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Unit 14 – TESTS



A. Future tense with will/shall
I. Form:
will/shall + V

will not (won’t) / shall not (shan’t) + V
Will / Shall + S + V ?

II. Usage:
1. Predicting something that is likely to happen in the future
You will win the race. I know it.
2. Expressing willingness to do something
I will go with you if you like.
3. Making a decision at the time of speaking
I will call you in a few minutes then.
B. Future tense with be going to
I. Form:
am/is/are going to + V
am not/ isn’t/ aren’t going to + V
Am/Is/Are + S + going to + V ?
II. Usage:
1. Predicting something that is likely to happen in the future.
We are going to win. I know it.
2. Expressing a prior plan.
My brother is going to hold the wedding party next week.

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into one of the two future forms.
1. I bought our new garage and we (assemble)
it ourselves.
That’s sounds interesting. I (come)

and help you if you like.
2. Why are you asking everyone to give you bits of material?
Because I (make) _____________ a patchwork quilt.
3. I’m afraid I’m not quite ready.- Never mind. I (wait)
for you.

4. Mary: Ann’s busy baking. Apparently she (bake)
all their bread from now on.
Jean: She soon (get)
tired of that.
5. Leave a note for them on the table and they (see)
it when they come in.
6. Have you decided on your color scheme?
Oh yes, and I’ve bought the paint. I (paint)
this room blue and the sitting
room green.
7. No, I’m not going away for the weekend. I’m staying at home. I
building my garage. The bricks have come at least.
- You (do)
it by yourself?
- No, my nephew (help)
me. I suggested it to him yesterday and he
was quite enthusiastic.
8. There’s someone at the door.
I (go)
but I expect it’s someone for you.
9. Where are you all going?

There’s nothing to eat or drink here except one chop and a bottle of champagne, so we (buy)
some fish and chips and eat them in the car. Come with us.
- No, thanks. I think (stay)
and use up the chop and champagne.
10. _______ the new owner (make)
any changes?
- He’s made some already. You should see his new menus. He
more on the restaurant than the shop.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct verb for the following sentences. Do not use abbreviations.
1. Next summer, I __________ (travel) to New York. My sister lives there and she bought me a
plane ticket for my birthday.
2. It's getting cold. I ___________ (take) my coat!
3. Are you going to the cinema? Wait for me. I ___________ (go) with you!
4. Jane and Tom ___________ (not/study) medicine next year. Jane __________ (study) French
and Tom __________ (take) a gap year.
5. Mrs Simons, those bags seem quite heavy. I __________ (help) you carry them.
6. Experts say the Earth _________ (suffer) seriously if we continue polluting.
7. Look at those black clouds. I think it ___________ (rain).
8. Bye Bye Joe. I ___________ (phone) you as soon as I arrive home!
9. What ___________ (do) tomorrow? I ____________ (visit) my grandparents.
10. Anne: "I don't have enough money to pay for my lunch."
Peter: " I __________ (lend) you some."
Exercise 3. 'Will' or 'be going to'? Put the verbs into the correct form.
1. She knows he phoned her again but she __________ (not/phone) him back.
2. Let's go to the restaurant. We __________ (pay) for you.
3. He doesn't know how to use that tool. He ____________ (hurt) himself.
4. I need some help with English. I ___________ (help) you because I'm good at it.
5. ___________ (you/eat) that apple? Can I have it?
6. Why did she hoover the whole flat? __________ (have) guests tonight?

7. I've read all my books so I __________ (buy) some new ones next month.
8. Mike _____________ (probably/arrive) in Poland tomorrow night.
9. That window is too high. She _________ (not/reach) it. __________ (you/give) her a hand,

10. What about your new job offer? Oh, I've made a decision. I __________(not/take) it.
Exercise 4. 'Will' or 'be going to'? Put the verb into the correct form.
On Saturday, Katie (1) ____________ be one year old. Katie's parents (2) _________ have a
birthday party. The party (3) ___________ begin at noon on Saturday. Many people (4)
___________ be at the party. Katie (5) __________ have so much fun!
Katie's dad (6) __________ cook hamburgers. Katie's grandmother (7) __________ bring ice
cream. Katie's aunt (8) _________ bake a cake. It (9) _________ be a chocolate cake. Katie will
love her cake!
All of Katie's relatives (10) __________ bring presents. Katie is going to open her presents after
lunch. Then, everyone will eat cake and ice cream. Katie is going to have a good first birthday!
Exercise 5. Write about your relative’s next birthday.




