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Major: Education management
Code: 9 14 01 14


Hanoi - 2019

The project is completed at


1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van Anh
2. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen

Reviewer 1: ......................................................

Reviewer 2: ......................................................

Reviewer 3: ......................................................

The thesis will be defended at Thesis Examination Council of

At: ……..hour……..minute, date……..month…….. 2019

The thesis can be found at:
- National Library of Vietnam;
- Library of Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences.

1. Thesis rationale
Fostering political theory for the contigent of officials and Party
members is always promoted by the Party and the State. The Resolution of
the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnamstates
that:“Keeping on innovating and consolidating the organizational structure
of the Party and political system; making a clear definition of more
functions, tasks, apparatus structure, operation mechanisms, workstyle”.
The overall program on the State administrative reform in the 2011-2020
period, promulgated under the Government's Resolution No. 30C/NQ-CP
dated November 8th, 2011, has established targets: “Buildingup a contigent
of officials, civil servants and public employees who are qualified aimed at
satisfying the requirements of serving the people and the country’s
In recent years, the officials and lecturers of Hanoi City’s districtlevel political training centers have well promoted their roles in organizing
the implementation of guidelines and policies of the Party and the State in
education and training. Encouraging results have been achieved in the
quality of fostering officials, Party members, civil servants and public
employees in Hanoi City. However, due to many objective and subjective
reasons, some lecturers, officials, Party members, civil servants and public

employees reveal many limitations and weaknesses, affecting the
performance of political tasks in some districts, towns; the reason is
explained by no due attention to the management of training activities at the
In the context of social development requirements, in the cause of
nationalindustrialization and modernization; Facing the increasing impacts
of negative aspects of market mechanism as well asglobal and national
political security situation, it is necessary to establisha young and
professional contigent of officials and Party members, a research project
onmanagement of fostering activities at the Political Fostering Centers
aimed at identifying the requirements and measures for management of
fostering activities at Hanoi City’s district-level political training centers in
the current period.
Based on the above reasons, the author chooses the topic
“Management of political theory fostering activities at Hanoi City’s
political fostering centers” for her thesis.
2. Purposes of the Study
Based on theoretical study and situational survey, the thesis proposes
solutions for management of fostering political theory activities at Hanoi

City’sdistrict-level political training centers aimed at improving the political
performance capacity of officials and Party members in the current period.
3. Object and subject of the Study
3.1. Object: Activities of fostering political theory for officials and
Party members.
3.2. Subject: Management of political theory fostering activities at
Hanoi City’sdistrict-level political fostering centers.
4. Scientific hypothesis

Certain results have been achieved in the management of political
theory fostering activities at the district-level political fostering centers,
however, there are still many difficulties and limitations such as student
management, teaching method management, testing and assessment, etc.
Once appropriate solutions for fostering activities management in the
context of international integration have been proposed, fostering
management at the political fostering centers shall be professionally
completed, accordingly, the trainees’ capacity shall be ensured, satisfying
the current requirements for grass-roots officials in Hanoi City.
5. Tasks of the Study
5.1. To systematize the theoretical basis for management of political
theory fostering activities, study experiences in management of political
theory fostering activities of successful countries to conclude lessons for
application in Vietnam.
5.2. To survey actual situation of fostering activities and management
of political theory fostering activities at district-level political training
centers in Hanoi City.
5.3. To propose and test solutions for management of political theory
fostering activities at Hanoi City’s district-level political training centers.
6. Limitations of the topic
- Within the thesis scope, the author only mentions about the
management of political theory fosteringactivities at the district-level
political fostering centers (Collectively referred to as the district-level
political fostering centers in the thesis) in Hanoi city.
- Trainees are the officials and Party members who are working at the
agencies of the Party, the State, socio-political organizations in Hanoi City’s
districts, towns.
- Location of situational survey: at 10 district-level political training
centers in Hanoi city.
- The number of specific objects in the survey: Managers of District

Committees, district-level political training centers: 35; Trainers: 200;
Trainees: 400.

7. Approach and study methods
7.1. Approach method
System approach; approach based on management function; approach
to management contents; Process-based management approach.
7.2. Study methods
* Group of theoretical study methods:
* Group of practical study methods: Investigation by questionnaires;
Interview; Method of experiences summary; Active product research
method; Observation method; Expert method; Test Method.
* Group of support methods:
8. Arguments
- The fostering of political theory for officials, Party members, public
servants and public employees is a particularly important task in the current
personnel affairs. The fostering of political theory at the district-level
political fostering centers is requested to satisfy the following factors:
Standard of quality (at standard) and structural consistence. The factors such
as objectives, contents, methods, organizational forms, testing and
assessment in political theory fostering activities must be in consitence with
socialist orientation as well as regional and international integration.
- Management of political theory fostering activities at the districtlevel political fosteringcenters is mainly approached according to the
management function and contentsaimed at clearly determining specific
tasks to be implemented for management subjects such as: planning the
implementation, management offostering program contents, management of
the trainees' learning activities, management of lectuers’ teaching activities,
management of implementation support and management of testing and

