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GA Anh 6 HKI: 2010-2011

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Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
zWeek: 1 Date of planning:17/8/2009
Period: 1 Date of teaching:24/8/2009
Bài mở đầu: Giới thiệu môn học, cách học
*.Objective: Sau khi học xong bài học, học sinh sẽ có thể:
- Nắm đợc sơ qua nội dung chơng trình tiếng Anh 6
- Biết đợc đặc trng của môn học để có biện pháp học nhằm đạt kết quả cao nhất.
*.Ways of working:
T, WC, pairs, groups, individual.
*.Materials: Ts book, Ss books.
I. Warm up and Revision:
II. New lesson:
I. Giới thiệu ch ơng trình Tiếng Anh 6
1. Mục tiêu môn học.
- Hình thành và phát triển ở học sinh những kiến thức, kỹ năng cơ bản về Tiếng Anh
và những phẩm chất trí tuệ cần thiết để tiếp tục học hoặc đi vào cuộc sống lao động.
* Mục tiêu cụ thể.
- Học sinh có thể nắm đợc kiến thức cơ bản tối thiểu và tơng đối hệ thống về Tiếng
Anh thực hành hiện đại.
- Có kỹ năng cơ bản sử dụng tiếng Anh nh một công cụ giao tiếp đơn giản duới các
dạng nghen nói, đọc, viết.
- Có sự hiểu biết khái quát về văn hóa các nớc sử dụng Tiếng Anh
- Hình thành kỹ năng học tiếng và phát triển t duy, phát triển kỹ năng sử dụng tiếng
mẹ đẻ và góp phần hình thành ngôn ngữ toàn diện hơn cho học sinh
2. Cấu trúc sách.
a) Quan điểm phơng pháp
- Quan điểm chỉ điểm đề cao các phơng pháp học tập tích cực, chủ động và sáng tạo
của học sinh
b) Nội dung sách
- Xoay quanh 6 chủ điểm lớn:

+You and me + Health
+ Education + Recreation
+ Commnunity + The world around us
II) Giới thiêu sách TiếngAnh 6 ( 10 )
I.Cấu trúc sách
- Có 16 đơn vị bài học(Units)
- Mỗi đơn vị bàoi học gồm 3 phần A,B,C
- Sau 3 bài học có 1 phần Grammar Practice và 1 bài kiểm tra 45

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
- Cuối sách là phần tổng kết ngữ pháp và từ vững cả năm học
III. Giới thiệu cách học Tiếng Anh ( 15 )
1.Trên lớp:
- Trật tự lắng nghe giáo viên giảng bài, hăng hái phát biểu ý kiến
- Rèn luyện và giao tiếp bằng Tiếng Anh trong giờ học T-A, hạn chế sử dụng Tiếng
Việt. Mạnh dạn phát âm chuẩn, thực hành nói nhiều
2.Học ở nhà
- Học bài cũ: học từ vựng, ngữ pháp của bài học trớc
- Đọc lài bài khóa nhiều lần để nhớ từ vựng
- Tự lấy ví dụ sử dụng cấu trúc ngữ pháp đã học
- Làm nhiều bài tập nâng cao. Chuẩn bị bài học tiếp theo
III. Homework (5 )
1. Học thuộc bài học
2 .Chuẩn bị Units 1 Greetings
3. Lesson1: A
T guides Ss to do the homework
(Đọc trớc, tra từ vựng ở cuối sách hoặc từ điển).

Week: 1 Date of Planning:19/8/2009
Period: 2 Date of Teaching:26.8/2009

Unit 1: Greetings
Lesson 1 : A
By the end of the lesson, students will be able
- To introduce themselves to others
- To count and write numbers from 0 to 5
*.Ways of working: T, WC, pairs, groups, individual
Ts book, Ss books
I. Warm up and Revision

II. New lesson.
Teacher and students' activities Contents

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
1. Presentation ( 12 )’
+ Pre- teach: Vocabulary. ( 7 )’
T. elicits words from the students
- T/ Ss read twice
-Ss read Vocab chorallly then individually

Checking Vocab
+ R.O.R: Hi, Hello, name
- Have Ss repeat chorally before and
after T rubs out each word. When all
the English words are rubbed out,
gets Ss to call out the English words
- Get Ss to come to the board and write
the E words again
- Slaps the board: 0

