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Giao an Tieng Anh (3year) day du ( Tran Minh Tue)

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form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Date of planning : August 20
Date of teaching :
Period 1
1. Objectives:
Recosolidating the system of grammar introduced in the 11
form. Focusing on
the comparision of adjactive and adverbs . It also includes some indefinite pronouns.
By the end of the lesson students will be able to remember and practice well.
2. Teacher s preparation:’
Teacher s activities’ time Students activities’
Greeting and ask students some questions.
Good morning !
How are you today?
Make friend with the members of the class.
Act 1: introduce something about English
program of the 12

Act 2: review
1.Comparision of adjactives:
S1 + be +adj + er + than + S2
S1 + be + more +adj + than + S2
2. The superlatives
S + be + the + adj + est (n) in/of
S + be + the most + adj (n) in/of
Note :
- e( r,est) – those ending with ow,y,er,le.
- Y( ies,iest)
- Good ( better/ the best)
- Bad ( worse/the worst)
3. Equal degree of adjactives
S1 + be + as +adj + as + S2
There is no diference between long and short
4. Comparision of adverbs
what is “aderb of maner?
How do you form an adverb?
a. form: adj + ly
beautiful + ly
fast – fast
early- early
Greeting and respond to
t’s questions in english.
Use these adjs to give

dangerous .)……
Sts give examples in each
Give example then draw
out the form.
Give feedback the nature
of action and go with
ordinary verbs except be,
have got , model verb
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
good – well
late – late
badly – worse.
b. Comparative form
S1 + V + adv + er + than + S2
S1 + v + more + adv + than + S2
5. The way to use : some one, anyone,
something, anything , nothing , no one.
- Some ( thing/ one/ body/) positive
- Any ( thing/one/body) negative sents
- No ( thing/one/body) nagative meaning in
positive ones.
Act 3: practice
Ask sts to translate in to English.
1. Lan xinh nhÊt líp t«i

2. Em g¸i t«i nhiÒu tuæi h¬n anh trai b¹n.
3. §©y lµ cuèn phim hay nhÊt trong n¨m.
Ask sts retell the content of the lesson.
Review the tense.
The coparative form of
adverbis similar to that of
Gives examples
Work in pairs to translate
in to English.
The whole class.
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Date of planning : August 20
Date of teaching:
Period 2
Review ( cont )
1. Objectives:
Continue revising the grammar system, forcusing on tenses such present perfect ,

past cont, near future and some problems related.
By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to understand and practice well and
2. Teacher s preparation’
Teacher s activities’ time Students activities’
Greeting and ask students some questions.
Good morning !
How are you today?
Who’s absent today?
Call on 2 sts go to the board and rewrite
senteses .
Feedback and gives marks.
Act 1 : the present perfect tense
- How can you form the p.p?
- In that ways is p.p used?
- Can you give some example?
a. form: have + PII.
b. used :
- an action that happened at an unspecifed
time in the past ( ever,never, before, already).
- An action that has happened recently (Just,
recently), (not yet used to tell an action which
hasn’t happenned).
-An action that began in the past- present
since, for

Act 2: the past continous tense
a.form: was/were + Ving
b. Use: An action that was happening at an
certain point of time
- An action that was happening at the time,
moment of happening by other action (an
interrted action)
Act 3: The near future tense
Greeting and answer the
t’s questions.
Go to the board and write
Give feedback
- I’ve seen him on TV
- I’ve alredy read that
She has just gone out
They’ve lived heve for…
- Out into specifed pasts
(according to persoal pro).
I was watching TV at 8p.m
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school

a.Form: be + going to + V(ing)
b.Use: Exprenss a planned action
-Predict a possible action in the future
Act 4: The simple future tense
a.Form: will/shall + V(inf)
b.Use: - An actinon is decided at the moment
of speaking
-A willing to do something
- Give a test to check 8s’ understanding about
tenses (choose the best answer)
1.The widespread use cil and gas to make
chomicals during the 1920…
2.Petrpleum on every continent and…
beneath every ocean
3.Animals on Earth for at least 700 mellion…
V. homework
- Give direction for the next lesson
- When he was reparing
the car, it saddenly.
- we are going to win
I know it
- My brother is going to
us next week