assessment, etc.
- Solutions for management of political fostering activities at districtlevel political fosteringcenters are proposed in the direction of promoting
strengths, overcoming the limitationsof current situation, attaching great
importance to renovating teaching methods, improving the capacity of
lecturers, innovating the testing and assessment. These are key solutions that
achieve proper functionality, structural consistence in line with management
process and efficiency of political theory fostering management at districtlevel political fostering centers.
9. New contributions of the thesis
9.1. Theoretical contributions
- Systematizing theoretical issues on political theoryfostering and
management of political theory fostering for officials and Party members
based on the approach of management function and contents.

- Analyzingthe factors affecting the management of political theory
fostering at Hanoi City’s district-level polictical fostering centers.
9.2. Practical contributions
- Analyzing and assessing the situation and causes, limitations on
management of political theory fostering at Hanoi City’s district-level
political training centers.
- Proposing some solutions to perfect the management of political
theory fostering at Hanoi City’s district-level political fostering centers in
the context of international integration.
- As a reference for research and fostering as well as in the
management of political theory fostering activities at district-level political
fostering centers.
10. Structure of the thesis
In addition to the parts: Introduction; conclusions and
recommendations; references; Appendix, main contents of the thesis are

presented in 3 chapters.
Chapter 1: Theoretical basis for management of political theory
fostering activities at district-level political fostering centers
Chapter 2: Current situation of management of political theory
fostering activities at Hanoi City’s district-level political fostering centers.
Chapter 3: Solutions for management of political theory fostering
activities at Hanoi City’s district-level political fostering centers.
1.1. Overview of the issue-related studies
1.1.1. Studies on fostering and training management
1.1.2. Studies on political theory fostering management
Study results of the above-mentioned group of the theoretical study
works, practical summary are valuable sources studied and referred by the
author, accordingly, a theoretical system of fostering management aimed at
improving the political theory fostering quality at the district-level political
fostering centers is established. In particular, the thesis focuses on issues
such as: clarification of characteristics in fostering political theory at the
district-level political fostering centers; determination of specific contents of
political theory fostering management at the district-level political fostering
centers and on this basis, the survey is conducted and some solutions are
proposed for improvement of management efficiency of political theory

fostering activities at Hanoi City’s district-level political fostering centers in
the current period.
1.2. Basic concepts
1.2.1. Political theory

Political theory is the knowledge system in politics, an important part
of the mankind's treasure of argumentsin politics, a result of scientific and
practical researches of many authors through many generations.
1.2.2. Fostering
The UNESCO defines that: Fostering is meaningful incareer
improvement. This process takes place only when individuals and
organizations need to improve their knowledge or professional skills to
satisfy the work requirements.
1.2.3. Fostering political theory
Fostering political theory is to provide the officials and Party
members with Marxism-Leninism’s basic contents about the worldview,
scientific methodology so that they have knowledge and actions in a proper
and drastic manner.
1.2.4. Management
Management is an orientated and organized affecting process by the
managers on the subject through management mechanisms, aimed at effective
use of resources in changing environmental conditions in order to stabilize,
develop and achieve the objectives.
1.2.5. Management of political fostering activities
Management of political theory fostering is a system of purposeful,
planned, normative impacts by mechanisms, policies, instruments and
specific management measures of managemend subject on management
object in order to take the system into operation in line with fostering paths
and opinions and achieve the objectives of fostering political theory for
officials, Party members, civil servants and public employees.
1.3. Political theory fostering activities at district-level political
training centers
1.3.1. Position and role of district-level political training centers
1.3.2. Functions and tasks of district-level political training centers
The district-level political fostering center functions to organize the

training and fostering on political-administrative theory; resolutions,
directives of the Party, policies and laws of the State; knowledge, skills and
profession on building up the Party, the Authority, the Fatherland Front and
socio-political organizations, the State management knowledge for officials
and Party members in the grassroots political system in the districts out of

trained and fostered subjects of political schools in the cities directly under
the Central Government.
1.3.3. Objectives, contents, methods, and forms of political fostering
organization at district-level political fostering centers Objectives of fostering political theory
The objectives of fostering political theory are to educate the views
on people and life, revolutionary ethnics and provide knowledge and work
methods for officials and Party members; contribute to building up a
contigent of officials and Party members who have a strong political stance,
right political attitude, good moral qualities and competence, effective work
style in satisfaction with the requirements of the cause of construction and
defense of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Contents of political theory training and fostering
- Fostering the basic theoretical knowledge on fundamental principles
of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Ideology, and guidelines of the
Communist Party of Vietnam.
- Educating the standards of revolutionary ethics and principles of
exercising such standards.
- Educating the Party's lines and policies, the State's policies and laws. Form of fostering political theory
Fostering in the concentrated form; Fostering in the learning-by-doing
form; long-term fostering; Short-term fostering; Self-fostering to improve the

