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giao an E8 (p1,2)

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Gi¸o ¸n Anh 8 &! Ng« ThÞ Lùu
Preparing date:...../......./........
Teaching date:...../......./........
Period 1 : Revision+ guidelines for learning E 8
I.The aims and objectives
- To help ss review some important language points in English 7 .
- To provide the ss with some good ways of studying the text book : E8
- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to remember some important
language points in English 7
* Teaching points :Review some important language points in English 7 .
II. Preparation
1,Teacher : a poster, a text book
2, Students :text books, revision language points in English 7
III. Produces
1. Organization. (2’)
2. Checking up the previous lesson : While teaching a new lesson
3. New lesson :(40’)
Teacher’s activitives Students’ activitives
I. Revision .
Ask ss to do exercises in pairs
1. Ex1: Choose the best answers
a, Nam usually (get/ gets/ is getting ) up at
b, I like soccer, (too/so/either/neither )
does Lan
c, I am not a teacher. She isn’t
( too/so/either/neither)
d,They (play/are playing/will play )
volleyball now
e, we (meet/are meeting/will meet) in front
of the school tomorrow

f, Jane is a ( skillfull/ skillfully) tennis
g, Don’t eat (too many/ too much/ a few)
h, you should ( study / studying/ to study )
- Do exercises in pairs
- answer T’s feedback
a , gets
b, so
d, are playing
e,will meet
f, skillfull
g, too much
I, quickly
J, bought
i, He ran ( quik/quickly)
j, Yesterday I (buy/bought/will buy) a new
2. Ex2: complete the table
-Ask ss to copy the table and complete it in
3 min
Adjective Comparative Superative

II, Guidelines for learning E8
Tiếng anh lớp 8 nhằm tiếp tục n©ng cao
tr×nh độ tiếng anh của c¸c em bằng c¸ch
phối hợp rÌn luyện c¸c kỷ năng nghe,
nãi , ®ọc, viết ở mức độ cao hơn th«ng
qua c¸c b i hà ọc cã nội dung phong phó,
sinh động.
- Tiếng anh lớp 8 bao gồm 16 đơn vị b i à
học . Mỗi đơn vị b ià học bao gồm c¸c
mục sau.
+ Getting started
+ Listen and read
+ Speak
+ Listen
+ Read
+ Write
+ Language focus.
- Ngo i sgk, hà ọc sinh cần cã s¸ch b i tà ập.
+ Yªu cầu:
- Hai quyển vở. s¸ch b i tà ập
- copy the table and
complete it in 3 min.
answer T’s feedback
taller, the tallest
happier, the happiest

more expe, the most
better, the best
bigger, the biggest
more , the most
- Listen to the teacher and
see the text books
4. Consolidation (2’): Retell the importand language points in E7
5. Homework (1’): Review all grammar that ss have learnt

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