- I’ll call you in a few
minutes then
- I’ll go with you if
you like
- has began/began/
be ginning/begun/
- is found/found/
one found/find/
- Living/ lived/
have lived/ have been
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mờng luân high school
Date of planing : August 21
Date of teaching :
Period 3
REVIEW ( cont )
Revise all about the rest of the 11
grammare including passive voice , have to,
clause with if and when.
2. Teacher s preparation:

Teacher s activities time Students activities
Greeting and ask students some questions.
Good morning !
How are you today?
Whos absent today?
Ask students choose the best answer from
a,b,c or d.
Use the poster.
1. passive voice : be + PII
usage :
the active sentense: S does action.
The passive sentense: S receives action.
The way to transform
Act: S + v + 0
Pass: S + be + PII + by + 0
Tenses of passive voice
S + ( is,am,are) + PII + by 0
Past: S + ( were,was) + PII + by 0
Future: S + will be + PII + by 0.
2.Conditional sentence type 1
when / if + simple tense , Main clause :
If : pasibility to happen
When : know what will happen
3. Have to do something
form: have to + v(inf)
chỉ nghĩa vụ và sự cần thiết (qk/tl)

= must ought to
4. use to
use to + v(inf)
một hành động thờng xảy ra trong quá khứ
diễn tả đặc tính
Greeting and answer the
teachers questions.
Teacher and the whole
Give some examples and
draw out conclution
My sister feeds pigs
Pigs are fed by my sister
They made progress in the
world of science.
This house will be built.
When she comes, I will tell
If it rains, we will stayat
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
tr¹ng th¸i trong qu¸ hkø

5. to be made of + material
Ask sts to practice
Complate the following sentences
1. The first modern olempic sevice ( hold)
in A in Vietnam
2. the first olimpic village ( build) for the
games in 1932.
3. the summer games ( show) on TV for
the first time.
Go to the board and write down.
Feedback for them.
Ask sts learn by heart the content of the
lesson. Prepare the new lesson.
I can’t go for a walk
I have to do homework
I used to go to the zoo
Was held
Was built
Were showed
Have to study at home.
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Date of preparing: 22 / 08 / 2010

Date of teaching: / /
Period: 4
Lesson 1
A. Aims:
- New vocabulary: Help sts to read and understand the content of the passage. By that
way they can point out the new grammar through sentences.
- New structure: The usages of Gerund “ Verb + ing”
2. Teaching aids:
- Prepare some small pictures which are shown some kinds of jobs.
B. Procedure:
- Situation and practice 1
Teacher s activities’ Tim
Students activities’
Step 1. Organization: Ask Sts some questions:
0 Who is absent today?
1 How are you today?
2 What’s the date today?
Step 2 . Guiding question before reading
3 Could you tell me and the whole class your
dream in future?
4 What do you want to do?
Step 3. New lesson:
1. The passage 1:
- Teacher reads the passage first and explains the
new words.
+ great(a): very big or excellent
+ passion(a): dream or wish
+ mind(v)

+ enjoy(v)
+ lecture(n)  lecturer(person)
- Guide sts to read the text after the teacher in
chorus let them practice saying individually.
- Help sts to translate the passage into Vietnamese(
they can do this at home)

2.Questions and Answers .
- Teacher gives clues based on the passage and lets
pupils find the correct answers.
- Greeting
- Answer the teacher’s
- Listen to the teacher and
some are asked to give the
- Write the new words in the
note-book then practice
reading aloud all the new
- Read the text after the
teacher in chorus. They then
work individually reading.
- Look at the passage and
find out the sentences which
have the new type of

- Sts make questions
following the four given
clues. Then try to find the
correct answers themselves.
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
- He should get the sts to correct themselves and
give the answers based on the passage.
+ Her passion is studying.
+ She doesn’t mind doing homework.
+ She enjoys listening to lectures.
+ She doesn’t really like getting up early.
Step4 . Consolidation: fill in the missing words.
- Her great _______ in life is ________
- She doesn’t_______ doing homework.
- She really enjoys _______to _______.
- She doesn’t like _____ ____ early but she has to.