level of political theory and professional skills.
1.4. Some approaches on management of political theory
fostering activities
Due to typical characteristics of political fostering as well as personnel
size at the district-level political fostering centers, the thesis selects the
approach model according to management function, management contents of
fostering activities and output orientation. The specific theoretical views
under approach are: the target-based management model (aiming at
implementing the center's common objectives and specific objectives of each
fostering course, training subject); function-based management model
(planning, implementation organization, implementation direction, testing and
assessment). Furthermore, in the thesis, the author refers to the theory of
CIPO model to ensure the comprehensiveness and teaching theory for adults
aimed at achieving the effectiveness in the steering process for
implementation of political theory fostering activities.
1.5. Contents of management of political theory fostering
activities at district-level political fostering centers
1.5.1. Develop a political theory fostering plan

The political theory fostering plan for officials and Party members
should meet the following specific requirements:
* Determination of fostering needs: Political fostering activities of
district-level political fostering centers are determined aimed at meeting the
needs of sectors, organizations and authorities in the districts. With specific
subjects such as: primary level of political theory, intermediate level of
political theory, Party candidate class, New Party member class, Women
class, Propaganda class, Youth union class, Farmer class, trade unions,
veterans' class, fatherland front class, etc.

* Determining fostering objectives
* Determining the contents of fostering programs
* Determining human resource for implementation
1.5.2. Management of political theory fostering contents and
Management of fostering contents includes:
* Building contents and programs of political theory fostering: Based
on the guiding documents of the Central Committee for Propaganda to build
up fostering contents and programs.
* Organizing content implementation
* Managing contents
* Inspecting, assessing and adjusting the contents
1.5.3. Management of teaching activities of lecturers
Management of lecturers’ teaching activities is based on teaching
tasks and management through planning. Management of teaching
activities of political theory fostering courses includes: teaching activities
in class; organization of field trips in facilities; instructions, comments and
graduation thesis evaluation after each course according to the program;
making comments and marking tests as well as major assignments in
fostering programs,etc.
In particular, management of the lecturers’ teaching methods means
management of the lecturers’ application of teaching methods in the classes
based on the learner-centered viewpoint and promotion of the initiative,
activeness and creativity and of the learners.
In addition, the Center should pay regular attention to the training and
fostering for the contingent of officials, especially lecturers aimed at
improving their competence and qualification to promptly meet the
requirements on innovation.
1.5.4. Trainees management
- Admission management: Make an admission plan; organize and

direct the admission and summarize, assess the admission.

- Management of the learning and practising process: Manage the
attendance of trainees in class and manage the time of self-study, discussion
and field trips.
- Testing and evaluating the trainees' fostering process and following
trainees after the training courses.
- Management of the trainees’ learning method.
1.5.5. Management of testing and assessment of the political theory
fostering results
Examination and evaluation of the fostering program results include:
cognitive results, satisfaction of trainees with the fostering program for
application of knowledge and skills acquired from the program, behavior
change in a positive way, etc.
Managing the development of assessment standards and methods for
the trainees’ learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude;
and managing the issuance of fostering certificates.
Managing the development of evaluation standards and methods for
teaching results of lecturers.
Managing the information collection and processing according to
standards to achieve accurate management results.
1.5.6. Management of assistance resources for political theory
fostering organization
Management of assistance resources for organization of fostering
activities at the district-level political fostering centers includes:
Management of fostering funds, management of classrooms arrangement at
the Center according to the existing teaching schedule; Management of
teaching techniques application; Management of other learning and living

assistance conditions.
In order to effectively implement the financial management, facilities for
training activities, the leaders of district-level political training centers should
develop plans on finance, facilities procurement and repair and regularly inspect
financial use and facilities at the center.
1.6. Factors affecting the management of political theory
fostering activities at political fostering centers
- Trends of globalization and international integration
- Development requirements of politics, economy, culture, society,
national defense and security of the country and localities
- Policies for development, training and fostering of political theory
- The sector and locality’s requirements on training and fostering
political theory for officials and Party members

- The direction of the City Party Committee and the District Party
Committee on political theory fostering activities at the district political
fostering centers
- Financial resources, conditions, facilities and equipment for training
and fostering political theory
- Competence of managers of the Political Fostering Centers
- Competence of lecturers at the Political Fostering Centers
- Learning needs, sense of responsibility of trainees for political
theory fostering activities
Chapter 1 of the thesis mentions the overall research issues and
focuses on clarifying the tool-like concepts: Management, fostering,
fostering political theory, management of political theory fostering
activities. The author has analyzed and clarified the contents of management

