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Bài tập phụ đạo 12 - Trường THPT Cao Bá Quát
I.Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: ( simple present, simple past, simple future)
1. Some animals (not eat) _____________________________ during the winter.
2. He (have) _____________________________ coffee for breakfast every morning.
3. I (travel) ____________________________________ to Mexico by air last summer.
4.We (watch) ___________________ an interesting program on TV last night.
5. I (give) _______________________________ Mr Brown your letter when I (see) __________________
him tomorrow.
6. I (wait) ______________________________ until he writes his next novel.
7.When Tom (come) ___________________ this afternoon, he (bring) _________________ his friends.
8. He (live) _____________________________________ in London from 1980 to 1985.
9. They (sell) ______________________________________ their house several days ago.
10. I (have) __________________________________ a little trouble with my car last week
11. What you (do) ________________________________________ last weekend ?
-I (go) ___________________________________ to the theater with my family.
12. I (eat) ________________________________________ a loaf of bread every morning.
13. The earth (go) _______________________________________ around the sun.
14. He (drive) __________________________________ his car to work each day.
15. My friend (move) ________________________________ to Paris in 2003.
16. She sometimes (buy) _____________________________ vegetables at this market.
II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: (present continuous, past continuous, future
1. The students (look up) _______________________________ that new word right now.
2. Mother (cook) _____________________ some food in the kitchen at present. She always (cook)
______________________ in the morning.
3.When I (arrive) ________________ at his house, he still (sleep) _____________________.
4. The lights (go) _________________ out while we (have) _____________________ dinner last night.
5. While I (walk) __________________ around the park, I (see) __________________ Mr Jones.
6.While you (play) ___________________________ the piano, I (write) ___________________ a letter.

7. This month next year he (study) ________________________________ in Canada.
8. I (leave) ______________________________ by train this afternoon.
9. At present they (work) ___________________________ for a foreign company in Ho Chi Minh City.
10. While I (talk) ______________________ to John, the telephone (ring) ________________________.
11.We (work) ________________________________-________ in the garden now.
12. Be quiet! The baby (sleep) ______________________.
13. At present, that author (write) ___________________-________________ a historical novel.
14.We (do) ________________________________ a grammar exercise at the moment.
III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: ( present perfect, past perfect, future perfect)
1. Robert (wait) ___________________ for you since noon.
2. I (try) __________________ to learn English for years, but I (not succeed) __________________ yet.
3. We (study) ____________________ almost every lesson in this book so far.
4. I (read) __________________ that novel by Hemingway several times before.
5. He (thank) _______________ me for what I (do) ________________ for him.
6. When we (arrive) _______________ at the station, the train ( already, leave) __________________.
7. My teacher (teach) ______________ English at this school for 10 years.
8. This boy (not, finish) ________________ his homework yet.
9. By Chrismas I (work) ________________ in this office for 7 years.
10. She (cry) ________________ after he (go) ________________.
11. My family (live) ___________________ here since 1989.
12. I (not see) _________________________ Mai recently.
Bài tập phụ đạo 12 - Trường THPT Cao Bá Quát
IV.Choose the best answer:
1. Have you repaired the engine? - Yes, I ________________ it three hours ago.
A. do B. did C. have done D. was doing
2. What _______________ at nine o'clock last night?
A. did you do B. you did C. you were doing D. were you doing
3. While I ________________ in the park, there was a terrible storm.
A. walk B. walked C. have walked D. was walking

4. She's been a teacher ________________ 1992.
A. since B. in C. ever D. for
5. The computer ________________ in use since 1946.
A. have been B. had been C. was D. has been
6. When are you coming back here? - I'm coming back when I ___________my report.
A. will finish B. have finished C. finishing D. finished
7. When they arrived, everything _______________ for the party an hour earlier.
A. had been prepared B. was prepared
C. has been prepared D. were prepared
8. When did you come here? - I ______________ here since January 23.
A. have B. was C. have been D. had been
9. The results of Dr. Frank's experiment _______________ announced on TV last night.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
10. She usually reads a newspaper while she ______________ for the bus.
A. waits B. is waiting C. was waiting D. has waited
11. When I entered the room, everyone _________________.
A. had danced B. was dancing C. dances D. is dancing
12. I was very pleased to see Mary again. I ________________ her for 5 years.
A. didn't see B. hadn't seen C. haven't seenD. don't see
13. He was exhausted because he _________________ for four hours in the morning.
A. has worked B. had worked C. have worked D. worked
14. Sylvia and Mary ___________ each other since they were children.
A. know B. knew C. knew D. have known
15. The students in the next classroom __________________ very loudly every day.
A. talk B. talked C. are talking D. talks
16. How many pages _________________ so far? - Ten.
A. do you study B. did you study C. have you studied D. had you studied
17.When can you come? - I'll come as soon as I ______________ my work.
A. finished B. would finish C. finish D. had finished
18. It __________________ every day so far this week.

A. has rained B. is raining C. rained D. rains
19. Listen! The telephone ___________________.
A. ring B. rings C. is ringing D. has rung
20. She telephoned me while I __________________dinner.
A. was having B. have had C. had D. am having
21.You can borrow my car. I ________________ it at the moment.
A. don't use B. am not using C. won't use D. haven't used
22.Yesterday afternoon Tom _________ a letter from his sister, who __________ in Canberra now.
A. had - is living B. had - lived C. had had - lived D. had - was living
23. Don't make noise. My mother ________________ with her friends.
A. is talking B. was talking C. talks D. talked
Bài tập phụ đạo 12 - Trường THPT Cao Bá Quát

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