Verb ……!
Do not + Verb……!

We can use the imperative to give a direct order.
- Take that chewing gum out of your mouth.
- Stand up straight.
- Give me the details.
We can use the imperative to give instructions.
- Open your book.
- Take two tablets every evening.
- Take a left and then a right.
We can use the imperative to make an invitation.
- Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home.
- Please start without me. I'll be there shortly.
- Have a piece of this cake. It's delicious.
We can use the imperative on signs and notices.
- Push.
- Do not use.
- Insert one dollar.
We can use the imperative to give friendly informal advice.
- Speak to him. Tell him how you feel.
- Have a quiet word with her about it.
- Don't go. Stay at home and rest up. Get some sleep and recover.

We can make the imperative 'more polite' by adding 'do'.
- Do be quiet.
- Do come.
- Do sit down.


Exercise 1: Match the words/ phrases on column A to those on column B


1. Stand behind the
2. Tell me all
3. Shut
4. Come
5. Take your feet off
6. Turn to
7. Take one pill
8. Go to the traffic lights and
9. Come and see
10. Put that

a. line, please.
b. down.
c. me next week
d. in.
e. turn left.

f. up.
g. three times a day.
h. the sofa.
i. about it.
j. page 59.

Exercise 2: Match the words/ phrases on column A to those on column B


1. I don’t want him to know.
2. It’s very fragile.
3. The sun is very hot today.
4. The speed limit is 30.
5. There’s a steep drop.
6. I’m not telling you so
7. That’s very rude.
8. I can recycle it.
9. Be careful with your bin number.
10. It’s not a big problem.

a. Don’t walk so close to the edge.
b. Don’t stay out too long.
c. Don’t keep it with your credit card.
d. Don’t worry about it.
e. Don’t throw it in the bin.
f. Please don’t speak to me like that.
g. Don’t drive so fast.
h. Don’t worry about it.

i. Please don’t tell him.
j. Don’t ask me again.

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the words in italics




carry on


Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to Tower Hall?
Yes, certainly. (1)__________ straight along this road until you reach the traffic lights. At the
traffic lights, (2)__________ straight across. At the next set of light, (3)___________ left and
(4)___________ along the High Street until you come to the roundabout. At the roundabout,
(5)__________ the first exit and Tower hall is on the second road on the left. If you have any
problems, (6)_________ again, everyone knows Tower Hall.
Thank you very much.


Exercise 4: Complete the sentences
1. __________ your oven to 200 degree C.
2. __________ the stones from 750 grams of ripe cherries.

3. __________ six eggs with a pinch of salt.
4. __________ 90 grams of sugar and 100 grams of flour mixed with 3 drops of vanilla essence.
5. Gradually __________ litre of milk.
6. ___________ the mixture into a greased plan dish and then ___________ the cherries on top.
7. ___________ for 45 minutes and __________ warm.





mix in


Exercise 5: Complete the sentences
1. Boss: Always __________ your documents as soon as you finish writing them.
Employee: OK, I will.
A. don't save
B. you save
C. save
2. Teacher: Jerry, __________ please. I'm ready to begin teaching.
A. you sit down
B. sit down

3. A: Could you tell me how to find the bookstore?
B: Sure. __________ two blocks and __________ left at the corner. It's right there!
A. Don't walk / turn
B. Walk / turn
C. Walks / turns
4. __________ warmly so you don't get cold outside. It's snowing!
A. Dress
B. Don't dress
C. Dressing
5. __________ after you eat a big meal. It's not a good idea.
A. Don't exercise
B. Exercise
6. __________ careful! You almost spilled your coffee.
A. Be
B. You be
C. Don't be
7. Doctor: __________ this medicine before you go to bed, okay?
Patient: All right, doctor. Thanks.
A. You take
B. Take
8. Wife: __________ me when I am speaking.
Husband: Sorry, honey.
A. Interrupt
B. You don't interrupt
C. Please don't interrupt
Exercise 6: Use Exercise 4 as an example to write the steps of making a food.
1. ………………………………………………………………………...
2. ………………………………………………………………………...
3. ………………………………………………………………………...
4. ………………………………………………………………………...