of political theory fostering activities including: development of training
and fostering plans, management of fostering contents, lecturers’ teaching
activities, trainees, facilities, teaching equipment, testing and assessment of
political theory fostering results at the district-level political fostering
Chapter 2.
2.1. Overview of Hanoi City’s district-level political fostering
2.1.1. Overview of geographical features, cultural and socio-economic
situation of Hanoi Capital
2.1.2. The process of establishment of district-level political fostering
centers in Hanoi City
2.1.3. Overview of Hanoi City’s district-level political fostering centers
2.2. Overview of current situation survey
2.3. Current situation of political theory fostering activities at
Hanoi city’s district-level political fostering centers
2.3.1. Current situation of the contigent of officials, trainers and
The Political Fostering Centers has 1-3 trainers who regularly teach
classes. Their political, professional qualifications and pedagogical skills
generally meet the required standards. The Political Fostering Centers

actively build up a contingent of concurrent lecturers in the amount of 16 35 persons, including: Permanent members, Standing Committee members;
heads and deputy heads of Party committees, specialized departments and
specialists with deep expertise in departments, divisions and sectors of

districts and towns.
2.3.2. Current situation of the contents of political theory fostering
program at the political fostering centers
According to the survey results, the contents and the program of
political theory fostering are implemented at a good level by the districtlevel fostering center in Hanoi City, with the GPAs of 2.84 and 2.85.
Among the contents, the fostering program is implemented at a relatively
uniform level. The highest level of performance is the content of "Primary
political theory training program" with the GAPs of 3.09 and 3.06. The
lowest level of performance is the content "Fostering program for political
theory and trade union operations for grassroots trade union officials" with
the GAPs of 2.74 and 2.75.
2.3.3. Current situation of organizing the political theory fostering
courses at District-level Political Fostering Centers
In reality, the organization of political theory fostering courses at the
district-level political fostering centers is conducted at good level, with the
GAPs of 2.91 and 2.91; there is no difference in the levels of performanc
among the contents; all the contents are at at good level. The best level of
performance is the content of "class organization" with the GAPs of 3.00
and 3.02. The contents of "practical study organization" is concerned by the
district-level political fostering centers and effectively organized with the
GAPs of 2.97 and 3.02.
2.3.4. Current situation of political theory fostering results at
district-level political fostering centers
As a result, the fostering of political theory at the district-level
political fostering centers has been increased in fostering quantity and
quality. The results achieved after each fostering course at district-level
political fostering centers of the trainees are assessed to achieve quite good
results in knowledge, skills and attitude at 2.5 the results of knowledge are assessed at the highest level, with the GPA of
3.03 points while the results of study are assessed at the lowest level, with

the GPA of only 2.84.
2.4. Current situation of management of political theory fostering
activities at Hanoi city’s district-level political fostering centers
2.4.1. Awareness of managers and lecturers about the role of the
management of political theory fostering activities

According to the survey results, both the managers and lecturers
evaluated that the management of political theory fostering activities keeps
an important and very important role. In particular, the important role is
evaluated at higher level, accounting for 61.3%. As such, the management
of political theory fostering activities plays a decisive role to the quality of
organization and fostering activities at the political theory fostering centers.
2.4.2. Current situation of development of fostering plan at the
political theory fostering centers
The development of fostering plan at the political theory fostering
centers is implemented at good level, with the GPA of 2.87 and 2.88. The
contents in plan development are implemented in a relatively synchronous
manner, at a good level. The content "Determination of political theory
fostering demands for officials, Party members of sectors, trade unions and
authorities in the district" has not reached a high level; the GPA are only
2.56 and 2.89. The implementation of the content of "Fund estimates,
facilities preparation for specific fostering activities" is still at a certain
level, with the GPA of only 2.53 and 2.85.




2.91 2.91





Chart 2.2: Current status of the planning for political theory fostering at
district-level political fostering centers
2.4.3. Current situation of contents management, political theory
fostering program
According to the survey results, the management of the contents of
political theory fostering program at the district-level political theory

fostering centers in Hanoi city is assessed to be good, with the GPA of 2.94
and 2.95. Especially, the implementation of the content "Following the
written guidelines of the Central Propaganda Committee on development of
a political theory fostering program" is good, with the GPA of 3.06 and 3.06
and the content“. Ensuring the consistence in implementation of program
contents during the fostering process” has the GPA of 3.03 and 3.02. The
implementation of the content "Collection of feedback from lecturers and
trainees for suitable adjustment of the fostering program contents" is at the
lowest level, with the GPA of only 2.80 and 2.81 and the implementation of
the content "There is a assignment, close coordination between individuals
and departments in the implementation of the fostering program contents ",
with the GPA of 2.80 and 2.83.
2.4.4. Current situation of management of teaching activities of
The management of the district-level political fostering centers for
teaching activities of the lecturers has not been really effective, only at fair
level, with the GPA of 2.83 and 2.85. Implementation of all the contents of
lecturers’ management is relatively uniform. The best level of
implementation is the content "Effective use of lecturers", with the GPA of
2.89 and 2.86. And in order to promote the efficiency of the lecturers in the

