosophical
issues" by Pham Van Duc (Editor) (2007), Social sciences Publisher, Hanoi, the
author analyzed and evaluated the transformation of some traditional
Vietnamese values in the face of positive and negative impacts of globalization.
In the article: "Marx’s thought on ethics and its meaning for the cause of
building new morality in Vietnam today", Journal of Philosophy, No. 9/2008, the
author Nguyen Van Phuc concretized Marx’s thought on social existence
determining social consciousness in general and morality in particular, at the
same time presented F.Engels’s argument on the social nature of morality by
showing the modernity, nationality and class of ethics.
In addition, the works need to be mentioned such as: "The transformation of
cultural values in the context of building a market economy in Vietnam today",
by Nguyen Duy Bac (editor) (2008); "Ethical consciousness in the market
economy conditions in our country today" by Le Thi Tuyet Ba (2010), Social
Sciences Publisher, Hanoi, 2010; "Some issues on Marxist ethics and building
ethics in the market economy conditions in Vietnam today" by Nguyen The Kiet
(2012), National Politics Publisher, Hanoi ...
All of the above works confirm that:
Firstly, the transformation of traditional moral values is not an unusual
thing, but an objectively necessary law of development. This depends on socioeconomic development conditions. The dominant moral standards have been
always determined by the ruling class, the class representing the forces that
determine social development in each certain historical period.
Secondly, the transformation of moral values is both in terms of content and
form of expression.
Thirdly, the transformation takes place both in a positive and negative
direction. Therefore, there must be orientations for the development of moral
Fourthly, the transformation of traditional moral values is not only the
inheritance of national values but also the reception and modification of the
cultural spiritual and moral values of the other nations during the exchange
Fifthly, traditional moral values are altered but change more slowly, more
sustainable than other spiritual values. At the same time, they still occupy a
significant position and role in the development of human communities, first of
all culturally and spiritually.
1.2. The works related to the reality, the causes of transformation in
Vietnamese traditional ethical values as well as orientations and solutions to
ensure a positive transformation
1.2.1. The works related to the reality of transforming Vietnamese traditional
ethical values and its causes
In the report "Value and transformation of Vietnamese traditional cultural
values" presented at the Scientific Conference "Preserving and promoting
Vietnamese traditional cultural values in the process of innovation and
integration", 18th September, 2009 in Bien Hoa - Dong Nai, author Tran Ngoc
Them said that unlike other countries, Vietnam has a static development with
gradual, little mutations.
Nguyen Dinh Tuong in the article "Preserving and promoting traditional
cultural values in Vietnam under the impact of globalization" (Journal of
Philosophy, No. 5/2006) stated and analyzed the reality of Vietnamese
traditional cultural values under the impact of globalization. The negative effects
of globalization have been challenging many traditional spiritual values, as well
as the personality of Vietnamese people. In particular, some of the good,
important and sacred traditional values of the Vietnamese people are also at risk
of being eroded and corrupted.
Nguyen Van Phuc in the article "On creating a strong change in the
construction of new morality in our country today" (Philosophical Journal, No.
11/2006) said that when considering the current reality of morality now, it is
necessary to accept the fact that, to a certain extent, the uncertainty of moral
standards is inevitable.
According to Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen in the article "Globalization and the
risk of degradation of Vietnamese morality and lifestyle today" (Journal of
Philosophy, No. 6/2007), globalization is introducing the Western lifestyle into
our country. On the one hand, it positively impacts on transforming a closed,
resigned, dependent, dependent lifestyle into an open, dynamic, independent,
responsible lifestyle, in line with the trend of the times. However, it is also the
lack of orientation towards acquiring that way of life that leads to being far away
lifestyle according to national ethical standards.
In the books "Moral culture in our country today - Issues and solutions" by
Le Quy Duc - Hoang Chi Bao (Co-editor), (2007, Culture and Information
Publishing House & Cultural Institute, Hanoi) and "Vietnamese cultural values tradition and transformation" by Ngo Duc Thinh (Editor, 2014, National
Politics Publishing House, Hanoi), the authors commented that the traditional
cultural innovation takes place in an unusual way which is without inheritance
and development, acquisition and removal but often a chaotic interweaving
between the old and the new does not create an organic connection with each
other. That means the old is lost while the new has not yet formed, creating a
loss in cultural life and consequently, the cultural life of the people is depleted
and becomes poor ...
