Tải bản đầy đủ (.doc) (3 trang)

Put a,an,the,some,any

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Put in A,An,The or Some where necessary.
1. I’ve seen …………….good films recently.
2. Have you got………..headache?
3.Are most of your friends…………….students?
4. Have you got…………camera?
5.Would you like to be …………actor?
6. Bill’s got…………….big feet.
7. Do you collect …………..stamps?
8. Tom always gives Ann……………flowers on her birthdays.
9. Those are …………..really nice trousers.Where did you get them?
10. What ……………beautiful garden
11.What …………….lovely children
12. ……………….birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.
13. Jack has got……………..very long legs,so he’………..fast runner.
14. You need … …vida to visit ……….foreign countries,but not all them.
15. I’m going shopping. I’m going to get………..new clothes.
16. Jane is……..teacher.Her parents were ……..teachers,too.
17.When we reached the city centre,……….shops were still open but most of them were
already closed.
18. Do you enjoy going to………..concerts?
19. When I was………..child,I used to be very shy.
20.There was…….man and …..woman in the room…….man was English but ………woman
looked foreign. She was wearing……….fur coat.
21. This morning I bought…….newspaper and………magazine. ………..
newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where…………magazine is. 22. My parents
have ……cat and …….dog…….dog never bites…….cat but
…….cat often scratches……..dog.
23. I saw ……..accidents this morning ……..car crashed into…….wall…… driver
of…….car was not hurt but…….car was quite badly damaged.
24. When you turn into Lipson Road, you will see three houses:…….red one, ………blue one
and ……….white one. I live in………white one.

25. We live in …….old house in………middle of the village. There is…….
beautiful garden behind ………..house………roof of………house is in very bad condition.
26. I’m looking for …….job.
27. Did Ann get ……..job she applied for?
28. Would you like………apple?.
29. Could you close……….door,please?
30. We live in ……….small flat near…………centre of city.
31. …….good pupils never go to…….school late.
32. Have you finished with…………book I lent you last week?
33. We went out for……….meal last night. ………..restaurant we went to was excellent.
34. Did ………..police find…………person who stole your bicycle?
35. This is ……..nice house. Has it got…………..garden?
36. It was warm and sunny ,so we decided to sit in…………garden.
37. This morning I had……….boiled egg and toast for breakfast.
38. ………president of the United States is elected every four years.
39. As I was walking along the street,I saw……E10 note on…….pavement.
40. I went into the shop and asked to speak to………manager.
41. “ Have you got………car?” “ No,I’ve never had……..car in my life”.
42. There’s no need to buy any milk. ….…milkman brings it every morning.
43. We went to……..most expensive restaurant in town.
44. Do you want to watch……….television this evening?
45. Last night we went out for……..meal in………..restaurant.
46. I wrote my name at……….top of the page.
47. ……….moon goes round……..earth………each every 27 days.
48. The Soviet Union was…….first country to send a man into……..space.
49. Did you see …….film on………televion or at………..cinema?
50.After …….lunch,we went for a walk by………….sea.
51.I’m not very hungry.I had……….big breakfast.
52. Jonh was ……….only person I talked to at the party.
53. Tim lives in……..small village in ………country.

54. Peru is……… country in South America. ………capital is Lima.
55.I never listen to ………radio.In fact I haven’t got………..radio.
56. It was ……….beautiful day. ……..sun shone brightly in…….sky.
57. I’ve invited Tom to…….dinner next Wednesday.
58. What is………..highest mountain in ………..world?
59.We don’t go to ……….theatre very much these days. In fact,in…….
town where we live there isn’t………..theatre.
60. It was a long voyage. We were at……..sea for four weeks.
61. I prefer swimming in………sea to swimming ih pools.
62. Can you turn……….television down, please?
63.We eat …….soup with………spoon 64………children
65………postman has just put……….letter under ……….door.
66. Mary has………doll with……….blue eyes.
67. We usually have……….dinner at……….home.
68……….vegetables and fruit are good for……….health.
69………..child is running across……….street.
70. Give me……….pen to write………..letter.

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