fostering program implementation, the district-level political fostering
centers strictly implemented the content "providing lecturers with suitable
training and fostering plans and reasonable timetables in long-term and
overall nature”, with the GPA of 2.86 and 2.88. The lowest level of
implementation is the content of "encouraging lecturers to innovate teaching
methods and actively using the classroom teaching facilities", with GPA of
only 2.80 and 2.82.
2.4.5. Current situation of trainees management
The management of the trainees at the political fostering centers is
implemented at a good level, with the GPA of 2.84 and 2.86. The
implementation of the trainees management contents is good, at 2.5
"Implementing admission in the right subjects and targets" are implemented
by the political fostering centers at the highest efficiency, with the GPA of
2.94-2.96 and 2.97-2.98. In the existing political fostering centers, the
trainee management is mainly implemented by regulations. Implementation
of the content "following and evaluation of trainees after fostering process"
is at the lowest level, with the GPA of 2.71 and 2.74.
2.4.6. Current situation of management of testing and assessment of
political theory fostering results

The management of the assessment of fostering political theory
fostering results at Hanoi City’s political fostering centers is very good, with
the GPA of 2.90 and 2.92. The centers have attention and implement the
contents of fostering results assessment, however, the implementation
quality of the content still has certain limitations and results are not high. In
particular, the implementation of the content "selecting the suitable
assessment form for each fostering type/method" is the best, with the GPA

of 3.00 and 3.05. The content "Developing assessment standards and
methods to assess students' learning results in terms of knowledge, skills
and attitudes" are paid attention and seriously implemented by the political
fostering centers, with the GPA of 2.94 and 2.96.
2.4.7. Current situation of management of assistance resources for
political theory fostering organization
Management of assistance conditions for fostering political theory at
Hanoi City’s political theory fostering centers has not been really effective,
only at a good level, with the GPA of 2.89 and 2.90. In particular, the
content "implementing funds expenditure in accordance with the current
financial management principles to achieve savings, efficiency and
prevention of loss of the State budget sources" achieves the best
implementation efficiency, with the GPA of 3.09 and 3.12. The
implementation of the content "assistance conditions for learning and other
activities (meals, lunches, parking areas for cars and motorbikes, means of
transport for field trips of trainees in other facilities, drinking water, etc” is
at the lowest level, with the GPA of 2.77 and 2.81.
2.4.8. Current situation of factors affecting the political theory
fostering management at Hanoi City’s political theory fostering centers
The survey factors have a great influence on the political theory
fostering management of Hanoi City’s political fostering centers when the
GPA reached 3.33 and 3.34. Each content of the factor has different levels
of influence; however, it is generally very influential at the GPA> 3.25. The
highest influence is the factor “Capacity of managers in the political
fostering centers”, with the GPA of 3.40 and 3.42. The lowest influence is
the factor "Trend of globalization and international integration", with the
GPAs of 3.23 and 3.28.
2.6. Overall assessment of current situation of management of
political theory fostering activities at Hanoi City’s district-level political
fostering centers

2.6.1. Strengths


Managers, lecturers, trainees and relevant organizations have a proper
awareness of the necessity of fostering political theory for officials and Party
members in the current period.
Enrollment is strictly and seriously conducted from the planning stage,
plan approval, and the organization of enrollment plan implementation.
The contents of fostering program closely follow the written guidelines
of higher authorities, and they are innovated and timely updated with new
theoretical and practical issues, outstanding political issues and events in need
of settlement.
The lecturers basically meet the teaching quality requirements in terms of
knowledge, methods and profession.
The infrastructure, materials and teaching facilities are concerned,
invested, built and additionally procured by the political fostering centers.
2.6.2. Weaknesses
- The management of political theory fostering activities has not been
given due attention by the Party committees, local authorities, agencies and
- Knowledge acquisition of some trainees is still limited, with
improper learning attitude, no application of school knowledge and skills to
work in reality, etc.
- Renovation of contents of the training and fostering program is not
synchronized, practical and suitable with the reality. Political theory
education programs are still heavy in general theory and the professional
fostering is limited; the teaching and communication methods are lectures
and little innovation is created.

- The political fostering centers have not yet developed a set of
criteria for evaluation of the quality of political theory fostering activities
management, including teaching quality of lecturers, input quality and
output quality of trainees.
- The use of positive teaching methods of trainees has not been
absolutely implemented and slow at innovation.
- The current facilities for teaching task of the political fostering
centers are not synchronized with the categories and generation of
technology; the quality of technical equipment is still limited; etc.
2.6.3. Causes of weaknesses
- The political fostering centers lacks a strategic master plan for
fostering political theory, therefore, it is impossible to overcome the overlap
in functions, tasks and the repetition in contents between fostering courses
and programs.