The research works related to the current situation of transformation of
Vietnamese traditional ethical values have solved some isues:
Firstly, like most other cultural values, traditional moral values transform
slowly with little mutation.
Secondly, in the process of transforming the traditional moral values, there
are appearing moral disturbances.
Thirdly, there are two trends of transformation:
- The first trend is forming some new values, overcoming the limitations of
traditional values.
- The second trend is the "slipping", degradation which is increasingly far
removed from traditional values.
Fourthly, due to the current situation of disruption of standards and
degradation, it is necessary to pay attention to morality both in value and nonvalue (bad qualities of Vietnamese people).
The authors analyzed and identified objective and subjective causes of the
above situation.
Regarding objective causes: Due to the socio-economic conditions in the
transitional period; due to the impact of internal market factors in conditions of
integration and globalization; due to a change in the mechanism of operating
political institutions.
Regarding subjective causes: due to the inadequate management and
orientation of social management levels, both at the theory, law and
management practices.
1.2.2. The works related to solutions that ensure the transformation of
Vietnamese traditional moral values in a positive direction
Author Nguyen Dinh Tuong in the article: "Some manifestations of the
transformation of moral values in the market economy in Vietnam today and
solutions to overcome", (Journal of Philosophy, No. 6/2002) focused on the
propagation and moral education for the whole society, especially the younger
generation. That is the task of each family, schools and society. In the article
"Preserving and promoting Vietnamese traditional cultural values under the
impact of globalization", (Journal of Philosophy, No. 5/2006), this author
analyzed and clarified the situation and the cause of preserving and promoting
Vietnamese traditional cultural values in the context of globalization today.
The authors of the book "Globalization in the context of Asia-Pacific: Some
philosophical issues" by Pham Van Duc (Editor) (Social Sciences Publishing
House, Hanoi, 2007), provided some basic solutions to protect and promote
traditional cultural values and overcome the ethical and lifestyle degradation as
follows: firstly, building a social-oriented market economy that is the guarantee
for preserving and promoting traditional cultural values; secondly, strengthening
the role of law in protecting traditional values and resolutely fighting against the
thoughts, morals, and lifestyles that are not in line with Vietnamese national
traditions; thirdly, strengthening traditional education.
According to Nguyen Van Phuc in the article "Marx’s view on ethics and its
meaning for the cause of building a new morality in Vietnam today" (Journal of
Philosophy, No. 9/2008), morality is regulated by the socio-economic basis,
therefore, the construction of new morality must now be attached and a part of
the innovation.
Author Tran Duc Duong in the article "Promoting the positive values of
ancestor worship in the current period" (Journal of Religious Studies, February
2010) said that to promote the traditional cultural values (including traditional
moral values), it is necessary to have orientations from the Party's and State's
guidelines and policies; At the same time, there must be close and synchronized
coordination of different sectors, levels, political social organizations, villages,
communes, kinship, each family and each person in awareness and action to
increasingly promote positive values and overcome limitations of ancestor
worship and thereby building a better society.
The work "Vietnamese cultural values - tradition and transformation"
(National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2014) by Ngo Duc Thinh (Editor),
points out that to preserve and promote traditional cultural values, to proactively
integrate into the world in the context of globalization, we need to implement
key solution points of view.
In the above works, the authors have proposed solutions to ensure the
transformation of traditional cultural values in general and traditional moral values in
particular in a positive direction.
Firstly, strengthening the education on traditional cultural values (including
traditional moral values).
Secondly, promoting the development of a socialist-oriented market economy,
promoting industrialization and modernization to create premise and conditions for
good infrastructure to ensure the transformation of traditional cultural values in
general as well as traditional moral values in a positive direction.
Thirdly, completing the system of policies and laws, and strictly enforce policies
and laws to ensure the orientation to transform traditional moral values in a positive
Fourthly, promoting the positive role of moral subjects (individuals, collectives,
communities, nation...) in preserving and promoting traditional values.
