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1. Positioning the topic
In general, political-ideological education mission for workers of industrial
zones in the Southeast area is an important activity in the ideological work of the Party
to spread the ideology of the working class. This is a purposeful, active, and positive
activity of the subjects in order to influence the sense of community and individual
sense of labor in order to establish the leading position of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi
Minh Ideology in the spiritual life of the society, contributing to raise awareness /
knowledge; attitude, belief and socio-political activism, in order to effectively carry out
the political tasks of the Party, to abide by the constitution and laws of the State.
Since the country started its reforms that initiated and led by the Communist
Party of Vietnam, including the establishment of industrial parks and export processing
zones (EPZs), many job opportunities have been created for workers. From here, a new
group of workers appears: Workers in industrial zones.
The Communist Party of Vietnam affirms the position and the importance of
the working class for the country's development. Along with the promulgation of
guidelines and policies to take care and protect the legitimate rights and interests of
workers in industrial zones, the Party and State of Vietnam are always interested in the
work ofpolitical ideological education for this class, including workers of industrial
zone in the Southeast region. In the past years, the work of political ideological
educationfor workers in industrial zones in our country in general and in the provinces
of Southeast Asia in particular has had many innovations and achieved many results.
Related parties have put more effort into the content, methods, forms and means to
make the process more focused enhanced; resources for political ideological education
process have been used effectively, reasonably and economically; the level of political
awareness of workers in industrial zones in the area has been initially improved ...
However, the effectiveness of this work in many aspects still has limitations that need
to be acknowledged and evaluated, the solutions have to be considered both from
reasoning to practice. The limitations and inadequacies can be mentioned: A part of the
subject is not fully aware of this work and also considers it the work of the propaganda

agencies; Education level, political awareness level of a part of workers in industrial
zones is limited; While resources and time are limited, the content somtimes has not
yet defined the core elements to be transferred; A part of the subject has not been
trained in skills; Methods, forms and means in many places are slow to be renewed;
The mobilization and proper use and saving of resources are increasingly difficult, but
there are still no suitable solutions for effective use...
During the period of industrialization, modernization and international
integration, the working class in general, workers in industrial zones in particular are
still identified by the Communist Party of Vietnam as an important force in the whole
process. In the context of Vietnam joining many new generation of free trade
agreements, especially the Comprehensive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement
with strict regulations on trade union and labor issues, the work of industrial

construction investment for industrial zone workers has become more and more
important and urgent.
In the work of political ideological education for industrial zone workers, one of
the most important issues to consider is abourthe effectiveness. If this work brings
about practical effects, it has brought about real results, and also has limited the waste
of resources. In order to create practical results of the work of political ideological
education for industrial zone workers in the South East, it is necessary to have more
researches, needed supplement and development on both theory and practice to solve
problems stated by both theory and practices.
For the reasons mentioned above, the author chose the topic “The effectiveness
of political-ideological education mission for workers in the current Southeastern
industrial zones" to carry out the dissertation on Political Science study, ideology
2. Purposes, research mission
2.1. Research purposes

To improve the effectiveness of ideological and political training for labour
workers in industrial zones in the South East region, in order to contribute to develop a
contingent of politic-ideological workers.
Study the theoretical and practical issues of the effectiveness of politicalideological education mission for workers in the current Southeastern industrial zones,
propose the main solutions to improve the efficiency of this work.
2.2. Research mission
- Overview of domestic and foreign research works related to the topic;
Review the results of the research and set out the direction of the next study.
- The thesis clarifies the basic theoretical issues on the effectiveness of
political-ideological education mission for workers in the current Southeastern
industrial zones.
- Examining and evaluating the current situation regarding the effectiveness
of political-ideological education mission for workers in the current Southeastern
industrial zones.
- Identify the issues and propose some major solutions to improve the
effectiveness of political-ideological education mission for workers in the current
Southeastern industrial zones in the coming years.
3. Research subjects and the scope of study
3.1. Research subjects
The subject of research is the effectiveness of political-ideological education
mission for workers in the current Southeastern industrial zones.
3.2. Research scope
- Content: The dissertation research on the effectiveness of politicalideological education mission for workers in the current Southeastern industrial zones;
including enterprises working in export processing zones in the provinces and cities in
the Southeastern.

- Space: The thesis surveyed three provinces in Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai
and Binh Duong.

- Time: Surveyed from 2014 to 2017.
4. Rationale and research methods
4.1. Rationale
The thesis is based on the theoretical principles of Marxism-Leninism, Ho
Chi Minh’s Ideology; The Party's views and guidelines, the State's policies and laws;
tasks and solutions of localities in the SouthEast area on the effectiveness of
ideological education, the effectiveness of political-ideological education. The
dissertation will inherit, selectively research results of the scientific works related to the
4.2. Methodology and Research Methods
The thesis is based on the methodology of dialectical materialism and
historical materialism; The dissertation uses a combination of scientific research
Documentation methodology: This method is used to study scientific works,
books, newspapers, monographs, reports of the Propaganda department, trade unions
at all levels to learn the knowledge, theory and practice for research purposes of a
specialized subject.
Analytical and synthesis methods: Used to study the Party's undertakings and
resolutions; policies and laws of the State; reports of Propaganda Department, trade
unions at all levels in the province; Scientific works in and outside the country related
to the thesis.
Logical and historical methods: Use logical methods to find the nature,
necessity and rules of the content related to the topic. The dissertation presents
problems in the order of overseas research works to domestic research projects; Present
in chronological order so as to have the basis for reference the perfection,
supplementation and development of views and perceptions on contents related to the
subject in each period and time.
Statistical, comparative and observational methods: Statistics on data related
to communication mission and the effectiveness of the political-ideological education
mission for industrial zones in provinces and cities; compare the assessment and

comment of the subject and object; Comparing, evaluating, commenting of industrial
objects of different industrial zones in the area on age, education level, homeland ... to
both ensure the reliability of data and have the main assessment. We aim to devise
appropriate solutions for different subjects ...
Methodology of practical review and theoretical study: The dissertation
examines the materials of relevant domestic and foreign researchers and the practical
implementation of the political-ideological education for industrial zones as the basis
for the construction of theoretical framework as well as assessment of the situation and