- The study, practical review of political theory training and fostering
do not keep up with the reality.
- The development of contents, training programs, methods and forms
of fostering organization of the district-level political fostering centers have
not been agreed on some contents due to the control and direction from the
District Party Committee.
- The assessment of the managers of the political fostering centers has
not been strict, timely and objective; therefore, the effectiveness of the
activities is high.
- The contingent of lecturers at the political fostering centers is still
limited in the quantity and competence, application of the methods,
techniques of teaching political theory, test and evaluation methods, which
directly affects the political theory fostering results of the trainees.

- The coordination mechanism between the political fostering centers
with the authorities, departments and local authorities, where the trainees
are sent to the political theory fostering course is still loose and unclear.
In this chapter, the current management of the activities of fostering
political theory has been studied, including the following contents: Current
development of training and fostering plans; current management of
fostering programs’ contents; current management of teaching activities of
lecturers; current management of trainees’ learning activities; management
of training assistance conditions; current management of testing and
assessment of the political theory fostering results. Over the past few years,
many important achievements have been achieved in the management of
grassroots political theory, however, there have been still limitations to be
overcome. The achievements are very encouraging, however, management
of fostering political theory at the district-level political theory fostering
centers still faces many limitations to be overcome.
Chapter 3.
3.1. Direction orientation of the Party and the State on fostering
political theory for officials and Party members
- Opinions and objectives on fostering political theory
- The guidlines of political theory fostering management
- Tasks of political theory fostering management

3.2. Principles of measures proposal
Principles of ensuring Party nature; Principles of ensuring uniformity;

Principles of ensuring practicality; Principles of ensuring inheritance and
3.3. Proposed solutions
3.3.1. Directing the innovation of contents and methods of fostering
political theory to meet international integration and national
development Objectives of the solution
To promptly reflect the objective and practical rules of the country
and localities, new trends of the era and their impacts on the country in the
current period. Innovation of contents and political theory fostering methods
requires lecturers to get access, change in teaching ability, methods and
skills to meet the objectives of contents and curriculum innovation and keep
up with theoretical and practical issues to be solved. Content of the Solution
Developing and completing the curriculum framework, detailed
programs of subjects, curriculum, teaching materials, regulations and related
Investigating and surveying the fostering needs of officials and Party
members and on that basis, establishing the fostering program including 2
parts: compulsory and optional parts.
Reforming the contents of the fostering program needs to focus on the
output quality reflected in professional competence, work methods and
basic skills. Implementation organization
- Effectively conducting the reform of contents and programs so that
the political theory fostering meets practical requirements of theory and
socio-economic development in the context of increasingly deep and wide
international integration in the current period.
- Reforming teaching methods of lecturers in the learner-centered
direction and well responding to the implementation of the Center's

contents, programs and objectives.
- In parallel with the contents innovation, method of fostering
political theory requires the political fostering centers to renovate the
fostering management in consistence with the renovation of contents and
programs. Implementation conditions
3.3.2. Improvement ofteaching capacity of political theory lecturers Objectives of the solution

To improve the teaching capacity of lecturers at district-level political
fostering centers. Each facility needs a contingent of lecturers in adequate
quantity, standard quality, and a synchronized structure to improve the
training and fostering efficiency. Management of lecturers is to arrange and
assign lecturers to teach in accordance with professional qualification and
create favorable conditions for lecturers to participate in training and
fostering courses for improvement of their professional qualification. Contents of the solution
- Meeting the requirements on lecturers quality.
- Improving the qualification and professional ethics of lecturers through
the implementation of internal rules and regulations; pedagogical manner and
communication, behavior with trainees.
- Enhancing the capacity of application of teaching methods, means,
organization forms, test and assessment of teaching activities of the lecturers.
- Organizing activities on evaluating the competency of lecturers. Implementation organization
-Well performing the training and fostering to improve the quality of
lecturers in sufficient quantity and good quality to meet the training
objectives and requirements in the context of international economic

-Organizing the implementation of training and fostering plans for
lecturers through sending lecturers for further study aimed at improving their
qualifications, participation in training courses organized by the levels,
participation in scientific conferences, professional seminars, etc.
-Testing and assessment of the training and fostering quality of
lecturers: Evaluation of study results of lecturers should be conducted in
many forms.
-Well implementing the arrangement of lecturers based on their
strengths and professional qualification to meet the objectives of the
Center’s training and fostering programs.
-Well establishing mechanisms and policies to motivate lecturers. The
good physical and mental conditions will help the lecturers feel secure in
their work, put all their hearts to strive for the Center's educational and
training career, actively study and improve themselves aimed at improving
their professional qualifications and professional ethics. Implementation conditions
3.3.3. Develop a set of standards, criteria and innovation of testing
and assessment of fostering political theory management Objectives of the solution