- T writes 6 numbers in 6 circles
- Divide the class into 2 teams
- Each team has 6 students from 0 ->
- Call on 2 students to the front of the class.
They stand at an equal distance from the
- Call out one loud voice, the two students
must run forward and slaps the number on
the board
- The one who first slaps the correct number
is winner
- After the game, the team slaps more
correct numbers is the winner
- Dialogue Build ( 5 )’
+ T sets the scene
(?)Who is this? (Lan)
(?) Is this Nga?(yes)

- Lan and Nga see each other for the first
time. How do they greet each other and
How do they introduce their names?
- Elicit the dialogues from the students
- Ask Ss to read the dialogues in chorus then
in pairs
I. Vocabulary
- Hi = Hello: Chµo
- a name: tªn
- oh = 0
- one= 1
- two = 2
- three = 3
- four = 4
- five = 5
II. Dialogue
a) Lan: Hi. I’m Lan

: Hi. I’m Nga

: Hello. Myname is Lan
Nga: Hello. Myname is Nga

Notes ;
How to introduce your name
a) I am + tªn

I’m + tªn
b) My name is + tªn
My name’s + tªn
III. Practice
Example Exchange
Hoa: Hi. I am Hoa
Thu: Hi. I’m Thu

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
2. Practice: ( 15 )’
+ A
+ Ss say “ Hello” or “Hi” and introduce
their names to their classmates
+ Ss work in groups( 4 groups)
+ T. listens and corrects
- Numbers
- + Dictation

- T reads numbers in E
- Ss write numbers
- T calls on some students to read the
numbers they hear
+ Word cue Drill
- Run through all words cues
- T models with a students first
- Ask Ss to work in open pairs then
closed pairs
- Monitor and correct
3. Production ( 8 )‘
- Ss work individually
- Call on 2 students to go to the board
to fill in the gaps
- T.WC correct

Hoa : Hello. My name is Hoa
Thu: Hello. My name is Thu
3, 5, 4, 0, 2, 1, 033, 031, 352
Hai phong, please
S2. Oh – three- one
- Gap- filling
a) Nam: Hello. My
is Nam
Phong: Hello. My

c) Lan: Hi. I...


Ha: .


I’m Ha
III. Homework ( 5 )’
- Learn by heart Vocab
- Say greetings to the members of your family
- Do A
in Exercise book
- Prepare A
Week: 1 Date of Planning: 21/8/2009

Hai phong
Ninh 033
Ha Noi 04
Da Nang
Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
Period: 3 Date of Teaching: 28/8/2009

Units 1: Greetings
Lesson 2 : A
( p.13-14
By the end of the lesson, students will be able
- To use the question ‘How are you”? And the answer
“I’m fine, thanks” to greet each other
- To count and write numbers 6

*.Ways of working:
T, WC, pairs, groups, individual
*.Materials: T’s book, Ss’ books
I Warm up and Revision: ( 5 ’
1. Warm up

2. Revision: Jumbled Words
- ho = oh - wto = two- ether = three- ifev = five- rouf = four- eno = one
II New lesson
Teacher and student's activitives Contents

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
1 Presentation ( 10 )’
+ Pre- teach:Vocabulary ( 5 )’
- Elicit the new words from the students
- Ss read Vocab chorally individually
- Checking Vocab.
- Rub out and Remember
+Presentation Dialogue ( 5 )’
- T sets the scene: Ba and Lan are meeting
and greeting each other
- How do they ask about their health? Let
us study their dialogue.
-> Check (?) Who are they?
(?)What are they doing?
(?)What are they talking about?
Elicit the dialogue from the Ss
- Ss read the dialogue after the T
- Ss read the dialogue in pairs(open pairs)
- Have Ss find out the model sentences
- Concept check
Meaning, form, use, pro.
2 Practice ( 7 )’
- Get Ss to play the role of Miss Ha, Mr
Hung, Nam and Nga to pratise the dialogue

- T and o good student model first
- Ss work in pairs: open pairs - closed pairs
3. Production ( 3 )’
- Have Ss to read the dialogue between Nam
and Lan then fill in the gaps with suitable
words( in pairs)
1. Presentation ( 5 )’
- Pre teach: Vocab
Elicit the numbers from the Ss
- Ss read the numbers in chorus then
- Checking Vocab:
T’s instruction then model
Ss go to the board to do the matching( one
I Activity 1
: Asking and answering
about health
- How are you? B¹n cã khoÎ kh«ng?
- Fine, thanks T«i khoÎ, c¶m ¬n.
_ Miss: c«...( ngêi phô n÷ cha cã gia
-Mrs: c«...( dïng cho phô n÷ ®· cã gia
2 Dialogue.
Ba: Hi, Lan
Lan: Hello, Ba.
Lan: I’m fine, thanks, and you?
Ba: Fine, thanks.