1.3. The issues need to be further studied in the thesis
Although there have been many works related to the issues of the
dissertation topic, we have found that most works have only approached the
issues of traditional cultural values or traditional spiritual values. There are some
works have discussed the transformation of Vietnamese traditional ethical values
but they have not mentioned about that directly but mainly clarify some aspects
of the relationship between traditional moral values and market economy.
Acquiring the results and suggestions of the above mentioned works, we
continue to study the following issues:
Firstly, studying the system of theories, viewpoints on ethical values and the
transformation of traditional ethical values in modern society.
Secondly, defining clearly traditional moral values and Vietnamese
traditional moral values; classifying, arranging and analyzing typical and
specific Vietnamese moral values.
Thirdly, surveying the current situation of the transformation of Vietnamese
traditional moral values, both in terms of their form, content and structure
according to some surveyable criteria such as areas and ethnic and social
components composition, class...; Researching in more detail and analyzing the
causes of that transformation.
Fourthly, proposing a number of orientations and solutions to orient the
transformation of Vietnamese traditional moral values in a positive way in oder
to ensure nationality and modernity.
The traditional moral value and its transformation are not unusual but the
objectively necessary law of development due to socio-economic development
and the need for social stabilization of the ruling class in each certain historical
period. The scientists all agree on the Vietnamese traditional ethical values that
are typical such as: patriotism, solidarity, philanthropism, diligence, fondness of
When referring to the transformation of traditional moral values, the authors
have argued that it is a transformation in both content and form, both positive
and negative way; there is transformation but there is also inheritance of
quintessential values of the nation and mankind. Along with pointing out the
cause of the transformation of traditional moral values, authors have mentioned
solutions to limit the transformation in a negative direction and orient them to
develop a positive way.
Chapter 2
2.1. Vietnamese traditional moral values: basic concepts and some
typical values
2.1.1. The basic concepts The concept of ethics
Ethics is a social phenomenon formed from the formative state of human
society, which are requirements, rules set by life that each person must follow
voluntarily. Ethics include: ethical consciousness, ethical behavior and ethical
Ethical consciousness is the system of knowledge of value, moral-value
orientation, ideals, feelings, beliefs, reason, and will to regulate relations and
moral behaviors.
Ethical behavior is human action under the influence of ethical ideals,
expressed through affection, belief, reason, will.
Ethics is also a form of social relations, which is the relationship of each
human being with oneself and the relationship of each person with the
community, so ethics is always social and there is a dialectical unity between
social ethics and personal ethics.
Ethics is present as a useful, positive meaning for human life and therefore
valuable to society. When the system of ethical values meets the needs, benefits
and significance for the subjects, is chosen by the moral subjects to adjust and
evaluate the behavior, behavioral relationship, it is the ethical value orientation. The concept of value
In fact, there are many sciences that use the concept of value such as
mathematics, logic, culturology, art, sociology, philosophy, aesthetics, ethics ...
Most of the them affirm that value shows what is useful and meaningful that which
are things, phenomena of nature, of society and of conscious thinking; they are
able to satisfy certain material or spiritual needs and serve human interests.
From the author's point of view: Value is a concept that refers to the sociocultural meaning of phenomena, including all that meet the needs, interests and
has certain meaning for a subject ((be it) individual, collective, social), that is the
unity between objective factors and subjective factors of the subject in
consideration and evaluation. They promote positive activities, subjective efforts
when perceived, selected and dominate the thoughts, feelings, beliefs of the
subject. The concept of ethical value
Ethical value is a factor that constitutes the system of spiritual values of
each subject as well as of the whole society in the areas of activity and plays a
particularly important role in social life. Ethical values reflect economic and
social life, so they have also attributes of class (in class social conditions),
nationality and modernity.
Ethics is present as a useful, positive meaning for human life and therefore
valuable to human beings and human society. In other words, ethical value is the
social-cultural meaning of the views, thoughts, norms, codes of conduct formed
from the historical and social reality, meeting the needs, benefits and has a
positive meaning to life, is chosen by the ethical subjects to adjust and evaluate
the behavior and behavior of people according to the criteria of good, honor,
obligation and fairness ...