5. ………………………………………………………………………...
6. ……………………………………………………………………..….

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns: this, that, these, those

The demonstrative adjectives this/that/these/those, which may also be pronouns, tell us where an
object is located and how many objects there are.
This and that are used to point to one object. This points to something nearby, while that points to
something “over there.”

This dog is mine.
This is mine.
That dog is hers.
That is hers.

These and those refer to more than one object. These points to things nearby, while those points to
things “over there.”

These babies have been smiling for a while.
These are mine.
Those babies in the nursery have been crying for hours.
Those are yours.


Exercise 1. Circle the best choice.
1. _______ picture over there looks very nice.
a. this
b. that
c. these
2. I don’t like ________ photograph here. The one on the wall is brighter.
a. this
b. that
c. those
3. Those people come from ________ hotel over there.
a. this
b. that
c. these
4. Look! _________ is a wonderful design.
a. this
b. those
c. these
5. Do you see ________ birds at the top of the tree?
a. this
b. those
c. these
6. ___________ are my sketches, not those.
a. this
b. those
c. these
7. ___________ is my fashion collection and that is hers.
a. This
b. That

c. These
d. Those
8. What do you think about ___________ sketch over there.
a. this
b. that
c. these
d. those
9. I don’t like _____________ paintings high on the wall.
a. this
b. that
c. these
d. those
10. How much are _______________ jeans here?
a. this
b. that
c. these
d. those
11. ______________ color palette in my hand is very expensive.
a. This
b. That
c. These
d. Those
12. ______________ are my close friends, John and Amy. They are sitting over there.
a. This
b. That
c. These
d. Those
13. Look at _______________ very small lines in this painting! They are very strange.
a. this
b. that

c. these
d. those
14. What is the price of _______________ dress near me? I really like its design.
a. this
b. that
c. these
d. those
15. ________________ are my luggage. Yours are over there.
a. This
b. That
c. These
d. Those
Exercise 2. Write the best demonstrative adjective/ pronoun.
1. Look at __________ woman over there. She looks very graceful.
2. Hello, __________ is Quynh speaking. ‘Hello. How are you, Quynh?’
3. Hey, Jane. Are ___________ your statues here? They are really life-like.
4. __________ is the first time I am satisfied with my work. Wow, so great feeling!
5. Look at __________ painting over there. What fabulous colors!
6. Listen! __________ music from next door is very loud. I can’t concentrate on my study.


Exercise 3. Convert from singular form to plural or plural to singular as in the examples below.
a. This exercise is easy.
b. Those socks are Sara's.
c. These flowers are on the floor.

These exercises are easy.
That sock is Sara's.
That flower is on the floor.

1. Is this bed comfortable?
2. Is that Eleni's English book?
3. These are not my toys.
4. These boxes are Ana's.
5. Is that jacket Roy's?
6. Are these dictionaries Andre's?
7. Those are mine.
8. This building is very old.
9. This is a good exercise.
10. These are the old dresses.


Exercise 4. Complete the following letter with the most suitable words.
Hi, my name is Belen. (1) __________is my family. (2) ___________is my father and (3)

____________ is my mother.
They are great parents. (4) ____________are my brothers Josh and Andrew and (5) _________ is
my sister Andrea. (6) _________are my pets. (7) ________is my dog "Spark" and (8) ________ is
my kitten "snow ball".
1. A. That
2. A. This
3. A. those
4. A. This
5. A. those
6. A. Those
7. A. Those
8. A. This

B. This
B. Those
B. that
B. That
B. that
B. That
B. That
B. Those

C. These
C. These
C. these
C. Those
C. these
C. This
C. These
C. These

Exercise 5. Use the exercise 3 a suggestion and write a passage using the demonstrative
adjectives and pronouns.


1. Offers and Requests
We use would like/ love or ’d like/ love to say politely what we want, especially when making
offers and requests:
would like

+ noun/ to Verb

would love
- I’d like some orange juice.
- He’d like to book two tickets for the concert tonight in advance.
Would + S + like/love + noun/ to infinitive?
+ Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?
- I’d love to. That sounds great.

+ Would you like some juice?
- No, thanks.