Model Sentences
How are you?
- I’m fine, thanks
3.Pratice A6/P.12
Example Exchange
Miss Hoa: Hello. Mr Hung
Mr Hung: Hello, Miss Hoa
Miss Hoa: How are you?
Mr Hung: I am fime, thanks. And you?
Miss Hoa: Fine, Thanks

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
for each)
2. Practice ( 7 )
- Ask Ss to listen and write down the
telephone numbers they have heard
+ Three seven seven six six seven two
+Three five two seven nine one four.
- Call on Ss to read the telephone

T.WC check
3. production ( 3 )’
- Slap the board
- Ss play in 2 groups ( A-B)
Praise the winne
Grap fill A–

Nam, Hello
are you?
Lan: Hi, I’m
fine, thanks.
Activity 2: Numbers 6

- six = 6
- seven = 7
- eight = 8
- nine = 9
- ten = 10
* Matching

III Home work (5 )’
1. Learn by heart the Vocab
H¶i TriÒu ngµy th¸ng 8 n¨m 2009…
2. Do A
/ P.4 (exercise book)
§· kiÓm tra

3. Prepare: B1-6 ( P. 14- 16
Week: 2 Date of planning: /8/2009……
Period: 4 Date of Teaching: /8/2009… …

Units 1: Greetings
Lesson 3 : B
: By the end of the lesson, students will be able

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
+ To greet each other by using good morning, good afternoon, good evening,
good night.
+ to use We are.... to talk about us, To count and write numbers 11

*.Ways of working
: T, WC, pairs, groups, individual
*.Materials: Ts book, Ss books
I Warm up and Revision: (5 )
II New lesson
Teacher and students' activities Contents
1 Presentation ( 10 )
+ Pre- teach :Vocab. ( 5 )
+ Elicit the new words from the
students( using pictures and explanation)
- T guides Ss to read the Vocab Ss read the
chorally, individually
- T reads in English
- Ss read in Vietnamese

- T. explains some ways of greeting
+ Presentation Dialogue (5 )
+ Show the picture in B
/P.15 and ask: (?)
Who is this? (Teacher)
(?)Are they students?(yes)

Miss Hoa comes in the class
How do Miss Hoa and the students greet
one another? Let's listen to their dialogue
T. reads the dialogue Ss listen
- Ask Ss to play the role of Miss Hoa
ansd the children to read the
dialogue(closed pairs)
Call on some pairs of Ss to
demonstrate the dialogue before the
- T. explains the question and the
answer. How are you?
- We are fine, thanks
Ss take notes
I Activity 1
- Good morning: xin chào
( buổi sáng từ 0

- Good afternoon: xin chào
( buổi tra, chiều từ: 12
- Good evening:xin chào
( buổi tối từ 18
- Good night: chúc ngủ ngon
- Good bye/ bye: tạm biệt
- Children: trẻ con
* Notes
Hi/ hello: Lời chào thân mật không
phân biệt thời gian trong ngày.
Good morning/ afternoon: dùng để
chào tùy theo thời gian trong ngày thể
hiện sự trịnh trọng, lịch sự để tôn trọng
ngời đối thoại.




How are you?
We are fine, thank you
=> Were = We are
Các em có khỏe không?
Chúng em khỏe ạ, cảm ơn cô.
Picture drill B2/ p.15)

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
2 Practice
Picture Drill ( 5 )’
- Run through all pictures
- Explain the way to practice
T. and a student model first
-Ss work in pairs to greet each other
3. Production ( 3 )’
- Ask Ss to work in groups
(4groups) to do Ex B
(?) How many gaps are there? (10)
(?)Do you fill in each gap with two
words? (No, only one)

- Ss write down their answers.
Call on the representative of one
group to go to the board and give their
- T.WC correct. Ss play role to read
1. Presentation ( 5 )’
- Pre teach: Vocab
Using techniques for eliciting New vocab
Ss read Vocab, chorally then individually
-Checking Vocab
T reads in English
Ss read in Vietnamese

2. Practice: word cue drill ( 10’ )
- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3
+ the first student reads the operation
Eg: fifteen
+The third one writes the result on the
T.WC correct
3. Further Practice (7 )’
Dictation: T reads numbers, SS
- T. reads: two, fourteen, ten, eleven.
Twelve, Fifteen, four. Three. One, oh, three,
eight, seven, six, five
Example Exchange
-S1: Good / morning

-S2: Good/ morning
* B4/ p.15
Nga: Good afternoon, Lam
Nga: I am fine, thanks.
And you?
Lan: Bye
III Activity2:

- Twelve:12
- fourteen:14
fifteen: 15
2 Practice: Wordcues
Example Exchange:
-S1: Seven and eight?