Sociological Survey Methodology: The thesis uses questionnaire survey
methodology to provide indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the politicalideological education for industrial zones according to indicators from: Access,
cognitive, anthropometric consciousness; beliefs, attitudes; Form social activism. The
information collected from the questionnaire is encrypted, entered and processed by
the SPSS program. After cleaning the data, the data will be transformed to serve the
quantification of issues relating to the assessment of the effectiveness of the politicalideological education for industrial zones in the Southeastern. Specific results of the
study will be analyzed in detail in Chapter 2 of the thesis.
5. New contributions of the thesis
- The thesis presents concepts: ideology, ideology system, politics, politicalideological education, political-ideological education for workers in industrial zones.
- The thesis contributes to clarify the concept of workers in industrial zones
and workers in industrial zones in Southeast; Characteristics of industrial zone workers
in Southeast region.
- The thesis gives the concept of efficiency of political-ideological eduaction;
analyzing the inner meaning of that concept; setting out criteria to evaluate the
effectiveness of the political-ideological eduaction for industrial zone workers.
- From the criteria of efficiency classification and evaluation criteria of work
efficiency of political-ideological education in general, the fellow has concretized to
the objects of industrial zone workers in the Southeast region; Add a small part of the

evaluation criteria to suit the objects of industrial zone workers.
- From the analysis of the factors affecting the efficiency of politicalideological education for workers in industrial zones in Southeast region, the
dissertation analyzed the status of the efficiency ofpolitical-ideological education for
workers in industrial zones in Southeast region in current time.
- The thesis identifies six issues and six groups of solutions to improve the
efficiency of political-ideological education for workers in industrial zones in
Southeast region in the following years.
6. Theoretical and practical meanings of the thesis
- The results of the study contribute to a better explanation of the concepts
and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of political-ideological education mission
for workers in Southeastern industrial zones.
- With the results of the research, the dissertation can provide the scientific
foundation for the leaders of ministries, branches, provinces, cities, committees of
provinces, cities, especially the Central Committee, the localities in the Southeast area;
Labor Union at all levels, trade union of industrial zones in the South of Vietnam ... in
improving the effectiveness of industrial relations.
- The research results can be used as reference materials for Propaganda
Department staff, trade unions at all levels; making reference materials in research,
studying related contents about the infomercial, on mobilization of the public, on
industrial promotion.

7. Structure of the thesis
Apart from the introduction, conclusion, annex and list of reference materials,
the thesis has 03 chapters, 12 periods.
1. Research on political-ideological education
Foreign research: many books by foreign authors discussing politicalideological education have been translated into Vietnamese such as: The ideological
activity of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union by XL Xu-ro-ni-tren-co (editor);

Ideological educational work methodology by D.A. Von-co-go-nop…
Chinese authors are also interested in this content and there have been many
studies such as the Communist Party's theoretical argument in the period of reform and
opening; Communication of ideas in the new period; Methodology of contemporary
political-ideological education ...
Domestic research: In the country, there are many authors and many research
books related to the topic. The names might be different but the researchers in the
country agree on the task of political-ideological education as the tool to spread the
ideology, the platform, the way, the strategy of the subject (possibly of one class, of a
political party, of a force) in the masses for the purpose of enlightenment, enticing the
masses to follow the worldview and beliefs that the subject desires.
2. Research on political-ideological education for workers
Foreign research: Research on political-ideological education for workers
has also been conductedby foreign authors, especially Chinese authors. Basically, the
studies mentioned the position and role of Party building in non-state enterprises as
well as solutions to ensure harmonious interests between business owners and
employees. One of the solutions mentioned by many works is the political orientation
and affirming that if businesses do well in political-ideological education, they will
contribute to ensuring the harmony of interests of employers and workers.
Domestic research: In the country, this is the subject that draws many many
scientists’attention. The authors all basically agree that enlightenment and political
bravery for workers should be raised. In addition, many research projects have
proposed groups of solutions for political-ideological education for workers.
3. Studies related to the effectiveness of political-ideological education
3.1. Study on the concept of effectiveness of political-ideological education
Foreign research: Some foreign scientists of the Soviet Union and China
have discussed and researched the efficiency of political-ideological education. Some
authors of the Soviet Union and China, when discussing this content, have agreed that
the process ofeffectiveness evaluation should be consist of the comparisonbetween the
objectives and the results. Activity is comparable to the goal, but the effect must be

compared to the objectives.
Domestic research: The domestic research on this issue accounts for a large
number. Each author has their unique approach from different angles, but basically

agrees the concept of efficiency is correlated or compared with the intended purpose
and the cost to achieve that goal in certain condition.
3.2. Research on evaluating the effectiveness of political – ideological
Foreign research: Lenin has discussed a lot about efficiency in politicalideological education. According to Lenin, in order for political-ideological education
to be effective, it is necessary to have qualified and capable subjects. Lenin also said
that one of the criteria to assess the effectiveness of political-ideological education is
for the subject to understand the psychology, the desire, the needs of the object, and
stay close to the object. The famous French philosopher, Francois Jullien, in his book
Discussing the Efficiency, says that in order to be effective, it needs to work at the right
Chinese authors such as Cao To Minh and Tran Dinh in the article Evaluate
the effectiveness of the political-ideological education (in Chinese), suggest that to
assess the effectiveness of the political-ideological education, it is necessary to consider
the operation of the political-ideological educationin the combination with appropriate
expected target. Accordingly, in order to assess the effectiveness of politicalideological education, it must be based on 03 bases to build educational goals, assess
the level of spiritual civilization of the people and accurately determine the role of
political-ideological education...
Some Chinese scientists also study and analyze the evaluation of politicalideological education and propose solutions to accurately assess the data such as
Vuong Sa in the article Evaluating the political-ideological education data (Chinese );
Author Tong Quang Phat in the article How to develop political and ideological work
in factories in the new context today? (Chinese)…
Domestic research: In the article The communicator and the communication,
President Ho Chi Minh said: "Communication is to bring something to make the

people understand, the people remember, the people follow, and the people do". There
are many domestic researchers who are interested in the evaluation criteria of the
effectiveness of political work, the political-ideological education. The authors have
basically agreed to set the criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of political work
including: immediate effects, direct effectiveness and long-term effectiveness. The
domestic authors also basically agreed on the classification of performance evaluation
criteria of political-ideological education.
3.3. Research on measures to improve the effectiveness of politicalideological education in general and for workers in industrial zones in particular.
Foreign research: In the West, there are a number of articles and researches
on solutions to improve the effectiveness of political communication. These authors
believe that effective communication must use other forms when communicating for
different subjects and need to use simple and understandable content and language.
Most of the above Chinese authors agree on the concept that to improve the
effectiveness of political communicaition in general, the effectiveness of the political-