Ethics is present as a useful, positive meaning for human life and therefore
valuable to human beings and human society. In other words, ethical value is the
social-cultural meaning of the views, thoughts, norms, codes of conduct formed
from the historical and social reality, meeting the needs, benefits and has a
positive meaning to life, is chosen by ethical subjects to adjust and evaluate
behavior, behavioral relations of people according to the criteria of good,
honor, obligation, fairness ... concurred by conscience and public opinion.
There are principles, norms and systems of ethical values of certain historical
periods. In addition to the dominance of socio-economic conditions, ethics is
governed by self-consciousness and beliefs about oneself, about the class, nationality
and follows the ideal, the certain ethical orientation.
The ethical value system of the national community is in line with the process of
implementing social functions in each historical period of the nation, so changing the
order in the traditional ethical values ladder also occurs regularly according to the
changes of historical tasks in each period that the nation performs.
2.1.2. Traditional ethical values: the concepts and some typical
Vietnamese traditional ethical values The concept of tradition
Tradition is the temporal preservation of socio-cultural phenomena,
including thoughts and emotions, attitudes and behaviors, ways and patterns in
thinking, in lifestyle... of a certain community of people. It was formed in
history and has become stable, handed down from generation to generation. The concept of traditional ethical value
Traditional ethical values are a system of good values, embodied in
common ethical standards, which have a positive impact on the community,
adjusting individual behavior as well as all relationships in society, is
acknowledged by the majority, relatively stable and ingrained in the social
psychology and practices from one generation to the next generation of the
Traditional ethical values are the product of long-term development of
national history, which are good moral values expressed in common ethical
standards, with positive effects on community, adjusting the relationship
between individuals and society to create harmonious unity between personal
interests and social benefits.
2.1.3. Some typical Vietnamese traditional ethical values
The views on typical Vietnamese traditional ethical values are different but
in the dissertation we only state 5 typical ethical values that are recognized by
scientists as follows: patriotism; solidarity and a sense of community;
compassion and philanthropism; diligence and thriftiness; fondness of learning,
respecting Teacher and honoring the Way …
2.2. The transformation of traditional ethical values: concept,
mechanism and its expression through periods of Vietnamese national
2.2.1. The concept of the transformation of ethical value
Social transformation is the process of making patterns of social behaviors,
social relations, social institutions and social structural systems change over
time. Social stability is only relative in terms of form but in fact, in terms of
content, there is always movement and change. Social transformation in modern
society is faster and deeper. It is the complex interaction of many social factors
(both internal and external) that create the transformation. Social transformation
includes the transformation of ethical values and traditional ethical values.
2.2.2. Mechanism of transforming ethical values
Mechanism of transforming ethical values is a way that in the process of
interaction between institutions, social organizations and individuals, traditional
ethical values are inherited, transformed and developed. Transforming ethical
values often starts from elements of class, nationality and family to the
consciousness, behavior, and ethical relations of individuals.
Because the mechanism of transforming traditional ethical values depends
on the mode of conduct of the ruling class, the propaganda and education of
schools, society and families. Therefore, it is necessary to turn the educational
process into a self-education process, in which individuals follow the demands
of families, schools, society and its benefits for choosing values, perfecting
personal moral qualities. Because of social change and the change of the content,
expression of traditional ethical values, the choice and practice of personal ethics
also often change.
2.2.3. The transformation of traditional ethical values through periods of
Vietnamese national history
Vietnamese traditional ethical values also transform throughout the
development process of the Vietnamese nation.
On the transformation of patriotism in history: Patriotism is a system of
views and rules to consider and assess the moral behavior and relationship of
each person with the community and at the same time is sacred feelings of each
person as well as the whole community for the Vietnamese Fatherland.
Patriotism is transformed in accordance with each period of history of national
liberation struggle, national defense and construction of the country.
On the transformation of solidarity and a sense of community: solidarity and
a sense of community are the principles and norms for regulating the moral
behavior and relations of every Vietnamese person but due to the requirements
of the rulling class in each historical period, the sense of community and
solidarity are expressed in different forms and contents.
On the transformation of diligence and thriftiness: diligence and
thriftiness are the traditional ethical value of the Vietnamese nation but in each
historical period, those values are governed by historical conditions, class
perspectives, so they more or less transform according to the change of
production methods.