7+ 8 5 + 6
3 + 7
8 + 4

7+ 6 7+ 5
Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
III.Homework ( 5 )’
1. Learn by heart the Vocab
2. Do B
/ (P.6/7) – exercise book
3. Prepare : C
Week: 2 Date of Planning: ./9/2009……
Period: 5 Date of Teaching: /9/2009……

Units 1: Greetings
Lesson 4 : C
*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able:
- To cont and write numbers from 16 to 20 in English
- To ask and answer about age using the question
*. Ways of working:
T, WC, pairs, groups, individual
*. Materials: T’s book, Ss’ books
*. Procedure:
I Warm up
Revision Jumbled words ( 5 )’
wlevte= twelve tefeifn= fifteen nelvee= eleven thntiree= thirteen eefturo= fourteen
II New lesson

Teacher and students' activities Board
I. Activity 1
: number: 16

1 Presetation ( 5 )’
+Preteach: Vocabulary
Using techniques for eliciting New Vocab
* Ss read Vocab in chorus, individual
Checking Vocab. Matching
2 Practice ( 5 )’
- Pelmanism
- Prepare 10 cards with numbers( from 1 to
10 ) on one side and the word or number
( from 16 to 20) on the other side
students can only see the numbers
- Divide the class in to 2 teams and ask Ss
to choose 2 numbers, turn the cards over.
If they match.
I. Activity 1
: number: 16

1 Vocabulary
- Sixteen = 16
- Seventeen = 17
- Eighteen = 18

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011

Go on until all the cards are turned over
- The team which has more marks wins
the game
3 .Further practice ( 7 )’
- Lucky number
- T 's instruction

(?) How many lucky numbers? (2)
(?) What do you have to do now?( do as T is
- Ss play in groups (A-B)
- The group that gets more marks will win
the game.
- N
: §Õm ngîc tõ 20

- 3: §Õm sè häc sinh trong tæ:
- 4: §Õm c¸c sè ch½n trong kho¶ng tõ 0

- 5: Tr¶ lêi c©u hái:
- How are you?
- 6: §Õm c¸c sè lÎ tõ 0

- 8: H·y xÕp c¸c ch÷ sau thµnh 1 sè: “

II. Activity 2
: number: 16

1.Presentation ( 5 ) ’
- Presentation dialogue: - Set the scene:
Miss Hoa, Lan and Ha are meeting one
another. Ha introduces Lan to Miss Hoa.
How Miss Hoa asks about Lan’s age.
Let's listen their dialogue
-Ss read the dialogue C
p.13 and find out
model sentences
- Concept check:
Meaning, form ,use. Pro
2. Practice
word cue drill ( 10 )’
-Run through all the pictures
- T models first
-Ss work in groups
1/2 of class: make question
1/2 of class: answer
- Nineteen = 19
- Twenty = 20
2. Practice



Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
-Ss work in pairs: open pairs closed pairs
3. Oroduction( 3 )’
- Ask Ss to do the exercise: make questions
for the answers
-- Ss work in pairs
- Call one some pairs of students to give
their keys
-T. corrects
* Lucky Number:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

II. Activity: Ask and answer about age
1. Model sentences
How old are you?
I'm twelve
Use: To ask ans answer about age

How are you? Hái vÒ søc kháe
How old are you? Hái vÒ tuæi
2. Practice.
III Homework ( 5 )’
1. Learn by heart numbers, model sentences.
2. Do C1-4 /P. 7-10 (exercise book)
3. Prepare C5-6 /P. 19(text book)

Week: 2 Date of Planning: /9/2009……
Period: 6 Date of Teaching:: /9/2009… …

7 16
Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
Units 1: Greetings
Lesson 5 : C
*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able
- To understand more about the verb” be” in affirmative
*. Ways of working: T, WC, pairs, groups, individual
*. Materials:
T’s book, Ss’ books, poster
*. Procedure
I Warm up and Revision (5 )’
1. Warm up:

2. Revision:
Repair homework
II New lesson
1. Presentation ( 7 )’
(?) How many kinds of the verb “Be” do you
know? (3)
(?)What are they?
Ss: am/ is / are
(?) Which subject does “am” go with....?(I )
- Ask the same “am” for “ is/are”
- Tell Ss how to write, “Be” in full form and
short form.
- Guide Ss to read them
- Ss read again(individual)
2. Practice ( 20 )’
-Ask Ss to work in groups to do the exercise
(?) How many gaps are there? (5)
(?)What do you have to do now?
Deliver the hand outs to 4 groups. Ss in each
group discuss and fill in the gaps
- T. gets 4 groups’ ideas