Step 5. Home work:

- learn all the new words at home and try to
summarize the content of the passage in a short

-What is her great passion?
- What doesn’t she mind?
- What does she enjoy?
- What doesn’t she like?
+ Sts try to remember the
words in the passage they
have just learnt:
a. passion/ studying
b. mind
c. listening/lectures
d. getting/up
- copy the teacher’s
requirements in their note-
Lesson evaluation: ....………………………………………………………………….
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Date of preparing: 22 / 08 / 2010
Date of teaching: / /
Period: 5
Lesson 1
A. Aims:
- Help Students to master the content of the second passage.

- They also know some more new structures from the passage.
- Students have another chance to know more about “Gerund”.
2. Teaching aids:
- An enlarged picture as in the text-book.
B. Procedure:
- Situation and practice 2
Teacher s activities’ Tim
Students activities’
Step 1. Organization: Ask Sts some questions:
5 Who is absent today?
6 How are you today?
7 What’s the date today?
Step 2. Check the old lesson:
+ Teacher calls on two Sts to go to the chalk-
board to do the homework.
+ Teacher can let other pupils give some
remarks through their partners’ work or they read
out their summarizes at their seats.
Step 3. New lesson:

1. The passage 2: Teacher reads the whole text as
model first then writes down all the new words and
+ To be out of work: to be jobless
+ To be busy with:
+ To be fed up with:
+ To be interested in:
+ Now and then= Sometimes
+ To look after:

+ To be bored with:
+ House-work
+ Dishes
- Greeting
- Answer the teacher’s
- One rewrites all the new
words and then makes three
sentences. The other tries to
rewrite the content of the
- All the pupils look at their
text-books and listen to the
Teacher carefully. Then
copy the new information
into their note-books.
- Practice reading aloud the
new words and the text.
( They can ask for help if
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
+ Teacher lets sts practice reading the text
individually and in chorus. Then asks them to make

questions and give the answers based on the clues
shown in the text-book.

Answers :
a. Mrs Kent is out of work.
b. She is fed up with doing the same thing.
c. She’s interested in going out sometimes.
d. She doesn’t enjoy staying at home looking after
the children.
e. She doesn’t mind cooking the dinner but she is
bored with washing the dishes.
Step 4. Summary: Teacher gets sts to remember
the content of the text by filling in the gaps the
missing words:
0 house-work / out of work
1 fed up
2 going out
3 cooking/ bored/ dishes
4 staying/ looking after
+ While doing this type of exercise Teacher
doesn’t allow pupils to open their text- books.
+ Next Teacher lets pupils check for each other to
find the correct answers. This step should be done
by memory then they can check in their books if
Step 5. Home work:
+ Teacher asks sts to learn the new words and
structures then make sentences with the new
ones( each form is a sentence)

- sts look through the text
again and ask questions
following the given clues.
- Who is out of work?
- What is she fed up with?
- What is she interested in?
- What doesn’t she enjoy?
- Does she mind washing
the dishes or cooking the
- Finish the sentences:
1. Mrs Kent is very busy
with her ______although
she is ___ ___ ___
2. She is very ___ ___ with
doing the same thing
3. Sometimes she is
interested in ___ ___ to take
a change.
4. She doesn’t mind _____
the dinner but she is ____
with washing the ____
5. She really doesn’t enjoy
____ at home, _____ ____
the children.
- copy the exercise into their

Lesson evaluation: ....………………………………………………………………….
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Date of preparing: / / 2008
Date of teaching: / /
Lesson 1
I. Aims:
- Pupils are helped to practice using the “ Gerund” in more detail.
- Through Teacher’s suggestions they can do the exercises.
II. Teaching aids:
- Prepare some pictures as in the exercises in text-book.
III. Teaching procedures:
- Use of language + Exercises: 1,2,3,4
Teacher s activities’ Tim
Student s activities’
Step 1. Organization: Ask Sts some questions:
8 Who is absent today?
9 How are you today?
10 What’s the date today?
Step 2. Check the old lesson:
+ Teacher gets three pupils to the board and lets
them do the homework.
+ Ask others to listen and give remarks( if it is true

or not)
Step 3. New lesson:
+ Teacher lets pupils to look back the two passages
they have learnt in order to list out sentences with
an _ ing verb:
e.g: She does not like doing homework.
My great passion in life is studying.
I really enjoy listening to lectures.