On the transformation of compassion and philanthropism: compassion and
philanthropism are transmitted from generation to generation and become a
precious tradition of the Vietnamese nation. Along with the influence of Eastern
culture and the exchange and acculturation process of human cultural values,
Vietnamese traditional ethical values are further enriched by humanistic ideas
such as the ideas of freedom, equality and charity of the Western civilization in
which Marxism – Lenin the highest representative that was introduced by
President Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam in the early twentieth century.
On the transformation of tradition of fondness of learning, respecting
Teacher and honoring the Way : fondness of learning, respecting Teacher and
honoring the Way formed by the combination of the fondness of learning, the
intelligence and the creativity of the people with the positive effects of
Confucianism and desire to change life. In feudal times, poor people still tried to
hit the books, determined to take the exam and expected to pass the exam to do
mandarin. But in each different period, the fondness of learning, respecting
Teacher and honoring the Way have the changes according to the value system
of each period. Today, fondness of learning continues to develop strongly,
illiteracy has basically been resolved; the development of education has met the
needs of human development and development of modern production forces.
Ethics includes requirements, rules set bythe life that each person must
follow voluntarily. In the development process, each country creates its own
ethical values that are highly sustainable and reflect national identity. Therefore,
ethical values become glue to consolidate the community and the driving force
for production activities, construction and protection of the country. In term of
time, it can be divided into traditional ethical values and modern ethical values.
Traditional ethical values are a fine value system, relatively stable and
deeply rooted in social psychology and practices from this generation to the next
generation of the nation. For Vietnamese people, patriotism, solidarity and a
sense of community, compassion and philanthropism, diligence and thriftiness,
fondness of learning have become typical traditional ethical values.
Throughout the process of history, the traditional ethical values are not
permanent, unchanging values, but they also have transformation in accordance
with the changing dynamics of history of economy, culture, and society.
However, the reality shows that the transformation of traditional ethical values
takes place not simply; not all transformations take place in a positive trend, but
also in a negative trend that easily erode those traditional values.
Chapter 3
3.1. Positive manifestations in the transformation of Vietnamese
traditional ethical values today and their causes
3.1.1. The transformation of some Vietnamese traditional ethical values
Firstly, transforming from patriotism in tradition to patriotism in the present
period - patriotism in Ho Chi Minh era
Today patriotism is faithful to national interests, to united Vietnamese
fatherland. That ethical value orientation attaches the responsibility of every
Vietnamese citizen to his country, which is the sacred duty of each individual
with the Vietnamese nation. Patriotism is to strive to make rich people, wealthy
country, democratic, fair and civilized societies; is to protect the people, protect
the interests of the nation, firmly protect the socialist Vietnamese nation, protect
the Party and the socialist regime. Patriotism is associated with the pride of the
tradition of the Vietnamese nation.
Secondly, transforming from the sense of community, solidarity in national
tradition to the sense of community and solidarity in the current period
The expression of solidarity and a sense of community today is the love and
support of the people all over the country whenever people in a certain locality
encounter tribulation and difficulties; or those values are expressed through
family relations, villages, social organizations and based on the unity of personal
interests and community interests in the socialist-oriented market economy.
Thirdly, transforming from diligence, thriftiness in tradition to diligence and
thriftiness in the current period
Currently, diligence is associated with a positive, dynamic and creative
working spirit and saving is a reasonable expenditure according to income
capacity. Diligence is combined closely with disciplined, technical, productive
labor spirit and legitimate enrichment; diligence is associated with
responsibilities, obligations, conscience in production and business.
Fourthly, transforming from compassion, philanthropism in the tradition to
compassion and philanthropism in the current period
Compassion, philanthropism are the concern and sharing, partly
compensating for the disadvantages and losses for people with meritorious
services to the country, for war victims or victims of risks and natural disasters;
compassion and philanthropism are also expressed for war enemies and those
betrayed national interests; in addition, compassion and philanthropism are
manifested in addressing current global urgent issues such as combating
environmental pollution and climate change ...