2. Suggestions
We use Let’s…, Why don’t we…, What about … to suggest doing something.
Let’s + bare-infinitive.
Why don’t we + bare-infinitive?
What about + V-ing?
* Let’s + bare-infinitive!
Let’s go to the movies tonight.
*Why don’t we + bare-infinitive?
Why don’t we take a rest for a while?
* What about + V-ing?

What about going out for some coffee now?
+ OK.
+ Great!
+ Good idea! / That’s a good idea!
+ I’m sorry, I can’t.
+ Sorry, I can’t.

Exercise 1. Fill in the words to complete the sentences using "would like, would love or
wouldn't like".
1. You want to do something with your friend tonight. You ask:

What _________________________ to do tonight?
2. You are expressing how much you want to go to Paris.
I __________________________ to go to Paris.
3. You don't like to work as a waiter.
I ____________________ to work as a waiter.
4. You are offering your friend a sandwich.
________________________ a sandwich?
5. You want to go to famous places.
I ______________________ to go to famous places.
Exercise 2. Unscramble the sentence.
1. would/ she/ to/ like/ go/ vacation/ on/ this/ year.
_________ would _______ to _________________.
2. like/ He/ meet/ wouldn't/ to/ you/ like.
He ______________________________________.
3. love/ We/ to/ you/ visit/ would/ again.
We ______________________________________.
4. play/ the/ guitar/ Would/ you/ like/ to/ ?
____________ you _________________________?
5. wouldn't/ to/ swim/ there/ I/ like.
I ________________________________________.
Exercise 3. Circle the best option for each sentence.
1. Hey Jim, ________________ go to the movies with us?
A. Do you like
B. Would you like
C. How about
2. So, we all want Italian, right? ___________________ that restaurant near the beach?
A. Let’s
B. Would you like
C. How about

3. What can we do this evening? ___________________ we watch the game in a bar?
A. Do you like
B. Would you like
C. How about
4. A: It's so hot in here!
B: _______________________ get out of here and go that bar near the bay!
A. Let’s
B. Would you like
C. How about
5. Helen called and said she's going for a walk. _____________________ going with her?
A. Let’s
B. Would you like
C. How about
6. I'd like to do something different this weekend..______________________ go sailing!
A. Let’s
B. Would you like
C. How about
7. A: What shall we do?
B: I don't know... It's not very warm and it looks as if it's going to start raining….
__________________ a play? I think there's a new one in the auditorium.
A. Let’s
B. Do you like
C. How about
8. A: Next month we have some days off. Is there anything special you want to do?
B: Yes!! ___________________ go to Madrid! The Cirque du Soleil's new show will be there
that week!
A. Let’s
B. why don’t

C. How about
9. It's warm and sunny, _______________________ go roller-skating!
A. Let’s
B. Would you like
C. How about
10. A: Would you like to go shopping on Saturday?
B: I can't, I don't have much money right now. __________________ hiking? The weather is
really nice...and it's cheaper!
A. Let’s
B. Would you like
C. Why don’t we go
Exercise 4. Choose the best suggestion for each sentence.
Let's drink some water - Let's clean his car - Let's buy a cake for her- Let's go to the cinema -Let's
buy one ticket for you and one for me - Let's watch TV - Let's do some exercise - Let's sit on that
bench - Let's dance - Let's eat a sandwich - Let's look at the calendar - Let's telephone her -Let's
take an umbrella - Let's close the window
a. It's very cold here.
b. It's very hot. I am thirsty.
c. I haven't visited Granny this week.
d. Dad's car is very dirty.
e. It's mum's birthday today.
f. It's raining. We can't play outside.
g. I want to see the film "Avatar”.

h. What's the date today?
i. It's raining.
j. We are going to Oxford by bus.
k. I like this music a lot and I feel so happy. __________________________
l. I am tired of walking around the park.
m. I want to be healthy and fit.


n. I am so hungry.


1. The simple past tense
a. Form:



Positive (+)

S + V (ed/2)
Verb (regular): -ed
Verb (irregular): V2

- I watched a horror film last night.
- He watched a horror film last night, too.
- She went to Giang Dien park yesterday.
- We went to Suoi Tien yesterday.

Negative (-)

S + didn’t + V(bare)

- I didn’t go to school last Saturday.
- She didn’t go to the supermarket last Sunday.

Question (?)

Did + S + V(bare)?


Did you have breakfast at home this
Did Tam play football yesterday afternoon?
What did they do last night?