Testing and assessment is a key stage, a final stage of a fostering
management cycle, with the function of assessment and appraisal of fostering
quality. The testing and assessment aims at timely collection of inverse
relationships on teaching and learning activities, prompt detection of
shortcomings in the program contents, teachers and learners in order to adjust
and improve the fostering process to achieve the highest efficiency. The testing
of fostering quality will help managers, lecturers and trainees obtain reliable

and accurate information to take timely actions for adjustment and supplement
so that the products shall be completed in teaching process. Contents of the solution
- Developing a system of standards and criteria for assessment of the
quality of management of political fostering activities at district-level
political fostering centers.
- Innovating the testing and assessment of political theory fostering
activities at district-level political fostering centers. Implementation organization
(i) Development of standards and criteria
The set of standards and criteria for assessment of management
quality of political theory fostering activities at district-level political
fostering shall focus on the following contents: Development of the training
and fostering plans and management of the contents of fostering program,
lecturers management, trainees management, Testing- assessment of
fostering results, management of finance and facilities for fostering task.
(ii) Innovation of testing and assessment of political theory fostering
- In order to effectively conduct the testing and assessment of the
quality of political theory fostering quality at the centers, each center should
establish a specialized group to perform the testing and assessment.
- Effective use of testing and assessment forms.
-The members of the specialized team should have a good
understanding of the process and method of organizing the testing and
assessment. Implementation conditions
3.3.4. Reasonable use of resources in political theory fostering
management Objectives of the solution
To promote the combination of resources, especially financial

resources, facilities and on this basis, to positively affect the contents of the
management of political theory fostering activities. The resources well meet
the requirements, which makes it easy for the center to implement education

and training programs; to improve the quality of lectures fostering; teaching
and learning quality; to create motivation for organizations and forces to
well promote their roles and responsibilities in organizing the
implementation of tasks. Contents of the solution
- Reasonable use of financial resources
- Effective use of facilities and teaching facilities
- Enhancing the application of information technology in
management of political theory fostering activities. Organization of solution implementation
- Reasonable use of financial resources: Direction of financial
activities should be carried out in accordance with State regulations and
written guidelines of management agencies at all levels.
- Strengthening management of facilities, teaching and learning
facilities: The system of facilities, teaching and learning facilities must be
achieved under direct management of the Center’s Board of Directors, in
which a deputy director are assigned for management. There are specialized
personnel in the management, storage and use instruction. It is necessary to
clearly assign responsibilities to the forces involved in management of
political fostering activities in the use of facilities, teaching and learning
- Strengthening the application of information technology in political
theory fostering management: Establishing a management software of
fostering activities, organizing conferences for disseminating and training

on how to use the software; Ensuring that the database of all stages in the
training and fostering process normally operates; Gradually upgrading and
completing the information system for documents and operation
management at all levels towards contents management. Condition for solution implementation
3.3.5. Strengthening the forces coordination in management of
political theory fostering activities Objectives of the solution
Certain conditions are requested to bring good results for management
of the political theory fostering activities. In addition to the internal resources
of the center, the managers should know how to combine and utilize the
external resources. The district-level political fostering centers should play a
central role in coordinating with the agency which directly manages the
trainees and the provincial-level trainees, political schools and political
centers to better manage the contents of the job. And to ensure the unity in
the implementation organization among participating forces.
19 Contents of the solution
- Strengthening the leadership role of party committees at all levels
- Closely coordinating with agencies and units in trainees
appointment and management.
- Flexibly coordinating with institutes, schools, political lecturers in
the design of program contents and improvement of the quality of political
theory lecturers at the political fostering centers. Implementation of the solution
(i) Strengthening the leadership role of party committees at all levels
in the management of political theory fostering activities: Thanks to the
leadership of the party committees at all levels, the unity, synchronization

and effectiveness shall be achieved in the implementation of contents of
fostering task based on the objectives, requirements, contents, solutions, etc
that are developed and identified in the resolutions and plans of the Party
Committees, the Board of Directors of the Centers.
(ii) Closely coordinating with agencies and units in sending students
to study and managing the trainees.
- Developing regulations on coordination between the political
fostering centers with units and agencies at local levels.
- Advising the District Party Committee on the adoption of the
Regulations for coordination and direction of implementation to agencies,
units and individuals in the district.
- Strictly directing the responsibilities of the employees and lecturers at
the political fostering centers in establishment and maintenance of regular
contact with agencies, units and individuals in charge of coordination in the
- Giving opinions of units directly employing human resources on
trainees' capabilities, attitudes and responsibilities after completing training
(iii) Flexibly coordinating with institutes, schools, political lecturers
in the design of the program contents and improvement of the quality of
political theory lecturers at the political fostering centers. Condition for solution implementation
3.4. The relationship between the proposed solutions
The proposed solutions have a close relationship to create a unity,
mutual interaction and assistance in the management process of political
theory fostering activities at the Ha Noi city's political fostering centers. In
particular, directing the implementation of innovation of contents and
methods of fostering political theory to meet international integration and
national development is the solution to be firstly implemented and the