- T. gives tasks to 4 groups
- G1: 1,2,2 - G
: 7,8,9
- G2: 4,5,6 - G4: 6,9,10
- Ss discuss and give their keys
- T. gets their ideas


The verb be in affirmative form “ ”
Be: am/ is / are
Full form Short form
I am
Yor are
He is
She is
It is
We are
They are
II. Practice
Ex1: Fill in each gaps with a suitable
verb of “ tobe”
1. This
Mr Tam
2. I ..

3. How ..
4. We ...
fine, thanks
5. My name
Arrange these words in order
1. Are/ you/ how?

How are you?
2. Thank/ fine/you?

Fine, Thank you
3. Is this/ Ba

This is Ba

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
- Have the whole class read all the sentences

*Revise the numbers

+ The teacher gets Ss to brainstorm a list of
numbers from 1

+ Ss choose any nine numbers and copy them
into their grid
+ The teacher reads out the numbers in any
+ Each time the Ss has one of the number that
the T. reads. She/ he puts a tick next to that
+ The first S who ticks 3 number in a row shouts
“ Bingo”
- Dictation
+ T has some telephone numbers
Ask Ss to listen then write down them into their
Eg: 048124076
3. Production:Survey( 8 )’
+ Ask them to stand up and ask each other the
questions about
E.g: What is your name?
What is your number?
+ They have to write the names and the
telephone number that their friends answer
+ Give feedback
4. Lan/ is/ name/my

My name is Lan
5. Twelve/am/I

I am twelve
III. Revise the numbers : 1

Bing 0: C
1 13 9
12 7 3
10 2 8
Example- exchange
S1: What is your number?
S2: Oh- eight- five – five- seven- nine-
three- six
- Survey
Name telephone number
1. Ha 0313 657432
2. Hao 0313773482
3. Ly 0310870657
4. Hai 0310870346
Example exchange
S1: What is your name?
S2: My name is Ha
S1: What is your number?

S2: 0313657432
III Homework ( 5 )’
- Review all the structures and gramar

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
- Finish all homework
Hải Triều ngày tháng ..năm 2009
Đã kiểm tra

Week: 3 Date of Planning: /9/2009
Period: 7 Date of Teaching: /9/2009

Unit 2: At school
Lesson 1 : A
*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able
- Use some simple commands that are often used in class
- understand and practice the teachers commands
*. Ways of working:
T,WC, pairs, groups, individual
*. Materials: poster, hand outs, text book, Ts book
*. Procedure
I.Warm up and Revision
- Greetings
II. New lesson
Teacher and students activities Contents
1 Presentation ( 8 )

+ Pre teach : Vocab
- using pictures for eliciting
new Vocabulary

I Vocabulary
-(To) come in: mời vào
-(to) sit down # (to) stand up
ngồi xuống # đứng lên

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
- T/ Ss read Vocab ( twice)
- Ss read chorally then individually.
=>Checking Vocab:
Slap the board
T’s instructions

(?) What do you have to do if i read English word?
(slap Vietnamese word)
(?) What happens if you slap the correct word?
(?) If you slap the wrong word? ( come back my
2.Practice ( 10 )’
- First, ask Ss to match each command with a
suitable picture
- (?) How many commands are there?(5)
- (?)How many pictures are there?(4)
- (?)Do you match each command with a suitable

- Ss take turn to go to the board to do the
- T.WC correct
- Then T. guides Ss to play the game: Simon says
+T.says the command aloud.
+ Ss only do as T’s command if
the T’s commands starts with “ Simon says”:
- If T says: “ Simons says: stand up!” , Ss have to
stand up
- If T says: “ Stand up”, Ss don’t stand up
- Ss do individually . If student gets mistake,
He/she loses the game
3. Further Practice ( 7 )’
- Ask Ss to close their books
_ Put the poster with the cues on the board
- Elicit the exchanges from Ss
- Have some pairs of Ss pratice each exchange
(to) open # (to) close(your book)
Më # gÊp(s¸ch)
Team A Team B
II Pracice
1. A
/P.21 :Match and Write

a Open your book

b Sit down
c Come in
d Close your book
e Stand up
2. A
/P.21 :Simon says
3.Mapped Dialogue
Miss Hoa Children
Fine....sit and open
...morning, Miss
We are fine....
Yes, Miss !
Yes, Miss!