ideological education in particular needs to reform the form and method; identify
targets closely; create impact to change the social environment, the living environment
of the object. In addition, the content must be derived from social needs, from the
actual situation and from the needs of the object and must focus on improving the
qualifications of the receiving subjects; focusing in the application of information
technology advances ...
Domestic research: This is the content that many domestic scientists are
interested in and propose many solutions. Each author depends on different angles
giving different solutions. For example, from the perspective of communication, author
Luong Khac Hieu said that the requirement of an effective behavior change
communication message includes 07 criteria. From the perspective of communication
psychology, some authors think that it is necessary to apply phenomena and
psychological laws in communication. However, there is a basic conception of getting

a high consensus that in the book of Political-ideological rationale of the Communist
Party of Vietnam, author Luong Khac Hieu affirmed that in order to improve the
effectiveness of the program, it is necessary to have reasoning solutions, including:
Establish objective conditions favorable for the implementation of a politicalideological program and for the formation of socialist consciousness; study and grasp
the characteristics of the object and determine the purpose and content, select methods,
forms and means suitable to such characteristics; strengthen the leadership of the Party
and the State's management of political-ideological; improve the quality of ideological
staff; strengthening coordination in political-ideologicalwork and rational and
economical use of resources, fully exploiting the functions and effects of the inherent
means of political-ideologicalwork.
4. An overview of the results and the issues to be studied
4.1. Achievements
- Confirming the position and role of the ideological education, including the
political-ideological education, aimed at disseminating political knowledge, shaping
the belief and promoting the socio-economic impact of the program, became the
dominant social organization.
- Basically agree with the view that the effectiveness of the communcation
mission or political-ideological education is considered in the relationship between the
result and the purpose and cost. However, there is the view of Soviet scientists that the
effectiveness of ideological work is a comparison between goals and costs. " There is a
Chinese scientist who believes that performance evaluation should be compared both
to goals and goals.
- Several studies have provided criteria or criteria for evaluating the
effectiveness of the ideological work and political-ideological education.
4.2. The problems
- Many research projects, many scientists are still consistent in effectiveness
of the program with the effectiveness of political-ideological education.


- Only a few research projects have been systematically conducted about the
efficiency of the political-ideological education, there has not been any research on the
efficiency of political-ideological education for workers in general and workers in
industrial zones, including industrial zone workers in Southeast region in particular.
- In addition to the authors Luong Khac Hieu, Luong Ngoc Vinh, other
authors as mentioned above, basically examined the effectiveness of ideological
workor the effectiveness of political-ideological education as a correlation between
results,purpose and costs. However, this attempt has only been at the level of
correlation between the purpose and cost of the budget, but not the cost of resources.
- The majority of the above-mentioned foreign authors and domestic authors
have not yet considered efficiency as the correlation between results and costs.
- Among the scientists in Vietnam, there is a difference in the criteria for
evaluating the effectiveness of the ideological work or the results of the effectiveness
of political-ideological education.
4.3 Issues should be further researched
- Studying, inheriting and supplementing part of the concept of the
effectiveness of political-ideological education mission for workers in industrial zones
in general and the effectiveness of political-ideological education mission for workers
in Southeastern industrial zones in particular.
Inheriting, supplementing and clarifying the criteria for the effectiveness of
political-ideological education mission for workers in industrial zones in a specific
target: industrial zones in the SouthEast area.
- Forecasting factors influencing and analyzing the factors influencingthe
effectiveness of political-ideological education mission for workers in Southeastern
industrial zones, especially in the context of industrialization and modernization,
deepening international integration and revolution 4.0; survey and research to clarify
the reality of the effectiveness of political-ideological education mission for workers in
Southeastern industrial zones.
- Identify problems and propose new solutions to improve the effectiveness of
political-ideological education for workers in industrial zones in the Southeast.

Chapter 1
1.1. The concept of political-ideological education
1.1.1. Concepts related to the political-ideological education
Concept of thoughts:Thought is an existential form of human consciousness,
a product of thinking. Thought includes human notions, views about things and
phenomena of the world around them.
Concept of ideology system:The ideology is a system of theoretical ideas and
views that express the perception and appreciation of surrounding reality, stemming
from certain social interests of the ruling class; including political, economic, social,

legal, religious, moral, aesthetic, philosophical, religious, moral and philosophical ideas
and views ...
Concept of political:Politics is a relationship between this class and another
class in society, intimately related to political power; is the participation of the people
in state affairs; are the methods, ways, and political actions that classes and parties
make in the capture, control, and control of state activities to protect the interests of
their class.
1.1.2. The concept of political-ideological education
Political-ideological education is the process of organizing education,
propagation and perfection of Ideology of working class,particularly MarxismLeninism, Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology; Guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the
State; political knowledge of the nation and of mankind ... with the aim of enforcing
ideology of working class becoming the ideology dominating society; to raise the
political awareness, to build trust and to improve the socio-economic behavior of
cadres, party members and people of all strata.
1.2. Industrial workers and political-ideological education for workers in
industrial zones
1.2.1. Industrial zone workers –the concept

Concept of workers in industrial zones: Working class of Vietnam is a large,
growing social force, including manual and intellectual workers, wage earners in
various types of industrial production and business services, or business production
and services of industrial nature ...
Concept of workers: Workers are "manual workers working in wage
factories, workshops and construction sites”.
Concept of industrial zones:Industrial zones are areas specializing in
manufacturing industrial goods and providing services for industrial production, with
defined geographical boundaries, established under conditions, order and prescribed
Thus, workers in industrial zones in Vietnam: are manual and intellectual
workers, who earn wages in the types of industrial goods production and perform
services for industrial production in the region that has defined boundaries and
1.2.2. Concept, elements constituting political – ideologyeducation for
workers in industrial zones
Definition: Political-ideological education for industrial zone workers is the
communication and acquisition of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, Party's
guidelines; policies and laws of the State; political knowledge of ethnicity and
humanity ... in order to raise political awareness, build trust, improve the positivesocial, self-awareness and creativity of workers in labor, production and life.
Elements of political - ideological education for industrial zone workers
include:First, subject and object; Second, goals, objectives and content; Third, the
method; Fourth, the means; Fifth, effective.