Fifthly, transforming from fondness of learning, respecting Teacher and
honoring the Way to fondness of learning, respecting Teacher and honoring the
Way in the current period
fondness of learning is the need to improve and develop personality, to
build a career in the knowledge economy, at the same time, learning is a lifelong
task for everyone. Learning is always associated with respect and gratitude to
3.1.2. The causes of the positive transformation of Vietnamese traditional
ethical values today
The main causes of the positive transformation of Vietnamese traditional
ethical values are as follows: Firstly, the right orientation of the Party for social
development and building new people, building new ethics in our country today;
secondly, the positive, dynamic and humanistic impact of the socialist-oriented
market economy; thirdly, the impact of urbanization on the formation of residents
of the commodity economy and industrial life in our country today; fourthly, the
impact of globalization and international integration, expansion of relations of
economic, cultural and social exchanges in our country today.
3.2. Negative manifestations in the transformation of Vietnamese
traditional ethical values today and their causes
3.2.1. Negative manifestations in the transformation of Vietnamese
traditional ethical values today
Firstly, the manifestations of negative transformation in the patriotism of
some Vietnamese people today
In fact, there are still people "in the name of patriotism" want to deny the
leadership role of the Communist Party of Vietnam, denying the path to
socialism, distorting modern Vietnamese history, denying the achievements of
the reform process in Vietnam today. Some people are embezzling, profiteering,
stealing common property of the people, impoverishing the country's resources,
committing crimes of humiliating the nation, worsening the image of the
Vietnamese nation when going abroad.
Secondly, the manifestations of negative transformation in the solidarity and
sense of community of some Vietnamese people today
The disparity in income between social class has created an inferiority and
envy, significantly affecting the spirit of solidarity and a sense of community.
Pragmatic lifestyles have formed self-made individuals that make cohesion
among members of the families, villages and national community weaker.
Corruption is reducing people's confidence in the Party, damaging the great
national unity. Enemies try to take advantage, incite to break the national unity.
Thirdly, the manifestations of negative transformation in the diligence and
thriftiness of some Vietnamese people today
Due to the influence of pragmatic and consumer lifestyle, a part of young
people today do not care about the traditional value of the nation, lazy to work
and study, often forget their obligations and responsibilities with family and
society, falling into social evils.
Fourthly, the manifestations of negative transformation in the compassion
and philanthropism of some Vietnamese people
Currently, the violent, non-human lifestyle tends to increase; School
violence is worrying. Crime in Vietnam in recent years has increased rapidly and
has a high degree of inhumaneity, a series of new crimes have appeared such as
bank robbery, personal terrorism, extortion, kidnapping children... Love and
sharing are overwhelmed by material and money relations. There are those who
are willing to trample other people's lives as long as they have money like using
toxic substances to preserve fruits, food, using infected food to sell to others,
even to school kitchens.
Fifthly, the manifestations of negative transformation in the fondness of
learning, respecting Teacher and honoring the Way of some Vietnamese people
Lifestyles for money have reduced, deformed the studiousness and reduced
respect for teacher and moral. The story of teachers and students fighting is
heartbreaking, losing the sense of being deferential to teacher and respected for
moral in national tradition.
3.2.2. Some causes of negative manifestations in the transformation of
Vietnamese traditional ethical values today
The dark side of the market economy, integration, international
exchange and urbanization processes have adverse impacts on traditional moral
values; on the other hand, it must be acknowledged that the resistance of hostile
forces against communism, against the leadership of the Party, against the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam is increasingly sophisticated. Besides that, there
are some mistakes in practical direction, neglecting the management of agencies
and organizations who are responsible for the education of traditional ethical
values. In particular, some officials of the Party's organization and the State are
not exemplary but bureaucratic and corrupt, having a negative impact on the
thoughts and feelings of a part of the people.
In the context of industrialization and modernization, the traditional
Vietnamese ethical values still remain valid and clearly show their role in new
conditions. However, these moral values also have certain changes in the
content, form and scope due to the impact of the process of industrialization and
modernization. It is a two-sided impact of the market economy, the process of
urbanization, globalization and international integration, so the change of
traditional moral values also takes place in both positive and negative directions.
Promoting the positive impacts, overcoming the negative impacts of these
factors, the Communist Party of Vietnam as the leader of the construction of the
country and the people of Vietnam has actively and positively affected to
traditional ethical values. That influence has made the transformation of
traditional ethical values is in a positive direction, meaning in a way that better
meets the requirements of innovation and implementing industrialization and
modernization in current conditions.