+ Through the sentences pointed out from the text
Teacher lets pupils give conclusion about “
Gerund”. He can give correct remarks at last.
+ Teacher next shows them the pictures to give
suggestions and lets pupils finish in sentence by
- Greeting
- Answer the teacher’s
- Read the text by heart.
- Do the exercises on B.B.
- Summarize the content of
the text.
- All pupils take a look at
the two passages again to
find out these sentences as
the Teacher requires.
- They then write down

these sentences on the
- Pupils give remarks
themselves then listen to the
Teacher’s conclusions.
P1: The boy likes playing
P2: The pupils enjoy
cleaning their class-room.
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
+ Teacher guides pupils to complete exercise 3
and 4. He tries to encourage them to use all the new
grammars they have learnt.
e.g: I am bored with cleaning the house.
She likes reading books in bed.
He is very busy with making money.
+ The next step Teacher helps pupils know the
differences while using adjectives with __ed or
__ing end: the adjectives with __ed end are used to
describe people and the rest one shows
e.g: My friends are very surprised at my success.
My success is very surprising.
+ Teacher gives them some more adjectives of this
confused  confusing ; amazed  amazing

amused  amusing ; exhausted  exhausting
excited  exciting ; relaxed  relaxing
pleased  pleasing ; frightened  frightening
Step 4. Consolidation:
+ Teacher asks pupils to make sentences with the
new adjectives they have just known in the lesson.
Step 5. Home work:
+ Teacher reminds pupils to undo all the exercises
into their note-books at home.
+ Learn by heart the new adjectives.

- Pupils listen to their
Teacher carefully then
finish the exercise.
e.g: She loves chatting with
her friends on computer.
They enjoy singing
songs in English.
- The pupils catch the
information from their
Teacher and write down the
e.g: My pupils are interested
in computers.
Computers are very
- Pupils copy all the new
adjectives given by the

Teacher into their note-
books. Then read aloud
after Teacher all the new
words in chorus.
- The whole class do this
requirement from their
Teacher. They then read
aloud the sentences made
with the new type of
- Write down in their note-
Lesson evaluation: .... .…………………………………………………………………

Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Date of preparing: / / 2008
Date of teaching: / /
Lesson 1
A. Aims:
1. Objectives
- Pupils can read and understand the content of the reading. By that way they
can do exercises 5 and 6.
2. Teaching aids:
- Prepare an enlarged picture as in the text-book.

B. Procedure: Reading Practice.
Teacher s activities’ Tim
Pupils activities’
Step 1. Organization: Ask pupils some questions:
11 Who is absent today?
12 How are you today?
13 What’s the date today?
Step 2. Check the old lesson:
- Teacher gives exercises on the black-board.
Step 3. New lesson:
- Teacher divides the reading into short
paragraphs to read and writes down the new words.
New words:
+ to be able to do Sth= can do Sth
+ unemployment benefit/ tights
+ to queue/ local paper/ applicant
+ to ask S.O for Sth/ Situation Vacant column
+ a couple of pounds/ anyway
+ can’t stand V-ing/ on one’s own
+ to look through
- Teacher lets pupils repeat all the new words in
chorus twice then asks them to read the text
silently for 5 minutes.
1. When did Tracey leave school?
2. Has she been able to find a job yet?
3. What does her father want her to do?
4. Does she get much unemployment benefit?
5. Is Tracey interested in looking for a job now?