1.3. The effectiveness of political-ideological education for workers in
industrial zones - Perception, classification, and criteria of evaluation
1.3.1. The effectiveness of political-ideological education for workers in
industrial zones

The effectiveness of political-ideological education:is the correlation between
the actual results achieved by the political-ideological education process and the
purpose of the political-ideological education (defined by specific objectives, relevance
and completion) This goal sets out and, with the most reasonable cost of resources in a
given social context, equips political knowledge, builds trust, promotes positive socioeconomic development.
The effectiveness of political-ideological education for workers in industrial
zones: is the correlation between the actual results achieved by the political-ideological
process for industrial zones with the purpose of setting up the political-ideological
education (defined by the specific objectives with the most reasonable cost of
resources, in a certain social conditions to equip political knowledge, forming beliefs,
promote the positive aspects of industrialization of industrial parks.
1.3.2. Classify the effectiveness of political-ideological education for
workers in industrial zones
Firstly, classifying according to the scope of impact: general effectiveness
and specific effectiveness.
Secondly, classifying by impact time: immediate effectiveness and long-term
Thirdly, classifying by impact field: having mental effect and practical
Fourth, classify according to the reality of efficiency: preliminary effect,
predictive efficiency and actual effectiveness.
Fifth, classify according to the level of achievement compared to the target,
the purpose: intended effectiveness and unintended effectiveness.
1.3.3. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of political - ideology
education for workers in industrial zones Group of criteria for correlation between results with goals
Firstly, the subjects determine whether the target is right and appropriate.
Secondly, whether the target is appropriate or not, is too high or too low.
Thirdly, whether to achieve and exceed the set goals. Group of criteria for correlation between results with purposes

One is the standard of knowledge. This effect is assessed by the criteria of
awareness and knowledge.
Regarding awareness: The lowest level to see if the political-ideological work
for industrial zone workers is effective is whether the object is interested andwilling to
receive the content that the subject conveys. Do workers really have the desire to learn
and understand political issues such as Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's Thought,
the Party's and State's guidelines and policies?

Regarding knowledge: The level of knowledge of the subjects about Marxism
- Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thoughts; the level of understanding of the Party's and
State's undertakings and policies in general and the guidelines and policies directly
related to the workers themselves; to what extent new knowledge is received compared
to before becoming a worker; After each session, how does a new phase of the
political-ideological education has expanded the workers’ knowledge.
Second, the standard of trust: (1). The level of trust in the correctness of
Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, Party's guidelines and policies, and the
State's policies and laws, believe in the assurance of fairness of public agencies.(2).
Ability to orient and appreciate the facts, steadfast stance and perspective, especially in
difficult situations. (3). Conscious in fighting to protect the correctness of Marxism Leninism, Ho Chi Min's Thought; guidelines and policies of the Party and State. (4).
Demonstrated in a strong political spirit, not wavering before all difficult
circumstances, fighting and showing the attitude towards wrong and hostile views on
ideology and politics; negative manifestations in society and in life.
Thirdly, practical standards: To be evaluated at the positive politic-society
level based on the following criteria:
Firstly, industrial zone workers themselves have a high sense of civic duty,
reflected in exemplary implementation of civic obligations.
Secondly, actively and voluntarily participating in the research, development,
communication and dissemination of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's Thought;

guidelines and policies of the Party and the State.
Thirdly, actively and voluntarily participating in different areas of social
work; on the completion of political tasks set before society; on the management of the
work of the State, the collective, of the organization and social affairs.
Fourthly, actively and voluntarily participating in building the Party's lines
and policies, the constitution and laws of the State; participating in the election of
governmental agencies; social-cultural organizations; participate in building the Party
Fifth, participate actively and voluntarily in the struggle against negative
phenomena in political life such as bureaucracy, violating people's ownership,
corruption, political apathy ...
1.4.3. Group of criteria for correlation between results and costs
Firstly, criteria for using human resources in political - ideology education
for industrial zone workers: Considering the rationality and savings of the use of
human resources for the entire operation and for each activity of political-ideological
eduacation; mobilization scale and intensity of use more or less.
Secondly, criteria for using funds, facilities, means in political - ideology
education for industrial zone workers: Considering the reasonableness of the allocation
of resources and materials for each activity, for the stages and processes of the work of
investment and construction. For an activity in the process of political-ideological

education, the cost of finance, facilities, must be at the lowest, but the result is at the
Thirdly, criteria for using time in political – ideology education for workers in
industrial zones: Considering at the time of implementing the objectives of the work of
political-ideological education.Does it take place as planned? In time or late? The total
time spent on each activity and the total time spent on this work in each stage is more
or less. Rationality, savings of time allocation for each activity is high or low.

Chapter 2
2.1. Characteristics; impact factors and situation of the efficiency of
political-ideological education or workers of industrial zones in the Southern
region in current time
2.1.1. Overview of industrial zones and characteristics of workers in
industrial zones of the Southeast region
Overview of industrial zones in the South East region: South East region
includes 05 provinces: TP. Ho Chi Minh, Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Binh Duong, Binh
Phuoc, Dong Nai and Tay Ninh. There are 116 IPs, EPZs and economic zones in
operation with an area of 37,946.29 hectares. The number of valid projects is 4,937
with registered capital of 69,014,488 thousand USD (in addition to 50,249,580
thousand dong).
Characteristics of workers in industrial zones in the Southeast: The Southeast
region has currently 1,039,795 workers working in industrial parks, EPZs and
economic zones. Particularly, the three localities that the survey conducted are TP. Ho
Chi Minh, Dong Nai and Binh Duong, a total of 748,078 people, accounting for
72.01% of the total number of workers in the area.
Workers of industrial zones in the South East have characteristics, that is:
Over 95% of industrial zone workers in Southeastern region work in non-state
enterprises. Most workers in industrial zones have limited education levels, many of
them before becoming workers have not had basic access to political and ideological
contents. Female workers account for a high proportion of the overall labor structure of
industrial parks in the Southeast region. The majority of workers in industrial zones in
the Southeast region are immigrants and work in enterprises in the service and
industrial production sectors. Workers in industrial zones in the South East region
work in enterprises under the management of business owners, most of whom are

South Korea and Taiwan. All of the above characteristics of industrial park workers in
the SouthEast region will have a significant impact on the efficiency of politicalideological education development.
2.1.2. Factors affecting the effectiveness of political – ideological education
for workers in industrial zones in the Southeast