Answer key
Miss Hoa: Good morning, children

s¸ch l¹i
®i vµo

s¸ch ra
Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
before going on to another exchange Children: Good morning, Miss Hoa
Miss Hoa: How are you?
Children: We are fine, thanks . And
Miss Hoa: Fine, Thanks, Sit down
Children: Yes, Miss!
Miss Hoa: And o pen your books
Children: Yes, Miss!
III.Homework ( 5 )’
1.Learn by heart the Vocab
2.Complete the mapped Dialogue again
3.Do A
/P.11 ( Exerecise book)
4.Prepare: B
Week: 3 Date of Planning: /9/2009……
Period: 8 Date of Teaching: /9/2009……
Unit 2: At school
Lesson 2 : B
*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to
understand and practice a “ where do you live?” questions and answers to talk about the

place their friends live
*. Ways of working: T
,WC, pairs, groups, individual
*. Materials: Poster, handouts, textbook, T’s book
*. Procedure
I Warm up and Revision:( 5 )’
1. Warm up:
2. Revison: Play the game: Simon says
II New lesson
Teacher and students activitives’ Contents
1 Presentation ( 15 )’
+ Pre teach : Vocab ( 5 )’
- Elicit the new word from the students. –
-(to) live: sèng
-(in) a house: nhµ

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
T + Ss read the vocab. ( twice)
- Ss read chorally / individually
=>Checking Vocab: Matching
+ Presentation Dialogue ( 10 )’
- T. draws 2 pictures of Lan and Ba
(?)Who is this?(Ba)
(?)Is this Ba?(yes)

Lan and Ba are classmates. Lan is a
newcomer. So they are asking some
personal information.

As Ss to listen and repeat the dialogue at the
same time
Call on some pairs of Ss to play the role of
Lan and Ba to read the dialogue
( open pairs – close pairs)
- Lan wants to know where Ba lives. What
does she ask?
Ss: Where do you live?
How does Ba answer?
Ss: I live on Tran Phu street
- Have Ss repeat the model sentences
Write the model sentences on the board
Concept checking:
+ Meaning: What does it mean in
+ From: you want to ask where your friend
lives. How do you ask?
(?) How do you answer?
+Use: When do we use this form?
2 . Pratice
Word cue Drill ( 12 )’
- Run through all word cues
- Ask Ss to practice the questions and the
- T. models first
- Have Ss work in open pairs and closed
- monitor and correct
-(on) a street: ®êng phè:

-(in) a city: thµnh phè
II. Dialogue: B
1. Model sentences
– Where do you live?
I live on Tran phu Stree
in a house
in a city
in Dong Son
in Hai phong
in Viet Nam
at 12 Tran phu street
Where do you live?
I live on / in /at.........
Ask and answre about place you live
2 .Pratice
Example exchange:
S1 : Where do you live?
S2: I live in a house.
3 Production ( 8 )’

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
* Noughts and crosses
- Divide the class into 2 teams
- One team is Noughts (0) and the is crosses(x)
- Two teams choose the numbers in the boxes in turns and make questions and answers with

the information in the boxes. If the question and the answer are correct, they will get one (0)
or (x)
- The team which has 3 (0) or 3 ( x ) in a line will win the game
- Hang this chart on the board and the game begins
Team : Lion (0) Team: Tiger(x)
III. Homework ( 5 )’
1.Learn by heart Voca./ model sentences
3. Prepare: B
Week: 3 Date of Planning: /9/2009……
Period: 9 Date of Teaching:: /9/2009… …

Unit 2: At school
Lesson 3: B
*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand and
Practise the questions:
“ What is your name? and “ How do you spell it?” with the alphabet (a

z) to
*. Ways of working: T,WC, pairs, groups, individual
*. Materials:
Text book, T’s book, radio, tape.
*. Procedure:
I. Warm up and Revision ( 5 )’
1.Warm up: Greetings

Write it up
II New lesson
Teacher and students activities’ Contents
1 .Presentation ( 17 )’
+ Pre teach: The Alphabet
- T. guides Ss to read the Alphabet
- Ss read the Alphabet chorally the
I. Vocabulary: The Alphabet
A /ei/ I /ai/ Q /kju:/
B /bi/ J /d ei/ R /a: (r )/
C /si/ K/kei/ S /es/