- Greeting
- Answer the teacher’s
- Do the exercises on B.B.
- Pupils listen to the Teacher
first and try to find out the
new words in the text.
- They then copy all the new
words on the board into
their note-books.
- Practice saying aloud the
new words in chorus twice.
Then make some examples
with difficult words.
- Read the text silently for 5
minutes to catch the core
meaning to answer
questions based on it.
+ She left school a year ago
+ No, she hasn’t
+ Her father wants her to
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school

6. Why doesn’t she move to London?
- Teacher gets pupils to check the answers if they
are true or false. Let pupils point out the evidence
to prove their results.
Step 4. Summary:

- Teacher asks pupils to summarize the reading by
writing a short paragraph to retell its content in
- Suggest them use as much information given on
the board as possible, and also try to use their own
explanations while writing.

Step 5. Home work:
14 Teacher asks pupils to read the text again at
home and try to translate into Vietnamese.
15 Rewrite the summary carefully at home.
bring home some money
+ No, she doesn’t
+ No, she isn’t
+ Because she doesn’t want
to leave her friends and
family. In addition, she is
afraid of living on her own
in a big city.
- Pupils look through the
board again and try to use
all the information given to

write the summary.
- They then stand up at their
seats to read out theirs ( at
least four pupils )
- Copy all the requirements
from their Teacher into their
Lesson evaluation: .... .…………………………………………………………………
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Date of preparing: 25 / 08 / 2009
Date of teaching: / /
Period: 9
Lesson 1
0 A. Aims:
1. Objectives
- Students can apply the reading to do the exercises 5 and 6.
- They are checked understanding through the reading skill.
2. Teaching aids:
- Prepare some more exercises .
B. Procedure:
- Exercises 5 and 6
Teacher s activities’ Tim
Student s activities’

Step 1. Organization: Ask Sts some questions:
16 Who is absent today?
17 How are you today?
18 What’s the date today?
Step 2. Check the old lesson:
- students are asked to do the works on the
Step 3. New lesson:
19 Teacher asks students to look through the
reading again once more then use the suggestions
to make questions about Tracey Chapman.
20 Teacher can write these questions on the
board so the pupils can see them very clearly.
0 When/ dad/ work/ factory?
1 She/ much unemployment benefit?
2 Who/ her/ money/ tights?
3 What/ buy/ everyday?
4 Why/ tired/ look through/ column?
5 Why/ not/move/London?

+ Why doesn’t she move to London?
- Greeting
- Answer the teacher’s
- Do the exercises on B.B.
- All students look at the

reading again, try to recall
the main content. Next they
try to finish the task.
+ When did her dad start
working in a factory?
+ Does she get much
unemployment benefit?
+ Who gives her money for
+ What does she buy
+Why is she tired of
looking through the
“Situation Vacant” column?
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school

- Teacher lets students find the correct answers in
the reading and gives them a chance to help each
other( ask them to give the true evidence)
- Teacher guides studenrs to solve exercise 6 by
clarify the contents hidden under the words given.

1. Tracey’s father doesn’t understand her.
2. She queues for money every Thursday.
3. Her mother wants her to go out to work.

4. She isn’t very interested in looking for a job.
5. She doesn’t enjoy living in London.
Step 4. Consolidation
-Teacher gives the extra exercises to students .
Step 5. Home work:
- ask students to redo all exercises at home.
- Students ask and answer
each other by choosing the
information in the reading.
- Studensts try to apply this
skill to understand the
hidden meaning in the
+ Things are now different
from the time when her
father was 15.
+ She hates having to ask
her parents for money.
+ Her mother can’t stand
seeing her at home all day.
+ There are 50 applicants
for every job.
+She’s afraid of living on
her own in a big city.
Lesson evaluation: ....………………………………………………………………….
Teacher : tran minh tue

form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Date of preparing: 26 / 8 / 2009
Date of teaching: / /
Period: 10
Lesson 1
A. Aims:
1. Objectives
- Teacher helps students to do some more kinds of exercises.
2. Teaching aids:
- Prepare extra exercises.
B. Procedure:
- Exercises 7 and 8
Teacher s activities’ Tim
Student s activities’
Step 1. Organization: Ask Sts some questions:
21 Who is absent today?
22 How are you today?
23 What’s the date today?
Step 2. Check the old lesson:
- Teacher gives exercise on the board.
Step 3. New lesson:
- Teacher introduces to students how to solve
this type of exercise based on the content of the
reading about Tracey.
- The Teacher should ask studnets to point out
the main ideas about her and themselves.