13 Objective factors
Firstly, globalization and international integration: This is an inevitable trend
of the society and certainly has impacted on all areas of the country, including the work
of political-ideological education.
Secondly, the revolution of science and technology and knowledge economy:
The work of political-ideological education for workers will be effective when the
utility of information technology is exploited and widely applied. However, the biggest
limitation is that in the context of the current globalization of information, it may affect
a part of workers that are bad information, malicious information on social networks is
increasingly overwhelming while the workers themselves do not have the knowledge
to "resist".
Thirdly, the socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam has gradually
improved: In a socialist-oriented market economy; The Communist Party of Vietnam
pays more attention to its workers in industrial zones, so the life of workers in
industrial parks has gradually improved. The team of workers has the conditions to pay
more attention to the political issues of the country. However, in the process of
implementing the socialist-oriented market economy, there have been limitations and
shortcomings that need to be addressed. Political-ideological educationwork will
contribute to solve these shortcomings.
Fourth, the working environment and social environment: With a democratic,
transparent and protected work environment, being cared for, being listened to, free to
express opinions and surely workers will be very attached to that environment and
more interested in politics.

Fifth, natural conditions: Natural conditions such as topography, weather,
and population ... have certain impacts on work efficiency of political-ideological
Sixthly, economic and political conditions: Strong political system,
ideological institutions, and cybercriminals are established. The open political climate,
the attention of the Party and the State for workers is expressed by issuing guidelines
and policies to meet the practical and legitimate interests of workers. Stimulating and
promoting their enthusiasm for learning and creativity, helping them to believe, expect
more into the regime and they will pay more attention to the essential issues as well as
political issues.
Seventh, the guidelines and policies of the Party and the State on workers:
The guidelines and laws of the Communist Party of Vietnam on promoting
industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge
economy; developing a socialist-oriented market economy, expanding and positively
and proactively integrating into the international economy in association with the
position, role and great task of the working class which is the basis for facilitating
workers growing and increasing awareness of political enlightenment. Subjective factors

Firstly, on the leadership, management and interest of the subjects: The
attention, leadership, direction and implementation of the subjects reflected in the goal
setting, planning and identify appropriate measures to implement.
Secondly, the quantity and quality of the ideological key members: The
quantity and quality of the thinkers is the factor to ensure efficiency.
Thirdly, suitable, practical, attractive content, methods, forms and means:
The mobilization and use of many different methods, forms and means will help the
object have many other options. each other to approach the content and it is also a
measure to help promote the synergy of the forces in the construction of politicalideological education.

Fourthly, the synchronous, modern and advanced methods of using vehicles
and facilities: Modern and synchronous facilities will contribute to help limiting costs
and increasing the attractiveness of content, cost reduction of human resources of the
2.2. Results and status of the effectiveness of political - ideological
education for workers in industrial zones in the Southeast
2.2.1. Results of political - ideological education work for industrial zone
workers in the Southeast region
Firstly, communicating Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's Thought, Party
Resolutions, and political events: On average, there are 68.28% of workers in industrial
zones in the province being communicated each year.
Secondly, communication and law dissemination: On average, 69.89% of
workers in industrial zones in the province are communicated on the law every year.
2.2.2. Practical situation of the effectiveness of political - ideological
education for workers in industrial zones in the Southeast Identifying and setting goals
- Achievements: Subjects of political-ideological education for industrial
zoneworkers in Southeast region were interested in identifying annual, half-term and
term-based targets. There are localities that have defined targets with specific numbers.
- Constraints: The goal is seeing, measuring, counting. The more specific and
clear the goal is, the easier it is to do it. However, in all three areas that the research
topic has examined, in some years, there is a locality that identifies the goal but is
primarily qualitative and confuses the goal with the content. Political - ideological awareness of workers
Firstly, on the level of participation in the communication process, politicalideological education communication: The survey results show that, 50.5% of
respondents said that they regularly participated in communication and education
sessions about Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's Thought. There are still 49.5% of
respondents saying that they still do not often participate in communication sessions on
Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's Thought.
Secondly, on the level of excitement: 39.16% of respondents showed their

excitement at occasional level; 50.33% of respondents said they were not interested.

Also, about the level of excitement when attending the law communication sessions,
20.83% of respondents chose occasional level, and 12% of opinions not interested.
Thirdly, about the level of desire to learn: There was a part of workers who
wanted to learn about Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thoughts with 17.16%
data. However, the level of desire to learn about the law is quite high, with 67.16% of
Fourthly, the level of interest in ongoing events and phenomena: The results
of the research show that basically industrial zone workers in the area are interested in
current national and international issues (74.16% of comments). However, there are
still 18.83% of respondents saying that they are not interested and 07% of respondents
have difficulty answering. Political - ideological knowledge of workers
Firstly, the level of understanding of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's
thought; guidelines and resolutions of the Party: The survey results show that there are
a number of workers in industrial zones in Southeastern region have basic knowledge
about Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's Thought, the Party, resolutions of the Party
with 22.66% claim to have good knowledge.
However, the survey showed that the awareness of Marxism-Leninism and
Ho Chi Minh's thoughts among workers in industrial zones in the area is still limited
when there are 55.66% claiming only understand the content at average level and
21.67% showed poor understanding.
Secondly, the level of understanding of the State's legal policies, especially
those directly related to workers themselves: Up to now, 100% of employers have
been communicated and disseminated the Labor law and legal regulations related to
the operation of enterprises, more than 85% of workers are disseminated labor laws as
well as legal regulations relating to the rights and obligations of citizens and workers.