Adverbs: yesterday, last (night, week, month …), (2 days, 2 months…) ago, in (2008: year in the

past), when (+past)

Exercise 1. Using the simple past to complete the sentences with the words in the parentheses
(recognize REGULAR and IRREGULAR verbs)
0. I (walk) walked to school yesterday. I (not/take) didn’t take a bus.
1. He (practice) _________ English with his friends at the English club last night.
2. Last summer we (spend) ________ our holiday on a very beautiful beach in Nha Trang.
3. We (not, go) _________ to the cinema last weekend because we (be) _________ busy.
4. What program _____ you (watch) _________ last night? – Football.
5. I (not, do) _________ my homework last night because I (have) _________ a headache.
6. How _______ you (come) __________ here this morning? – By bicycle.
7. We (go) _________ to a movie last weekend. The film (be) ________ very sad and we (cry)
___________ from the beginning to the end.
8. Who (come) ____________ to see you yesterday?
9. The boys_____________ (whisper) secrets to each other.

10. Uncle Ben_____________ (hurry) to catch his bus.
11. We _____________ (return) our books to the library.
12. She _____________ (kiss) the frog and it ____________ (change) into a prince.
13. Someone _____________ (tap) me on the shoulder.
14. The baby _____________ (cry) when we took her toy away.
15. John _____________ (pin) the badge onto his jacket.
16. Two doctors _____________ (rush) into the room.
17. This is the house that we _____________ (live) in when I was younger.
18. Grandad _____________ (lower) himself into the chair.
19. I (met)

him at the square yesterday and we (talk)_________________

with each other about our childhood.

you (go)

to school last Monday?

21. She went to bed after she (finish)
22. He (lose)

her homework.

his wallet when he was in the cinema.

23. When I was sleeping, I (hear)

a strange noise.

24. The manager was angry because his staffs (be)
25. His father (phone)
26. We (graduate)

late for the meeting.

him very late last night.
from High School 2 years ago.

27. I (not enjoy)

the film last Saturday because I was asleep then.

28. The students (go)

camping last summer and they (like) _______________

that very much.
Exercise 2. Now complete the second part of the story. Use the simple past forms of the verbs.
My first day (continued)
Macie (1) ____________ (walk) over to me. She (2) ____________ (tell) me where my class was.
She was in my class, too. She (3) ____________ (introduce) me to some of the other girls. I (4)
____________ (make) three new friends, Heather, Avril, and Kate. Soon, it was time for the first

(5) ____________ (enjoy) the class. After math, it was lunch. I (6) ____________ (go) to the
canteen with Macie, and we (7) ____________ (have) pizza and salad. I (8)____________ (call)
my mom on my cell phone to say I was having a great day!
Exercise 3. Write WAS or WERE in the blank spaces in the following passage.
It (1)_________ a beautiful summer’s day and there (2)_________ not a cloud in the sky. Mom,
Dad and I (3)_________all in the garden. Dad (4)_________ in the vegetable garden planting
some seeds and Mom and I (5)_________ busy with other jobs. The sun (6)_________ hot and

soon I (7)_________ feeling very tired. Mom and Dad (8)_________n’t tired at all. They went on
working for a long time. I (9)_________ glad when it (10)_________ time to go inside and have a

Exercise 4. Complete the newspaper story about a fire. Put in the past simple forms of the verbs.
Two people (►) died (die) in a fire in Ellis Street, Oldport yesterday morning. They
(1).....................(be) Herbert and Molly Paynter, a couple in their seventies. The fire (2)
…………………… (start) at 3.20 am. A neighbor, Mr Aziz, (3)………………… (see) the flames
and (4) ……………… (call) the fire brigade. He also (5)…………… (try) to get into the house
and rescue his neighbours, but the heat (6)……………(be ) too great . The fire brigade (7)
………………… (arrive) in five minutes. Twenty fire-fighters (8) ..………….. (fight) the fire and
finally (9)…………………. (bring) it under control. Two fire-fighters (10)………………(enter)
the burning building but (11)…………… (find) the couple dead.
Exercise 5. Complete the conversation. Put in the past simple negatives and questions.
Claire: (►) Did you have (you / have) a nice weekend in Paris?
Mark: Yes, thanks. It was good. We looked around and then we saw a show.


(we / not / try) to do too much.