+ She should start bring home some money.
+ She hates asking her parents for money.
+ Tracey is interested in being a shop-girl.
+ She is afraid of living on her own in a big city.
- Teacher lets students stand up in front of the
class and say something about their ideas based on
the sentences given.
- Teacher the extra exercises on the board and gets
students to do them.
1. Make sentences with these clues:
a, My father/ stop/ smoke/ five months ago.
b, He/ tired/ do/ same thing every day.
- Greeting
- Answer the teacher’s
- Do the exercises on B.B.
- students try to master the
information that their
Teacher wants to give.
- They have to compare
themselves to the writer.
+ At my age I don’t have to
bring home money.
+ I don’t like asking my
parents for money.
+ I am interested in being a
+ I am not afraid of living

on my own in a big city.
- students try to finish the
exercise given on the board.
a. stopped smoking
b. is tired of doing
c. doesn’t enjoy washing
d. watching children
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
c, Her brother/ not enjoy/ wash/ clothes.
d, Parents/ love/ watch/ children enjoy themselves.
2. Fill in a suitable adjective:
a. The book was so that he couldn’t put it…………
b. All students were by the lesson and…………
nearly fell asleep.
c. John told some .stories. We couldn’t stop………
d. He is very in modern art.…………
3. Fill in the gap with a correct word:
a, I am bored ..the film.……
b, His friends were really surprised his………
c, She hates .the house every morning.………
d, Mary enjoys .at home on Sunday.………
e, Mrs Helen is tired cycling to work.………
f, He isn’t a student now. He .university two……

years ago.
Step 4. Consolidation:
- Teacher guides students how to clarify each
type of exercise .
Step 5. Home work:

- remind students to redo all exercises again
at home
0 interesting
1 bored
2 funny
3 interested
Correct answers:
0 with
1 at/by
2 cleaning/sweeping
3 staying
4 of
5 left
- Students pay more
attentions to the three types
of exercises given on the
board they have been done.
- They copy all the
requirements into their note-

Lesson evaluation: .... .…………………………………………………………………

Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Date of preparing: 28 / 8 / 2008
Date of teaching: / /
Period: 11
Lesson 2
A. Aims:
1. Objectives
- Help students know about the activities people do in Australia in their
free-time. They can also read and understand the content of the text.
2. Teaching aids:
- Prepare an enlarged picture as in the text-book to introduce the view.
B. Procedure:
- Situation and Practice 1
Teacher s activities’ Tim
Student s activities’
Step 1. Organization: Ask Sts some questions:
24 Who is absent today?
25 How are you today?
26 What’s the date today?
Step 2. Guiding question before reading to attract
students to the reading- passage.

“What do you do in your spare-time?”

Step 3. New lesson:
1. Teacher reads the text first as a model then
writes down all the new words on the board.
New words:
To be fond of = to be interested in s.th
To ride (rode/ridden)/ kangaroo
Sky-lift/ surfboard/ koalas
Sky-walk/ at least/ to suit
- Teacher asks students to read after him in chorus
the whole text once then lets them have a chance to
read individually.
- Don’t stop pupils while their reading in order to
correct mistakes of pronunciation.
0 What do people like doing in their free-time?
1 Where does her sister enjoy watching
- Greeting
- Answer the teacher’s
- Students listen to their
Teacher’s question and try
to give correct answers .
+ students listen to Teacher
first and then write all the
new words into note-books.