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
->Checking Vocab: Bing
+T’s instructions:
- Ss choose any 9 letters from the Alphabet
and copy the into their grid
+ T reads: a, o, b. w, x, y, z, c, h, l ,n ,m ,i ,e,
j, k, q, p , u , v, f, d, g, r, s, t,
+ Presentation dialogue ( 5 )’
+ Set the scene: the teacher and Lan are in
the classroom. The teacher wants to know
Lan’s name and How she spells her name.
What does she ask?
Let us read the dialogue B

- Elicit from the students to give the
model sentences.
- Ask Ss to read the model sentences
=>Concept checking
- + Meaning, form, use, pro
2. Practice: word cue Drill ( 8 )’
- Have Ss write their own names on cards to
make the cues for the Drill
- T. and a good student model first
- Ss work in groups
1/2 of class: ask
1/2 of class: answer

- Ss work in pairs: open pairs – closed
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate before
3 . Futher Practice ( 5 )’
- Ask Ss to work in groups to ask about their
friends’ names and spelling their names
- T goes around the class and corrects Ss’
- Then do Ex. Complete the dialogue with
suitable word.

T shows the poster on the board
D /di:/ L /el/ T / ti:/
E /i:/ M /em/ U /ju:/

F /f/ N /en/ V / vi/
G /d i

:/ O /ou/ W /d
H /eits/ P /pi:/ X /eks/
Y /wai/
Z / zed/
a r W
e x O
h b u
II. Dialogue B
1.Model sentences
What is your name?
My name is Lan
How do you spell it?
L- A-N, Lan
2. Practice
Khuong Thanh
Lan Loan

Example Exchange
S1: What is your name?
S2: My name is Khuong
S1: How do you spell your name?
S1: K-H- U- O-N- G, Khuong.

Complete the dialogue

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
(?) How many people are there in the
(?) Who are they?(Miss Hoa, Lan)
(?) What do you have to do?
( Complete the dialogue with suitable word)
+ Get Ss to work in groups + Deliver them
the hand outs
+ Ss write their keys on the hand outs.
- + T gets Ss’ hand outs and asks Ss to

Miss Hoa : Come (1
) in .… …
Lan: Good morning, Miss Hoa
Miss Hoa: Good (2)..
Please sit…
Lan: Thank you
Miss Hoa: ..(3)..
. is your name?…
II Homework ( 5 )’
1. Learn by heart the Alphabet/ The model sentences

2.Do B
3- 4,-5
/P. 12-13( exercise book), Ex1/p.9 ( exercise notebook)
3.Prepare: B

§· kiÓm tra ngµy th¸ng ..n¨m 2009 …… ……
Week: 4 Date of Planning:
Period: 10 Date of Teaching:

Unit 2: At sch ool

Lesson 5: C1 (P.26 -27)
*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Introduce objects/ things at school with ‘this/ that positive statements”
- understand “yes/no questions” to talk about people and things at school
*. Ways of working:
- T,WC, pairs , groups, individual
*. Materials: - Word cues, texbook
*. Procedure
I. Warm up and Revision ( 5 )’

1. Warm up
: Greetings
2. Revision: Jumbled words
- mane = name ndsta pu = stand up , yict = city, lloeh = hello ,treest = street
II. New lesson
Teacher and Students activities’ Contents


Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
1. Presentation ( 10 )’
+ Pre- teach: Vocab.
- using techniques for eliciting vocab
T and Ss read the Vocab
- Ss read the Vocab chorally then
- > Checking Vocab
+ Write the English words on the left of the
board and the Vietnamese translation on the
Make sure they are at random
+ Divide the class into 2 teams
+ Ask Ss from each team to go to the board
and match the English words with their
Vietnamese translation
+ The team that matches first with more
correct words will win the game
2. Practice
word cue Drill

(5 )’
- T. uses some word cues to ask Ss to
practise the Vocab, and revise the model
sentence: ‘ How do you spell it”?
- T models first

- Ss work in pairs:
(Open pairs- closed pairs)
1. Presentation :C
/P26-27 ( 5 )’
+ T. sets the scene
- T. shows the pictures on P.27 and asks
(?) Who is this?(Ba)
(?) Is this Nam?(yes)
Ba wants to introduce to Ba about his
school, class , teacher and his desk. So how
he introduces to Ba. Let’s read the text
- Ask Ss to read the text silently
- Elicit from Ss to give model sentences
+ Concept check
- Meaning: What does it mean in
I . Vocaburaly
- a student: : häc sinh
- a teacher: gi¸o viªn
- a school: trêng häc
- a class: líp häc
- a desk: bµn häc sinh
* Matching: (
student: líp häc
a teacher bµn häc
a school häc sinh
a class gi¸o viªn
a desk: trêng häc

wordcue Drill

Example Exchange
S1: What is this in English?
S2: a student
S1: How do you spell it?
S2: S.T.U.D.E.N.T
II. Model sentences
- That is my desk
- This is my school
- Is this your desk?