Claire: What sights (2) ...........................................

(you / see)?

Mark: We had a look round the Louvre. (3)……………………………. (I / not / know) there was
so much in there.

Claire: And what show (4)............................................... (you / go) to?

Oh, a musical. I forget the name. (5) ..................... (I / not / like) it.

Claire: Oh, dear. And (6) .............................................. (Sarah / enjoy) it?
Mark: No, not really. But we enjoyed the weekend. Sarah did some shopping, too, but
(7) ........................... (I / not / want) to go shopping.
Exercise 6. Write sentences. Use the simple past.
1. Dad / write / a letter / this morning.


2. I / tidy / my room / yesterday.


3. Rob/ play soccer / in the yard this morning. ________________________________________.
4. They / not do / their homework last night. ________________________________________.
5. Mom / make dinner / yesterday evening. __________________________________________.
6. Jackie / read / a magazine last Sunday. ___________________________________________.
7. I / not cut the grass / yesterday afternoon. _________________________________________.
8. Lisa / not watch / TV / last night.


9. Where/ your family/ go/ last holiday?


10. I/ not get/ high mark/ last Math test.


11. When/ you/ start/ learn/ English?


12. What toy/ you/ like/ play/ child?



Exercise 7. Answer the questions.
1. Where did you go to primary school?
2. Why didn’t you go to school yesterday?
3. When did you first learn the alphabet?
4. How did you go you school when a child?
5. What color did you lie when a child?
6. Who usually took you to school when younger?
7. Where did your parents go last Sunday?

8. What film did you like watching when you were a child?

Exercise 7. Write a story of 100 words about your last holiday.


a. The simple present tense.
Subject + V(without to)
Subject + V + s/es
- I come to class on time every day.
- He goes jogging every morning.
b. The simple past tense.
* Regular verb
Subject + V-ED

* Irregular verb
Subject + past form (2nd column)
-He worked in the factory from 1999 to 2000.
-They bought this house two years ago.
2. Kinds of questions in the simple past
* Questions with TO BE
WERE + SUBJECT (WE/ YOU/ THEY) +…Complement?
WAS + SUBJECT (HE / SHE/ IT +….. Complement?
-Were you late for class again yesterday?
-Was she tired last night?
* Questions with NORMAL VERBS
-Did you go to the party last night?

-Did they move to Hanoi 2 years ago?
* Questions with TO BE
-Where were you last night?
-Why was she absent from the class yesterday?
* Questions with NORMAL VERBS

-How did you go to school yesterday?
-What did you do last night?

Exercise 1. Choose the correct completion.
1. Kim ____________ in Ha Noi 2 years ago.
A. lived
B. live
C. lives
2. Tom and John usually ____________ TV in the evening.
A. watch
B. watching
C. watches
3. ____________ you writing a letter to Lan?
A. do
B. are
C. is
4. I live____________150 Nguyen Hue avenue.
A. of
B. in
C. at
5. I was very good at Math in high school.
A. are
B. is
C. were
6. I usually ____________ bread for breakfast when younger.
A. had
B. has
C. have
7. The children never ____________ their homework at school.

A. is doing
B. do
C. are do
8. I ____________ she is a very nice person.
A. think
B. thinking
C. to think
9. Where _______ he ________ on holiday last summer?
A. does/ go
B. do/ go
C. did/ go
10. I ____________ those shoes at a big store in Bien Hoa city.
A. buy
B. bought
C. were bought
11. He weighed 82 kilos. He _____________ very heavy.

D. living
D. are watching
D. don’t
D. on
D. was
D. was having
D. are doing
D. am thinking
D. was/ go
D. were buying

A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
12. _____________ does he work? – In an office.
A. When
B. Why
C. where
D. How
13. Tim and Tom _____________ to travel a lot.
A. wants
B. wantes
C. want
D. wanting
14. My close friend_______________ to see me every Sunday.
A. came
B. comes
C. will come
D. has come
15. Please don’t ______________ so much noise. My father is sleeping.
A. make
B. makes
C. made
D. making
16. She liked pop music, but he_____________.
A. doesn’t
B. didn’t
C. don’t
D. isn’t
17. ________________ do you eat out ?- Sometimes.