The survey results show that 43.67% of respondents have a good
understanding of the law. However, there are still 45.5% with average awareness and
10.83% perceiving themselves with poor awareness.
Thirdly, about new knowledge received: Most workers when asked answered
they have knowledge of the political, economic, cultural and social aspects of the
country after being employed as workers (68.18 %). 24.83% said they had knowledge
before entering and 07% said they have the knowledge both before and after. About faith
Firstly, the level of trust in the correctness of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi
Minh's thought, Party's guidelines and policies, and the State's policies and laws,
believe in the fairness of the Public authorities: The survey results show that 63.67%
of respondents sometimes believed and sometimes not. At the level of distrust, there is
still 24% of opinions and 12.23% of opinions showed difficulty in answering.
Regarding the level of confidence in the Party's guidelines and the current
State's policies on laborers: The majority of workers in industrial zones in the province
believe with the data of 61%, 14.33% said that sometimes they do, sometimes they

don’t. However, 24.66% of respondents said that they were not interested and have
difficulty in answering.
Secondly, the level of orientation and appreciation of events, steadfast stance
and perspective, especially in difficult situations
Regarding the policies of the Party and the State for employees at the current
enterprises: The survey results of the project showed that 46.67% of respondents said
they were interested. However, there were still 40.83% showed little attention, 7.33%
said they was not interested and 5.17% said it was difficult to answer.
Regarding the regimes and policies in enterprises: There are 48.5% of
respondents said that they were interested. However, there are still 42.83% of
respondents saying that there is little interest, 4.67% said that they are not interested

and 04% have difficulty answering.
Third, the level of struggle to protect the correctness of Marxism-Leninism,
Ho Chi Minh's Thought; guidelines, guidelines and policies of the Party and State
The survey results also show that some workers have begun to have
awareness and action in participating in the struggle and protection of the Party's
guidelines and policies. 11% of respondents said that they would try to argue when a
person works or resides misrepresenting the Party's guidelines and the policies of the
State. Of course, this is a big problem that requires proactive participants to have a
certain level of education and reasoning. Therefore, the survey results of the topic show
that up to 85.83% of respondents said they would listen and not argue ...
Fourthly, in terms of political bravery, participating in struggle, expressing
attitudes towards wrong views, hostile ideology and politics; negative manifestations
in society and in life
The majority of workers in industrial zones in Southeast Asia are now
working hard and a part of workers involved in the management of the community. A
part of workers participated in self-managed teams in the community, participating in
ensuring social security and safety in residential areas and in industrial zones. The
festival for national security held annually in industrial zones attracted many workers
to participate. Positive expression in the field of political and society
A part of industrial zone workers in Southeast area has a high sense of civic
obligations, exemplary in labor and in life. The majority of workers obey well the
guidelines and policies of the Party and the State. Previously, there was a situation
where workers reacted violently when business owners insulted; However, recently,
before this situation, most of them have chosen to report to the union and responsible
agencies of the State. Not only in labor, in daily life, regional workers have participated
in many voluntary movements for the community such as saving lives, contributing to
building mutual funds to support those unfortunate workers suffer from accidents,
diseases ...
A part of workers (34.16%) said that there was communicated about

Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, Party's policy, State's law for relatives.

However, this is a work that requires a lot of work, so there are still 50.16% of
respondents saying that they do not communicateand 15.67% said that they sometimes
However, the majority of respondents when asked said they would be willing
to provide comments on the Party's guidelines and policies of the State if they were
offered with 62.83% availability by the responsible agencies. 19.5% are not available
and 17.67% indicate when they are sometimes available and sometimes not.
In the XIV National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the
2016-2021 term, the rate of workers in industrial zones in the Southeast region went
very high in the election (over 98%). This result also basically coincides with the
research results of the project when 98.67% said they were willing to participate in the
There was a part of workers who had knowledge about the Party and wished
to be admitted to the Party. Survey results of the project showed that 25% of
respondents said they had a desire to be admitted to the Party. However, there are still
36.33% of respondents show their interest at ocasional level and 38.67% said there was
no desire. About mobilizing and using resources to serve political –
ideologyeducation for workers
Firstly, the mobilization of human resources
Results: Over the past years, stakeholders have focused on building and
strengthening the contingent of political reporters, communicators and workers in
general, including industrial zone workers. In addition, the Labor Federation of
provinces and cities also recruited and fostered a contingent of legal communicatos
who are workers to directly provide legal advice and communication to workers,
especially legal advice.

Communication Board of provinces and cities have regularly coordinated
with the Provincial Political School, City Cadres Academy to open professional and
professional training courses for reporters and communicators. At the district-level
training centers in the provinces and cities in the South East region, they often open
classes on communication and mobilization skills for trade union officials and core
Limitations: The qualifications and skills of the reporters and
communicatorsamong workers are still uneven. Many people have not received basic
training in communication skills. The socialization, building the core force in workers
to become rapporteur, communicators is still limited. Coordination among subjects in
the area has not been matched ...
The survey results show that 32.66% of respondents said that they were not
interested in participating in communication sessions about Marxism-Leninism, Ho
Chi Minh's thought, Party's resolution because of the way of transmission was not
interesting and unattractive. This rate is 75% when participating in communication

sessions on law. The survey results of the thesis show that the attractiveness and
persuasion when communicating has not yet created interest for the subjects.
Secondly, on mobilizing financial resources, facilities, documents and means
Each year, in addition to general documents issued by the Central; Each
province and city in the region has spent billions of VND for political-ideological
education projects by investing in newspapers and magazines for workers and
expenses for other political-ideological activities. At present, the document of politicalideological for industrial zone workers in the area is very diverse and rich, including
documents issued by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and agencies of the
provinces and cities.
With the support of enterprises and mass organizations, a number of inns,
worker accommodation areas near industrial zones have been equipped with television,
karaoke, bookcases to create conditions for entertainment workers, more information,

social knowledge. The Labor Federation of districts and districts in the province have
collaborated with the landlords to organize regular activities with workers on issues
that concern workers ...
However, with a large staff of over one million people, mobilizing financial
resources, facilities, materials, and key facilities is still difficult and a burden for the
budget. Social work, especially the contribution of business owners for this work is not
Thirdly, about mobilization and use of time
Various forms of political-ideological have been used by the subjects to save
time. For example, at present, the "Accompanying with workers" program of Binh
Duong Radio and Television is broadcast at 12:30 on every Thursday and replayed at
9:30 am every Sunday, which is a convenient time. In order for employees to hear, if
they cannot hear it on Thursday afternoon, they still have the conditions to listen again
on Sunday morning ... The most mobilized time is the time in the 08 hour working
hours as prescribed by enterprise. However, the localities in the area have worked with
enterprises for employers to create conditions for workers to participate. All time
workers attend school are paid salary and social insurance regimes according to
regulations. In businesses, there have been many cultural and cultural activities that are
facilitated by business owners for workers during working hours if they coincide with
the national holidays.
Basically, the mobilization and use of time for political-ideological work for
industrial zone workers is quite reasonable. However, in fact, there are some
communication contents that need to be timely, when deployed to workers, they have
lost their topicality and there are unfortunate incidents that happened due to this
2.2.3. Correlation between results and goals, outcomes and purpose and
results and resource use Correlation between results and goals

