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Unit 11: What’s time is it?
New words:
Time: thời gian,
go to school: đi học
go home: về nhà

get up: thức dậy

o’clock: giờ đúng

have breakfast( dinner, lunch): ăn sang(tối, trưa)
go to bed: đi ngủ

Model sentences:
1. What’s time is it? ( mấy giờ rồi)
It’s + time
2. What time do you go to bed? ( bạn đi ngủ lúc mấy giờ)
I go to bed at nine o’clock. ( mình đi ngủ lúc 9 giờ )
Task 1. Read and tick √ or cross x. There are two examples:

Task 2. Order the words. There is one example.
Example: breakfast/ Tony/ at/ has/ 7 o’clock
Tony has breakfast at 7 o’clock.
1. you/ what/ go/ do/ time/ school/ to
2. in/ do/ you/ do/ what/ morning/ the
3. time/ is/ what/ it

4. homework/ Linda/ at/ does/ 8 o’clock/ her
5. football/ Peter/ at/ plays/ 4:45
Task 3. Read and write YES or NO.

Hi, I’m Ha. I study at Hoa Sen Primary School. I usually get up at 7.00. After
breakfast, I walk to school at 7.40. My school starts at 8.00. My friends and I play
badminton at break time. We have three subjects in the afternoon. The school
finishes at 4.30.
0. Ha is a pupil at Hoa Sen Primary School.
1. She usually gets up at seven a.m.


2. She goes to school at seven fifteen.


3. Ha and her friends play volleyball at break time.


4. She studies four subjects in the afternoon.


5. Her school day finishes at four thirty.
Task 4. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation
begins with 0.
0 A Minh: What do you usually do on Sarturday mornings, An?
B An: At six o’clock. What time is it now?
C Minh: I cycle, too. What time do you cycle?
D An: Oh, no. We’re late for school. Let’s run now.
E Minh: It’s seven fifty.
F An: I usually cycle. What about you?

Task 5. Look and write.

Unit 12:What does your father do?
New words:
Farmer: nông dân
nurse: y tá
doctor: bác sỹ
driver: lái xe
worker: công nhân
student: học
clerk: nhân viên vp
hospital: bệnh viện
cánh đồng
factory: nhà máy
office: cơ quan

Model sentences:
1. What does your father do? (ba của bạn lamg gì?)
He’s/ She’s a farmer.
(ông ấy là một nông dân )
2. Where does he/ she work? (anh ấy/ cô ấy làm ở đâu?)
He’s/ She’s works in the field( Anh ấy / cô ấy làm ở cánh đồng)
Exercise 1: Viết các từ sau bằng tiếng anh. (2,5)
1. nông dân: ……………..
6. cánh đồng: …………………
2. nhân viên văn phòng: ……..
7. bệnh viện: ………………….
3. bác sĩ:…………………….
8. văn phòng: ………..…..…..
4. y tá:…………………..
9. nhà máy: ……………..……

5. công nhân: ……………….
10. lái xe: ……………………
Exercise 2: sắp xếp từ thành câu: (2,5)
1. mother/ My/ in/ hospital/ a/ ./
2. play/ game/ Let’s/ of/ jobs/ a/ ./
3. a/ of/ my/ This/ picture/ family/ is/ ./
4. does/ your/ What/ do/ sister/ ?/


5. grandma/ is/ My/ teacher/ a/ ./
Exercise 3: Nối câu ở cột A với câu ở cột B. (2,5)
1. What does your mother do?
a. Yes, he does.
2. Where does she work?
b. He’s a clerk.
3. Does your Uncle work in a factory?
c. He works in an office
4. What does your grandpa do?
d. She is a farmer.
5. Where does he work?
e. She works in a hospital..
Exercise 4: điền từ còn thiếu vào chỗ trống.(2.5)
My name is Quan. There are (1)……………………….people in my family: my
parents, my brother and me. My father is a (2)………………….. he works in Yen
phu Primary School. My mother is a nurse. She works in Yen Phong (3)
My brother is a worker. He (4)………………………in a car factory. And as you
know, I am a pupil in Class…(5)……………………….. I love my family and I am

happy at my school.
Unit 13: would you like some milk?
New words:
Chicken: thit gà

beef: thịt bò

fish: cá

pork: thịt heo


noodles: mỳ

bread: bánh mỳ

vegetable: rau củ

orange juice: nước cam vắt

water: nước

milk: sữa
lemonade: nước chanh

Model sentences:
1. What’s your favourite food/ drink? ( thức ăn hay nước uống yêu thích của
bạn là gì ?