Chapter 4
4.1. Some directions to ensure the transformation of traditional
Vietnamese ethical values is in a positive direction
4.1.1. Inheriting, preserving and promoting traditional ethical values for
the successful and sustainable development of the country
It is necessary to pay attention to the preservation and promotion of
traditional ethical values of the nation as the core values of Vietnamese culture,
which is a support for ethical and personality education, especially for ethical
education for the young generation. Because the young generation plays the role
of keeping the good ethical tradition of the nation that the previous generations
have cultivated and left. Therefore, creating an environment for the existence
and development of traditional ethical values is the basic factor that creates the
endogenous power of cultural elements in the new social construction.
In order to gradually build a harmonious development society, it is
necessary to ensure the unity between social interests, collective interests and
personal interests; there is a need to assess, adjust those relationships in a more
complete and dialectical way. In the relationship between personal ethics and
social ethics, we must pay attention to the principle of operation that benefits
both society and individuals.
In promoting the Vietnamese traditional ethical values today, it is mainly
arousing traditional ethical values, upholding pride, beliefs and wills,
contributing to self-affirmation of personal position in social life. In particular,
personal moral qualities such as self-esteem, honesty, humility, courage,
discipline, love for freedom, desire to learn... will be gradually inherited,
renewed and promoted in accordance with the new era.
4.1.2. Absorbing proactively the quintessence of human culture and
civilization to enrich Vietnamese traditional ethical values
In order to build an advanced culture imbued with national identity, it is
necessary to actively study, absorb positive values and human cultural
quintessence to enrich and renew our culture while avoiding a conservative
mindset or xenophobia.
The advanced culture imbued with the national identity that we are building
is the patriotic, humanistic and progressive culture; in which the core content is
national independence associated with socialism on the basis of MarxismLeninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought.
The protection of the national identity must be associated with the
expansion of international exchanges, the active selective acquisition of the
good, the advancement in the other culture and at the same time struggling
against the backward, outdated factors, allowing the nation to keep up with the
4.1.3. Promoting traditional ethical values to resist the tendency of
negative transformation to degrade the social environment
According to the experience of building and developing the market economy of
many countries in the world, they not only focus on developing economy,
science and technology, but also upholding ethical values. Because these values
in many cases have served as the driving force for their country's development.
Therefore, our respect for tradition and protection of traditional ethical values
are also the internal force for the sustainable development of Vietnamese society
at present and in the future. Country develops but is separated from the national
origin that will definitely be at risk of self-alienation. Implementing a market
economy and modernizing the country but denying traditional values (including
traditional ethical values) will lose the national identity, lose ourselves and
become the shadow of other people, of other nations.
4.2. Some solutions to ensure the transformation of traditional
Vietnamese ethical values in a positive direction
4.2.1. Promoting propaganda and education of traditional moral values to
improve moral responsibility for each individual
In the recent time, due to the influence of integration, due to ineffective
propaganda and education of traditional ethical values in the whole society, there
have been many phenomena in opposition to the tradition of the nation. For
example, the situation of abusing the right to freedom and democracy to
undermine the national solidarity; in the name of "patriotism", taking advantage
of the mistakes of some enterprises against investment cooperation in the
construction of the country; school violence, family violence, child sexual abuse,
child and women trafficking, and many social evils increase ... These things hurt
society, requiring us to pay attention to propaganda and education of traditional
ethical values in order to influence each individual, every family, each
collective, thereby helping each subject to self-awareness, self-assessment, selfadjustment their moral behavior according to positive trends.
The education of traditional ethical values will affect ethical consciousness,
directly contributing to awakening the conscience and ethical responsibility of
every human being, making the love, belief, reason and the will to follow
traditional ethical values to become their wisdom and creative power of new
humane society. Ethics is the basic feature of human nature; keeping the
traditional ethical values is to keep the original identity. Educating traditional
ethical values not only contributes to make people have "community nature" but
also helps each person to be closely connected with their community. The
solution to strengthen propaganda and education of traditional ethical values for
the whole society is to strongly influence the ethical consciousness, behavior and
relations of each subject. This is a very important solution to preserve and
promote the traditional ethical values of Vietnam and build people with good
moral qualities who love their homeland, fully aware of obligations and
responsibilities, determine to bring the country out of poverty and backwardness.