Regarding the content of communication and dissemination of Party
resolutions and political events: The target is 88.33%, the result is 68.28%.
Regarding legal communication: The set target is 88.33%, the result is
69.89%. Correlation between results and purpose
Regarding the level of awareness about Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's
thought, the Party's guidelines and resolutions: As a result, 68.28% of workers in the
area were communication. The survey of the research results shows that 78.32% of
self-assessment opinions have a level of awareness about Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi
Minh's thought, Party's guidelines and resolutions, in which self-assessment is good
8.66%, quite good 14%, average 55.66%. 21.67% having poor self-assessment.
For legal awareness: Results of 69.89% of workers in the area were
communicated. The survey of the topic showed that 11.67% claimed to be good, 32%
quite good, 45.5% average and only 10.83% self-identified as poor.
On the level of trust in the correctness of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's
Thought; Only 10.67% believed, 53% said it was sometimes. However, up to 24%
said they did not trust and 12.33% said it was difficult to answer.
The level of trust in the Party's guidelines and the State's policies and laws
towards laborers: 61% of respondents said they believed; 14.33% said sommetimes.
Only 8.33% said they did not trust and 16.33% said it was difficult to answer.
Regarding the positive approach - Socialism: Only 3.11% of respondents said
that they would argue and deny when someone misrepresents the Party's guidelines
and policies and the State's policies and laws; 7.33% of the opinions said that there was
debate but not convincing; 85.83% said they listened but did not argue and 3.17% said
they would take other actions.
With the question of whether someone invited to participate in protests,
strikes, illegal work: 68.83% said they did not participate; 5.5% of respondents said
that they would persuade people to invite themselves to join when the union organizes.
Still 17.67% said they would join and 8% said it was difficult to answer.

Efficiency of political-ideological education for industrial zone workers in
Southeast region is measured from the object through the results of awareness /
knowledge survey; attitude / belief and positive political-social awareness of the object.
If comparing the above survey results with the results of the political-ideological
educationfor workers in the industrial zones in the area, it is shown that the
effectiveness of the political-ideological educationwork for the workers in the area is
achieved basically in the receiving areas. consciousness, knowledge; attitude, belief.
Social activeness is still very limited. Compare results with resource use
From the comparison of results and goals, goals and resources, it can be
affirmed: The achieved results are not corresponding to the set objectives; comparing
the correlation between results and purpose, basically achieving the set purpose in
awareness / knowledge, attitude / belief but not yet effective in promoting positive

political-social awareness (The most important thing that the subject expects and
wants). The correlation between results and resources is quite high.
2.3. Issues about the effectiveness of political – ideologyeducation for
workers in industrial zones in the Southeast region today
Firstly, the contradiction between the need to improve qualifications,
capabilities and qualities with the limitations of current subjects.
Secondly, the contradiction between the requirement to improve the
efficiency of political-ideological education work for industrial zone workers in the
area with the limitations of the object.
Thirdly, the contradiction between the requirement to renovate the contents of
political-ideological educationwork for workers in the area with the shortcomings of
the content of the political-ideological educationis currently used in the locality.
Fourthly, the contradiction between the need to innovate methods and forms
of political-ideological educationwork for workers with the delay of this work;

between the requirements of using modern facilities with the backwardness of current
Fifth, conflict between the consistency of political-ideological
educationsystem with the environment, conditions for the construction of politicalideological educationfor workers in the area.
Sixth, the contradiction between requirements is growing with limited
resources available.
Chapter 3
3.1. Raising awareness, responsibility and capacity of the subjects;
focusing on building organizations, apparatuses, and the people
The subjects must be aware of the position and the role of the work efficiency
of political-ideological education to lead the effective implementation of the politicalideological education work for workers. In particular, the Party organizations and trade
unions in enterprises in the industril zones must really become a solidarity center, a
place to protect the legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers. The
subjects need to create a favorable political environment for industrial zone workers to
participate in political processes.
In addition, the subjects need to pay special attention to the construction of
organizations, apparatuses and people, that is to build institutions and teams of people
who work in the Center of investment and construction, the team of reporters and
declarers, communicator.
3.2. Improve the self-awareness and initiative of the object; political
qualifications and sense of responsibility of workers
Every worker needs to eliminate the way of thinking that politics is the work
of Party and State agencies. The efficiency of the political-ideological educationwork

of industrial zone workers in the Southeast region is reflected in the positive-socialism

of the workers themselves. Political-ideological educationis a very important and
necessary political activity. To actively participate in this work requires workers to
constantly learn to improve their level and understanding of the way and policy; being
knowledgeable, have deep faith in these issues, have the ability to communicate to
Each worker needs to be aware and fully aware of his or her social position.
For the construction of the country in the current socialist orientation, the workers must
always be consistent with the Party's ideals, support and effectively implement the
Party's guidelines and policies of the State. Along with that, it is necessary to always
uphold the spirit of caution before the plot of "peaceful evolution", "subversive riots"
of hostile forces. In order to exercise active ownership, workers must have certain legal
knowledge, so they must constantly study to improve their knowledge of law.
3.3. Mastering the characteristics of industrial zone workers in the South
East region to select appropriate content
The subjects need to understand the social characteristics of workers such as:
Occupation, education level, hometown, gender, age ... The grasp of this psychological
trait will help the subjects understand objects, understanding their characteristics, needs
and acceptability to map out goals, determine goals and choose appropriate content,
forms, methods and means.
3.4. Select appropriate methods, forms and means
Firstly, diversifying and selecting appropriate methods: It is necessary to
focus on selecting methods in a diversified way, suitable to the objects, based on
geographical areas and time points. Selection of communication methods must be rich,
diverse and flexible; suitable to working conditions, cognitive characteristics, thinking
of each type, each group of workers. The method of impact needs to be skillful,
persistent and delicate. Political-ideological educationfor industrial zone workers in
Southeast region must be in a practical and specific direction associated with issues
closely related to the rights and legitimate interests of the object; associating with
mechanisms and policies, protecting the interests of workers in a concrete, practical,
non-dogmatic, uncompromising reason, without pressing ...

Secondly,using a variety of forms: To improve the efficiency of politicalideological educationwork for workers and subjects in the area, it is necessary to
continue to promote the advantages of each type of communication, such as: Word of
mouth; communication on the mass media; conference; books and publications; talk of
news, exchange - dialogue; cultural and cultural activities ... Using flexible forms of
internal radio, wall newspaper, distributing leaflets directly at production lines, inns ...
Thirdly,modernization and application of modern facilities: Party committees
and authorities in Southeast region should focus on modernizing and standardizing the
system of technical and material facilities and technical facilities; special application of
information technology in political-ideological education.