It’s chicken/ water. ( đó là …….)
2. Would you like some milk? ( bạn có muốn một ít sữa ko ?)
Yes, please/ no, thanks.
Put a word under each picture: Vegetables, lemonade, noodles, apple, orange,
rice, fish, bread, water, milk, chicken, banana

Ex 2: Odd one out:
1. a. fish
b. pork

c. beef

d. fruitjuice

2. a. bread

c. noodles

d. food

b. nurse

3. a. doctor

b. worker

c. rubber

d. teacher

4. a. clerk

b. field

c. factory

d. office

5. a. drink

b. milk

c. water

d. apple

6. a. banana

b. apple

c. fruit

d. tailor

7. a. drink

b. noodles

c. bread

d. fish

8. a. lemonade

b. fruitjucie

c. lunch

d. chicken

9. a. vegetable

b. breakfast

c. lunch

d. dinner

10. a. rice

b. orange

c. banana

d. apple

11. a. orangejuice b. milk

c. water

d. fish

12. a. bread

b. noodles

c. hungry

d. fish

13. a. thirsty

b. banana

c. apple

c. lemonade

14. a. math

b. teacher

c. history

d. music

15. a. subject

b. pencil

c. rubber

d. shapener

16. a. England

b. America

c. Japan

d. China

17. a. nationality

b. his

c. her

d. your

18. a. get up

b. go home

c. name

d. sing

19. a. PE

b. IT

c. On

d. Art

20. a.eat
b. pork
c. chicken
d. bread
Ex 3: Put the words in correct order:
1. like/ I/ apple juice/ would/some/
2. what/ your/ drink/ favourite/is/ ?
3. Mary’s/ food/ is/ what/ favourite/?
4. drink/ is/ juice/ favourite/ my/orange/
5. parents/ fish/ rice/ like/ my/ and
6. have/ you/ breakfast/ do/ what/ for/?
7. is/ drink/ your/ favourite/ what/?

8. mother/ home/ late/ goes/ evening/ the/ in/ my/

9. her/ factory/ worker/ works/ in/, / he/ is/ father/ a/ a/
10. she/ some/ like/ water/ would/ and/ apple/
Ex 4: Read and macth:
1. What’s your favourite
a. Yes, please.
2. Does she like her job?

b. Yes, you can.


3. Would you like some

c. In a factory.


4. What does she do?

d. Yes, please. I love noodles.


5. May I come in, sir?

e. It’s apple juice.


6. Do you like your job?

f. No, she doesn’t.


7. Would you like some

g. She’s a clerk.


8. Where does he work?

h. Yes, I do.


9. What time do you go to

i. On Tuesday and Thursday.


10. Where are you from?

j. No, she’s American.


11. What did you do last

k. It’s two fifty six.


12. Did you go to school

l. I did my homework and
watched TV.


13. Is she Malaysian?

m. At a quarter to seven.


14. What time is it now?

n. Yes, I did.


15. When do you have
o. Tokyo, Japan.
Ex 5: Choose the correct answer:
1. Would you like ................. beef? (an/ a/ some/ any)
2. My father ................. his job. (like/ loves/ do/ have)
3. What ................. Lan do? (is/ am/ do/ does)


4. Our friends ................. to school in the morning. (goes/ when/ go/ did)
5. What ................. you do yesterday? (do/ does/ did/ doed)
6. Lan ................. at the zoo last weekend. (is/ was/ beed/ am)
7. My ................. drink is lemonade. (like/ favourite/ love/ drink)
8. I go to ................. at 10 p.m. (school/ work/ bed/ the zoo)
9. My grandfather is a farmer. He works in the ................. . (factory/ school/ office/
10. Every day I get ................. at 6 o’clock. (up/ in/ to/ next)
11. His favourite drink is ................. . (chicken/ beef/ fruitjuice/ beef)
12. Sometimes I have some bread with milk for ................. . (school/ breakfast/
class/ friend)
13. I am hungry. I would like some ................. . (water/ milk/ coffee/ noodles)
14. Tuan is a doctor. He works in a ................. . (field/ factory/ hospital/ police
15. My uncle is a ................. in a primary school. (tailor/ singer/ teacher/ driver)

16. My grandparents are working in the rice ................. now. (field/ office/
hospital/ school)
17. What ................. does your brother get up? (colour/ time/ food/ drink)
18. ................. does she work? – in an office. (what/ who/ when/ where)
19. My school starts at 7 o’clock and ................. at 11.15. (does/ teaches/ finishes/
20. ................. dinner, I do my homework or listen to music. (at/ after/ before/ in)
Ex 6: Fill in the blank with a suitable word:
1. I go to school ................. Monday to Friday.
2. She was ................. school this morning.
3. She goes to bed ................. 9 p.m
4. What time do you get .................?
5. Pupils don’t go to school ................. Saturdays and Sundays.
6. Lan goes to English club ................. Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon.
7. My mother’s birthday is ................. the eighth of February.
8. She has breakfast ................. half past six.
9. They usually play football ................. the afternoon.
10. ................. yellow table, the girls are painting some masks.
11. There are two maps ................. the wall.
12. There is a fence in ................. of my house.
13. My birthday is .................December.
14. The teacher is sitting ................. the bench and reading a book.
15. I have music and IT .................Tuesday.