bµn häc
häc sinh
Hoc sinh
gi¸o viªn
Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
- Form:
- Use When do we use this/thats?
- Pro: Where is the stress?
2 Practice (8 )
- T uses the pictures on P.26- 27 and guides
Ss to practice using the model sentences
- T models first
- Ss work in pairs: open pairs / closed pairs

3 Further Practice ( 7 )
-T points to real things in and around the
classroom to ask Ss
- Ss answer the teachers questions
- Is that your school?
-Yes, it is
-No, it isn t

- This/that: là đại từ chỉ định
- This: đây, ngời này, cái này chỉ một ng-
ời hay vật ở gần ngời nói
- That: kia, ngời kia, cái kia chỉ 1 ngời
hay vật ở xa ngời nói
II. Practice:
a. Picture Drill
Example Exchange
S1: Is this your school?
S2: No, it is not
b. Realia Drill
Example Exchange
S1: Is this your desk?
S2: Yes, it is
II Homework (5 )
1. Learn by heart the Vocab/ model sentences
2. Do C
/P.15 ( exercise book)
3. PrepareC

Week: 4 Date of Planning:
Period: 11 Date of Teaching:

Unit 2: At school

Lesson 6: C
: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Understand and practise structure: What is this/that?
- It is a/an...... to talk about things in the classroom
*.Ways of working: T,WC, pairs, groups, individual
: Posters, T s book, texbook

Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
I Warm up and Revision: (5 )’
*Slap the board
II New lesson
Teacher and Ss activities’ Contents
1.Pesentation ( 10 )’
+ Pre-teach: Vocab
Using pictures on P.28 and real things for
eliciting New Vocabulary
- T reads / Ss read after the teacher

-Ss read Vocab chorally then individually
=> Checking Vocabulary:
Do Matching
Dialogue Build
- Elicit the dialogue from the students
- Ss read the dialogue in pairs 9 open pairs)
+ Then work in pairs to ask and answer
with the rest of words
(open pairs- closed pairs)
2. Practice (15 )’
- Put the wordsquare on the board and
inform the topic “Things in the classroom”
- Divide the class into 2 tams
- Ask Ss to find out hidden words and
circle the words they have found
- Team A uses yellow chalk and team B
uses red chalk.
- The team that finds out more correct
words wins the game
- Praise the winner
3 Further Practice ( 10 )’
- Divide the class into 2 teams A-B

- a door: cöa ra vµo
- a window: cöa sæ
- a board: b¶ng
- a waste basket: sät r¸c

- a school bag: cÆp s¸ch
- a pencel: bót ch×
- a pen: bót mùc
- a ruler: thíc kÎ
- an eraser: tÈy
II. Dialogue
S1: What is this?
S2: It is a window
S1: How do you spell it?
S2: W_I_N_D_O_W
III. Practice.
1.Find out words in the wordsquare

Pen, desk, ruler

Tr­êng Líp Bµn häc
Häc sinh Gi¸o viªn
Lesson plan: Grade 6 School year: 2010 -2011
- T tells Ss the rule of the game:
Each team has right to choose a number. If
the number they choose is unlucky , they
have to answer a question. They will get 2

marks if their answer is right
If the number they choose is lucky, they
will get 2 marks and have right to choose
another number.
_ The team that gets more marks will win
the game
- Praise the winner
No 1 – Q.c , No2- Q.b, No3- LK ,
No4 – Q.a , No5- Q.e, No6 – LK,
No7 – Q.g, No8- Q.d, No9 – Q.f,
No10 - LK
Pencil, door, eraser.
Window, board
2. Answer the questions: (Poster)
Lucky number
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
a. How do you spell “ruler”?
b. How do you spell “ school bag”
c. How do you spell “ruler”?
d. How do you spell “ pencil”?
e. How do you spell “ teacher”?
f. How do you spell “ board”?
g. How do you spell “door”?
III Home work ( 5 )’
1.Learn by hear the Vocab/ spell them
2...Do C

p/.14-16( exercise book)
3.Prepare: A

Week: 4 Date of Planning:
Period: 12 Date of Teaching:

Unit 3:At home
Lesson 1: A
*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- understand and practice “ Wh. Questions” with These/ Those
- know more living room Vocabulary to talk about things in the house
*.Ways of working:
T,WC, pairs ,teams, individual

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