+ Repeat all the new words
in chorus twice.
+ look at the picture hung
on the board to guess the
meaning of the words.
+ students practice saying
aloud the reading in chorus.
+ Riding a sky-lift or
+ watching kangaroos and
koalas in wild forests.
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
2 Why does she like going to the Sydney O.H?
3 What will you be able to do when you are
bored with listening to Opera singing?
4 What is winter like in Australia?
27 Teacher lets students make questions and
give the right answers following the reading.
28 If they can’t get the correct ones Teacher
helps them to find the key-words.
Step 4. Consolidation: Fill in the true words in the
0 People have .. .. of spending free time in… …

1 Her sister enjoys . the Sydney Opera ……
House from the .……
2 She is . . . going to the Sydney O.H …… …
because people can .. the great Opera singers ……
of the world there.
3 Watching kangaroos and koalas in wild
forests is a way of . free time in Australia.……
4 Some people like a sky-lift in a snowy ……
Mountain or riding a in Queensland.………
29 Teacher gives suggested questions in order
to attract students to find the true answers.
30 After finishing the consolidation of the
lesson Teacher calls on individual students to
summarize the content of the text.
Step 5. Home work:
31 Learn the text at home by heart.
32 Write the paragraph again.
33 Make sentences with the new structures.
+ From the sky-walk
+ choose a suitable show
+ Pupils do as Teacher
require after reading the
whole text.
+ They ask and answer each
other these questions
+ many/ways
+ watching/ sky-walk

+ interested/ in
+ spending
+ riding/ surfboard
- Students also pay attention
to the hidden meaning in
each sentence of the text.
- Listen attentively to these
questions then think more.
- Practice saying aloud all
the sentences done and try
to form a short paragraph.
- Students copy all the
requirements into their note-
Lesson evaluation: .... .…………………………………………………………………
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Date of preparing: 1 / 9 / 2009
Date of teaching: / /
Lesson 2
A. Aims:
1. Objectives
- Teacher introduces some well-known sports in England. Especially foot-
ball match which is an international game.

2. Teaching aids:
- A big picture of a foot-ball match in a stadium.
B. Procedure:
- Situation and Practice 2
Teacher s activities’ Tim
Student s activities’
Step 1. Organization: Ask Sts some questions:
34 Who is absent today?
35 How are you today?
36 What’s the date today?
Step 2. Check the old lesson:
- Teacher calls on pupils to go to the board
Step 3. New lesson:
1. Reading:
+ Teacher asks students to look at their books and
read the whole text first as a model. At the same
time he lets a student come to the board and write
down all new words.
+ Teacher then stops to explain the meaning of the
new words into Vietnamese. He after that lets
pupils say aloud them in chorus.
+ New words:
to take place = to happen
to be fond of = to be keen on S.th
fight  fought  fought
shout  shouted
throw  threw  thrown
2. Questions and Answers:

- Greeting
- Answer the teacher’s
- Read the text by heart.
- Do the exercises on B.B.
- All the students listen to
the Teacher carefully and
try to list out new words.
- One studenr comes to the
board and writes down all
new words.
Answers :

- Foot ball is
- They are fond of watching
- At weekends
- As soon as the game
begins people start cheering
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
* What is the most popular game in England?
* What are people fond of?
* When do important matches take place?
* What do people start doing as soon as the game

* When do they only stop doing these things?
* Do people always fight and throw things at each
other when they watch a foot- ball match?
+ Teacher gives pupils a chance to work in pairs
one asks and one answers based on the second
+ After that Teacher lets one pupil translate its
content of the text into their mother- tongue.
Step 4. Further Practice :
+ Teacher guides his students to talk about this
sport in Vietnam by using some questions.
e.g: What is the most popular game in your
country? When is it held every year?
+ Teacher sets time-allow and gets some of them to
stand up to read aloud their paper.
Step 5. Home work:
37 Ask students to learn by heart the text.
38 Try to translate it into Vietnamese again.
39 Write ten sentences about this type of sport.
and shouting for one side or
the other.
- when the game is over
people only stop these
- Pupils are asked to work in
pairs in order to check the
answers if they are true or

- They collect into groups
by groups and discuss
among themselves.
- Then think more seriously
about this kind of game in
our country.
+ Copy all the requirements
from the Teacher into their
Lesson evaluation: .... .…………………………………………………………………
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Date of preparing: 3 / 9 / 2009
Date of teaching: / /
Period: 13
Lesson 2
A. Aims:
1. Objectives
- Students have a chance to revise the old grammar and practice the new
2. Teaching aids:
- Prepare some mores exercises.
B. Procedure:
- Use of Language + Exercise 1,2