4.2.2. Improving the role of law in the protection, inheritance and
promotion of Vietnamese traditional ethical values
In recent times, public opinion strongly condemns the acts contrary to the
law and traditional ethical values of the nation such as corruption, smuggling,
social evils, domestic violence, school violence... This is the time when the law
needs to show its strength in re-establishing discipline, strictly handling cases of
corruption, smuggling, mistreating parents, violence against with children, child
sexual abuse, school violence... to protect the traditional ethical values of the
nation, creating a clean and healthy social environment to create conditions for
people participate in the development of the country.
Given the strong situation of external cultural products entering our country
through various information channels and international integration exchanges,
the law also needs regulations and measures to check the flow of those cultural
products because this is a field that directly and quickly affects the lifestyle of
young people. With the passion and quick adaptation to the strange and the new,
the young people are easily deflected when choosing, easily affected by the
modern but toxic flows of culture and ideas. The increase of the law in checking
cultural products is a necessary measure to help young people choose modern
values but still consistent with national cultural identity.
4.2.3. Building a healthy socio-economic environment, facilitating positive
changes in Vietnamese traditional ethical values
Traditional ethical values are a part of culture and are also an important part
of the social consciousness structure. The principle of Marxism-Leninism on
dialectical relations between social being and social consciousness has shown
that social being regulates social consciousness. Therefore, in the context of
market economy, urbanization, globalization and international integration, it is
necessary to build a healthy socio-economic environment to play a role as a
basis for the reflection of social consciousness in general, ethical values in
particular. We can only preserve and promote or transform in a positive way the
traditional ethical values in certain socio-economic conditions. Our central task
is to take care of economic development but we must realize that the country's
motivation to create prosperity and long-term development is not merely
investment capital, modern technology, rich resources but also creative abilities,
wills and virtues that are formed from cultural traditions, especially the ethical
tradition of the nation.
The Party and the State are certainly active and proactive in inheriting and
promoting traditional ethical values in new conditions. In the ethical life of the
people in the recent years, it is shown that, basically, traditional Vietnamese
ethical values have been transfomred in a positive way. However, due to the
impacts of the dark side of the market economy, the process of increasing
urbanization, globalization and international integration as well as due to a
number of weaknesses and limitations in management, the traditional ethical
values also have negative changes.
In order to overcome the negative changes, orient the transformation of
traditional ethical values in a positive direction, it is necessary to further
promote processes such as: Ethical education in general, education of traditional
ethical values in particular, innovating the content and scope of traditional
ethical values to suit new conditions; Further strengthening the role of law in
protecting and promoting the positive impact of traditional ethical values in all
areas of social and human activities; Promoting the construction of a healthy
socio-economic environment, creating favorable conditions for the inheritance,
renewal and promotion of traditional ethical values under new conditions.
Along with politics, culture and laws, ethics is an important element
involved in adjusting the consciousness, behavior and relationships of
individuals and communities to ensure their existence and development. The
ethical values are both the norms and the goal from the mind to the activities of
each person in society. Due to different conditions, historical circumstances and
levels of development, each national community has a different system of ethical
values. The ethical value system has movement and change throughout history,
forming traditional ethical values that contribute to create the identity and
unique character of each nation. At the same time, traditional ethical values
always promote a positive role in protecting the existence and promoting the
development of the nation community.
The traditional ethical value of the Vietnamese nation was accumulated
throughout thousands of years of heroic struggle to ensure the nation’s survival
and development to this day. Typical traditional ethical values are as follows:
patriotism, solidarity and a sense of community, compassion and
philanthropism, diligence and thriftiness, fondness of learning, respecting
Teacher and honoring the Way. However, traditional ethical values are not
immutable but in the process of development, also transform along with the
change of the history of struggle for national construction and defense, of the
cultural values exchange with other nations in the region and on the world. As
an endogenous strength, traditional ethical values are always a solid basis for
social movement, for the development of the country.
In fact, within the construction of the country in the context of a socialistoriented market economy, especially of globalization and international
integration today, traditional ethical values are transformed both in a positive
and negative way. The positive transformation of traditional ethical values in our