A. How many B. How often C. How far
D. How much
18. This is not my book. It’s _______________.
A. her
B. hers
C. mine
D. him
19. _____________ does he often go to bed? – At 11.00 pm.
A. How
B. Where
C. What time
D. What
20. He usually _______________ work at 5.00 pm.
A. finish
B. finishs
C. finishes
D. finishies
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words in the parentheses.
1. I (walk) walk to school every day. I (not/take) don’t take a bus.
2. John (read) ___________ the newspaper every day. He (not/ read) __________ books every day.
3. Mary (have) ____________ dinner at a restaurant last night.
4. Quynh (speak) _____________ English very well.
5. What (be) ______________ the weather like in your hometown last month?
6. How many hours a week (you/ listen) ______________ to music?
7. There is a saying: “goodness (be) ______________ better than beauty.”
8. I (meet) ______________ him at the stadium last Sunday.
9. We (not, go) _____________ to school yesterday because it (be) ____________ Sunday.
10. He’s a vegetarian. He (not/ eat) _____________ meat.
11. Where _____________ Benny and you (go) _____________ last Monday?
12. What ____________ they (buy) ____________when they (go)____________to the

supermarket yesterday.
1. Paolo’s family ______________ (move) to Australia last week.
2. Imelda ______________ (learn) Japanese when he lived in Tokyo.
3. I _____________ (carry) the box home. It is inside the house now.
4. We ______________ (miss) the bus yesterday so we didn’t go to school.
5. Ruby ______________ (argue) with her best friend at the last party.
6. They ______________ (travel) to Boston by car in their New Year holiday.
Exercise 3.

Fill in the blanks. Use the words below.







Did you ____________ Dad’s car into a tree?
A big wave ____________ the island.
“Did Bill ____________?” “No, he didn’t. He’s alive and healthy.”
Be careful! Don’t ____________ the glass.
I can see the boat. It didn’t ____________!
In mystery stories, people and things often _____________.

Exercise 4.

Complete the story. Use the simple past forms of the verbs below.
see spend





Last year, I (1) ___________ on vacation with my mom and dad. We were on the beach, when I (2)
____________ a big wave out at sea. I (3) ________________ my dad about the wave, and we all
(4) ____________ into a hotel. We (5) ____________ three days there. The people in the hotel (6)
____________ us food and water.
Exercise 5. Write questions and short answers. Use the simple past.
1. you / go on vacation / last summer?
Did you go on vacation last summer?
Yes, I did.
2. A Katie / watch TV / last night?

No, _________.
3. people / use cell phones / in 1900?
No, ________!
4. Sean / learn English / at school?
Yes, _________.
5. How/ you/ go/ school/ this morning?
Exercise 6.

Look at the chart. Make negative sentences in the simple past.

Simon’s day
7.00 got up
9.30 played
11.00 e-mailed Zack
12.00 had a pizza for

2.00 met Chloe
2.30 went shopping

read a book

Simon didn’t get up at 6.30.


He __________________ soccer.
He __________________ Zack in the afternoon.
He __________________ a burger for lunch.
He __________________ Chloe at 3.30.
He __________________ shopping in the morning.
He __________________ a magazine.

Exercise 8. Read the text. Circle T (True) or F (False). Correct the false statements.
The Legend of Loch Ness
Loch Ness is a lake in Scotland. Every year, thousands of people visit it. Why? Because of the
Loch Ness Monster.
There are a lot of stories about the Loch Ness monster. Some of them are hundreds of years old.
But the legend of Loch Ness didn’t become famous until 1933. There was a newspaper story about
a strange animal in the lake. It was very big, and it had a long neck. Now every year, there are
more stories about the monster.
So what is the Loch Ness Monster? One idea is that the monster is really a dinosaur. This monster
didn’t die 200 million years ago with the other dinosaurs. It was safe in Loch Ness!
But is the monster real? In 1934, a doctor from London took a photograph of the monster. But in

the 1980s, people discovered the truth. The picture didn’t show a monster – it was a toy!
A lot of people still believe in the monster. What do you think?
1. Loch Ness is in Scotland. T / F
2. The stories about the monster started in 1933. T / F
3. In the newspaper story, the monster had long arms. T / F
4. Some people think that the Loch Ness Monster is a dinosaur. T / F
5. The dinosaurs died 300 million years ago. T / F
6. The doctor’s photograph showed a real monster. T / F
Exercise 9. Write about the difference between yourself now and 5 years ago( 120 words).