Teacher s activities’ Time Student s activities’
Step 1. Organization: Ask Sts some
40 Who is absent today?
41 How are you today?
42 What’s the date today?
Step 2. Check the old lesson:
Step 3. New lesson:

- Teacher asks students to look back at the
two Situations and find sentences with an- ing
verb such as:
There are many way of spending ……
People are fond of riding ……
Others love watching……
- Teacher points out the list of the verbs that
express like or dislike and the verbs show the
starting and finishing: love, like, to be fond of,
enjoy or hate, dislike.
- Teacher lets students give more sentences
then stop to check the results. He should call
on individuals to give remarks.
- Teacher guides students to do exercise 2 in
the text-book if there are any new words he
explains to them.
- Teacher then writes down the extra exercises
on the board and asks students to solve them.

- Greeting
- Answer the teacher’s
- Read the text by heart.
- Do the exercises on B.B.
+ students look back at the
Situations and find the
sentences in the two texts.
Then they list out the number
of verb-ings.
+ all students copy the verbs
into their note-books and
make sentences with some of
e.g: Pupils love reading funny
stories in their free time.
* My father likes drinking tea
after dinner.
+ Students do exercise 2 in
the text-book based on
Teacher’s help.
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Step 4. Consolidation:
Complete the sentences using the clues:
0 I/ don’t mind/ do the house-work.
1 She/ enjoy/ listen/ pop music.

2 You/ afraid/ go out/ at night?
3 My pupils/ love/ go camping.
4 He ever/ stop/ talk about his money?
- Teacher lets students correct them selves
after doing the exercise on the board, call on
individuals to give remarks.
Step 5. Home work:
43 Teacher asks students to do all the
exercises again at home.
1. Children like eating sweets.
2. The English are fond of
watching foot-ball.
3. Nam gave up smoking two
months ago.
4. They are fed up with doing
the same things everyday.
5. Tam is afraid of going in the
dark alone.

+ students do the exercise
given on the board at their
seats and some of them go
to the board to solve.
+ All of the students copy the
requirements from their
Teacher into note-book.
Lesson evaluation: .... .…………………………………………………………………
Date of preparing: 6 / 9 / 2009

Date of teaching: / /
Teacher : tran minh tue
form lesson plans mêng lu©n high school
Lesson 2
A. Aims:
1. Objectives
- Students do the exercises in their textbook through the picture.
2. Teaching aids:
- Prepare a big picture as in the textbook and extra-exercises.
B. Procedure:
- Exercises 3 and 4.
Teacher s activities’ Tim
Student s activities’
Step 1. Organization: Ask Sts some questions:
44 Who is absent today?
45 How are you today?
46 What’s the date today?
Step 2. Check the old lesson:
- Call students go to the board and lean by heart
grammar, do exercises.
- Correct mistakes and give marks.
Step 3. New lesson:
1. Exercise 1: - Teacher hangs the picture on
the board and asks students to look at it then
practice saying aloud the sentences.

e.g: The boys are fond of playing football.
He is afraid of swimming in the sea.
- T goes around and helo them.
- Give answer:
+ Ba loves playing football.
+ He is font of going to the cinema.
2. Exercise 2:
- Teacher stops to explains something about the
new grammar.
* Verbal Nouns = V+ ing +Noun
a reading-lamp/ a fishing-rod.
+ Have you got a fishing rod?
+ My uncle has just bought a fighting cock.
+ he gives me some wrapping paper.
+ My father needs some writing paper.
+ I bought my little sister a pair of dancing
* Teacher copys the extra exercises on the board
and lets pupils do them next gets some of them
- Greeting
- Answer the teacher’s
- Students do the exercise
on the B.B.
- all the students look at the
black board and practice

speaking sentence by
- all students listen to the
explainations of the Teacher
then change the sentences in
the right way.
e.g: a cock for fighting
 a fighting cock.
- pupils copy the extra
exercise s on the board in
their notebook and solve
- listen and copy all the
requirements into notebook.
Teacher : tran minh tue