Unit 14 What does he look like?
New words:
Old: già

young: trẻ

big : to, lớn

Small: nhỏ

slim: mảnh mai

strong: mạnh

Tall: cao

short: lùn

thick: mập

Thin: gầy

Model sentences:
1. What does he/she look like?( anh ấy/ cô ấy trông như thế nào?)
He’s/ She’s tall. (anh ấy/ cô ấy cao)
2. Who’s taller? My brother is. My brother is taller than my father.( Ai cao
hơn? Anh trai mình. Anh trai mình cao hoén bố mình)
3. Comparative
Adj – ER.
Unit 15: When is Children’s Day?
New words:
New year: năm mới

Children’s Day: 1st of June

Teachers’ Day: 20/11

Christmas: 25/12

Festival: lễ hội

wear: mặc, mang

Lucky money: tiền lì xì

firework display: màn trình diễn pháo hoa

decorate: trang trí

Grandparents: ông bà
Model sentences:
1. When is Children’s Day?
It’s on the first of June
2. What do you do at Tet?
I decorate the house.
Unit 16: Let’s go the the bookshop.

( khi nào là ngày quốc tế thiếu nhi?)
( ngày 1/6)
( bạn làm gì vào dịp tết?)
( mình trang trí nhà cửa.)

New words:
Sweet: kẹo

chocolate: sô cô la

medicine: thuốc tây

Pharmacy: quầy thuốc tây

bakery: tiệm bánh mỳ

swimming pool: hồ bơi

Bookshop: quầy sách

supermarket: siêu thị

cinema: rạp chiếu phim

Buy: mua

hungry: đói bụng

busy: bận

Model sentences:
1. Let’s go to the bookshop. ( hãy cùng đi đến quầy sách .)
Great idea./ Sorry, I’m busy.(ý kiến hay/ xin lỗi mình bận)
2. Why do you want to go to the zoo? ( Tại sao bạn muốn đi đến sở thú?)
Because I want to see the animals. ( bởi vì mình muốn xem các con vật)

Unit 17: How much is the T- shirt?
New words:
Scarf: khăn quàng cổ

jacket: áo khoát

skirt: váy

Blouse: áo cánh

jumper: áo mặc chui đầu

jeans: quần rin

Shoes: đôi giày

trousers: quần tây

sandals: dép quai sau

Model sentences:
1. How much is the T- shirt?( giá bao nhiêu)
It is…………..
2. How much are the Jeans?
They are …………
Unit 18: What’s your phone number?
New words:
Go for a picnic: đi dã ngoại

go for a walk: đi dạo

Go fishing: đi câu cá

go skating: trượt bang

Model sentences:
1. What’s your phone number?

( số điện thoại bạn là bao nhiêu?)

It’s 0905 109 819
2. Would you like to go for a walk?
I’d love to./ Sorry, I can’t.

( Bạn có thích đi dạo ko?(mời))
(mình thích/ xin lỗi mình ko thể)

Unit 19: What animal do you want to see?
New words:
Animal: động vật

kangaroo: chuột túi

crocodile: cá sấu

Elephant: voi

tiger: hổ


Zebra: ngựa vằn

bear: gấu

funny:khôi hài

Scary: sợ hãi

friendly: thân thiện

Model sentences:
1. What animal do you want to see?( con vật bạn muốn thấy là gì?)
I want to see kangaroos. ( mình muốn thấy con chuột túi)
2. I like/ don’t like…… because ……….( mình thích/ ko thích … bởi vì….)
Unit 20: What are you going to do this summer?
New words:
Summer: mùa hè

sea: biển

hotel: khách sạn

Sandcastle: lâu đài cát

seafood: hải sản

delicious: vừa miệng

Build: xây dựng

Model sentences:
1. What are you going to do this summer?( bạn dự định làm gì vào mùa hè
I’m going to eat seafood. (mình dự định ăn hải sản )
2. Where are you going thí summer? ( bạn dự định ở đâu vào hè này )
I’m going to SaPa. ( mình dự định ở Sapa)