3.5. Paying attention to improving the material and spiritual life of
workers, building a healthy social environment
Firstly, taking care of the material life of workers: Taking care of material
benefits for workers in industrial zones in Southeast region first of all by issuing and
implementing economic policies to meet the interests and legitimate aspirations of
workers, including: Labor and employment; salaries and allowances; reward and
discipline; insurrance; health policy; policies on education and training ... Policies
issued must ensure the encouragement of laborers to work enthusiastically. To do this
well, trade unions at all levels need to monitor and supervise the signing of collective
labor agreements and sign long-term labor contracts at enterprises today. The State
management agencies in the area should closely monitor, inspect and supervise
enterprises in the Industrial Zone to carry out working time and pay according to the
provisions of the Vietnam Labor Law on overtime work. especially subsidy policies
such as professional and toxic allowances ...
Secondly, take care of the spiritual life for workers by practical jobs: Local
authorities and authorities in the area need to invest in building cultural institutions for
workers. Responsible entities need to conduct other solutions simultaneously such as
creating conditions for land, capital and procedures for private construction of cultural

areas, recreation, entertainment and sports training for workers. Interested in building
cultural institutions for workers in residence such as: Cultural house; yard, gym;
building bookcases in the inns ...
Thirdly, building a healthy, cultural, harmonious and democratic working
environment and social environment: Creating conditions for employees to know, to
be consulted, to decide and supervise issues, topics related to their rights, interests,
obligations and responsibilities. Establishing a harmonious and stable labor
relationship, contributing to preventing and limiting labor disputes in the production
and business process.
Party committees and administrations at all levels in localities with large
numbers of workers in industrial zonrs need to focus on reviewing and solving
difficulties and problems of workers' lives. Need to focus on issues directly related
such as salary, housing, health care, insurance, work environment. Coordinate
localities where workers reside, build a healthy and safe culture and social
environment, promote the grassroots democracy movement and build a cultural
quarter, cultural family ...
3.6. Mobilizing and using resources rationally and economically
Pay attention to gradually increase the level of investment in funds, facilities,
equipment for political-ideological education activities in the direction of
modernization, suitable to the needs and level of development of the current society.
The provincial Party Committee, Municipal, People's Council, People's Committees of
provinces and cities in the region need to include in the annual action plan and work
plan stipulating a list of funds in the regular budget for the work of investment and

construction of the Center worker. Attention should be paid to mobilizing socialized
resources and raising the responsibility of enterprises to contribute to this work.
It is necessary to calculate the reasonable time for the operation of politicalideological educationso that the use of time is reasonable, economical and appropriate
but can convey the most content and help the object to receive effectively.

The effectiveness of the communciation work in general, the effectiveness of
political-ideological education is an issue that has been researched by many scientists
both at domesstic and international level. However, there is no high agreement on the
content, especially the issue of efficiency criteria. The effectiveness of politicalideological education for workers in industrial zones in the South East region is quite a
new issue, requiring a deep and comprehensive research and explanation under the
perspective of science and thought.
Inheritance and development of the research works the effectiveness of
political-ideological education for workers, apply to industrial zones in the SouthEast.
From communication work’s point of view, in order to achieve the effect of
conducting ideological processes; Each thought process is composed of the following
elements: subject, object, purpose, content, form, method and means. Improving the
effectiveness of political-ideological education is in essence the effective
implementation of the processes of this work with the identification of appropriate
objectives, the accomplishment of these goals; improve the understanding of politics,
strengthen the belief and arouse and promote the social activeness of the object.
The effectiveness of political-ideological education for workers in industrial
zones in the Southeast is happening in the context of both advantages and
disadvantages; Many factors influence the difficulty and complexity. However, with
the attention and efforts of the subjects, the work of political-ideological education for
workers in industrial zones in South East region has practical effects. Firstly, the
effectiveness of this work is reflected in the fact that the subjects in the area have
correctly identified and won the objectives and basically defined the objectives.
Secondly, awareness and knowledge of a part of workers has been enhanced, especially
compared to before they were recruited; The attitude and belief of a part of workers has
been increasingly consolidated. Thirdly, a part of workers has shown social activeness
through labor, through participating in unions, fighting, preventing negative
manifestations, losing democracy ... in businesses and in residence. However, in order
to make this work more effective, there are still many difficulties and challenges,
especially the difficulties of the troble life of a part of workers in the industrial zones in

the area.
Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of political-ideological
education work for workers in industrial zones in the area, it is necessary to implement
a lot of synchronous solutions as proposed in Chapter 3. Effective comunication work
in general and working efficiency of political-ideological education in paricular,
especially the effectiveness of the political-ideological education work for industrial

zone workers in the Southeast region is currently a matter of continued concern in the
current context. Research results of the thesis are just initial steps, suggestive in
studying the efficiency of political-ideological education in a specific object, in a
specific locality. New context, the new situation of both domestic and international,
especially when Vietnam has signed to join CPTPP and the 4th revolution is coming
very fast, will certainly change every aspect of society, in the team of workers,
especially workers in industrial zones, is expected to be affected and showed the
biggest impact. Therefore, it is certain that in the performance of political-ideological
education, there will be new issues that need to be studied and interpreted.

1. Vu Trung Kien (2014), "Raising the political and legal awareness of
grassroots trade unions and workers in Dong Nai", Journal of Labor and
Trade, No. 554.
2. Vu Trung Kien (pseudonym: Hong Phuc), (2017), "Opportunities and
challenges for workers and trade union organizations in Vietnam within the
context of joining TPP", Binh Duong Labor Magazine, 2017.
3. Vu Trung Kien (2017), "The Criteria for Evaluating the Effectiveness of
Political-Ideological Education for Workers," Journal of Political Science,

4. Vu Trung Kien (2017), "About the term of political-ideological education",
Journal of Education of Vietnam, 2017.
5. Vu Trung Kien (2017), "Issues on the effectiveness of political-ideological
education for workers in industrial zones in the Southeast of Vietnam",
Journal of Trade Unions, No. 629.
6. Vu Trung Kien, (2017), "Training of Communication Officers to meet the
Current Social Needs", National Workshop organized by the Central
Commission for Communication and Education and the Academy of
Journalism and Communication.