managers should closely follow aimed at directly affecting on the results of
fostering activities and contributing to building up the center into a
enquiring organization. Developing a set of standards, criteria and
innovation in testing and assessment of political theory fostering
management and reasonable use of resources in the political theory fostering
management are two solutions assessed to be: Easy to be implemented and
should be immediately conducted. Enhancing the teaching capacity of
political theory lecturers and strengthening the coordination of forces in the
management of political theory fostering activities are two long-term
solutions and in order to conduct them, the Center's managers should
develop a plan with the specific schedule of implementation, tasks
3.5. Test the urgency and feasibility of the proposed solutions
- Test purpose: To affirm the urgency and feasibility of the proposed
solutions for political theory fostering management at Hanoi City’s political
fostering centers at present.
- Interviewees: 60 persons, including: Managers known as
directors/deputy directors of the political fostering centers (25 persons),
District/District Party Organization Committee (10 persons), key
lecturers(25 persons).
- Test results show that all solutions have received consensus on
urgency (average value of 2.53) and feasibility (average value of 2.35) at
relatively high level, although the number of reviews forn the measures are
unequal and assessment level of the interviewees is different.
3.6. Test proposed solutions
The project conducts two content tests in two solutions to assess the
science, feasibility, and efficiency of the proposed solution. This is a
scientific basis to carry out proposed solutions in actual management of the

political theory fostering activities at Hanoi City’s district-level political
fostering centers. Specifically:
+ Content 1: Fostering teaching methods for political theory lecturers
in the solution:: Improvement of teaching capacity of political theory
+ Content2: Directing lecturers to innovate the method of teaching
political theory in the solution: Directing the implementation of innovation
of contents and methods of fostering political theory to meet international
integration and national development
* Test results
- Regarding the results of implementation: After the test, the
statistical results show that the achievements in knowledge, skills of

application of methods, means of teaching political theory are higher than
before the test. experience.
- Implementation level: In general, the methods have higher
implementation levels than before the test, with the GPA of 2.26 (GPA of
1.97 before test). However, the implementation is generally infrequent.
As such, according to the results of the survey on teaching methods
and techniques of lecturers participating in the test, they have higher
achievements on knowledge and practical skills than before testing in terms
of all contents. Some methods have been researched and applied by
lecturers with significant results. There has been a change in
implementation level, however, it is slow and infrequent.
The thesis proposes solutions to manage political theory fostering
activities at the Hanoi City’s District-level Political Training Centers. The
thesis tests the urgency and feasibility of the proposed solutions for the team

of experts. The test results prove that the proposed solutions are quite urgent
and feasible. According to experimental results of measurement of ability in
the application of teaching method, political theory teaching techniques of
lecturers, the post-experimental result is higher than before experiment.
1. Conclusions
1.1. Theory
The thesis has developed a theoretical framework of the research
issue, including: Tool concepts of the topic, political theory fostering
activities at political fostering centers and management of political fostering
centers at district-level political fostering centers. The author has analyzed
and clarified the contents of managing political theory fostering activities
including: development of training and fostering plans, management of
contents, lecturers, trainees, teaching facilities and equipment, testing and
assessment of political theory fostering results at the District-level Political
Fostering Center. In order to effectively conduct the management and
fostering of political theory, it is important to have the close guidance of the
Organization Board, the Propaganda Department, the Party Committee and
close coordination among agencies and units, in which the political
fostering center is the unit in charge of implementation and effiency
1.2. Practice

By practical research methods, the thesis has surveyed the current
situation of fostering political theory and management of political theory
fostering activities at Hanoi City’s district-level political fostering centers . In
particular, the current situation of management of political theory fostering
bbbactivities is studied, including the following contents: Current situation of

development of training and fostering plans; contents management, fostering
programs; management of lecturers’ teaching activities; management
oftrainees’ learning activities; management of fostering assistance conditions;
management of testing and assessment of political theory fostering results.
Survey results show that the management of fostering political theory
at grassroots level has achieved many important achievements, however, in
some political fostering centers, there are still limitations to be overcome such
as: The quality and efficiency of political theory education is noncorresponding to the requirements and tasks; the political theory education
programs is heavy in general theory; professional fostering is limited;
teaching and communication methods are slow at innovating, mainly in the
form of lectures; The testing and assessment are still formal, etc.
1.3. Solutions
The thesis has proposed 05 solutions for management of political
theory fostering activities at Hanoi City’s district-level political fostering
centers. The solutions have dialectical, consistent and supportive
relationship in implementation process.
Test results of urgency and feasibility for solutions and test results of
2 contents in 2 solutions: Improvement of t teaching capacity of political
theory lecturers. Directing the implementation of innovation of contents and
methods of fostering political theory to meet international integration and
national development give conclusion that the solutions have high urgency
and feasibility in practice.
2. Recommendations
* For Hanoi City Party Committee and the City Party Committee
Propaganda Department
It is necessary to concretize the Party's regulations and guidelines on
fostering political theory for the contingent of officials and Party members. It
is important to promulgate regulations and policies on fostering political
theory at the district-level political fostering centers; The specific and feasible
implementation guiding documents are required.