UNIT 7 -


I. Form:
S + was/were + V-ing
S + wasn’t/weren’t + V-ing
Was/ Were + S + V-ing?
II. Usage:
1. An interrupted action
I was watching the Olympic on TV when he walked in.
When I came, they were arguing.
2. A repeated or continuous state in the past
We were discussing about the issue at that time.
Tom and Mary were making Indonesian dishes all day for the night party.

Exercise 1. Circle the best answer out of the four choices.
1. I just __________ my work a few days ago.
a. finish
b. finished
c. finishing
d. was finishing
2. What _______ she _______ when you visited her last Monday?
a. did/ do
b. was/ do
c. was/ doing d. were/ doing
3. John __________ his room at this time last weekend.
a. was rearrange
c. was rearrangeing
b. was rearranging
d. rearranged
4. We were modeling a statue while they __________ another one.

a. were carving
b. was carving
c. were carved d. carved
5. They were _______ decoration when we __________ yesterday morning.
a. learning/coming b. learning/ come
c. learning/ came
d. learn/ came
6. The decorators __________ that house at this time last month.
a. decorate
c. was decorating
b. decorating
d. were decorating
7. He ___________ the relief all yesterday morning.
a. finish
b. finished
c. finishing
d. was finishing
8. I was late but my friend _____________ for me when I arrived.
a. was wait
b. was waiting
c. were waiting
d. waited
9. We ____________ that picture all last week.
a. draw
b. were draw
c. were drawing
d. was drawing
10. What materials __________you ____________ in your last work?
a. were/ use
b. were/ using

c. did/ used
d. did/ use
11. He _____ the portrait when the light went out. He had to finish it in the dark.
a. were paint
b. were painting
c. was painting
d. painted
12. When I was a boy, I often __________ cartoon pictures in my free time.
a. were drawing
b. were draw
c. was drawing
d. drew
13. We ________ French for two years, but we don’t study it now.

a. were studying
b. was studying
c. studyied
14. He was late and when he ______ in the studio, everyone ______ painting.
a. come/ practicing
c. came/ practice
b. came/ was practicing
d. came/ practicing

d. studied

Exercises 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous tense
1. Detective: I’m afraid I must ask you both what you (do)__________ yesterday at 10.20 p.m.
Mr X: I (play) ___________ chess with my wife.

Mr. Y: I (listen)___________ to a play on the radio.
2. The children were frightened because it (get)___________dark.
3. It was a fine day and the roads were crowded because a lot of people (rush)____________ to the
4. The airplane in which the football team (travel)____________ crashed soon after taking off.
5. He usually wears sandals but when I last saw him he (wear) ____________ boots.
Exercises 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past or the past continuous tense.
1. I lit the fire at 6.00 and it (burn) ___________ brightly when Tom came in at 7.00.
2. When I arrived there, lecture had already started and the professor (write) ___________ on the
overhead projector.
3. I (share)__________ a flat with him when we were students. He always (complain) about my
4. I just (open)__________ the letter when the wind (blow)__________ it out of my hand.
5. You looked very busy when I (see)____________ you last night. What you (do)____________?
6. He suddenly (realize)_____________ that he (travel)___________ in the wrong direction.
7. He (lean)____________his gun when it accidentally (go)___________off and
(kill)____________ him.
8. He (not allow)____________ us to go out in the boat yesterday as a strong wind
9. He always (wear)___________ a raincoat and (carry)____________ an umbrella when he
walked to the office.
10. What you (think)_____________ about his last book?
I (like)___________ it very much.
Exercises 4. Read Beth’s account of the Tsunami. Circle answer a or b.
I was there!
On Monday 27th December, 2004, a huge Tsunami swept across south and east Asia. Beth Turner,
from east Jersey, was in south-west Sri Lanka, and remembers it clearly.
“We were having a late breakfast in our hotel. We were sitting about 50 meters from the beach,
when people sitting near the windows started to shout loudly.
We ran to the windows. The ocean was coming really fast up the beach. Two or three minutes later

the waves were smashing into the hotel, breaking the windows and hitting the tables. Then,
suddenly, the bay emptied of water. People started to run to their rooms. But soon the sea started to
change again and the waves crashed up the beach again. For the next two or three hours, big waves

